WWPBPPi(WPPl'iii' - THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1914 EVENING EDITION. THREE The New No. 24 Model Fox Visible Typewriter has a large number of new features and mnnhnninal refinements which make it ovpn more popular than before. Briefly described, the new FOX TYPEWRITER is: A Visible Typewriter, Carriage accommodates paper oy inches wide, Double Forward Carriage Release, Hew Patented Automatic Removable Ribbon Spool automatically revers ing and oscillating the ribbon, Forty-four keys, writing eighty-eight characters, Interchangeable Carnages and Platens, Stencil Cutting Device, Two-color Ribbon, Back Space Key, Card Holder, Light Touch, tasy Action, Tabulator Noiseless Durable, Tvnn Rnr nnd Hanner: The tvno bar has i a cone bearing, the pivot Is made from hardened steel drill rod, ground to perfect shape and smoothness by a special pro- mcc nf nnr own. The hfiarinc Is adjust able to take up all wear, The strong, type bar and wide, cone bearing insure perfect alignment and great durability In one of the most important parts o.f a typewriter, Back Spacer: The Back Spacing Device returns the carriage from left to right one space at a time, Stencil Cutting: Touching a key adiusts the machine for writing wax stencils for duplicating, Fintier Levers: The finger lovers are of hard steel, the forward end reduced In size, giving an even lighter touch than ever before, Line Lock: At the end of the line all typo bars lock automatically, Ribbon Movement: Either single or two color ribbon can be used, The action is entirely automatic, the reverse movement positive and requires no attention from the operator, A single color ribbon oscillates, using its entire surface, effecting a great saving in ribbons our oscillator practical ly doubles the life of the ribbon, Card Writing: Underneath the line indi cator is a small lever, Moving this for ward forces the line indicator firmly against the platen, making a perfect card holder, Tabulator: The Fox Tabulator is operat ed by a key at the front of the type writer, Escapement: The new Fox Double Bevel Escapement is free from frail parts, and without any special adjustment it will give all the speed required by the swift est operator, or it may be used by a slow beginner, Ribbon Spools: The No, 24 is supplied with patented interchangeable ribbon spools,. All Fox Brand Ribbons are sent out, without extra charge, on these new spools, Marain Renulatnrs: TIir snalfl tn wliinli margin regulators are attached is grad uated to correspond with the carriage scale, In setting either margin at any point it is not necessary to take the eyes from the keyboard, or rise from the seat, Line Spacing: The line spacing on all Fox Typewriters is automatic, Touch: The Fox lias the lightest touch and easiest action of any typewriter ever manufactured, Interchangeable Carriage: Any one of four different lengths of carriages can be used, Carriages can be changed in a few moments, Carriage Release: The carriage has a release lever on each forward corner of the carriage, Removable Platen: The platen is de tachable and can be removed from the typewriter without disturbing the carriage, Paper Feed: The paper feed will handle cards or paper of any size from a postage stamp to the full capacity of the carriage, Keyboards: The keyboard lias forty-four keys, writing eighty-eight characters, It is subject to many changes for special requirements or foreign languages with out additional expense, "Any Make, Any Time, Any Place." Typewriter Exchange and Supply Co. Phono 44, Alliance Warehouse, You wnnt clear, cheerful nnd convenient light. Good light makes all the difference in the world in the leisuro hours of the wage earner. It promotes his comfort and saves his eyes. Electric light is the clear, cheerful, conven ient light. It is also the economical light. Everyone can afford electric light. Think of the convenience, safety and cleanliness of electric lighting. It. means less work for the wives and daughters; more pleasure for all. Your homo can be modernized with elec ii'ic light at smqll cost. Telephone 178 for a eost estimate. 1 1 . Oregon Power Co. Second and Central The Times Does Job Printing To Be Healthy One Must Perspire! If you do not porsplro, tlio porea of tlio skin clog. In this condition you nro render od unhealthy. Ordinary tub baths havo no offoct upon cleansing tho pores of tlio skin henco tho RUSSIAN STEAM BATHS which nro now .offered for your honoflt nnd relief. Wo havo Installed an oxcollont sys tem of Russian nnd Turklsk Rnths, which nro tho finest In every respect. Physicians rec ommend n Russian Steam Rath at least onco n month. You nro Invited to call and In tpect our now and up-to-dato system of modern bathing at tho RUSSIAN STEAM BATHS Bunker Hill. Tnko White Star Auto to Dunker Hill. Gentlemen on Fri day and Saturday from 2 p. m, to 12 m and on Sunday from 8 a. ra., to 12 m. Ladles and families from 2 p. m. to 12 tn. on Thursdays. Tolehono 388-L. STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, nromldo Enlarging and Kodak Finishing. THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Mnrshfleld WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDEN STREET NORTH BEND O. A. Metlln, Prop, o1 fc. w it . mi -. - h r. rt VraPIsi. jm limr o' wwwju. J Continued from Pnirn Two h note jfiA I UVlli&o vocal solo by II. E. Miller, a violin solo bv Miss Mabel Itnrrlcim. n rnnil- I Miss Mlnnlo Parker at the homo of i lug by Dr. Mattle U. Shnw nnd a Mrs. ll. Mnrklo. Refreshments were song by MJss Volz, wna enjoyed. oi-ituu, .ui-b. iiim-kb ufing assisted i-nier earns nnu dancing were oil by her daughters, Constance and Sy- Joyed. Refreshments wero served, bll. Those present this week were . Mrs. Chas. Eckhoff, Mrs. E. H. Al-, derton, Mrs. R. E. Evans, Mrs. F. W. ' MEET WEDNESDAY. ! Wood, .Mrs. O, Ash, .Mrs. C. L. i Rralnnrd, Mrs. R. Mnrklo, Mrs. V. S. Tlio North Horn! Christian Ladles Erazler, Mrs. A. II. McKay, Mrs. C. 11. , will meet next Wednesday with Mrs. Marsh, Misa Louise Elsmlnger nnd , Clarke Glmlmon on Sherman nvenue, Miss Minnie Parker nnd Rev. A. P. the meeting plnco Waving been Dassford. ' 1 changed, a 4 wns In chargo of L. A. Loonils, 0. A. Pnlntor, Roy Rralnnrd, Joe Emory, Jnck Nowlln nnd Chns. Eckhoff, Jr., nnd wns n big success In every way. : I SURPRISE PARTY. I L INFORMA L AFTERNOON. I ' J -. - MINNIE-WIS CLUIJ. Mrs. W. Ross Smith wns hostess Tho Minnie-Wls Club will meet nt n dollghtful llttlo informal after- with Mrs. W. S. Brown on nextThurs- noon Thursday nt cards. Her guests , dny, March fi. wero Mrs. Dnvid Vniighnn, Mrs. L. F. Kniiccnsteln and Mrs. W. II. Foley. I PRIZE HALL. fr NORTH HEM) SOCIAL. Mrs. A. II. Imhoff wns hostess to tho North Uond Presbytorlnn Ladies' Aid Society at her homo on Union The prlzo mnsnuorndo bnll of tlio North Ilcnd Concert Hand at Eckhoff avenue Thursday afternoon. Tho nf nnil last Saturday ovenlnc wns on- tornoon wnB snent In bowIiik nnd con- Joyed by nbout 12C couples. Tho vorsntlon, refreshments being served prlzo for the handsomest costume nt the conclusion of tho session. Tho wns divided between Misses Shirley next meeting will bo held In two Peterson nnd Jessie King. Mrs. Rob- weeks at tho church. Those presont ert L. Simpson received the prlzo for this week wero Mrs. J. Mende, Mrs. the best Bustnlned character nnd Miss Goo. Hnzer, Mrs. R. C. Holmes, Mrs. Jesslo King received tho $10 door Marlon Lnngorborg, Mrs. C. A. Smith, Prize. j Mrs. Elmer Russell, Mrs. II. C. Dlers, I Mrs. Helnze, nnd MIbsos Helen nnd - Mildred Russell. I RIRTIIRAY PARTV. I , ' 4 A crowd from Dunker Hill nnd Mnrshfleld went to the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Poster .McDonald In North Rend Monday evening nnd nn enjoy ublo evening wns Bpcnt with music nnd games. At 11 o'clock a light lunch wns served. Those present w ero Mr. nnd Mrs. Foster McDonald, Mr. nnd Mrs. Stewart McDonald, Mrs. A. Schwartz, Mrs. 0. W Craig, Misses Lnurn Dubny, Minn nnd Lillian Dal gle, Esther and Myrtle Nelson, Slgnn Larson, Lllllo Ilremmor, Vivian Craig, Minerva Mecum, Rllln, Carrio nnd Veltna Ross, Messrs. Paul Kclka, Joo McCullcn, Ellsworth Wilson, Ch'nrles nnd Unrtlett' Knox, Charles Ross, James Malonoy, Chnrlcs Skor rett, Alfred Jnrvan nnd Orley Klnnoy. LADIES' ART CLUIJ. Miss Grace Nollnor celebrated her tenth' birthday Wcdnosdny by enter- tnlnlng n number of her llttlo frlcntlB ' Tho Lndles' Art Club wns cntor- ut tho homo of her jinronts, Mr. ami tallied Friday afternoon by Mrs. I). Mrs. C. A. Nollnor, in old North Rend. P. Vniighnn nt her homo In North Various games wero followed by a Mnrshfleld. It was purely n social sumptuous luncheon. Her guests In- meeting. In serving, Mrs. Vniighnn cluiled Annlo Wlttlck, Audroy Simp- wns nsslstcd by Mrs. L. F. Fnlkou- son, Alice Rolcliort, E.volyn Hinder, stein. Tho club will meet next Frl- Marguerlto Simpson, Mildred Free- day with Mrs. J. A. Illatt. Thoso land, Mildred, Doris and Gencvlevo presont this wook wero Mrs. J. A. lircssen, llcsslo nnd Enid Dver. Alinn Hlntt. Mrs. A. S. lllnnrhnnl. Mrs. Ol. Olson, Edith Cnvnnniigh, Flosslu Ivln Ediiinn, MrM. F. M. Flyo, Mrs. Knn nd others. unyes nna Fiorenco Peterson. I PRESRYTERIAN LADIES. Tho Ladles' Missionary Society of tho Presbytorlan church met at tho pleasant homo of Mrs. Harry Fol som on Second streot Wednesday af ternoon. Mrs. II. Snow wns tho lender of tho mooting. Tho subject of tho "homo" work wns "Our American Indians," nnd this subject wns hnndlcd vory Interestingly by Mrs. Q. O. Stithcrlln, Mrs. C. II. Wnltors nnd others, show ing how our missionaries among these people nro doing whnt tho Gov ernment cannot do (nlthough It Is doing much), l.c, Christianizing them. A blackboard talk pliowed whoro our Fchools for tbeso peoplo nro locntod nnd how innny of these thoro nro. This proved enlightening. Tho sub ject of tho "foreign" work wns "Kor en." and Mrs. I. S. Smith dealt with this most Interesting flold vory ably. Mrs. J, E. lrurkhnrt rendered a beautiful solo, accompanied by Mrs. Chns. McKnlghr. Mrs. Crawford, of North Dnkotn, who Is visiting friends In tho city, wns present nnd, told of tho work In that stnto and of how consecrated work brings results. An nnni8lng nnd nltogether interesting fonrtiro,of tho afternoon wns tho ex hibit of curios from tho workmanship of tho Indian nnd Korean loaned by mts. j--. a. uow nun airs, E. G. Flnna- CIIURCH SOCIAL. , W. II. Foloy, Mrs. L. F. Fnlkcnsteln. I i Mrs. w. E. Hoagland. Mrs. A. L. Hoiiscworth, Mrs. L. 0. Lnng, Mrs. E. D. Mr-Arthur, Mrs. N. Rnsmussen, .Mrs. ,i. v. Toiniidor, Mrs. I. M. Con- S. Illsey, Mlllor nnd (Iron. Mrs. Chns. Fonslur nnd m. Tho speclnl guests Dunno, W.C.T.U.. MEETING. .MoKdnmcs A W. E. Ialrd wero hostesses at a most W. Ross Smith. entertaining session of tho North of tho nrtnrnnnn worn Mm llond Methodist Ladles Thurrdny nf- Mrs. W. Vaughnn, Mrs. D. Mclntyro ternoon nf the church narlnm. Sow. nml Miss Wiiln Rnvniro ing nnu cunning wc-p rollo vd bv refreshments. Tho ladles will meet ngnln In two wooks at the church parlors. Thoso present this week Mrs. w. E. Laird, .Mrs. Win. Nollson, Mrs. Fnnnlo Whoolor will ontor Mrs. II. Hunt, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. 13. tnln tho W. C. T. U. nt Its regular II. Curtis, Mrs. J. arout, Mrs. Per- monthly srsBlon next .Monday. A lilus, Mrs. L. Sells, Mrs. Roy o. report of thospeclnl county nicotine Urnlnnrd, Mrs. Tom Juzn, Mrs. P. of tho orgnnlzatlon at Con.ulllo this Miller, Mrs. V. O. Ash, Mrs. Os-'weok will probably bo submitted, bourne, Mrs. Allco Anns, Mrs. Elmer' Woods, .Mrs. Chns. van Zlle, Mrs. Douglas Putnam, Mrs. A. L. Gnbsor. I t W. II.' M. Mrs. Floyd Coffelt, Mrs. .1. p. Smith, - Mrs. ijlbort Hlscy, Miss Gortrudo ' Tlio C. W. R. M. will bo entor Arms, Mlsg Ella Gurnon, Miss Dorn tnlnod noxt Tuesday by Mrs, .Mnttlo Fell and Rev. A. F. Illsey. I Ulaln at hor homo lu South Mnrsh- j Hold. I BRIDGE LUNCHEON. I ! I RAITIST WOMEN. .Mrs. W. T. Stoll wns hostess nt 0 two tables of lifidgo and liinehoon I Tho Mnrshnold Baptist Womon's Thursday at 2 o'clock. Her houso Mlsulonary Society will bo oiitortnln- was vory prottlly and profusoly doc- "'I "oxt Woilnomlay by Mrs. 1.. II. orntod with daffodils, ncnoln and , Coroy. grcons. enrrylng out tho color scIioiiki of spring grcons nnd yollows. Mrs. E. G. Perhnm prize, won tlio nftornooii's COLLEGE WOMEN'S CLUB. I . ; Tho Collogo Womon's Club will moot next Wednesday evening with Mrs. M. c. Malonoy. Tho subject for tho meeting will bo CollogeB, and Mrs. Mnloney will read a paper on "Eu gono," Thoro will nlso bo a talk given by J. S. Smith on "Corvallls." FINE SOCIAL. I ROYAL AUCTION CLUB. Mrs. Carrio Duiignu will bp host ess to tho Royal Auction Rrldgo Club nt hor homo on Commorclnl aenuo noxt Tuesday. I THURSDAY CLUB. I Mrs. Harry Rradflold was hostoss at a dollgh'tful mooting of tho Thurs day Club this week. Practically all of tho mombors wero presont nnd Miss Wltto, a ulster of Mrs. Rrad flold, wns a special guest of tho after noon. Tho noxt meeting plnco of tho club has not been announced. FIREMEN'S BALL. Tho North Rend Women of Wood craft tendorod n most dollghtful soc ial nnd card, tinrty at Taylor's Hall last Monday evonlng. There wns a largo attendanco and tho nrtlstln dnn. orations, doplctlng Washington's Tho nnnunl ball of tho Murshllold birthday In red and whlto effect, F,r0 Department for their wives nnd mndo tho sceno most Inviting. Do- sweothonrts and n few Invited guests llclous refreshments woro served. ,aBt Saturday evening at tho Odd Fol At enrds, Mrs. Daniel McDonald and ' lows' Hall was n most dollghtful af- Jack Nowlln won tho first prizes, fair. Thoro wns a largo attendance whllo Mr. nnd Mrs. N, II. Wolllng re coivcu mo consolation prizes 4 ! f STAR SOCIAL. Tho monthly social of Doric Chap-' lor, u. b. b was enjoyed by n largo number. It was tho young folks' night. A short program, including a and. ovoryono was bent on having n good time. Refreshments woro served at tho conclusion of tho ovenlng, Tho annual ball of tho North , llond Flro Department wns hold I i nurBuny evening in tneir nan. it I YOUNG LADIES' AID. v Tho, Young Lndles Aid of tho Xor weglnn Lutheran church met at tlio homo of Mrs. It. O. Thorpe on Thurs dny ovonlng nnd n very enjoynblo tlmo was spent lu conversation, mow ing nnd gnmes, nftor which tho ' out ess sorved rofreshmonts, nnd AIlss Mnbol Mnthlson nnd Mr. 13. O. Mull ein rondorod somo very boHiitlful pia no selections. Thoso prosont v.vro: Miss Mnbol Mnthlson, MIbh Corn Mnthlson, .Miss Alko Miithlson. Mls Bonn Rofslnnd, Miss Hniiiia Sunno, Miss Jonnlo Johnson, Miss Dorothy Johnson, .Mr. Knl Rrnutior, Mr. Oll vor Lnrson. Mr. 13. 0. Mollom nnd Rov. nnd .Mrs. It. O. Thorpo. : I NEWLV-WERS. I v Tl o Nowly-Weds will bo entor tnlnod noxt Wednesday nftomoon by Mrs. Lostor Snllng nt her homo in Enstsldo. 4 I HONOR .MISS MAIIONEY. .Mrs. Hugo Qulst was hostosa nt n most chhrinliig nfternoon Inst Mon day coinpllmontnry to Miss Mnmlo Mnhnnoy. Tho house wns most nr tlstlpally decornfed, Washington's Rlrtlnlny bolng roflcctod lu n iiumbor of clovor nnd unhiue wnyu. Tho color scliomo wns rod, nnd as n coutor plero sho lmd, a mlnlnturo chorry troo nnd hntchot. Some rnro laco plerns woro also features o? tho tablo decorations nnd a splendid thToo courso dlnnor wns served nt tho closo of tho nftomoon, which wns spent In sowing, cards and othor diversions. Tho hostess wns assisted by hor moth er, Mrs. Georgo F. Murch. Among thoso prosont wero Mrs. 13. Mlngus, Mrs.M. rOy-n,0JWyrB. R. K. Rooth. (Continued on Last Pago.) You're really dry in a Fith Brand Reflex Slicker Notadmiy "ntu" water -proof, but loamr, comfoit-giv'nif ervics coat (tut i ill protect you through thick ad thin u the wcttett wuther, $3.00 SlK Wi nnnt rJainf v An 1VI1 ' SATISFACTION , GUAHANTEED on Jut man it rf-AWFl IdaticJ l trsi ajbyiKT A. J. Tower Co. ."m(S muk BOSTON T tti"rt gPX' KS& M "Diamond Quality fijfifl I SEEDsJIl WJTt TOM ion OW KJkOv I 1914 .CATftLOG If I wkI planters guide YVSni I lilting tK Um of every. H thug for Mulet wxl Home V Lnl ' I Ciidau A rtUU refer. Ifltll I eoce Mi wxl dtptnd- Hl j p fury o Suceeit In ttrvina JtJKil IK Norihwtittrn Growtri lKal MANV OF OUR NI3W 1914 Wall Paper Patterns nro now on display. Wo aro honest In our opin ion that such n collection, such a varied assortment of in odium and. low priced wall pnpors has novor been shown on Coos Day. Thoso now ldons aro arrang ed and shown In such a mnn nor that their real merits can bo seen at a glanco, Drop In at 370 North Front streot and seo CW.VIERS- lliouo 0Mt. ABk for Cataloguo No, 320. SUCCESSFUL I3VKRYWIIERI3 Peoplo ovorywhoro nro talking of tho quick and flno results Foloy Kldnoy Pills glvo In backache, rheumatism, kldnoy and bladdor troubles. You can not tako them Into your ByBtom without good ro sults. That Is bocauso Foloy Kidney Pills glvo to tho kidneys nnd blad der Just what nnturo calls for to heal thoso woakened and inactive organs. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 74, it 1 i "T"3!f "