AjamwKKi'np 'ast4j.."''SWWBHK(MISLflsits jismibbw iliiif i IPMi npf mf urn THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON., MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FOUR raasffiifriitf f" wmmhukws-- I r W. MCOMSSl MAKES GOOD New Form of City Govern ment Proves Its Efficiency After Thorough Test SOUTH SLOUGH DE ORIS I WILL IfiPElil HGII RANCH George Baker, Former Marsh fieicl Bartender, Given No . tice to Leave There -t It mHffnH.t It I. Knnn lit nf tl nnnfifn HnT.i n rnnlimr AinrRll- U, X. OIUUUIU ID III li;.uiiv w. ' .jv;v.fc,u "t w. ...w. .... speclnl edition of the Decatur lie- field bartender, was deported by n vlow. published In his old homo town, number of South Slough citizens . ' ! . 1 1.1-1. !... I .... tnAnv tin Wfltt tlllf mi tlm Imillf'h UCCaiUr, 1II1I101B, ill which iiiuiu io mi " ' " i". -- 1 article approving tho commission Yoga and told to go and never to j form of government us being super- roiurn. Tiioro wero Bovenu ouuui or to the old eouncllmunlc system .Sloughltcs In the deportation party. in nrrirlpncv cconbiiiv and In ovcry' Bakor remained on tho Vega un- tht wax" Thf Mb after a ti orongh til It reached North Bend. Whether trial In Decatur. It has mado good. , ft Umt , occurrc,, thoro ,t Tins now rorm is now inim wuru . ,hitn... ,,.., tho w Btniw wnB year of oporatlon In Decatur. Much Jieuer. Flvo mon olectod from tho city at largo, receiving an adequate saiary for their services and giving their wholo attention to the work nro oc WHEELS DRUNK wlioti tlmv ilil i' im n nllnlltltv Of potatoes In tho sand near Uakcr's shack. Tlicso had bcon stolen from ono of tho' residents, It Is alleged. A short time ago Bakor was nr- vnoio uiii'iuiuu iu iiiu "in - rcsioa lor mo inuii 01 u K""i wuiuu llverlng better government than f If- belonging to Mrs, Addlsoh Cook and imn in nti rmirtunn of tlinlll retire-' ntlinru lint wits rnlnnRPil. ... ...'. .11. .1.1 ... M. ll.. I ' scniing minor uivibiuiib ui mu -w elected for 'wo years and receiving a nominal compensation. It Is tho bollot'Sf Decatur pcoplo who give thoughtful consideration to public nffalrB that the commission council of flvo docs things bettor, moro promptly, inoro offlclently and moro flconomlcally than tho old nl dermanlc council of fifteen. This Is said, too, without any reflection on any previous jildcrnianlc council. Tho fact Is Decatur was an exceptionally well govorncd city under tho old form of government, which mado It nil ,tho moro difficult for tho cmniulssivn government to make tho favorable showing which it hnH made. Hotter Tlmn OL'iui-h. Tho nioomlngton Pnntngrnph, sev eral months aKo, Kent anoxiiort in- .!..... ... ..till nil tlw nmntlfinlnn VUnilKHlUi lw tlwiv iiiu w ---v.. government cltlostfn Illinois and to Fruit and Agricultural Experts Leave Today Farmers' Free Exchange J, L. Smith, County Agriculturist, Nick Johnson, County Fruit Inspect or, loft on tho launch Suzy today for a trip of Inspection td tho ranch of Ocorgo F. Murch on Coos Itlver. Mr. Murch has a flno or- n1.nM ni.il It la lIMl n vlnuf nf U11IT- gestlon and gonoral Improvement l lliu may oo nccompiiuiiuu uy uiuur ranchors that tho trip 1b mado by tho fruit Inspector today. A nnvnl tnn nvullfinfrfl linnrjl linn been Installod In the offlcos of tho niih tulint nt rtumtiirtrpn liv .T. Ti. Qi.illli Pnnnlv AcriniltnrlHt. fnr thn purpoBo of providing a freo oxchango ror tno rarmers wno ucsiro 10 uis poso of or buy farm Implements. A farmor coming to Mnrshflold from any of tho lnlots is invited to call on Mr. Smith in his offlco at the Chamber of Commorco in Marshflold and tako advantage of tho co-operation which ho Is estab lishing among farmers In this district. SUMNER WILL HAVEORGHESIRA TO HIT JAIL .Organization Completed Sun- clay Willi UUU. UUUIM as Director Tho nowly-organlzed Sumner Or chestra met for practice and hiisl- ... n... u 1fft.1l Cl.tl.llll. 110B8 at 1110 Bllliuiur mm oii"" afternoon. A few pieces wcro play ed nnd tho out-look for a good or chestra there is promising. Tho fol lowing officers wero elected: Herman Sauford, president. Fred Solandcr, secretary and troaBuror. Gcorgo ObcrBt, manager and di rector. . , Instrumentation Ellis Solandcr, mi .. ..1..11... t.iM.i Cotntirlni anrntirl IITBl. viuuii, riou ouiiiiimvi, ... violin; Oeorgo Solandcr, cello; MIbb ittii.i.. cninminf ninnn! Herman Sanford, first clarlonot; Arthur Nol- MnnnH.1 i1nltint flnnrrfn OlinrBt. HUH, DCVUIIII i..v, ww.D. . flrBt comet: Itobort Richards, sec-. .. t.. Tll..1..i.tu ttnii1 onu cornoi; uuy jiuiiio, c.- bono; Orvlllo Wilson, urums. Qroy HKICI) OATS at IIAIMiS. Times "Want nda bring rosultB. Marshal Carter Uses Grocery Truck to Take Ed Quinn To Bastile "I want to seo somo o' tho boys," said n gentleman to ono of tho local hotel men Sunday morning. "Tho boys aro all gone," camo tho govorninwiii cmuo-mi iiiii.vid "inH8uranco or mo noioi cioru 10 mu report upon them. After thlB man i Granger with n domljohn of IJquld Had r.ompioieu ni iiivuhiih" ,,u rorresiimcuts in ono nami, uuxiuuh Bald t nt beyond (iiotlon, commie- (0 Hlmro tho boverngo with any of fllon governinent has boon moro sue-' ,tB cronies that ho might moot. Ho ccBBful In Decatur thnn In any other' vn th0 place nnd wns met by boimo itlaco. It Ih an undisputed fact that0f his usBoclatoB, who, noticing that tho success of nny form of govorn- i,8 powers of reasoning wore about inunt is dependable largely upon tho to bo overcome, eHCorted him to tho mon at tho head of It. yet tho Decatur' roar of ono of tho North Front coininlBHlonors Bhould not nrrognto street buildings and took a drink nil of thlB compliment of, tho I'antn-' of tho boverngo to satisfy tin Ir graph man to thoinselves. They 1 thirst nnd trouble, foil id when tlioy came Into offlco an Thoy had not gono far when Chlpf excel tlonally good town to govern Cnrtor arrivod on tho sceno nnd ESrH.fi Si sJKi'S'Sf'rs? vxjs w'ws: "s f,Mi orriFiiiiM lnt0-- "w,,nt H,m11 ' tU)7" 8nl'1 cil na b llnit Hot of clt """VA ".'.. oltr Iiiih no nntrol wnian for tho ors a uociy ot cionn "'. . "V, . i, caro of theso Inobrlntos." Sm It was fortunato tor ino coiimnniii-tm) Ch,or . K0Illiy tossod his ors that they wore called to govern Ion,of nonrlios" into tho cart, and a city that wiib In tiro habit of bolug n(.cojitliiK a dure, whooled tho prlaon liilto woll governed, i01. down Front streot to tho city AtlvuiitngcH. 'jail whoro tho prisoner gavo tho CommlHHlou Bovernment lias ,m,0 0f Edward Quinn nnd staled dcmoiiHtrntod that It can got nt ro- tlmt his rogular rosldonco when in milts n good deal moro promptly than MurBhflold was at' tho Hotel do tho old council could. If u thing of carter. v Ib a logger at tho Smith importance u to bo done tho com- powors nynpa nnd lands in Jail two mlHSIonorsi can and do go ahuad and or tliren tlmos on oach visit to do it. Indeed, practically every Marshflold. claim made In udvanco for comnilH-j WmitN (julclc HoiiiIiik Blon government has boon roallxod lit ..Cn.t , Kot ,y ,0arlng tonight?" Decatur. Not ovcry thing that every- ',,,, JoJm nill, who wbh arrested body hoped for has bcon accomplish- , offlcorB Shoupo and Richardson oil. liecaiiHO that wiib InipoBDlhlo, but jni,,r,i.. ii.it. nnd Insisted that oh the v'.iolo a grent deal moro has a ,,aH0 of awx Importnnco should been done anil it Iiuh as a rulo boon i)0 nni rKnt away, If not booii- linllni. .III. in tllflll lllllllir tllO fllll lllllll. I ... MHMinHu tlm 111 n 1 1 1119 1 IlliirlOll UI. iiniii-n iiiu ....iiiu. . .,......- (lordon Smith, "What do you want?" "1 want my hoarlug," quoth IIIU, "You may bo donf tonight, but you will got your hearing in the morn ing," answered Smith, much to tho disgust of, tho provoked IIIU. Ho had only 2C cents in cash, bo a hoar lug would have boon ubcIosb. J. Snyder wiib arrostod by Offi cers lllchanlt-pu and Shoupo Satur day evening and charged with Mm crlnio of too liberally quonchlug his thirst, lift had flftoon conts. II. Hondrlxsou was arrostod at lao p. 'in., Sunday and chnrgod with drunkonnB8. llo poBsiwd no cash. MRS. M. J. ELROD Announces the First Showing of Spring Hats Wednesday arch 4th Announcement! First Showing of Stetson Hats For the Spring: Season 1914 ' mm ' 1 M n...i...,., r tim inffRh moilola niid correct adaptatlo:iB as well as Uio most desirable creations of tho world's foremost fashion artists In n bewildering vnrloty of beautiful designs. Direct from tho great fashion centers come mrso manning nnd clover lints. iw. i.,nru hni-n uninliliioil braid nnd ribbon and silks Into stunning now modols that show wonderful designing and blend ing of colors. ..- ,BMi fM tWi hotter done than under tho old plan. r AT .THE , !IHITEO F. K. Helm, of Toledo, who Is mak ing a general tour of tho wost, Is visiting Coos Hay at present. Mr. Helm is a tonnrmoci giouo irouur. . linvlJiK traveieu lit nil pans oi mo world durliiK tho last flvo yenrs. llo I mossed Is tho man who discovers arrived hero on tho Inst Hrenkwater In tho hour of his adversity that ho nnd by way if conversation pro- has a lot nioro friends thnn he iiouncos tho trip as ono of tho rough- thought ho had hut ho la scarco. est ho has evor made. "If Columbus : . had landed on the west Instead or tho ON; m',j TIMIC SAVHS XIXI-J oast coast." said Mr. Holm. In dls- Don't wait until your hair Is gono cussing tho country, "wo would have but keop all you havo If possible, nil tho facilities nnd comfort thatVo rocommond Morltol Hair Tonic go with population. I mako a trip s n rollablo preparation for keop front the oaHt almost every year when Ing tho scalp clonn and healthy con It gets slightly cold to onjoy t..o dl-ldltlon and promoting hair growth, vorslty with which urturo hns on- It Is a preparation of gouulno merit, (lowed tho Vaclflc coast. This Is iny,ono wo nro plonsed to guarantoo to fh-at visit to Coos lav and I UMIIK ,you. wwi riwnciiiiiiiMi iiiiihiui.. : ' . ...... . -i-.. i.i. tho people hero nro the kind who build ompires, I iiuuersiuuii nun tho people who wero hero fifty years ago talked railroad Just as strong as thoy do now. And tlioy would bo talking about It yot, with no railroad in sight, If all thoy did wns talk. I think that by my next trip hero In 191 d wo shall seo a population of 35.000 pooplo, with tho get-there spirit that Is manifest in Marshflold t present." The Chandler Hotel. N. Stevens, Portland; A. A. Levy, San Franolsco; D. I. McOeo, San Francisco; K. ll. Howo. Portland; J. H. Nelson. Sproguo. Wis.; Sam Soii pelle. lkesldej Henry Illoch, Port land. The Moyd Hotel. William Selga, Grand Hay; h. mown, Cincinnati, 11. (Ireon, M.rtlo Point; M. Uae (iord. Portland; Jim Koarns, Coaledo; Lawrence Moyor, Portland; llortha Olenn, llandon; .1. M. Wabson Salem, Or.; rs. J. K. Wnsson, Saloiu, Or. , Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have AIAVAYS USUI). rhonJ 72. Paclflo lilvory and Transfer Company. , Frank D. Cohan. Opposlto Chandler llntnl Plimin i t. (Viiti-nl Avi'iiuo Driiir Stoiv, local agency. Prlcts 50c and $1.00. Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post VK KUUXKSH A U.Vtl AND WILI PAY TDK POSTAOK OX ITS uiyruux. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phnnn 57-J Mnrshfinlf, YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good cars with careful drivers. For day service, phono lli-J, liltitico llilhml Parlors. For night service, Phono U00-L lllght Cafe. J D. L. FOOTE. , . mtL.'JwUHJ.mt TO TIIK PKOPI.H OF COOS MAY Wo wish to again call your atten tion to tho fact that wo aro solo agonts In this city for Morltol Pllo Homedy. Our buccobs with this rom- mlf Iiiih fill- OXCOCdod OUT IllOSt SnU- gulne expectations. Therefore, wo nro pleased to rocommond nnd guar antee ovcry packago or Morltol Pllo Uomedy. Owl Prescription Phar macy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposlto Chaudlor Hotol. Phono 7 Cen tral Avenue Drug Store, locnl agency. Prlco $1.00. Pictures & framing Walker Studio THi: COOS HOTIttj Formerly of Marshflold WASIIIXGTOX AVH.NUH KTADDHX STIUCHT XOIITII m:xi) C. A. Motlln, Proji. CITY AUTO AND TAXI SKUVICK A now taxlcab has boon added to my auto sorvlco. Cnroful drlvors. Will go nnywhoro nt any tlmo. Stand Ulanco Clgnr Store Day phono, 78 Night phono 139-X. TOM CJOODATiK, Proprietor. STADDEN AldilvIXDS of PHOTOOIWPIHC WOItK, Ilromldo F.nlnrglng uud Kodiik Finishing. OUU KIXOAXT LIXKS OF NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ItKOKIVKI) S. S. JENNINGS XOUTH 11KXI1 Chimneys Flro Places. 20 Commutation Tickets $2.00 Mnrxhflcld-Xortli llenil Auto Lino. Cars every ten minutes from (I a. in. to li!::i( p. m. GOHST KIXO. Props. J.1 N. Bayliss Any kind of brick work at prlco that aro right. AXI) ALL WOHK GUARANTEED Call at "Tho Fireside," Johnson IJIdg., 13" Socond st. Phono -131-J. French Ranges. Holler Work. WHITE GLOVES CLEANED Full Dress Suits to Rent UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM JAY DOYLE .V C. O. DAGGETT S.10 Central Ave. Phono S.1U-X EDISON'S LATEST A storage battery that coiitluuul over charging will not harm. HOES NOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not lose its chnrgo while standing Idle. IS GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay Wiring'.Co. 153 Hroadwny. Agonts for Port of Coos nay. Big Clearance Sale Now on at The Electric Shoe Store. 180 So. Hroadwny. THERE'S ONLY ONE SIACHIXE THE SINGER. ONLY OXE REPRESENTATIVE , W. J. KITZ Phono SAO-X. South Coos River Boats Express loaves Marshflold for head of river at 8 a. ui., re turning In evoning. Steamer Rainbow leaves head of rlvor at 7 a. m. and returning loaves Marshfleld at 2 p. m. ROGERS & BMTrn. Styles that last; shapes that hold. STETSON HATS Founded on solid materials and conscientiously built. flub CloiSM( kW-J IJJ Tf-a AMJLZaP-M BAND0N MARSHFIELD MYRTLE POINT KINDLY REMKMBEIt AND (JIVE lTS ATItyU HVHRVTHIXG IX THE HAKERY LINE inncmnipni DArnwrt nmrPAW 133 XOIITII KECOXI) ST., NEAR CENTRAL AVEXl'i:. PIIONT.m REDUCTIONS IX FREIGHT HATES WITIIIHIAWN S. S. HARDY mails i.'ltmi MAX FILYXCISCO FOR COOS MAY EVERY ALTERNATE FRIDAY AT 1:00 P.X u.ii. i.Vniii'Ufo nffico. iiiifi'lhiui St. Dock. Pier 1(1. West Coast S. S. Line. !'. J. LIXDEX, Agt., I'lmiw Hong. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OX TIME. .. . .. ..... ... ,. .. .i. n .... Clnrilav. Mtrcb 11 anus irom .Marsnnoiii rriiiuy, .-Murcn ui. v i. . ;. iS'ii.iiu 11 a. in.; Saturday, March 21, 7 a.m.; Saturday, .Marcn .8, " Sails from Portland ovory Tuesday evening at S p. m. TlckeU on salo to all Eastern iolntfl 'and Infornistlon M to roetd aim mien ciiecriuuy iuniuvu Phono 127-L. " J.MOHMP LiU I S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, AT 6:00 P. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with tho North Rank Road at Portland. North Paclflo Steamship Company. Phono .11. C. F. M'GEOROE, W S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY MONDAY, MARCH 2, AT 3:00 P. J San Francisco office, 805 Flfo RHlg., or Greenwich St vitn' Inter-Oceanlc Transportation Co., C. P. McGeorgc, h Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine. Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., inc IIENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager tft. FARM, COAIi, TIMBER AND PLATTING JWWS A GEXKIlAIi AGENTS EASTSIDL UlSnFIELD OFFICE. PHONE Uj. UUVUllUilii urxx urrivjiu .w-. I - r.-'v'-vj