MOW.1' 'T' '" Itf 1 FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMESMARSHflELD, OREdlOM, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1914 EVMINQ EDITION. Sfo -ijWKfti ,,Mwitoftqiii Playgrounds- f Mr CMldreim Interesting and Instructive Address Delivered by Mrs. H. Armstrong Before Monthers and Teachers i Club of North Bend Tm following Is an address do-i Greek. Hverod boforo tho Mother's and Teacher's Club by Mrs. II. Arm strong, at tho North Bond High School. Sho wnB cnlled on Impromp tu to BUbatltutc for Judgo A. S. Hammond, Sho said: I buppobo tho good Lord know what ho wob nbout when ho made chlldron bo that thoy want to play. Porhnps ho might havo mndo thorn bo that their first Impulso would bo a doslro to work but my ou Borvntlon and cxponenco tolls mo that Ho did not. All young things want to piny, and thoy want to play Bomothlng that means oxor- cIbo. Tho human animal Is tho most holpless of all created thliigB nnd doesn't ovon know enough to play until it hns been taught, but If It docs not lenrn to play It will novor learn to work, for piny Is work boforo It linn grown up. .If tho child la n good plnyor :io Is llkoly, later on. to bo a good worK cr. In play thoy not only develop their bodies by nntural and health ful oxorclso, ns Naturo Intenrtod thoy should, but thoy learn to play tho gamo of Hfo, In which "to tho victor bolong tho spoils" to tho winner tho prlzo. They loarn that tho only wny to win In any gamo Is to do a llttlo bettor than anyono oIbo. That tho raco 1b not always to tho swift nor tho bnttlo to tho strong, but that pa.ionco nnd por svornnco nro qulto as, apt to bring bucccbb. Thoy learn that tho ono who does not play fnlr Ifl de spised, and a good loner Is ml nil rod. Thoy learn tho cruol but neccBsnry lesson that thero Is no plnco In tho gonoral schomo of tilings for n woakllng that tho law of the unlverso Is tho survlvnl of tho fit tost. TIiobo aro lessons which have to bo lonrnod, and It la woll If thoy aro1 learned early In Hfo, nnd how much moro readily nnd thoroughly thoy nro lonrnod upon tho play ground from nctunl experience If Johnnlo comes homo with a black oyo, tho chnnccB nre If thoro Is good stuff In him that ho w.'il go Into training, qulotly Improving nnd developing, until, ns llkoly as not. tho other follow goes homo with n black oyo. Tho gamo of Hfo Ib plnyed much like othor games, aim after all, tho grontost ploaBuro Is to play tho gamo woll. Tho chances nro not' ovon, tho enrds nro not of equal vnluo, nnd It Is impossible thnt nil Bhould win, or that anyono should win all tho time, but tho ono who plnyB his hand for nil It Is worth will bo satisfied with lilniaolf and will win tho approbation of his follnwB. TIiobo facta aro absorbed by tho chlldron upon tho playground ns naturally as thoy breathe. Hut In ordor to got thnt training which will qunllfy thorn for tho big gamo, sovoral kldH hnvo to got togothor. Thoro must bo competition, oppo sition nnd snmothlng to arouso emu lation. Just ns suro ns ono kid booh nnothor kiu jump ovor a Btlck, Just so sure thoro springs up In tho honrt or soul or stomnch of tho first kid a doslro to boat tho othor at his own gamo. Snmothlng has started, and thoro Is no telling whoro It will stop. Tho oxporleno of millions of ancestors Is urging him to got Into tho gnmo And win. Tho moro chlldron, tho bottor tho gnmo. In tho big gnmo Inter on thoy will hnvo m. tho world as com petitors. Ltt thorn get busy nnd lenrn tho rulcB uuforo tho stakes nro ton high. A child who haa not lonrnod, ns n child, how to bear dofoat and how to win to buccobs, Is liable to bo ruined, lntor In life, by a sin gle failure. Hut chlldron ought not to bo loft to thoir own devices In play any moro than work. Thoy should bo taught how to piny. Chlldron aru iniltntors, Thoy hnvo no mornls. Thoy bogln by doing what thoy boo othors do. It In Important thnt thoy learn to play on tho squnro, nnd to play tho games that will do volop thoir bodloa ami nt tho name ttnio prepare thorn for tho big game, by touching patlenco, endurance, furtltudo and reBourcufulnoss. Wo dovoto a good donl of time nnd monoy to teaching tho three It's, rending, rltiug mm rlthmetlc. Wo ovon inako tho man who lias no children of his own, holp pay for thla touching, upon tho theory thnt In order to iiulutuln good govern ment wo must see thnt tho chlldron devolop into good and Intelligent citizona. If thla Is n good policy, why should not tho public bo equal ly Interested In tenchlng tho chil dren how to conduct themselves to- wnrds thoir follows, so that ovoryono At basoball ho will loarn nnturally, Instinctively, quickly nnd Joyfully, not only to uso every mus- iclo of his body, but to keep nil his senses on tno nlort and Ills brain trained for Instant action. Ho learna to see, Judgo nnd act Instnntnncously. Thoro Is no chnncc for him to stagnate. Ho Is all nllvo every minute. Also ho learns that tho othor follow must hnvo an equal opportunity with himself. Tho rules 3f tho gnmo requlro that each plny sr shall havo an equal chanco and thoro must ho no chentlng. Every playground Is n mlntaturo world, whoro ovory citizen la taking in nctlve Interest In whnt Is going on. Whnt thoy Jcarn thoro thoy will icvor forgot, for it Is absorbed Into tho system naturally, and becomes i part of thomsolvcs. What you havo to stuff Into n child ngnlnst ta will doos not holp its growth. i Ho mind of a llttlo child is n won Ject whnt Ib bad. Tho food thnt we rollali wul do Ub good; dhat which wo desplso will not be assimilated, even If forced down our throats. Food to bo beneficial must bo pal atable. The old lady correctly ex pressed the Idea when some ono tried to convince her that some kind i of newfangled breakfast food would bo very beneflclnl 10 her, by reply ing: "I'd druthor cat what I'd druthor." You can get food, or Information, Into a child with a force pump, but n much bottor way Is to let them gt It In the wny thoy want It taking enro, of course, thnt thoy hnvo tho oppor tunity to get tho right kind. Wo ought not to turn tho chil dren looso to piny hnp-hnwird on tho street, or l tho gutters, or where, from very necessity, thoy will absorb what Is least desirable or 1 arn to play poor or dishonest gnmes, any moro than wo should sot poor or unwholesome food beforo them. So I think it Is Just ns Im portant thnt wo Bhould havo munlc Ipnl plnygrounds nnd municipal amusements of other kinds, for thnt matter, as It is that wo havo public schools, and for tho snmo roa Bon. In ordor thnt populnr government may not perish from tno earth, wo must produce, from tho chlldron. citizens who nro healthy and IntolII lorful thing. It is a sensitized 'Mm nlwnvs exnosed to tho Unlit of gont. and moro lmnortant still, who knowlodgo, and Is receiving Impres- nro In favor of a fair dcnl nnd a What People Say who forit a lock box1 In our Fire-Proof nnd BurgW-Proof Snfo Do posit Vaults: "i havo no foar of losing. my Jowolry or precious KcepBnkoa.' "My will and othor prlvnto papors aro not bolng rend by anyono but myself." "I nlwaya know Just whero to find my valuables. Thoy aro novor mlsplaeed." Icn't It worth ?3 a year to you to bo ablo to Bay tho snmo of your valuablos? The First National Bank Of Coos Bay slons overy moment of Ub life. It 'b engor for knowlodgo. It wnnts to know everything. But Imprcs iIoiib nro conveyed to tho mind through tho machinery of tho body, and tho mnchlnery must bo In good working order to get clenr Impres itons. Tho Idea thnt n child must bo compollcd to do tho things It does not wnnt to do is contrary to tho awn of Nnturo. Mako tho thing ittrnctlvo nnd ho will do It freely. If not porvortod, our stomnchs crnvo what Is good for ub and ro- squnro gnmo, nil tho tlmo, ovory' wnere, for everybody. Lntest reports show that moro than CO, 000 men nre employed ns conl miners In tho Pacific Northwest. An Instrument in tho Wcnthor Bureau at Washington, D. C, ro corda ovory lightning flnah within 100 miles. Sand Is shipped from Scattlo to Honolulu for oneroto mnklng, THE SPORTS COAT A' COMFORTABLE FAD Although many of our fashions nro conceived with never u thought of tho practical, for adornment nlonc, tho sports coat, . which Is becoming moro popular every day, Is an exception. This garmont, I ballove, originated with tho inacklnaw u rough, heavy coat of plaid patterned after tho gar ment of tho snmo nume worn by tho Canadian woodsmen. It Is now being mado of nil suitablu contlng mutorlals, plain or plnld, nnd tills u wry Impor tant plnco In tho modurn girl's and woman's wardrobe A roveralblo coat ing Is used with No. 8130; tho outside la n soft, wooly fabric In dark blue: a narrow strlpo of red runs through tho reverse sldu and la turned buck to form collar and cuffs A stitched strip of tho material forms tho belt. Tho rug Inn shoulder, which shares honors with the yoko this season, Is n fenturo, and tho hugo patch pockots nro a con venience This garment may bo copied In size 36 with 3V4 yards of 42 inch material. A three-plcco skirt nccompnnles this cent. It Is developed In bluo duvetyn nnd trimmed with bono buttons. Tho pnnel front Is distinctive, Slzo 24 in this design requires 2?i yards of 42 Inch material. Tho tunla Is literally a fairy god mother to the modern frock. By ad ding ono In chlfTon or plaited silk a plain little dress Is entirely transform ed. Tho shops nro showing tunics of taffetas and satin which nro suitable to wear with nlmost any dress. Ono or two of them In a wnrdrobo 1b like hav ing that many extra gowns. No. 8110 Is bluo silk poplin, with tho second tunic of bluo chiffon and the upper one of the poplin. A few dark red bono buttons aro effective as trimming. This frock may bo copied In slzo 38 with Ott yards of 36 Inch material. No. 8130 sizes 32 to 44. No. 7981 sizes 22 to 30. No. 8116 sizes 34 to 42. Each pattern 15 cents. DRINK HABIT ItEUAHLE HOME TREATMENT Tho OURINE treatment for tho Drink Habit can bo used with ab solute confldquco. It destroys nil iloBlro for wlilskoy, boor or othor nlcohollo stimulants. Thousands hnvo successfully used Jt nnd havo been restored to Uvea of sobrloty nnd usefulness. Can bo given so croUy. Costa only $1.00 por box. If 'you fall to got resulta from OU RINH nftor n trial, your monoy will be rofundod, Ask for freo booklet telling nil nbout ORRINB. Owl Proscription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Qppoalto Chandler Hotel, Phono 7 uiiMii.iiiivu a iuir ciinncu in uio To obtain either imltcrn uiii.tratni nil gnmo; it soomB to mo mat wo can out this coupon and enclose 15 cents In No Bl do no much for tho comlnir citizen inmiu nr -nin n m-n i .mi. ..,,.,. ... .... ilt .t1nt(i.viinM 1 n.. In l... .,.! I .!.... . I W.W.W ..M...W. ilUIJJH I .......... ........... M .IMttl.l .1... uil iiiu 1'iujhiuuiMi uo in iiiu Biiuiui- i 'i i'uhciii mm pm, nieHSiifinK over UIO ... rnnm, 1 linil rntlinr Hf n linv Irnirn fullest Part of tho bust. Aililra Put lorn AOaress to piny baa ball woll than to road epartment. car or tm pirer TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or now platens, work guarantee!. RRihoiis nnd carbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono 44. Alliance office TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMI1KH, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS, ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CDT TUB FUEL BILL IN TWO DY USING OUR WOOD. PRONE 100. 183 SOUm BROADWAY FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IX COOS COUNTY. Ifctnbltshcd 1H80. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest 1'nld on Tlmo Deposits Officers: i J. W. Dennett, President. J. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. R. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Asst. Cashier. mti&ZiZfir fir Do Von Sco ns Well An rilm ntiia Should yoii hav4 heaclaeMM Wof want to Improve your yefi1u,ltry Oil my special groufMt ' ' coaAiwIlei glnr.Bis. Young or Ud) rRV -hl SPECFAL GLASS' m "tM print, do cloao work-or m at tnnco. All glnsaeb fIftd-By' print, do cloao work-oh m4 mt'i wnrrnntnd tn clvn ntitls v Dlt. W. II. RIClfV4 OntoniHili'" Offlco 187 N. Droadwait n DRY FIR AND ALDE' AT CAMPBELL'S WOre! North Front S Phono 180-,Ti. , glow LET US M YOUR ABSjf Dc- Tltlo & Trust Co. U Uiorouglily dependobi niodliito service, pronr tlon to all Interests , cncnur. Diinimum cost? I. S. Kaufman (8b Co; Coquille River Coal Guaranteed froo of alack and dirt nnd not to clinker Full weight nnd prompt scrvlco $5.50 Per Ton COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. GEO. A. BAINES. Phone 181-L 186 Broadway South. BANDON BY THE SEA :thei:city of the future A FEW TEN ACRE TRACTS FOUR MILES SOUTH ON COUNTY ROAD U!B PER ACRE; $100 CASH, RALANCE TWO YEARS, NQ INTEREST, NO TAXES, FINE SANDY LOAM, LEVEL RENCH LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKibtoslhi REAL EBTATH and INSURANCE. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE LINE OF HOSIERY REGULAR AND ODD SIZES TRY OUR BURSON. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, NORTH BEND THERE'S ONLY ONE MACHINE THE SINGER.1 ONLY ONE HEPRESENTATIV'J ., . . 1 W.J. Kll, -Phono 280-X. Big Clearance Sal Now on at Tho Electric Shoe Store. 180 So. Ilroadrfnr. FAMILY DINNEIia lu our now location, wo aro' ee-i poclnlly prepared to cator to umllyl trado. Regular moais or mort or aors. mi Oncn dny nnd nluliL ? MERCHANT'S CAFE. Ilroadtvay and Commrrclal MfMA South Coos River Boats, Expross lonvcs MarslifloM for hoad of rivor nt 8 a. m., re turning In ovonlng. Steamer Rainbow Ic&tm hoad of river at 7 a. m. and .; roturnlng leaves ManbDeld t 2 p. m. ROGERS & BJOTU.' 41' EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. Sails from Mnrshflold Friday, March Cth. 9 p. m.; Saturday, March 14, 11 a. ui.; Saturday, March 21, 7 n. m.; Saturday, March 28, 11:30 a.m. Sails from Portland ovory Tuosday ovonlni; at 8 p. m. Tickets on sale to all Iftistcni points nud Information ns to routes mid rotes cheerfully furnished. Phone 127-L. II. J. MOHR, A Kent ? S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, AT 6:00 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50, Connection with Uio.NoKh Rank Road nt Portland. North' Pacific Steamship Company. Phono 44. O. F. M'GEORGE, Agent; WHITE GLOVES CLEANED Full Dress Suits to Rent UNIQUE PANTATORIUM: .TAY DOYLE .M 0. 0. DACQl 250 Central Ave. Phono 1 CITY AUTO AND TAXI SEIW A now tnzlcab has been i my auto aervlio. Careful 'dr Will go anywhoro nt nny time. Dlanco Cigar Storo. Day pnoni, Mgnt pnono iay-.. TOM GOODALE, ProprletWVl VON AIITfl OAI I enn cnnTF'S il Four good curs with carenu ( rM iii unr'irdt. miuuo Ulanco lllllnrd Vulott. For nlglit servue, niw itii.lit Cafe. D. L FOOTE. S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM SAN FftANCISCO FOR COOS BAY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, AT 3:00 P. M. San Francisco offlco, 805 Fife Illdg., or Greenwich St Piers No. 23. Inter-Oceanic Transportation Co., C. F. McGeorge, Agt., Phone 44. nn Commutations Lli Tickets Mnrshflcld-North Hcnd Cars eVcrv ten minutes fn to 12:H0 p. GORST & UPVCi T. J. SOAIFE A. H. Marshfield ftf ! The Times Do&Jiab Printing . -" t ' " T"- Estimates Furalih Phono 300-J. .MarjUfleM. HAVE THAT ROOFI NOW i See CORTHtU Phone 3171. K M to i 10 i 10 ll'l 1M 11. li it: in 2:: 3.1 : 4:i l( ft: 6:t 7-t 7:; .( til Pi 10-t Situ U Chlmuevs .1. N. BaVl Any kind of brick ww GMT a, W VT&um -" .nko.vt.i a raiv JgtfSSZ7 ! ..VtVoWdoorofoPPO the 06 Printing D 'nB t; o agent