LOVELY MODES FOR LOVELY WOMEN v ne-lover:- ST ITTER i H 2 P. n.. JTEST continual ' nana. AT W whllo YEARS g.Co. po Day. ce Sale at Store. r. tats fatle!d t I a.. r- ItlTo.. I1-. "I and! "Wo. at OTn. H h Wkwk mm tlme and trouble and money to tie store for your furniture. to our store you will not have iere else, for you will want to d you will save money because e reasonable. When you oome to will oome again, when you buy t acquainted with our store ire to buy your furniture to ntage In quality and. 'price. GOING & HARVEYCO. ig & Harvey Co. , "J House Furnishing Engineers', i ' 0 WE SELL JIT FOR LESS HI5' ' What People Say who rent a lock box In ur Fire-Proof and Burglar-iProof Bare Do poBlt. Van Ha: "I Imn ) no fear of posing my Jewelry or ptrccloua Keepsakes." "My yt 111 and other private papers aro not bolng read by anyono but myst if." "I a?N! aya know Juat -whoro to find ray valuables, They aro never mlBplura j," Iun'M.t worth 3.a year to you- to bo pblo to Bay tho samo of your vnluaWlos? e First Of Coos Bay flANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IW COOS COUNTY. .. Uatnbllahed 1880. al 'Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Intercut raid on Ytaio Deptoslta - . . OMicara:' fc "J. W. Dennett, President. ' J. II. Flanagan, Yice-Prosflent. T It. F. WHUnnifl, Cashier. " Geo. F, Winchester, Aast. -Cashier. BANDON BY THE SEA rrHEHCITY OF THEFUTUREj ' A FEW THN ACRE TRACTS FCJim MILES SOOTH ON COUNTY ROAD 85 PER ACRE: 100 CABII, BALANCg TWO YEARS, NO INTEREST, NO TAXES, iNE SAND LOAM, LEVEL BENCH LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money .Donald MacKratosh REAL .ESTATE at All Kinds jf Job Printing ROCKERS CHAIRS BEDS DRESSERS DESKS ' , COUCHS CHINA CLOSETS BUFFETS RUGS CARPETS LINOLEUM 'STOVES RANGES ;. DISHES COOKING UTENSILS SILVERWARE T JARDINERES SEWING MACHINES ' BEDDING ETC. t f National Bank b4 INBURANOE. lthe , Times Office NEW YOniC, Fob. 28. Lent has Its limitations, It Is granted, but evi dently they aro not put upon clothes. The shops aro more beautiful than over In their display of handsomo frocks, materials and' trimmings, and It would tako volumes to toll of the wondorfu lwnys In which they aro utilized for various occasions. Thero Is a crazo for dancing and dining. Dinner gowns nro more In teresting than ever, nnd at some of tltp extremely smart affairs somo ori ginal costumes nro seen. Ab has been frequently mentioned before, much of the originality of theso gowns Is duo to tlio combined ideas of dressmaker nnd customer, for tho woman of today studies herself and has much to say regarding tho de sign of tho frock sho wears. Many of tho latest dinner gowns nro finished oft with tho long plnlted tuples that havo appenred for lato spring and summer wear. Others havo a peculiarly bunchy appearance over the hips, which suggests a pan nier rovlvnl. A wonderfully beautiful gown Is composed of brocaded satin which shows an lntricat design worked In dull silver on a blue ground. Tho draped skirt has a long pointed train, an dthero Is u plnlted tunic of blue chiffon which is confined at the walBt by a bolt covered with tiny silver roses. The corsngo is arranged In flshu stylo and thero nro long niched sleeves of chiffon. A clustor of dark red carnations Is faBtcnod to the cor eago with a magnificent butterfly brooch in sapphires nnd diamonds. Tho French dressmakers nro re ported to bo carrying tho fashion of sleeveless evening corsages to a point of exaggeration. It becomes more and moro tho fashion to mako tho cor sngo Blmply n drapery of fragllo sttiff which moulds tho bust nnd which has no nppenranco whatovcr of sleeves. Thon n fow chnlns or Jewels (or clevor imitations) nro thrown ovor tho shoulders, nnd In some cases an absolutely transparent veil of tullo or chiffon Is added In tho form of an Invlalblo zshii. Nover was thero a season whon bordered goods could bo used to any bettor ndvnntngo than this ono, when ovorythlng Is so bedecked with trim mings of this uaturo. For Instance, theso wldo bordora, which mny bo of slmplo or elaborato design, can be nrranged as flounces. If n woman has not any great amount of money to spend on dress It really does not need any further decoration. Ono llttlo Item may bo of lntorest to the stout woman. If Bho adores flounces nnd Is afraid to essay them becauso of hor bIzo, sho can break tho effect by panclB both In front nnd in tho back. Mnny of theso printed goods como In plaids. A soft cotton plaid mndo flounces of plain, goods which har monizes with tho main color note of tho plnld Is going to bo modish. Striped goods nro also prcdlctod to bo In favor. MoBt of theso frilly spring gowns hnvo tho Bash and girdle offects woll developed. Cortnlnly thero Is tio hint of cessation of their favor. Itoninn A SMART FROCK HAVE A PLACE IN Thero 1b nothing more satisfactory, eapecially at this time of the year and a little later, than a plain dress of serge, ratine or other dark, durable material. Dy way of trimming, a bit of contrasting- material, a few colored buttons or a frill of net or chiffon is all that is needed. In No. 7628 a dull blue hard finish serge Is amartly relieved by trimming bands of dark green cotton duvot,yn. This cotton duvetyn Is a velvety look ing fabric, somewhat higher priced than most cottons, but rich appearing, and one gets the Impression that it will wear very well. p w this Areas In size 30 It re- Av VVf, ...... - quires 5tt yards of 36 Inch serge or To obtain either pattern Illustrated out this coupon and enclose X5cents vy J . ' stamps or coin. Be sure to state numoer Name ., of pattern and sire, measuring over the Address fullest part or xne oust, yiaaress i-untiu Department, care of this paper. '"'" l stripes at tho present moment nro be ing used most extensively. Thero Is nothing especially novel In weighing tho ends down with tnssols, but such Is being done again and again. And tho wldo varloty of tnssels In bends or In silk or oven In velvet effects 13 bound to afford Infinite possibilities. A wldo snsh wound sovoral times about the hips cannot avoid being stylish. It Is nn Impossibility almost to wind It unfnshlonnbly. In speaking of Roman effects It would be well to mention that Ho in an ribbons nro to bo just as popular as Roman silks nnd other materials. Ribbons, Indeed, nro to play nn im portant part this spring, but ribbons striped or plnld, not flowered. Thero will not bo much uall fdr tho ribbon elaborately flowered as In seasons past. In tho Roman ribbon mnny of tho full Bhndcs nre especially pret ty, though It Is udt. to bo expected women will conflno themselves to tho dull Shades exclusively. Tho most decided change In fash Ions is tho bouffant skirt draporlcs. Tiered skirts, with rlpplo flounces, short, drnped tunics, ample panniers, one-Bided pannier draperies and nar row plctod skirts, with tlo-bnckB, aro tho prominent forms. Tho dance frocks show n dopnrturo from these styles, for tho skirts aro short and somo havo Turkish trousers, par tially concealed by drapery. In tho tailored stilts, tho tlorcd nnd peg-top skirts .prodomlnnto nnd n fow de signers favor the biiBtlo effect, even when heavy materials aro used. Uodlccs aro cxtromoly transparent, much blotised nnd easy fitting. The majority of models show simulated boleros. All sleeves havo exaggerat ed armboles. Long sleeves nro lend ing In popularity, for most of tho new spring frocks, especially thoso do signed, for strcot wear, havo long sleeves. Tho neck lino Is finished In mnny ways nnd theso include tho Jnpnncso nnd rolling flnro cdllars. Tho modi fied Medici and upstanding frills con tinue In vogue. Tnffota and tho aott silks that per mit offectlvo drnplng nro tho mater ials favored for these gowns. One particularly lovply model of dull-bliio taffeta has a simple, loose-fitting bodlco with n squaro nock lino. Over each shoulder, closo to tho neck, Is stitched a bnnd of-puffing bordorcd with' narrow frills. Tho eleoves aro short and finished with threo frills. It Is In tho skirt that tho quaint lines of the sovontlcB nro strongly em phasized, for it Is trimmed nearly to tho waist with bands of tho puffing. A gathered flounce eight Inches wldo Is stitched to tho bottom of tho aklrt. SOCllfl'V'H LATEST DANCE. NEW YOItK, Fob. 27. Tho nnmo: Half nnd half: tho nnturo: ono-half waltz nnd onc-hnlf one-stop; tho reas ons: becauso Now Yorkers must havo something now every month; .Its fea ture: languorous and grncoful, and the oppoBlto of Uio Innovation In ovory respect; tho Inventors: Mr. nnd Mrs. Vernon Castle. Socloty has nc coptcd n now danoo cullod by tho forogolng title, nnd Is onthuslnstlcnl- tnklng It up. It was tlenionstrat' OF SERGE SHOULD EVERY WARDROBE other fabric. Serge may be purchased In good quality from 76 centa to $1.50 a yard. In 7658 allk poplin makes up very ef fectively, charmingly relieved by a high Medic! collar of Milte organdy. The color la an ollvo green bordering on the yellow. A featureoof this frock la the collar; the wired Medici effect In back extends Into a broad, softly drap ed fichu In front. Which Is graceful and becoming. This design maybe copied In aire 36 with 4 yarda of 36 Inch material. Silk poplin may bo purchased from 76 centa up. No. 7628 sires 34 to 42. No, 7658 alzea 34 to 4J. Each pattern 16 cents. nil ... . a,.. In " "" cd at Castlo Houso before a eolect It Is Impossible to dnnco a foot apart, as It abounds In dips and glides and jumps that require aid to cttfry out. Tho following patronesses passod Judgment on tho Half and Half: Mrs. Horman Oolrlchs, Mrs. W. Dourko Cockrnn, Mrs. W. G. Rockofeller, Mrs. Arthur Iselln, Mrs. Oliver Har rlmnn, Mrs. Anthony .1. Droxel, Jr., Miss Elslo do Wolfo, Mrs. Amos Pin chot, Mrs. F. .T. Oakley Ilhinclandor, Mrs. Norman Hnpgood and Mrs. El bert H. Gary. LOST SOLITUDE Tho wlldorncss Is passing low tho wall, Groat trcos, woo, brlght-oyod molo-k dlBts that bleed Whcro monstrous cities, rUIng spawn nnd feed On tho dead loveliness of plain and valo; .In clangor dlo unheard thoir voices frnll, Whoro streams that Iron tnsk-mna- - tors, fettered, lead And tho wind, Its comrades seeking, plno and reed, Dust stifled, on tho stono ways fain and fall; . Whllo wo who mourn lost wlld'nnd lovely height, 'iho riven dream, tho beauty that hath been, Saw pnss, of lato, 'tween Bunsot glow nnd star, An aeroplane, half toying In t its flight, Half fearful lest ono day theso winged men Tho vory hcavdns with war nnd tu mult senr. Selected. MYRTLE POINT FAIR. County Superintendent Baker at tended tho meeting of tho County Fair Doard of Directors at Myrtlo Point on Monday. He reports that It was decided to hold tho fair on the dates of Scptombor 23, 24, 2G and 20. Friday, tho 2Gth, Is to bo tho day sot apart for tho School Industrial Fair. Tho officers elected to havo chargo of ntfnlrs woro: 11. C. Dement, pres ident; A. E. Adolsporgor, vice-president; L. A. Roberts, secretary; M. O. Stemmlor, tronsuror. A list of tho prizes offered to tho school children tor their exhibits will soon bo In thoir hands. Tho capita) prlzo Is a freo trip to tho State Fair at Salem, with all expenses paid for ono week, to tho two, olthor boys or glrlH, making tho highest score Coqutlln Hornld. The Prevailing Note In Advertising In a recent newspaper nd vortlsomont wo saw tho follow ing sonlenco: "Not oiily Is our morclinn tlifto of tho very highest qual ity, but our Ntoro sorvlco is otmlloiiHly polite, efficient and Jbllglng." This kind of rotalllng is what tho public has a right to ex pect and doos expect. It la tho kind of retailing that tho progrosslvo merchants aro of fering to their patrons and tolling thorn about in tho col umns of tho best nowspaper. Whon ono goos shopping In theso days of progressiva re tailing, It 1b boat to start out fortified with nil of tho nvall ublo Information It la posslblo to Bocuro. A enroful reading of THE TIMES advertising columns from dny to day, not only bavos much tlmo and worry, but shows ono whoro ono may se curo satisfactory aorvlco and attontlon. SAFE FOR I1AI1IES, EFFESOTIVB FpR GROWN-UPS. That Foley's Honey and Tar Cora pound, It haa tho confidence of your druggist, who knowa It will giro you aatlaractlon. W. w. Noa smlth, Statesboro, Ga says: "1 havo used Foloy'a Honoy and Tr Compound In my family 4nd have sold It in my store and it never falls to euro." Retuso a anbotltuto. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Ho tel. Phono 74. TIME TABLE Willamette - Pacific Motor Car Loavo Mnrshficld 6:30 a. m. 7:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 0:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 10:80 a, m. 11:00 a, m. 11:30 a. in. 12:30 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 1:30 p. m. 2:00 p. m. 2;30 p. m. 3:00 p. m. Lcnvo North Bead 6:45 a. m. 7:16 a. m. 8:15 a. m. 9:15 a. m. 10:15 a. m. 10:45 a. m. 11:15 a. m. 11:45 a. m, 12:45 p. m. 1:15 p. m. 1:45 p. m. 2:15 p. m. 2:45 p. m. 3,16 p. m. 3:45 p. m. 4:15 p. a. 4:45 p. m. 5:15 p. m. 5:45 p. tn, 6:15 p. in. 7:15 p. m. 7:45 p. m. 8:16 p. m, 8:45 p. hi. 9:15 p. m. 10:16,p. m. urdays only 11:16 p. in. 3?15 H, ty, 3:30 p, m. 4:00 p. m. 4:30 p. in. 5:00 p. m. 5:30 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 7:30 p. m. 8:00 p. m, 8:30 p. m, 9:00 p. m. 10:00 p.- m. Saturdays only, 11:00 p. m. 12:00 m.' eta:.ftlfea. CEZJ&u r