IUR -.LtHg'C0QS m TIMg' MAfiSHPIELb, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1914 EVENING EDITION. BAY GETS GOOD B0U5I ... -i. DnrtminHc tn AH- alse AttacK nuu vantaper"'-,;:;'"- - MSKUi uu.i- ....1 fniiH County Kota i IrteNew.TrnVlfl of tho Modem Coos Bay n" n rocont Issue of e"cr"' n pnpw publish- irkiNe"1'?".:,,, r tlm Modem Nln,hCnf An.rlra. and clrculut Cnadmen of Ami" . It fa ill ,0.vc(r ., cro Is nn insurgent r'.'in the organization Mint Is lucking W. "., i i,nir enm- Vw qucaUoncd so.no of tho i Mv '' "...f t,v i io head '"""m-i. Included somo or tho 'Pw,hlito Port of Coos Day, gdi of h0 . "' ,i Horn Is what fetter" w rcrorcncc ,h( ft'nornl piirchaso, which Is .Another wnav , C()oa j,ny 1tW iMovemon "bonds. With W. 'Bon tho statement Is c, ,,i tils "Is Bold to uo cn 'Vl lumber promotion nrnjccj ri'fi ii M thore Is not n railroad iJ W " of tho ,umTlor aC are tho facts? Tho Port fK mr municipal corpora COOSW" ... nn nrrew III tlZl SoreBon, situated nbou' feLWhe. whtor route between P""'." j on., t.'rniiplBPO. TllC P r.?...i "i I.. Mm nnrt sur- KK, Ray, which Is tho only Indi too' ui. ,1(1,wnnn ior.. ndSnFranclBC,.and lathe lural outlet wro . . .-- Riotis or mo uiiiiuu . C .... . ..tnrnl rnnnnrrnR. Tho financial Btatomo.it of the It of Coos Hay is ns iuiiuho. ll value of property, ktlmatod ,.?....,." fused valuation for button, 1912 s'i'jil': II bonded uoui iuu.uu- &.....I... i..rnniinll,ui linn Tioo I . . i i. W Mntlov. H' C ry of tho dnrshflcld Chninho ommcrco, tlat tho 1813 nBseBHo itlon wf $8,909,015, and tlm' useuci1 valuation 01 uio civ r...l. fl I.I -Intin w'lllpll (tt lnf'11 a t'U district, was 2,5G3,5G4 hafleld linn a population 01 u,.j FA.L. II ii.l ..Ian 111 Mm IllR ' JOOO. Tho total poputttlo ; Tort district Ib about 15,000 i! bonds wore bought to not tlir j flvo per cent, nnu uro om wririmBt niirolmscB over mad ie society. tltttcr ndarosRcd to tno Biati irer of Oregon. T. I. Kay, o' 3, DrOURIll III 1H iiiiuuiiiuiuu , -... .1 i.nl.intlntl .f Pnni ... l. nn ttl tnt n(i.1 na Mi LIJ 11 f..,UUUUUU, .... .. ... . Bond of Kauallzatlou has cb uj ili, finno fM.itt- nrnnnrtv ij mat Lunn wtjii.. j. !. , .'itiicd at C9 cents on tho dol- ue iruo vanio or tno jiroiiorij mi County Is J32.400.000. Thlr iiyind tho BiirroundliiK countlop ' Tonaeriui r 'Bourrua in iiiuii I nd tlmhor, and this section Is i proiperous. nhti It the 'lumbor camp,' NoIrIi- i 'the unsettled community,' nc- ll aide ono of tho lioat Tjond KM -nl .. ,1. ..ll-.l nl.t 11 VtWCUl Ul ill T UllfcllU IllllUllllt III lliuited (units. It roch with- PTH that tho dnmaRO dono to Ixlttr by such uiiBcnipuloiiB of- ui ww Kt'uug ui iiiHeoni iiiiii lit In tho btiBlncsfl mnnnRo.nont 1 t- .......! ml.. ...ll. lUcailllLII, 1 IIU imiUIIUUB "5 imhiu i.iiiii , UIIIUIUIIl I lire enlarged upon nnd miiK- i'""" vuuiKva until iiiu iii- at himself would Bcnrcoly m hli chlltl, For oxamplp. v.o uiiidiuiD in u tiiuui:n loin in Kovembor, Btntou thnt ftft. D.u VnH.t ...... ...... h" in; uuutin wvru uiuy l cents on tho dollnr 'an-I i Prpvo It InveBtlRntlon I, j ",'," nuiu iiiuiiMi I ItV flAVfl tinfn.n n i .t n.l.nn -- j- miuiu, uiiii nnuu ion to prove his Btntomont ltnt anl.1. iii.-ii . r'M"i; wun, tuoro is ! bout tho ability of our -WW uur 1UIIIIH Bll.Oiy. fSKlUMj XOTKS. l-USTINE, Fla Fob. 24 rj'u ana tno St. I.ouls oue hero today and the r " reauy for thorn. rjin m training until liQiiad of Giants started l. ' I?xn8 yosterdny. I mi x "" U1 yB io cmcning staff nnd STRAWB IES E WILL BE EARLY PORTLAND, Fob. 21. Tho Tele gram says: Tilings are ut n stand still In tho rotnll markets right now owing to tho lnelc of now varieties in tho fruit and vegetublo line. iMontH aro Just tho Rn.no and fish Ib also unchanged. This about tolls tho Btory. Good nows came In from Califor nia to tho effect that the fruit and vegetable season will bo about thirty dayH carlior tills year tlmn Inst. TIiIb means that sovernl varieties of good things to ent, freahly gnth red, will arrlvo hero a full month a load of tho tlmo they would or dlnnrlly bo looked for. It Ib oxpocted strawberries will roach tho local markets not later than March 15. Last year It was tho mlddlo of April beforo the bor rleB arrived In any fiuantlty, but re ports nro to tho offect that by tho mlddlo of Atnrrli nlnniv ..r n,..; ...m bo on hand and at a roasonnblo uricu. jTcsno, wiiero tho berries win uuiiiu iriiiti. in tint I. ti. t i district, bo tho fruit was not hurt py uio rernrip downpour ofrnln luring tho Inat day or two. OnO III Hli Will limnMnnlli- .., I .. . i'-.-.i-h..,- iwuiiui tllO Htrnwlmrri mnrlml In i-llr ,- .' -v " viiiiiumiu this year. Ho hns over 700 nrreH lot out In plants and from theso will irnthnr tlmiiRniiila r ..,... .. . " .7. wl i-i.ll.VB ill borrles. Ho will ninko IiIb own prlco ind It will hnvo to bo mot. It Is inld tho competition ho will have to ;ontond with will bo bo small that t will not bo folt. It Is bollevcd ho will reap a harvest In dollnrs ns van iib uorr.es. Somo good apples aro to bo found 'n tho rotnll markets of tho city, 'nit thoy nro Tow at that. Tho vholcBalo mnrkotB have bom flood ed with tho pooroHt ciuallty stuff 'mnglnnblo. HundredB of boxes have 'icon thrown nwny during tho last ow wuokb nnu now cold storngo Mocks nro being protty woll clenn Ml up. Apples do not movo otiBlly or tho reason thnt tho pooplo do lot caro to ho stung too often, nest ipplcfl those thnt aro really good, tro rnthor oxponslvo. SpltzonborgB 'jrlng CO conta n dozen mid Arkansas lnek CO contB n dozen. xtrn 'nncy Wlncsnps nro $3 n box and VowtowiiB $3.50 to , while Pln )lns nro $3.25. Somo hntulsonio inskets of nsBortod fruits may bo ind at $3 for baskot nnd contents. In tho vogetnblo line cauliflower 's soiling at 10, 15 and 20 coiUb i head, hwooI potatoes, soven pounds 'or 25 cents; Irish potatoes, $1.50 i snek; imiBtnrd greens, endive, water cross and pnrnIoy, 5 conta n bunch tndi! lrrnnn nnntw.rR ir. n,i 10 cents n pound; rndlBheB', 5 cents I i uiincn or tnreo ror n Ulmo; tur nips nnd boots, threo bunches, 10 louts; cnblmgo and carrots, 2'i rents n pound each; pnrBtilps, threo poundB 10 coiUb; lioreoradlHli, two potindB for n quarter; Hold lottuco, threo pounds for 25 cents, nnd head lottuco, four for a quarter; ccJory, 10 cents n bunch; Hplnneh, 10 cents n poimajsquash. 10 cents, threo POH P IS HAHD BATTLE . .' T-. Kcnedy, representing tho Btatowhio prohibition movement, Is upending n fow days hero conferring with tho W. C. T. U. organizations n Coob County rolatlvo to tho coni ng campaign. Mr. Kennedy hns boon working In Cnllfomla and is just entering the work In Oregon. Hev. it. a. Summorlln, former u. 11. pnbtor at North Ilend, nnd who wns renred near Myrtlo Point, arrived hero n few days ago from Vancouver, Wash., wboro ho Ib now loeated and Is visiting frleudB hero. Kov. Summorlln was ono of tho chlor workers of tho prohibitionists In tho cnmpnlgn in Salem and other Oregon cities laBt spring when thoy went dry. It is understood thnt tho Coos ColllltV W. O. T. II will l,,.ltn I., n movomont for dry elections in No- voninor nnu unit a very onorgotic dry campaign will bo Inaugurated. IHIjIjV SUNDAY COMING i uiTaii MutfVS What People Say who rout a lock box in our Fire-Proof and Durglnr-Proof Safe De posit Vaults: "I liayo no fear of losing my Jowolry or precious Kcopsnkos." "My will and other prlvnto papers nro not being read by anyono but myself." "I always know Just whero to find my vnluables. Thoy aro novor misplaced." Isn't It worth $3 n year to you to bo ablo to any tho samo of your valuables? The First National Bank Of Coos Bay Noted Ilcvlvnllst Will Hold Moot Iiikw in lNiitliinil PORTLAND. Or., Fob. 2 1. "1311 ly" Sunday, the evangelist, Is duo to opon n Blx-wcokB. norles of ro vlval services In this city early In September, remaining until nftor the November elections. This is tho nnnouncoment .undo by officials of tho Anti-Saloon League, who hnvo been endeavoring for some timo to lwivn tlm fnrmn. lmll .ilm.n- -.i.n.i . . .tu .'i.l ..ill. I'lllJUl LUIIIU hero In tho Interests, not nlouo of rollgion, but In making Oregon USi: MOVING PICTUltKS IVeshytcHuiiH Arrange to Komi Pro lilliltlon Workers Into Oregon NKW YORK, N. Y., Fob. 21. Tho Presbyterian Church will sond 250 temperance workorB Into Wash ton, Oregon, California and Colorado, In nn offort to swing theso states Into tho "dry" column at tho noxt fall election. Thoy will tnko with them moving plcturo films toachlug Iobboiib against tho sale of alcohol. Plana for tho cruando wero perfect at a mooting for tho Presbytorlnn ti qiircl "f jo.npornnco. pounds for 25 coiUb; green onions, threo bunches 10 cents; rod cnbbago, 5 centa n pound; cucumbers, 15 and 20 conts ench; eggplnnt, 20 contB n pound; rhubarb, 15 conta a pound or two pounds for n qunrtor. TllO Rlirltlir run nf unlmnn In nn ---O w. u. ..... to VII nnd thero Ib nn nbundnnco of tho King or iibii in tno local mnrkotB. Chinook brings 20 conts n pound; nnrcli. Tf enntR- linlllmt I, .,111,1.1 cheeks, blnck cod, soles nnd an.id dabs aro 12& centa'onch; Columbia Rlvor Binelt, 5 cents a pound or threo pounds for a dime? Eggs nre 30, 35 nnd 40 conts a dozen. Nono Bhould bo quoted at ovor 30 conta, ns thoy nro bought from tho wlioloanlors.nt 24 nnd 25 conts. A profit of a nlckol n dozen ought to bo enough. uttor Is unchnngod. ns Is ehoeso FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY. KHtnhllHhcd 1 881). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest 1'itltl 011 Tlmo Deposit Officers: J. W. Dennett, President. J. II. rituiiiguii, Vlcc-Preoldciit. II. T. WIlllaiiiH, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Asut. CiiMhler. Coquille River Coal Gunrniiteed frco of slack nml dirt mid not to clinker Full weight mid prompt service $5.50 Per Ton COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. GEO. A. BAINES. Phone 181-L, 186 Broadway South, t weather, dry clothes and comfort weir Toncr'i Fish Brand REFLEX SLICKER It ! all .. "3 t in a touth $3.00 atjjj-r I'Wictlon Garnlil llfcriU 0WERS Ll ijfta ii &tfi4 tisumstft feKPFEOTlVE y and Tar Cora- i "uiiunce of i r"u,wb it will ' w. Nes- 4,. fiOVDi IT b,6 .Tar ""' nave ami u - t !. iiuvwr ; a substitute. Inu ' rranK juaaaier Ho- 4lllllllllllllK V V ' "L H (AS taJkmmmmm fl ' ' S J. i I'Ui-V'M ml if r f "t eiH J 4i2o BANDOM BY THE SEA iTHEI'.CITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEN ACRE TRACTS FOUR MILES SOUTH ON COUNTY ROAD 5 PER ACRIC; 10() CASH. I1ALANCIC TWO YEARS, NO INTKRICST, NO TAXES, FINE SANDY LOAM, LEVEL HENOH LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Dosnald MacKimitoslhi REAL ESTATE nnd INSURANCE. Do You See nn M'cll With One Eyo As llio Other? Should you hnvo headaches or want to improvo your oyealght, try my special ground combination trlnraea Vnillti, tip nlil wltll lllla n.llE.UVKJ. .Ulltlt, , ,.. .- SPECIAL GLASS can road flno print, do ciobo worit or boo at n u.b tanco. All glasBes fitted by mo aro warranted to glvo satisfaction. DR. W. II. RICHARDSON, OlilomcthlHt. Oftlco 187 N. Hrondwny. Marahfiold. DRY FIR AND ALDER WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Phono 180-.T. STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, Hromldo Enlarging and Kodak Finishing. THERE'S ONLY ONE MACHINE THE SINGER. ONLY ONE REPRICSKNTATIVE W. J. RITZ Phono 280-X. . . ' Big Clearance Sale Now on at Tho Electric "Shoe Store. 180 So. Urnadwny. FAMILY niNNEIta In our now location, wo aro ei poclnlly propared to cator to family trndo. Regular meals or ihort or dors. Open day nnd night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Hroadwny and Commercial Mflrt. South Coos River Boats Exprosfl leaves Marahfiold for head of rlvor at 8 a. in., re turning In ovoulng. Steamer Rnlnbow loaves bond of rlvor at 7 a. m. and returning leaves Marahfiold at 2 p. m. ROGERS & SMTH. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE LINE OF HOSIERY REGULAR AND ODD SIZES TRY OUR BURS0N. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, NORTH BEND EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD: SAILS FROM PORTLAND: SAT., FED. 7, 7:00 a. m. TUESDAY, FED. SI, 8 p. in. SAT., FEU. II, 1:00 p. m. TUESDAY, FED. 10, 8 p. in. SAT., FED. 21, 7:30 n. m. TUESDAY, FED. 17, 8 p. in. SAT., l-'EIl. 28, 10:30 n. in. TUESDAY, FED. 21, 8 p. in. Tickets ou nale to all Eastern jvolntH ami Information tut to routes and rctcH cheerfully furulNhcd. Phono 127-L. II. J. MOHIt, Agent WHITE GLOVES CLEANED Full Dress Suits to Rent UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM .TAY DOYLE A O. O. DAGGETT 2JHI Central Avo. Phono 230-X CITY AUTO AND TAXI 8ERVICH A now taxlcah has boon added to my nuto service. Caroful driven. Will go anywhoro nt any tlmo. Stand Blanco Clgnr Storo. Day phono, 78. Night phono 139-X. TOM GOODALE, Proprietor. SOMBER FROCKS POPULAR FOR THE TEA DANCE Paris dances at B o'clock and Now York dances at 6 o'clock. In tho aft ernoon after matinees and concorts tho tea rooms ore crowded with young and old who hav como for tea and the Tango. Tb costumes worn In the aft ernoon aro a bit durker than those for evening wear, although tho general stylo la tho same. Colors favored aro dark blue, brown and the now brick rods. One form or another of tho tu nic Ib generally a feature of the frock, with a line of fur around the bottom and outlining the throat. No. 8114 Is a chic little frock fash ioned of Tango brown chiffon velvet with on overblouso and tunic of chiffon In the same shade of brown. A con trasting satin sash encircles tho waist, and a narrow strip of fur trims tho blouse. To copy this design In size 36 It will require 4H yards of 30 Inch material with 3H yards of 42 inch chiffon. Corduroy coats and coats of the light weight, warm wool materials aro smart to slip on over tho ono-pleco dancing frock. Tho coat Illustrated Is made of brick red volours do lalne with collar and cuffs of fitch. For size 36 this coat requires 3 yards of 42 Inch material. No. 8114 sizes 34 to 42.' No. 8126 sizes 34 to 44. Each pattern 15 cents. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, AT 6:00 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with tho North Rank Road nt Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company. Phono 44. O. F. M'GF.ORGE, Agent. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTF'S AIITns Four good cam with careful drivers. ior tiny Hcrviro, phono 144-J, Illanco IllUnrd Parlors. For night ervlce, Phono 2A0-L Right Cafe. D. L. F00TE. nUY YOUR HENDERSON & LA PRINCE8SB CORSETS AT S. S. JENNINGS NORTH REND, To obtain either pattern Illustrated nil T I out this coupon una enclose 15 cents In w .-o stamps or coin. Re sure, to state number Name of pattern and size, measuring over the Address fullest part of the bust. Address Pattern Department, care of this paper. S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, AT 3:00 P. M. Snn Francisco office, 805 Fife Dldg,, or Greenwich St Piers No. 23. Iutcr-Oceanlc Transportation Co., C. F. McGeorgo, Agt., Phono 41. nn Commutation nn Lli Tickets $2.00 ZU Marhhflcld-North llciul Anlo Line. Cars every ten minutes from O a. m. io iisju p. ni. GORST A KING, Props. " 3 T. J. SOAIFE Jg A. n. HODGINS Marshfield KJE.SHB. .. ULLUItrtimU LV. Ktttlmatcs Furnished. Phono 300-J. Marshfield. Oregon. The Times Does Job Printing HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. Chimneys FJro Places. J. N. Bayliss Any kind of brick work at prices that uro right. AND ALT, WOltIC miATtA-uwvvn Cull nt "Tho Firesido," Johnsoa Illdg., 137 Second St. Phone 18-J. French Ranges. Boiler Work, '