The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 24, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    i-VCSW "rr --,-"'
L the lv. Thc' T,I,,C8' lK"
F .. .. ..i.,. irolnir shopping.
coos iiav tiji::h.
A rlonti, wliolesoino newspaper for
('i)os County homes. The Times ha.s
the largest proved circulation of any
uoi simci In C001, Curry or Doug
las counties.
". - ..i.t...t mi adv. iii The
S l" lia.illcl'l'el in llio race for
..iVIll i;sinillt"eu mm
XXaVII. k The Coast Mall
A Consolidation of Times, Coast Stall n 1RH
and Coos lltiy Advertiser. ,"u' '
y-iwo Degrees Below Ze
Ifo Near Little Falls,
New iorK.
fanapolis and Surrounding
i Country Aimosi amu
Off By snow.
... io,ulfJ rrn in Cooa liar TlmM.t
nlK FALLS. N. Y., Fob. 24.
e coldest weather of tho yenr
recorded In tlilw vicinity today,
mercury dropped to I-' degrees
ro nt Dolgvlllo.
Storm Left Mantle of 12 to 20
Inches of Snow Over
Lame Part of State
(Pr Anoclitril l'rraa to Coos Ilajr Tlniea )
COLUMBUS, O., Feb. 31. With
the thorinomotor registering ono to
iuii uuKruuB uoiow zero, Ohio was In
tho grasp of tho most sovero bllz-
znru or uio season yoBtmlny. It!
Abraham Pappe, of Tacoma,
Slays Former Sweetheart in
Groom's Presence in San
Francisco jlotel
nr Aoclleil rrrM to Com Dr Tlmm.l
nppolntod In ove, Abraham Pepper, of
Tacomn, WiibIi., called Mrs. Dorothy
joiniBon, ins former sweeheart and a
With a bullet In his head, Pepper was
rushed to tho hospital, whero Ills
chances of recovery aro alight.
Popper and F. L. Johnson, mana
ger of Sherman Clay's Tacoma Music
Store, wero reputed rivals for tho
hand of Dorothy Danhausor. Popper
had paid attentions to hor for five
years, It Is said, but Johnson was suc
cessful and loft Tacoma last week on
IiIb honeymoon. Popper followed tho
couple. Ho called at Johnson's room.
brldo of n week, Into tho halt of tho Mrs. Johnson opened tho door and
hotel whoro sho was spending her Popper flrod. Whllo tho husband
honoymoon, shot hor dead at her lniB-l was rushing toward her assailant,
band's feet and then shot himself. Pointer siiot himself.
IlBr Awlitl rrr to Coot liar Tlmri.1
KSi onou' iToi Jrj;,!:'";....?".'""."""" f; Senator Smith Receives State-
the thermometer .ono below tho stnto I ho liilzximi u-iiint. ni,....i
E, practically the entire stato bo- lato yestordny, loft from 12 to 20
clearing away m w . "' mates oi hmow. Traffic has been
j places five mid six foot dcop.. 'demoralized.
ment From Postoffice De
partment on Service
Senntor I. S. Smith recently ro
Bill Guernsey, Newspaperman,
Here on Hike From Port
land to Golden State
nill Guernsey, walking from Port-
eolved tho following Bolf-oxplanatory land to San Francisco along tho coast
lotter wjileh was suit to Congress- following tho beach wherever hob-
...... ..,.. ,, .in wuuiu ouiiaiui siitie, reaction .iiarsnnoid yoBtorday
to Leave Vessel From Expect Railroad Measure Will
ue neaay lor r-mai con
sideration Tomorrow
Smith had taken tho matter up, by
Joseph Stewart, Second Assistant
Postmustor General:
ItOferrlng to your letter of the
loth ultimo, in regard to tho pro
posed establishment of mall service
nftornooin Ho Intends to do somo
special writing for Tho Orogonlan
nnd for several magazines descriptive
of tho Oregon coast country. Mr.
Guernsey left Portland accompan
Icd by n companion, on tho first of
Say That Monroe Doctrine
Makes It Imperative to
Quiet Mexico
Wr Aaoclatrd Titm to Coo nr Tlmca.l
LONDON. .Feb. 21. Sharp com
ment Is mndo by tho Manchester
Guardian on Sir Edward Orey's state
ment In tho House of Coiunions yoB
torday In regard to tho killing of W.
S. Denton by Goncrnl Villa in Mexico.
"Is It not a moro playing with
words to Bay that, in such cases, tho
United States hns no responsibility?
If that wero bo tl'e Monroo Doctrine
would be a mere Instrument of Inter
national anarchy, whereas tho wholo
tendency of President Wilson's policy
has been to make It a force of order
and good govornmont. If wo aro not
responsible then tho United States
Rebels Now Claim That
Scotchman Had Become
Citizen of Mexico
Ennlish Paper Savs United
States Must Act to End
Anarchy There
I asieimcan hanged
I Wr AMoi-lalM I'rm lo ebon liar Tlmra.l
LAREDO, Fob. 24. Clom
cnto Vcrgara, an Amorlcan clt
izon, captureil recently by .Mex
ican Federals, was hanged tho
morning nftor his capture, ac
cording to advices from Hidal
go. Amorlcan authorities had
mndo representations on his
: , : v . r,i r I "-" " " "iiiiiiiuiiiiii, on mo nrsi oi
by boat from MnrBhflohl, Oregon, February. At Nowport his compan-
Africa After Arrival at
liw it " iu Tim i
I GRIVKSBNI). Eng., Fob. 2 1.
-After n long ronforonco with
oral rcitrcicntotlvei). tho South
llrlcan l;iior lenihrs rovokod
pclr decision nnd Intulud.
!(Cf - ' 'f ) I' t lo roon llnjr Tlmx.J
RAVKSK.VI). HtiKlnnd. Fob. 21.
aoor leaders deportod from South
for tho delivery and collection of
mall along tho Coos Itlvor and along
tho shores of Haynos Slough and
Kentuclc Inlet as requested by Mr.
I. S. Smith mid others of Marshflold,
I havo tho honor to Inform you that
tho mntter has been given caroful
It Is found that tho carrier on
Ion turned back d-cldlnc thnt ho
had had enough. Guernsey has como
on from thoro alone.
Ho cnrrles a bnck pack, coiiBlBtlng
of n blanket, small cnnvnss tent,
cooklntr utensils and food, wolKhlng
about thlrty-flvo pounds. Ho Ib thus
' - '" '' ; o In-.. U Tllii- I
i 21. Tho Hoiibu and Setmto con-
forcos postponed until tomor
i row Hinoothlng out differences
I on the Alaska railroad bill.
- to Allocnny. That carrier Ib ronulrod arnnml tlm vnrinna rmma
propnrod to comn whorover ntuht
ovorlnltps him.
tho route between Marshflold and Hn nnvu ttmt t,n ir,ina n.. mn..
AlloKiiny porforms Bor.vlco by boat .about tho condition of tlm roads bv Captain Of Danish Sllil) Eklil)t
from Marshflold on tho Coos lMvcr, reason of tho fact Hint ho has trav-l ln nrniunnrl Mflh I ,l
to mo moiitu or tlto .Miuicomn uiv- oled tho bench w honpvnr- nnmiiiiin.
or, thoneo on tho Mllllconm Illrer.or has followed mountain trails
Ills worst
tnr AMoruiM i-rwa to ciw iur Tim.i to porfomi box delivery nnd colloc- hordshlp ho has oncountorod In
If 4 OI I I VI1M1AI.I t 1 .... 'll. Atllfin I lntl V..A.- O . I -.1 I At.- la.
WASHINGTON, I). ('., Feb. "2 1. ' service, and dally, except Sun-lfordltig tho numerous swift st
rbroo points remained to be ndjiwttod ,,,n'. sorvleo Is thus provldod for tho'tbat run but of tho Coast ran
n 'tho Alaskan Railroad bill whon famlllos along tho Coos Itlvor bolow mountains Into tho ocean, his i
ka Drowned With Large
roruon oi urew
llr AMoclalnl l'rfaa lo Cooa llajf Time:
KL PASO. Fob. 24. Tho attompt
of tho Mexican robols to establish,
that William S. Ilonton, tho Scottish
rnnciior recently executed, was -n
Mexican citizen, Is based on tho re
port that ho onco Veld somo minor
offlro while President Diaz was In
power. This statement' was made to
dny by tho couscllur to tho command
or of tho Juarez garrison, who added:
"Wo have heard that Ilonton hold
several small offices under Diaz and
he onco was mayor or a small settle
ment on his ostnto. , Ho could not
1 nvo hold offlco without holm- n Vnv.
i lean cltlzon and tho records nt Chl
I Inmhuii arc being searched to ootnb
, lish tho facts."
nehitlvog of Ilouton say tho docile
to his Moxlcnn property rofor fo htm
at a Ilrltlsh subject nnd that ho was
always careful thoro should bo no
doubt on this point.
In the luiianwhlle the roijuost of
tho Stato Department at Washington
for tho handing over of tho body of
Ilonton hns boon mot with silence.
Villa has rocolvod te'ograms not only
(11 AmoIuI ProM to com nr TIum.
. I.I- ... v ......... ...
rnntnn IIKHAIHX. (Inrinnnv. T.ili n.i iruiii iiimiy ciiios III luo J U'll iios
rnngo of .Fragmentary wireless ntosBagoB from' ,"'t, froin London, Paris and Horlin
oxpr- fie uorinnn steamer wihlenrols ro- "kik ior mo oxuinnnuon or uio
lea on J i n ut.i.. ii..,.m,.i ' tlio coiiforees of tho House and San- tho mouth of tho Mllllcomn Itlvor. lenco In Ton Mile Creole Sundnv hp-' ported sho had resenod oiuvnn nor-, mnnnor of lloiiton's death. All his
lr the ei'iior.'ii striifn hmi iinnn nlo mot, hut It wiib believed tho dlf- H Is roportod that about thirty-four Ing tho worst. Ho has boon wot boiib from tho Danish atenmor Kidiiu ropIloH have been tho tmmo of tho
Un by tli governiuont declared feroncos would ho Ironed out quickly famlllos would bo Bi'rvod along tho through on a number of occasions tkn, which sank In the Hay or Ills- court martial and execution.
Ir iMcntlott of refusing to lonvo """ l,!0 ""' roturnod for finnl an- ioos icivor anovo uio mount oi uio'iuiininoii proteetod hy n ruMtor yomoriiny. Tho mossagos stnto ;,i"H".,K '" l" ""norini vnnoy,
that tho mintnlii norlBhml is California, of Itogor Lauronco. tho
They said they would romnlu express n dotormliiod opposition to, of tho sorvleo would bo about Sol). Guorus-y loaves Mnraliflold for ssumud a consldornblo part of the EnBllBhninn who was roportod miss-
vc-s when flto arrived horo to- P'ovnl by tomorrow. The Senators MIIHroma Ulvor, and that tho cost raincont.
. inev gain inri- wnniii rnmnin uAiiruBB it uuiei iimiuii oil imniinn to.ui iiiu turn nuiiiu uu uuuut eiiu . iiiiuiiih.v lunvoH .Mni'sni oiii int
Ihoard until the Btenmor returfied ibo" flrovlslon In tho bill as It passed 'a month. It Is also roportod that Tlandon todny nnd will follow tho crow nlso wont down.
oufh AfrKa Arthur HoniiorHnn tho HoiiHO itrovldliiif for srnnilnrd about thlrty-two fnmlllos would bo.Iftindon bonch south. Ho oxnocts
hr nrrnlio. nt H-..-II.,. ...... ...i caucn trnclr tlirmiiflimil tlio uvntnm Rnrvml nlniic Ilnvnns Slnncli liv thn In ronoti flnlrl rtnnnli nt Mm innmi, nt
er 'alor Icidcr.-, went to moot 1'M0 SountoiH also took tho position propos d routo north from Mnrsh- tho Uokiio In n woolc and Crpscent
dc.iortcl rtrikt lenders, but th1- '""t 'f "o.v could ho shown that thoiflold nnd thnt aervlco for thoso fain- City, Cflllfornln, In innthor week.
ts.n refused t0 allow any to rodent! treasury could meot n ?3.r.- Illos would cost about ?r0 a month. .From Kurokn, Cnllfornln, ho will
in viow or tno incis in mo cnso,nroimiiiy tnic an Inland rond to
It is considorod thnt tno uupariniontiRan Francisco.
would not bo warranted In Incurring' Mr. Guomsoy formerly llvwl nt
tho oxpoiibo which would b Involved Modford, having boon on the Mo-lford
for tho poBtnl facilities that would .Run a counlo of years. Hocontlv ho
bo dorlved from tho proposed Bor-.'wos on Tlio Orogonlan, Portlnnd,
pt en beard,
Pde Fifty-Five Trips Carry-
ng 88,000,000 Feet Dur
ing First Year "
IthoilCh Hm A.lnllnn O...IM. .ii j
. "- ....v.lliu OIIIII.II 1(111
,ll6.l fnJr ,est '''""'"K bor first
5 lh,?..Coos 1,aV rn. tho ves-
8ad0 flftl'-flv rnnn.l lrin n-
",sPPro)tlmatelv 88,000,000 foot
fmIversary:Cr,,ny ,nnrk0tl ,10r
'. Miihe ?fflcla'8 mid othors who
' lOIIOW rl Hm I.I ,. i,
ill... .. "'" ,lo IHOVO-
tl. r?.B.r"t'5r sratlflod over tho
"7 capt. ouon mado with
broiim,s Vli6.5'001, B,1 carrlod
yroiimatelv in nnn nnn
in ik. v. ;i"i icot ;nuru
Efi fh, . J(l for th0 hnndllnis of
I lr ran i. t. """K ueen aoiay
' "' fough bars and storms, wmmi
M .!oWP1VO,ral trlpB' th0 Atlellno
leek. Th ....''., "uo"1 a .inp
U - ii. """ mo mreo
t am waBn,'h0 run.nd only tho
Wenuv .t, "i,u'on nna con-
id, j "":o carriers coum
M4'fo? hi ,eft Chicago Mast
ll. .' ir tllO const nn,l la n.i,.
U a. .9and now. nm,o,,"""
k i' "rlval has been received
Sim.."6 WflB returnlncr . .!.
N ff Sonlh and w"s Probably do
fm,, Southern California by tho
'oMh'eTj; r.!!,was ?w
f not arriia v.. .,,ue wu prob
Fala untn ol!?1 lor Ho will
'Oaklaaj; "" wr" mlth returns
A.H. vllTS1 '.
r.i Ki "tia iprf tn.inu -
K:ii " of insnee Inn ""' tl"r,
Hrrtr10", Myrtle
?" 1 te,1' beginning to
Cff the ita ,'""'" .IUS camps
LU ' reaiiw .- part or which
M im..ajr for operation eariv in
000,000 appropriation, tl ey would
ngreo to tho House umeiidmoiit ellm
liiiitlug tho provision for a bond Issue.
Tlio Cummins amendment providing
that the prlvatoly ownod rallroadB
touching tho government line bo pur
chased and Incorporated In tho sys
tem was not expected to glvo troublo.
stnff. His wlfo resides at Modford,
mini i ii i n mi b n i
Cast First Ballots in City Pri
maries Today Oppose
"Bath House John"
(Of AModatod r-rcaa lo Cooa liar Tlmoa
CHICAGO. Fob. 24. Tho women
votors of Chicago cast their first bal
lot today at tho primary election for
tho nomination of aldormanlc candi
dates. As candidates, as voters and
as election officers they played an
Important part In tho election, tho
first ln this city slnco tho paseago of
tho equal suffrago act by tho last leg
islature. The names of eight womon
candidates apponred on tho ballots.
Tho women centored most of their at
tention on the first ward, where M'ss
Marion Drake was tho progressive
candidate If elected she will opposo
"Bath Houso John" Coughlln.
OAKLAND, Cal., Feb. 24.
Evp's costume up-to-date will bo
worn by Miss May JIcLean as
queon of tho huge .May Day fes
tival that will bo Hold ln Oak
land at Lakeside Park. Tho
queen will bo clad in leaves, but
In far moro of them than Eve
woro. Her gown will bo full
length, and will bo cut In tuo
hobblo style,
Dr AuoclaUJ Preaa lo Cooa Br.T'."ea.1
WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 24.
Presldont Wilson today nominated
John M. Boylo United States Mar
shal for the Western District of
San Francisco Lumberman to
Readjust Coquille Com
panies This Week
(Special to Tho Times.)
COQUILLE, Or., Fob. 24. It was
rumored hero last night that Stan
loy Dollnr, of tho Dollar Lumber
Company, would roturn to Uandon
nnd Coquillo this woek from San
Francisco, whoro ho hns beon "con
ferring with tho other officials of
tho Dollar Lumber Company rela
tive to straightening out Uio affairs
of tho Johnson and other lumbor
companies on tho CoquHlo. On his
roturn, plans for tho reorganization
and resumption of work will bo
completed. Until ho arrives, nothing
can ho done. Eck Johnson yestor
day received a wire from him. Tho
details of the now plan aro not
known here, but It Is said that they
aro satisfactory to all concerned and
tho resumption of oporatlons will be
decidedly beneficial to this section.
Iliius for Governor on IMnnk De
claring for Law Enforcement.
SALEM, Or., Feb. 24. Adopting
as his slogan: "Economical admin
Southern Pacific Structure on
Coos Bay to Be Immense
Local officials of tho Southern Pa
cific woro taken by surprlso last oven
Ing by Major Morrow's loiter stntlng
that Chief Englnoor Hood had finally
decldod on tho swing typo of draw
bridge for Coos Hay. Thoy had not
had any advices concerning tho brldgo
recently and hod expected that tho
.lift typo would bo usod.
word is expected daily ordering tlio
stnrtlng of construction on tho thrco
big bridges, tho ono across Coos Day,
tho ono across tho Umpqua and tho
ono ncross tho Sluslaw. It Is oxpect
ed that, all threo will bo prosecuted
simultaneously. According to esti
mates said to havo been made un
officially by Englnoor nroughton of
tho Southern Pacific, tho Coos Day
brldgo can bo built In nino months If
Is Is necessary to rush It that much,
but ho said that ho really should havo
a year to build It In. Mr. nroughton,
It Is understood, will havo chargo of
the construction of tho threo big
Will Cost $800,000.
Tho slzo of tho Coos Day structure
is not understood by many, it is stat
Southern Pacific Plans to Put
on New Service South
of San Francisco
1 11 Aaaoclaled I'rraa to Cooa ny Tlmoa.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 21.
Nino moro railroads having water
Hues applied to tho Interstate Coin
morco Commission for permission to
rotnln them aftor July J. Tho Pana
ma law gives tho Commission auth
ority In certain clrcuntijances to por
mlt tho roads to coutlnud tlio opera
tion of their wator,lJnes. Tho South
ern Pacific company, whlchJcontrolB
tho Pacific Mall Steamshlp'icompany,
operating a lino botwoon San Fran
cisco and Hawaii, tho Orient nnd
Panama, Informed tho Commission
thnt after July 1 tho company will
ongago In traffic botwoon San Fran
cisco and Moxlco, Guatomala, Salva-i
nor, iionuurns and central Amorlcan
ports and Europo and botweon tho
samo ports on tho Atlantic and Gulf
ports of tho United States.
Ing In Moxlco, loads to tho bollot
that his companion, Curtis, Is also
unfo In tho United Statos. No traco
', of Harry Compton, for whom Amor
lcan nutiioriiits wero looking,, has
been found.
An Intorvlow prlntod hero today
(quotes Villa nt Chihuahua as saying
ho gavo Gustav Dtiuch. an Amor
lcan citizen. Ills llbnrtv .iit .lunrnz
last Thursday. This contradicts in-.
formntlnn glvon by Villa to Consul
.Edwards that llnuch had boon takon
to Chihuahua whoro his cas Is
being rovlowod.
Sfevlcnn Congress to TnUo Up Plan
For Nationalizing Itesourccs
l7 AaaociaiM rrras lo Cooa liar Tlmt,
MEXICO, Fob. 24. A plnn for
nationalizing all oil lands in Moxlco
Is to bo forced through the noxt
Moxlcan Congress, which convenes
April 1, nccordlng to an ndmlsslon
mndo by Quorldo Mohono, head of
tho now Cnblnot for tho post of
commerce and ludustr'y.
Tho roport current horo Is that
It Is tho Intention of tho Federal
Govornmont to transfer oil lands to
Lord Cowdrny for ICO.000,000 gold
after thoy havo boon nationalized.
with tho Secretary of State his
declaration of intention to become
a candidate on tho Republican tick
et for Governor.
Jstration, lower taxes, progressive ed that the Southern Pacific has ap
laws and strict enforcement," At-proprlated $800,000 for tho structuro,
torney General A. M. Crawford fl ed Tno Dridg0 8 to havo two draws with
200 feet clearance each. Tho brldgo
will turn on n center pier as a pivot
nnd as this will have to support tho
Immense steel spans, the center plor
will probably havo to bo sixty or
eighty feet across, making tho swing
about 480 feet long.
To Get Gravel.
It Is understood that tho gravol for
tho Immense amount of concroto
work necessary on tho piers and
foundations will bo brought from tho
gravel pits along tho Smith-Powers
XOTICE Parties vtho havo Im'cii nc
customed to using tho corner of An
derson avonuo and Second street
as a testing place for motorcycles
at C to C:4G In tho morning are
hereby warned that unless same is
stopped they will prosecuted as a
public nuisance.
Considered Certain That Tills Will
Bo Xe.t Year's Program.
IDf Aaaoclat Prtaa lo Cooa Hay TIUM.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 24. Carrying out his moral crusado
Tho naval bill, Including a two bat-jt'iat ho promised Inst fall lf tho
tleshlp program for noxt year, was t County Attorney bill should pass and
passed upon finally today by the maKo mm n full-fledged District
House .Naval committee. Tno admin
istration plan of two battleships, with
tho minor craft contomplatod, Is con
sidered cortaln of adoption by tho
Three State Dedicate Sto"es In Wash
ington Monument.
Df Aaaoclated Prna to Cooa Ha; Time.
WASHINGTON, D. C. Fob. 24.
Tho formal dedication of tho memor
ial blocks provldod by tho legisla
tures of Colorado, Idaho and Wash
ington forUh.0 Washington Monument, Tho last Oregon Loglslaturo onactod
will occur April 3. Tho announce-'a law providing that tho holding of
Attornoy, L. A. Llljoqvlst Is under
stood to bo planning a vigorous
campaign against tho Illicit salo of
liquor. His dotormlnutlon to this
was strengthened by tho recont
shooting affray at Honryvlllo In
which John Kolly was tho innocent
victim of tho fracas.
Governor West is understood to
havo Torwardod to Mr. LHJeqvlst a
comploto list of tho Federal licenses
hold In Coos County. This will bo
of groat valuo as fow of tho "boot
leggers" or "blind pig" operators
tako nny chances with Unclo Sam.
ment was mado that tho blocks had
road beyond Myrtlo Point. This will
not bo needed for a few months after
tho excavations for tho plors aro
started. Owing to tho dandy forma
tion and tho great distance to bod
rock, caissons will havo to be used In
the construction.
a Fodoral liquor license shall bo
prima fnelo evidence of the salo of
liquor. This will mako It compara
tively easy to convict In bootlegging
cases, a matter that has hlthorto
been very difficult. Mr. Llljoqvlst
will not confino his offorts to the
bootleggers, It Is said, but will go
after nil violations of tho liquor