WWHBffiE32fc -iT. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1914-EVENING EDITION. i.-n-,.,- r. THREE 1 MUCH FREIGHT GOULD IN FOR FLORENCE CALIFORNIA I HI I ft J 1 II i h 250 ront St fclusiWF V I t. ,u Oc '' l075cF' and $4 nd $1 ORO Cmn St HzAmmJL4! ZethtrZ, ' von nq vp fppl nrp it 11 you as we teel sure it will " nmr nlioiiL nor dura to hrnnlr n T": nMT wc w,ouldn L darc 0 hnliove it to bo bettor ilmn Vn our fmth in it nnd n, rB Wt relieve you and in WW KSSfi: t . arc, wo honestly bcliovo, tho We Know They're Good Itcxnll Dysncnsin Tablets. In ndilitinn to other ingredients, contain l'cpsin and Iliimuth, two great digestive nidi used by tho cntiro medical profession. They sootlio tho Inflamed stomach, check tho licartbura and distress, stimulate a healthy secretion of tho giistrio juice, aid in rapid and comfortable, digestion of tho food nnd help to quickly convert It into rich ml blood, nnd thereby into flesh, bono nnd muscle. Tkcy relievo tuniach distress promptly, and, used regularly for n short time, tend to rc toro tho stomach to n comfortable, easy-acting, healthy (date. Tlicy aid greatly to promote regular bowel action. Sold only at tho moro than 7,000 Roxall Storos-tho World's Qroatost Drug Storos. In convonlont boxos-throo sUos: 25c, 50c, $1.00 Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Comer" Marshfield, Oregon Your Laundry Us By Parcel Post rinxisii a hag and will IV THK I'OSTAOR ON ITS 1IKTUIIN. Bay Steam Laundry 57-J Marshfield N Arago Coffee is a Winner n a pound today 'Bay Tea, Coffee and Wee House. 1. Broadway. Phono 394-J SON'S LATEST 5'liil,l"Lc?,'n"B &i" AT PKS no ACII), WSTEEb five YEAItS WiringlCo. jearance Sale r uii at Coos Boat fcllarshfloldfor Rilnbow ieavoa utes !,.?. ? and Marshfield at Smith, All Kinds of ! IV 1 rjrffl &,? in the mi ' , u our nsK M Jt doesn't relieve we 11 give back your money without a word. ,T ?,' ,tu5P' fV commend any remedy it is because 1Uive Vie aume?t tor best remedy made for Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all other Stomach Ills Delays Are Dangerous You Risk No Money Dont neglect Indigestion, for it fre quently leads to all sorts of ills nnd com plications. The pain and discomfort is not tho most unfortunate part. The fact that when tho stomach is not acting right, the material needed to repair tho wastes that arc constantly taking place in tho body is not lcing given to the blood cither in tho proper condition or fast enough Is far more serious. Nothing will cause more troublo than nn unhealthy stomach. The blues, debility, lack of strength and energy, constipation, bit iousness, headaches and scores of other serious nilmcnU result from tho failuro of tho stomach to properly do its work. I ismm What People Say who ront a lock box In our Firo-Proof nnd Burglar-Proof Snfo Do poslt Vaults: "I havo ko fear of loBlug my Jowolry or proclous KcopBakcs." "My will and other private papers aro not being read by nnyono but myself." "I always know JUBt whero to find my valuables. They aro never misplaced." Isn't It worth $3 a yar to you to bo ablo to say tho enmo of your valuables? The First National Bank Of Coos Bay FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IX COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capita, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Paid on Tlmo Deposits Officers: J. W. nennett, President. J. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. It. P. Williams, Cashier. Geo, P. Winchester, Asst. Cashier. Coquille River Coal Guaranteed froo of slack and dirt and not to clinker Full weight and prompt service ,$5.50 Per Ton COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. GEO. A. BAINES. Phone 181-L 186 Broadway South. Job Printing Done at The Times r3Pl3 world for indigestion recommend anything wc didn't wlucli it is made, and when we i I Our willingness to Iinvo you use Ilcxall Dyspepsia Tablet entirely at our risk proves our faith in them. Wo always sell them this way, and It is because wo know that they have greatly ben efited scores of sufferers to whom we have sold Uicm. There's no red tape about our guarantee. It means just what it says. We'll ask you no questions. You needn't sign anything. Your word is enough for us. Wo know that when they help you you will con sider it money well spent even if they lmdeoit you ten times as much. If they don't help you, the money you paid for them is yours, and wa want you to have it. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo Jfc Trust Co. Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Im mediate ftcrvlco, prompt inten tion to all Intercuts of our clients. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman (8b Co. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Chimneys Firo Places. J. N. Bayliss Any kind of brick work at that are right. AND ALL WORK GUARANTEED Call at "The Fireside," Johnson Illdg., KIT' Second st. Phono l.tl-J. French Ruugos. Holler Work WHITE GLOVES CLEANED Full Dress Suits to Rent UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM .TAY DOYLE & C. O. DAGGETT 250 Central Ave. Phono 230-X CITY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICE A now taxlcab has boon added to my auto service. Careful drivers. Will go anywhere at any time. Stand Dlanco Cigar Storo. Day phone, 78 Night phono 139-X. 1-OSI GOODALE, Proprietor. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good cars with careful drivers. For day service, phono 144-J, Illanco Millard Parlors. For night service, Phono 200 Hlght Cafe. . D. L F00TE. Commutation Tickets $2.00 Marshfleld-Xorth Uend Auto Cars every ten minutes from 0 to 12:80 p. m, GOHST & KINO, Props. Office Steamer Conitaiiy I'irpmos to Hnn illo Lm-go Amount of Freight. FLORENCE, O., Fob. 27. Definite announcement was nrndo thnt tlrtj bltuoro Steamship compnnv of As toria hns lensed tho Ilrynd'B wnrc hotiBo for handling freight brought in uy mo i-ntsy nnd Tillamook. In vlow of tho largo amount of business to bo done this summer In bringing In merchnndlso nnd rntlrond freight the Elmore compnny has decided to add the Tillamook to this run and to place nn ngent In chargo of tho Florence wnrehouse. Tho lenso be comes operntlvo .March 1. ENTEIt RUSINESS AT FMRtEXOE. Clins. Watts, who has been In tho Jewelry business with his father, J. O. Watts, In this city for a number in juiuu, ih preparing 10 go 10 l"lor enco, where he will establish n simi lar store. Ills wlfo's parents. Mr. nnd Mth. William lirynd, aro ploneor residents of the llttlo city by tho sen. Eugono Guard. new Fix)iti;.rn grocery. FLOltENCE, Feb. 27. Messrs. J. P. Cox and Curtis roturnod from Portland, whero thoy have been pur chasing a Btock of groceries. They statu that their goods aro now on tho way and expect to open their now storo early in March, SUIT. FIELDS DESIGNS. Sevei-H Delations With S. P. Co.. After 12 Ywirs'. Servk-o. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 27 L. R. Fields, superlutondont of tho South ern Pacific company lines lu Oregon, nns resigned, llo will bo succeeded by Frank Durkhnlter, now a division engineer In Portland. Fluids began sorvlco with tho Southern 'Pacific compnny 12 years ngo as n telegraph opcrntor and among tho omploycs Is one of tho most popular officials of tho road. Cll RISTOFFERSON FLIES INTO FENCE IS UNHURT LOS ANGELES, Fob. 27. Sched uled flights by Aviator Silas Chrlst offorson of Snn Francisco wore post poned because his aeroplane was bad ly battered when ho careened Into n fonco nt Ascot Pork yesterday. Tho accident occurred following nn ex hibition flight soon after Chrlstof fcrsou had arrived horo from Snn Dlogo. Tho aviator was not hurt. Frank 8ltes, a IoswVngoles aviator, nlso smashed Into tho fence, but es caped without Injury, although his noroplnno was wrecked. T m SUNDAY Director Fenton Announces Program for Entertainment ' Sunday Director It. N. ronton lifts an nounced tho program for tho froo band concort to bo Riven at 2:30 q-ciok miniiny nnornoon nt tho Ma sonic Opora IIouso, to bo ns fol lows: March, "Invorcnrglll" .... Lltbgow Overturo, "Hungnrlan Lustsplol". . Kolar-noln Walts "Clrlblrlbln (by roquest) Pestalozza Village Llfo In tho Olden Tlmo, Cli. Thloro Synopsis Night In tho village Sunriso. Astir In Uio village Chll dron nro going to school. Dlack smith shop. Tho May Queen. Maypolo danco. Curfew boll, Tho vlllngo choir. Moonlight. Tho Lovor'u Soronade. Flunlo, Pilgrims' Chorus from LombnrdI Verdi Solectlon "La Trnvlata" ; . . . Verdi March "La Poro do Vlctolro".Ganno Star Spangled Dannor. prices A STRONG INDORSE3IENT W. JI. HolhicB, of tho Docorah, la., Journal, snys: "I havo been a sufforer from Piles nnd Ilommor holds for years. I got no relief until my druggist rccominonded Morltol PIlo Romedy. Iioforo I had taken half tho pnekago tho distress was gone nnd I have had no trouMo since. I would not tako n thousand dollars nnd bo back in former con dition. Owl Prescription Phnrnincy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposto Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. Central Avenue Drug Storo, oxcluslvo ngoncy. Prlco $1.00. OUR ELEGANT LINES OF NEW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT S. S. JENNINGS NORTH DEND HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. - 1. 20 XO SAW EDGES on YOUItj COLLARS If you havo them laundered at TWIN CITY STEA3I LAUNDRY Lino. a. in. ALLEGANY MAN WRITES INTER ESTINOLY Ol DIM TRIPS TO VARIOUS TOWNS DURING HIS VISIT IN CALIFORNIA. ... Snn Jose, Cnl, Feb. 22, 1914. uimur i lines; Wo hnvo Just returned from a trip to Lindsay, whero wo wont In my car, accompanied i,y p. h. Gould nnd Mr. Tod Toultlllott. Wo started from hero Inter Friday morning, went through tho LIvormoro pass out to Tracy, then turned Boutn through n lovol country. Somo grain fields that wore coming on In flno shnpo woro green nnd giving promlso of a good harvest. Wo nlso wont through orchards of all kinds of trees poach es, apricots, chorrles.'sonio vineyards. melon patches and gnrdens. Wo wont through Turlock, Merced find Mndorn, whero wo Btnycd all night, then Fresno, a town of 40,000 or 00, 000 population, down to Lindsay, whero my pcoplo aro located. TIiIh Ib principally an orango grow ing country. Tho NavolB havo boon mostly picked nnd Bomo of tho pom olns, or grnpo fruit. Tho Vnlonclas nrp all hnnglntf on tho trees, a most beautiful sight, tho golden friilf In sharp contrast to tho darkor green, gldBsy follngo of tho troo. Tho' Val onclna will bo ready to pick about tho first or April. This Is n beautiful, nearly lovel romitrv nnnr Mm fnnt ti. i.tii- - tho east sldo of tho San Jonquln Vnl- iv . i ney cmim tho oranges horo aro a week or so earlier than nt Los An geles. F. II. Gould nnd T. Toultlllott wont Homo on tho train and nftor a fow days' visit with our friends, Dud nnd 1 started In tho enr (In a pretty hard rain, by tho wny.) Wo got nlong nicely ns long as tho nwuo nignwny lasted, hut when wo got orf thnt tho intitl was about as deep sb It gets In Oregon. Wo drag Kod tho pan on thp bottom of tho car in tho mud most of tho tlmo. Tho ' mud wns so allrk wo could hnrdly leop tho mnchlno on tho road. "Wo mnilo It ailfar ns Merced, a dlalanco . of 135 miles, tho first day from Llnd-' sny. Thero wo ran up against a .' verltnblo river flowing across tho' road from ono to threo foot doop, nndk tho rnln wns still coming, bo wo Bhlu )od tho enr back to San Jobo nnd enmo by trnln. Orogon Is not tho on ly plnco whero thoy havo rain nnd ,n(1' Geo. A. Gould. Publicity Mnnngor Sam Josophson, of tho Rosoburg Commercial Club, hns received letters from United ' States .senntors Hnrry Latio nnd Goo. ' Plin til Mil fin In nnil amam M t Hawloy nnd Wnlter Lnfforty, in whlcn thoy promise to do everything posslblo toward asslatlng In tho Im provement of tho Port of Umpqua. Resolutions asking tho Oregon rep resentatives to tako action In this matter wero rocontly pnssed b" tho membors of tho Rosoburg Commer cial Club. Rosoburg Revlow. AlLMSTItONG GOES SOUTH. County Commissioner Georgo (I, Armstrong nnd wlfo woro outgoing pnssongorB on tho Speedwell for a trip to tho south. Thoy will visit their old homo nt Snnta Rosa, return ing lu nbout two weeks. Uandon' Surf. WIHSNAXT XA.MED. A Portland pnpor hns tho following concerning tho formor odltor of tho COob Ray Harbor: "A. Whlsnnnt, of tho staff of Tho Tlmborman of this city, has boen ap pointed vlcogoront snnrk for tho northern district of Orogon. Mr. Whlsnnnt plans holding a concatena tion horo soon." SINGLE TAX ADVOCATE DEAD. Joseph Pels Passes Away lit PlUla dolphlo- After Rrlef Illness, PHILADELPHIA, Fob. 27. Jos eph Fols, millionaire, soap manufac turer, sluglo tax advocato and philan thropist, died from pnoumonln after a brlof Illness. IIo was sixty-one years old. Mr, Fols spent most of Ms tlmo lu recent years advocating tho doctrine of tho single tax in this country and Great Ilrltaln. Ho re cently roturnod from England, whoro he had gtvon a largo part of his for tuno to tho creation and mainten ance of a slnglo tax co-operative col ony, ima, London, Ho spent many thousands of dollars backing U. S. U'Ron's single tax campaign In Ore gon. YOUR FRECKLES Xevd Attention in February and March or Faco Will Stay Covered Now Is tho tlmo to take special caro of tho complexion If you wish It to look woll tho rest of the year. Tho February and March winds havo a strong tendency to bring out frpckles that may stay all summer uijless romoved. Now Is the time to use othlno double strength, This prescription for tho removal of freckles was wrltton by a prom inent physician and Is usually so successful that it is sold by drug gists under guarantee to refund ttio money ir it falls, Get an ounce of othlno dpublo strength, and ev en a few applications should show a wonderful improvement, some cf the smallor frecklos even vanishing nnMrfili- J .....-..,. , PROMISE AID UMPQUA PORT M j lir.. mm m,. . X-ar