jL ,-, , nlHlMMMri THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1914 EVENING EDITION. TWO ii i ..111.11 mmmm??"TT'?"Fm - - - CONTIUllUTIONS concerning r. bocIivI hnpponliib'B, Intended for publication In tlio eocioiy ucpnri mcnt of Tlio TIiiicm. must bo sub nilttetl to the editor not later than C o'clock p. in., l-'titlny ut cuch week. (ICxcoptlons will bo allowed only In cases whoro ilio cvcutB occurrcMl Inter tlinu the tlnio mentioned.) 1I4U30NAL notices of visitors In tho city, or of Coos Day pooplo who visit In other cities, together nit, noMrcs of soclnl nffalrs, nro gladly received In tlto social de partment. Telephone 133. No tices of club mootlngs will bo published and secretaries are kludly requested to furnish same. of North Dond met Tuesday with Mrs. G. J. Leinniiskl. Sowing was continued for the fair tnat 1b botng planned for some tlnio after Eafttcr. D llclous refreshments tvero sorved n tlin eioso nf the afternoon by the I hostess, assisted by Miss Ellzaboth and Miss Ottilia nooning. inosu present woro Mrs. C l- McCollum, Mrs. August Iloolllng, Mrs. fJeo. Trumnn, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Harry Truman, Mrs. Walter Hussd!, Mrs. I C. Wallace, Mrs. Dan McDonnld, Mrs. J. 1'. Morris, Mrs. V. G. Hlnd marsh, Mrs. C. S. Kaiser, Mrs. Le nianskl and Misses Winnie Doylo and Anna Truman. Tlio laHIcs will meet next week with Mr. Walter Russoll. : : run KKTTM-rs sono. I wish the kettle would slug again, .lust us It used to do. 1 wish It would Blng of n Hon s'.nln With ti cnbln boy, and the bov was I Of n plrnto crew on the Spanish Mnln Of a clipper ship on the seaway high With n cabin boy nnd the boy was I Just ns It used to do. I wish tile kettlo would sing again, Just ns It used to do. Of a little girl In a bonnet rod, Snvetl by a priuco from n hydra head That lurked In the corn that towered high And the girl was Sue, and the prince was I Just ns It used to do. I wish tlio kettlo would sing ngalu, .lust nB It used to do. Tlio lyrics It croonod nnd tlio tnles It told Hut t' o hearth Is chill and tlio years nro old; The fancies It whispered have all Ukcn wing, And uevr nKtn tlio kettlo will Flu;. Jmt ti It lived to do. lohn I). Welti. ' I UXTHItTAlNH S. S. CLASS V Miss Anna Downs entertained tlio niPinbors of Mrs. Marsh's Sun day School class of tlio Ilaptlst Church last Saturday at a Georgo Washington party. Tho decorations and entertainment woro suggestlvo of Georiro Washington. At tho nounccd In next week's Boclnl cal- closo of tho afternoon dainty ro- lrcsuniuniB nuro buivou "j mu ii-- tlo hostess and her niothor. Thoso present were Mrs. C. 11. Mnrsh, I Helen uuiovsen, uionunce wrigiu, .1 Elslo Thomas, Uornlco Patchott, endnr. roit mils. Kisiiion Mrs. F, A. Hazard entertained hintn n" '' """ at sowing Monday nftornoon with . Mrs. JamoB Howard Fisher ns guest ........,,.., T of honor. Those Invited woro Mrs. Mlt MISS II1..VM-.IJ. Marsh, Mrs. Isis Marsh, Mrs. Mc- - 7Z7n,nin.t Carty, Mrs. Herbert Cobmnii, Mrs.', Mrs. M. C. Mnlonoy cntortaliiod Mnry McKnlght. Mrs. C. A. Mc-!'iformally on Tuesday afternoon for Knight, Miss Nettlo Savage, Mrs. Carl Evortsen, Mrs. Alvn Doll nnd Miss Frances Frnnso." WA Sill X TON 1 II I IT 1 1 1 A V I'AltTV Monday afternoon Mrs. F. L. Sumner was hostess nt tho second nnd Inst of lior sorlos of Washing ton's Hlrthdny partl-B. Her homo was decorated with hatchets nnd flags, nnd tho tnblo dccorntlons enr rled oiit tho color schcnio of nation nl colors. Her guests wero Mm. E. D. McArthur, Mrs. F. M. Flyo, Mrs. F. S. Dow, Mrs. Jas. Ilolnnd Miss Mnv Honnett. who is visiting Jn Marshflold. After an nftornoon of cards nnd s wing, tho Iiobicbs sorved light refreshments. Thoso Invited woro Miss May ttonnott, Mrs. H. K. Ilooth, Mrs. Hugo Qulst, Mrs. E. ,IIngU8, Mrs. W. II. Kennedy, Mrs. Hobt. Kellogg. Mrs. Hen Chnnd lqr, Mrs. Harry llutler, Miss Gon ovlovo SongBtncken, Miss Mario Mn lonoy, MIbb Laura Kruso, nnd Miss Mmy Ellen Mnhonoy. . - IIAIXIIOW CLUIl Tho Hnlnbow Club wns organlzod ni tho homo of Mrs. Chns. Dungnn ( Ul J ju ' '' wi avwaiwaia ." -- - - son, Mrs. W. II. Curtis, Mrs. Lydla on South Coos Itlvor, on inunuiny - . ... tl.. . r - nfti.ciiniui Tln fillnuMiiir nfl l(irfl Lnng, Mrs. John Ulntt, Mrs. .Ins., afternoon. Tho following officers Cownn. Mrs. I. M. Condron nnd i wore elected: PrcBldrnt, Mrs. hlmor DCBSe) , VH-'U-JIIUBIUUIIl, .HID. ,, , 1, WntBonj socrotary, Mrs. Tom Smith. Mrs. Win. Itoss Smith I YOUXCJ MATUOXS As well ns being n social club, It nlso has for Its object tlio improve 1 mont of tho lHchborhood. Tlioyl " " : ... . . i The club of young mntrons mot lmvo nppomiojl a eoinnimeo to enro with Mrs. Wnlter Clnbaugh Thiirs-.ror Uiobo who aro sick nnd In need ilny, with Mra. A. E. AdolspergoriOf asBlstnnco. miii mUb iio1i.ii linnii nn tnioniR. Tho afternoon was plcnsnntly nnd Vrs. Morrow, Mrs. Guy Kendall, profitnbly spoilt, tlio hostess serving MrB. Otis Wilson, Mrs. Jnrvln. Mrs. -an eiauoraie wncn. mo " '-''" Dnn Mnlonoy nnd Mrs. Grnnnls wtro.ing win uo in iwo wl-uu wmi .m, Will Dlllllll. 1 nose pruBuui. i iiurn- day wero Mesdanios Win. Morgan, V V A MAN deninntlB: (present. Mr. . Noll McMillan will That n girl shall bo porfectly ontortnln next week, Inking the reg unsophlstlciited nnd an Ignorant iilnr placo 'of Mrs. Jnrvlu. ns n babe of nil tho ovIIb In tho world, ! ! YET bo able to tako euro of hcraoU; nmldst nil Its porllB. I w f Tn'nt alio shall bo n gay llttlo but- terflv. YKT nossess n noblo aoul con- Tho A. N. W. mot Thursday with cenled under lior frivolity. ItB presldont, Mrs. Chns. Stauff for Will Smith, Hon Smith. Tom Smith, E. ,L. Uessey, Wnrron Iicssoy, li. i-j. Ilessoy, J. A. uoodwiu, nyru i,ni tln, Louis Worth, Frank Itogers, A. O. ItogiTS. Mutt Jutstrom, Grant, Chns. Ilagqulst, W. F. Flodson. E. It. Ilodson. MIsbob Ada Cllnkcn- Tliut Bho ntiall babblo Idiocies, YET the custoinory plinsnnt nftornoon benrd, Irono ,no()80n' WJ'' '"' i cnpnblo of being n real companion of bowIiik mid chat. Tho club no Run nnd I-rank nnd Stnnlej Il-essoj lin to nn Intolllgeut man. copied regretfully tlio realgnntlon Thnt Bho Hhnll bo n fluffy ruffles of Mrs. Hnus Heed, ono or Its obl whoHo clothca innko. other wonion eat moinliora, tender d nt thla meot rubbor, YET enro nothing for dress, lug. Mra. J. T. Hnrrlgan waa olect uBpeclally nftor Hho gota mnrrled. oil to rill tho vnenncy nnd will bo That her lunula ahnll always bo Initiated nt tho r-nxt mooting. Mrs. nlco mid pink, nnd white, nnd soft, Hugo Qulst will ontortnln tho club nnd Bqupoziiblo. YET that alio shall n'xt week. Thoao presont Thura bo hnndy with tlio cook atovo und tho dny woro Mra. Smith, Mra. O'Con dlBhwnahliig ""'I, Mrs. Noblo, Mrs. Murphy, .Mrs. Thnt alio ahull fnll In lovo with Allen, Mrs. Ilydo, Mra. llennott. Jilm nt flrat sight. YET not bo too Mra. Mnry McKnight, Mra. C. F. onally won, nnd give him n run for. McKnlght, Mra. Kaiser. Mrs. M C. his money before alio finally acccpta Mnlonoy, Mra. Evortson, .Mra. Hnz 1,1,,, nrd mill Mra. Stnuff. Thnt aho ahnll bo flro to him, YET nnow nnd ko to nil the balance of tho world. I X. II. CATHOLIC LADIES' A limn demands or his wire: I j All) Tlint alio ahnll bo porfectly dovoted to him. Bays Dorothy Dlx. HUT that, with Mrs. II. J. McKeown. or alio ahnll never innko her lovo n bur-. Mnrahfleld, Miss Ilnmloy, of llnn don to him. I don, nnd Hov. Fnthor Mel) vltt ns That alio shall live only in his guests, tho Catholic- Lndlca' Aid presence, HUT thHit alio ahnll not re- IIAIMIST L.llli:.c. I Tho North Ilond Ilaptlst Ladlos' Aid Socloty was eiitortnlned Wednes day nftornoon by Mrs. J. II. Clnrko at lior homo In North Dond. At tho business hpfbIoh It was decided to lmvo the business sesbloua the seioud WedneBdny of etu-h nionili nnd tho social HCBglouH the fourth Wcducs dny nnd cooked food sales tho third Snturdny of each mouth. T.io Inst cooked food sale netted them $1D. Thero ', ns been n gain In iiiomborahlp, about thlrty-flvo now being enrolled. Itov. A. F. Ilussrord of Mnrahllold baa pronilaed thorn to conduct services once n mouth In tho Episcopal hall thore. Tlio next meotlng wl'l bo with 'Oontinuod on Pago Threo.) Bent. Via absence. That she will bo a clinging vino, IUIT thnt aho ahull only festoon her aoir ubotit hlin nt such times nnd aensoiia na It Is ugreoublo ror him to net tho purl of tho noble unit. Thnt aho will bo n good yoke ninto. nnd pull her half or tho domestic load, HUT wlillo doing so Bho will present tho nppenrniuo or n ttuy 1 It tU Boeloty butterfly. Thnt alio will be nil lutelllKcut human boiug, HUT ulwnya defer to his opinion and uccept his point of view on every Hiibject, Thnt aho will be of n true niul loyal iinturo. lH'T perfectly willing t give up oven the mother who bore her If hu doesn't happen to fuucv his moth-or-ln-lnw. Thnt alio will be n model or nil the cniillnul virtues. HUT possess uiiough deviltry to nlwnya keep u ninn Interested und guosslng. Thnt aho will listen with rapt Interest- to nnythlng ho chooses to toll her about his nffnlra, HUT thnt alio will nover Iinvo curiosity onoiiRh to uak him any nuostloiiB. That sho will bo as well dressed na othor moil's wives, but apend no mon ey on clothes. That aho will aot a good tnblo, HUT run up no grocery or butchor'a bills. T! nt alio will be n good cook, but never amoU of tho kitchen. Thnt alio slmll hnvo enough sonso of humor to laugh when ho makos run of lior peculiarities, HUT not enough to porvolvo his eccontrlcltlos. In n word, men demand tlmt wo man should he a fool, n sage, a lover, n prude, a fashion plate, nn econo mist, n cook, n lady, a parlor orna ment nnd a kitohen utensil. That is tho reason so few men nro satlBflod with their wives. c .lOLLY DO.KX ' Mrs. (1. Johnson wns nosiess io tho Jolly iiooii woiiuusuii nu Mrs. Gale took tho placo of Mra. UiiBh us uitortnlnor. Mrs. Hush wns nbsont on account of Illness. AMur n social afternoon rofrosh- . monta woro sorvod by the hostoss nnd Mrs. Geo. Hourko. Prosont wore' Mra. Hourko, Mra. uaie. .urs. nrockmuollor, Mrs, Snow and Mrs. Johnson. The meeting placo for the club In two weeks will bo an- TIME "ACCURACY" IS THE FIRST QUALITY A WATCH SHOULD POSSESS. WE GUARANTEE THE TIME KEEP- IXG QUALITY OF OUR WATCHES. WE HANDLE WATCHES FROM THE LEADING MAKERS AND CAN ABSO LUTELY RELY ON THEIR ACCURACY. COME SEE OUR CLOCKS. A CLOCK MAKES A BEAUTIFUL, USEFUL ORNAMENT FOR YOUR HOME. NOR CAN YOU MAKE A MORE ACCEPTABLE PRESENT THAN A CLOCK. WE REPAIR WATCHES AND CLOCKS AND FIX YOUR BROKEN JEWELRY SKILLFULY AND REASONABLY H. S. TOWER THE RELIABLE JEWELER. I ifo Metropolitan Opera House Of New York Uses 53 HardmaR Pianos The Metropolitan York CitVi the most Jzation In the world, two or three most pianos of distinction The following is from the manager Hardman, Peck & Hardman Piano, Opera Company, -of New distinguished musical organ uses exclusively one of the distinguished of the world's i , a copy of a letter received of this opera company to Co,, manufacturers of the JBjJwV "Gentlemen: It gives me great pleasure, on behalf of the Metropolitan Opera House, and also the artists who have taken part in the performances during the season just closing, to thank you for the Hardman Pianos which have been supplied since last November, and to express the thorough satisfaction that we all feel in these instruments, which, of course, we use exclusively, The Hardman Pianos have been In constant use in the dressing rooms of the artists, in the orchestra and elsewhere for practical work besides a largo num ber were used by the artists in their private apartments, The fine tone quality, fullness and splendid durability of these pianos are fully recognized by everyone We shall start upon the coming season with complete assurance in regard to the unqualified satisfaction the Hardman Pianos will give to us and to our artists, w Believe me, Yours very truly, JOHN- BROWN Last week we ordered a Hardman Grand and sold it on the day of arrival and have ordered another of these fine instruments to arrive on the next steamer from Portland, , , , , , l'l We are always pleased to have musical people drop in at our store and try our instruments, THEY BEAR INSPECTION, O! jl M All popular music, 15c the copy. Diieet MUSIC. McKinley Edition, 10c a copy. New pieces every week. II xTTX H I V-rfwf iyf i r i ll fUMfc. iFe m t t- ' j &2tw &tte?rjUMW.mtm& Vi. L L THOMAS, Manager. 218 Central Avenue. Phone 134-J or 15-L MM W rnam Park MARSHFIELD'S MOST ATTRACTIVE RESIDENCE DISTRICT OFFERS NOW THE BEST OPPORTUNITY TO HOME BUILDERS AND SMALL INVESTORS LOW PRICES Lots in this tract range in price from $300 to $700, All good sized building lots, IMPROVEMENTS Street improvement work now under way, Water and sewer con nections will soon oe Plan now to build, GOOD VIEW You can secure any view or fac ing desired, Level attractive lots with south facing or bay view lots as low at $400, " ' CLOSE IN This property is located in the very heart of the city, within live mimitncl limit nf tlio hllQIIIPSS CCm' ter, EASY TERMS Small payment down, -balance In two years and a half 37 cents a day will buy a choice lot in this desirable tract, CLEAR TITLE The title to this property Is now clear, The building restrci such only as will afford protection to property holders and add w their value, ANNnilNPFMFNT- For t,le benefit of those who are busy ailwuuvxivlLHi.through the day Mr Rejd desires to an nounce that he will be found at this office evenings from 7 to 8 o'clock. Telephone 264-J. ' T" L. 3 .-! . - numore.' Acient rernam ram, w. a. Keid, wti1 Have youv Job printing done ai The Times ofttce. All Kintis of Job Printing Done at The T"et -J