The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 24, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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This Newly Arrived Spring Line
ses my
1 I
. Marshfield Pioneer Sucumbs
, To Illness Following Mo
j tor Car Accident
Georgo C. 1 Wtilff, nn old resi
dent or Coos Bay, died at 8 o'clock
this morning of complications follow
ing hla Injury by being struck bv Mn
Southern Pacific motor car Inst week.
Coroner Wilson Is looking Into tho
caso today to detormlno whothcr or
not nn Inquest shall bo held to determine-
to what extent the injury
by tho motor car was responsible for
Ills death.
They have- no children but Mrs.
Wtilff hns wired for her nolco, Mrs.
I'otors of Alameda, Calif., to come,
Mrs. I'otors hns been HI and It Is not
certain whether sho will bo ablo to
cotno now or not.
Qeorgo C. P. Wulff wns born In
Prussia November 28, 183G and enmo
to America whon a young liinn. Ho
Borved In tho U. S. navy throughout
tho Civil War, having followed tho
eon. prior to coming to America. Ho
camo to Coos county In 1808 nml
ccttlcd In Marahflold. Por years ho
was engaged In logging and lator In
fishing. Ho wns very thrifty and ac
cumulated much valuable proporty
and hns also a lnrgo amount In mort
gages. His wealth Is estimated at
botween $fiO,000 nnd $100,000.
Mrs. Wulff, who survives Mm, wns
born In Austria September 27, 1830.
Tho couplo havo lived In Perndnlo for
years nnd for many years prior to bis
death, Mr. Wulff had been In retire
ment. Mr. Wulff Is said to havo mndo a
etntemeut' soon nftor tho accident
which1 prnctlcnlly oxonorntcd tho
company from blnmo. Ho said that
9io was walking outside tho railing
which soparatoH tho roadway and rail
road track on North Front street
nnd saw tho car coming, but ho mis
calculated tho distance and speed
nnd figured ho hnd tlnio to cross tho
track abend of the car. His Injurlos
wore not first considered of a serious
nnturo but pneumonia and broncnlnl
trouble dovelopcd and owelng to be
ing a very fleshy man and to his ad
vanced yenrs, he could not withstand
tho disease.
Tho funeral will bo announced ns
noon nn word Is received from Mrs.
"Wulff's niece.
E. K. Jones Praises Fine Road
Built There Compan
ion Taken III
Declarlnc that Coos County should
be flshntucd of Itself for tho condi
tions of Its ronds and especially so
in view of what Curry County hns
accomplished In building ono or Its
principal thoroughfares, E. K. Jones
today told of a Btronuous trip ho
mndo through curry county. in
addition to tho difficulties encoun
tered owing to tho Bovcro wenthor,
ho had a sick companion who wns
finally brought to Port Orford after
cxtromo diffictiltlrs.
Ho started out with J. 13. Mlllor
of tho Buckingham Heck Shoo Com
pnny, tho two hiring a team tor tho
ilong drive. Both wcro tnkon sick
'nenr Lnnglols, but pushed on south
wnrd to Gold Hcnch and Wcddor
burn. Mr. Jones recovered, but Mil
ler kept getting worso nnd rinnlly
collapsed while on routo bnck to
Port Orford. On arriving there, It
was found that ho hnd n sevoro nt-
1 tnck of appendicitis. Dr. Uobbln took
Miller to hln homo nnd Dr. Loop, of
Bandon, wns sent for to aid In car
ing for him, but when ho nrrlvod
Sunday It was found that Mlllor was
too 111 to permit on oporntlon. Yes-
jtorday ho was roportcd some bet
tor. Mr. Joiipb" Bnys Hint tho hlghwny
south of I.nnglols Is a boulevard,
having boon graveled by tho county.
Thoro wns nppnrently boiiio nntural
I cement In tho grnvol and It line hnrd-
'eiied nnd stands up under tho traf-
' flc Hue. Tho Coob county end of tho
rond north of Langlols Is In awful
condition, tho mud bolng two or
I threo feet deep all tho wny. Mr.
Jones Bnys Hint Coos County should
bcow up tho grnvol rrom Port Or-
;ford and ubo It In limiting ronds.
Ho Bays Hint C. P. Prlnnt nnd wlfo
, who recently bought tho old Corbln
much nt Corbln, hnvo convorted It
Into an Idonl resort. Tho locntlon
Is flno. Mrs. Prlnnt wns rormorly
In chnrgo of tho Ilnrvey cntlug house
on tho Santn Po anil so Is experienc
ed. Mr. Prlnnt was formerly a
railroad nitui In Arizona.
rijANK pf.rfpctf.i poii mo
Tho first banquet of tho Coos
Day Business Men's Association will
bo hebl nt 8 o'clock Prlday ovenlng,
Pobruary 27, at Tho Chandbr hotel.
It will be n Koclul sobbIou ns woll uh
for the purpose of porroctlng mid
extending the organisation recently
Business men and prorossjounl
men or all llnn are Invited to bo
presont iud uulto with tho move
inont. Tickets can bo obtained tor
1 finiii (lti llntiim tit Mm Wnnlnli
Mill Store, 10. P. Lewis nt the Plo
noer llardwaro and P. C. Mather nt
North Bend.
Only Six Women and 133
Men Prepare to Vote at
Knrly roKlHtintlon hns been light
according to .lutlgo Ponuock'H rig
urcH, which show Hint 133 moil are
registered im iigitliiHt six women.
Prom this It would hogiii that (ho
Initios or Mamhflold nro olther In
dirrereut km to tli ir rights or nro
waiting until the elovonth hour to
resistor. Tho registration Tor the
primary oleetlon will cIobo on May
1 nnd tho roKlstorlng for tho gonornl
election which tnkes plnco on No
venibor II will open nKnln Mny 20.
If you roglstor for tho primary elec
tion, It Is not necessary to register
for the Kouurul oloitlon.
kkv icom: plaxs.
Several Speakers Urcje it at
Mothers and Teachers'"
Meeting Need Room
At tho Mothers' and Tenehers' Club
nt tho North Bend hlg- school last
ovonlng the subject of "Playgrounds"
on which the children mny bo frco to
exorcise themselves nnd fit them tor
tho great battle or llfo wns most ably
discussed by Supt. A. O. Itnnb. Ho
sot forth the need or a public plny
ground In North Bond. Professor
Hani) stated that the day wns passing
when It Is coiiBldored a wrong to rend
any thing but religious books or to
whlBtlo on Sunday. In California ho
pointed out Hint a town of 8000 or
moro Is compelled to havo public
With tho growing population of
North Bend, Prof. Unab ndvocntcs a
playground be provided immediately.
Xecil Saw School. ,
Prof. Knnb also discussed the In
adequate room at the Central school,
stating that If they had a new eight
room school house It would bo moro
than hnlf filled upon Its opening dny.
Tho overcrowding of tho Ccntrnl
school Ib n mutter tho danger or
which, Mr. Itanb pointed out, must
bo remedied quickly.
A vnrlcd ontertnlumont wns ron
dorcd, to tho plensure or tho guests,
rrom tho old-time banjo selections to
the modern recitation which was so
loudly encored by all. Mrs. Herbert
Armstrong rend nn nblo pnpor on
Prom the entertainment tho gath
ering adjourned to n little repnst
which wns propnred by tho domestic
science class or tho high school. The
young ladles were nttlred In nntty
Martha Washington dresses that pre
sented the picture or Yo Society or
Coloulnl Panics. Tho North Bond
high school band rendered Bovornl se
lections while tho guests wero enjoy-,
lug their repnst. Among Hiobo pres
ent wore:
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Bylor, Mr. nnd
Mrs. P. McDnuIols, Mr. and Mrs. II.
Armstrong, Mr. nnd Mrs. Holuzo, Dr.
nnd Mrs. L. IC. Strntc, Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson, Prof, nnd Mrs. (Iruhb, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Ilazcr, Mr. and Mrs. Lylo
Chappell, Carl Colder, O. I Inzer, A. O.
Uanb, MIbb Until ltanb, Miss Marjnrle
Swoarlngor, .JohbIo King, Mlsa J)ay
ton, Borthn Chupmnu, Dorothy Klb
ler, Juno Young, Kdlth Itanb, Helen
Monde. Ida Nollson, Prnncon Golden,
Miss J. Parker. Otlllla Hoelllug. Kllss
abeth Hoelllug, Lily Pulley. Clmlys
Krnnlck, Uuby Wntklns. Constnuco
C ark, Louise PlBiulngor, Kmma
Johnson, Plnilrn Bergluud, Mrs. J.
Pinery, Mis. Isnucs, Miss Kate Mende,
Mr. mid Mrs. Vaughna. II. C. HoIiiion,
J. Monde. Henry Dlors, Tom Hngo,
Wllllnm Dauo. Joseph Barber, Lylo
Chappelle, Clarence Klhlor, Harold
BeynoltlH, Paul Welling, Clyde Tomp
kins, Georxo Wat I; I iih. Arthur Chnso,
Harlan Gubsor. Harold Simpson, Curl
Itnab, Bud Kmery, Tony Kherhnrt,
ChnrleH BurmolMtcr, Glenn Hart, Ar
thur Chnpmnu, Murlol Chnppell, Alox
Nollsnii, Arthur Holmes and Miss Kva
Tho eoinplote program wns ns rol-
Iowb: '
"Dronms or Coos Bay," Lylo Chap
pell. Vncnl nolo. "A Porroct Dnv." and
"I'll Worn- That Coos Bay Smllo."
I Mr. WatkliiB, AccompanlBt, Mlsa
I ltanb.
Banjo Bfloctlon, Prof. Dnvls and
Our Playgrounds, Mrs. H. Arm
strong. Beading rrom Carlton, Proressor
1)1 iw t Service Between There and
KMltltiii Grounds Arranged
OAKLAND. Cnl.. Peb. 24. Oak
land is to hnvo'a forty or Kb own to
tho Panama Pacific Pair Grounds In
19 in. The exposition company has'
Announced that a Bpecinl lino of sev
eral bontB will be put on to accom
modate tho expected crowds from
wuiimuii iiiiii ijiiivi i'iiiv-o wi mi' I'uni. i
eldo of the Bay. These boats will ;
run direct rrom Oakland to tho Pair;
Grounds, probably on n hair hour
tu'hodulo and a ten cent fare, the
eamo as now d nrged between Oak-1
land and San Pram l-co '
Will i:peiid !i:i.1,UOO,0)D In IMciid
lug KliH'tile System.
OAKLAND, Cnl.. Pob. 21.- $ tr..
000.000 will be Bopnt In Oakland
(luring the next fow years b the Kej
lloute, which controls the street mr
Hues and one or the ferries or Oak
land, In Improving and extending the
service, and developing new territory.
This Is the nunouiicemeut mndo l
A. W. McLlmont, the new genoial
malinger or tho company. This huge
amount does not Include tho proposed
extensions or tho lines to San Jose
and Sacramciitn. hut Is to be devoted
solely to extension nnd Improvement
In Oakland and Us Immediate vicinity
Spring Time Is
Talcum Time
Every ono uses Talcum Powder nowadays; not
only the baby, but tho rest of the family. Father
jses it after shaving, and mother for protection from
the chill wind,
Wo have a big line of fresh Talcums, including
Red Cross Drug Store
Phone 122.
Coroner Wilson Completes In
vestigationMany Ex
press Reflret
Coroner Pred Wilson rotumod lost
owning rrom Ton Mile whoro ho
was i filled to Investigate tho death
or Benj. RobortB, who was round
drowned In tho creok nonr his home
hue Sunday night.. After going Into
the rase pretty thoroughly, Mr. Wil
son decided It whb plainly n caso ot
Biilcldo and that no Inquest was noc
t ssary.
Mr, Wilson says that Mr. Roberts
had cnrerully lemoved his coat and
shoos. In ono or his coat pockets
wero somo suitcase straps. Ills
watch stopped at threo minutes nrtor
threo o'clock, showing Hint ho must
havo Jumped Into tho crook soon
after ho loft homo. Tho body was
recovored nbout 10 o'clock Sunday
Tho funoral was hold today at 1
o'clock rrom tho homo, tho Rov, G.
LoRoy Hall officiating. Interment
was nt Ton Mile.
Great regrot Ib expressed at tho
untimely demise of Mr. Roberts. Ho
was woll liked by 'all who know him
and had no onomles or any charac
ter. Kver since tho death or his
wire Mr. Roberts hnd surrorod rrom
molancholln, brooding ovor her loss
and this Is tho only cnubo known for
his ending his life.
He Is survived by n lnrgo family
or children, most or whom llo at
Ton Mile.
1 hereby nnnounco myself ns a
cnndldnto for tho nomination on tho
Republican tlckof for the offlco of
County Surveyor, subject to tho pri
mary olectlon to bo hold May 15th,
1914. C. S. M'Cl'LLOCH,
Bandon, Ore.
Special Services in Marshfield
Catholic and Episcopal
Tomorrow Is Ash Wednesday, tho
first day of the Lenten season. Tho
Lenten Benson Is a little later this
year than last.
Special services will bo hold In tho
Catholic and Kplscopnl churches to
observe Ash Wednesday tomorrow
and Bpcclal services will bo hold by
tho denominations throughout the
Lenten senson.
Itov. Pnthor Munro nnnounccs
thnt mass will bo celebrated tomor
row morning at 7 o'clock nnd to
morrow evening services, Including
Stations of tho Cross, will bo hold
nt 7:30. 'Micro will bo distribution
or tho Ashes nt both tho morning
nnd evening services. Next Sundny,
thoro will bo only ono MnsB In Mnrsh
riold nnd that will bo at ten ov:ock.
Rov. Pnthor Munro cobbratlng mnsB
nt North Bend nt 8 o clock In tho
absenco of Rov. Pnthor McDovItt,
who will eclobrato mass at Coqulllo
thnt day. x
KpNrnpul Son lees.
Tomorrow being Ash Wednesday
tho services nt Kmmnnuol Kplscopnl
Church will bo as follows:
Holy Kticharlst at 7:. '10 a. m.
Pentecostal office, Holy Kuchnrlst
and sermon nt 10:. 10 n. in.
These services tho Inst to bo
conducted by Archdeacon Chnmbers
before ho leaves Thursday for Port-laud.
Ladies' All-Wool Serge Dresses
. At
Is well worth a special trip down town
Oregon IHnclopmciit Xomn hi Line or
liidiiMi'lcs Payi-oIN, nml Prod
ucts of LalMii' nnd ICuterpi'Kc.
(Prepared by the State Bureau or
Industries nnd Statistics.)
SALKM. Or., Peb. 21. During the
past wcok tho Supremo Court has de
cided ngnlnst Lnhor Commissioner
lloff In his contention Hint the eight
hour lnw for public works applied to
all public employment, biicIi as police,
firemen, state empolyos, etc.
A representative of Going & Ilar
voy of Mnrshllold IiIih been spending
two weoks nt Portland buying mer
chandise direct from the manufac
turers, to eliminate nildilkMiion'M
profits, and reduce tho hlKh cost of
Tho Mnde-ln-Orogon movement re
ceived Biibstnntlnl encoiirnKoinont
when 1,500,000 brick wero used In
the Northwestern Bnnk Building at
Portland, 500,000 being the cream
pressed face brick.
Pralrlo City has n new flouring
mill opornted by olectrlcltv grinding
thirty barrels a day besldnt feed.
Central Point Is considering a wat
er system with a pump system forc
ing 100 gallons por minute through
tho mains.
W. L. Chnppoll of Onkvlllo will es
tablish an up-to-dnto crciinery' nt
Mod ford.
Tho Pnrniers Mnniifncluilns anil
Supply Co., or Bnmlon Is taking steps
to eatf IiIIh'i n choeso factory.
A fifty room nnnox to tl o St. I'rnn
rls hotel nt Alhnuy Ib being com
pleted. The Kiikouh Prult Grower' Asso
ciation Is oxtHiidliiK contracts for n
iHrger neroHge of vogetHbles for tho'
Tho SpriiiKllold Pinning .Mills nre
enlarging tho box mnnuriicturliig de
partment to' employ about twenty
moro hands,
Tho Pythian LoiUo or Aurora Is to
erect n two-story brick block 100x100
to cost $15,000.
Tho Tldewntor mill nt Florence
has been reconstructed and Is prepar
ing to snw $100,000 worth of logs
tbln spring.
A ?L'0.000 rontrnl heating plnnt
hns been Instnllod by the First Na
tional Bank of Dnlns.
PlaiiB for a $30,000 high school for
tho Pulton Pnrk district, Portland,
aio to bo roady by tho mlddlo or
Tho Gorman Turnveroln or Port
land is complotlug n big club house
nnd gymnnslum nt n cost of about
$S0 000.
The new rannory oreotod nt Snlom
by Hunt Brothers of Snn PrnncUco
will give omploymont to 250 porsons
during tho foasnu.
In their big fight for n puro wator
supply Pendloton pooplo will noxt
vote on a $10,000 bond Issue.
Work has begun on tho first sec
tion of tho Pacific Highway from
Modford to Central Point concrete
with n granitoid surface.
Marlon county is nwakenlng from
the sleep or agos and will vote on nu
$850,000 good roads bond issue,
The new peg skill. Is prominent In i this collection. A
number of styles In (he set-In sleeve, others ulth tho
nolo conservative peasant sleeve. Homo strictly tailored
waist effects ulth turii-iliiuii collar; some In fancy Bolero
effects. Trimmed In self-colored nml brocaded sllki.
Tlirec-iiiiii't't' nml full-length sleoo. Colors wine, mny,
Copenhagen, brown and red, 'Sles 1(1 to 1(1.
; Hpfe Dry Goods Co.
Omipl IMnnn fnn lAfntunn
Smart Wear for Women.
I Oor. CcMilral Ave. and 13roadwiy.
Phone 3G1.
Pt'iiusylvaiila In Bail Predicament As
Result of Recent Klectiou,
Because of tho doreat of tho pro
posed amendment to tho state consti
tution authorizing a bond Issue for
road building, Pennsylvania may havo
to abandon its state highway system
and turn 10,000 mllos of stato high
ways back upon tho 1200 townships
from which thoy wero taken.
Under tho Sproul Act of 1911, tho
stato of Pennsylvania took possession
of 8600 miles or roads that form
connecting links botweon county
soats nnd other Important communi
ties. In 1913 1400 miles wero ndded.
When tho leglslnturo created this
system of main stnto highways It was
oxpectod that funds for Improving
and maintaining tho ronds would be
provldod by a bond issue. At tho
election of November. 1913, howovor,
an amendment to tho Constitution
providing for an issue of $50,000,000
bonds wns voted down, nnd under
the terms of tho constitution another
such amendment cannot bo voted on
for at least flvo years.
I'liiiiicr Poil Orford Man Issues Some
Novel Advertising.
P . B. Tlchenor, who wub reared
at Port Orford and from time to time
takes time to do n little novo) boost
ing lor this Hoctlini, hns Issued a now
one rrom his homo In Seattle. This
time he Is boosting his birthplace,
Port Orford, although ho doesn't
moutlnu the nnnio In tho neat little
folder that ho has Issued, It roads
as follows:
"Ib our school system nt fault?
"If not, thou why can't you nnswor
tho euclohod questions?
"Whnt Is tho nnnio of tho most
Westorn Town In tho United Stntes?
(This doos not Includo Torrltorlou.)
"Whnt Ib the nnnio of tho grontost
Deep Water Hnrbor on tho Pacific
Const? ( This dooa not moan Pugot
Sound or Bays.) .
"Namo place on tho Pacific Coast
whoro tho most vnlunulo and grontost
vnrloty,of bench agates aro round.
"Whnt Is tho namo of tho most
valunblo lumbor on tho Pacific Const?
"Whoro did Sir Thomas Llpton bo
curo tho lumbor to bill 111 his latest
Rnclng Bnnt?
"Whnt Is tho namo ot that lumbor?
"What Is tho nnmo of tho most
wostorly Nowspapor published In tho
United Stntes?
"Auyono who can answer tho nbovo
questions will recelvo nn agatobjfr
in in man.
"AddroBB; Secretary Commtrdil
f'liib. Town, f'mintv mm! Slate
("You will bo able to nddresi tt
Secretary by finding out too Jiw
Westorn City.")
Kiiimn .M. .ToIiiimiii Wants MMf
l"nim Ld null li. , , ,
On ,i liiili'iiiont r,t J?S Ol UuN
In Justlc Ponnock'B court Ytlnvr
20, by nmma M. Joluuon 5w
l.-,l.i, ,1 Tlnlnli nml Mncelfi Ul!(
Kdward II. .loehnk a'tnclied the but
account of Pdwnrd Ilnlch and fow
,tho sum of $1.2C to bo nil tnemow
I Tint.!, l.n.l nn ilnnnil f nt IUB liu
mUn nnl.... .,nu l.milfht bY M.1
JoluiBon ror n board bill oo iw.
Bho elnlms thero Is a oaianw ir
mnlnlng unpnld. Sho clalmi j
Mrs. Balch and her husband era
trnctod n $92.00 board till ajdW
$84.50, leaving a balance of I
and on nnotnor occasion .'. -,
wont security for a frlendi to"
bill which amounted to $20.00 w
which romalns unpaid.
If you havo anything to JI.jjj
trade, or want help, try a "1,l
In TLo TlmoB.
Times Want nils bring remit
The "limes want ads are the koys
to the door of opportunity.
The Victrola
nHHH mwmmmwmmmmwmwmmmjimmMt
Is Really New
Porfectlon In tono Is the first essential of tho Victrola, J (0t,
human volco, reed, string or wind Instrument the Pf",h, fo'
of tho Victrola Is a rovoiatlon then, lot us rovenl to you i"
dorful tono quality of tho now Victrola.
The Victrolas Jones Are Clear,
Distinct, Soft
Its present Improvements that nro now nnd practlcai--tbe c$.
nccompnsiied that which experiments havo iniieu i --. , eDurr
Jectionablo grinding sound of tho phonograph records um ie:ta
ly eliminated on tho Victrola. Lot us reveal to you me
tono quality of tho now Victrola
pil' il I ' ' T I1 li i ii
Russell Blkr.
L. L. THOMAS, Manager j 0
I -