fT" r -jii .-!. rp - -yr-nT"; vi'1'1-""" THE BEST THING ABOUT HOPE IS, THAT IT IS ALWAYS ABSOLUTELY FREE OI0OS WATCH VOUlt WIJJE COOS HAY TIMfiS. A rlenn, v lioleoiio noW8Wor for Coos County homes. Tlio Times has the largest proved circulation of any newspaper in Coos, Curry or Doug nrnd tlio ndts. In Tho Times. Ks ncclfllly lr F,1 ,s KOl"S 8,,I,1I,,K. Th0 stoio without nn nilv. In Tlio Times Is handicapped in tlio rnco for Trade. mxmm las counties. MEMHEP, OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL XXXVII. Established 1878 11s Tho Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON-, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1914 EVENING EDITION-SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull nnd Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 192 TSvmmfswtmzg Bag 4 TS 7 ,i V iti' .P' ii Bl ELECTED SEATTLE BY MAJORITY I OVER 14,000 ; Man Who Was Recalled and Defeated iwu ixaio mu Comes jtock Strong CARRIED EVERY WARD IN U1IT tAOcr.i uivie Union Labor Men Carry Most of Issues bona issues Thought Beaten I. R. SHERIDAN IS INDICTED I TOR COMMISSION. f Br AmI'I rrM It cm Hy Tlm.l SEATTLE. Mnrcli H. Tlio re turns show thnt tho freeholders' tommlttoo chosen to jireparo tho new city chnrtor, will bo mndo up largely of mon conunlttoil to the commission form of government. Former Coos Bay Man Arrest ed In Portland for Roso burg Bank Trouble Itlr AtancltlM rrrn to Coon ntf Timet.) PORTLAND, Or., Mnrcli I. Charged with impropriating to his own ubo $18,020 of tho bank's funds, Thoinns R. Sliorldnn, former presi dent of tlio First Nntlonal Ilnnk of Rouohurg, whs urrestcd hero and re leased on C000 bonds. Ho was re cently Indicted by tho Perioral grand jury on lght couiUh. March 18 la tho tlmo set for him to plea. well known here. T. It. Shcrldun Has May TlUlntlvcj On Coos liny. T. R. Sliorldnn, who wns nrrcstod In Portland on a Federal Indictment chnrglng misappropriation or funilB In tho Honoburg bnnk, of which lo wns formerly bend, In well known on Coos liny and vlsltori hero n fow wocltH ngo. Mrs. Sliorldnn wan for niorly Miss Flanagan of Mnrshflold, dniiRhter of tho late Patrick Flnnn gan, mill has Hovcrnl brothers and sis ters In MnrHhflold nnd North Hond. Mr. Shorldnn's son, George, Is located at North Hond. Mr. SlitirlUnn's troubles will bo greatly regretted by tho many frlciidu of tlio family on tho Dny. PAY lOHO COL. GQETHALS in, iiwUM rmt lo Coot n Tlmtt.l RRArrt.n. March 4. 'Surprise of lyciterdny's city election wns tlio (treat mnjonty or ii.uuu uy wiuun illlram C OI1I wns cnoson iunyor. lit had been n loregono conriuniun ire, nvernl days that Jnniea D. Trenholme, Gill's opponent, would He beaten on account or mo popular uprising that followed tho publica tion of a ttory of "his soloctloii by a ctrct conference or woamiy mon Hut winter, but r. w parsoiiH oxpoci ,,i Gill to win by moro thnn 5000. When tlio opposition triod to rnmo i totalled moral hwuo, tho (effort (tiled nnri GUI was nblo to glo bat tle on now Issues. During tlio last two wo ks Clll had gono into tuo roilJcnco wards and mndo a spoclnl tffort to talk to tho womon. Ho carried every ward but ono and got tg majorities In tho resldonco pre :lncti wliero lie had always boon xitcn before. Additional returns Mi morning do not mnko tiny naze in last Wgiit'a nut, or mic icitful cainlldate&. They ore Corporation coiuiboI, J a m oh E. Bradford Controller Harry W. Carroll. Trcaeurcr, Ed L. Torry. City Count 11. Robert 11. Heskoth. per T. KrltkBon, Allan Dalo, for- tin u, AUmniB and C. II. Fltz- ierad Apparently tho only .charter Rim riop of Panama Canal 10 A GREATER COOS BAY ONE man Ib not a community. Two men are. Tho kind of community thoy are doponds upon whqthor they work for or ngaln8t each other. Aand no matter how large tho group becomes, tho principle remains tho same. A neighborhood Is good or bad, progressing or InortT ns tho majority of tho pcoplo composing It aro good or bad, progressive or lnort. Coos Bay Is a big community In which at least flfty-ono per cent of tho pcoplo aro striving to mako bigger nnd bolter, becauso they know aB tho community prospers, so doea tho Individual. This community effort for our common botterment should find Its best expression through co-operation. Personal prejudices nnd Individual in dlffcronco should glvo way to enthusiastic promotion of tho goncral wol farc. Ono of tho largo contributing factors In mnklng n bottor Coos Dny hns been tho Mnrshflold llnnd. It hns merited tho support it hns rccolvod. Tho Times Is not In sympnthy with any movement that Books to disrupt or de stroy that organization. Tho pcoplo of Mnrshflcld hnvo expressed their ap proval of tho appropriation which tho Council has given toward tho sup. port of tho band. Tho Times Is rnthor stiprlBod and disappointed that Councilman Copplo should attempt to hnvo tho Council nullify tho vordlct of tho pcoplo of this city by overriding their will nB expressed at tho ballot box. Tho Times bollovcs In economy. It thinks tho City Council has been too liberal, to avoid tho harsher term, extravagant. Thoro nro mnny wnys, howovor, thnt economics may bo effected without destroying tho ono im portant fnctor in amusement nnd culturo thnt this city nfforda. Anyway, Tho Times' thinks tho Councllmon nrotho servants of tho pooplo of Mnrsh flold nnd not their mnstors. Whon Mr. Copplo Books to sot himself nbovo tho pcoplo nnd tholr wishes ns oxprissod nt tho ballot box ho Ib attempting a dangorotiH precedent and ono that will not stand tho test of lnw or logic. GET PRODUCE FROM CIA Meat .and Eggs tp be Shipped From Siberia to San Francisco Market (Iljr AuovliloJ rmt lo Coot liar Tlmr,l SAN FRANCISCO, March 4. In fornintion reached tho Cbnmbcr of Commerce thnt plans woro on foot for tho Importation of oggs nnd moat from Northern China and but tir from Siberia. Northern China oggs aro superior to those produced in Southern Chlnn, It Is said, ngnlnst which protests hnvo been mndo. Jio frlgorntor lines will bo opornted between boro and Tien Tslu, STEALS BRANDY FROM EU6 E FELIX DIAZ PLANS TO START NEW REVOLUTION IN MEXICO ENGLISH VIEW IN NEWSPAPERS Policeman McCune Arrested in Oregon Town for Robbing Police Station ' lOr AhmIiM Pre., lo Coot Dr Timet. EUGENE, Or., March I While robbing tho pullco station, It Is chnrgocl, Pollcomnn F. 13. McCuno was arrested and charged with bur glary. Tho alleged haul consisted of two bottles or, prtino brandy tn kon from n supply of liquor con fiscated from an Illicit Htlll, A wntch was put on tho stororbom nf tor sovcrnl bottles had boon discov ered missing. Iiiendmcnt arioptou wns thnt fixing pemniraum wag- of ?2.7G a dny pr all epy employes. iaii Dotiu Issues soem to ltave ken bea'en tlleaketh, prcslrit-nt of tho council, d VlfO-nrt'slilont nf tin. unnkn nnd folleri' union, wna ro-olocted by n I'scc ioro tnnn uni rocolvod be Presented Medal of Honor in New York (n .'mocmiM rrrtt to Coot litr Tlmot.1 NEW YORK, March 4. In rec ognition of his work as chlof on gluocr of construction of tho Pan ama Cnniil. Colonel Goutluila will Some. If not nil tlin fd. lnbnr rcrnlvn tOlllL'llt n ('Ivlc forillll IllOlllll ndldatea for momborshlp on the of honor, rroalriont Wilson will bo c-noiaerg' lommltteo cliosen to joprcsoutea Ly secreinrics unrnuou, "'s tho charter wcro elected. Dnnlols and Rodflold. Ex-Proatdont Taft Ib e.xpectod to attend. Colonol aeorgo W. Goothals Ib the fliflt redolent of n modal which tho m(,r f u. S. Stnto Dqmrt- Civic Fonun has founded as com- ineiiuiiiHin jor puunu du . dona. On tho fuco of tho modal Is shown Columbia cxtondlng hor hand MOOIli: QUITS PLACE llieilt ItoHltriiu rrn1f.V lr (K,U4 rni to Cooi Dtj1 .ImM.J WASHIN'P.TflV n n m.,i. a ' Daesctt Moore, counsollor ' of to wlngod Viftory, holding a wreath. e State Department, who ranks ung secretary, has resigned nnd res nation ma i,. nnnanfn. i. leildent Witaon. For tho present w win continue his work hero "j varnogio University. No ""acemont. OR to Ma lirnlmliln For was made. Mooro's ros PMion was rumored hero soveral rU Btn Vnrln... . ..-.I I Si. .cro wns laek of harmony Liti. ?8 nnd th08Q ot I'lKhor i', but theso reports wore r tupportcd by anything o'ffl- UTTOH BIDS I TWO BOATS naOer nf Pnnfnn Dn.IU..nl Mll Gets Hugh Hogan anri rtniionri PORTLANn n. .7 . . fcCo'moif"2" ,of tuo Tldo Water i wmpdny, b4 nallwav Exchnneo two Jll8 the hisheat bidder t. it n.Un,it.ed Statea Marshal rnr the direction nf , wrt. 0 for ti,Hugl! HB" nd- L" 250 mn?:r.-u?- fprespnf r,,v"' ia lue huio I een fiioj .. r a iiuei hMeii Tn-bjp. .?ru8 & DankB, rpaln of "iJi0 tntervenors, foiT .' etC. The OnV-lnnrt i i rn.:B.-w,tn tlreo maBts. Sho InnaEft , n,"aK 418 and a n built in x?: 1,"uSh n U noL&WoJdJn 13.04. aer, 160 fo , '"ree-masiea iaVreadfr1 '? 'enBth and 38 I I. .r?a(D, Her crnaa tnn. ' . net 35s. " " Tho reverso wJH carry tho namo of tho porson honorod and tho words "For distinguished public sorvlco." Tho medal will bo kuowa as tno Mnnshlp modal. PANA3IA CANAL M1MSAOK. toy Attorlttea Pcm. lo Cooo Dr TlmM WASHINGTON, D. C, March 4 Tho Houso of Ropresentatlvo today adopted a resolution for a Joint ses Blon with tho Sonato tomorrow to hear President Wilson's moBsago on tho ropeal of tho Panama Canal tolls exemption clauso. NASH SCHOOL HEAD South Dakota Mini Now President or IJelllnghaiii Normal (Or AuouiiMl frn lo too. tun Iiiom J DBLLINGIIAM, March 4. Goorgo W. Nash, of Aberdeen, South Da kota, was eloctod principal of tho Dolllngham State Normal School, to succeed D?. E. T, Mathes, who re tires in June. SALARV OF MINK MANAGER Jus. SIiicNaughton nets Angry at Attorney nt Jlougiuon Mwuiy (Dr AMOclttwl rf to toot Dr Tlm.J HOUGHTON, Mich., March 4. James MacNaughton declined to Btato before tho Congressional com mittee tho amount of his salary ns general manager of tho Calumet and Hecla Mining Company. Tho ques tion was put by an attorney for tho miners. Shaking his finger at tho lawyer, MacNaughton said: "It Is not $100,000, otherwise it's none nf vnnr nffAl nnd I won't tell YOU." The lawyer claimed that ho had heard tho salary was jiuu.uuv. oiut Naughton told tho committee ho had no objection to tolling the Con gressmon his Balury in private. Two Arrested. Rolf Nordrum paid a flvo-dollar flno today for loavlng hla auto on tho street last night without a light burning. Dr. Geo. E. DIx was haled Into court thla af ternoon for tho same offense, WEDS SON IN S F. H. Strain Fails to Appear at Eckley For Wedding and Son Is Substituted Tho LnnglolB Leader prints tho fol lowing concerning a strango matri monial mlxup In Curry county: "WlrelefcH from tho hills, tolls of a Joko on our respected nnd esteemed friend, F. II. Strain, to tho ofrect thnt Judgo J. A. Cox wont away out to Eckloy last week to perform tho coromony. Hut when tho Judge got there, thoro was no Frank Strain, nor did ho put In an appearance at tho tlmo sot for tho performance of tho ceromony. Whereupon tho lady In question got hor dander up nnd declnred that sho would bo married anyhow. So tho ceremony was per formed, uniting hla sou, William Strain, In marrlngo to Mlaa Artlo Hello Clarke. EPWORTfl LEAGUE HERE Plans .Made for Entertaining County Convention in April Program Made Tho committee on program for tho Ninth Annual Convention of the Methodist Ministerial Association nnd tho Coos Sub-District Epworth Leaguo Association, which Is to bo hold in Maruhfleld April 22 to 26, met last evening and prepared thtt program. Parts have been assign ed each leaguo of tho oub-dlstrlct and tho local chapter expects a largo attendance. Each league Is entitled to five delegates who will b entertained by the members of tho league and church. ROBT .DOLL NOW TRUSTEE In Charge of Operations of Johnson Company Re- duction in Wages Tho JohnBon Lumbor Company resumed oporntloiiH on tho lowor Coqulllo this ivcok undor Robert Dollar ns trustee This arrange ment was mndo to tako enro of the financial difficulties which tho com pany encountered a short tlmo ago, Tho Dollar Company mndo nr langomonts to pay all labor claims promptly and tho othor claimants agreed to wait for tholr money. ICck Johnuon romalns as active, managor of tho company, although it Is understood at Rundon thnt Stnnloy Dollnr, n son of Robert Dol lar, will spoud considerable tlmo thoro looking aftor tho business un til nil of the entanglements nro ad justed. Wages Aro Reduced A ten por cont cut In wages wont Into offect when tho mill resumed this week, Tho Geo. W. Mooro Lumbor Company at Dandon mado a similar reduction soma tlmo ago. Tho camns supplying tho Johnson mills aro not In oporntlon. Tho Cralno camp had several million foot of logs ready for delivery to them before tho camp closed down. Arrangomonts aro being mado to open tho Plko camp la the early spring. stanioy uonar met with a b! ght accident tho other night whllo re turning from tho mill. Ho stopped orr a sidewalk, railing and breaking his shoulder. F. L. Greenoueh. of Dandon. was over today and reports that tho prospects aro for a good season there, tho resumption of operations J at tho Johnson mill being vory bene- iiciai. London Journals Sound Warn ing Note to United States About Mexico tnr Ariocltlhi Tmt to Cooi Hr Tlmm.l LONDON, March 4. Tho Mexican situation and Sir Edward Groy'a pronouncement of tho vlows of tho Hrltlsh govornmont In regard to tho Investigation of tho denth of Wil liam S. Ronton wna tho subject of mucji comment today In tlio news papers. Tlio Pall Mail Gazotta says: "Tho restrained langungo In which Sir Edward referred to tho Mexican murder will hnvo tho npproval of all Englishmen. Its moderation, however, will, not dlsgulao tho depth of tholr fcollng. Every rensou of mornl nnd International right re quires of tho United States thnt pun ishment of tho murdorora bo under taken without delay. At tho pres ent momont civilization HtandB flout ed nnd Groat Urltaln outraged." Tho Globo BnyHi "Tho United States Is bound to oxort that ex clusive Influonco which It clnlma for putting nn ond to things which hnvo becomo a danger, not moruly to tho United States, hut to the civ. lllzod world." Wants to Know if the United States Would Recognize His Government There SENATE COMMrfTEE MADE NO PROMISES Few Developments in Situa tion Today No Move in Benton Case Yet nr Atacttttol rmi to Coot nr Tlmftt. WASHINGTON, D. C, March 4. Repro8Citatlvca of Foltx Diaz told tho Sonato Foreign Relations Com mittee that Dlnz wiv thinking ot starting a rovolutlon of his own in Moxlco and asked If tho United States would rccognlzo Dlax. Tho Senators told them thnt tho United Statoo would glvo no assurnncea whatever to any prospective revolution. DENTON PROHE. m u ii i I. W. W. IN NEW YORK PHILLIPS IS NA.MTJD, Iloston Man Appointed Assistant Sec retary of State. (Br Auoclttkl Prut to Cooi Br Tlmot.) WASHINGTON, D. C, March 4. William Phllllpa of Boston was nom inated by tho President for third as sistant secretary of Bute, Plan Mnrcli Around City for Free Grub and Places to Sleep (Or AuoclttftJ Prwi to Coot Br Timet. NEW YORK, March 4. Frank Tannenbaum, Industrial Worker of the World leader, ordered his fol lowers to gather at Rutgers Square tonight to prepare for another march around the city to obtain what he claims la their right food and a place to Bleep, Ho began this cam paign of demanding food and lodg ing las't Friday, FIRST NAVAL BATTLE IS Rebel and Federal Gunboats Begin Struggle in Gulf of California (Pr AiotUto4 I'lru to Coot ptjp 11mm. NOOALES, Sonora, Mnrcli 4. Tho first naval bnttlo In tho his tory of Moxlcnn civil wnrfaro began between tho robol gunbont Tmnplco nnd tho Fcdornl warships Moroloa and Guorroro at Topolobnmpo todoy. It Is reported that tho Tnmplco re mained Insldo tlio harbor whllo ex changing Bliota with tho enemy, which romninod so mo dlatnnco out In tho Gulf of California. (D AMOcltttil r-rrtt to Coot I1T Tlmtt ) EL PASO, March 4. It la now four days since tho commission ap pointed to investigate tho killing M of William S. Denton was halted by robol ordorn and tho mombora aro without further instructions to day. What thCBo will bo is said to riopoud on ucgotlatlonn being car ried on botweon Washington and , Carrnnzn' British Consul Porcoval who has been gathering ovldonco In tho Ronton case, baa nccumlnted a mass of testimony, but his inquiry has not been of a direct nuturo. fiOV. COLQUITT ACTS. nr AttotUl! rrrtt lo Coot Utjr Tlmftt 1 DALLAS, March 4. Govornor Col quitt, of Toxntf, nnnouiicod that ho had wired Mexican Federal author ities In Nuovo Leon atato for the extradition of Apolpnlo Rodriguez nnd flvo Mexicans charged Jointly with kidnapping Clomonto Voruar. 'nn American citizen. Tho requlal- nun id uiiauu uu iv juiwko ui noraq thoft. Vcrgnrn wna killed. LABOR WAR ON AT RAYMOND I i SKA LEASE BILLFAVDBED Royalties From Mining Opera tions to go to Development of That Country Df Attocltl4 Prat to Coot ntj TlraM.J WASHINGTON, D. C, March 4. Enrly notion on tho administration bill for tho dovolopmont of Alaska's coal resources was forecast today whon tho Houso public lands com- nmteo miuniiuod tno moasuro witn a favorabla report. Tho commlttoo amendment would limit tho right under tho proposed leases to mining only, reserving an suriaco rights to tho- govornmont. Tho bill would provido for lenses in blocks of from 40 to 25C0 acres for not moro than towonty yeara, reaultlng royalties and rentals to go Into tho fund for Alaskan development. Case Company Starts Up Shin gle Mill With Non-Union Crew Today inr Awoclittt rrtt lo Toot lltr Tlmot.J RAYMOND, Wash.. March 4 The first mavomont In ton days In the Shltiglo Woavors' strike, which tlod up all tho inlllB on this harbor, oc curred when tho Cnso Compnny start ed Its mill with a non-union crow. Tho strikers tried to lntrcopt the arrival of tho strikebreakers, ,but woro outwitted. ARE MARRIED INCOJUILLE PRIMARY IN VERMONT. Stnto Adopted Nmv System At Yester day's Election. (Br Attoclilti Prtt to Cost Dr Tint. MONTPELIER, Vt., March 4.- Tho stato vote yesterday on tho ques tion of establishing tho primary sys tem showed a majority for tho direct primary for all atato and county of ficials and congressmen. Return to lay. Vernon A. Smith and wife returned here today on tho Adeline, Mr. Smith having gono to San Francisco to moot her on hor re turn from Minneapolis, where sho spant tho wjntor with hor parents. Thoy wero accompanied by Miss Wal ton of Minneapolis who will spend a fow montha with Mrs, Smith here. Delays Trip. Neither F. A. Warn, er nor O, A. Smith arrived on, the Adollno Smith today. Mr. Smith WflB" detained by somo urgent busltess. ,t Oakland, but expects to como to (he Day soon. Ed Dolan and Miss Florence Rehfeld Surpriso Friends Victor Dimmick Weds Ed Dolan and Miss Florenco Roh fold wont to Coqulllo yesterday uud woro married In that city yostartfity afternoon, springing n big Burprls on tholr many friends, They aro among tho host known young pcoplo on tho Day and will havo tho congratulations of a host of friends who will forgive thorn for tho aurprlso event. Mr. Dolan has been employed at tho Smlth-Powora logging camp at Conlodo until recently. Tho bride Is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rehfeld, of South Second Btreot. Victor Ulinnikk Wed. Victor Dlmmlck. n former well- known Marshfleld young man, and who was employed at Magnes & Matsou's store for a long time, has also Joinod the bonodlts as la Indicat ed by tho following list of marriage licenses that havo boon granted by Clerk Watson: Victor A. Dimmick and Winona May Howell. JameB II. Winters and Mabol A. Ronebrako. Charles F, Krlck and Agnea O, Wlllard, Arthur E.' Evans and Sarah E. . MorroW. VweU !. Tho Allianoo from Eunrtca and the Redondo from San KrachK'n crossed In late today, i v tv -!. lltfMktUlu'