ai';in."3SaMtifflR2Hb3H A MAN ENTIRELY WRAPPED UP IN HIMSELF CARRIES A VERY SMALL PACKAGE fflnns lag WxmtB WATCH YOUK WIFE COOS HAV TIM IS. A clean, wholesome newspaper for Coos County homes. The Times lias the largest proved circulation of any newspaper in Coos, Curry or Doug las counties. nra.1 tlio wIvh. In Tho Times. Ks- ncctaiiy lf Mlc h ?UlR Bho,,llK' L, Ploio nlllioiit n ndv. In The Xi,c9 Is handicapped in tho rnco for Trade. MKMHKK OP THE ASSOCIATE) PRESS VOL XXXVII. Established 1H7H as Tho Coast Mall JiiTCUI HUERTA IN iEXECUTED VEBGJA AT HUULBO MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1914 EVENING EDITION 10 PAGES A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall 1 OQ nml Coos Hay Advertiser. yu' ' 01HEH GIVES LIFE 10 SAVE SONS Ecapt Sanders Quoted as Say- ng mat hiiiciiuoii . Kidnapped by Them CONSUL GARRETT TO MArt UHncruu rnuot Washington Officials Interest- go aS IYIUUII III vuvjcuao uase us duiiiuii o. Hl'I'ltTA TO EXPLAIN. ' B, AwtlttM Trwi to Coot n Tlmm.1 I WASHINGTON. D. C.. Fob. jS-CharKo d'AHalres O Shnugh nessy reported today tlmt lio liml I niAUO rCllt'HUfllll"lin lWl-V. .l.i.O I Vornir'a ilcillll tind that tllO llucrta govoriiniuni " " i""""" i ed a full and ilotnlleil cxplnnn- I Hon of tho Killing. I REBEL GIFS It, AiiOfltttJ Titm to Coo Hr TImff.) WASHINGTON. 1). C. Fob. 2S. (ifMcinlu dlnciiBB il with much In terest tho report of Cnptnln Snn Iden of tho Texas rangers Baying that Clcnto Versarn, nn Amcrlcnn Htlzen, who wiib roporani nnngcii, did really been Kidnapped nnu huoi h Hucrta's federal soldiers. Whllo Comul unrreu nau ueon ordered u nalce nn extensive Inquiry and vlg- broui rcnrcsentatloiiB, thcro was Ut ile official Information on tho Ver Say England Should Have Ap- ijucmuu unuui iu mem in Benton Case tlf AmocttliM Pit., to Coon tr TlmM.J NOGALES. Mex., Fob. 28. That England, ilcsplto Its recognition of tho Huorta Kovirniuent, should lmvo nindo direct rcpruHontntloiiH regard ing tho death of Win. S. llcntoti to aeneral Cnrrouzn, was the position taken' today by those In rloso touch with Currnnzn. Tho Constitutionalist chief himself maintained sllenco on tho Biihject. Insurgent officials pro fessed Ignorance or tho detnllB sur rounding Ilonton's death. PERCKVAI, IS lll'S V. Mrs. Stella Marins. nf SnnknnP..CCS8full' t snvo tho lives of her n . . r it ii two daughtors, Hclon, aged 4 and uuiiiuu iu uuatll in mi un successful Attempt to Save Two Daughters. injr AMoctilrd rrrti to Coo nr Tlmw. SPOKANE, Feb. 28. Mrs. Sotella Maries, a widow, lost her llfo early today when Bho attempted unsuc Gale, nged 7. Tho mother discover ed tho homo on flro, nnd after arous ing her two boiib, went to her ilaughtorB' bedroom. Tho flamea Bprcad bo rapidly that all thrco wero cut oft and their bodies woro found In tho ruins. Tho two boys escaped by Jumping from u Becond-Btory window. Hi KNIIY OREGON MAN IS INDICT ELEVEN IJiUInIi Consul Continues Pi-nlx of Heath of llenloii at 111 Paso. tllr AMothtcl Prrt to Coot liar Tlmiw.J El, I'ASO, Fob. 28 Hrltlsh Con sul Poreovnl, who was sent hero to Investigate tho death or IJonton, rcm- tltllieil todnv hlfl Inmiln- u-ltlinnt in klllln IT. which has stirred Wash-I Knol;lin ln nauliitnn,.,. f n... Ai.mrt. osioii official circles Just as much I rnn consular ngoiitH. So far, tho con i, did II nton'H execution. Inquiry HuI'b nctlvltlea havo bcon confined nto tho Denton c:ibo was planned to IntervlowH o begin In earnest today or tomor- oeorgo C. Cnrolhors said he hopes " "'" ,'T , r io stun ror uhiiiunhtin by tonight. f a incclnl train bearing repreai'ii- nn win r,ivi n. .,n,.ii., i.ini. .athci of Knglnnd mid tho United Iuiu. no will romiiln with Villa . .il" . ,l, . V. "V," tliroiiBliout tho hitter's southorn onder of Benton's body to ho w d- rm,,Rn. iw nm iiui iju iiiuooi'ii until iilbvi lie medical examination. That Car- sou nould exort his Influonco to lear up tho situation wns tho as luranco received today. Officials id beforo them Governor Cnlnultt's lram niklne whether tho Unit-' d States recognized any constituted wrnment iu North Mexico with horn ho rntihl iirrnugo for tho ex- 1 1 1 1 UM I 1 1 111 If Ultlon of tlids resnonslblo foriUUIILU ULII ersaraa dea li. HELD AT BAY Calvan Neal, of Jordan Valley, Near Albany, Threatens Officers Wr AtiorUtxl Pft to Coot n, TlmM.J AM1ANY. Or.. Feb. 28.-Cnlavn Neal, alleged to bo Insane, who AT PORTL Federal Grand Jury Reports Many True Secret Bills T. R. Sheridan's Case ' (Itr AMorltth I'm. to Cont tt Tlrnm, l'OUTLAND, Or., Fob. 28. Elcv- Mayor F. E. Allen of Marsh field, May be Candidate for County Clerk County tiolltlcs nro bcelnntni; to got real lively and n big crop or cnndidntcs aro coming out for tho prlmnrlcB, May 15. Among tho latest nBDirnntB- lenort- ed to ho onturlni: tho field 1b said I to bo Mayor F. E. Allen, who Is roportod to bo plnnnlng to go after tho county clerkship. J. II. Starr, of Urldgc. was horo yesterday Bounding out locnl nconlo1 lind not been captured up to a Into Jury dlumlsBcd. Tho bills wero plac- ulout his candldncy for Sheriff. It hour today. Uoputy Shcrltr Mud- 0(l ,n tll0 flCcrot fIo n9 tll0 nrrosts ,re''0lr1t10(' ll,nt "nofJ'orn Mr,,,R ley hns returned to 8clo to got re- ,.... ,,. .. ,,, m,,rn i,iiia,mnn wl" ' )0BU Sliorlff Gngo for Inforcoments nnd will ondenvor to-lm0 "ot boon ,nndo' Threo bl,,fl tho Domocrntlc nomination. capture Neal tonight. An attempt wcro roturned mnrked "not truo." Tom H. James will probably bo was nindo to arrest Neal yesterday Uankor T. II. Sheridan, of Hosoburg, n candidate for tho Itcpubllcan nom- for alleged threats to kill tho ncluii- was not named amoiiK thoso whoml'nn'ion ror Commissioner, tin Ing Eton's' to'shoot anyono'npproaVh- c," ftr ul1'8 woro returned by tho ; his cnbln In tho Jordan Vnlloy, 1'oderal grnnd Jury today and tho ffliljll I A i S BADLY POST ET M TD DCS Car Turns Over on Driver in Lead and Injures Two Quito Severely FAVORITES FAIL TO KEEP IN LEAD THERE Oldfield and Do Palma Turn Into Pits Late This After noon The Entries bors. S 1 IDEWEY'S TALK pnicn HNO i QUESTION IS DISCUSSED Controversy Over Manila Bay Clash Grows Warm American Threat Won in. A..oUtl I'itm lo Coot !UT Timet. 1 11HUMN, Fob. 28. "Admiral Do woy gradually talked himself Into a passion. Ho said: 'Why, I shall stop every vessel, whatever may bo her colors, and If alio does not I stop I shall riro at hor. And that (menus war, do you know It, Sir; ! .i ... ,,. . iiiieiiiiH war, uo you Know it, nirr flSSlOnary WOUlU Limit Immi- Whon tho phrnso Mf Gormnny wants gration to Races Now in te0."OCC,,rrca nKn",, ! t00k my unnea siates . Itj aiMUUj Trcit to Coot n.T Tin... 1 ?f .YORK, Feb. 28. Dr. Sidney HjUIICK, the veteran inlHRlnnnrv whn fceatly laid leforo tint 7inito,i sna lojernment a radical plan for aolv- r "' iKration problom, spoko Ioimi ??'. bt,f?ro th0 Loa" or Moat Immigration bo limited to flvo , F CtDt flnniinll .. i . Tho nbovo wns quoted by Admiral von Dloderlchs today from tho re port of Flag Lloutonnnt con Hlntzo, who Ib now German Minister to Moxlco. It was Included In a state ment Issued by von Dloderlchs In reply to that mado by Dewey regard ing exciting Incidents botweon tho Amorican nnd Gorman naval com iiinndors In .Manila liny during tho blockade. Tho report of von Hlntzo ttot annnnllt- nt l. ......i. . followed n visit hn inniln tn Dnwnv. h race alrnmlf .,,.. n.i i.. n.lll In oi'lilnnt frnm thlu rnnnrt that lilted states with their Amorican I Dowy throntened tho Gormnn with r- vuimren. in his nddrpsn inilnv wnr u inoy uiii not cuuso uiuir ni- arfwi-- i"Vu,"'1 nnu-anpan- :,:-""",",, ,, Va --" "" -o'llUII nilll i uia ntrnil Vn. ll.tiwiiui -wiwj " ' w j -i.. " " IIVLUWUI1 LI111I II I K, i1:0. 'mionB ot " iTllluiin. v.., ,i"'CKy BWmilJ) our I'l'iatlon. "Hut "hn sntii '.. K r,e WW' "Usundorstood. Mta w?k ,rc? "ilRrat1on to (" utl-Atlatle liuininn ".gSJEFEATCD APTER UNFAIR FIGHT I' ioc..i . A1?&R. Australia, Fob! 28. mit&Z ' ""oniewelg it, do Felht 2hLSu,mmor8' former wol- I fniiFij -""tit iuuiiu, kum- louna unfa rlv hM,.i.V... ..' 5See..M,eree When TELL DF GRAFT IN NEW YOBK InfoiTc - hay SOOX. .v.1Hg lQ a WW h,l 1 reP:t ro Nler Wny. Supt. 'wopanv ".PArtnur Perks eatrin 7 V1SU nero B0n b to ?,"" " xpecN "" Dixon f-nn, ln.e "n6 w,th id nil.0' Contractor Houser li...r,u"B about i, i.i - Egj. accor"s toth.M ti-.. "A.VP Ciiy,. U t.i """uisji-oi' N of theW,?1 o0f th0 Von R th iJi?. pacific Coast U.m i" : hiothV0P a. B00d rtort- Ex-Governor Sulzer and John A. Hennessey Make StarU ling Revelation Djr AuocUt4 Preti to Coot D7 Timet. NEW YORK, Fob. 28. The Sulli van Committee, a new graft Investi gating body appointed by tho lower house of tho legislature, hold Its first public meeting hero. Ex-Governor Sulzer testified that he appointed John A. Hennessoy to Investigate the highway department and found that tho taxpayers had been defrauded of millions of dollars. Hennessey fol lowed tho former Govornor on tho stand and told of getting thlrty-slx indictments as a result of his investigations. Government Requested to Es tablish Employment Of fices Over Country Xr AuocUtM Prr.t lo Coot Dljr Tlmrt.) NEW YOItK, Fob. 28. A resolu tion urging tho establishment, in tho Federal Department of Labor, of a llureau or Distribution, with power to establish employment exchanges throughout tho country to supploment the work now being done by state and municipal bureaus was adopted by tho National Conference or Unemployment'. TURK KILLED BY AEROPLANE Fethy Bey, Leading Aeronaut of Constantinople, Vic tim Today Itif AtsoWtttd rtm lo Coot nr TImN.l CONSTANTINOPLE, Fob. 28. Fethy Doy, a young oHIcor of tho Turkish Military Aviation Corps, was killed today whllo attempting to fly from Constantinople to Aloxandrln, Egypt. His aoroplano collapsed whllo high In tho air aftor leaving Damascus. tho Jury failed to Indict. Taylor Slglln, of Isthmus Inlot, LEADEIl IH IIUHT tllr AnorlttM l'rr.n lo Coot llr TlmM SANTA MONICA, Cnl Fob. 28. Marquis car turned ovor whllo lending nt tho turn. Mar quis wnB criiBlied nnd was rush ed to nn emergency hospital. Ills mechanician, although not badly hurt, was also sent to tho hospital. Favorites Slop SANTA MONICA. Feb. 2S. -Do Patina and Oldfield stoppod nt the Pita. Marquis, Andorsou nnd Pullcn, led In tho thirtieth lap. tnr AnocUIJ Prr.t to Coot nr Tim". J SANTA MONICA. Cal., Fob. 28 Eighteen racing drivers faced tho ATHLETICS IN CAMP JACKSONVILLE. Fla., Fob. 28. The AthlotlcB will open their train ing quarters hero Monday. ODE SKIPPED Consignment of 250 Tons, Worth $50,000, Reaches Seattle Today (Df AttocUtrJ I'm t lo Coot 0t Time. SEATTLE, Feb. 28 Tho steam- iihlp Nortliwestorn arrived horo to day frnm Cordova with a shipment of 2C0 tons or copper oro from tho Independent mine In tho Coppor Riv er country. Tho oro, which Is valued at ffin, 000. is slxty-flvo percent nat ive copper and contains eighteen ounces of silver to tho ton. The shipment was doll voted to tho Ta coma smelter. ,.."'. "L0.V".t ".."."" ". '" u. . ' Btarter when he sent tho first car. "" " twuiijr ..... in ""lliuil ,,,,,.,...,,..,- -.. wnotner to maito tho raco for Conn-' ,,,,' r' ; ; .;.'. '.'' r" v"u iiiiiiui nip in uiu nun IUJ.-4 miio lutornntlonal grand prlx rnco ovor tho Santa Monica course. About 1150,000 people lined tho course. At tho ntnrt Do Palma, Oldllold nnd Totzlafr woro favorites, wltlr ty Judge or Commissioner. Offices lo- bo I'll led. TIiIb year tho County Clerk, Coun- lv Kllnrlff Pinmlv Pntiiiiilauliniiif nml 'County Judge are tho only offices i to he filled, the other officials hold ing over. DAK E IS FELT NEAR SEATTLE $ Seismograph Records Strong Shock Within 1500 Miles of Puget Sound nr Auoclttfcl Prt.t lo Coot ntf .Iidm, SEATTLE. Feb. 28 Tho Univers ity of Washington's solsmograph re corded a strong earthquake shock last ulght. Tho seat of disturbance Is ltTOO miles either north or south. of Seattle. FIVE ID JAIL Cooper and Pillion seconds. Thov departed in fiftoon Hccond Intervals In tho following order: Flat, Totzlafr; Morcor, Wlshart; Stutz, Andornon; Merror, Pullon; Mnson, Cnrlspn; Al eo, Taylor: Morcor, Oldllold; Stntz, Cooper; Morcor, Gordon; Apporron, Goodo: Mercedes, Do Pnlma; Run beam. Mnrquls; Marmon, Muth; Flat, LowIb; Marmon, Ilall; Flat, Vorbeck; AIco, Jeanetto; MtiBon.jRIchonbaohor. Do Palma lit I'ail. Going elghty-rour miles nn hour, Wlshnrt lielil tho lend until tho Ill'A.llt.-ll.lM.I 1 I ... Accused of Henryville forge,f ..0 Vi' prize oru ih i, ir, nuioB. kiik no trouble seemed to hnvo put Cooper hopoloss ly out or tho rnco. Totzlarr broko a connecting rod and wiih forced out. Opodo, Muth nnd Vorbeck wero nlso forced out. Pullon, who hnd drlvon into second pinco, dropped bnclt wliou DANCE I.V NORTH HE.VD. Tho report that there would bo no danco at tho Pavilion In North Ilund tonight was Incorrect. Thero will bo a danco, music furnlshod by Ellor lieck'B Orchestra. M B T BANQUET Man Murder Held Without Bail Witnesses $500 Each .Initios Ferrari was bound ovor by Justlco Ponnock to the grand Jury last ulght 011 tho chnrgo of murder. bolng nrciiHed of shooting John Kelly . n Civil War votornn stopped on tho nt Ilcnryvlllo two weoks ago. track at tho Soldlora' Homo. Pullon Ferrari wnlvod the prollmlnnry nnd swerved Into the turn to save tho justice rounocK oruoroti unit no ho hold without ball. Forrarl was token back to Coqulllo this morning. Wltiii'xsi'H Meld. Justlco Ponnock also ordorcd that Dan Ilravlno, Joo Grochnl, Tony Wng A. P. & A. M. NOTICE Thoro will bo a meet ing .of Dlanco Lodgo No. 48. A. F. & A. M., at tho lodgo room tomorrow, Sunday, at 2 o'clock p. m.. to attend the funeral of our late brother, Geo. C. F. Wulff, which will bo held at 3 o'clock p. m. By order of CARL W. EVERTSEN, W. M. dm? Large Meeting of Leading Business Men of Coos Bay Plan Permanent Order LST evening threo score and ten of the loading business men of Coos Day surrounded the ban quet table In the dining room of the Chandler Hotel In what was prob ably one of tho most enthusiastic and Interesting meetings of the kind ovor held In tho city. It was a gen uine get-together gathering. Every man present was a real live-wire delegate from tho domain of "Do." The speeches were not the usual af ter dinner addresses but plain, prac tical, purposeful talks on business, boosting and better commercial con ditions. It was a business banquet with a big "D." The usual banquet boquets wore dispensed with and action instead addresses was tho keynote of the evening. After an enjoyable reast frame G. Horton was announced as toast- master of tho evening. He kept affairs moving like a moving pic ture show and there were no breaks In tho film. Mr. Horton called up on E. P. Lewis as one of the threo members of tho original temporary board of directors and a promoter of tho meeting to explain' its plan and purpose and also to glvo his experience In tho organization and operation of a similar business mon's association in Fresno, California. Mr. Lewis mado practical business- llko talk In which ho outllnod tho manner and methods of organization and the boneflts that would nccruo from It. L. L. Thomas, temporary secretary, followed with a brlof out line of the state organization and tho advantages of membership in that association. Among the others called upon and delivering brief talks wero O. F. Mc knight, M. C. Moloney, C. M. By Ior, Dr. Houseworth, J. A. Mntson, Henry Sengstackon. Dorsoy Krolt- zer. F. S. Dow and II. W. Painter. The spirit of all tho talks was one of helpful co-operation and the mutual advantage that would accruo both to the members and tho com munity as a result of tno formation of such a business men's associa tion. One of tho business men pointed out that by co-operating in buying in largo quantities, they could secure lower prices, thus as- Continued on Page Four Hoiiiiors nro nnd lost two tires. An examination hIiOwocI that Wlshnrt, who mado n splendid record, wns por manontly out of tho rnco with a burned bearing. Carlson. Who won third mnnnv tn nor, Jnlrii Galll nnd John Dempsoy, jtho Vnndirbllt cup rnco, br.oko a tho principal witnesses In tho case, bo .crank abaft on tho way to tho raco neui under J&U0 bond ror their np-l""d was rorcod to glvo up all penraneo In tho enso. Nono or tliom ilHKlit of racing. The elimination woro nblo to furnish bond and wore,01 U,,H cnr i0t seventeen stnrtora. taken back to Coqulllo to romnln In tno county Jnli until tho hearing or until they nrrango ball. All oxcopt Dompsoy have bcon found but ho had not boon located todoy. Ilravlno and Dompsoy woro discharged at Denver Hill on account of tho affair. District Attorney Liljeqvlst and Shorlff Gago woro horo for tho pro llmlnnry. Stanley Was Campaigning. Thoro was consldorablo complaint about tho officers having to go to tho bother and put tho county to tho ex ponso of having tho preliminary In Marshflold Instead or at Coqulllo. Tho officials wanted to hold It nt Coqulllo but JiiBtlco Stnnloy was away mak ing n campaign for offlco and they had no alternative but .to go to tho expense of coming hero. NORTHWESTERN TO BUILD WEST SMALL SUITS Justice Pennock's Court Has Rush of Business Today Cases Filed Justlco Pennock's court, which has been rather quiet for a fow days, had a rush of business lato yester day and this morning. In addition to the threo criminal cases, tho fol lowing civil suits woro 'Started to collect money claimed to be duo on account: Edward Thompson Company vs. A. E. Shuster, of North Bond, Olllvant & Weaver vs. George Harding. Nick Rolchort vs. John Snydor, Jr. Geo, It. Sherman & Co., vs. J. II. O'Donnell and Mrs. Fannlo O'Don- nell, Times Want ads bring results. Railway System Starts 250 Miles From Lander To wards Coos Bay For tho past aovoral yoarB It has been claimed by partloa closo In touch with tho officials or tho Chicago & NorthwoBtorn Railway that It would uuiiu to uoos uny bb a Pacific coaBt terminus. For a tlmo It wns thought that tho rond really bohlnd the Coos Day & Boise, but that project failed and hope was lost. Now cornea tho following from tho Chicago Trlb uno, which Is regarded as authority nnd -which Indicates that Coos Bay may not havo to wait vory long for a transcontinental road nftor all: "Ton now steol bridges nro bolng built by tho Peninsula division of tho Chicago & Northwestern. Tho samo road will construct a 250 mllo ex tension from Lander, Wyoming, to Idaho Falls, Idaho. Thoy havo also callod for 900 Bteol conter Bills. "Thoro has been a persistent rumor afloat In this city this week to tho ofrect that on Tuesday of this week tho Chicago & Northwestern regis tered JJ21.000.000 of bonds in Choy onno which will bo used In construc tion work." TO DEATH HOUSE, Mrs. Cynthia Iliiffiim to Ho Electro, cuted In Now York for Murder. Uj AuocUtod Prett to Coot Dj Timet.) LITTLE VALLEY. N. Y., Fob. 28. Mrs. Cynthia Ituffum, convicted Of murdor In the first degreo last night ror poisoning her husband, and sen-' tenced to die In tho electrlo chair in April, was removed to t;ho death, houso at Auburn prison today. I ii HI -4 ,-