SVWW f"T1lW,TW,'u' THE COOS BAY flMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGofi; WuTOVTBRUArtYflr fENING EDITIUN. PUPTXIl-'"' New Homes FIRST ADDITION TO fARSHFIELD .1 .max si'iuiounded n FIXE LINEN clt happy In the knowjedgo tlint ippearanro la na It should bo. bd It wo nro permitted' to ilo IiIh iundrywork. wo cunr.inteo thnt his tlrti, collars, cuffs, hnndkerehlofH, '. are to spotlessly white that IiIh Itlifactlon will ho assured. Wo the best hiundrvwork In town ill have Hie best facilities, yot our lujei are very reaaonnblo. 0OS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY riionv Mnin .yt-j. TIIKIIK'S ONI.V ONE MACHINE THE SINGER. DXLY OXi: REPRESENTATIVE W. J. RITZ I'hono 280-X. SPIRFI I A nnpccTc fay be obtained in Marshfield trom Mrs. Annie Holland, Pnrcnfinn 52So, 5th St., Pliono 200-X IF YOU WANT YOUR LAUNDRY DONE RIGHT Telenhono I ho FERNDALE STEAM LAUNDRY Phono 277. rArasp op Kotlr-o i t . ,Ut to thJ ! V B,ven tht pur- of C00a n r .f U,e Co"nty ,wr i,5' ,n ,tho lcth day of ldmlni:.' .JH, duly annnlntrwl na ilkt, weadt,,eAS'tat0 of ' R 55 claim. .V1 A11 Persons hav- iSraiaS"' tate are Coat),. .?er vouchers within niv office i t?1? administrator at his loal Bink or p24 Lt,l Flrst Not- Jff 0cooCs00P8n,BJi,ldi? at 1914. Q18 3lst day of January, . AdmlnUu,. w- u DOUGLAS, FJU&.38u?1' LMt ltll tllO 'losllll? nf flip winlm snnsnn Ti'rm'ii"i limits nvn liniiKr made tor many new homes in Marshfield. In every section of the city new and modern buildings will be erected and the reputa tion of Marsh field as a home-owners' city will be still more firm ly established. Have you made any plans for yours? Do so, it's the best move you can make. Invest in Marshfield Real Estate It's all good ; it will make you money cither as a speculation or as a home site. Let us show you our properties where we arc improveing the streets, laying water mains and where the new homes are being erected. You can't go wrong on FIHST ADDITION property. The location is right, the prices are low and for a small cash pay ment you can secure one of these choice 50x120 foot building sites on terms that will meet your income and enable you to join the Marshfield homo owners. Call at our office for a plat showing location of these choice .fUUU lots. J a Reynolds Development Co. (OWNER) 178 Central Ave. Phono 1G0. SCHOOL I IIGH SCIIOOli ! DIVINE LIFE HERE AM) NOW. It is a characteristic of this ago that thu church is recognlz I Ing ns never boforo that Its func i tlon Is not moroly to proparo ! some selected boiiIb for a future I life, but also to develop a dlvlno I life hero and now. Lyman Ab 1 hott. 4 Wo have just received a shipment of SALT lTliJTJ RTNCJ, SALT MACKEREL and SMOKED HER RING, SMOKED ULOATERS and SMOKED SARDINES. This is all new stock. Come in and get our prices. These-goods are sure to please you. Capo Arago Coffee, COOS BAY TEA, COFFEE AND SPICE HOUSE JHO North Hromlwny. Phono WM-.I. Goodrum's.Garage homo of tho CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars ; 17 Central Av. Phono in:u DO YOU use your telephone to advantage? WHY MOT? It is cheaper to talk than to travel. We have toll stations in Coos and Curry Counties and connect with the Bell System at Roseburg. Coos Bay Home Telephone Co. Main Ofllco. Marshflold, Orogon, Coquille River Coal Guaranteed froo of slack mid dirt and not to clinker Kill! weight mid prompt scrvlco $5.50 Per Ton COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. GEO. A. BAINES. Phone 181-L 186 Broadway South. NOW IS JUST THE TIME Groat activity Is absolutely assured this season, and especially In this Coos Day section. This statement applies with unusual forco to Cooston, and wa cannot too hlgnly recommend an in vestment there, and NOW. Development Is certain, and of tho kind that brings lasting and Increasing value. Lot us talk to you about this splendid proporty. COOS BAY REALTY CO., Inc. Phono 204-.T. QUATERMASS . STUDIO NOW OPENAT THE OLD LOCATION Opposite Blanco Hotel QUALITY PHOTOS LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Triit Co. Abstract, thoroughly dependable. Iiu mediate service, prompt atten tion to all IiitcrcHta of our cllcnti. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman (Sb Co. Third Crude. Tho following have had 100 In spoiling for tho week: Alfred Mo Elroy, Willie Archer, Lillian John son, Frederick Dow, Myrtlo Conk lln, Cecil Doll, till Sampson, Hurry Walp, Loma Wilson, Mnrk Doone, Last week the third grado had a contest In addition facts up to 20. There were 150 problems on tho pngo. Tho following pupils, with tho time In which tho work was accom plished, following their names, had perfect pnpera: Alfred McElroy, G mln.; Myrtlo Conklln, C inln.; Rob ert Uurroughs, G mln.; Louie Chllds, 8V& mln. These children stood 95 or nbovo and finished In less tliiin ten min utes: Dick Walters, 10 mln.; Willie Archer, 0 mln.; Virginia Johnson, 5 mln.; llnrry Walp, 0 mln.; Alton Knrdell, S mln.; Walter Sneddon, C mln.; draco Mctilroy, Sj mln, ! ! Koicntli mid Klulitli. Holon Stack, from Minneapolis, In the Seventh A, nnd Robert Vestal, from San Jose, In tho Klghth I), nro new pupils In this grade. ATIILKTIO XOTKS Athletics In tho High School have boon better at this season of tho year than at any former time, nnd though flnnnclnl weight has been heavier, from presont nppoarances, no deficiency will bo found. In basketball tho school Is show ing mnrked Improvement though not yet within the, charmed circle whoro wo hope soon to bo. Present outlook Is that wo will finish not lower than third, and hopes aro entertained that second plnco will ho tho flnnl posi tion for this year, which will bo a decided advance over tho last two years. The mnungemrnt Is extremely pleased to sco tho Interest which lins boon shown in tho team this year by tho excellent nttendnnco of 'games, wo liopo tills will cnuiinuo I to grow and lucrensu nB our buccoss 'Increases. Present plans aro that both basoball and track will bo represent ed In tho spring and strong tenuis will bo put out In both branches. High School lllntoiy Tho history department Is pro gressing plcaly this your, and Ih In n bettor condition than over before. Tho Seniors hnvo completed tho period of secession nnd Civil War nnd have mado a careful study of tho reconstruction of tho South fol lowing tho war. Tho Juniors hnvo completed a re view of tho Tudor porlod of Eng lish history, nnd begin now with tho growth of the nation townrd political rovolutlon nnd freedom. Tho SophomorcH have complotod tho period of reformation nnd tho great religious wars of Kuropo and nro now ready to begin thu porlod in which tho gront rovolutlon ngalnst tho powers of tho king tnlcs plnco. Tho Krcshmon nro studying tho cxpnnslon nf tho groat Roman pow er nnd nation, having just complet ed tho First Punic War. I CHXTRAI, SCHOOL I lMtKSDVTKIUAX OIIUKOII. I J. R. Hurkhnrt, Pastor. Illblo School at 10 a. m. Young Peoplo'B meeting nt C:30 p. m. Regular morning and evening ser vices by Rev. J. K. Hurkhnrt. Prayer meeting on Thursday cvo nlng nt 7:30. Everyone. U cordlnlly Invited to attend theso sorvlces. Sti'ivoptlcon Iecture. Thero will bo n storooptlcon lec ture. "Tho Great Physician," nt tno Presbyter an Church next aununy evening, Mnrch 1, beginning nt 7:30 o'clock. Splendid music will bo rendered by a Young People, s unor us Choir under tho direction of Miss Volz. I MKTHOIHST EPISCOPAL I Joseph KnottB, Pnstor Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning sorvlco at 11 n. m. Epwortll Longuo at 0:30. Junior Lcaguo sorvlej Thursday aftornoon at 3: -IS. Praver meeting Thursday ovonlng at 7:30 o'clock. Spoclnl music morning and ovo nlng. Everybody cordlnlly InvPod. Tho revival meetings will closo Sunday night with n rousing ser vice. Subject Snturday evening, "No Compromise." Subject Sunday morning "Heaven" . Subject Sunday ovonlng, "Tho Ehd of tho Hnrvost." Special music nt ench service. Sundny morning Mrs. A. D. Gldley will sing "Tho Holy City." All nro cordially Invited. l ir. I avo. I. SWEDISH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. I ltov. J. V. Donson. Pnotor. Restdcnco 337 Commercial nv nuo West. Phono 103-J. Sunday School at 9:45 n. in. Thero will bo no preaching sor vlco for ono wcok owing to tho nbsenco of tho pastor. , FIRST 11APTIST CHURCH. - Albert F. Unssford, M. A Pastor. Rcsldcnco 845 South Fourth at. Phono 150-X. Illblo School nt 10, with graded classes nnd compotont teachers. Morning worHhlp nt 11 with ser mon by Pnstor HaBsford. Juniors moot nt 8:00 with Mrs. G. L. Hall, South Sixth street. Young Peoplo'B sorvlco nt 0:30 for ono hour. A spoclnl lnvltntion If oxtondod to nil young men and wo men. Sunlav evening Rcrnion nt 7:30. Special muHlo by a largo chorus choir undor Professor Qoorgo Ayro. A cordial wolcomo is oxtondod to all. Como with us and wo will do you cood, I CHRISTIAN CHURCH I OUIt ELEGANT LINES OF NEW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED S. S. JENNINGS 'NORTH HEM) CliliiuioyN Flro Places. J. N. Bayliss Any kind of brick uoik at price that nro right. AND ALL WORK GUARANTEED Call nt "The FircHlde," Johnson Hide., 1J17 Sucond st. l'liono 131-J. Frttm-li Ituni.'O'.. Holler Work WHITE GLOVES CLEANED Full Dress Suits to Rent UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM .TAY DOYLE M C. O. DAGGETT iilia Central Ave. Phono 230OC CITY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICE A new taxlcab baa boon added to my auto service. Careful drivers. Will go anywhere at any time. Stand Olanco Cigar Store. Day phone, 78. Night phone 134-X. TOM GOODALE. Proprietor. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Pnnr rrnnil rfllS) u'lfli ffirpflll ilrlvtitfi. For day scrvlco, pliono 144J, I Hlanco Hlllard Purloru. I For night service, Phone ilOO-l. I Rfchl Cafe. D. L. F00TE. Times Want Ads. Brinsj Results 20 Commutation Qfl Tickets $2.00 LU Mnrbhfleld-Nortli Head Auto Lino, Cars every ten minutes from (1 a. m. to 12:30 p. in. GORST & KING, Props. I 4 Tho first of n series of Mothers meetings was given by tho children In Ml 88 Wntson'B and Miss Coming's rooms on Frldny afternoon, Miss Corning conducted ono of hor regular sonso training nnd uiim bor work clnss-s and Miss Watson tnught Longfellow's Arrow nnd Song to hor grndo as a langungo losson. Songs learned this month woro sung by both grades and aftor a short talk by Miss Corning refreshments woro sorvod. Those presont woro MoBdnmos Adams, Otto Schottor, R. 11. Corey, It. F. Williams. W. U. Douglns, J. L, Koontz, C. C. Going, Sweot, Im mol, Hopson, Snow, Lnngworthy, P. Mlrrnsoul. Juth, Ward, Stone, Hols nor, Mnlloy, Preston, Wright. J. II. Flanagan, J. W. Honnut, Rebecca Lugo-Stump nnd A. 11. McKeown. SOUTH MARSHFIELD SCHOOL p Kecoiid Grndo. Pupils roclvlng 100 In tho wook ly spoiling tost woro: August Hoff man, Paul Johnson, Floronco Knr dall, Josephine Savage, Georgo Scott and Viola Wilson. In tho oral tost no words woro misspelled by John CInusou, Edith Anderson, Myrtle Johnson, Augustus Hoffman. Paul Johnson, Robert Knox, Floronco Kurdnll. Josophlno Savngo, Qoorgo Scott, Floyd Scott, Harry Walter, Eldrldgo Archer, John Mc.Mnnleon, Viola Wilson, Elizabeth Mcdlnnls and Ira Sweet, Thoso receiving 100 In dally work In spoiling were; Edith Anderson, Vlolot Curry, Floronco Knrdnll, John Clauson, Augustus Hoffman, Jose phine Savage, Eldrldgo Archer, Viola Wilson, Elizabeth McGlnnls, Frances Hall, Lois Hassford, Margaret Wood, Eugeno Sampson. Vornon Holmes writes qulto an Interesting lottor from Oakland, Cal ifornia, describing his trip on the uedondo. - Mrs. Wood visited our room Fri day, Fobruary 20. At the Churches ' (Ministers and others are request d to hand In tho Sundny church no tices not later thnn Friday ovenlng to Insure Insertion Saturday.) EPISCOPAL CHURCH. ttli nnd .Market. j 9:30 a. in.. Sunday Sohool. 11 a. m., Morning prayor and gormon. 7:30 p. in,, ovonlng prayer nnd sermon. 2 p. m.. sorvlces In St. Mary's Episcopal Church, North Bend, Gregg, Minister. 280 North Elavontli. Sntnuol Rosldonce, Phono 402. Illblo School 10 n. m. SorvlcoH ovcry Lord's day. Prcnchtng 11 n. m. and 7:30 p. m. ChrlHtlnn Eudonvor 0:30 p. m. Subject for tho evening "Hnvo Wo n Monaco?" I OATHOLIO CHURCH. Marshflold. Hov. A, It Munrn Mass will bo colobratod hero nt 10 o'clock Sundny morning by tho Rov. Father A. U. Munro. I SEVICNTII DAY ADVENTI8TS. Sovonrh Day AdvontiHt sorvicoa aro conducted ovory Saturday as follows: Snbbath School, 10 a. in, Illblo study, 11 n. in. Young Peoplo'B Socloty, 3 p. m. Prayor mooting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Local Elder. J. E. Quails. NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. I U. O. Thorpo, Pastor. Services will bo hold in tho Nor woglan Luthoran chnpol at Mnreh fl Id Sundny nt 7:15 p. in. Sundny school moots Saturdays nt 10:30. Sorvlces will bo hold In tho Nor wegian Luthornn chapel at North Ilond Sundny at 1 1 a. in, Sundry school nt 10. . I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. O Christian Sclonco hall, 237 Third street north. Sorvlcos at 11 a. m. Sunday and 8 P. m., Wednesday. Subjoct, "Christ Jesus." Sunday school at 12 Sunday. Sondlng room opon overy day ox copt Spndays nnd holidays from 1 to 4 p. m. 4k METHODIST CHURCH North nend. I I - The services Sunday will bo as fol lows: Sunday school 10 a. m. Vespor Circle and Epworth Loagus' 7 p. m. Sermona by the pastor 11 . va. nnd 8 p. m. I UNITED HRETHREN CIIUHCH I . North Bond. ' Mrs. U. N. Lewis, Pastxir. Sabbath school, 10 a. m. Christian Eudeavot', 7 p. m. Preaching 11 a. m. ami 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednosdar even ing nt 8 o'clock. Ravlval starts next wcok. OATHOLIO CHURCH 1 Nortk Bend. Rov. Fathor McDorltt. Mass will bo colebratod at eight o'clock Sunday morning by tha Rov. Fathor Munro, t&l.lmmmimiiicmmmmmti. mi,mm.MMmmmimk yj l