sflfflEH TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21,.1914-EVENtWG EDITION. ciwsM I CO.NTlUliU'l IO.NS uoiicurtiuig social liHDiMHimud. intuniuu fur publication in Hit- d H'tei.t (lupni mom of The Tim, must bo sun iiiiiod to the editor not lator tllllll U O ClULK I', ill.. I'llllu) 01 uucli week (I'2xcottons will 1)0 iiiuwtjd only In aiHos whotc tho fveutB oceuirtxl liuur tluui ttio ' t'fd.i I'RILSON'AI. iiotfctiK of visitors m the city, or of Cooa Uuy poonlo who visit In oti er cities, toaolhur moi.Kod of social affairs, aro itlfidlv received In tlin Hoclnl do- tmrtinont. Telephone 1J3. No- ' tiuud of club mectlngB will bo "M'liHlh'il and secretaries aro Kindly requested to furnish Bnmc. A. nold, Mrs. Otis Wl'son, Mrs. J. Q. Jarvls, Mrs. John Kendnll, Mrs. ! Dan Moloney, Mrs. Herbert Coloninn, Mrs. n. V. Morrow, Mrs. Talty, Mrs, Fred Powers, Mrs. Nell McMillan, Mis. A. L. Darker, Mrn. any Kcmlnll, Miss Helen Hush nnd Miss Huth Al len. Also seven of tho club bnbles wore present. f. .j. 4. 4 I xi:viiV-VKDS. 1 . Mrs James Mcintosh entertained tho Nowly-Weds at a most pleasant larternoon Wednesday at her homo In isaBtsldo. The next mooting will bo lu two weeks with Mrs. L. Sitting. T" oso enjoying Mrs. Mclntosh'o hos rntuty this week were Mrs. Lester Snllng, Mrs. Elinor Vineyard, Mrs. Carl West, Mrs. Harry Urinkley, Mrs. C'b. Denlunn, Miss Thorn Lund and Miss Hilda West, fr I PltKSIlVTKIUAX WOMKX a THAXHKOKMATIOX By Conutnnco Clirko Tho Women's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church met with Mrs. if nn olucatcd person's finest pos- H. It. Hyde Wednesdtiy afternoon. sessions. Arrangements were sntlBfnctorlly Hon 0 may ho nnf'c clio rful nnd completed for tho chicken illnnor - gay, gloomy or sail by the manners, to bo given at the Swedish Lutheran , ... , disposition, tempers of the house- Ilnll today. Thoso lu nttondnnco A drift of perfumo In tho air, lloltl ,t , of mnortanco t0 try woro Mra. I. S. Smith. Mrs. II. J. A Biont from myriad dow-wot ,0 w, Ul0 n,mrntIon of pnrentB. Mohr, Mrs. .1. K. IJurklinrt. Mrs. A., loaves, brothers and sisters bofoio winning K. S"nmnn, Mrs. A. T. Hnlncs, Mrs. A Hpliisb of crimson color whoro Ul0 ndmlrntlon of frl nils. Hoys Q. O. Sutherland, Mrs. G. W. Dun- The fairy of the roses wcatcs, nnd glr8 who ,mvo K00d niannorB KfUi, Mrs. J. Wright Wilson, Mrs. An on" ori. 11 finger torn know )l0W to Inn)0 ,,Gn83nt Brcot. j. A. Cox. Mrs. F. M. Flyo, Mrs. P. And potato sott tholr scents dla- I)B, TI ,mvo lcnrn0(, ,mblt Nichols, Mrs. Robert Wnrd. Mrs.i ... . .. . 1 i .1 or rWUR whon nn oldur or suporlor A. L. Uutz, Mrs. v. P. Mew I down ay, But think you that wo mind tho 0.,ters n room. A son or daughter Mrs. II. C. Walter, Mrs. Chas. Mc- . ,T.1 . .1 1 , rls a nnd offers a chnlr when tho Knight, Mrs. Snow, Mrs. A. h. llnr- The whllo Wu brentho deep of n-0tlior enters n room or finds n ker nnd Mrs. M. A. Swcotman. tho rosov chnlr for her, plnces It In a good v . . . 11 11 ! pcsltlon, or light for rending, or A dnzzllng wnvo of golden light, ' whorovor mny be deslrab o. I AIIIU'TL'S CMm A scene of meadows Htocpod In Paronts who nro careful lu train- . 1 8Un: . 1 . 1 , , , , 'Ing tholr children do not tntlnlgo Misses Gladys nnd Alice Ilnr- A whirr of birds on wing for flight, j j,n- (nlk, or gossip, romomborlng rows uitcrtnliiol the Arbutus Club a ii'uiiuiHiiK ounnu linn "' tnnt children got n Inrco part of i-'ridny nt tholr homo In South A sweep of frngllo rainbow wings And dnlnty body poised on lilgh; Think you tho grub hfs messago brings Tho whllo wo seo tho buttorfly7 A sweep of lnBbos drooping low Upon n soft eho k dimpled in, A trombllng arch of scarlot mouth Aliovo n tender cloven chin; A gllmpso of oyes, half brnve, half shy; With laughter hlddou thoro tho whllo; O! think you from hir frown I'd fly If only hIio would sometimes Binllo? : rrtJ ONB'S own homo, In ovorydny II I'fo p ""it p" own rnmiiy their education In refinement by Mnrslifleld. Aftor tho IhihIiichb listening to good conversation. nicotine a dainty lunch wns served. Various gnmes woro nlnved during fy ,l10 nftornoon. In which Helen Stack, I Xl'PTIAIS I I'or-,na Hoffman nnd Hel n I.ococn. a 1 "' a won tho prizes. Among thoso tires-1 Tho mnrrlngo of John O. Million ?nt woro Holon Stnck. Clnrn Ablo.l nnd Miss Dorothon Helen Kruso. ;00lm ,l,of,nml;' I-oronn Horfmtin,' w 1 cli was so omn zed nt tho inmn nf '" . '" . "U,V; v..u,B omi, viiiiuB the V. dny. 0110 of bonutv. Tho Ilov. Pnthnr Mc- - Dovltt officiated. Tho groom was I I'ltOOHKSS fljl'll. nttended liv Mr. Onorco Shorldnn. . -V ' . -------,. wrllo Miss Lnurn Kruso, sister of tho brldo, wns mnld of honor. vhleli wns solemnized nt tho home of "T' i nrr T r,' r,,ail'"I ho brldo's pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. K. " 'HlA k 1 .7 Z 1 Ti' ni,oxtl r. Kruso. It, North nonil Inst WcIiioh- am0 "will 1 o nZ '' ' 3" C'nrft ' 1 Iny, whllo mnrkod by simplicity, wnB A,,, NU" ,l0 ,IOHt(-'S8- ,H wedding breakfast wns Borved nt tho pnlntlnl new Kruso homo, which had been nttrnctlvely deiorntoJ for tho flrrniitnli 'Tlin u'ltilflliiir unrlv 1v Is tho best plnco to l'rnt'V..nud Mra. K. V. Kruso, Mr. nnd Mrs. T'to Progress dull met for n vorr pleasant nnd Instructive afternoon Following tho nuptlnls n doHclouB,0' ch.b woilc .Monday nt tho homo of good iinnors. The linuit or Doing courtcoiiB Hhould bo part of cvory woll-rogulatod life, not from n moro wish to npponr well boforo guoBta or Btrnngera, but nocniiso goon mnn ''red Kruso nnd Mr. nnd Mra. Jna. UnsniuDHun, woro nil thnt wore pres ent. Immediately afterward tho young couple loft for tho nnrtlo cot- fgo on Cooa Kivcr, whero 'ho groat norn nre the ownrd nnd vlslbl? pr art of their honevinoon will bo BlgiiB of Inwanl lclndnesa nnd "- J Hpont. Thoy will bo nt home In tho ccrlty, Ttognrd for tho toolings, rights ' bpnutlful V.omo which the groom has uognni ior n7 '" - ,nt n,i furnished In North Hand nnd clnlmfl of others Is n mnrk or ,,,...,, -r n wollbrcd person. Tho liorson i who ' . ' ' j" . Sort. Uomy. Sr.hc". " ",B. .ft,. .R.l ,'ffl I'llHhed. charming nnd cnpnblo. Mr. H- fl5-fc-L,!-f. ffiE SSrfXo'oSW.a'r-a thnt Ills or bor brcodlng Is plncb- both have hosts of friends whoso Mrp. A. L. Iiutz lu Uunkor I III:. Mra. .1. . liniiBon rend a pa'ier on "Tho Public Jlnrkot Plnco." nnd wiib nsslst cd by Mrs. A lo's'iorger. A dlscusB'oii Mra. Adolspergcr, end n dlscusxlon over the pros nnd conof tho subject formod the roll call. .Mra. Corey will Invo to potior n- the next mooting with Mrs. K, O. Planngan. March 2. In solving tho nfternoon'a refresh inonts Mra Uutz '-ns assisted by Mrs. M. C. Moloney. Thoso attending were .Mrs. Adolaporgor, Mrs. Unrkor, Mrs. ntnko, Mra. Uutz. .Mra. Mnloney, Mrs. McKldownoy, Mrs. Songstnckon, Mra. Tlodgon, Mtb. Upton, Mrs. Corey, Mlsa Sl.vormnn, Mrs. Oldloy nnd Mrs. HniiBon. - I -4 SII.VKU'TKA. l,.tnV liim tn niinra n m 11 nf nonil nt " .. .... m.. wiiiii mr Minni will nn nil rnii mm i rni. rni. .ui i.it . cd for t ho purposo or ticcopiion. in ; ,""";, ':",, " " " ;"7 " . " iiui muius gave n Biivor " fact, n refined Vrson Is never do- "t,.", d in n Sill-' C" ,"1 th h"'" ' Mrs. a. A. Mono-' eelved by Hi.porflel.al liiBlncoro mnn- 11,M" l'r'd" , ,n". Ki f Lnor ? ? '1 'l1 BonM0 tHH WCol I nors. 'V. K,? " '..iii.. Ini' I wn,ch wnB ono t tliu most success- I nAnnlo wl.o.nrn nntiirnllv. lnstlnc- v' Krusc. wis nttlrcd In n tn.l-f nn() (lellKhtfnl of nnv Hmv :xn R llllllll.J. nlliv- . - ,, . I. . !..!.. .........! ,. nm.lin. I)!' II KUWI1 Ul U1MU iivui ill t tiiuiiiiiiiii ii ii t,"'UMO A a 4. courteous miinnor rognrd It n -r flomottilng vory precious, n berl- 7",..,. mT7pVu into of nood breed ng to nnsa on ' im .mi .h.iiihi.. .n .tinlw ..lill.lritti Ami an 111 flin linmn iinrntits hnvo It In tholr Mrs. P. I.. OraniiU wns hostess nnvunr n irlv.i tn Ihnlr unnn nnd TllUlrtdny nftOrilOOIl to "tho Yoilllg dnnghters nn education In refinement Mntrons. A very hnpu nftornoon of nnd to bestow nn unconscious Influ- chnt nnd needlowork wns passod, fol- onco which will ho of ubo nnd pow- towod by tho serving of refreshments or to thorn for llfo tho flno, cour- by Misses Huth Allon nnd Holon toons coiiBldorntlon of otbors. Hush. Mrs. Clnybnugli will ontortaln Hoys nnd girls who learn to ltnvo t'o club next week nt her homo In tho b"st nunuors know thnt thoy t'o Swiiuboh npnrtmontB on North nro not for ubo or Bpoclnl occnatons Ninth street nonr Contrnl nvonuo. or for Biu'flnl iieoplo. but nro pnrt tiioho iiresont tins wook woro .-urn. vnnt. jjr8 prc(1 c wenver jIrSi Jt I5 i hold. Tho houee wra nrettllv ilo-. orntod, ptnslcs nnd vIoIb'h predomln ntlng In tho f oral effect. Tho bos -esses for tho afternoon were Mrs. o. N. Holt, Mra. Donebrnko, Mra. C. M. Connor, Mra. II. K. Coffin. Mrs. J :. Cooloy nnd Mra. C. II. Curtla. but Mra. Connor was unnb'o to bo pres ent. Sowing wna tho principal di version of tve nftornoon. Among thoso onjoylng the event were Mra. 0. ! H. Myers, Mra. Divll Nolson. Mra. K. ' II. Joohnk, Miss Kmmn Swaiison,. Mrs. J. K. Honey, .Mrs. O. S. Torrov, I .Mra. jj. v. Sumnor. Mra. Hny 0111- "PURE GOLD" JKP?j0!k is iflrCT m 'i m Fori, Mra. J. O. Lungwort y. Mr. .1 , C. I3g"leston, Mra. A. n, Wni'-rifi Mra. W. W. Niison, Misses Kucy nnd i Mnry Nnaon, Mrs. Jos. Knotts, Mra, W. Uscott, Mrs. P. T. Preston. Mrs. n II. Snvngo, Mrs. I. GenimtH. Mrs. f W. Davis, Mr. Chaa. H. Curtis, Mra. W. H. Porkltia. Mrs. j p. HoM, Mrs. D. Jonos and son, David Mud;et Joitos, Mrs. A. llunaeu, Mrs . n. Clldlev, Miss M.ttH-.tttw, MUs !rno Woodworth, Miss Wllln IJtnebr'tko. "ofg Honebriko. Master Phll'lp CoN fin, Mrs. 0. N. nolt. Mrs. J. K. Cool oy. Mr. h. K. Coffin. Mrs. Poter Dr Inn, Mrs. I. 6. Smith and Mra. K. A. Hairii. - . I PURE GOLD IN OUR STORE WIIXK YOl.GQ TO IWY JEWRLRV, CAN YOU TRUST YOUR JUDGMENT? IF NOT, YOU MUST TRUST JUST ONE THING THE "REPUTATION" OF THE ESTABLISHMENT YOU DEAL WIT-'. OVR "RBFMRENCS" TO THOSE WHO HAVE DEALT WITH US, ARE WHAT THEY HAVE BOUGHT; OUR REFER ENCES IV THOSE WHO HAVE NOT DEAL'. WITH US ARE THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN OUR CUSTOMERS. JEWELRY MAY "LOON" THE iVA'tf AND YET NOT BE THE SA VE. H. S. TOWER THE RELIABLE JEWELER. MIMICS' AIM' rM'll. i i! On Demand Ten Day's Time Onio io .in I'mi flmvirnifl" cjfniin n ofni'it wltniw vnti pun nninn ivifli i-.i.c:.t. V-'lliCJ JO (III Ull llV.lllCIIH.1 OIUH) II. OHJ V n.iviV- v'vi. v.. a. uv..v niuu V JJ1 L UiPHQn that your clothes demands will be met at once; and where whatever we give must result in your entire satisfaction before wo are satisfied. Years ago you couldn't purchase the kind of clothes wo sell on demand out side of the shops of the exclusive tailors. Jt took an organization such ns The House of Kuppenheimer to bring ready clothes up to their present standard, to put them far above the best tmlnr models in point of style, quality and workmanship and at the same time keep the price down within reason. How successfully all this lias been done will be most evident if .you will but review the more than two score styles for men of every age and every size we arc offering at $18, $20, $22.50, $2(5, $27.50, $30. Other Suits, $8.50 to $18.00. ' TWO STORES Marshfield. FIXUP North Bend. Phone 233-L UWHtTJWJUi HMU I Nb more mall order-goods- for US. yiPlik AWmh Mr. &Mrs. Mail-order: Why write for furniture that may turn out a sad disappointment when you see It? Our store Is right here with the furniture pleasing in design,, durable-, and. well-made. The furniture that you buy from us will not fall to pieoes or. cave in after being used a short while.. Our PRICES are also LOWER than the mail order house will charge you for the same quality. GOING & HARVEY CO. Our 1914 stock of Metal Beds has arrived, See them before buying, We can save you money and give you the latest patterns, priced $3.00 to $20.00 Our spring stock of RUGS Is arriving and never be fore has our line been so complete. Call and see some of the latest in floor coverings, You aro welcome, bomg arvey Co. Complete Home Furnishers Mra. J to t'0 I.i V. Tolnmler who liootpsa r its' Art dull at her -oiiiol H 111 tllO Wl'llnnm niinrtmi.nla vnatnr. i . .. " -V-'' 'Lj imy artornoon. Soolnl dint, curds nnd sowing wirn followed ly 'nntv refrrR,'mentf. Mrs. W, Itosa Smith ngs'atliiR tho lmstons f 11 nervine, Xpt ''rMny Mm. n. C Vnujchan will en tortnln tho club, Thoso oresent yes terday woro Mrs. J. niPtr. Mrs. A. S. Wiuiclinrd. Mrs. n, Curtis, Mrs. Olivia Rdman. Mrs. V M. Five, Mrs. W. II. Folov, Mrs. L. V, Fnlkonstoln, Mrs. V. R. HonR'aivl. Mrs. h. O. I.nnu, Mrs, C. I ariiPDollo. Mrs. K. D. McArthur. Mrs. X. Rnsniusspn. Mrs. W. Hoss Smith. Mrs F. h. Sumnpr. Mrs, D. C Vnue" an. Mrs I m. Con dron nnd Mrs, Clins, Fensler. I SKKVXSA CMMl. I 4 Mrs. V. W I.answorthy wns host of9 to t' o Skonnsn Clnh yostordny nftornoon. Rifr8hnionts wore serv ed nt tio cnnMuston of tho afternoon. All tiie momhers oxcoot- Mrs. Dnna'd OhnrUnn. who Is voIpIoIiik over the hlrth of n son last Sunday, woro jiros ont. Tliev ware Mrs. n. H. Snvauo, Mrs. N. J. HutoUliii and Mrs. M. n. Sumner Mrs. Savie will he hoat-i os to tho club next Friday. ; I I WliSI.HVAX I'AUTV. I To The People of Coos Bay: My new studio at the old stand, the Montgomery Building, Front Street, completely refurnished, re-arranged and with an entirely new outfit of cameras and accessories, WILL OPEN TOMORROW for busi ness. Since the fire destroyed my studio, I have been busy planning and arranging for this new one, which I can assure the public is much in advance of the old one In every way, With improved equipment and accessories, I will be prepared to make even better pictures than before, The public generally are cordially invited to call Saturdayand inspect the new studio, If you didn't come today, come Sunday, Cordially yours, Q uatermass Last Saturijay nvonln members of tho Wolgy Illble Plass at .North (Coutluucd on Page Three.) J QUALITY PHOTOS.