The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 25, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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B , Lf
. 'f
M. C. MAIjOXKV Keillor unci Tub.
PAX 10. .MAl.OXKV Xuus Kri 1 lor
Official JPnpcr of Coos County
Official I'npcr City of Mm-nlifleld
Entered nt tho Postofflco nt Mnrsh
flold, Oregon, for transmission
through the nmlls ns sccontl-clnss
mnll mntter.
simscuiinriox katics.
Ono year ?C.OO
1'cr month SO
Ono year $1.50
Only About 30 Per Cent of Puget Sound Electric Company
Those Registered in
Chicago voted
Will Compete With Puget
Sound Boats
Ur AmocIiIpi) I'itm to Cooa Ilr Tlmra.
OL.YMPIA, Foh. 25 Tho Puget
(lir AmooUIcI I'rrti lo Cool IUJ Tlm.
CHICAGO. Teb. 2f. Coninnrntlve-
lv few Illinois women took advnntnge Sound Electric Hallway has obtained
Wlipn paid strictly in navanco, ' jostortlay of tlioir rirsc opportunity permission irom tro atato ruuiic sor
tho Subscription prlco of tho Coos to voto at tho primary olcctlons In vlco Commission to file a freight tar
nay Times Ih $r.00 per yoar or I many cities and towns of tho Btato. Iff, effective In thirty days, making n
?2.G0 for six months. in Chicago I7.C2D, or about thirty sharp reduction In practically all
,)0r ccnt of u,0 Womon who had aual- freight ratea between Seattle and Ta-
Address all communications to Ifled. voted. Seven Chicago women coma. Tho lino Is prepared to enter
COOS HAY DAIIiV TIMK8 who bad no opposition wore nomln- into competition with boats between
Mimhflcltl ;; :: ;: :: Oregon uted for aldormon. Threo of thorn Seattlo and Tncoma for freight.
Progressives and four Socialists. .
LV8T week's stcanicrB brought n
largo shipment of rhlckons from
Portland to Coos Day Tor local
consumption. This seems llko ship
ping coals to Newcastle Hero wo
nnvo an almost Wonl section for
raising chickens and In tho Co
nulllo Valley It Is ovon better. Why
iiliouldn't Coos County produce not
only abundant chlckons to supply
tho homo demand, hut sufficient to
rli In tn both thiv Portlnnrl nnd San
Francisco mnrlcbts. There should bo MAXAflKK HHDIIiMOX UKTUItXS
money In tho chicken business In IIOMIl SAVING TIIKItK IS
Coos County. If thero Isn't It la i XOTIIIXfl FOR 1'UIHiICATIOX
tho lack of- orffjnlzatlon, united I HUT OTIIKItS CLAIM DIJAIi IS
offort and co-oporatlon. Whero CI.OSM).
thero is co-oporatlon In tho buying!
It. E. h. Hodilllon, of tho Hamlon
All Shingle Mills at North
Bend, Wash., Closed in
Labor Struggle
tnir Anort,l pnu to Coo Ilnr TlmM.I
NORTH HEXD, Wash., Fob. 2G.
tho nac ssary inatorlals. when w"'.' i'lii i rotiirnfti to Ilandon All tho shlnglo mills on Wlllnpa Hor
o Is co-oporatlon In exchanging P0'?" ..JI. L8' .I.0.1"' Sd..l . I""a ? lior woro closed yesterday as a result
Ideas and theories: when thoro Is "' ' " . "."u,r """ """",' of tho decision of tho United Bin-
co-oporatlon. especially In mnrkot-, g"" "ok'v i ml a v o boon o ,,0or" ,0 tnliHh tho open Biiop.
lng and selling instead of working'"- """brook who too ton c- T0 IinJorll of tho mon ,,olo , t0
Bopartoly; when thoro is co-opcrn- nt B . ln to rnoo tho U)o gh ,o WcftVorB. Unon ,, nn
tion all along tho line of orgoniza- "' '" "' . p.. n "'"f "" effort on tholr part to unionize tho
tlon, profits aro bound .to ho tho g?.0"10".. .f'fr.," f "g" S?tt -iout ""B taWovilttf: tho refusal of a mill
result. At any rate, Coos County ? ?." "l0''ngnl ?. Vouhl nSt bo to ro-employ throe former employes,
should produce onough poultry and, "' J r , " s mmColtt w"th his led to tho shut down. Several liun-
poultry products for Its own uso. hn h.l n mS 5th s drcd mon were thrown out of employ-
?fl iftirf0 Zo llKn ,,0,.ndustry,nor called S? sUnT&'s .nt.
8omoU,othor 'SffTt "for '"wffi man ' K ?" tt.LTUd
and not natur. Is r-ponrihlA SaTiwiMSlK Tfl I O flnflllT an.) tin: ..on , ? ''!?. n "r.n"i! r h & mini
ill ll(, UIU JFIUIIIUIVIO Ul Llltlb vuiiir i D 3 JIIIIII I
SnuLVVCM im mm wit n Mm nvnr. ,B,t0 would furnish a froo slto and
0Slfcb?. nSS VtSlnaoM take
TCT.n?: "o'f Tjor Wo soo & nf for ilo.obur to confer
Idlor waiirlnK bis boot clothes. ml,w" ,"rf In "io company there.
W.nn l. nla n Inl, lin n.ila nil At IlOlldOll It WttH BtlltOd flint Mr. !
ovornlls. What do wo moan? Sim- nodllllon and his friends absoluto'y
ply this, Hint tho wile of ovoralls In controlled tho Woo on Ml I company p, j, TnntlPr nf WpsfPITl
11)13 was noariy 10 por cent hot- 8o t,int 1o co11111 (' nH ',0 wished. OlldS. n. I anilLr, 01 v;LJjILI51
tor than In 1UI2 and In January at u wu auuuu '" i'u'BU ) "U1" rCtierailOn OI IVHIISIS I US
1'aolflo CouBt polntH ws largoly nlnoty-sovon of tbo 22.. sharos of ,.f. . nonnrrntinn
In excess of tho previous month. Htdc I" t" company and friends HIICS 01 Uv,p0l IdllOII
Thin mirnlv tnnntiH Unit Jim tinviii. WHO WOro Willing 10 support 111S (16
ployed nro going to work nnd thoro dslon hold onoug'.l moro to moro
nro no hard times nhoad.
The cninliiK colebrntlon of Nation
al Salmon Day, on March 13, wlillo
than control It.
(nr Ato liinl Vmt to Coo nr Tlmi,
HANCOCK. Mich., F b. 2C
Oharles II. Tnnnor, auditor of tiio
Western Federation or Miners, took
IT.IiMVSIIIP CliUH'S HAXQUKT tho Btnml boforo tho coiiBresslonnl
conuuttteo nnd doscrlbed tho deporta-
.Among those present at tho Fof- tlon ?f Charles H Moyor and himself
iJ Ull t(IIWll U, HtlUU . . . !.. I 1 miin l.-i ntrtlrn IU;I IO ntuillllllr) (lb IMV viw-
It will bo markoil on a largo scalo 'i' ..u.nici. ,u u,.h I)nono n ,,, r()om w,,on tncro wnn
throughout tbo ontlro country, will woro mo louowing: n rap on tl.o door. I was Branding
bo of particular significance on tho I j.jt Allen, Carl L. Albrooht, Leo b' tho ,l0tl nn,, M'or opened tl.o
I'nclflo coast. Thoro Is scarcely a n..Mi.. n x. tii t .,. ., door. A crowd of thirty ruBhed In,
community, large or sninll, on tho ,'"",, ,' ' ,l' " '" liurKvr " shouting 'Whoro Ib Moyer?' At tho
jionboard of Washington, Orogon, Cal- ' BncKlngham, IIurIi Darclny, .1. Bamo time throo men covored him i
Ifornln nnd Alaska which doos not Loo Drown, II. K. Diiltmnn, J. W. with throo automatic rovolvors. Then
rocolvo some portion of tho $40,000,- it)0r, R. A. Copplo. J. E. Cooloy. W. Meyer rcp"ol: 'I --1 Mcyrr ' S-or-1
000 wblC tho salmon canning Indus- , pi,,..,,-..,,,. nlllinn pr,, al mado a rush for Mm and boui him ,
try sponda annually for labor and ''. , im"K"' ""on lorguson, ni,0Bt iioulilo. Anofor man rusod (
mntorlnlB. ,olin rorguson. John D. Gobs, Louis In from tho hall and Btruck Moyer ov-i
On tho Pacific Coast tho nativities L. dorr, F. K. Grnnnls, Frank Howo, er tho head with n rovolvor. Tho gun '
In honor of tho King of Food Fish ira L. Howo. A. T. Ilalnos L K Hon- Mploilod nnd Moyor was shot In tho I
will tnko tho form of public gather- . , , iM ri.nria v imrt back."
Iub nnd baiKiuets nt Seattlo. Port- "rix. .mines Hanson. Charles I-. Horr- Tanner said Moyer nnd ho woro1
lnnd, San Francisco, Los Angolos nnd man. Frok K. Huntor. W. I. Hlldon- then rushed out of tho hotel. Theyl
other const centers. FUhorlos, opor- brnnd, It. K. Irwin, Kd II. Joohnk, It. woro hustlod across tho bridge to
ntors, eclontlsts nnd public officials M. Jennings, I. S. Kaufman, n. II. Houghton, whoro they woro placed'
will ho In nttendanco nnd events nro logout p, j Myors H Myers " tll trn'n for Chicago with two .
oxpeotod to attract wide attention, i vni.'i.inwnnv vVvninll t' "loputlea nnd warned lf thoy over
In tho oastom statos preparations " ' ."ci'iono, m. c. .Mnionoj, .i. CIino ,)llc. tj.oy WOuld ho hnnged, ho
nro also being mndo Tor commomora- W. Motloy, C. II. Marsh, David Nol- said. On tho brldgo, tho witness said. I
inn nn nn extonslvc scalo. Ciniiiotl son. Hnrrv Nasbnrif. II Nanlrnm II. ho wos Btruck over tho ovo by his
milnion will bo serve 1 In evory rail- xordruiu. K L. Powell. D. II Patch- enptor, and ho showed the coaunlttee
way dlnl.iK 'car and It Is expected " , "' pi, m.;. ,, V iiiiiior v U, Bcar rt?8ltlK trom the alleged
i.n nnn ono ..annlo will ho roschwl elt' " K- PniUlps, II. . Palntor, A. ,.,...
In this way nlono. LondlitK hotols K. Pock, K. I. Rholardson, W. A.
nnd roBtnuranU wltl. feature Canned Rold, I). L. Rood, Mllo Sumner, I S.
Salmon and llteraturo and roelpes smlttt, C. II. II. Smith, Dr. H. M.
XmZ&MWI"' C- . Sohlbrodo. J. Swanton.
bo tiolebratliiK IU fiftieth nnnivinnry w. w. iravor, i; a. -neiiRen, v. v
this yoar. and for thwt reason lmru
oular Interest attnehos to tho event.
It had Its origin In lfcl when three
ploneerH-from Mlne, who haJ lien
onguKed In lohtor cnnnlnir. ettabllBh
vil thomselvos on tho Bnernmonto
Rlvor, California. Tho industry soon
MtiroHd from the Sacramento to the
Columbia. River nnd thonco to PiiKot
Sound and Alaska, whero It is now
tho second Industry In importnnco.
DoglnnliiB with a small pack vul
uoil at a fow thousand dollars, tho
biislnoss has developed to an oxtont
novor dreamed hv Its founders. It
renohod lt high water mark In 1913
with n pack of ovor 8.000.000 oubos,
or moro than 100,000,000 cans, valu
ed at $40,000,000. On this const
ovor 3r.,000 people aro directly om
ployod In tho salmon-canning opera
tions and thousands of othors nro
engaged Indlroctly In tho preparation
of supply, transportation and distri
bution of tho pack.
Though tho Industry has Its soat
on this conBt, it finds Its principal
markets hi tho oestom nnd Bouthoni
states nnd abroad. As a result, t o
hugo fortune which It spends oaolv
year In outfitting and oporatlon is
tukon not from tho towns and cities
from which it Ib onrrloil ; t"'1 "";
from tho oast nut foreign countries
as so much new money adloj to tho
woalth of tho const
mrl it-tctt jna
Thero Is no hottor investment than
n flfty-cont pioco In a bottle of Moi
Wolcott. F. c Weaver. Ray Olllvant.
C II. Walters. J. A. Ward, A. J. Relse, ,
Jnmes WoUmiu, R. P. Watson, Al
Dowhny, W. S. Nicholson, C. R. Peck.
t kI1... iMlon i.. l,xtlfx n.i.l n....
I il. MIIRIIl ) HDUII, iJtlJ UU IU iWIU Vlli;
Warn or.
I ft H
Tho Portland Tologram says:
"Frodorlck Holllster, nn nttornoy of
Cno enmity. Oreirnu, hns nunouncod
couxcil Hi:nuci:s pay
At a mootlnK of tho North Rend
Ms Intention of onterlni; tho rnco forc"y Council last night, tho salaries
Cnntti-ossmnn from tho First ConproB-; of n number of city officials woro
slonnl nistrict, Ho will romnln horo reiiuceu. tiio saiaies woro nusen
i Jr... ...i .i n wnnlf ncn nml Hn ninnv nrotests
ntlVUIIII Wl'l'KB, UIIIUIK WUIUIt lllllO I'U ",, - " ' l
will do Bomo nctivo campaign work.",wro nind t,ut tho Council recon-
MKIIKDITII IS ACTIVB ,?,f alsrles Is somowhnt hlghor than
thoy originally wore. Tho now or-
W. II. Meredith district nttornoy 'dinnnco chnnges the salaries from
of Curry county, was In the oltv yes-Jho ones fixed n weok ago s fol
torday, looking ovor tho political sit-, lwa:
nation. Ho Is expecting to enter tho C lty Hecordop Maybe reduced
raco for tho Democratic nomination from $125 to $100; City Attorney
for oongrossmnn In this district, nd PHbySHrofI?c,od. f,rom i.,!,0
nromlBOB to make a llvo campaign on ?f0; Cltj;AI2r!hannar80n m,UC'
live Issues.Salem Statesman. oa , m i . ' ?'
c Only minor street matters woro
Rxnorts linvo ostlmatod that If urougtu up
the forests of tho world wero sclon
tlflcally oneratod thoy would ylold
tho oqulvnlont of from thirty to 120
times tho present consumption of
wood annually.
I'ntll rocontly It has boon a gen-
Is tho first signal of disorder
, nnd decay, Tho usual loss of appo-
uio is onon cnuson uy functional
disturbances In tho stomach. The
stomach .falls to do tho work r
nnlfml ill i- nMiiatli,v lo Am ...!
lMul fcW "t'l'PHIU 40 fiWUV, IIU
ttni Whlto Liniment. Muscular """'erallv accented theory that eczoma tho body suffers from lack of nour-
rhouinatlo pains, swHllngs. mmenees , wna ft ,ugcage 0f the blood. Sciontl-jlshment. Such a stomach nee Is
nnd soronosa of tho musci es no ,c investigations have taught us, to bo cleaned and swoetened. Merl
promptly rolieved. Morltoi niie tlmt .jemg 8 posltlvoly a skin dls-tol Tonic nigcstive Is made espocial
Llnlmont is eBpoclally rocommeniiea ea8, RUrt t.urHbio thuough the sklnily to assist tho stomach to tligest
as a general pain klllor of unusual aione Merltol Ercema Remedy Is, food, and promote a healthv appo
int rit. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. nnpnti Ireitly to the diseased skin ittte. This remedy la sold on our
Frank V Cohan Opposite Chandler dq not del iy trvlng Merltol Eczp-posltlvo guarantee, and we nsk you
lintel Phono 71- tvntiitl Avcittto ,na nciucd Owl Prescription Phtr- to glvo It a trial It Is a genuine
)rnr Store, local agency, riii-va , moty, Frank D Colian Opposito tonic, owl t'rescrintion Pharmacy
Mc, $1 00 -. . Chandler Hotel Phoii" 74. Contntl Frank D Cohan Opposto Chandler
' Avenun Drue Store, local nceucv. Hotol. Phonf 74. Central Avciiun
Times Want ads bring res tits jl'rlces 50c, fl.QO. Drug Store solo agents, Prlco $1.00.
Front St.
Front St,
Back in Their Old Location
Bigger stock ! Better Service ! Greater store i
Well, folks, here we are,' back in the OLD LOCATION'
but back in a NEW STORE
We've been kept pretty busy since the morning of De
cember 29, but we're not a bit sorry. Hard work never hurl
anyone and besides our stock got a thorough cleaning
Now we're coming back stronger than ever A certain
great sage is quoted as saying that "they nevercome back"
guess he never heard of Lando's.
Tff , 1 1. 1.1 1f A. f .. - . '
i nings are going to oe a nine ainerent irom now on,
We're going to inject a few modem methods into this concern,
Just keep your eye on the papers and your mind on Lando's,
It will take a little time to get started, but in the meantime the
fact remains that we're open for business
New goods are arriving on every steamer A large ship
ment of the famous Carhartt Overalls is en route from the
East Our Spring line of Douglas Shoes is here.
Front St.
Front St,
- I QI i i
Mr. & Mrs. Home-lover :-
It, saves t,lme and trouble and money t,p
go right to the store for your furniture.
When you oome to ourstore you will not have
to look anywhere else, for you will want to
BUY OF US j and you will save money because
our prices are reasonable. When you come to
us once, you will come again, when you buy
furniture, get acquainted with our store
and learn where to buy your furniture to
the best advantage In quality and price. '
Harvey Co.
House Furnishing Engineers
All Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times Office
. -:? vJZtiZS-w-
to too uou -