t'"M .JII.WWPW! a- mw4i THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELC, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FIVE n re. ro srever you go, you see them .. :htMy ilnttlonj tf-thi fereveryou see them, they go I 'J Wl A million men in the United States wear Dutchess Trousers because price and quality i ' 4-l-t Im i f t combine io yivu me uur er of these trousers the utmost of values for his honey. ;o. ery pair is sold under the &!J0 Cents a Button; ' $1 .00 a Rip Buy your clothes here and we keep them pressed free of charge. iak Woolen Mill Store AiwuiEL Specialists For Men and Boys l alljl ll ui.'Maava IRVING BLOCK Two Extra n,, it nf liiviiitfnllv mndo Cloaks, Suits and Drosses, for Udles. Values to $2G. (M O JtZ Your choice p I & J Dnn Int nf lionutlfullv IlindO Coats, Suits and Dresses for la dles. Values i9.7G. tQ CH Your choice ,$UtJJ We guarantee MRS. ELLA SAL0 Graduate Massucse Mil receive patlonts, olthor nion or omen. at liar homo from 9 a. in., 0 8 p. m every day. Ilcsldeuco near uuDker Hill Schoolliouso. HONE 158-R 10 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY XIMIJ TAHLI5 K:iI i. w VYHIaiTiette PflCltlC Motor Car IlfMeMnrshfJeUI Ia 'S0 a. ra. nvo Xorth Delia n. m. n, in. a. m. n. m. a. in. n. m. a. m. a. In. P. in p.. in. p. .m. P. .m, p. m. G:4C 7:15 8:15 9:15 10:15 10:45 11:15 11:45 12:45 1:15 1:45 2:15 2:45 3,15 3:45 4:15 4:45 6:15 5:45 0:15 7:15 7:45 8:15 8:45 9:15 10:15 Saturdays 11:15 12:15 J-00 a. m. :00 a. m. 9'fin . ... J0:00 a. m. :00 a. m. : a- " :30 a. m. :J0 p, m. I'.ia n ... 5:22 p- m. III p- m- 4!'0 p. m. !52 p- m- 111 p- ra- ? III p P. m. I'll p- ra- f 00 p. m. p.iin. p.n, P.iPi p. ra. p. m. p. m, p. m. P. m. p. m. p. m, p. ra. p. m. p, m. only p. in, a. m. i"wu m l"U LLEGAXT LIXES ri Mr,.. ZI"!. cw SPRING GOODS "HST RECEIVED S. S. JENNINGS -!i"U iu:.i) peaTU08Uro,Scbe.Pr,nUDB dD a mu? ; V ar.lf" csss famous Dutchess Warranty: Specials! If discretion Is tho bottor part of valor, think of tho big odvnn tago tho woll-drcsscd man has over tho chap who Is handicapped by common-plnco clothos. Hero nro clothes that nro built to grace a gentleman, no matter how ox tiluslvo tho company ho IB In. Prices from ll.i!5 Io 925. satisfaction. no saw kdgks on your collars If yon lutvo them hiundei-oil nl TWIN CITY STEAM LAUXDRV A STHOXG IXDOUSKMKXT W. H. Holmes, of tho Docorah, In., Journal, says: "I hnvo been n BUfforor from Pllos nnd Hommor holtls for yonr8. I got no rollof until my druggist rccommondod Morltol Pllo Rom(Hly. noforo I had taken hnlf tho packago tho distress was gono nnd I hnvo hnd no troublo slnco. I would not tko a thousand 'dollars and bo back lit former con- Htlon. Owl Inscription Pharmacy. i'TUHK U. UOIIIIU. WJIIIU31U vimimi" Hotel. Phono 71. Control Avenue Drug Store, oxcluslvo agency. Price tl.QO. SAGE TEH DANDY TO Tiook Years YoiuiRorl Vso tho Old- . time Hugo Ten nnd Hiiipimr mm Xobody Will Know. You can turn gray, faded hair beautifully dark and lustrous al most pver night If you'll get a 5p cent bottlo of "Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Hair Romedy" at any drag store. Millions of bottles of this old, famous Sago Tea Reclpo are Bpld annually, soys a well-known druggist hero, because It darkens tho hair bo naturally and evenly that no ono can tell It has been ap plied. Those whoso hair Is turning gray, bpcomlpg faded, dry, scraggly and thin have a surprise awaiting them, becauso after ono or two applica tions tho gray hair vanishes and ..n..M in.ir. i.artnmn liiviirtnntlt' flnrk 'and beautiful all dandruff goes, scalp ltcning ana inning i biojid. This Is the ago of youth. Gray haired, unattractlvo folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with f..tiki Cni.fl nnd Knlnhiir tnnlcht knd yon'U Ve delighted wjth your oarK, nanuBomu mm uu youthful appearance within a few days, wz&m SkUmy DA " LOCAL NEWS MD Times for feiiruary. ilolow la gien tuo ti.no and LfclRht ot high and low wator tit MLrshflold. Tho tides aro plncod u tho ordor of otcur-enco, with tholr times ou tlie first llnu nnd heights on tho second line cf each day; a conipnr .'son on conscciitlvo heights will Indlcnto wliothor It Is high or low water. i''or high wntor on tho bar subBtrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. Hrs.. 3.1S Ft. . . C.G Hrs.. 3.1 3 Ft... CO Hrs.. -1.07 Ft. . . G.7 Hrs.. 4.32 Ft... C.7 s.r.o 1.5 9.33 1.4 10.0C 1.0 10.39 0.9 3.03 9.17 C.7 0.2 3.37 9.44 5.5 0.5 4.13 10.07 6.3 0.9 4.49 10.29 CO 1.4 Gets Plume. .1. N. Hayllss lias just nddcd.n new telephone to tne Flrosldo's conveniences nnd ho drew No. 431-J. Improves I Ionic Mrs. Qrnndcll of iiunkor Hill Is Improving her homo there by Installing a hot wntor heat ing system. Council Tonight. Tho Mnrshflold City Council will meet tonight to tnko up vnrlotm mattorB, tho mooting cnllcd for hist ovenlng being adjourn ed until tonight. False Alurin. Steam discharging from an open rndlntor In tho Coos building Monday night caused Homo- WANT ADS. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY for sale s itMinuMi Iioiik', lot no 100, Shuttors addition. Phono 13-X LOST Slgmn Chi fnitornlty phi. Reward for return to Times of fice. FOR HUNT Furnished Iioiihi'Ijcoih lug rooms. 1024 Elrod nvonuo. WANTED Furnished housekeeping room with kltchonotto, or furnish ed with cook stovo. Address J, enro Times. FOR RENT Furnished tipiiiduoiit, phono 120-L. FOR SALE Earliest of nil seed po- tntoes. A. O. Kjolland, Ken tuck Inlot. l'nono 307x1. "OR SAL!! TonnT, riiigon mill Imr ncBa. Enqulro R. II. Dnrnca, Hay City, P.O. Ilox040. i:ceptlomd IiiinIiicss opportunity. Exclusive lino. No competition. Capital required $1000. Sco Hold, 1G0 Front street. WAXTKD A washerwoman. Plidne 112-J. l'Olt SALE I will ell ut right price my clonjilng nnd pressing estab lishment hnndllng threo tailor lines Centrally locatod. Hox 107, Myr tlo Point. WANTED WAXTED HoiiHOiniilil to go out of town; good wages. Small family. l'nono joy-ij or jji-h. WANTED Furnished house or hjiwiII rooming house closo In. Mail full particulars Hox 540, City. FOR SALE VOn SALE Vmv settings of oholco White Leghorn eggs. Phono 3034, Farmora. l-"OH SAL!! Ai'comi eggs for Imteli ing. E. A. Stonecyp..or, Phono C-J. FOR HALE I 10-li.p. gasollno en gino, nt a sacrifice. Phono G-J. FOK SALE ?200 now Vlctroln nt M prlcoj also reed couch and other things. F. C. Stanton, 1074 Andorson, FOR SALE Flontlinuso HIvlH cheap apply Frank Vlncamp. FOR HAMS IJIack horse. wcIrIiIiir auoiu I.JUU pounus, worn biukiu or double. Phono Farmers 300x3, VOn SALTS Kggs for hatching. White Orpington, Rhode Island Rode, Whlto Leghorna. Phone 124-L. FOR 8ALT3 Lot for sale or trade on Ninth street, inquire nt tui Ninth street South. FOR SALT3 Funiituro of 10-room house. 409 North Droadway. Phone 100-X. FOR RENT FOR REXT FhiiiIsIkhI sleeping rooms. 1001 Commercial avenue. FOR REXT O-i-oom house in Fern dale. Phone 174-R, after 0 p, m. IIAXCII FOR ItEXT on very liberal lornis io iiiu rigiii. i)un. oiucuuiu chance for stock and potatoes. Ranch, care of Times. FOR REXT Two rooms furnished for housekeeping 103 S. 2nd si. FOR ItEXT Large house o Boutr lltb street. Phone 119-L., or A. D Campbell. PERSONAL' WEATHER FORECAST tllr Aj.oI'c1 rmi to Coot Uy Times.) OREGON Fair nnd colder In oi.Bt; westerly winds. LOCAL TEMPHRATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:43 n. m Fob. 24. by DonJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: Maximum 51 Minimum 37 At 4:13 a. in 40 Precipitation -..57 Precipitation since 'Sept. 1( 1913 48.49 1913 47.92 Precipitation sanio porlod Inst year 1 1. CO Wind: southwest; cloudy. one to turn In n flro alarm. Thoro was no flro or dnmagc. Wu"tSeoloy. Word from Coqulllo Is Hint C. J. Seeloy, tho well known logger, will probably cntor tho raco for. count5' commissioner ngalnst CommlBBloncr Armstrong. Xew Light. Tho Gunnery nnd Grand Theater are going In together In putting out a flaming rirc electric light on Front Btreot. It will bo tho first of tho kind to ho put In hero. Xew Manager. L. J. Justin, of Portland, a brothor of Mrs. Sulli van, has been nnnounccd by tho proprietors of tho Coos Hotel ns Its mnungor upon tho completion of tho repairs. Return in April. Tom Coko last ovenlng received n telegram from W. S. Chandler stating that tlioy would leave San Francisco today on tho Mnt Bonln for Honolulu nnd would return April 14. E. W. Wright Here. 13. W. Wright of Portland, who headed n syndicate Hint purchased considerable- Mnrnh flold proporty n yonr or so ago, ar rived here yesterday to look after interests on tho Hay. Return Home. In n letter received from Mrs. J. T. Hall yeBtorday, sho stated that bIio nnd Mr. Hnll would return pn tho next Itednudo. Mr. Hnll left tho hospital laaUSaturudy and Is much Improved. rouu -M nr mrnl to la7 t o Redondo ' wns iiiinblow sal? for San Francla- l"8,,SnoB5rnVl'?,M?: Hedoudo Delayed. Owing to a co nhd tho pnasengorn roturncd tlila afternoon. Sho will try for tho fourth tltno toinorroV afternoon To Open SIliio. J. M. Tlomns, who has returned from Ilnndon, says that a Lob AngolcB company la putting In n lot of machinery nt tho old Lnuo inlno, a gold claim long slnco nban doued, with n view to working over tho tailings nnd black sand. To Settle Case Tho ense of W. W. Holms vs. Ray Hydo for $80.00 claimed duo on account wns ,, m JUBtlco POlinock's court this nftor-l noon. Doth parties nro from Co qulllo. An effort wns bolng mado to sottlo It before trial. Hydo first offered $10.40. ltiiHlcotlmll (iiiiues. Tho Ilnndon High School bnskotball team Is sched uled to play Mnrshriold 1 oro Thurs day night and to play North Hond Friday night. Last Friday night tho Rlvorton Independent tonm defonted Ilnndon nt Rlvorton by n score of 30 to 12. Dlvoiro Gninteil. -Mrs. Mnudo L. Peters wns granted n dlvorco from Otto II, Peters yesterday by Judgo John S. Coko nt Coqulllo. Tho grounds for dlvorco wcro cruol nnd inhuman trontment. Hoy and Mil iar represented Mrs. Potora In tho tho action. 1 lon-ln Honored. D. C, Herrln, who spent consldornblo tlmo on Cqos Ray a few yenrs ago, was honored by bolng oloctod president or tho Llfo Underwriters ABSOClntlon at, Portland tho other day. Ho formor ly lived nt Modford and was for bov oral yoars with tho A. O. U. W, Coqulllo Case. It la oxpoctid that tho enso of Mrs, Allco McDonald vs. tho city of Coqulllo, Involving a tract of land which bIio ulnlniB Is hers nnd which the city claims has becomo n highway through uninter rupted uso, Is Bchoduled for trial at Coqulllo today, Hon Songstnck en hna been agent for tho McDonald proporty. Eggs Loner. -The price of oggs continues on tho downward trend nnd poultrymen today wore- offering strictly freely he,n frplt nt 25o per dozon. As today Is tho first of tho Lenten season, tho extra demand tor tho noxt- forty days may cause nn ad vance, but If tho weather continues favorable tho advance may not amount to much. Forgot XnillC. W. U. DOHglas has received a letter from Congressman Hawloy asking him to ascertain tho luuiuuy oi uino .uormiiiem (nun who wroto Mr. Hawloy under tdnto of Fobruary 4 a lengthy lottor relatlvo to the now homestead law nnd tho intoratato road law. Tho Marshllold man forgot to sign his nnmq nnd Mr. nawiey doesn t Know who to ropiy to. Tho lettpr Is typewritten and two pages long. Reoco Wrluht Promoted. Cal Wright is Jn receipt of a lottor from his sqn, Roeco Wright, writ- ten nt Sallnn Cruz. Mexico. Jan. 20. Ho stated that tho tonmeraturo was 105 and tho son llko a mirror -at tho time, tho heavy storms wero on tho north coast. Rofco has been trans- ferred to tho Novadan, a sister ship of the AljiBkan and belonging to he same company, and promoted, to second assistant chief engine -r. Reeco's many MarahflPld friends will be pleased to hear of his continued advancement. 1KM WUKiraXTm . - - . nu IlKIH U W H i. - ABOUT MISS MAHEL MAUZEY la visiting friends nt Coos Itiver todny. C. C. CARTER, of Myrtlo Point, Is n Mnrshflcld business visitor. MHS. II. ROGERS, of Coos River, la shopping In Mnrshflold today. E. O. HALL, of Sumnor, la n busi ness visitor nt Mnrahfleld today. COUNTY TREASUItEH T. M. Dlm- nilclc la hero from Coaulllo todny. C. U. PECK was n pnssongor on thq morning train for Coqulllo today. J. n. FRANKLIN, of North Inlot. la In Mnrahfleld today on buBl- neita. ARTHUR K. PECK left this nftor- noon for Cottultlo on legal bum ncss. MRS. T. S. SMALL, of North Inlet, la visiting friends In Murshrield today. MRS. D. NELSON, of Cooa River, Is visiting friends In Mnrahfleld todny. P. V. ENLOE, or Cou.ulllo, roturncd homo today aftor u visit to Cooa Hay. J. II. FRANKLIN, of North Slough, wiib a Marshflold business visitor todny. WILLIAM MORGAN, of Cooa Ttlv cr, Ih n business visitor In Mnrah Hold today. W. F. MILLER mado n trip on Ills npcrlnl over tho lino on n tour of Inspection today. MR. AND MRS. E. SELANDER, of Sumnor, nro visiting frlonds nt MnrBhflold todny. F. FAIRCLOTII wns n pnssongor on the Mnrshflold Rosoburg Bingo for Rosoburg today. 11. 11. OSTLIND wont to Ilnndon yoa torday to look after aomo now building work thoro. II. 8HAMimO0K wna n pnssongor ou tho Mnrshflold Roscburg stago for Rosoburg last night. JACOn ,C,UKS- CoOR,on 1'romotor, loft for ''""urK "'Hi via !ho Mnrahfleld Rosoburg atngo lino. JAMES WATSON returned to Co qulllo todny after his HtronjiouR, efforts of last Vwonlng In saving tho City Council from nbollsh mont. FRANK HERMAN, of EnBtBldo, loaves for Ilnndon tomorrow whoro ho la nt work on his con tract painting And decorating tho uiw First National Hank building, nKNriv FllYH ,, fainy i,nvo ,lim.,l Jirn frnit, their rnneli nnd nro tnnklng tholr homo with Mr. Fryo's daughter, Mrs. Cal Lang worthy, temporarily. L. L. THOMAS, tho muslcnl mnn ot Mnrshflold, was a pnasongor on the morning train accompanied by Mrs. Thomas and bnby. Mr. Thomas will visit Coqulllo nnd Ilnndon. MIKE GOLDHERG, tho Hluo Rldgo Tlgor lendor, wns horo yesterday on routo from Daniels Creole to' his homestead, If overythlng goes right Miko will booh hnvo n flno much nnd will forsnko logging. PETER MIRRASOUL has roturnod from n trip to tl-o Ton Mllo coun try. Ho reports great activity along tho railroad botweon tho liny and Ten Mllo nnd that n now camp near tho Robinson ranch will soon bo ready for occupancy. j K MONROE, of Spokane, was n ,,,,,,. nn Mm mnrnlni? train for Myrtlo Point. Mr. Monroo Intends visiting Coqulllo and nan don with n vlow of locating nt ono of those points. Mr. Mon roo Is a contractor of mnn) years and Is anxious to retire L. SMITH of tho Orogon Agricul tural Collogo extension ncrvlco has returned from visit to tho various ranches. Ho Is advocating tho uso of nlfnlfa for a forngo crop nnd Mutt .Tut st roin and A. E. Seninnn TKe Royal TONIGHT ThlB theater shows tho UNIVER SAL program, tho program that won .ila .,nlil mmlnl nt tlm r(-nnf enni petition In New York, adjudged by tno f)lm ox0rts of tho world, thoro- f0ro It Is THE HEST. Threo vaudovlllo acts. Flvo reels of now pictures. Miss Mildred Ko?nlg will change nor nct agnlu. Miss Lois Powell In two protty songs. Whlto Eaglo, that classy Indian, in an entire change of program. Extra fenturo: "Tho Harrier of Dlood." A two-redl Westorn drama. "Willie, tho Wild Man." Than houser comedy. "Tho Surgeon of Abajo." A stlr- ring arama. "Won by n Skirt." A young man drossoa In sister's rlothos In ordor to bo near his beloved, Amusing complications follow. A intlon, lower floor, 15c; bal- cany, 10c. utneiuacolor featuro In two reels (tomorrow night. ' Tho Husbands 'Story." PLAN TO BUILD NEW FACTORY D. Y. Stafford Erects Small Brick Buildint on Com mercial Avenue D. Y. Stafford hna 1ft tho con tract to J. F. Tolander for tho erec tion of a etory and a half brick vcuoor building adjoining his rcsl ilcnco near Second nnd Commercial for n enndy and lco crenm fnetory. The work will start nt onco. Tho building Is to bo 20x50 feet nnd will ho ono story with a high bauomout. Mr. Stafford said that tho build ing will bo only n tompornry ono, ns his futhcr-tn-lnw, R. R. Montgom ery, who owns tho proporty, plans to como hero mxt yonr nnd erect n largo business block on tho slto. SOCIAL CALKXDAR. WEDNESDAY. XnrclssuH Club with Miss Hil da West ut EaatBido. Jolly Dozen with Mre. It. F. Duali In Hunker Hill. THURSDAY. St. Mnry'B Altnr Guild wrtli Mrs. C. M. Dylor In North Dond. Mrs. Clins. II, Curtla gives a shower for Mrs. Pctor Dolmi. Young Matrons with Mrs. W. L. Claybaugh. Thuradny Club with Mrs. Dod Bon. A. N. W. Club with Mrs. ClinB. Stnuff. North Hond Presbyterian Lnd lea with Mra. A. II. lmhoff. Norwegian Lutheran Ladles with MrB. Thorpo. Mrs. W. T. Stoll brldgo party. nro among tho first rnnchorB to tnko up tho now crop. C. L. STOCKIN, tho gonial type writer agent, mndo a trip to Co qulllo and Dntulon today. , Mr. Stockln la discussing tho pros pects of gottlng out on a ranch and loading tho slmplo llfo. This gay llfo Is too much for him. Ono thing Hint will have to bo In op eration on tho much Hint Mr, Stockln buys Is a mnchlno to tnllU tho cowb. Ha shies on rrslnff from his couch boforo tho chick ens to milk tho cows. 1 TONiTfHE SICK Mnrntint Pnrlnr wnn nliln tn lm 'out todny after bolng conflnod to his uouio sovorni unys uy lonsimiB, Mrs, Fred Smith, whoso husband Is omployed nt tho Hub, is reported 111 nt tholr homo uenr Ninth nnd Donnelly. P. N. Flngg, who has been 111 nt Mercy Hospital, continues to lmprovo rapidly nnd will soon bo nblo to re turn homo. Alono the Waterfront. i Cnpr. Otto Sundtfulst Is thq new innHttir of tho G. C. Ltudauor which innkes occuslonal trips to tho Ray. I NORTH HEX1) NEWS I . Mrs. Thomas Andorson of Ilnndon la n guest of Mrs. Groko. Mrs. Arneson of Myrtlo Point Is visiting at tho homo of Mrs. Groko. Tlo Ladles' Aid of tho M. 13. Church of North Hond will meet at tho church Thursday, Fobruary 20, 1914, All membors and frlonds nro welcome PLANS PERFECTED FOR 1HG GATHERING AT CHAXDLKR HOTEL FRIDAY KVEXING TICKETS XOW OX BALK. Tho first banquot of tho Coos Hay Duslnesa Men's Association will bo hold nt 8 o'clock Friday ovonlng, Fobrunry 27, at Tho Chandler hotel. It will bo a social session ns well as for tho purposo of perfecting and extending tho organization recently completed, RuBlness men nnd professional men of all lines nro Invited to bo present and unlto with tho movo mout. Tickets can bo obtalnod for $1 from Geo. Rotnor nt tho Woolen Mill Storo, E. P. Lewis at tho PIo neor Hardwaro and E. C. Mathor at North Dond. COMMITTEE. Get a Bottle of Vinol Tho frrent rocoiiRtructor for joiing and old, n wife ami effi cient tonic, pleiisuiit ""l agree nblo to take. THK LKADIXG DRUG STORE. jt "7m V Wm7KmrWMwr3! t BUSINESS IN HOLD BANQUET A i . - J .i i . .: t