ajwW4a,jmwit '-'"' .iinilinwHiMiMi mi I m THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SIX M . a DOINGS OF CITY COUNCIL PLAN TO TRIM I G Gin EXPENSES rCContlniicd: !cJ!g.J?J-j?gJ3gurL. along with $100 por month allow nnco. Somoono figured out that the band paid Director Fcnton $125 por month, pnld $15 per month for hall rent and nlBo paid for tho heat Jng nnd lighting and Janitor sorvlco nt tho MaBonlc Opera House when thoy had concerts. Mr. Copplo Bald that ob long as tho city had to cut down cxnenses. ho thought that tho band ought to ho willing to Btand' eotno of tho reduction. ' Councilman Albrecht favorod tho reduction, saying that ob the Coun cil had limited lteolf to a ten mill lovy last fall, It was up to them to llvo within It. Ho and Copplo woro In favor of having an advisory voto taken on It at tho Mny primaries, allowing only tnxpayors to voto. Mr. Ferguson objected to this, saying that all vot ers should ho allowed to voto on the question. Finally, Recorder IJutlor told them that tho matter could not bo submitted nt tho May primary ns that wiib a county and Btnto olectlon. Chnlruiau Allen suggested that porhnps tho now flro cuglno might bo dispensed with ns n means of keeping down exponscs. This was 'nlmcd nt Alurccht, who had lieon urging tho purchase of tho $9500 flro onglno nnd Immediately got n raiso out of him. Mr. Copplo snld that ho was anx ious to have tho Council stand united on tho reduction, ns thor would bo "a big holler." Ilowovor, It waa flnnlly ngroed to let final Action on It go over. GEO HERE CAPT. U GGENN ON MR .DREDGE Will Make Trip of Inspection Tomorrow on Michie on Morrow's Request While In Portland this trip, Cant. Slnegonn called on Mnjor Morrow, U. 8. Kngliioor In ehnrgo of this dist rict, to tulle over tho bar Improve ments with It 1 in . There he met Maj or Cnvanaugh of Seattle, who Is re- ferred to as "Falnor of tho liar Dredge 1. S. Mlehlo," and 0. C. Wos-i tervelt, tho U. S. Naval Constructor, who supervised Its building. I Capt. Miugonii expressed his doubt i ns to what the Mlchle would be alilo1 to ncrompllsh hero and finally Major Morrow Insisted that Mm-genii make , n trip of Inspection out on tho bar dredge. This will be done tomorrow nnd Cnpt. Mnegenn will report to Major Morrow next week. Capt. Mucgonn also ronferred with1 (ho lighthouse department officials nnd they lurromed him that as soon ns tho channel dredging was com pleted, tho range llghtH In the harbor would bo changed again, a largo tod light being put in as tho front range light. (Will) OF THANKS. North Front Street and South Broadway to Cost Over $50,000 Nenrly $50,000 worth of hard sur face paving waB ordorcd by tho City Council last night. 1'nrt of It was on North Front Btreot from Elm to Hemlock, which was chnnged from bituminous to bl tullthlc. This will cost $23,415.50, there being 7,940 ynrds of paving and 1C85 ynrds of fill. It docs not Include tho Bldowalks, which will make tho assessment about $7 per front foot. South Hrondway was ordorcd pav ed with bltullthlc from Curtis nvenuo to Hall. It will cost $27,304.30. Tlioro aro 8488 yordB of paving and 2000 ynrds of fill on tho strcot. Mayor Allon suggested that coment sldownlks bo put In along with tho hard paving but it was declared that It would make It too cxpeiiBlvo for tho property owners now. Old Plunking. In the snectricatlons for tho paving City Hnglneor llucklnghnm provided that tho contractor wns to got tho old planking for removing It. A (mention was raised about tho legality of this aB tho planking bo lougB to tho abutting property owners. Flnnlly It wns agreed that tho property ownerB ho given flvo dnys' notlco to romovo tho plnnklng and If they did not do it, tho con tractor was to take It. Mr. llucklng hnm said that tho old planking was not worth tho cost of removing it. Ilnmduny on (.'rado. It wns stated that tho plan is to hnvo tho hard paving on South Drond way put in on grade. Tills will mean n raise of about eighteen Inches nt tho corner of Hall, leaving tho build ings along thcro that much bolow tho street. For tho tlmo bolng It Is pro posed to leave tho sldowalks In nt their present grndo. Mny Flro Ivimlnc. An ordlnnnco providing for tho purchnso of tho Amorlcnn-LaFranco auto flro onglno was adopted. Tho engine costs $9,500 nnd Is to ho pnld for In four lustallmonts of $2375 ench. Aflor the pnssngo of tho ordlnanco, some of tho officials Joshed Council man Albrecht ns to whether ho had got his cheek yet for soiling tho engine. TUV TO OUT COOS UAV STATION MOVICI) Sountor Ceo. 10. Chamberlain In u luttor to tho Marshflold Chamber of Commerce, today promlsoH to try ami got n bill through Congress this tlmo to provide funds to move tho Coos May hire Saving Station to tho now slto at Clinrloston. This is tho third attempt ho has made nnd ho nays ho fools suro of getting tho money. Congress man llawloy has also promised to aid. IIANDON TIIAM HKItn I..A. To tho mnny friends, nnd cspoclnl-' Jy to Mr. and Mrs. Htnurr, wnoso thoughtful kindness during the Ill ness nnd death of my boloved hus band, Peter Mars, lightened tho bur den of my sorrow, I oxtond my heart felt thankB. MHS. MAIHA MAUS. IIASKKTIlAMi TOXIflHT. HasKotball 'IVjiin Anlws for Claim's on Itny. Tho Dnndoii bnsketbnll team ar rived horo today noon to play tho Marshflold high school team at tho Tubernaclo tonight, Thoy will play at North Head tomorrow night. Prof. Hopkins accompanied tho team and tho plnyors who camo with him aro: Iteed (iulller, John Windsor. A. ChrlBtotiBcn, It. (lalller, Frtd Har vey. M. Cnttorlin, Sam Armstrong, II. Droiisou, L. Sparks, O. Stoltz. Have Your Watch Repaired Now ffm -0j ' For several months we have been unable to keop up our repair work, but now wo can pivmse prompt service. . , , , Mr, J. H. Griffith, an experienced watchmaker, on braver and optician, has come from Portland to help All work promptly done and guaranteed to be satisfactory, RAISE STREET ABOVE FILLS Central Avenue and Commer cial Avenue Planking to Be Elevated Tho City Council Inst night decided to hnvo Commercial nvonuo raised from Fifth Btreot west to Soventh or KIghth bo that tho dredglngs will not flow over tho plnnklng. Councilman Kvertsen brought tho mnttcr up nnd urged tho Improvement, ns ho snld thoro would bo many protests about tho street being flooded. City Kn glnccr Buckingham explained thnt the drrlglngs would not bo over n few inches deep on It and ho thought thnt It would bo cheaper to have tho mud cleared off after tho dredge got through. Tho cost of rnlslng tho street will bo nbout $150 nnd will bo nsBcsscd to tho nbuttlng property ownerB. Somcono wnntod tho street rniscd to tho permanent grndo, but It was thought that thla would bo too ex pensive now. Fourth Street Irfixv. In tho dlsciiBslon, City Knglneer llurklughnm explained that tho hard paving on Fourth street nt Central and Commercial wns ona foot below tho permanent grndo nnd to put Cen trnl nnd Commercial on the perman ent grades, west of Fourth, would necessitate raising It. Tho councllmon were opposed to doing this. It would leave tho Mas onic opera houso nnd M. K. Church considerably below street level. In conscfjuonco, It wns decided to hnvo tho temporary changes made In tno plnnklng on Central and Commer cial. South Hroadwny. City Attorney (loss said ho hnd re ceived a number of romplalntH about tho nonr concrete on South llmndwnv. proporty owners claiming thnt tho traffic had cut away most or It. City Knglneer nucktnghnm Rnld that ho did not think this was correct. Ho said ho would mnko an examina tion today beforo tho hard surface was put on nnd see. Ho nsked thnt' the engineer's offlco bo supplied with a coment tester, which would cost nbout $250, so that they could guard against poor con crete and It was ngroed to buy this, but no formal action wns taken. To Open Strcetc. Upon n resolution Introduced by Councllmon Wilson, Mayor Alton ap pointed Messrs. Wilson, Albrecht and FergtiS'ii n cnmmltteo to try and got Ilonuett avenue opened from Fourth stroot to Hrondway and Fifth street oponod between Donnelly and l'lrod nnd perhaps south to fioldou. Mr. Wilson said thnt treso strcots woro originally oponod but thnt the pints had been changed and portions of thorn vncnted. The commllteo will confor with tho ownors of the prop erty nffectod. Older Debate Paid. A robnto of $920. SI was ordered paid to tho proportj owners on Hall avenue between Front street nnd Fourth strcot. Johnson & I. arson woro ordorod pnld $1117.35 for tholr stroot con tract on Second near Ulrch. Mill Slougli Drain. City Knglneer Diicklnghnm report ed to tho council thnt tho total cost of tho Mill Slough drain was about' $8000. This Included $250 bonus to tho contractors for hastening tho completion, $288.75 for engineering expenso and $7442.18 for tho drain proper. Kick On WIN. Chairman Copplo of tho FInanco Cnmmltteo voiced n vigorous protost against bills amounting to $251.45 for repairs to tho city pest Iioubo which Dr. Strnw nnd Chnlrman Wil son of tho Health Commltteo had or dered. Ho said It was too much to spend in vlow of tho fnct that tho post houso only cost $190 In tho first place. I NOIITII UKND NI'.WS I . J. G. Mullen and bride,, who have miiml n f.ivv i!n'H nt til (l Dr. IVUl'tlo cottage on South Coob Diver, hnvo I returned nnd hnvo gono to house- keening In tholr now Homo. Mr. and Mrs. K. It. Hodson. of South Coos Ithor, wero North Dend visitors yostorday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kmory, who recently camo from San Frnnclsco, hao gone to housokeoplng In ono of tho Simpson houses on tho hill. The rolvnl mootlngs aro bolng contlnuod nt tho United Drothren Church this week. Mrs. A. II. linhoff Is hostess this nftornoon at her homo on Union nvenue, to tho Presbyterian Ladles' Aid. Mrs. Herhort Rogers and daughter, Mrs. M. Nelson, woro Coos Day sitoppers yesterday. Harry Dean and llttlo son How nrd, wero business visitors to Mnrsh flehl yesterday. .mI ireno Hodson, who has spent ."ek with relatives In Marsh "t ' eturned homo yestordny. , i Simpson's cottages on Union n enut'. hnvo bom moved nenr tho In" paik. Tho plan Is to build a l,i,t.. nn tlm Hitn whoro tho cottneos B stotd. lilt HUH Hi ftDUUIbOHULI RED CROSS Jewelry Dep't RED CROSS Drug Store ! FACTS YOU MAY NOT KNOW I Kxports of tho Unltod States Uu reau of Mine have perfected a fog mnktng mnehlno for distributing molsturo through coal mines to pre cipltato tho dust nnd prevont disas trous explosions. Tho Gormnny navy has a salvago boat especially deslgued for the re covery of sunken submarines. Investigation to Decide Who Caused Mistake at Fourth and Golden A special hearing to determine who wns responsible Tor ehnnglng tho grndo on South Fourth street nenr Golden nvenue, lenvlng tho hard pav inir below tl.o dredge fill, will bo held nt tho council chamber Monday night. This wns ordered by tho Council last night nfter u long discussion and City Attorney Gobs wiib Instructed to buu poena ail who aro supposed to havo nny knowledge of it. It wns first brought up by Wm. Hnydcn, who owiib property on Gol den west of Fourth, who Inquired If tho city hnd tlto nervo to expect a man to pny for street Improvements nnd sldownlk Improvements when they wero fnr under mud nnd wnter, bo bad that his wlfo and children could not get out of tho Iioubo. Ho said ho was willing to pay Just ns soon nB tho city gnvo him something for his money. Ho said It was really dangerous now, sowngo bolng nmong tho mud nnd water standing thcro. Councilman Albrecht snld It wns up to tho city to find out who wns rcs ponslbo for ehnnglng tho grade, re ducing tho cornor from n grade of fifteen feet to ten feet. He said that .las. Dennett nnd Win. I.nwhorno were among Hiobo who bad been urging the reduction hut that tho grade had been changed In December, 1012, when ho wns not on tho council. Georgo UalnoB, Petor Scott, Sr., and I. S. Kniifmnn voiced protests nbout It nnd so did It. A. Corthell. City Knglneer Diieklngham said that tho change wnB mndo before he wns city engineer nnd ho did not know Just why It wns mndo. Coiincllmnn Wilson said that a cor oner's Inquest ought to bo held to seo who wns responsible. He wnntod tho city engineer put undor bond so that In enso of mistakes like this, they would havo to pay for It. It was pointed out that this wns Impossible. Messrs. Ferguson nnd Copplo said that thoy did not know nbout tho chnngo or nnywny tho effect It would hnvo. Georgo Haines wanted tho street fixed right, but ho wns opposed to tho property owners bolng required' to pny tho cost of tho mistake. Flnnlly tho hearing was ordeied. City Knglneer Ducklughnm explain ed that a ditch had JtiFt been dug through tho fill to drain thnt area and thnt as soon iih this wns drained, tlioro would bo no further trouble with tho sower. Ho said It would bo nocessary this suminsr to provide some menus of draining tho en'lro filled area. He snld thnt a drain box bud not boon put In boforo the fill because Manager Miller or the dii'dw would not pormlt them to pump onto a drain thnt wns not supported bv plllnif. This kind of n drain would hnvo cost $1800 or so and ho said It was chenn or to build tho other kind or a drain nfter tho fill wns mndo. llo snld thnt tho dro'lve Seuttto charred the Port $25 iter hour for ovory hour's delay In th6 work. Coiincllmnn Copplo tald that tho error or cIiuukIuk tho gn tie whh made during Mr. Gldloy's term or oMe. H. A. Cortholl snld t'"it tho rMit grndo had boon ostabllshod by Kn glneer Sandhorg nnd Mr. Cortholl snld ho would fight the Improvement or Golden until Fourth sheet wns brought to P'o proper irrado. Fairground Fence. F. P. Norton requeste 1 permission to robulld tho fnlr ground fonco north or Krtiso nvenuo so 'int stniidlng room could bo provided ior nutos nenr tho rnco track. It was stated that Mayor Allon bad lecommended that tho council open up Kruse nve nuo hut Mr. Norton did not think that tho street wns needod now thnt Johnson nvenuo hnd been Improved. Ills request was referred to tho Btreot commltteo. City Attorney Gobs snld that thoro This Newly Arrived Spring Line -OF Ladies' Ail-Wool Serge Dresses At $r.5o 7 Is well worth a special trip dowrTtown I II. if jft! r'M V Ml The new peg skirt Is p: eminent la tho collection. A number or styles In the set-in hIcoiv, others with the moro iMiiiHorwillvo peasant tdeou. Snino strictly tailored twilst effects with (miii-iIdvmi collar; some In fancy lloliro oflootN. Trimmed In self-colored and brocaded silk. Tliree-qiiarU'r and full-length slce. Colin wine, mny, Copenhagen, brown and red, 'SIos HI to III. Hub Dry Goods Co. Smart Wear for Women. Cor. Central Ave. and Broadway. Phono 3G1. wero two Injunction suits on now! about South Fourth street, ono of A. I D. Manly onjolnlng tho collection of UBsoMiiiieiits and tho other being tho1 Southern Pnclflc'B enso to provont. improving Fourth sheet to Coal Dank i Slough, llo snld that tho Southern j Pacific was willing to ndjust tho lat ter on a basis of deferring the Im provement for a time. I'ntliemt's Appeal. Something About the Progress of the Press "You ennnot seo tho rorost for tho trees," snld n hlstorlnn, "nor history In tho making for bolng so closo to tho ovent." Ho wrote boforo tho present greatness of tho nowspnpors was attalnod. Nowndnys tho history of tho mlnuto Is yours when you pick up your dally nowspnpor. Not only thoso things which happen in tho city nnd throughout tho country, but throughout tho world. Tlioro aro romances back of this nchlovoment, tnles of suf fering, of loyalty to the pa per, of long hours, of strenu ous ondoavor and dnrlng. Consider cnrefully this com posite wonder, tho nowspnpor which you buy dally ror an m Blgntricnnt price. Usually It contains soveral squar yards ot paper, and, in tho metropol itan dnllles, its lines of typo sot end to ond, would extend for miles. And nil this typo must bo sot In a few short hours. Tho wonder Is that your paper does not cost you many times Its present prlco. Tho ndvortlsements, ns well ns tho news, aro ot great Im portance because thoy bring you tho Btor? nows of Coos Day's leading merchants nnd toll you of opportunities to puichaso nt n big saving in prlco. S. D. Cathcart appoarod boforo tho Council and asked that thoy guaran tee to provide dralnago ror his lots In West Muishllold aftur tho drodgo rill Is mndo. Ho said that ho would not mind If It did not drain as woll as now, hut ho wanted It drained. Ho said It would rcqulro nbout 700 feet of drain plpo. After considerable discussion tho matter was referred to tho street commltteo. Transfer License. Tho council ordered tho llceuso of tho Kaglo saloon transferred rrom Uecs & Snoddou to Hugh Sneddon, who bought It out. Mr. Sneddon claimed that tho night boioro last ho drove his auto to tho city hall ex pecting that thoro wns n council mcot lug, nnd forgot to light tho auto and wns rinod 5 ror tho offense. Italso Saloon Licenses. Tho ordlnnnco raising tho llcenso nt Marshflold saloons rrom $S00 to $1000 por year, otrectlvo July 1, was adopted Inst night. Tlmo for Saloons, Upon potlrlon of It. O. Graves, Pot or Mlrrasoul and Hugh Sneddon, rep resenting tho Mnrshllold saloons, tho council last night dceidod to allow tho saloons to hnvo tho porters start work at 4 o'clock In tho morning to eloan up. Tho saloons will not open for business until 5 o'clock, tho samo hour as at present. They claimed that It was hard to got porters to do the work unless thoy mndo It earllor, so that ono porter could clean up two or threo places, thoy had trouble. In granting tho pormlt, It was stat ed that the first violation of tho por mlt by permitting liquor to bo sold boforo 5 o'clock would result In tho pormlt being withdrawn br Mxror I Allen. Hint Kiln Si-ssllltl. It was about 12.30 oclock tli morning when the council sdjourMt Coiincllmnn Kvertscn remained til nbout 12 odock, when heitrw. unvln,. lm Imil Id ret till at 3 Oun this morning to look niter hli bJlw nnd ho ionised to stu. im' romnlucd. I !.... Ilf.mi.wllllt?. Cliiis. Donne protested about it In the docking or uo wiwn '- .i. inikHD.u. ri.rnltiit-n utoro Antf W Dallies promised to lmo It llrt onco. hJ Tho Finnnco Committee repow In Invor or nwnrtllng tlto cltr pnj ... .. i.i.i ..r ,...n nml nncnSIl C!" Ull II Will III I"" " , - . .... m. por lino. JiiBt half tlto legal tnbllBhod by law, ami mo in-v- udoptod, ... ,.i .' i ..r mi . upre Did" tno assessment tor tlto Alder iw lmprovemont dererreti. AimicsTHi) ron PiciiTiNQ 7T. j Tnhn I W. M. Honoris uiju -:. v. Mnckoy woro nrrcbted Iwt .W nttlrnra Shniino nild D? ..T w. .. ."" " .r . .. nnhiTII V chnrged with riguunB. 'y. Btstod on having a ur iir - 7 .. oy, who clnlnis J10 aow - him, at tho Kuu - i.t -juM wns HouortB- ""',':: r0Tft bad to resort to his ih) slca ipo or SOVOrOiy liumnh ""-th jit bled freoly rrom tlto tnoutu nnso. Mnckey had 1.55 a"" orts nothing. t Ainnn ihp Wnterfront. Tho Adeline Smith arrived 9:30 this morning from San CISCO. , 1 i nt Bit Tho FirioM arrived at weunesuny ovuiuub HASKF.THAIiTi TOXI('T' Times Want ads brlnSj 5e: Spring Suit Will Look Well Fit Well, Feel Well Wear Well. and give .satisfaction, if you place your order w Raitanen & Wuori The Only Tailors on the toast Let us show you our line of goods and give you CLEANING AND PRESSING DONE. MarstiP Room 210. Irving Block.