TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1914--EVENING EDITION. !' . I ' COOS BAY TIMES M. o. malonkV DAN K. MAI,()i'IJV Kdltor and 1'ul). Ncs Kdltor Official rnpor of Coos County Official I'lipor City of Mm Mi field Entered nt tlio Postofflco nt Mnrsh flold, Oregon, for trnnsmlssloji through the ninlls as second-class mail matter. Dedicated to tho scrvlco of tho pooplo, that no good cnuso shall lack a champion, and that ovll shall not thrlvb unopposed. HUII.SCHIITIO.V KATKS. IIAIIiV. Ono year Per month WKHKIiV. uno IC.00 .50 WITH THE TOAST AND THE TEA I GOOD KVKXINO. I Joy of llfo seems to mo to I nrlso from a sense of bolng I whoro ono belongs, of being I four-square with the life wo I lttvo chosen. All tho dlscontont I cd peoplo I know aro trying sod I ulously to bo something they nro I not, to do something they enn I not do. David Grayson. -K--TIIK HOI'SUWIKIVS Kl'ITAl'II. One.Hundred Years Progress in Aviation ; FEBRUARY 24, 19 U : (117 AsoclteJ Prrm to fooi IUJ TtmiM J I Here lies nn old woman who always was tired. 'o yonr $l.G0 She lived In a house whoro help was "'..." , B t ..." In , . Wh'n pod strictly In ndvnnco. i tint i.lnvi lug. airships from which oxplosl ino subscription prlco of tho Coos Hay Time) Is $5.00 per year or ?2.G0 for sjx months. THEN John Wise, tho first neronnut In tho United Stntcs, was born on this dato 10G years ago today. Ho bo- ,igan, experimenting in Philadelphia .in 1835 nnd In tho fall of 18.17 dlscovord that whllo passing through a thunder cloud tho cords in iiih uiiiuuu KiiYu luriu musical sounds and ho hoard voices on earth when lid was n mllo nl)ovo It. Twlco in 1813 ho OBkod Con gress for appropriations for cross ing tho Atlantic In a balloon, and later tried to g t Its aid In bulld- vos NOW Today, although tho Atlantic Is I S NEWS IN PLAN in tt 'ML POLICE M II III I BUI still uncrossed by airship or nyms Twn Sa!loro anrJ n Toils FYfnnciwn n .1.1.. 11... I.1.1I..H 11.1 t... full! w .. . ..... ... . .. MllkW lUltl. IIIIHI'ITIAi.. . I Unio I . 0.!ii. 'JV"UUIS U ' .1Illllll.HrUnn mil machine, the belief thnt the trl will bo accomplished this year Is widespread. Hodman Wannmnkor Is building an ooroboat with which ho expects to fly from Newfound land to Ireland in less than 21 Few Offenders Have Ready Cash Two sturdy jmllors off tho Hardy wero This Summer sturdy juniors orf tho Hardy Plans for onmm arrested by Officers Shoupo; nlong the Sun u wM "L r" " '" "?" ,V'a,Vin1. nnd Smith last night nnd charged: MvrMn "Pnh , ' "' ffii fo7 Uio SCO 000 nr bo offorFd by w,lh Sht,n8- Uoth aC tllu "turu-1 is expected thn S bil lorl NorthSir? fo the fit "aerial ?" ..!i:..0Kl1 & n' will 1 tak.T Tfc'W voyago across tlio Atlnatlc. ravel pit, j Address nil communications to COOS IIAV DAIfiY TIMES Miirtiflr-lil t: :: :: :: Oregon A TYPICAL EAIMiniENCE WITH THE COMMISSION KOIIM OK CJOVHUN.MENT. Hut everything tlioro Is exact to my wishes, For whoro thoy don't oat thero's ho washing of dishes. I'll bo whero glad aiitl:oins forovor nro ringing. Hut having no voice I'll bo clear of tho singing. HAT tlio commission form of Don't mourn for mo now, don't mourn government win do: Its limit- for mo never: ntloilB us well as its ndvan- I'm Enlnir tn iln nnthlnt? fnrnvnr mul .. i......... ...... " ' .. "- ihv uiu HpuiiKiuuy summed up in over. tho following editorial from tho -tt-M- wlclilta (Knnsns) Hcacon: I'ltOI'OKI.Vtf TO WAIilC 11ACKWAHDS It Is dnuouiiccd by somo of tho "Wichita politicians thi.t nn effort will bo made to do uwny with the commis sion government. Tlioro always liavo been somo peo plo In Wichita, not a very lnrgo nuni bor, but containing somo Important and Influential mdmberH of society, who wantod to go hack to tho old days. They call It tho good old day. It waB a good o!d day for somo of thorn. It was a day when tho city govornment of Wichita ran haphaz ard: whon tlio councllmon woro elect ed In caiiciiHOH, and after they woro elected to office they swapped the privileges and benefits of tho city with each other with n good fellow ship thnt would have done credit to the generous Captain ICIild. It was n ilnv wlinn roiinrllmnn lintil null. contracts to build sowers, manholes, for lll prosecution nnd nover returned. Tho body of ono, niemnor or tlio pnrty 'was nr tcrwnrd found In Lnko Michigan A SATL'ltDAV SEUMON r HIS Is hut a half hospitable world on whoso surfneo wo live. Human llfo Is possible hero only through struggle Oar dons of Eden, In which man mny go nnitcii ana nvo without work and not bo nshnmed aro out of theso days. Wo havo to dig . ' . .. - . l'i'. ' nra wnrn fll n",. L,!.."r8t nom' Hutler" this ,on,lnB; Ono of' Urn , . "VEl" .'r" S sailors en routo imck to tno snip nmd will furnii fnll r . i tin alii llHitn.l i mi ! millti... ' calls for an noroplanp trip around "". " "Y ,,yg , " iiwo uc ice. llMd - tho world In connection with tho, "':. " "" :",,, ,1V nt.l V " ruo.1'0"'1. tl.osan.? .. w. - .uwi. ...... ...... .1( ,,j v.- l.lir fi nr tlnn.. ... . ".vie. - 11 l ..I..I.1 ...! ....!' : " . --"""in .111 1 n n II. ror tlio Southern I'nciftpTi7 the Hay. ,, will n," M?.f. ocai railway. ti,0 Smlth-C; mul uiu new "no belne cm,. n by the Southern Pflclli. Jiioro is an tinmen,. , H good sand ami Rravc' StoM nnd it Is about XU . onlr M uusvclnlty. Tho km ' Ilor Inst words on earth wore "Dear F0,1!(1 bo tlirow "t an enemy on tho world In connection with tho, !, Cnl!tBmi ..... 'arrpqtod nv Of- frlomls T am go ng i lfUul or 80n- U" l0 lsr,!) ho 1,ml 1,,a,1 lnnmn-Paclflc Exposition. A route ' n.,'0(n" r B '" , Lht nmV c nrii Where Sshing ain't (&.,or sweep- ,?22".conSSji , Sfe',,0,"',fcrT 2?' hn8 a,rr,,i'J,n0fn,nnnlnlU,ei1 "'t'1' !S ' " "nkoi uess "" ' , To nb lug nor sewing. "'0' J'" " i1.?'1, fro". s- ?0," "" . of ,300.000 Proposed as of n mU moI th off(.or8 con. prizes, and a number of aviators linvo Inillrntoil llinlr nnunrnnfltt to parllclpato In tho race. LOCAL OVERFLOW. i . (Jo to Coqiiille. August Krlzoen and Fred Mognusson left today for Coqulllo on business. flscnted Carlson's gold chain and held it In tho munlcipnl loan orflco until hu romlts his fltioof $5.00. A. Lnraen was arrested by Offi cers Shoupo and Smith Inst night and chnrged with over Imbibing In ! liquid rofreshinont. ireHiimoui. i,ni. i i.. n..- .-""" m A search of kls person revealed tho un v lur anT tonuu. Imndsomo sum of 15 cents. Tho blessings of tlio ncctlv were nirnln displayed wlun IiIb fortune was ro- irk and Siorinliiiiiiiil-Tlio Tillamook, onjtIirilccI t0 ,m cnrly t0(Il . ,, ho fashion which wns expected some railroad wn8 cimrB(nl wt!l ..f)vo stones" on Ig ouV construction equipment for Porter ,iln i.nnit n..n; . t t.. i.'i. 'i , i ' . , , iB ,lv," 0,,t of tho Rround. Wo havo Hrothurs. Is reported to be barbound avej-ago of JupltorPIuylus goes high-. t0 ,1U8tIo to kco) ,,, of tll0 t Astoria. or as ho sends tho rain down. rn,i., ,.. i... .. . ... .. ... t!-it "-v..n, nu niiiu iu iiuuuiu iipun uiu (iiiiuiicui' Arres(ed. Aiiurnw , " , , of nature, throw them down 'Erlckson wns arrested today on tho Sonntor Goro Isn't near as blind ns and tie them to mnko thorn servo i-hnmn nf irnvimr l.ia ntn atnii.iinir tho book. I OAKIjANU queicn to WliH KVE'H CIOWN HOW TO TElily. ho was whon ho called at that Wash- us, hammer roluctnntly yloldlng ma- on tho strcot Sundny night without Ington hotel to havo a cliat with .Mrs. tcrlals Into useful sliapos, and drip- nny HghtB. Ho wns given until to- 11. 111. I '..I... ...III. ...n..l l.nlr . . . jmii), urn. d nun i, nun u.MiiiiiBiuu, nun morrow to plead. triumphant, eat tho brwd wo havo, , ... . .. , , ,, ,, wrung out of tho earth. No work. I '""J. T in?,l?tnAKe ' "" no eat. Is tho law of naturo It wns cnllc(1 to Coqulllo tills morning will he Ilia law of society whei'i ma, ? f Uo Banlty of Stophon obeys tho laws of llfo. h- ' tie, near lliiiitlmi. Ho An old Hohrow legend says that )vnH, Blxty-four yeai-H old and fojmd when Ailnm t.opnmo win i.o -n to feeble-minded but not Insano. .nra. .muuuiii iiacK who oi uiias. Whon you sit nnd dully wonder If you're III or If you're well, And a sort of lazy fooling In vour system comes to dwoll: Whon your mind turns toward Ton nsliamed to bo linked. was When his Mllo i .descendants bocomo wlso nin If c' ol foniunio, was ortioreu coni- And uncoifscloiiHlv you wish toy over do they will 'bo Just nB " l0 usyi um. ar.e i " You could Aavo behind all troubles, . much nshnmed of laziness ns of ono years old nnd has threo children. Then, mf bov, It's time to fish. nakedness. I l-'lv llulkliciitl. Tlio Tanth strret ', Dnvo Stafford. I N wealth Is created without In- bulkhoad Is bolng put In today to -tt-- 1 nor. Somebody's back must bond: provont tho upper portion of tho If linor ol.l A.lnn, unrn nlK-n n,l,.v. BOm:,)0(,"B. ""Fles must ncTlO to hOlltll Arm Of. Mill SlOUgll bolllg ,ry .L' r.ssiTwffn0 1 aneoS every OAKIMND, Cal.. 1-Vh. 21.. Evo's coBtinno up to dnto, will bo worn by Miss Mny Mclj"nn ns queen or tho hugs Mny Day festival that will bo held In Oakland nt Lakeside Park. Tho queen will bo clad In leaves, hut In far more or tliom than Eve woro. Her gown will bo full length, and will bo cut lu the hobhlo stylo. O. I), Datson in nlantilm. i. I big bunkers alongZfe near tint Sm ii.tin,.... ii'WI screen It so that the dlff!f?! the different In In mil In n l.i.. .....'.' ncross tho crcclc. imin i,..!.,1 donkey onglno and thus wailh, sand and gravel ns It . irt "A the screens n.,.l I . . v "".' ...... Hniuun Win no sorted. Hi. TRAIH m COASTWISE STEA.MEHS CAItHV MANV PASSE.V(!EKS ARE if I SAN IMtANCISCO. Kel). 2 I. Pas- U'IM I?tn nu tlw i.Kliinlnnl,.un ' iw iiu t.its.i ri itiv,liiii )lillUOO cnth btultr. guttors. nnd somotlmoH their sons acted as Inspectors on their father's work. It was a day when tho city collect ed flues from vice, thousands upon thousands or dollars, and jot with nil this money taxes wero about what moy aro now and wo had bulldod nlno mllos of paving iu forty yonrs. Tlioro woro somo good mon In t tho --::- Angor that I enn't eraso Comes to me, nor pnssos off, When I start to wash my faco Iloforo I tako my glasses off. Eugeno Crosthwnlto. ii-i)ouys miiBcies must ncio to aouui Arm or Mill siougu Doing Bnlr"" ,." .,"... . i . iduco tho Blmplest articles of flooded wlion tho dredge fills that BK".r, 1'l",l on coastwise steam- . I wish I could sco stomped on section. Propirty owners west of "I8,Hll0WH .?". l"i'r.ow.u of flf,y ,0.ri iry dollar "Somo poor dovll lind Tenth strcot nro Insistent that they f0"1. "?r " ()f ,?8t.,ypnr5 ."ecortl: work for whnt (IiIb will buy." bo protected and a water tight bulk- 'K to tho figures or stbanishp com- SOMEItODV KNOWS WHO lit vi' oueat oimu:itx wimj oi vi: Tiinut x.jits ins is witiiiii:i,i). tll MotmirJ rrtMtaCooiBuTlMl SilATT .11 !.'..!. Ol tv.. it. II.. r..u ii... ... .."".'"'"' .''.-' I'm unumij uiu iinin ill Klolltlty Of tllO lllllldltg ho BtUl uiu uii)H. vo navo nnii somo good "'""ibii " "ro not iiwoiy to do im- mayors, somo good mombers or tho pressed by that gob or gloom, city council, mid then wo hnvo had --- somo so bad as to make us rorgot ,Iow many magnzlnes I raid niioui ino goon ones tiiat wo havo wiiii wontirous stories in; you'd right. Whethor you aro a rich man, n soclotv womnn, or n tramp, you aro a traitor to tho rest or man. A California womnn declares thnt j kind ir you shirk your shnro or thousands havo died ,froin kissing. I work. Why Bhould otliors work Hut tl o niilllons who hnvo lived I nurd to support both thomsolvcs nnd you in Arn von ilnlnir vnnr nhnrn? If limul will 1m mil In II 1.1 Mill... paillOS llOl'O. lint U'llV nrnn't vnll? T lmmu tl.r.l anva II,,... ...Ill ..nt !...'.. ..'.... ,'llfl,.l paSSOllgCrS llUVO IKlt llCCII HOtOll II 111 1 1 II,.. f.,-nl Vf.rll.rr.. I..I. ... ! society orton tries to mnko Idlenrss ty In pumping drcdglngs to. Tenth April or Mny. This boiihoii It Ip i estl- ,orcll threo men Is known to i honorable but It cannot mako It street. 'lH1,9(l .thnt Pn8tlK vessels will bo Hons outsldo those commlttiBF iiiiuii wuii pnBHcncorH uoioro .Miiren i. crlmo, wab Indicated In an iit " ' ..,..,, , .r rnous loiior nco vcu uy .;! Annn Mm lnlnl.,nnl "" ' ""' ngOIHB Ol 1110 r.l irOBU. lit fii Miumj uiu vvcuiiiiuiu. asked If hla nnmo bo withheld d ... ', MnM ,V",,,,"K XVa.r ."''land KnlH A dlBclosed tho Identity o( the Hoports Quail or Pickles Pally. dlta. Ho received nssurancti hod. (let Just ns mud ns 1. Indeed. To rend tho word (Continued). CHEEK UP! Tho ehlof rnult with the old bvh. torn wns that It was cnroless, uu-biisl-iieitsllko. tho work took enro of itself and things went forward In n slln-1 Bliod, reckless innnnor. I you hnvo work to do, Tho now system Indlvldunllzos tho 0" Io It. responsibility, cnusea tho men who l)o t grunt nnd groan nnd stow, nro elected to stay on tho Job and (io do it. t gives us n busliiossllko ndmlnlstrn-l Smllo. nnd toll will smllo with you, Hon. It is true thnt taxes havo gone Anil your Monday won't bo blue, up- because tho city has done In tho, 'r J'"" 'vp work to do last flvo years a troinendoiiB amount; Oo do it, or Improving. Wo havo gono rrom ,. --- nlno miles or paving to over sixty I M0" n K,rl boglns to coll a mllcB, and tho general taxpnyur hns ywK nuin by his rirst nnmo, sho lind to pny ror thV Intersection mid tho ",,B ''08,KUb on his Inst. now sowors. Wo hnvo bulldod n groat i --- convention hall, a now High School,' l "'"Rio thnt a dumb bnrbor many ward schools, Improved parks, W0H"1 bo ovon inoro sntlsrnctory r,eorganlzoil tho frro dopartiinmt with ,,II,H n ,,l,nU) wnitor. now nnd oxpenslvo modern enuln-l. -W-M- tnunt. voted railroad bonds, estnlillsh. TltlAli I'Olt IIECKKB A Portland pnper snya: irom coos nny nro thnt tlio droilgor OAKLAND, nr.. Pnii. i a i. . . .. ... . .. '-. --..-.--, - ., .v... aL UMIMII, somo day soci-ty will bo so on "'us' . " .miuhiu m iiiuuuhk wuii sirango iiiiosyncrnsy, aiuod and niiet ganlzod that only usomi ponplo Poor working wenther nnd thnt whllo tod by a cnpnblo nppetlte. 1 ns been vi.jw llnonln wlin nrn in rnmlni. llfT efforts lT0 VOTV SUCCCSSflll WllOll fnilinl III n mini Ivlmr tlii-m. i.illna " . ... . l"." , ' -. .w. , . . ... . . . , ' " " . .....r ....... ..t.v .- . sorvico win do respectable ?"u ,B '""" "' worn, a rougn imr soutn or onklnnd, who eats a quart, mr amocuim rfnt to c pi tuwi huh iiucuHHiiiiiua nor sinying inwiio or dill pickles nt every meal. Threo-' ALHANV. N. Y.. Yth. 21. 1,1081 ot ,no umo- quarters or a gallon Ib his dally cap- Court or Appeals granted a nevtrJ i no koiioikio wiiBiinnDio to get "cny. for Charles Pecker, rormer out ror Snn Ernnclscp todny owing Ho nlmsoir does not look upon It York pollco lleutenniit. He In MIMiElt IS CANDIDATE fliiiiriimii or Oivgiiu Hallroail Com mission ii(h to lie He-E'iTted. to tho rough bar nnd will nrohnblv as remarkablo. ror It Is his nnlninii undor n sontenco of death fortl BADwi, ur., I'Oii. L'l. Frank J.liry ngnin early tomorrow. tnnt ono ofthb riindninontnl tastes, murder or Ilorman Iloscnthu Minor, nnnirmnn or t: o italiroad Tlio Hardy, wlileii ar coinnilFBlnn 0r Oregon, hns nnuaiinc od lilinsoir ns n cniull'Jnte ror re- rrlved In Sun- which In tho cnos or most peoplo Is mnc-'ilny with a ralr oargo or rrolght, is sweot, In his case simply hnpponod tol olec-itnklng on lumbor nnd will sail to- bo sour. Pickles to Vim aro tho samo EAST SKEPTICAIj 01' OO.UT as candy to others. tlon. Miliar will seok the nomlnn- day or tomorrow. Hon at lilO liaiirlH Of tho Heillllllliail Tho Mnvfnlr unllnl Smulnv -:ili n pnrh Mlllor has been a niombcr of charter carco from tho Smith mill. WOL'M) ItECAMj .MAYOIt AI.IIEE imlsHlon s'.nco 1011. and priori .. tlio Com to thnt 1 e wns secretary or tho Com mission, bolng elected to tho Com mission whon Oswnld Wost, his pre decessor, beenmo Governor, Pel II Ions AMONG THE SICK ty Very A Hrluir Pressed Vlintiiiuslr PORTLAND. Or., Ktb. 21. Twon- petitions navo Deon placed In Kiilco Itciillv Proninli'is Arc el With IIcmmiusIIpIIIIv Th( POHTLANU. Or., Feb, U-M honest ndverllslng by fane nromotors Is rcsnonslblo for fnlturo or efforts to Induce tu'x Dooiiln to como West." This doclarotlon was maaecri I. It. TOWEIt SAYS: I book has no show ed a now Btreot lighting system, paid , ' finp ubiirii nt n I'riint l.rliliT.. ...lil..l. I.. i . tlio L'oini niii iIuvh wit iiumi tn iii'iiiim . Tho iiockot nbout. t l"1 the automoiillo show." Thoso things cost monoy nnd tlio ' , . ,""".,:,T . only thing for Wichita to consider Ib . ''"lousy will not listen to reason, Chns. McOeorge. tho young son or circulation ror solicitation or slgnn- llnm Woodhend of San Fraot! .MANY WE HE lll'ltT I Mr. nnu Mrs. c. F. McOeonro. Is ro- "ireB uomnnuinK tlio rocnll of Mnyor prcaidont or the Associated ab i. In the list nf nrclilnntn rnnnrtnil nnrtoil tn lw niiltn nlplr nt tlml.. I, ...,,. II. It. Albco mill flllv niimnilBulnnorj nt Amnrlcn iTlirllli? the COUrK I to tho stnto lnbbr commission for In West Mnrshflold. H. 0. Dleck and W. L. Hrowstor. short nddrcss bororo the Rtl IlllSt w ek nro tho following from I Mrs. T. L I.iwlinrnn mul Imlin Tho lioMtlons chnruo that Mnvnr Ilonnl. Mirshflold: ' ennui dnwn frnin Allnirnnv tmlni- tn Albco hns 1)0011 holdlnir n IniHliinRH KiiRtnrn nnnnlo hnvo to t lit t 1 . -- ..... ---... -... ....r,.... .w.... ... - " ". " """... .--.. . ,--r - u. J. Hoiiney, .Mnrsliriold, too visit nt tho home. or hor pnronts, Mr. I'osuion wnno Mayor, lu violation oxtont lost conriuonco in u -britlsod, dock. nnd Mrs. W. H. Cox. wMIo tho hnby of tho chnrtor nnd his onth or of- vertlsoments of Western lands V lira, John I.nrvus. Mnrshflold. thumb Is recolvlnir modleal trontmnnt. nnd finger cut, papor mill yard. Mrs. Kathorlno Mnrtlnson, n plo- Knrl I.nwmnn, Marshriold, legs noer resident or Marshflold, Is quite blirilOd. minor mill Vnnl ll. nt Imp linm,. m Qmill, Civil, Ql.nnl ns to wnother four men. solontod with l,0'8o It doesn't believe thro Is Nols Justin. Mnrshfl Id, nail In ' euro by tho entire community, will ,Bl,c" " thing. ifoot. pnpor mill yard. Conornl Crnwrord, n aunliriod oloc- tako caro or the larger rortunos or ,, , """"T '. 0scar Lo,lto' .Mnrshflold, finger tor is not restricted by lnw to tho thlH growing city in u moro luminous- , Mn"y ." "iimblo lovor makos n.ournod. pnpor mill ynrd. feigning of a nomlnntlng potltlon of ... - . lindu Iniuliniiil I 1 T llnMHmi f nnl.ln1.l A a.. . 1. .. a .ii.ia m m . .. a, it, iimiun, .iiuidiiiiuiii, i ok niiti "iu one cuiiiiiuuio lor un uince, mil hip brulsod, pnpor mill ynrd. mny sign potltlons for nil cnndldntes E. Snrl, Mnrshflold, hip bruised, for tho mine oMco, provldod thoy lfRglng. nro mombors or tho olector's politi cal party, ir n candldato Is not a linn kiuiviiik I'll' 111 II IIIIIIO IIIIHIIlOtfH- i ... In i llko way undor non-partisan city gov-1 8 "usimna. oriiiiuint, thnu tho old system or pol- ipminiiiii . ..... Itlcnl Kovitruuioiit by coiinelliiion nnd 10M01lltO;s lU'lliDEHS. mayor oleotod under it system or par- .. . .jSJH? , i i.i .. ...i' t Horn a liPtfeanvriArii n klnir. UBiiil itiuui.'i, numi' in willicil IIIHinilOIS i ... , .' . were good, some had, and somo lndlf-!,V cn" el00 ,h2fW,B ,ww ",I,K torcnt. We mn fl'Qjai'fiinHrond to . 'rim n.tmmuuin.. f..,. nf ........,-' Troiitl on iuTTu)'l, tniduo In snow: nt hns not been neiroct lu Wlc' Iln . "niI.buUt iTOf jr whlto stnr-plncosj jiiiiso wo hnvo not selocte.1 nor- '- f (,r ' r 'aring rncos; men nocnuso wo hnvo not selocted Iter feet m,en. Perrect men aro hard to find, and you can not poor Kovoru mout under any sjwtein wltli poor men, hut commission government has averaged much higher lu Wichita They also chamo that bo hns noarlnir In Eastern papers ana . railed to mnlnlnln nnlnr nml It,, it I. In lllnrntiirn annt Inst liv Wdtem U! policies nro wonk. Tho chnrgos doalors," continued President W ngnlnst Dleck nnd niowHtnr nrn timt lmmi "Kiistern n onlo at ! tllOV hnvit Hlinnnrlnil tlm M,.,.r.r. I.. ,.r,..,,. H'nol nml tluu' want tO tt his nlloged lllegnl nnd Incompotont our Innil, but they distrust ui. Tl nets. I milt Rfiiiitinn thnt I hare to oct ....... -.. - - - ., ,, or this dopiorauio Biaie i Truo lovo mny not run smooth, but It koops on running. EliKCTOHS CAN SION MANY Tho posslinjst compnres hlmsoir to tho man who Is n irroit 8iira, niomb' r of tho elector's pnrty h0i tho optimist to tho worst fnlluro IIU IUIUWO. Hi t. or venturing to tho end: Ptwico, or danger round the bond. Our own destln'H secure, Ours, untouched forevormoro. N'o one makes our toy or sorrow, CANDIDATES' PETITIONS cannot sign his nominating potltlon. ' An elector to bo (itinllflcd to slun SAMOM. Or.. Koh. 24. Accorillntr n noinliintlnu notltlon liiimt lin rou. I to an uplnlon rondorod by Attorney Istorod. Times Want ads bring results thnu tho old form did and It Is got-.llnrU mu?.t bu,,tl "I own tomorrow. ting hotter all tho time. "" ",U,B k wnnueniiK. straying, Many gnmes aro ours for playing. Riimitin,. "iinir tliom" miiriii nt. Horn a beggar, born a king. . ' .. " f' ""i ....n.- " lit.. ..., ..,o.. ...I.... c -I " lilll liHUUU Hllill nuuu iu BIIIK, I'.VKAIH ATTACIC ON HOOSTEH. tract tho attention of a grnss wid ow, Ifut whnt's tho use? MANY WANT TO HUNT. Nlnoty-tlireo huntor's llconsos woro Issuod by .County Clork Wntson dur ing tl'o first sl weeks or tho prosont your. Coqulllo Bontlnol. T MOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Sailer's HOT TAMALES FOUNTAIN DRINKS ICE CREAM HOT COFFEE LIGHT LUNCHES Tho Snn I.ucns correspondent of tho King City Hustler hns burst Into poetry, nnd his opening scream, nl though pnlpnbly unjust In somo res poet's, Is sufficiently meritorious from nn artistic viewpoint to entitle hlni to enrollment among the syndicate vorso grinders of tho boller-plato press. Heading between lines of tho effusion, ono cannot but drnw tho conclusion thnt the rooster Is tho kind of n progreBslvo bird needed In San I.tiena. Tho rooster should bo np pluuded for tho roason that he Is wide nwako rrom dawn until dnrk, al though, as Is tho caso with all re former, he l opposo.l because ho wants to make tho wholo commun ity wnko up nnd keep moving. Hm here is tho classic : "Swat the rooster! Ho don't pay! He's no booster! He don't ln N'e-rvoa are shaken: wo can't dream wheu we waken nt his scream! Swat tl e rooBter! He's our foe! Can't get UBter his loud crow! Swnt tho roosr er off his legs! He's no booster rats lug eggs! Folks that ustor back him say: 'Swat tho rooster! JIo don't lay.' "Son Joo Times-Star. Times Want ads bring results, BJT' Welcome 'Rain! THIS IS GOOD GROWING WEATHER Now is tho time to prepare for harvest time and you will need seeds, We carry the largest and best line of GRASS SEEDS on Coos Bay, All the varieties'that are best adapted to Coos County may be found here, including RED CLOVER, ALSIKE, TIMOTHY, ORCHARD GRASS, ENGLISH RYE, ITALIAN RYE, LAWN GRASS - SEED, GARDEN SEEDS OF ALL KINDS And when you prepare the ground for garden or lawn remember we have BONEMEAL FERTILIZER, the kind tliat makes tilings grow, TT1'8 Fl-.,-.!--!--. P er nm see c"1 W. H. DINDINGER & CQ., Phone 32. . Bunker Hill. tr Vh 1 DiinK fnlra Ih fnr mirli orcanlntlOU I tlm nnrtinnii itinltv lloanl and ot-j or civic orgnnlzntlons In all 11 n 1.r. Illnoln.,, RtfltPfl tQ DO &'i stantly on guard for 'ak011ll",J ors and snuto tiiem every n.- show a head." Times Want nds bring reUL IRVING BLOCK "fyaM&m If discretion is tiie better part of valor, think of the big advantage the WELL-DRESSED man has over the chap who is handicapped by common-place clothes. Hero are clothes that are built to grace a gentleman, no manor now exclusive ine company lie is in. Let us show you our line, Prices $11.25 to $25.00 We guarantee satisfaction, PRICES ARE AD VANDED Wo hnvo just received notlco of tho ndvnnco In prlco on all the unsold portion of Cooston, but this does not mean that i host opportunities nro exhausted. On tho contrary, th" .e,I.a u uuja milium, .muhi oi ino oiu-iyuig property nas uet-n .. vlow of development for 1914, nlready planned, this InsUo pW is worm an, ami moro, titnn presont prices. C06S BAY REALTY CO., In Tliono 201-J.