mnmummnHnyin r ,. I I - f i SJ S THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2B, 1914 EVENIMG EDITION. THREE Laundry ffiSfOs By Parcel Post f '.l.tTUtr A TtAO AND WILL "pifttolB POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. oosPy Steam Laundry to b7-J . MarshfieW wHfTiSES: 3e 'rago Coffee is a Winner ' y a pound torJay Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House. Broadway. Phono 394-J corrr- ; er .SON'S LATEST ..ijngo battery tlint continual JiV charging will not liorm. fi()K6 NOT CORRODE! AT sT" TERMINALS. i'fi'CONTAINB NO ACID. WW sot lose Kfl clmrgo whllo it ' standing Idle. VWa rujr ..0-ww. , nroiidnny. bU rr l'ort 01 isoom imy. SESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1LDRHD ROGERS NELSON. Tcnchrr of Pinno of Hugo Miuiitfcldt nt San tYMrJsco, Col. Flvo yours' (caching cxiiericiico in ban iTUIIClHCO T. TOMPKINS, I). 8. T. (Wcltmor MetUods.) CTry Known uiscuso - irouieu tout drugs or surgery, liooin z, North Broadway. IMO-L. Multifield, Or. EO. C. MURPHY, Rjpert PInno, Player and Organ Tuning, Regulating and Repair ing lies. 842 So. Uroadway. Ordors uny bo loft at tho Wlloy D. Allen Music Store, Central kTcnue. DEIj OSTLIXI). rUno Tuner and Repairer K Sixth street. .Phono lOtt-L. orders nt W. It. HalucH Music apny. M. WRIGHT, IlulldlUi. Contractor. Ifbtlnuitcs furn lulled on request. An honest Job guaranteed. Phone UIS-H. 0. 00SNI2Y, fltifffiirni nw1 Hit 111 am Ktlnitci, drawing and spociflca- uoui lurnisuou on roquost. Utllfled customnr In linttm. rnf. f irtnee tban a bank. Look any one oi my io up and boo 11 I am reliable. boat 3101. Mnrshflold, Or ft H. M. SHAW F!t Wii I VniA n n 1 fPlit ft f PDlATTIE II. SHAW neaf of women nnd children. Be phone 330. Rooms 200, 201 zuz, irving mock. House phono, 105-J. R.A.J,HKNDRY DENTIST Marahdnld nrnpnn loomi 204-206, Coke Dulldlng. "usnea pnone 2G2-X. "n phono 112-J. 119. PARRINGER, TCflrllO- nt Plnnn Residence Studio, No. 1096, er commercial and Eleventh SU Phone 880-J. )BNJAMIN OSTLIND, vuauiiing Engineer ul Architect. Offices, "0(1 Irvine Tllrw-Ir I03-L or 207-J, Marshfield, Oregon )KRL Riusy BALLINGEB Wencs-Btudlo. 237 Bo. Broadww uuuu i o-Ll, O. CnANIlMtrre AnplTimnivn v (111 Ui ffiJBL!2i- "-", ureguBi r s, turpek, ARCHITECT Mwshfleld, Oregon. 'OW Rates for HantSKncr Trunks W v.... M"ts in i ,.YT,.8 ." . n 8 rates aLu u lor lno ow Jae t5tS ' bulld"B 8s i8 .; l6lTA (rn.iT. BC """8 l.BP Jraatfer jnd.Storaie Ce. You want clear, cheerful nnd convenient light. Good light makes all tho difference in the world iu the leisure hours of the wage earner. It promotes his comfort and saves his eyes. Electric light is tho clear, cheerful, conven ient light. It is nlso the economical light. Everyone can afford electric light. Think of the convenience, safety and cleanliness of electric lighting. It means less work for the wives and daughters; more pleasure for all. Your home can be modernized with elec tric light at small cost. Telephone 378 for a cost estimate. i Oregon Power Co. Second and Central Your Store Is Your Lengthened Shadow "An institution is but the lengthened shadow of a man." And that is especially true of a store the one institution of greatest possibilities of usefulness in modern life. The merchant who has large vision and no use for the tramels of convention sees in the institution he is creatine: a limitless opportunity for service to the people. Im patient of results, eager for the quickest growth that may bo had upon tho right foundation, he sees tho intimate relation ad vertising bears to the realization of his plans. Keeping him in touch with not only the friends already won for his store, but with those whoso interest is as yet but a slight tiling to be won to the point of real allegi ance he makes to his store advertising a vital and potent thing. Ho makes it focus upon the work ho is doing; the attention of the people for whom tho work is being done to whom tho store service he offers should mean much. Thus the merchant is revealed in the store's advertising his "lengthened sha dow thrown into so wide a circle of homes that the influence crtnnot bo escaped. The Times -' , Phono 133. ' r FELLOWSHIP BANQUET IS BFULLIANT REDUCTIONS IN FREIGHT RATES WITHDRAWN S. S. HARDY SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY EVERY ALTERNATE FRIDAY AT 4:00 P. M. San Francisco office, Harrison St. Dock, Pier 10. West Coast 8. S. Line. E. J. LINDEN, Agt., Phono Doug. 2070. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTflACT CO., Inc. HENRY 8KNGSTACKEN, Manager FARM. COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EA6T8n)E MABSITFIELD OFFICE, PnONE A4J. COO.UILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. lfflW4red !Ff Dne ttt TU ?ime8 0WCe present system of govornmont, tho Mayor and Council, Ho said: "Mr. Chairman and Qontlemon: I want to say to you, In tho first place, that I am tho victim of a conspiracy. I nover Intended to do It. I was forced into It. "It was this way: Judgo Sohlbredo camo to mo last Thursday and said tho committee wanted mo to tako part In a dobato hero this evontng on tho question: 'Resolved, That Mnrshflold should adopt a commis sion form of government,' but I Bald: 'I don't know anything about this commission form of govern ment. What Is it?' 'Oh,' ho says, "no matter, wo 11 put somo follows on tho other sldo who don't know anything about n either, so It will bo an oven break.' "Well that sounded fair enough, but I tpld him I didn't llko to try to talk about something I know nothing about anywny, but ho sMd tho audience wouldn't Know any thing about It olthor, so I could just draw on my imagination and it would go orf all right. Well. I nut him off and said 1 would lot him know tho next day, and tno noxt day I trlod to can mm up by phono and tell him It was nil off, and, so help mo, ho had tukon tho phono out of his office, and tho noxt I know my namo was prlntod on tho program. "As tho negro said when ho was about to bo hung, nnd thoy asked him It ho hud any last remarks to mako: 'This Is certainly going to bo a lesson to me.' So you soo, for what you aro about to rocolvo I am not really rcsponslblo. "Qonorally, 1 nm Inclined to 'bear thoso ills wo havo rather than fly to others that wo know not of.' "I know It Is tho fashion Just nt present to fall down and worship anything which is now. Thoy used to sing, 'Tho old-tlmo religion Is good enough for me,' hut that Is played out now. It used to ho tho almost universal custom to oboy tho laws now nobody docs. Old things nro dono away. Even tho ladles want somothlng now ovcry day n now bonnet, or n now husband, or somo llttlo thing llko that. Now, I think somo old things nro moro sat isfactory than now. I llko old friends and somo of my friends tell mo that old whiskey Is tho host. 'I havo read aomowhoro that It Is not a good plnn to put now wine Into old bottles. Commission government has been very llttlo tried, and has not prov en very satisfactory. In Portland thoy aro finding It cxpouslvo, and tho results nro very questionable. I Thoy havo flvo Commissioners, each I at tho head of a soparato depart ment, and each pulling lnnn oppo slto direction. Lately tnrco of tho Commissioners scorn to hnvo ontor od Into a gontloman's ugreemout to ! stand together against tho othor two. This la tho old 'you tlcklo inu land I'll tlcklo you' nrrangomont ro sorted to by tho awful politicians, lit has produced results but tho ro i suits aro long and continued howla from tho pcoplo. Tho Commissioner In charge of tno water wonts has forced through a monsuro requiring wator users to instnll meters, and thereby nonrly precipitated a riot. Tim nnnililnnlfnn thrnn lnrnti'il tho n.iflltnrlutn ml .fin Tt?nut Rlfln lulwirn ' uuuhuiiuiu w, ...u iuv .w, wi lt will bo almost Inaccessible, and started a groat protest. "I ctto these Instances moroly to show that Commissioners bcciu to work In much tho snmo way as Councllmon, I fall to see how or whoro thoro Is any Improvement In fact. "Now in theory tho commission form of govornmont Is wrong. It Is "nolthor fUh, flesh, fowl nor good rod herring." It Is not a dollbor atlvo body llko u Legislature or a Colincll, and on tho othor hand, it has no head or rather, It lins flvo heads. It Is really a monstrosity. I am not going to dlsputo that good results havo been obtained In' somo instances under a commission form of government, hut in thoso cases It has always been on account of tho men nnd not tho system, Tho fact Is that you can't luvont any systom that will run Hsolf, and If you got tho right men tho results will bo all right undor any systom that gives thoso men power to act. But hero Is where tho troublo lies wo don't got tho most compotont men for tho work. Wo will say for a moment that tho question Is, how enn Mnrshflold bo best govorned7 Marshfield Is a corporation and has a largo .amount of business to trans act. How can that business bo best dono and at least exponso? Now men havo been running big concerns for many years. Big cor porations havo managed big enter prises successfully. Don't you think thoy understood their busi ness pretty well? It Is also a fact that ovory big cQncorn Is run by ono man, and that man Is well paid. No big Job was over accomplished in any othor way. Tho Panama Canal was built by onp man. Every big corporation Is run' by ono man. You never heard of any successful enterprlso that was managed by flvo men. If the City Council of Marsh field had tho power to hlro a gen eral mnnagor In placo of the Mayor, wo would get results. Of course a competent man would command a good salary, but you havo "to pay for what you got. Tho man who works for nothing gots all ho Ib worth, and tho man who Is worth a big salary, costs you nothing In tho end. The hired manager has to got results to hold his Job. Perhaps you will say that a Mayor would do as well but tho dlfferenco Is this. A Mayor Is never elected because no knows anything about his Job, but because ho is in favor of sa loons or Is opposed to saloons, or Is in favor of or opposed to this or that particular policy or fad that may bo agitating tho public mind at tho tlnp; or because ho is a good follow orf Democrat (which Is not the samvjf ng) or for somo other equally lr. ...evant and Inconsequen tial reason, and never or hardly over bocmiBo ho knows how to mnnngo n big enterprlso. 1 sny then, that Mnrshflcld should not ndopt a commission form of government, becauso sho can do bettor. "If tho tltno has como when AMnrshfleld ought to chango her form of government, let us mnko a chango that will bo nn improvement. Lot's not grab nt everything that comes nlong, just becnuso It Is now. An old houso that Is wotl built, along cor rect architectural lines, Is bettor thnn a flimsy now structuro hastily thrown together. Somotlmes It Is hotter to ndd a story or build on a wing. This Idea of hiring a general manager Is nothing now. It hns boon In practice for many years, whoro results woro considered moro Important that "Isms." If Mnrsh flcld Is big enough, If her business Is Important enough, sho can better afford to pay n competent mnn to iiiiuuu iu mill uimiiiuoo man biiu i:mi to hnvo nn incompetent man uo it for nothing. Tho City Council would then ho llko tho board of di rectors of othor corporations. Thoy can afford to net without compensa tion, becauso thoy nro stockholders and vitally Interested In tho corpora tion nnd becnuso all they havo to do Is adopt n few by-laws, hlro n mnnngcr nnd go homo. In your commission form of gov ornmont, ns In Portland, you hnvo flvo Commlsslonors to pay. Why pay flvo? Why not hnvo ono? Senator I. S. Smith then niiBWored tho nogntlvo speaking of tho present system of government ns n thing fast growing obsolete, "Tho busi ness of nny city no mnttor bow largo or Btnnll, Bhould bo conducted ns n business mnn would conduct nny business," said Sonntor Smith. "You would not think of operating n business, especially a small busi ness and mooting only onco in ovory two wcoks to dlsciiRs tho business or transactions of that business. On tho contrary, you must bo nttcntlvo to tlint business early and Into, and most Important of all, you must un derstand your business. Fow men understand how to conduct tho af fairs of tho municipality. Wo need experts, men who can devote nil tnolr tlmo, energy nnd oifloloncy toward running tho govornmont of a city nlong broad business lines. while nt tno I.oglsmturo Inst bob- slon, I Investigated tho plausibility of n commission form of govorn mont for tho Mate. Tho endless red tnpo to tho conducting of tho i.cgls laturo mako It almost IidiiobhI'Jo for tho Inexporlonrcd statesman to accomplish much until ho gots on to tho workings of tho mnchlno. If wo had a commission form of gov ornmont tho men wo should plnco lit these offices would know somo thlng of tho conduct of a state's business." In conclusion Sonntor Smith said that ho thought Mnrshflold would seo this now form of govornmont bo foro long. 'Tho closing speaker for tho nog ntlvo sldo of tho question will de ride this question nnd snvo tho Council," uald II. A. Copplo, In call ing on tho noxt speaker, City Attor ney Gobs. Air. (jobs spoKo In pnrt ns fol lows: "I hcllovo this Is a nlot on tho part of Coiinrilmou nnd city offi cials. Hero I find myself sontod In tholr midst to defend tholp sys tem of govornmont. If thoy woro not nil hero to dlsprovo what I am about to say, It would bo dlfforont. Hut thoy nro nil prosont. Now tho question Is what Is tho commission form of government. Councilman Forguson explained to mo that ho was put to consldornhlo Inconven ience In getting hero this ovonlng, saying, "If thoro Is nny commission coming, I'm going to got mlno.' Thoso mcotlngs of tho Followahlp Club aro so great a success to my mind becnuso tho speeches aro In terposed with melody or outortnln mont, somothlng to rollovo tho mind and tnko tho bad tnsto out of mouth In preparation for tho noxt spoakor. I think that this would bo n good plan for tho courts to adopt nnd am going to suggest to tho court that wo havo n llttlo vaudovlllo or other ontortnlnmont to occupy tho minds of tho Jurors hotwoon pleadings of counsel. It's really n novelty nnd I nm going to mnko tho suggestion to Judgo Coko. Tho question that prcBontn ItBelf this ovonlng Is not Is tho commission form of govern ment' good for Onlveston, Dayton, or nny othor municipality, but ns wo sea from tho printed announcement "Shall Marshflold ndopt tho com mission form of govornmont." It has boon said that tho forms of government, other than tho com mission form, aro a means of lav ish oxpondlture, graft, mls-mannge-ment nnd n thousand othor evils that aro charged to any systom of govornmont undor which wo may live. If you want to adopt tho commission form of govornmont,' you must ongago tho sorvlces of a man who Is expert In tho work of managing ant) oporating a municipal ity and thoso mon aro hnrd to find. Thoy nro Bcarco. Why, Just look at poor old Dayton. After hor flood sho scoured tho country in Search of a man to mnnngo tho government of hor city. I don't think sho has found him yot. And horo wo aro In Marshfield, whoro ovoryono knows ovoryono else, whoro wo meet nnd talk with tho city of ficials, seo them in our ovoryday life, Wo ran discuss changes aa wo wish with the Councllmon. Why bless your hearts, I suppose there Is no ono horo who has not boon up td tho City Council nnd had hlB or her llttlo say. Whoro tho Council has sat until tho woo small hours listening to someone's tnlo of woo. If we wero a big community whoro tho dlfforont nationalities crowdod to different corners of tho city, and never discussed matters thoro might bo reason for a dlfforont form of government, hut not In a municipality as small us Multi field. Tho tendency of tho ago Is to adopt something new. Hills nro green far away. Tho peoplo want a system of government which thoy lmnglno will bo automatic In its oporatlom Wo enn havo no such system ns long as men are In charge of our system of government. Com mission or Council, a government Is no stronger than tho mon whom It comprises. Tho services rondored by tho Councllmon Is a personal ser vice. Undor our present systom of government wo nro all n part of that system. Under tho commission system wo nil becomo Indifferent ns to tho destiny of tho govornmont nnd lonvo tho matters in tho hands of a fow men either to rulo or ruin tho municipality.' At tho conclusion of tho nddrcss of Attorney Gobs, tho meeting was thrown open for popular comment. Edward II. Jochnk mndo n snort address In which ho stated that his view of tho commission form as taught by actual oxporlonco waB that It raised tho cost of living. Mr. Joohnk rotated an incident that happened In tho South Sea Islands, whoro ho landed while on a sailing crulso. Eight natives of tho Islands, all tho Inhabitants, comprised tho commission, Judgo Sohlbredo nlso mado a fow romarks stating that tho commis sion form of government was a ten dency that tho pcoplo woro Inclined toward simply becauso It Is somo thlng now. Judgo Sohlbredo further stntcd that until proven othcrwlso, to his mind, tho old form Is tho best. A. R. Peck In n short tnlk defend ed tho commission form, stating that n city should pay for tho manage ment of Its affairs as would any prlvnto corporation. Specialists in ovory lino Is tho order of tho day, wns pointed out by tho Bponkor. "How long to do think Copplo would lot nn nttornoy run his dry goods store?" said Pock. "How long would it bo boforo tho attor ney would run iho dry goods storo Into tho grouna or into his pock et?" Attorney Goss humorously ob jected to this romnrk by stating, "uon't mnKo nny remarks about tho profcsBlon." Dr. Shnw mndo a fow humorous romnrks In which ho commented on tho council form of government ns n fnlluro. Tho sponkor comment ed on n pnrt of tho address of At torney Goss In which ho said tho legal department of tho city was economically mnnngod, nnd ho de fied nny to find graft. "I'm glnd," snld Dr. Shnw, "Hint tho lognl de partment of tho city has boon so good nnd efficiently mnnaged that tho City Attornoy enn defy us to find graft." Duncan ForgtiRon, ono of tho C'nuncllmnn, nddrcssed tho body, saying that ho did not understand this commission form of govornmont nnd tlint ho enmo down to bo edu cated. Aftor hearing tho remarks of tho speakers, ho advocated tho tho commission form, not for Marsh flold hut for tho city of tho futuro Coob Buy. Mr. Ferguson oald tlint tho proBont system or councll mon wns hottor; moro offlclont nnd loss oxponslvo, thnn nny other form tlint could bo dovlsod. Ho conclud ed with tho romnrk. "I can answer nny Intelligent question on tho wel fare or Coob Bay from tho sent of my drny, ns woll ns nny export in a stonm-hontod offlco. Banquet Excellent. Tho ladles of tho advancod claBfi of domestic Rclonco of tho Mnrsh flold High School, proparod tho ban- quot, which was norvod to tho mom- norn or tho club last night. Tho fonst was pronounced tho boat yot offered nt n bnnquot of tho club. A rising voto of thanks wns ton (lorcd tho Indies of tho clnss. Toast mastor Copplo romarkod "If I wero a young man In search of a bottor half, I would mako a dlvo for the kitchen." Tho momhors of tho class aro: Dora Brown, Adolaldo Clarko, Hortha Davis, Cora Dye, Marjorlo Graham, Bonn Hnglund, Edith Kal- no, uvoiyn Lnngwortliy. ElBlo linn, Allco Mathlson, Lucy Powers, Agnes Snndqulst, Clnra Sorgonnt, Olgn Shuttor, Jcsslo Trnsk, Nolllo Wnr- wick. Luurn Watson nnd Wllda Har rU, Miss Elizabeth M. Mooro Is In structor. Tho following was tho menu: Consommo' with lomon Olives Colery Saltod Almonds and Ponnuts Chicken in Aspic, Sauco Tnrtnro Dovllod Crabs Asparagus Salad Croamod Potatoes Hot Rolls ( Cranborrlon Plnonpplo Bavarian Croara Cako Crackers Choeso Bon Bona Cafo' Nolr Splendid Entcrtulnnicnt A Bplondld ontortnlnmont was ren dered by local favorites. Tho pro gram was as ioiiows: Banjo Soloctlons, Prof, Davis and Long. Accompanist, MrB. J. W. Mot loy. Parody on Alexander's Ragtlmo Band. Al Bowhny. Banjo Soloctlon. Prof. Davis and Long. "You Can't Do It," monologuo by Al Bowhay, Tho commttteo prevailed on Mr. Bowhay to glvo his rendition of "You Cnn't Do It" nnd it was worth tho of fort. SOrvIco Commit too Report Chairman JonniiiKs. of tho sor- vlco commlttoo roported thnt through Mr. iJorenniB 7ii mon had boon giv en meals and threo mon glvon beds nt on exponso of $18.76, which was ralsod by tho committee Mr. Jen nings explained that ho did not want nny of tho members of tho club to feel slighted for tho reason that tho service commlttoo bad ralsod this money personally, be causo ho would call on tho members somo othor tlmo. Tho roport of tho commlttoo was ncceptod and a vote of thanks tondcrcd them for tho servlco thoy lind rendered. Mr. Reld said that ho hoped tho work of tho sorvlco commlttoo would start oarller noxt year and provldo reading room ns woll as meals for tho unemployed. Largo Croud Present Tho largest assemblage thnt has attended tho moetlngs thus far was presont Inst night. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio i i i K . 5..'v '"Wrm -- S -a i - - - Zl ,f - 1 w .-arwy 4 l v v -;