lysc" "' ,fllO "fv Bf" it ft ALL LIKE TO SEE A MAN WHO IS UP AND DOING, PROVIDED HE ISN'T DOING US WATCH YOUR WIFK Bwd ,l,c mhs. in Tlio Times. Ks- I1" . ..I.I....II. an adv. In Tlio JJSr. 1, LanillcnpiKHl In tl.o race fr (tos latt Slimes COOS HAY TIMES. A clean, wholesome newspaper for Coos County homos. The Times has (lie largest prootl circulation of nny newspaper In Coos, Curry or Doug Ins counties. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED VllKSS iroL xxxvn. Established 1878 us Tlio Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1914 EVENING EDITION -SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mail and Coos Hay Advertiser No. 188 III EXPECTED TO f PEA MRLD POWERS L ST U. S. Ls Washington Government P. n oirlnx Rmcinri to neuuiioiuw" ""' Embargo on Arms UIMS THAT ORDER JjUblMIIMo HHHnuni n.t Mnvionn fininrn- nent Cannot Prevent Crime on i nis Mcuuuiu . . . . -. rAAa Maw . Imi 1 m. Itur 1 M TWI iu ww- - ...-.-.j vSIIINOTON, I). C Kob. 27. ter long Ibimo In Iho diplomatic chances between vwiiiwii,iii r.a"b... ., niinmnt ins been We to reopen tlio correspondence r the inbiiiWBion oi a milium u ....... .TnvnrlllllKIlt fill' II rOCOII- Ecratlon'by tlio United StntoB of tlio font ralBliiK or mo uwuiuku " ml to Mexico, A irouiru ui inu .i.niin M'liidi in mild to liavo .. t..,l nt Mnvlro ('In last lllKllt the allegation tlint 11 Htnto of nn- thynowl8ts in so inticu oi uux , decupled by tlio rebels Hint n do it permitting exportation or nrmB . .l.ul lli.mi In n fnvol'llllll) Hi tll- oa for committing outrages wlillo venting the lliionn government a reprcBhhig them. Thcrcal purposo oi nuurui is no red to be to mhl another unto to . ...h-inim nnrfnctlnc Ills CIlHO. It ore, for tlio consideration of i world powers, it I. mil ivnrtiil that the UllltOll itei Kill return nny formal tin- TUFT URGES W MS Former President Heads Dele gation Before House Ju diciary Committee (tlr Aliocl.lcl rrr.i to Coot liar Timet.) WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 27. Hearing on tlio administration's trtiBt reform IiIIIh wna Btispcnilcd temporarily by tlio IIoubo judiciary committed to lienr n dlstlnirulshod delegation of legal nutliorltlcs head od by formor President Taft, dls cubb ponding bills proposing re form mid simplification of proccd- l tiro In United States courts Pres ident Wilson and Attorney General 'McKoynnlilH nlrendy linvo expressed approval of tlio inonmire. mid It Is 'uxpeutcd whon received In Con- 1 gross tlint It will speedily puss both houses. In addition to Tnft, I tlio list of speakers Included Judgo Alton 1). Parker. Sonntor Hoot, Louis lrrandols. Dean Hoscoo Pound, Frank H. Kollog, Judgo Henry ,Wado Itogora and Thomas W. Sliol- IUII. KB; AMtUIJ Fit., to Cool I)T Time 1 fcVASIUNC.TOA. I). C. Fob. 27. fat the American government re tJi the hniiRlitg of Clomeuto Vor- itn Vim rlr:in citizen, hh a Bllli- It for rtparn ion by tlio lluerta peranum, bct.iino Known nuor to ri cabinet met ting, fcrrau nnncitii ed that a (lomuiid r the nrmlnlinirm of llioso roBiiun- te for the Mlllii; of Voigurn hnd 11 rent li) the United StutcB to crta. T HIS DIVORCE K VALLEY ME HREO sted Bandits 'Make Bin Haul at North Star Cy anide Plant llBrliw,Ull rtfti lo Coo lur Timet J V uss VAI.I.IJV. Cal.. Fob. 27. Hied bandits held up tlio cyanide P v. .ii .uii.ii owir iiiiiiu uuro Pr nd escnpNl with 1I0 ponudB gBialgini contitlnlm; nbout ?C0 of M In thi ifn...l - v . iuiiiiu. j nilXKsiJ Altn OUSTIM) h& at Cmuiiirii Hesults In l)c- i iMirtiitliu. .r yi. ,1.1 . IB J AlWfUuj Pr.. i. nM. ei-- l?.GA.LES: x.,ex- -Pob. 27. Aa a "i ui imi-iiiincsn domonstratlonfl i ia u"8 wcoK nrrniiKemontB ffliae lOdav In Irnnonnrl rHil- ther fort,,Ktr8 who might tt,Z? ; z. " n recurrenco oi rJJratlon acrot8 tho bound- tirV un,,ca Kates. Tm L. .!peUsutlo,la woro "do ro- r-. .uo oriental Immigration. .WimKunss is wikkii llr.inL if. ... ... , ,. y " "null i-anidiK (i Af- IHini..!;.!" .,,Lro ' alIoMH loofrr ,.u "ua ueon m to F,v 'rnm jaU u,1(5or Parcon or i. Four', '".""'" 'J. ?v9r UJ for her execution. Bandon Man Finally Secures Decree -Cocplle Wins Property Case ' (Special to Tlio Times.) COQUIM.I-:, Or., Fob. 27.- -Arthur Conch, u woll-Unown Hniiiloii innn, wii last evening k inn ted a dixorco Tlio nult wont by default, Mr. Coach and Ills wife having nniiuged a prop erty suttloinunt outside of court. This Ih tho culmination of n sories of units. Coach having first sued for a dlvorrn and Inter hIio sued and both woro donlod. Tho hearings of tho cases woro rather souimtiounl. Iu granting tho dlvorco Inst evening; Judgo Colto sovoroly consured Clinch for his manner of living. Coiiillli Wins t'M In tlio case of .Mrs. Alice McDon ald vs. tho City of Coiiulllo. involving tho ownership of n tract of land which has bcon iihod for a public highway, Judgo Colo hold for tho City or Coiiulllo. Ho hold Hint tho publlo hud gullied tlio right to con tinue tho ubo or It. Henry Soiig Htackon or Mnrshnold represented Mrs. McDonnld. Mei'ifumt Caxe l'p. Tho caso oS Mrs. Mary Morehunt vs. Sheriff Ongo wob alfco Biibmlttwd to tho court. Sho l suing to annul tho aalo of tho V. T. Morcliant homo on North Hroadway in Mnrshftold Vy Ql.nrlfr nnirn fni- invnn on tllO former ! W. T. Merchant Btoro. ShorUf Gagei instead of golting tno nncK inxea om. of tho BtocK proceeded to soil Mer chant's proporty, on which Mrs. Mor cliant hnd a largo mortgago. The taxes amounted to about $1800. I Iniulnn Port Case. Tho Port of Handon tost caso was tried, but it will bo somo time before n decision 18 handed down as both aides woro granted tlmo In which to fllo written brlofa. Tho caso will jirobably go to tho Supremo Court, regardless of which side wins. MISS RD65S IS R Governor West's Private Sec retary Succeeds in Clos ing Cove Saloons tn AtiocUl I'itim lo Coo. Br 1'lmn.) SALEM, Or., Feb. 57. Fern Hobbs won another victory for tho dry forc es when the Governor received word tlint the Union county court would declare Cove dry Miirch 4. Mffl KILLED 6Y TRIBE M Desperate Battle Fought by Gendarmes and Natives in Persia HIT A"1 I'M PrfM lo font Ilr TlmM.) TEHEIIAN, Fob. 27. A detach ment or ICO gendarmes Is cornered In Its bnrrackB at Kazruu by a largo body of tribesmen. Tho bnt tlo begnn yestordny and continued with desperate flghtiug, when Inst roports woro received. Tlio com mander or the gendarmes, Major Ohlssou, n Swede, was killed. Ite lnforeomentB have bcon dispatched from Slilrnz and a detachment of mnrinoB from lliislilro. fi.S. MM 11SS BRIDE Weil-Known Coos County Lawyer Surprises Friends Married at Rosebtirg A. S. Hammond of North Pond niid Marshllold. one or tho best known Coos county attorneys, surprised his mends uy returning Here today witli a bride. He loft last wcok, being called by an "important oiiRagomont," which was not explnlned until ho and Mb bride aril veil on tho Drain Btago today. They woro married at Kosoburg February 25 and Immediately came to Coos Hay. Tho brido wiih former ly MIsb I.oulso C. Monroe, a woll kuown Portland young woman. She juid her Bister were tit IloHoburg and Judgo Deter Itlco officiated. Today Mr. Hammond Jh receiving congratulations at the Cluindlor, w'horo ho anil his brldo are stopping. BL POST ILL STANDS ?G.l! Int Postmas r General From Rediin- M,a ates Beaten r'1..!!. iAsniv;'7r,!coo'Ti.) IW,i.j,j' D. P.. Fell -"tuu bb -. it - 27. WP the p.? tho PostofHce bill I0teof 33 to 24, senate. tCll!s(Jt(s',,!!r,J,,,and wmiT ffS l B.AHTEIl'H rrma ,.., -I l3 . GENERAL CHUN IS POISONED Chinese Military Leader Vic- tim in i-Tovince oi Chi Li Br AmocII4 rrera to coot VtJ TlmM.J TIENTSIN, Chlnn, Fob. 27.AB aaslnation by poUonlng Is believed to have caused the death last night of General Chao Ping Chun, military governor of Chi LI province and a former premier. He was ill only a few hours. ItEWAHD. I will pay $20 reward for informa tion that will lead to tho arrest and conviction of the parHes who broke Into the dwelling on Henderson Marsh about Feb. 21 or 22. GEO. H. NAY. POTS BAN ON ALL LEVITT President Evans of Seventh Day Adventists Talks at Walla Walla Dr nrs!l TreM lo Coot Dtr Tlmti.1 WALLA WALLA, Fob. 27. Pros idont I. H. Evniia of tho North Amer ican Division conforonco or Sovonth Day AdvomistB, tho North Pacific conference of which Is In session here today, condemned laughing, Joking and Jesting, urging his hearers to conduct thomsolvea "with more trembling." HtHIGATlOX MEETfXG tDf AMOCltloJ Prt o Coot C7 Tlmot.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 27. Secretary Lano baa called a confer ence on Irrigation at Denver ror April 9. All Irrigation states are invited to participate. CUT OHEGON HATES Oregon Express Companies Make KcUuctloiiM on hinau rucKagva (Dr AuocUtod rrttt to Coot l)r Time. J SALEM, Or., Feb. 27. Tho Ore gon Railroad Commission has receiv ed advices rrom the Interstate Com merce Commission that special per mission la granted to put tho ex press rates agreed upon by the state commission and tho railroads Into effect March 10. Material reductions will be made on packages under for.ty pounds. AHHEST DOTSON COOK MIRTLE E STORE ROBBED Blood Hounds on Trail of Bandits Near Roseburg This Afternoon (Or Attoclitd rmi lo Cool nr Tlm.t.l HOSEUUHG, Or., Feb. 27. Hlco Brothers' store nt Myrtle Creek wns lrolbcd last night ot (considerable money. Dloodhounds from Cnnyon vlllc are on the trail or tho robbors. T Tonlr Rpnnlnnd rnnk nf the Dot- son Hotel, was arrested today on tho charge of stealing a pair of boots and other articles from a roomer. Ho was also neia on otner charges, IIS NOW IREVOLT Serious Revolutionary Move ment in Progress An archy Is Rampant tnr AmocI.IcJ rmi to Coot nr Tlmn.J MADRID, Fob. 27. Tho Spnnlsh government hns received Inrormn tlon that an Important rovolutlon nry movement Is In progress In Portugal. According to an nn nouucMiient mndo by tho Spanish under Secretary or State Tor tlio In terior, n condition or anarchy ex ists throughout Portugal. It has bcon Impossible to learn doflnltoly what Is tnklng place, bb all com munication, oven wireless, Is interrupted. LOST POOT H- VILLA WILL PERMIT PART! TO INSPECT BENTON'S REMAINS ORDERS PRDRE OF BIG SMELTER Gov. Lister, of Washington, to Look Into I. W. W. Strike 1 at Ruston 11 Asiocltttd Pm lo foot Il; Tlmrt SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 27. Gov ernor Lister litis ordorod on Investi gation or tlio strike of tho 400 lab orers at the Guggenheim Biuoltor nt Huston, uonr Tnconin, according to advices received at tho Central Labor Union headquarters. The investigation will bo mndo by tlio Stato Commissioner of Labor, who left for tho smelter town today. Tho Investigation wns requested by tlio Federation of Labor at a recent convention In Aberdeen. Industrial Workers of tho World attempted to assuiuu ehnrgo of tho strlko last December and tlicro was much disorder. Later tho Western Federation or Miners organized tlio men, who quit becnuso their hours were Increased without moro pay. SW TG FRO AUTO GRASR IN NORTR BEND Rebel Commander Announces That Body Was Taken To Chihuahua SEC. BRYAN NOTIFIED OF NEW CONDITIONS Gov. Coquitt, of Texas, Treat ens to Send Militia Into Old Mexico ' nr AuotUttd I'rrn to Coot Hr Tlmm.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 27. Consul Letcher telegraphed Socro larv or Stato Hrynn that Gonoral Villa would pormlt two AmorlcaiiB, two Englishmen nnd two mombora or the family or William S. lion ton to view tho body or tlio dend rancher. Letcher nlso reported that Vllln would permit two physicians to accompany American nnd Ilrltlsh representatives and members or tho Denton family and ho would fur nish transportation and accommodn tloiiB for all of thorn. Hrynn sulci JiiBt boforo entering Cnblnot meet ing that Lctchar's dispatches con firmed previous information that Denton's body wns In Chihuahua City. Ho said arrnngcmontB would bo mndo soon for n vlalt of tho com mission to Chlliunhiia to vlow tho body nnd Intimated that disposition of It would bo settled nftor medical examination. D. Devote Run Down by Log ging Train Near Bandon -Caught in Track (Special to Tho Times.) HANDON, Or., Feb. 27. An un rortuuato accident happened on it logging road noar Handon Thursday afternoon when D. DoVoo hnd his left root cut off by the engine nnd two cars passing ovor It. DoVoo wna walking up tVo track and tho engine wns approaching In tho opposite direction. Ho contem plated stopping aside when the train got close but his foot wan caught In tho switch frog. IIIb presence of mind In leaning to ono side saved him from being Btruck bodily. Ho wna taken to tho hospital at Coqulllo ror treatment. WN TO V W HUB B. C. Seydel, of Portland, Here Looking Over Coos Bay Water Company II. C. Soydol or Portland Is In Marshllold negotiating with tho Coos Hay Water company ror tho purchaso or their proporty providing ho Is nblo to securo a now frnnchlso in Marshfleld. The company ImB a long tlmo frnnchlso in North Dend, so that will not bo mndo a condition of tho deal. J. II. Flanagan of the Coos Hay Water company statod this afternoon that tho negotiations had not gone very far aa yet. Ho said that they had given Mr. Soydol a price on tho property but would not give an op tion on it. Ho said that Mr, Soydol had not Informed him as to who was backing him or, In fact, much about IU He said that Edgar McDanlel of North Bond had Introduced Mr. Sey del to them. Ho Bald that Mr. Soydol wanted to confer with tho city offic ials and others about tho matter. Mr. McDanlel said that Mr. Soydol had Installed a waterworks system at Beaverton and that a very reason able schedule of rates was charged. He said that Mr. Soydel was In favor of tho meter system. Machines of George Rotnor and Gorst & King Damag edOne Slightly Hurt Gcorgo Rotnor'a auto was protty badly smnshed In a collision on tho MnrBliuold-Nortll Bend road near tho Kinney dock last evening, n Gorat & King car slightly damaged mid ono person slightly hurt. Mr. Rotnor, Frod Marx of Portland and' Miss Kloglor escaped Injury, but Mm. M. J. Elrod, tho other occupant of Mr. Hotnor's car, was slightly bruised and her oyo hurt. Thoy woro roturnlng from North Bond about S o'clock and tlio driz zling rain mado tho windshield rather obscure. Mr. Rotnor saw two cara approaching and turned out to pass. Tho road Is rnthor narrow thoro and ho noticed ns the first car passed that ho was very closo to tho rail ami ho swung back Into tl.o rond. Just thou tho Gorst & King car camo along nnd tho two crashed togothor, ripping tho running board off tho Gorst & King car and smashing a wheel on Mr. Hotnor's machine Tho momentum carried them by each other ami tho broken wheel threw Mr. Hotnor's machine off tho grndo. It was purely an accident and no blamo la attached to anyono, and that It was not moro sorlous la n source or gratification to all con cerned, fir AkUIJ l'rr. Iu Coot HT Tlm.t EL PASO, Feb. 27. Gcorgo C. Cnrothors admitted ho hnd postponed his denarturo ror Chihuahua, and whllo ho was silent ns to his roasoiiH It Is assumed (lint tho arrival linrn I or British Consul Percovnl to parti cipate iu tno Ronton investigation nnd tho receipt by Cnrothors cr a bulky dispatch from Mexico acoo.mttt for tho delay. (nr Aitotituj to co. nr Timw j EL PASO, Tex.. Fob. 27. Tho proflonco hero of Consul Porcoval Iu bellovod to mnrk the beginning of lipportnnt dovcIupiucntH. Jt Is .br llovod when tho commission departn for Chihuahua to oxuniliupionton'H body Porcoval will accompany It. Anxiety over tho disappearance ot Gustnv Hunch continues. Bollef Iu tlio report thut ho wna shot aa a spy last Friday is gonoral on this aide Ot the Rio Grande. nr Ai(0Ulod Prill lo Coot Iltr Tlmrt.) CHIHUAHUA, Feb. 27. As nn ex planation of hla continued dolay in attacking tlio Federal army at Chi huahua, tho opinion Is freely ex prosHCd by tlio closo advisors or Vllln that ho la oultv content with his pros out supremo authority ami tlint ho will not push Boiithward until iiocoh slty demands. In tho mcnutlmo tho I Federal forces nro growing and may soon push north to take tho offon- sivo. Tlio roiiclB linvo lost ground by tho delay, TE.YAH MAY ACT ONLY Slllil TO COOS BAY GOV. FOLK IS NAMED Former Missouri Executive Given New Federal Position, Or Auoclitea: Prrtt to Coot Hi; Timet. WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 27. Joseph W. Folk, solicitor or tho Stato Department has decided to accept the new post as chief counsel to tho Interstate Commerce Commission. Dr. Charles W. Neodham, former President of George Washington Un iversity, has been appointed assist ant counsel. Congressman Hawley Straight ens Out Appropriation New Dredge Sec. Henry Songstackon Is In ro colpt of word from Congressman Hawley that the presout Rivera and Harbors bill contains an allowanco or only $50,000 for Coos Bay. This Is to bo used for maintaining tho bar dredge Michlo and other work. Somo thought that Cooa Bay was to get an extra $50,000 but Mr. Hawley says that the appropriation for tho bar dredge has to be made each year Instead of being automatic. Tho Vancouver Chamber of Com merce has written tho Marahflold Chamber of Commorco urging them to get after Congressman Hawley and see that Major Morrow's recommen dation for tho construction ot an other dredge for tho Oregon nnd Washington harbors Is carried out. They point out that the Oregon Is tho only ono now avallablo and that an other ono Is needed. Terms Expire. It Is expected that tho threo Port or Cooa Bay Commissioners whoso terms expire this year will bo candi dates at the May primaries to suc ceed themselves. No other candi dates have been mentioned. Tho men whoso terms expire aro A. O. Rogers, A. H. Powora and Henry Sengatacken. CHILI CON CAK.NE at SAHTEIVS. Gov. Colquitt Regius Investigation of Hidalgo Execution (nr AiiotltliHl Prtit to Cpoi I!7 Time.. J LAREDO, Tex., Fob. 27. Frlonda or Clomonto Vorgnrn, an American who was hanged recently by tho Mex ican FodoralB, wore aroused, today by reports mado by American Consul Gnrrotr, who visited tho scono or tho rancher's execution near Hldnlgo yes terday. Tho dual Investigation wns expect ed to assttmo doflnlto form today. Tho Fcdoral Investigation bogan sov oral days ago. A stato Inquiry was ordered yeatorday by Governor Col quitt', who Indicated that ho might tnko derisive stops toward punishing tlio slnyors if thoy becamo known. Ho threatened to send tho mllltlu into Mexico. TRY TO FIND M Conference Held at New York to Put Unemployed to Work There Br AuocUteJ Trrtt to Coot Dtr Timet. NEW YORK, Fob. 27. Delegates to tho National Conference on Un employment gathered in the city hall to hit on a method or bringing to gether jobless in on nnd manless Jobs. Tho problem or tho unemployed has usBumcd. such proportions in New York that a municipal employment bureau has been recently formed. Mayor Mitchell opened tho confer ence with an address on "Public Res ponsibility." HAD SMALLPOX Chaa. Johnson, ot Plat B was taken Into custody last night by Of ficer Doano who suspected ho had smallpox. Dr. Straw pronouncoa it to bo n bad caso and Johnson was escorted towards his homo. 1 sr'