.-iamn THE COOSBAY TIMES, MSHFIELD, OREGON, FRplY,, FEBRU)R27, I914p-EVEN1NG EDITION. TWO I i T 4 -1 - 1 -! r t t-1 T f ! I i I ' I CENTRALIZE AMD MERCHANDISE OH CENTRAL Ml ICammmmereir Says: Tho Inst of tlio CKAVKXKTTK HAIX COATS and SfllP OX8 at" following prices: $25.00 Codt Itoduccd to jiSUl.Bt) I $20.00 Coat Itoduccd to tjUil.BO ' j ' ' $15.00 Coat Itoduccd to $ l.l5 i Yours Anxious to', Pleas, The To; ery CENTRAL AVENUE'S new boat slip is rapidly . nearing completion and will soon turn another tide of traffic through this lively thoroughfare of trade, , Hill, and: Bay will be. linked in easy trans portation lipesi whqn, the new sljp'is ready t(j re ceive1 the Coos 'River launches and vessels'from the othejr nlets. Nd.w is thfe time to get tie .Central Avenue habit Cehtrallzd, merchant! se :ahd!ecW omizd on Ceniral avenue, Specnal Camidy Sal Ffomgaft aimd Amiss&Bll 1PW.i m:4i'LAit nop poX'X I I S'ATUHIAY AND1 WllAY' Only 35c t PoMindl ; STAFFORD'S 1 PLAN TO TAKE i i , i " i I ' I i I ! SUNDAY- DINN. AT THE ER ! I .' ! i Chamidlleir Hotel a Good Menu The Ilnb of Central Avenue A Better W y OPKX AX ACCOUNT WITH THK First Matioeal Baek Off Coos Bay AVAIIj VOUHSKLK OF ITS SUPKBIOH FACILITIES. S:iro doposlt boxes In burglnr-proof vaults for rent nt low ratoH. Contra! Avenuo. iMOcer i i '-, . i i i i J Thoro !ls a bpttor tunl qhlckcr wa to got all 'your drugs and drug store goods. ' That way Is to bo found In our Quick i Delivery Sorylcp which responds to your telephone- order,. No j need for you t slop around In tho rain, become excited or worried Ip n crowd when your ow''i phono or' any othor(wIU 1 Convoy your "wnntB to us and wo will convby the goods to you promptly. Mnny of our customers ordVr all of thulr toilet goods from us by phono, to sny nothing of tho business wo nre doing by phono In proscriptions, drugs chemicals nnd household needs. I I "The Owl" PHKSCHHTIOX PHAHMAOV. Prank 1). Cohan. Opposite Clu.ndler Hotel. Phone 71 Geographically tho Control Avenuo Drug Stotv. Look for "Owl Kleetrlc Sign" fi U K'dufck 4-L TO ? i m , ; . VfiK VI Sit lilltS HALM OK (HLKAI). For wnlo under u guui-uutcc, where, proscriptions ,lx, flllej , the doctor writes tlicm, nt WINKLER'S Pharmacy' "Deutsche Apothoke." Plume 2 IB. ,-8 Central Amine .IUHT HKCKIVKD. BIHKCT FHOM THK FACTOIIY liAIIOK SH1P.MKXT OP ' ' Tiramiks, Stuiit Cases airad Hand Bags AT IMIICKS TO .SUIT YOU. Seo our window. Morton & Hansen CKNTHAL AVKXUK 1'ltOXT STltKKT TWO KTOHKS CKNTHAh AVIIME COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MAI.OXKY Kdltor nnd Pub. PAX K. .MALOXKV Xcwh Kdltor Offlolul Paper of Cmis County Mnnftn little dog has to bark loudly to keep up his courage, nnd wo wonder If our too-ns-surtlvo frlondu aren't somo times doing the muno thing. TIIIIKK B'H AXD AX N. TUK dny of Hull, Ilosh and Bun rombo. 1h passing. Advertising la getting down to a bnsls of Homo Sense. Advertisers nre list ening to tho Dig Hen of Honest Sorvlco, Thoy nre coming out of tho trnnco Induced by tho hypno tism of hybcrbolo anil hot nlr. They've been lato sleepers, snme of them. Hut once they open their oyes H will tnkn moro than Hull nnd Bosh and adept adJuctlvt-B to film their vision ever again. Hull won't build business. Ilosh may listen well In print, but It doesn't deliver. And Huucombe Is duo for u long vacation along with Hot Air claims nnd yarns of flight ful fancy. Tho rolgn of tho threo H'b Is nbout ovor. Another emplro foro shadows Its ostahllHhmont In solid Bocurlty Its iiuuio Is Honest Sor vlre. Wo know of no substitute for It. It has none. Service! Produeor of nil things good center of the Itonlm of Result lloint of Sorvlco and Domain of "Do." --. BOASTING -------: IOKTKN think, whllo swatting files, thnt It Is neither Bafo nor wlso, to b6nst of one's nchlovomont; for fate may all our triumphs mock; so often lound and vaunting' talk Is followed "US'" loren"Vdinont. It's very veil to point with prldo In manner modest, dignified wo all like admira tion; to toot a horn In solf dofeuso Is excellent thero is no souse In self depreciation. Urlnli Hoop and all his clan Impnrt n pain to every man; we don't llko folks too 'umblo nor do we like tho ones who boast, who'd make themselves tho reigning toast wo'ro gnd to seo thorn stumblo thoy nre sure to do boforu their little trip Is through their luck somo day grows leery; tho gods set traps for those who brag, who boost themselvs nnd never flag until their Jaws are weary. The boastful man, ah ihorfiy guus, a stream of bombast from him flows like water from tho scuppors; and p uple, sizing up his plight, remark, "It serves tho blamed fool right," uhou he Is on his uppers. If we'd have sympathy and cheer when days of stress nnd grlofnro horo, wo should bo meok and modest; so let up be serene nnd wise, nnd snw our wood, and swat the flics, nnd from them knock the sawdust. Wnlt Mason. LfilAL OVERFLOW. t ISrti Xo -nuts. . K. McCleorgo wns uriosu od ,y for loavlug Ills nuto standing on tho street Feb XJiury JU. wltho.it. nny llghtB on It. Ho will plead later. I lli'yxuii to lA'iive. K. H. Ilryson, nttorney ror Uecolvor wnttors, will lcavo tomorrow for his homo nt Ku gone. Ho snld It would probably ho two mouths be foro tho last receiver shin p"H cul'l bo rT"il"te'. In the meantime Receiver Walters will try and got affairs In shape to ex liedlto cleaning up tho debts after tho suit Is finished. (JOOll KYKXIXfl , - II If every lie on Coos liny were nailed, there wouldn't be enough nails left to build Cur ry's chicken coop. Kven experience falls down whon It tries to teach a fool. I Thoughts go forth to pur- poses, purpos h go forth In no I tloiiH, actions form habits, hab- Its decide character, and chnr j acfr fixes our destiny.. Tryon I KdwnrdB. STOItY Ol'" THK DAY I Do not be onu of tho majority who oxpoct moro of a frioud than they are willing to give. i Tho proud fnthor to whom col Mego cduatlon hnd been dented, mot his daughter nt the train on hor re turn from college, "Hut. Helen," ho said, "aren't you unusunlly fat?" "Yos. Dad," sho roplled, "I weigh ouo lundred nnd forty pounds strip ped for' gyni." . , ' , j Thd fnthor looked puzzod for'n' moment nnd then demanded: "Who In thunder Is Jim?" Sneddon Troubles. Hugh Sned don hnd his brother, Will, and brothor-ln-lnw, I). J. Itoos, nrrosted today on tho charge of assault and battery. In an nltorcatlon In tho Knglo saloon Inst night, Will Sned don ndmlttcd slapping him. No lawyers wore callod and Justice Ponuock after hearing nil sides of It, fined Will Suoildoii $! nnd costs and dlschnrgod Mr. llecs. Somo Coos Hay folks nre so wrapped up In themselves as to sugKost human halls of twlno. Itendlng maketh a full mnui does the: wlno wbuu 'It Is red. j So I A WSH I do not nsk for glory ,1 do not nsk for fame; . I Uoinbt wdut a tltN, ! Appended to my namo, I do not wls)i for spleudni;, . 1'rtr power 1 do not wish; 1 morely want to get away A day or two and fish, Davo Stafford. - . RofiJrnl cnnmnko ih9ilo nolso nnd' pvoduco loss rosulrs' thnn anything ovor Inventod. What a Coos Hay glrj likes about ri young inan Is usually what her mothor, doesn'tj ! About all a Coos Hay man j takes for a cold Is advice. A man may make a guoss nt what a woman Is going to do, but that le his limit. I.. KIlAViniv. nf llin llnnilnn T.lfo C.K..I..X f..n.lA. I .il..l. ...' I ajMiiK oiuiiuu, in ii viHiiur ill Marshfiold. ! ' -I r ' , AMONG THE. SICK Oi-J i li-l 4 , ChnsJ. I Noble hail beqn suffering from' ear troublo tho last fow dnys, ,1110 nmieuou uevoioping rrom n silv er that ho got Into his ear. It is not sorlous. I Will Itohrer Is suffering from it I tjovoro attack iof rheiimntlsm at his nomo in west .Mnrsutieiu. Emerson Ferry, Who has been 111 for tho past month, has fully recover ed nnd is nbout again, to tho gratifi cation of his many friends. Along the Waterfront. I Place That Insurance Now Hy special arrangement, I am ablo to adjust all imill fin flro lossas Immodlntoly. I represent tho following' fire li fliirnnco companion, all million dollar corporations, tlieio'.ld est on onrth: ' LONDON & LANCASHIRE QUEEN ORIENT LONDON UNDERWRITERS FIREMEN'S FUND I also roprcsout the famous Aetun, writing liability, lit glary, pluto glass, surety bonds, etc. E. I. CHANDLER pnny's fleet on tho Middle Colum bia. Tho now lnw Is to becomo effec tive July I, but would not apply to tho Southern Pacific until about the end of 1 ill ft or early In 11) 10. when It Is hopod to hnvo the railroad completed. WAS HAMMOND'S PAPKU m For Saturday, Monday ani Tuesday Only HUXDlllilD! OP CUSTQMIWS HAYK I.KAHNKD TO PHOPIT !' 15 H.U'K-ANNOl'NCKp, j-'JIOM TIMK TO TIMK AND NO DOUH CKPONMlf rol THIS SAM, l'OH flOOD YAIA'KS 1IAVJ-J KKX Wl HI Men's fine dress shirts. Choice variety of patterns, fast colors. Wiero ? 1.50. i QP- N9W , 1 JOG 1 . Turkish towels, special prices, Hie, 2."icv 2de nnd 17e each. Ladles' and Menls tnn hose, linen heels and toes. Hcduced to pel' pair HY HT Ms. A r ...10 Iadles' good iiuallty crop nnd nniBlIn gowns, nently trimmed. Formorly ,$1.25 nnd fl ?1,50. Now . a..$1.00 Ladlos' sample dress skirts In whipcords, poplins and serges; variety of'shados. $C, 1, $7.50 values. Now $3.90 Girls and Misses' Haln Capes. Formerly sold at $2.00 nr and $2.75. Now JUti Cotton and linen towoUngs. Spoclally priced, por "J 71-, yard from Ce to . . . f I U Men's canvas gloves with leather fingers, tho 15c j kind. Now per pair 7i IG .$1.45 THK SPKCIAh OFFKHIXGS THKHK WlhU Hi; GOOD MADK (fTlhh HKTTKH. Ladles' good quality flannel ette kimonos. Tho nt" $1.50 kinds now JUI The $2.00 kinds NOW Full slzo feather pillows, 3 lbs., good covering, tho fhl $1.50 kind, Now i) I Just nrrlvod, a largo lot of Indits' summer vests, special prlcos nt I Be, 20c, 2.V mid up. Large lot p( curtain nets nnd scrim, all .reduced 12je, lBc, ISc. 2.V. up. Tho Adollno Smith sailed today for San Francisco. Kt'OKNK WATKH HONDS SOLD AT HIGH PHKMIUM EUOENK, Or.. Feb. 27. Tho City Council, nt a meeting awarded Ku- I Bono's wntor extension bonds of if 100,000 to R. M. Grant & Co., of MChtcngo, who offored $103,500, with 'accrued Interest. There were elovon (other bids, all offering a high pre jinjum. Tho water board will at oijco begin its extensive improvement campaign. Prepared Article on Playground for North Ilend Club Mrs. Horbort Armstrong Bnys that tjoino hnvo gained an ornneous Im pression nbout tho paper on Play grounds which sho read boforo tho North Bend Mothors nnd Ttncliors Club, although sho tried to mako It plain at tho mooting, Judge linnimond had prepared most of tho pnpor, but whon ho found thnt ho could not bo prbsont nt tho nuot lug ho forwnrdod It to hor stating that It might bo used to fill in his placo on tho program. Tho pnpor was substantially as Judgo linni mond prepared It, Mrs. Armstrong making only a few additions. Sho fcols that tho crodlt for tho oxcolleut article Is deserved by Judgo Ham mond and wishes him to recolvo it. HOLLISTKH, IN IIOfcElllTO North Bend Man S (WKM wIiiiiIihp VninlimlluD. The Hosoburg Hevldw rtjr 'j tomoy Frederick Hoiusier, m Hay, spent a row nours m bolng on n brief tour of thw lonnl district. He l klL Jiuillllllttlt'll ' Vw..0. ------ ,w.n,i ' r .iinwlm- Helialin" .1... I....'.l.... ...an ftaU-ellllU torno), and owns a &"', 11.,., ,1 i.oQi.ina ntiior nroixrtr ' Holllstor thinks lio will ' difficulty In securing t'ieD0Lr and thereroro is uovouh-, ..- ti..i. Vila rUSi1 unio io iiiiiiiiiii.k "fMv,rii ngnlnst Sir llavJev. 1" nonilnntod over 11. V "1 burg, who Is also "'. SI nulillrnn llOllllnntlOIl. "?ut.J aviy.L.!inS 10 securo jv 1 "" ' : :itv,i4 tor Is snimuluo of euccW"1"! oral election In .NoTemWr n-1 ninko a general mine 1 .-- 1 platform in tno nei - run on me uenioci- IfyoubavoanyHiinno taa nf xunnt llfilD. llJ " VtMUV . ,, .. In ThP Tlme MlHKAKWATKH SKHVICK HHIKP THE FAIR Irving Block, Nat to Chaiuller Hotel 74 0 Ill'Vt VV9F,7 HJ vvvv.vvv Central Avenuo J rt...i.., t... ,e r.w.! ii,.. iya,.., r.n..c V irill'l lll'll ! V ..!-. !.., B'.lll I-M119 I ,, iiuiiiii,,4ii 111 nirunii-r 1 'A Poitlnnd pnper says: News of enthusiasm displayed nt Coos Bay , over progress bolng mndo on tho new lino of the Southern Pacific between North Bend and Eugono has given rise to speculation ns to vlat disposition will be made of 1 the steamor Breakwater when tho rail lino Is operating. Under a Fed-' oral statute, a railroad corporation Is prohibited from maintaining a sto.-un- r sorvlco paralleling Its land lino, ns In the caso of tho North Bank road with reference to The Dalles & Astoria Navigation Com- 1 25o Lafldo'S'TI Front St. - lv Front St '' . j (. , ' (Good Goods) -T ' 1 1 1 1 h 1 --" ' TTLi have received for vour aDDroval new and exclusive' P teins in SPRING AND SUMMER DESS GOODS., 'WHIPCORDS 'In.Cardlnal, Tan ,aitd iWhltel OcW' Large variety of PLAIDS and CHECKS. 25c to ow Notice them in the Window. Full line of DOUGLAS SHOES at $3.50, $4, and $4. MONARCH AND ARROW SHIRTS, $1.00 and $1.5& 250 Front St. La n do's (Good Goods) 950 Front St g