The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 28, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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    .iHin-ni iTi ,
irr:-y. , .t.rra--M-rlyMlW, jy p- ., n ,,-f rnpafflfMin n1n.j
commission WRITES ABOUT mmmm m
- MMtlOmf A DAIM I
(Continued from yesterday)
Third Article.
the renBon that ho would help plan
wlsoly for tho city, in which caso
the coininlssicm would become In
I tlmo a fifth wheol an uniieeesBnry
About three hundred cities, an nl-
roady shown, nro unuer tho commls- part of tho machinery of govern
slon form. The trend townrd tins mcntY
Is so marked as to bo recognized Tho city manager plan has a busl-
oven by Its opponents as n coming noss-IIke sound, and appenl to many
tyno of city government. Tho "man- on Hint nccrfunt, and when tried
nglng commission" has proved cap- should bo Judged on Its merits. But
nblo of n largo degreo of foresight let us adapt and uso tho type of
in planning, of unity nnd prompt- city government which has already
nesa In action, nnd of real public mot with such marked success and
spirit. proved Its aubatnntlnl worth tho
Tho "Mayor-manager" plan has commission form,
not yet mot with groat favor; Micro Tho commission form offers to
ficoms to bo an underlying North tho governing body tho greatest op
Amorlcan projudlco against "one- porunlty for efflclont team work,
man power." Dallas, Donlson, If thero bo lnck of harmony, lot
Orconvtllo, Texas, Lowlston, Idaho, citizens Inquire Into It. Lot city
nnd a half dozen other cities liavo clubs and chambers of commcrco
given their Mnyor-comnilssloncr and clvl lengucs sco that commls
largo powors; nnd thoro nro all Bloncrs nro elected who will co-op-grndatlons,
from nearly tho samo ornto nnd call attention to nny lnck
authority and salary as tho other of co-oporntlon. If necessary as n
commissioners, to both voto and Inst resort, glvo tho Mayor mora
voto, power to romovo without tho power. But tho board tho group
concurrcnco of tho othor commls- tho commission offers a flexible
slonors nnd a salary nearly twlco governing body of tho greatest ,pos
tbat of his colleagues, ns In Hous- slbllltles. Tho burden of tho city's
ton. I won: may bo divided, shared, shlft-
Tho commlsslon-manngcr plan has od to tho shouldcrB of tho mnn fit
been adopted in auinter, S. C, Hick- tod for It, equalized. Unity should
ory nnd Morgantown, N. C, nnd bo of tho high typo represented
moro recently In Dayton, Spring- when strong inon work together to
flold and Columbus, O. With tho ward a common end. Tho mombors
adoption of this method of govern- of tho board should work out a
ment, cities of tho population of brond and comprchonsivo policy for
Dnyton will enablo us soon to judgo tholr city, and supervise In n strong
of Its probnblo merits for other cit- and rcnsonnbly harmonious way tho
ics of llko size. 'carrying out of tho measures. Tho
Tho long stnndlng dispute botween commlsslnuors will thus becomo in
tlioso who favor tho slnglo head in tlmo real municipal experts. Tho
government nnd tho ndvocntes of Mayor will tond to becomo a gon
ti.o group of oxocutlvo boards crop oral mnnnglng export; t ho comnils
out ngnln in tho tllsciiBslon' of tho slonor of public snfoty, n mastor of
commission form. "Nothing llko n pollco and flro matters; tho com
Blnglo head for oulclcncy," cry tho mlssloncr of Btreots nnd public
formor; "too( ninny cooks spoil tho works n master municipal onglncor.
broth," whllo tho lattor point out Tho profession, of city ndmlulstra
tho value of soveral minds In ron- Hon Is In our mldBt. Yonng mon
fANtnpn nn.l .lnnrv 'nnnmnn,t nnu'nf tllliv wnll nrnnnrn ftt It An.l nn
"For determining policies," sny tho thoy proparo for It, lot thorn study
proponents of tho group stylo, "a not only correct forms of orgnntzn
commlsBlon Is far bottor than n sin- Hon, but what to do with tho or
glo porson; In many counselors thoro gnulzntlon nftcr the correct form Is
is Bnfoty," whllo thoy call attention ndopted.
to tho fact that each dopartmontj (Tho end.)
lias a slnglo bend, and unity of nd-l
mlnlstrntlva direction results, nt -
least, In each dopartment. THIJ QUIHT OHSKItVKIt HAYS: I
To ono viewing tho enso as In-
volvlng tho fiindnmcntnl excellencies Kop ovory , who wmUf, ,0 ,
and defects of pnch sort of orgnnlza- row trouble thoro ar0 a hundrod wlll-
tlon tho slnglo-hondod versus tho B tt) 011(1 ,t
many-hended It npponrs that each '
sldo Is partly rlgnt. Tho group or. Orcaslonnlly n young mnn who bo-
tiHiiiiiiDniuu, nuiiu niiuiiK ..,......- Km y BOWlIlg W 11(1 Ott B OlldS llV
nlng tho work of individual doparl-' ron,,11B RrnJ w,,,ow
inputs, may fall to ro-ordlnnto fully .
tho oxocutloii of nil tho divisions, onco In n great whllo n mother
unless tli" Mayor or somo other mnnnges to porsuado her daughter
commissioner Is given tho co-ordln- to mnrry tho kind of man who will
ntlng power: whllo tho single lot?-' mnl:o her happy. .
islntor-oxocutlvo Is llkoly to lark thoj
brond outlook of tho many, and to Till: TIIKVi'l'lt
over omphnslzo cortnln favorlto ' ' '
pirns s of civic activity. The com- Wtilteineyor tf OVoiiiici-'h Coinimny
nilsslonor-mnnnKOr plan Ib an nt-1 f pinycr
nuiiu iij tiMiiuuiu hid iiii.iiiiuihwr, wiiiri, ihibh see it: tin now com
of both methods, nnd to substitute 1)nny oponlng at tho Itoyal Thoatro
n Blnglo executive for tho executive Sunday mntlneo March 1.
bonrd unusnl In tho commission -phis clever llttlo company Ib woll
form. Lot us oxinilne Its tendon- known throughout Washington nnd
clcs moro In do all. Orogon, having plnyed Block In Vnn-
Tlio conimlsslon-miinnKor plnn Is rouvor. Washington for sovornl
undoubtedly profornblo to tho conn- months. Also n circuit of largo
cIl-mnnoKer plnn. Assuming that theaters Hirougliout tho West,
tho commission appoints tho oxocu- Thoy como to this city woll roe
tlvo, Is Hi. ro llkoly to bo greater onimondod by puhlle and press from
harmony In cIioohIiik a single gen- .v. ry place thoy hnvo visited. Knch
oral administration export, who niombor H nu artist, having n largo
must ploiso nil tho mombors of the list of siktoshoh to tholr credit
commission, thnn In picking five as-; Thoy open horo for mi oxtonded
BlBtnnts, ono export In onch dopnrt- engagement of two wooks, giving
iiinit ns nro the waterworks or y tu. hlghest-class comudUm nnd
lighting superintendents, or the ill- drnmas.
rector of parks? Must not the gon- Tholr opening bill, "Donton nt his
oral mniMKKr havo five assistants, own Clutiia." Is ono of tho brightest
or at tho loast sovoral7 Ib thoro 0f tholr roportolro
not merely milled ono moro stop jt s n society comedy-drnmn full
between tho commlBslon nnd tho do-'nf sparkling comedy nround which
pnrtmonts? Ir. woven a protty llttlo lovo story.
Further. Is not tho manager llkoly jt f8 8uro PUrt for tho ,)lu jf
to ovor-omphnslzo somo ono sldo of yol, ,.t bulluvo it como nnd seo
mntterB muulclpnl to tho exclusion for yoursolf.
of othor piloses? Ho may liaiidlo "lUmton nt hIb Own Oamo," Sun
tho clty'B rinmiccs woll, hut full to ,iay, Mnrch 1.
onforco laws or to look after tliel
S. C. Rogers and Wife Enjoy
ing Southern California
Despite Storm
Monrovia, Calif., Feb. 20.
Kdltor Coos liny Times;
Wo arrived hero ono week ngo to
night and tho next dny wo woro taken
around tho phico In search of a placo
to keep house. Wo rented house
keeping rooms acrosB tho street from
the City Pnrk. Tills certainly is a
most lovoly nnd beautiful placo, with
straight Btreots, hard surfaced roads,
nnd clean and sanitary. But tho I
weatnor Ib different than I expected
to find.
Frldny, Saturday and Sunday wore
delightful days, but Mondny evening
It commenced to rain nnd for forty
hours I don't think It stopped one
mlnuto, nnd pnrt of tho tlmo It just
poured down ns hard or Iinrdor than
I over saw It anywhoro In that length
of time. Seven Inches of water fell.
It Is still cloudy and rnlns pnrt of tho
tlmo. So you enn boo Hint It rains
somo In other places as well ub Ore
gon or Coob nny.
I nra feeling fine nnd think wo
nro going to enjoy ourselvs first rate.
I mot A. B. Daly nnd Ur. Towor and
daughter. Thoy nro all looking woll.
The great volumo of water that
fell flowed down tho Btreots like a
mill rnce. Tho strcotB nro nil mado'
qulto rounding, nearly eight Inches'
higher in tho center than at tho curb
nnd It filled tho gutters full and In
many plnccs tho wholo rond.
Wo nro receiving Tlyp Times now.
I think I would bo homesick If wo!
uuiirt. Yours respectfully,
S. C Itogcrs,
1'i-les Offered for Best Itiirnl Schools
In Coos County.
In order to stlmulnto moro Interest
In tho country scIiooIb and bring tliom
to n higher standard of perfection,
Coos county Is now offering prizo
banners to tho best ones, tho Bnmo m
other counticH In the state aro doing.
Tho banners will bo kopt by each
school only so long as It maintains
Ita standard of perfection. In de
termining tho degreo or perfection,
tho condition of tho bciiooI building,
tho grounds, tho sanitation, tint furnl.
turo nnd supplies, tho library, care of
school room, organization, the teach
er's work nnd tho attondnnco nro
taken Into consideration. Tho coun
ty supervisor will grade tho schoolB
when : e visits them.
All Nobby Tread
United States Tires
. II T fff t TI baa M 1L. I
are guaranteed 10 run ouuu mnus. mis niuans inu unus you nave on your ca; I
as well as the ones you buy from now on.
5000 MILES
JUST THINK! This is 1500 miles more than any tire now on the market. The
manufacturers have arrived at this guarantee after a 'test of years which has prov
ed the worth and wearing qualities of the NOBBY TREAD TIRES.
Come in and ask George about this new deal on tires. '
In case your" tire does not give you the full 5000
mileage, I make the adjustment on the spot. No
waits, no freight, no ifs and ands, but just get your
replacement at GOODRUM'S GARAGE at the time it is presented.
Our service car is ready for your service so if in trouble at any time Just
phone your wants to 373-L and we will be at your side at once.
city's health. Tho mnnnger whoso
calling has boon that of n civil
cnglmor would tond to seo tho en
gineer's problem, tho bnnkor who
might bo choBon would regard a 1ml
nnco on tho right sldo of tho led
ger ns moro Importnnt; tho former
police chief would value highly an
efflclont Borvlco of public Hiifety.
Unusual breadth nnd business train
ing nro needed for nu all-round
good city mniingor cnpaclty to seo
all tho needs of tho city In reason
ably correction proportions nnd
meet thorn by npproprlato action. At
tho presont stago, hnvo wo such
men generally available? And nro
wo not nlroady developing tho right
sort of municipal oxports under our
commission governments? Why not
develop tho Mayor under tho com
mission form Into n general malin
ger, In effect though without tho
title, and retaining tho commission
form? Why not, If necessary In
tho Intorest of unity of administra
tion, make tho Mayor clearly tho
strongest position In tho commission
to glvo him grontor supervisory
power; to Increnso IiIb salary; to
require provlous municipal or other
administrative servico, tnougii u
will bo doubtful If it will bo wlso
to rostoro his voto.
Finally, Ib not tho mnnnger like
ly to ncqulro such larger powers
(ns executives havo frequently op
portunity to do) ns to ovorshndow
the commission and utlmntcly to
domlnato It? Will not cltlzons
como to voto for n commissioner
because ho la known to favor so-nml-so
for mnnngor rather than for
Tlmea Wnnt nils bring results.
Russell Building,
Central Avenue
BjxnMue la not cure children of tied.
Trflllce. Tliere l a roarittutlonal raue for
tlili trouMr. tin. M. Summon, Hoi W,
Notre Damp, InJ., will M'ml fnv to any motlirr
ber aucmtful Iiodic treatment, with full
InMructlona. Send no money, but write ber
toilajr If your eblUlren trouble rou la thla
war. Don't blame the child, the cbancea are
It can't help It. Tbla treatment alw core
adulti and aged people troubled with urtn
allfflcultlea bf U7 or Bight.
TKe Royal
WHITK KAOliK Making a hit at
ovory show. You can't holp bolng
plenscd at his clovor work.
JACQUKS, '11113 WOliK Another
ttilo of tho Great Northwest by tho
American Kclalr Co. Blind to tho
law of mnn, "The Wolf" treads tho
Gi'ent Northwest. Llko a beast In
curnnto lie blluka through tho
wlltls, mid yet ho has that which
compels the lovo of women. After
varied adventures his sins overtnko
htm. Two girls mourn.
ANIMATED WHKKIA' 12 interest
ing subjects.
Joker company Is tho only rival
of the Keystones.
Admission; Lower floor, 15c.
Balcony, 10c,
Commencing tomorrow afternoon,
Tho Wnltlieiimjer O'Connor Stock
Xot Tiuin1ii "M KXICO" Thla
plcturo Is worth seeing from the fact
Hint many scones aro real scones from
the struggle now going on In Mexico.
I. W. W. AND Til 12 LAW.
Tho I. W. W. oponly doclaro
tlionisolvta to bo luwbroukers w non
over thoy think Inwbreaklng will
servo tholr turn, says nu oxchnngo.
In n recent uuuihor of ono of tho
magazines tho Independent, wo be
llovo n porfectly clonr-hended I. W.
W. lenders oponly stated, In sub
stniico, that tho organization enred
nothing for tho Inw, did not pro
poso to pay any attention to It or
to nny othor restraint, hut proposed
to do what they plonsod, when they
pleased, mid to fight organized so
ciety by any and nil menus within
tholr power. And ho was rrnnk
enough to say that ho had no fault
to find with tho law ami socK-ty
fighting back. Tho I. W. W. had
declared wnr nnd oxpoctod war to
bo waged against them.
Yes, Alonzo, It Is possible for n
man nnd n woman to gonornto a
brand of plntouic lovo that will
stnml tho ncld teat If thoy can be
kopt COO miles apart.
PHONE 373-L.
Have your Job prlntinc done nt
Tho Times offlcn.
laocicrs kamoi's
Tin: FitAouANcn op khkhh
sin: oun wixhow
Drug Store
Corner Cent ml Avcnuo
nnd Second Street
Coos County Ranchers Can Save $10 on Every
Cow They Own
A De Laval Cream Separator
will save $10.00 to $15.00 per cow each year over any
gravity setting process or dilution system of shim
ming milk, and $3.00 to $5.00 over any other cream
Ts there any other machine used upon the farm
that will pay you anywhere near as well?
Thero aro many farmers in all parts of Coos Coun
ty who can and will testify to tho correctness of tho
a'bovo statement. You will do tho same, no matter
who.hov von own ono cow or ono thousand, after you
5 have experienced the benefits" it will confer upon you
at the end ot oven one wceics use.
This saving is brought about by tho universal law,
of a greater quantity and a better quality produced
at less cost, upon wliieh a great value is placed. This
is tho rulo followed in any manufacturing business.
Dairying is manufacturing, and this same law applies
twofold in tho production of butter.
Come in and talk it over with us and give us a
chance to prove these statements. A now DE
LAVAL just received. Drop in and see it.
Home Jast for jear
The value of any article consists not in
the mere POSSESSION of it, but in the
SERVICE it renders,
Home furnishings bought of us give ser
vice and comfort, not only for a week,
month or year, butfor a number of years.
"Quality Home Furnishings"
can be bought of the
Johnson-Gulovsen Co.
"Why Pay More?"
North Front Street
J Mfj
"""-iim titumtmUktmimgM
iii mi jmmmmmm