Mcuimmn I THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1914 EVENING EDITION. i i i i hiui i i " muiNHwi FOUR MWMtMaiMfifttWgm! L J. N. 1HL' OF WRITES (IN GAIL TOLLS gcmp!tmtuummmtt!Ommn TLMD SSUED ..Catholic Regulations for Ob servance of Season are Given Out Tho Lonton regulations for Cnth ollcs this yenr In brief nro as fol lows: All Fridays nro fast days. All days of Lent oxcopt Sundays are fast days of obligation. On fast days only oito full meal a day Is allowed. During Lent, flesh meat Is nllow ml nnlv nt thn nrlnclnnl meal on week days, except all Wednesdays nnd Fridays ana also tho Saturdays in Einuor week (March 7) and Holy week (April 11.) On fast days In Lout flesh meat nnd fish (Including oysters, crabs, frogs, turtles, etc.) nro never nllowed nt tho same meal, a rulo which applies oven to the Sundays In Lent nnd to all porsons howovor othorwlBo excused or dls pciiKcd from tho law of either nh Btlnonco or fast. Hut menl may al ways bo proparcd with tho drippings or eltlier tat or lard. Persons excused from fast may uso flesh meat mora than onco on tho days when It Is allowed at all, whether In Lent or outsldo of thnt season. Catholics having complotcd their twonty-flist yenr of ago, are bound to fust. Porsons excused or dispen sed from tho law of fnBt or nb Btlnonco ought to porform some othor good works of piety and chnr Ity In tho spirit of Christian ponnnce nnd snnctlflcntlon. Ilonce tho pious custom of giving Lonten alms. "Re deem thou thy hIiih with alms, nnd iv Inl(iiltlos with work of ;norcy." Dan. lv. 21. Also tho custom ol ' : . mining from Intoxicating drinks, nnd of stnylng nwny from thentors, dnncos, card parties and othor pro fnuo nmusomonts, etc. ' Tho colli ctlons for Indian nnd ne gro missions, tho African missions, tho Holy Lnnd and Washington Catholic University, will not bo tn kun up this yenr, according to thq Kenton regulations, Issued. Tho col lections for tho Popo (Peter's ponce) will ho tnkon tho first Sundny of Lent on March 1. RESUME WOUIC ON TUNNEL Ciiiitriu'toiN Are Heady to Work South of ShiNlnw FLORENCE, Or., Fob. 25. Tho Pilot this week says: Sovernl of tho railroad contractors have already arrived to look over tho ground before beginning thin senson's work nnd very nearly nil will ho In by Mnrch 1. I C. Dakar, of Randall & linker, nrrlvod Saturday nnd will soon hnvo n force of men busy on tholr part of tho road bod which Is from Acmo to Muplo Cr ok. In this stretch Is tho 2200-foot tunnel cutting through tho rldgo between South Slough nnd Mnplo Crook. When tho work cens ed last year they had n bora of nearly IC5 feat At each end. Construction crows will bogln work In nbout a week. Tho road from South Slough will bo planked to Camp No. I nt tho north end of tho tunnol boforo nintorlal will bo hnulrd. Whon tho work starts n forco will ho busy night nnd day. SHORT KKinVIIKH OP THE FAMOUS FOUR Installment No, 2 Column. Next In order Column cull With his slow nnd comic drawl Looks 8omo like a straw or crooked nwl. Oftentimes they cnll him Jim, And 1 guuss you nil know him, Whon his overcoat la hanging on tho wall, lnoxponslvo ovorcont Ouo a friend would hardly toto, Iliittouod up around Ills throat In tho sun. Hut whan winter blasts nro blowing You may soo old Column going In his shirt sloovos If its snowing For tho inon. 'Cnuso his friends did onco Inquire 'llout his ovurcout for hlro Slipped ono on him o'or tho wlro, Ho is grieved. With oxprosslon soft nnd meoked On a face ko long nnd pcakod, Noso so prominent nnd Btroaked .1 1 in Is peeved. Ho's a friend of Willie Cox, Woaru n pulr of borrowed sockH Has n onto of chicken pox 'Nenlh his chin. Ho Is soro about n Joko; Ought to put his head in soak For whon He's wearing that old clonk I must grin. -Hnr. SAFE I-'OU IIAIUES. EFFECTIVE for GROWN-UPS. That Foley's IJouey and Tar Coin ppuiid, It has tho confidence of your druggist, who knows It will glvo you satisfaction. W. W. Nos smith, 8tntosboro, On,, says: "I havo used Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound In my family nnd have sold it in my store nnd it novor falls to euro." Rofuso a substitute. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandlor Ho tel. Phono 74. HLOCKTS FAMOUS FLOWEIMN-THE-HOTTLE Perfumes FINEST IN TUB WOULD. TUB FRAGRANCE OF FRBSII FLOWBRS SBB OUR WINDOW Scandinavian Drug Store Corner Central Avenue ami Second Struct The following article on tho cnnnl tolls question proparcd by Hon. J. N. Teal, traffic attorney of tho Portlnnd Chamber of Commerco nnd well known on Coos Day, Is one of tho best contributions to this Important subject. Mr, Teal snys: "In nil discussions respecting tho Panama cannl and our treaty obliga tions, tho nrgumont revolves around tho tolls qtiostlon, which fundamen tally Is Its least Important phase. "Groat Ilrltnln has no direct con corn ng to whether our domestic shipping pnyB tolls or not, as neither It nor any other forolgn nntlons arc allowed to cngngo In thnt trade. "It Is also clear thht there must- bo somo strong impelling cause for Great Britain's persistence nnd (nBls tonco on Its protest. Therefore tho effect of our conceding Its Interpre tation of tho treaty must bo consid ered. "When n concession Is onco mndo a construction Is plnccd on the treaty that will ever after obtain. "Among other things tho nrltlsh noto of protest discusses t' e toll question, nssumes that the railroad, boat and trust prohibitions do not apply to vessols of (Ireat Hrltaln, ex jirosscB that country's views as to 'Imitation plnccd on our right to sub sidize our own shipping nnd objects to the exemption from tolls of vessels belonging to tho Republic Qf Panama and slgnlficnntly omits any statement limiting or debarring It from raising other questions In tho future Filtering; Wetlgo for Future "In other words, tho protest Is but the entering wedgo for future claims to bo driven homo whon occasion re quires and which will ultimately de prlvo tho United States of any rcnl sovereignty ovor tho cnnnl, but leav ing It nil tho responsibility of con struction, maintenance, operation nnd defense. "Whllo tho protest now applies to vessels of commerce, tho next protost may apply to vessols of wnr, tho two classes of vessels being coupled to gether In tho snmo scntonco with tho snmo rights In the treaty. It will bo remembered thnt over eight years passed boforo Great Ilrlt nln mndo any protest against tho terms of our treaty with Panama. "If Groat Britain's protests on tolls bo ndmlttod nnd tho law ropoalcd, It will plnco a burden on shippers using It In oonstwlso business between ports of tho tho United States not charged on any other wntorwny or cnnnl owned by this country. Ileuefit of Railroads. "It will enable tho railroads to lovy Just that amount of addltlonnl nx on transcontinental business. It will set a procedcut for charging tolls ii nil our improved waterways nnd will glvo Canadian norts nnd business in advantage over tho wntorwnys and ! iiisi'wxiH of this country. "Wlllln thnan rnaitlta nA hitnni.lAnt I and of conscqucnco, they arc com pletely ovorshndowod by the menace not stated but Implied In tho Urltlsh noto to the effect thnt tho United States as to tho uso of the Panama canal has no othor or greater rights than nny other nation, while having cast upon It all tho but den of Its con struction, operation nnd mainten ance. "Indeed, tho canal will be less ad vantageous to us than to other nations If the Urltlsh protests aro conceded, for other nations can nnd habitually do subsidize their shipping. When tho responsibilities of the United States are considered nnd tho result of tho claim of Great Ilrltnln wolgficd, they furnish tho most cogent reasons why the construction claimed by Great Ilrltnln cannot bo sound. UjisIh for Repent, "Thoso who urge tho reponl on the ground thnt tho exemption Is a sub sidy aro on no soundor bnslB, unless wo aro to abandon our policy of .free waterways. The claim that tho toll exemption Ib an Indirect subsidy to Atlantic and Pacific Coast vessels can bo applied with equal forco to vessols using tho "Soo" Canal nnd applied to n vastly greater tonnago than will use tho Panama Canal for years to come. .".".. "..." "''.. J:"'J: controls mo ennsi shipping, uongrcBs has amplo power to remedy this nnd falls In Its duty if It does not net According to tho report of tho Com missioner of Corporations, tho carry ing trnde on tho Great Lakes Is prin cipally In tho hands of tho railroads and great tnists. Therefore, If nn nBsumcd monopoly Justifies n toll nt Panama a monopoly justifies a toll at tho "Soo." "If, ns claimed, tho cxomptlon from conBtwIso tolls through Panama will not, decrease tho charges to shippers, tho Imposition of tolls nt the Soo would not lncrcnso rates to tho ship pers, but would bo pnld b" tho rail roads or trusts which operate tho vessels. It Is a poor rulo that docs not work both ways." Llbhy COAL. Tho kind YOU have, ALWAYS USUI). Phon 72. Pacific LIvory and TrnnBfor Company, Times Want ads bring results. aSaL ah -s -tin a "We Ulle dezler nffn... . oausn i ;tw' thnn ;.70, to , -.'? is you sell you mbStZWfSymi0 ' it i. . J no anno!?-"' you , , ' ' art,., r. wm . &ittl. u rt? -. ' uiirirf- . i WWs to. cost I IUCKACHIMtllBUMATISM VAN 1SH AWAY. Mon and women hnvlng backache, rhoumntlsm, stiff nnd swollon Joints aro honestly glnd to know that Fo loy Kldnoy Pills nro successful ovory whoro in driving out thoso ills. Thnt Is hocnuso Foley Kldnoys pills nro n true modlclno nnd quickly offectlvo In all diseases that result from wonk, Innctlvo kidneys nnd urinary Irregularities. Owl Proscription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Oppo site unnnuior noun. I'nnnn 74 4 , . . ,Vw , )3 i '.Ufc"ir' Hfe. . ' r. v'l "' THE WAISTCOAT A FINISHING TOUCH TO MANY OF THE NEW COSTUMES A light gray rot I no was cleverly re lieved with black nnd white plulil silk and tiny black bono buttons In this smart little etreut frock (8058). R la a plain design with n full length set-In sleave, an ttttructlvo waistcoat nnd a slightly guthored pcplum. Tho skirt Is a two-p(eco model In a two tier effect, tho lower section being set on under a deep tuck. A frock of this description will bo found very convenient for wear under tho heavy coats now modish, and .a lit tle later will do good servleo for street wear, nftor wraps havo been discarded. Sorgo or velveteen would bo qulto ns effectlvo for this model as tho material shown here. To copy this design In size 36 It re quires 6Vi yards of 36 inch material with of a yard of 36 Inch plaid or contrasting silk for trimming. Tho bolero has appeared In tiny frocks, as may bo seen In the illustra tion. Black velvet forms the bolero, and the dress Itself Is mado of a wool crepe In a soft, pretty red, Tho frock closes In back and may be made In size 12 with 2ft yards of 36 Inch ma terial. A splendid fcuturo of this little garment Is tho Bejuirato underwalst to which tho bloomers aro attached. No. S058 sizes 34 to 42. No. 8099 elzoa 8 to 14. Each pattern 15 cents. To obtain either pattern Illustrated fill v out this coupon and enclose 15 cents In Is0 alZ8 stamps or coin. Ilo sure to state number Name of pattern and slie, measuring over the Addresn fullest port of tho'bust. Address Tuttem Department, caro of this paper. conipetit0; s much rJrein ; lfle told" Woul(ir ' bniilr doofoheu XZTJ&ZL as s&Zyo&t, fri h , ",e other Z, aelivory ,,, "a"ejW,7 " fof .. "on I sim e e d m)1? he rZn- aZe"aer.,:r. ' """:" suDnr,.r,.?"sinB. hi. "" no s.,. "' you r& l"PeCS yens, "OS 'hat 2:, tfi?5S5:? , ,'5 rduc7.w?th on"!nFdlen, , UiyOU o ""WSt" In ' ,tl'eSon r, Mf"'K sense- are BANDON BY THE SEA ';rHEC!TY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEN ACHE TRACTS FOUR MILKS SOUTH ON COUNTY ROAD f.lff PER ACIHC; 100 GASH, IIALANCE TWO YEARS, NO INTEREST, NO TAXES, FINE SANDY LOAM, LEVEL HUNCH LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money - Donald MacKirtosli REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE UNE OF HOSIERY REGULAR AND ODD SIZES TRY OUR BURSON. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, NORTH BEND DRY FIR AND ALOE AT CAMPBELL'S WO North Frost I'lione itM. WHITE GLOVES Cti Full Dress Suits Is UNIQUE PANTAId jay doyli: & a a i 250 Central Axe. W EQUIPPED V,TSU WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. Sails from Mnrshlleld Friday, March Cth. 9 p. m.; Saturday, March 14, 11 a. m.; Saturdny, March 21, 7 a.m.; Saturday, March 28, 11:30 a.m. Sails from Portland ovory Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. Tickets on sale to nil Enctern points mid Information ns to ronfea and rntea cheerfully furnished. I'hOMe 427-L. II. J. MOHR, Agent S. S. ALLIANCE EiJUIPPED WITH THELESS. SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, AT 6:00. P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with die North Rank Road at Portlnnd. North Pacific Steamship Company. Phono 44. O. F. M'GEOndE, Agent. CITY AUTO AND TAD I A new taxlcab butH tny auto Bertlce. CwHl Will go anywhere tjt Dlanco Cigar Store. Dl Nlgbt phono 13901 TOM GOODALE, vnii AllTn PAIL FOR FOOTm Four good cars wltata For dy eenlce, pwM ....... 1)111. l Putt llllliuu iiu""" -r For nlglit "'"'. JWI D. L. FOOTE. S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY MONDAY, MARCH 2, AT 3:00 P. M. San Francisco office, 805 Fife Illdg., or Greenwich St Piers No. 23. Inter-Oceanic Transportation -Co., O, F. McGoorge, Agt., Phono 44. Commiitatto I Tickets $2.0 kr i.ii1,l.Vnrth nd bars every te" "IJTI (U .,twr' - GOR8T & KLN0, t .r ROAIFE Stt' Marshficld ES imtp Fun'" "" j Phone 300'J. Mj pAjIILt'WSJ, in our new lo-,, peclally prepared to trade. negular o4"" opendsy nmndwar nd P"8! Clilmneys ijl that . at,l woiuc.syr 'Call at "The J 1 Rldg., 187 Seco"1 A w. t. natures. I YTvuiu