iniHHL Bi A REAL MAYOR New York Executive Continues Activity- Many Idle Men There NEW YORK, Fob. 27. Mnyor Mitchell continues to do things. Ho greatly resoniblcd fonnor President Roosovelt In tlmt ho keeps conattintly In tlio public oyo, though, perhaps, with less studied effort. Most marked In Its advance over tho wny of running tlio city govern t ment hitherto Is tho reorganization of tho Hoard of Estimate, effected by Mnyor Mitchell within tho first fow weeks of his administration. Tho division of work among n num ber of standing commlttco Is n movo toward thorough consideration of measures and questions prior to action by tho ruling body of tho city. Instead of tho Hoard of Estimate being a inoro dam, Impounding n flood of measures for tho spending of city monoy, It Is to bo a. looking forward body, dealing constructively nlohg tho Hues of a definite city plan forming nnd carrying out com prohonslvo policies, as In tho devel opment of tho city's port facil ities. Advertisers for Wife. Ever hear of Norwood, Long Is land?. Woll, you'vo got nothing on tho G, 50 1,70!) rent payorB In greater Now York City nnd Its Westchester nnd Now Jorsoy sublirbs. From now on, howovor, Norwood, L. I., Is of ficially on tho tunp. Samuol Shan non, veteran of Chnncollorvlllo and Dull Hun, hriB placed It there. He has dona it by nn ad In tho nows papors stating that ho would llko to linvo a wlfo. Sho must bo rospect nblo, must lovo n good homo nnd not mind a husbnnd who Is only two years, removed from four-scoro. Thoro hnB boon no report of con gested trnfflc In front of Samuol Shannon's homo, but his ad con tinued to run dally, In addition to tho freo notices thnt ho gots. The few who have applied say that the bashful wooer ncods nil tho help ho can got thrqugh tho newspapers nnd any otlior source , For Jury Service A lot of folks who havo been escap ing Jury duty because they enmo un der tho exempt clnss will havo to servo just tho Samo as ordinary citi zens, If roformB urgud by tho State Iinr Ansoclatlon aro put Into offect. At present clergymen, editors, re porters, newspaper artists, tologrnph , ors, nion employed In glass, cotton ami woolen factories, etc., nro ex empt from Jury duty, an well as state officials, Judges, doctors, lawyorB pollcomen, firemen, mnstors, engin eers, nHBlstantB nnd firemen on steam vobsoIh and national guardsmen. .Many Idlo Men Tho question of how tho city can co-ppornto with prlvnto charitable In HtltutloiiH to enro for women lacking omf)loymont Is being consldorod by Mnyor Mitchell and i.Ib ndvlscrs. Ac cording to a rocont bulletin of the Now York Stnto Department of Labor of 000,000 organized, wago enrnera thoro voro 101,110 porsonB Idlo on Soptomhor U0, 1013. Tlio bulletin stntCH tint with nno oxcoptlon. this Ib tho grcntest numhor of nnomploycd roportod In any yonr during tlio last sovontoon years, nnd probably largor tlinn during nnv nrevlous year. Tho proportion of unemployed 10.1 por cont wn oxceciueu during mo iiihi Boventoon yearn only In 1908, whon It wbb 22. li por cont. Applying this porcontngo to tho unorganized wago camera, It is estimated thnt tho total numhor of unemployed In Now York Stnto on Soptomhor, 30, 1913, was 300..000. Of thoso 10,000 nro womon. I'mwr Rout llnco Tlio American Powor Hoat ArbocI ntlon will hold n mooting during tlio month, and inomliors of tho Ynchts- moil's Club will bo on hand, booming Its annual raco to Hermudn. Sovernl motorboat men who aro Interested In trying to win back from England tho HrltlBh International trophy will tnllc ways and mentis during th'o week nnd n ayndlcnto of Philadelphia yachtamon Is expected to mnko a se lection of ft motor to bo used In a ' high speed boat, now building. Wlp Mutch Clows Purplo puffs for pnlo pooplo. Yea, npd sllvor psyches for sllont Sylvian 1 nnd crimson curls for chorus glrlB nny Bhndo or shriek of color that milts mlladl's tnsto may now bo soon glowing llko a Tumor sunset ovor hor phiold brow. To bo really faan lonnblo In tho futuro ono must hnvo o, wig to mntch onch frock, Juat as now sho has a lint. Woo botldo hor ' 'who has not an oxaulalto oyo for col or. If sho wears n pink psyeno with " a torra cotta dress sho la no lady. diamond in chicken's crop 'Mrs. Hryant, of CluthVnnlo Is Pleas antly, Surprised. CLATSKANIE, Or., Fob. 27. About eight montliB ngo Mrs. Hobort Hryant lost a diamond sotting out of a ring, Long search for the miss ing gom proved unavailing. A fow days ngo, on tho ocenslon of hor husband's birthday, as sho was pro . paring a fowl for dinner, she found tho lost atono In tho crop or tho fowl. , T.ihiiv roAli. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phon-i 72. Pacific Llvory nnd Transfer company. Times Wnni ads bring results. HACICACHE-HHEUMATISM VAN ISH AWAY. lfAH a n,1 iKAiitnn Yinvlnc linnlrnMlA iuvu min nvii e " ! rhoumntlsm, stiff and swollon Joints 1 . -11.. ..In.l tn 11 n illnt Ttrt nro uoiiusuy iKiuu iu i"u miiu -ley Kidney Pills aro successful every whoro In driving out thoso Ilia. That Ib bocaiiBO F&ley Kidneys Pills nro a true medicine and quickly effective In nil dlsonses that result from weak, Innctlvo kidneys nnd urinary irregularities. Owl Prescription Vhnrmney. Frank D. Cohnn. Oppo elto Chaudler Hotel. Phono 74. A"W0IM SEA CAPTAIN DENMARK HAS THE ONLY ONE IX SERVICE COMMAXniN'0 A VES SEL KUXXIXG TO ENGLAND MAY COME TO AMERICA. (Br AiiocltteJ rrcfi to Cool Br Time COPENHAGEN, Feb. 28. Promo, tlon to a Btenmer In tho American service has been promised to Mrs. von Dnudltz, Donmnrk's only woman sea captain, who Ib now commnndlng n vessel running between Russia and England. Mrs. von Dnudltz, who Is tho wlfo of n physician, Vviib for a long time Interested In yachting as ft sport nnd after passing nn examination for a mnstor's license sho took up tho sea as ft profession. So adept did sho provo herself that n local shipping compnny soon gnvo her conmmnnd of ono of Ub largest steamers. Captain von Hauditz wonrs a natty uniform with squnro cut coat and Bklrt of tho samo material. Sho Ib tho first fo mnlo captain In Denmark nnd claims to bo tho only rent feminine master mariner In the world. I )an lull Folk Dance. Sevoral Amorlcnn teachers aro hero studying tho old DanlBh folk ilnnces with' tho Idea of substituting them for gymnastics In jdrls' scliools in Amorlcn. In tljls city ft big society lins boon formed for tho preservation and promotion of Danish national dances. This movomont wnB so wide spread that It attractod' tho attention of Amorlcans visiting hero nnd re sulted in tho visit of tho American teachers, who oxpress as dollghtod with tho quaint dances. Tlio teachorB complnln that gymnns tlcB bocamo very tlrosomo nnd boring to glrlB, and thoy bollcvo that tho dances will confer all of tho bcnoflts of tho gymnastics nnd at- tho samo time bo n. groat sourco of plensuro to tno students. Hullrilnjr At Fi-Ikco. Anton Ilqeon, n local architect, has furnished, plans for tho building which will bo erected at tho San Fran cisco Exposition from n fund collect ed by Danish Americans. Tho build ing will bo modeled on tho famous cnstlo of Hamlct'a town, Elslnore, and llko Its historical prototypo, will bo situated on tho sen. Tho building will not bo used to boiiso exhibits, which will bo plnced In another stTiicturo orccted by tho Danish govornmont, but will bo used its a headquarters by DanlBh' Amorlcans nnd their friends visiting tho Exposition. Tho struc ture will contain a big recital hall, reception rooms nnd offices. For tho official Danish exhibition a splendid Blto has been procured and It Is plan ned to make tho exhibit small but typical of tho very best of Danish art nnd Industry. Plan Art Palace. Dr. Carl JncobBon, Domnnrk s great art patron, Just before his death confided to n frlond that ho Intended to crcnto a Danish Versailles, nnd tho publication of tho plan has led to tho determination to carry out his Ideas na a memorial of Ills services to tho nntlon. Tho lnrgo sum to mnko tho plan n success will bo avnllablo from tho Carlbborg fund, which was Instituted by Jncobson nnd to which ho donated many millions for tho oncoiirngoment and promotion of art In Denmark. Tho VoraalIIo8, as planned by Dr. Jncobson, will bq croctod In Fredor Iksborg, whoro tho boautlful cnstlo of that nnmo with Its oxtonalvo Mili tary of nrt nnd national treasures Ib nlroady located. In con nection with tho cnstlo all of tho skill of tho landHcnpo artist and sculp- "Safety First" Our Motto ox SHASTA ROUTE TRAINS OF KtlJ7 rnrGjz& !() SUN lUUUlMBMUOIAI ROUTES ciO t Imposition Line 105. And now Is the tlmo to sea California; to llvo outdoors nnd onjoy tho sunshine, flowors and Bunimor uportB. It Is n try you cannot afford to mlsB. THREE FINE TRAINS DAILY Including Shnsta Limited THE train of modern sorvico with nil steel up-to-tho-mlnuto oqulp mont. THE CALIFORNIA AND SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS trains with Standard, Tourist and Chair Cara and dining sorvico that will ploaso. Cull on nearest S. P. Agent nnd let him outllno n trip, quoto fares natl fimilhh Outing literature on California's famous resorts, JOHX M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oro. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning. reiMilrlnc; or now platens, woik guaranteed. Ribbons mid carbon paper delivered. Phono us TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. BRIJ uuirai HI SUNDAY Director Fenton Announces Program for Entertainment Sunday Director It. N. Fenton lifts an nounced tho progrnm or tho freo band concort to bo given at 230 o'clok Sundny nftornoon nt tho Ma sonic Opora IIouso, to bo ns fol lows: , ' March, "Invercnrglll" .... Llthgow Overture, "Hungarian LiiBtsplol". . Kelar-Dola Waltz "CIrlblrlblu (by request) Pcatnlozza Village Llfo In tho Oldon Tlmo, Ch. Thloro Synopsis Night In tho vlllngo. Sunrise Astir In tho vlllngo. Chil dren aro going to school. Black smith shop. Tho May Qucon. Mnypolo danco. Curfow boll. Tho vlllngo choir. Moonlight. Tho Lover's Serenade Finnic. Pilgrims' Chorus from Lombardl Verdi Selection "La Travlata" .... Vordl Mnrch "La Poro do Vlctolro".Gnnno Star Spangled p"j5'AJJLJ-- tor will bo culled upon to crcnto ft VersnlllcB Park. Grout Water Power. An English compnny Is planning to ImrncsB Dcttlfoss, ono of tho larg est watorfalls in Iceland, with tho plnn of turning Its cstlmntcd 110,000 horso power Into nn ngoncy to extract fertilizer from tho ntmoBpnerc. Tho engineers cstlmato that tho falls will develop moro power than tho works at Hnrdaugorfjord and Odda In Nor way. Tho onglnecrB any thoy will have no difficulty In producing calcor- cotiB saltpotor fertilizer from tho air. Tho electric power will bo transmit ted to a nenrby port, whoro splendid shipping facilities oxlst, nnd whoro fnctorlcB for tho production of tno fertilizer will bo built. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby nnnounco myself ns n cnndldnto for tho nomination on tho Republican tlckot for tho offlco of County Survoyor, Biibjoct to tho pri mary cloctlon to bo hold Mny lCth, 1914. C. S. M'CULLOCH. Dandon, Oro. ORRINE FOR DRINK HABIT So uniformly successful line OR RINE boon In restoring tho vlctlnm of tho "Drink Hnblt" Into Bobor nnd URcful cltlzonu, ncd so strong Is our confidence In Its curntlvo powers, that wo want to omphnslzo tho fnct that ORRINE ib sola unuor this positive guarantee. If, after a trial, you got no bonoflt, your money will bo refunded. ORRINE rosts only $1.00 per box. Ask for Freo Uooklot. Owl Proscription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Oppo site Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. Pictures &f raming Walker Studio THE SET 1 SOi your order. Phono 44, AlUnnce office 3 BOXING UNDER AUSPICES NORTH 11I8XI) HOXING SCHOOL Mnlii'veiit: Len Powers vs. Larry Mikchdl OF POHTLAXD 10 HOUNDS 10 OF 11UTTIJ Sitni-wludiip: FRANK HHOWN VS. MANIC MASON onouxDS (i TUESDAV EVRNINO, MAHCH il, FIRST ROUT AT NINE SHARP Kckhoff HulldlnKi eiilrnnro through Hlllhml Pmlor General AdmlHslon, ijU.OO. Ringside, 5:: Spring Suit and give satisfaction, if you place your order with Raitanen & Wuori The Only Tailors on the Coast Let us show you our line of goods and give you prices CLEANING AND DRESSING DONE. Room 210. Irving Block. Marshfield. 1BREAD ft A a Illl'filr ifiJir Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HEXHY 8KNGSTACKKN, Mnnnpor FARM, COAL, TI3IIIKR AND PLATTIXO LANDS A SPECIAITV. GENERAL AGICXTS KASIIDE MAHSHriELD OKIICE, PHOXH 1-J. COQUILLB CITV OFFICE PHONE 101. C. A, Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL LDM1JKR, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS. ROOFING PAPKR, KTO. ( CUT TirU FUKL UILL IN TWO UY USING OUR WOOD. PHONIC l&O. IMS SOUTH IHIOADWAY JUST RECEIVEDA LARGE LINE OF HOSIERY REGULAR AND ODD SIZES TRY OUR BURSON. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, NORTH BEND EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. Sails from Marahflold Friday, JIarch Cth. 9 p. m.; Saturday, March H, 11 a. m.; Saturday, March 21, 7 a. m.; Saturday, March 28, 11:30 a.m. Sails from Portland ovory Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. Ticket on sale to nil KiWern ixilntB and Information as to routes , nnd rates cheerfully furnished. Phono 127-L. ' II. J. MOHR, Agent S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED Al!Tn WIRELESS. SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, AT 6:00 P. M. ROUND TRIP, S18.50. , Connection with tlio North Rank Road nt Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company. Phone 41. O. F. M'GEORGE, AKont. S. S. REDONDO SAILS FR(JM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY MONDAY, MARCH 2, AT 3:00 P. M. San Francisco office, 805 Fife nidg., or Greenwich St Piers No. 28. Inter-Oceanlo Transportation Co., O. F. McGeorgo, Agt., Phone 44. RimU of JohPrinting oVj nriTii. ,"uli warm.r ifefii Will Look Well Fit Well, Feel Well Wear Well. w, Em, without I1READ MAKES HRAWX. nnd good, puro, wholoBoino, nour lRhlng bread makes boys muscular and healthy. Our bread Ib made from tho finest hard Winter wheat tlio kind t.h'nt retains tho nutrients of gluten and phoflphntos. Consequent ly It Is rich in mtritlon, and Is ab solutely puro In ovory particular ol baking nnd handling. And ft big loaf costs but ltttlo monoy. Coos Bay Bakery The pleco for godd goodlcn. Morkot Ave. Phono 111-L J. D IfEPARTMENT B Don6 at The Times Office ft SLfl L.h.' U nM.'.'-'H i i' II "Ml PRQFfo mH '"I'll Hi toctal m i 6 Konkl Phono 5n fTE0.ti OrSn, B. , TtiHl ToklostJ ) I'M i in g. til bwie ckWI Win pii M.1 r o. fV.i Eitimiiet, i tlouf K latltfltlj OHCttl I Phone 31H 1 n.n.ii u Fif.l nit. sural IUut 1 uuics j:wj lill HC3 lt.A.1.1 14 M Rooni tICl ReildticiiH 0fflc pltsl Mf' Rtiliiul Corner Cu Oirvnl Phone mil P' Rnldnn W." RoOnuMli W U.S.! Low Hani w lull polDB W log ritrt One trssl'l iBr".l nrei" -i SUfTrn iit pbote DRY FIR I CAMPBEHJ So! A T. is 1 MarshfW trade. EH iert. Of1 BrodJ Tne w to tbe J00f1