mm THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1914 EVENING EDITION. T . - -. '-mmmmiainitinnrmw! sk Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post WE FURNISH A BAG AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J Marshfleld Cape Arago Coffee Is a Winner ' Try a pound today Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House. 130 No. Broadway. Phono 394-J GLASS OF SALTS GLEANS KIDNEYS EDISON'S LATEST A storage battery (lint continual over charging will not harm. DOES NOT CORRODE AT TKHMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not lose Its chnrgo while standing Idle IS GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay WiringXo. 10! J Broadway. Agents (or Port of Coon Uny. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR M' ILBHER ItOftEHS KELSON. Toucher of Pinno Pupil of Hugo Mansfeldt nt San Francisco, Cnl. Fivo years' teaching oxpcricnco In Han Francisco Phono 31C7. WT. TOMPKINS, D. S. T. (Wcltinor Methods.) Every known disease , trentcd without drugs or surgory. Room 2, 130 North Broadway. Phono HHI-L. Mnrshflcld, Or. GEO. C. MURPHY, Export Piano, Playor nnd Organ Tuning, Regulating nnd Repair ing. Hob. 842 So. Broadway. Ordors may bo left at tho Wiloy B. Allen Music Storo, Contra! avenue. JOEL OSTLIND. Piano Tuner and Repairer 4 in S. Sixth Hired. .Phono lOil-L Louvo orders at W. it. Haines Mush Company. J M. WRIGHT, IltilldlUir Contractor. Estimates fnrnlsliel on request. An honest Joh guaranteed. Phonr IMS-It. CO. GOSNEY, Contractor nnd Builder."" Estimates, drawing nnd apoclflca- tiona furnished on request. A satisfied cUHtoinor la bettor rof- oronco thnn n bnnlc. Look nny ono of my 10 up nnd boo It I nm reliable. Phono Itini. Mui-Hhflcld, Or DU. II. M. SHAW Eyi Eur, Noso and Throat. Ml. MATTIE II. SHAW Diseases of women and children. Olllco phono 330. Rooms 200, 201 202, Irving Block. Houbo phono, 10G-J. DH. A. J. HENDRY DENTIST Mnrshflold, Oregon. Rooms 204-205, Coko Building. Resldcnco phono 2D2-X. Olllco phono 112-J. MRS. FARRINGER, Teacher of Piano. Roaldenco Studio, No. 1096, Cornor Commercial nnd Eleventh Str Phono UHU-J. BENJAMIN OSTLIND, Consulting Engineer hd Architect. Offlccn, 1!0I Irvine Block. Phono ltKl-L or 1!I7-J. Marshfleld, Oregon PERL RILEY BALLINOKR PIkiilat and Teacher Rttldence-Studlo, 237 So. Broadww Phone 1 8-L. W. G. CHANDLER. ARCHITECT. Room 301 and 802, Coke Hlldlj Marshfleld, Oregon. W M. S. TUHPEN, ARCHITECT Marahflold, Oregon. Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunKB botweon nnj points In Mnrshtlold for tho follow. Ing rates, delivery to be made Id tho flrat atorlea of buildings-; Ono trunk S .lift Threo trunks no Twolvo trunks . . . . , 1.R0 Star Transfer and Storage Co. Lovi Heisner, Prop. Phones, 120;J; 40-L; 98-R. If Your Back is Aching or Bladder Bothers, Drink Lots of Water And Eat Less Meat. When your kidneys hurt and your back fools sore, don't got scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that oxclto tho kidneys and irrltato tho ontlro urinary trnct. Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels clean, by flushing them with a mild, harmless salts which removes tho body'B urinous wasto nnd stimulates them to their normnl activity. Tho function of tho kldnoys is to filter tho blood. In 24 hours they strain from It COO nlns of ncld and wnsto, so wo enn renv understand tho vltnl Importanco ol keeping tho kldnoys actlvo. Drink lots of water you can't drink too much; also get from nny pharmacist about four ounces of Jnd Salts; tako n tnblcspoonful In a glasB of wntor boforo brenkfnst onch morning for a fow days nnd your kldnoys will net fine This fa mous salts Is mado from tho acid of grapes and lomon Juice, combined with lithln, nnd hns been used for generations to clean nnd stlmulnto clogged kidneys; also to noutrallzo tho ncids In urlno so It no longer Is n sourco of Irritation, thus ending blnddor weakness. Jnd Salts Is Inexpensive cannot in Juro; makes n delightful offorvescont llthla-wator drink which ovoryono should tako now and thou to keep their kidneys elenn and nctlvo. Try this, also kcop up tho wntor drinking, and no tlbubt you will wonder what buenmo of your kidney troublo and backache. WHAT DO YOU II GIRLS? N sws of Nearby Towiu Havo your Job printing dono nt Tho Times offlco. Here's a Churchman Who Says The Tango is the Proper Thing ST. LOUIS, Mo., Fob. 21. Girls who whirl In tho dizzy tnngo nnd kick up their heels nnd exhibit their ankles nro doing tho will of God, according to tho Rov. D. S. Pho lnnd, editor of Tho Wntchmnn. Tho will nf fln,1 fin RnVd la flint tlin girls shall get married and bear children, and to do that thoy muBt exhibit tliemsolvos in such wiso ns to nttrnct tho nttcntlon of tho stern er sex. Ho criticised "tho nrmy of crusty Bishops nnd crnbbod priests," re inforced by n lot of rhoumatlo danc ing masters, who nro opposing tho tnngo. In n tnngo editorial In the county Ibsuo of Tho Watchman, tho ,'ltov. Mr. Pholnn snys In part: "Don't mind, gins, tiioso crus ty old prlestB nro only rotouchlng tho nwful nnnthomns thoy formorly launched against tho round dance, so much In voguo now among our sodalities. "Pcoplo do not understand tho Innocent fomalo mind. Tho tnngo dancing girls nro engnged In God's work. Tho endless chnnges In tho fashions nro ropeatcd and emphas ized challenges to men to look nt thoni. Every now curloycuo In tho fomnlo mnko-up spcakB of sllont prnyor of tho wenror to tho mnr riagoablo boholder. 'Look nt me, monl Would I not mnko n nlco llt tlo wlfo for you?' "Tho bowltchlng llttlo MIbs who disports her chnrmB in tho ball room is doing God's work as em phatically as tho Bishop at his ori sons. But, girls, pormlt us to tell you, that tho man who falls In love with your pretty fnco Is npt to be come n hotter husband than ho who Is captivated by your ankles. But, faco or ankles, you havo n right to faBdnato him If you can." Llbhy COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phons 72. Pacific Llvory nnd Transfer Comnnny. .MYRTLE POINT POINTERS. News of Upjicr Coqulllo Valley As Told hy Tho Enterp'lfcC. "Undo" Henry G. Plooger nnd P. L. Pholnn wont to Marshilold Mon day to nttend tho Golden Jubilee cele bration of Myrtlo Lodgo No. 3. K. of P. In tho ovonlng. "Undo" Honry Is ono of tho oldest members of tho Knights of Pythias order In Coos county. Nick Johnson, tho Coos county fruit Inspector, Bpent several days tho latter part of Inst week Interviewing tho fruit growers In tho Myrtlo Point section. Mrs. Ben McMullen nnd boh, Fred rick, nnd Miss .Too Thorn visited with friends nt Mnrshflold from Frldny till Monday. Mrs. Fred Mosor and Mrs. J. E. Olson of Grnvol Ford camo down on tho Nokoinls yesterday nfternoon nnd took tho train for tho Bny dtles. Mrs. Mosor went to North Bend to help caro for Mrs. Waymlro, wife of of tho United Brethren pastor of Gravel Ford, who is quite 111, nnd Mrs. OIboii to visit friends in Mnrsh-llcld. BRIEFS OF BANDON. News of Clty-hy-the-Sen Ah Told by Tho World. W. S. Wells, proprietor of tho Or ange Pharmacy, announces that ns soon ns tho new Elllngson building Is completed ho will occupy tho cornor location. Tho Hnndon Dry Goods compnny, now owned by II. A. Murph" and F. 13, Wcstcrbcrg, Is prepnrlng to move to tho now Elltugston building ns soon ns it Is completed and will be conducted under tho nrcscnt tltlo. Tho People's Storo, owned by Messrs. Murphy nnd Wcstorbcrg, will nlso bo moved to tho new building, hut Into a room sopnrato from the dry goods emporium. Among tho most handsome homes In the city ranks tho beautiful now C-room resldcnco Just completed for Mayor J. W. Mast on Bandon Heights. DEAD LOGS FOR EXPOSITION. Coqulllo River Timber Will Mnko Indians Feel At Home. Tho Bandon World Says: "Uond logs from tho Coqulllo River bottom lnnds will furnish realism to tho Hopl camps at tho Pannmn Exposi tion nt San Frnnclsco. Tho Santa Fo railway, which Is reproducing tho Grand Cnnyan of tho Colorndo nt tho big world'B fair, hns purchased a largo number of poles cut from dead timber by locnl loggers, and during tho pnBt two weeks Estnbrook team sters havo taken out between fivo and six hundred. Tho logs nro dried out, httriiod nnd scarred and will doubt less piny their part In making tho bucks and squaws feci at home. 1IRIKKS OK BANDON. OLD BEACH MG0 Curry County scat XMTM Tho c;tolo " M. uoyio of Weddm-i.. critically ,11 a fowS, ported ns being mimi, ii'U- Prof , nowadays, occasional h ?. from Rosohurg last &, "oj'iiclng tho birth of , T.i February 12. aaifart Geo. w. Smith 8 aim, 1 BWt tho Abmcbb mill TM run nnd n inllllon fectofi. "Safety First" Our Motto -ON SHASTA ROUTE TRAINS OF THE M M - ? AX wrnn JO) su n svfm IU(iOLNtMA3IAI HUUU3 Exposition Line 1015. ' And now Is the tlmo to sco California; to llvo outdoors nnd enjoy tho sunshine, flowors and sumtnor sports. It Is a try you cannot afford to miss. THREE FINE TRAINS DAILY Including Shasta Limited THE train of modorn servlco with nil steol up-to-tho-mlhuto equip ment, THE CALIFORNIA AND SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS trains with Standard, Tourist nnd Chali Cars and dining servlco that will ploaso. Cull on nearest S. P. Agent mid let hlni outllno a trip, quote fares nnd furnish Outing lltcraturo on California's famous resorts. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oro. PORT OlirORD OFFERINGS. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or new platenn, work guaranteed. Ribbons nnd carbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono -14. Alliance offlco. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RICTAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BASH AND DOORS, ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT TIIK FUKL BILL IN TWO BY USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. 188 BOUTII BROADWAY Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY 8ENGSTACKEN, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTS1DE MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE U-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. Curry County Event Ah Told by the Tribune. It Is reported thnt Port Orford will havo another blacksmith shop In tho near future. As n momonto from California, tho Trlhuno family brought homo tho whooping cough, nnd Master Byron nnd tho Misses Dorothy and Helen are now having n whooping time. C. II. Pcnrso returned from Chot co sovcrnl days ago, where ho had been to exnmlno tho slto of tho pro posed concroto hrldgo for San Fran cisco contractors. It Is Mr. Penrso's opinion thnt tho bridge cannot be built for tho $30,000 stipulated as its construction prlco by tho county. It Is nlso thnt goutlomnn'B opinion thnt that amount of monoy could bo more Judiciously, oxponded In doing away with some of tho mud holes ho hump ed Into with his cart between nero nnd thnt plnco. RUBY MAY BE SOLD. News or Clty-hy-l he-Son As Told by Tho Recorder. I.nst Tuesday afternoon neighbors, rolntlves nnd friends combined to glvo Mrs. A. M. Sumner a happy and successful surprise, tho occasion be ing her filth birthday. Tho Invita tions woro unique. W. II. Rudolph and wlfo of HydcB. vllle, Cnllf., arlvcd Wednesday and nro vlBltlng nt tho .1. N. Langlols hnnip. Mr. Rudolph Is n brother of Mrs; Langlols. Married at tho parsonngo of tho M. E. Church South. Feb. 17. nt 8:30 p. in., Rev. W. II. Smith officiating, .Mr. Harry C. llnuiiu nnd Miss Bcnula Cox. both of Ilandon. Thoy will ninke their homo hero. C. II. Ptillcn or North Bend Is In tho city on business. Mr. Pillion wnB n former resident of Hnndon nnd still hns property Interosts here. Tho enso of tho City or Bandon vs. A. S. Gilbert for mlsdomennor was tried In municipal" court boforo E. B. Knusrud, tho dofoudnnt having de posited tho necessary Jury fees. STRUCK BY TRAIN. Negotiations nro under wny for tho snlo or tho Ruby, tho threo uinstod schooner which has been tied up near the Prospor mill for somo tlmo. Locnl parties own tho boat and thoy nro soiling to outsiders, who Intend to tnko It to Alaskan waters. Bandon World. SUCCESSFUL EVERYWII ERE Peoplo ovorywhoro nro talking of tho quick nnd flno results Foloy Kldnoy I'llls glvo In bnckacho, rheumatism, kldnoy nnd blnddor troubles. You can not tnko thorn Into your Bystom without good re sults. Thnt Is because Foley Kldnoy Pills glvo to tho kldnoys nnd blnd dor Just "what nnturo calls ror to heal theso wonkoncd nnd Inactive organs. Owl Prescription Phnrmncy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co. Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Im mediate service, prompt atten tion to all interests of our client. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman (& Co. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF KXECUTRIX. Notice is hereby glvon that pur suant to tho will of Charles T. Smith, deceased, and by order of the County Court of Coos County, Orogon, dated on or about Janunry 30th, A. D. 1914, Mnrfa Smith was duly nppolnted ns Executrix of tho estnto nnd last will and testament of Charles T. Smith, deceased. All persons having claims against said estato are horoby notified to present tho snmo with proper vouchors within six months from the dato of this notice, to said Executrix, by leaving tno snmo in the offlco of her attorney, W. U. Douglas, Room 24, First National Bank of Coos Bay Tluildliib, Marshilold, Coos County, Oregon. Dated nt Marshilold, Coos County, Oregon, Februnry 2nd, 1914. MARIA SMITH, Executrix of the last will of Charles T. Smith, do ceased. First publication, Feb. 3, 1914. Last publication, March 3, 1914. Whllo on her way homo from n shopping tour, Mrs. John Wngnor, whoso homo Is In tho southwestern pnrt of tho city, wns struck by on glno No. 48 of the construction trnln. Tho flnt car at tho end or tho string struck the Indy In tho side nnd throw hor In n wny thnt tho toes or ono root camo under tho wIiooIb or the car In such a way ns to crush n couplo of uium. a rii) wns niBo urokon, oltlior from tho fnll or from tho contnet with tho cnr. It Is posslblo thnt tho toes may hnvo to bo amputated. Myrtlo Point Enterprise. WIRELESS AT BANDON. Ilandon will no moro bo entirely shut off rrom communication with the outsldo world, oven ir nil the wires botweon hero nnd Mnrshflold nnd Cnpo Illnnco aro down. This city now linn a pormanont wireless stn tlon which hns boon established at tho llfo saving station hy O. E. Me Glnltlo, n niembor of tho crow nnd an experienced wlroless operator. Ban don World. tnxnn imtmi.i .... .. ' "tit . ,'. uil ina ,,." amounts to ?727.GG. tC1,1 wero tu ken from tho riit . . been ono of tho most mi' tnx collectors Curry 0Jrgft COQUILLE BUsiXKsSomj Tlin firm nt vi . .. hns been doing iMislnwifift, ornl yenrs pnat tho Wi eery and commission line ? solved Wednesday. S v1 tires fro,,, tho liualnen K bo continued by J. E. Xortft In tho future. Mr. koj!V? snmo tlmo bought m m Modol Grocery, which hu lL. ducted by FC. True on ft nnd nftor March 1 thatbmW bo conducted under tho firm tu, J. M. Noslor & Co. Mr. C roiitliiuo ns ninnngcr.-Co(u OREGON COM) STRIKE Tho gold strlko of Hon 4 J huo recently mntlo on landiKJ ng to mo former about oui west of Canvnnvllln ! ...,.!.. proportions or n big mine cl tel .a nuiiucBB uniior tho devt!n work which hns been arrti stcadllv tlin imnt fntv v..i. . tho Riddle Tribune. From p-J iiiuicniinn innrn I. im uih..i great a rind hns been made. TEN MlhE ROFTK IUJ M . AID BANDON LIBRARY. Tho City Council, nt Its rogulnr mooting, acting upon a petition, voted to appropriate tho sum or $50 per month toward tho mnlntonanco or the public library. Ilandon World. BANDON HARBOR PLANS. "Twonlv fonf f wntnr nn li nnd oxtondlng to Pnrkorsburg, four- a'oii icoi ir possiuio, nut no loss thnn twelvo root rrom Pnrkorsburg to Co qulllo." Such Is tho rosolutlon pass ed by tho Port or Bandon Commis sioners nt tholr mooting In this city Wednosdny, nnd toIograniB to that effect woro ordered sent to Major Morrow, Congressman Ilawloy nnd Senator Lano. Ilandon World. NEW CASES FILED Onlv twn civil rnnna linvn liomi filed In tho Circuit Court or Coos uounty during tho past wook. Tho rirst was tho dlvorco rnso or Estolla E. Mooro nunlnst TiYnnlrlln n TVfnnrn Tho othor wns n suit by tho Bandon uaruwaro uompany to rorccioso n mortcacro tnr nhnnt finn fivnn l.v C. E. Kopt nnd Ponorosa Kopf for KuoiiH iiiriiiBiicu rrom 1110 nariiwaro storo. Coqulllo S ntlnol. ALBRECHT AS RANCHER. Cnrl Albrecht was hero ngnln from Mnrshflold this week, looking after mnttors on his South Fork ranch. Carl will soon bo a ranchman of tho Myrtlo Point section In good stand ing. Ho says ho oxpects to havo a big crop of spuds, and Is going to run whnt ho terms nn exporlmont demon stration rnrm. Ho snys ho 'Is going to exporlmont nnd hopes to domon strato to his own satlsrnctloii and tho satlsractlon or somo who may ho skoptkal, what ho bollovos aro tho possibilities In ways that may not havo beon developed beroro. Myr tlo Point Enterprise. MOTHER IS DEAD J. C. Savngo received by tolo graph this morn,Ing the sad news or tho death or his mother, Mrs. Laura A. Savago nt San Rdsa, Cal Uomla. Coqulllo Sentinel. MYRTLE POINT ELECTION Tho following board was nppolnt ed for tho city election, which will bo held on Monday, April Cth: Judges, T. D. Guorln. C. C. Carter and II. A. Schrooder. Clerks II. A. Guorln, C. H. Giles nnd J. O. Stom mler. Myrtle Point Enterprise. LICENSED TO WED Tlin Cnnullln Rpnllnd uti f-j Hnll snld the rnittn nrnniUM M crossing of Ten Mllo Creek tal Ainraiirioiu nnd tno Umpquiv nronosnd unw roml. u-nt nM ono and ho wanted tho propoi. to Improvo that lino looked lotos closoly by tho good road idroc iiiomso ves. in son ir thpr mu- select a nottor route." MORE FARMEItH NKKIIFJ) Ea Ci 1-1 ml isl: il Largo Bodies of Tillnlilo Ijuii Homes to Uolonuti CORVALL1S. Or.. Feb. U. not too much to bcllero ttit stnto will dounlo tho numur rnrmors within tlin next (It i snys Prorcssor II. D. Scuddtr, eultiirnl CoIIpl'o Acronomlit. I "Oregon Farmer." "Tho tiUc Rinnll minilinr nt farmi I Inrirn nlxn nt tnnst of thra what tho stato hns to offer creased farmlnc nonulatlon. "Thero aro nearly !I,IH acres or tillable land and otlj In.onn farms In Orecon. Il'IiIv nnr cent nf tho tlllllll Ir tint cultivated. A comiirta tlin number of farms In thtV2fl otto Valloy with tho numlerB partB of tho stato will idoti llir. lnml linn lionn most till plod nnd whoro tho grealeit ifm inoiit Is still to taKO piace. u' casoB in all roglona, tno lira twlco ns lnrgo ns is aeiwj lm mnat rflfnlilA nrnductld fact, taken In connection & lnrgo amount or tiliaoie iinni.ltli.ntn.l nrpnnnts for Ct nrlfMu nt In ii.l In nil DSrtl Cf stato. nvon whllo there lual cd vnluatlon shown. J "With theso racts in miM"jj ly BeeniB too much tor w? ..... ,i.. ti.nm la nnnortti-J Oregon ror fivo or oven W oj Its presont rnrmlng popuw prosporlty for all BreateM mrmuib iiuw uhju;i "' j farming population of JJr! with tho auuou innui i, ennui uiiii wiiii v, i v. j shores or tho rnciuc, -riJ much to bellovo that tM JJ popuiniion vni juo creaso." Tuesday mnrrlago licenses wero Issued by County Clork Watson to John Hicks nnd Helen Jorson, both or Bandon,' nnd to John Franklin Hayden and Sarah Osburn Hay, both or North Bend. Coqullle Sentinel. PLANS VOll DEB-"6 Maishllold Among District CW1 This Year. ft EUGENE, Fob. 24.-12 tho preliminaries In the onw. School Debating League. U proparator' schools of wei" participated this year, W celved by Debating Z Prescott, or tho Universe who is secretary and treason ,e&somi.r.naISi deterS J two teams saau u -- i final dobato for the ium will probably bo MM& Tho four winners of tnj '(! i of i.o .iprlded not Mn;ch20:bthodey hold nt any tlmbet fJ thnt dnto. Tno eisui. - - . 5i plons nro pairea - ,mm nth Fnlls vs. Ma"P8MeM, Oregon City; Astoria;.- t'onuieton v. "'r---rsggl .T.fTisM VI BACKACHE-RlHV 1SH AVA' Men nnd women nT,lleB 1 rheumntlsm, stiff nnd i (hJJ nro honestly ,f,,aa .uCcessM' I loy Kidney PUls are suece i wlioro in arU'V". K'tdneys r'l is because Foley n,e I a true meaiciuo -- -. eSu i.. n ,iisA!ses triai , ,m weak, lnnctlvo kld8 Tt(M Irregularities. obani Pharmacy. . FranK pbon9 1 site Chandler xiu gfi'