The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 21, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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A clean, vtholcsonic newspaper for
Coos futility homos. The Times has
the largest proved circulation of any
newspaper In Coos, Curry or Doug
las counties.
,,cnd tlio nilvs. In The Times. l,s-
SclflMr lf s"c ls K"'"s ",I0W,I,B'
JLT- More without mi ndr. In The
Times Is handicapped In the race for
"TVVll Kslnhllshcd 1878
VOL XaAVII. us The Coast Mall
A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall
and Coos Hay Advertiser.
No. 183
Telephone, Tclenraph and
Railway Lines raidiy.uu
ana No Car Service
Santa Monica Speedway Ob-
tcd tsrooKs BSUOIIIU
Swollen Rivers
Dr AwhUIH rrr to Coon Ilr Tltnfi.l
So comploto wnH tlio parnlyslB
of communlcntlon with Lob An
geles trial iito nrsi worn iroiu
I that city to lior Bister cities of
I California wns routed oast
I throtiRh Kl 1'nio, northwnrtl to
I Cllcago nnd tlietice hack to tlio
I Pacific const over tlio leased
I wiroi of tlio Associated Press
I ihroncli Knnsns City, Donvor, I
I Salt Lnko nnd Ileno. Later on
I wireless comnuinlcatlnn wns es
tablished. Tlio rainfall In Lob
Angeles for tlirco tlays was over
teven Indies, In nenrby districts
I ten Inches or rnlu fell.
1 One mnii wns drowned nt Al
I hamhra Inst night. At Vlctor
i tllle n liurrlcnno destroyed tlio
i homo of Mrs. Grace Spraguo,
I who wns killed In tlio collapse.
Observation of Washing 'on's Birthday
Ono hundred and thirty years
ago Nowport, H. I., eolebrated
Washington's birthday with tlio
ringing of church bolls, firing of
cannon and decoration of houses
and ships. So far ns known this
was tho first civic colobratlon of
tlio 22nd as Washington's birth
day. Ho was born, according to
tho old cnlendnr, February 11,
1732, nnd ho himself obsorvd thnt
tinte. until his death In 1709.
Now every stnto In tho Union Is
following tho rccommondntlon of
Congress at tho tlmo of Washing
ton's doath that his countrymen
meet on February 22nd nnd do
honor to his memory with fitting
ceremonies. Washington Is tho
only American whoso birthday is
recognized as a legal holiday In all
of tho Btatos and the DlBtrlct of
Columbia, Porto Hlco and Alaska
National Balloon Contest May
Be Held on Pacific
1 Coast.
Ill Auocltthl tr... lo Coot tUr Time
NI5W YOUIC, Feb. 21. Tho Na
tlonal balloon raco may go to the Pac
iric coast this yenr. Portland, Ore
gon, has wired to tho Aero Club of
America that tho mniiiigors of tho
Aununl Hoso Festival thcro litivo de
cided to sot itHldo $3000 If tlio race Is I ni.'M.ivnitAM Wnnb w-i, 91
fe'j! "Morfcd ?!!rlnK fPUr"' W' Sheriff's'' p 'and "r&rSad' tleVe
uvhiiiiiiii uiiiiu IV. 11 id muii'ii uiu
Idea Is rcgardod with favor as tending
to Bttmulato Interest In tho sport on
tho Pacific const. Tho result of tho
Bandits Make Escape After
Shooting Those Who Re
sisted on Great Northern
in Ann laid lTr. lo Coo. JUjr Tlmn.l
lives ini'do nn nttenint todnv to closo
nil nvontics of cscnpo to tho trio of
bandits who hold up Oroat Northern
train no. .inns nt Snmlshn. fifteen
trnco of the bnndlts, howover, has
been lost. Posses discovered tracks
In tho tide flnts and found nn empty
whiskey flask under tho wharf whoro
they apparently conconled thomsolvcs.
Tho theory that thoy boarded tlio
train after It lad been stopped Is not
credited. r
Tho officers bollovo tho work to
ho that of nmntcurs. Tho bandit who
did tho shooting appeared to bo not
moro than twcnty-tivo years of ago.
Ml woro 'ndioB mnBks, which covered
Natlonnl balloon raco determines tho n,nrR B0h of hero Inst night and their ontlro features. The only cluo
"""""' . """" '''. """..""Y'kllle-J throe pus
ntitiiinni?ni'a TM . f f liitfu
In tho contest for tho International. iiniinVn n,n ,iiiiv. ',.,,! n n,n
.. . ................. ...... .. ... ..
1 trophy.
forests In tlio hills or took to tho
water In tho liopo of reaching San
Juan island.
thnt may lead to tho Identification
News of Benton's Killing in t
iviuaiuu hiuusus reeling i
Hlood hounds from Skagit county n reward of $G000 each for tho ban
aro being used In the senrch. All tilts, dead or allvo
IBf Aw IIM I'itm to Ton. II. Tlmm, J
LOS ANOKLES, Fob. 21. (Hy
wireless.) Tliroo days of unpre
cedented rnlnfall has brought six
Southern California counties to n
condition cf comploto prostrntlon.
No wet car
la service. Hlgl
hate prostrated
men ami women lost tholr lives In
the floods since W dncsdny. All
roidi aro ol.llterntod. Fortllo vnl- T, noilondo from San
len nro tonni'nc wntor courses nnu .,.i ti,n ami,,.,,... rr., i,-m.
! lowlands are wldo lakon. Tho nrriv,i in tn.w imti, im.t i.Ip
Santa Monlrn speedway, whoro tho (.nrOOH nilll C()0(1 ..nssonuor lists.
rtc 1 wero to nnvo boon Riven Vos- i. t.i.,.i.. i.r., i.... m ,nn.
..j.. 1... i.. i.u. ,.i mi.. iu '""" """ '" yy lu"a
itiuuj, ma livril uiflllui (lll'tl. 1 liu
comploto 1'roBtrntlon. ..,,,...,,, ..,,,
or rnllrond lines nro HMIONIK) AND ALLIAM K AUK
JkIi w ids and floods IN WHOM HOUTII I1KI1ONI1O
on Inst ll.nlr" llvnq In 1'KIWIIT FINISHING HHOAD-
Owners of Missing Schooner
Francis-; . Abandon Hope Others
Think it May be Saved
(11 AMoclttcxI Prt.. lo Coot nT Tlnirt.1
NEW YOHK, Feb. 21. After near-
Mass Meeting Adopts Reso
lutions Denouncing Wil
son's Policy
Claim Thomas S. Benton Was
Assassinated Villa and
Rebel Leaders Scored
tUr AMoclt1 Prrn lo Cooi lUy Tim.
Ma ..... " IJIJ 1 JtOUi 11I.X.. I I'll. 1 .. . inn ni
1 lYiay urOW Bitter flclnl announcement that William S.
1 nvnnv t'i. 01 m t, h i oxoc,"d by tho Mexican robols nt
LONDON. I-ob. 21 Tho Hrltlsh j,mrcz Tuesday night, tho adoption
i Tn ' .'i" '? noon, ,S".a !ot of rcoliitloni condemning tho United
.inn? nfimJ X 'n rc,Knn tho Stfttf' Onvcrniiiciit for Its handling
SSnmi 'inii'J . h S.Ucnl" ,lt J"nrp "f Mexican affairs at n mass mooting
wi ,llBln,,ctll,K, nln"nior nt hero, an exrnnge of shots between
ti"? n n , .,0,,t,,,ll; from, 8ocro" """'I''"" of tho Thirteenth Unltod
tary nrjnn nil tho Information poB- Stntes Cavalry and n scoro or moro of
Bible. Although tho tragedy has ere- Mexicans, and uncertainty ns to tho
atcd a sensn ion throughout tho Ilrlt- fnto or Oustnv Ilntich. nn American,
fil. ?' B H h.?B not nro"so,, nnv J'1"" nnd two Englishmen. John Lnwronco
position on tho part .of responsibly nnd n man named Curtis, woro tho
members of tho Hrltisli Government dovolopnionts of tho Inst twenty-four
to chnngo their policy In regnrd to hours.
Moxlco. Tliero Is no concealment of i.i'i,, ,..(., 1.. ..i.i .i .1.
wns In tho fact that they loft their tiro fact, however, that the murder incidents sorved o brine nubile fool
overcoats on tho tracK In thulr hnsto.of llrltlsh subjects In Moxlco. unles e 0 n hi 1 ph nml 1. Z
to oHontm. fnllowoil l.v niinlnliinoiil nf llm mnr. "17..,. ' ,K" I"-ll nnu llin 00rjr
. , ... . .. ...... niucia ncency wna engaged in uring-
dorcrs and tho paymon of Indomnlty, nR to light further details.
,'" y .ar?11B0 iV,bm V "i lr? Tl,nl t,10ro wnB n renI c0rt mnrtlnl
n ,mt nllcro ,l wl. !,0")nntl t,mt I" Ponton's enso none on this side of
tho llrltlsh Government tnko a moro ti,0 bonlor rotend to bollovo. Horo.
netlyo part. , , at leant, tho killing of Tleiiton has
Tho London Globo. after asking wl)0(, out whnl0vc? oonfldonco wns
i Is going to happen In caso an In- folt )n villa's nromlses.
v stlgntlon proveB tho guilt or Vllln, At tho nin8'B mcol,nK ,nHt nlght
Hnl.'i. tt.,i..i at..t i.n. f nni.. former Governor Curry of Now Mox-
"Tho United Stales has not only lco nr0Bl,,0( nml resolutions woro
tho responsibility In Its assertion of ,i.,i .....i, i,... 1 ....i
, tlio Monroo Doctrlno, but tho respon- i,,.Mri. ., ni,t.i.tnn.i.i ...i
,.,1.111... !...,... ll.l YTI1l ...! . - ...l' I' IIIUWUUII II1I
niiiiui,v ui iiiiviiiK niiiniuu yiiiii 111111
tho robots with arms, thoroby promot
ing lnwlossness. President Wilson
has gono too far to Bhlnk from go
to escape.
Tho railroad compnny has offered
-nr annnnurnl
Ant ailU
eroay, ins licen obliterated. Tlio nt i.i,,,,.,.,, wiiinii win onniiin tim . V "--"- .............
h teih!"S! j5'sl2- .fr SnlSoro'airSoTSg r, "'s?j: 0r,l,0n
(the first tlmo since Tuosday, but
South Hroadwny. Tho Ilodondo will
tho schoonor Klneo, reported sink-
looked down on scenes of desolntlon. iVriT Momlav """"""" "" lug 100 miles orr tho Dlnmoml SHoals,
tlnn Bnll onriy.MOIldnj. , . . B11fniv i,n benn ir vnn nn
,inL' W tomorrow iUy ' Svr nKentB 'orp. r o revenue
Sua 1'nmcNco Storm a n.ilr tlmHn nrrlvlnu on tho Ho- c,ltt01' orvlco "till bollovs thoro Is
litrAiKi,(.trrioro. n.rTimf..i ' " !!.B ".' nrrlvliig on tno io-)n chlUK0 lho vc8Bol hnB not B,mo
S PRANTlSrO Fob. 21. Ar- I0l1"" W0J?: .. --. ,.. ...' down.
,.. I. T ... t .. I 1 n- T.- IID. Illllllll uunii ....00 '..
C.. ( "."'!"."" T.W flont, J. Tuho, I). W. Hondorson,
ri ,-' k ors" nAdee i T- Kc0 ,wli JW;"-
lnM. .. .i .i. 1 ,. ' K. It. JOIIUM, J!.. JJ. Jiiiiim, u. .mviuu,
...........! ,.,, iiiiinn iiiiiu UI.IHI .I ..
Senate Concurs to Arbitration ,nK'lirthcr
Pacts With Foreign
inr ahouii rv m coo vr Timw.i
WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 21.
Without any amendmontB whutovor
to limit tholr scope, tho Senate, by,
moro than a two-thirds vote, ratified
tho geuoral arbitration treaties be
tweon tl 0 Unltod Staton and Groat
Drltnln, Japan, Italy, Spain, Norway,
Sweden. Portugnl and Swltzdrlnnd.
Phillips, Mrs. F. FJnrom,
Evnns. Whlto Enifle. A. II.
Chubuek, M. Smith, David Junes, A. j
..!.. . T.I..- . . . 11. It.
I ,: T:.,""j:,.. ,ivn:"r...orr"1" U W. Evans. White Eagle. A. II
:.:. .'"". ""ii'i 1 linn, fil.iilin
1 H D I
be int. pCPvnJ,UnP0MLCap '" B. WrliYit m" Clark, It. Walsh I,
XXrZ .""I" "l ..ML0: ,..,. A. Woodbury. Harry Parksoii, Stove'
ih nnt-Mn wnVi.t .. .!.... V.- Fox, M. Mnrguorlgoos, L. iiarc, J.,
... vi.fc!L" ' nBo-nJ,n"',Ln',8.0: Marc. F. Mllor. Jns. Illvor. E. Mltrh-
ft Coai t im v, i; Bii. 1 oil, II. Morrlcon. J. Gnrcln, T. Mul
KtffrV n".f.7""0' "?". 0LW Ion. A. Galto, T. Takls. F. Turle.
Nephew of Former Dictator of
New York Seeks to Es
cape Assassins
(nr Am Ittftl Proa lo Coot llr TltilM
NEW YOItK. Fob. 21. Follx Diaz,
who ho'pod to bring nliout tho down
fall of Madoro, but lator had to floo
heartless" tho assassination of non
ton, chnrgo tho Stnto Department at
Washington "had persistently sup
pressed tho facts concerning truo con
ditions In Moxlco," declared thnt "nt
tho present moment our Govornmont
Is hnrborlng General Salazar, who
hns cnmmlttod outrnges ngnltist our
pcoplo," as well as Maximo Castillo,
head of tho bandit band. Villa wns
denounced In strong terms.
Tho elnBh between tho cavalry and
tho Mexicans occurred Inst night af
ter an nttompt to ruali tho barracks,
man in mexico
AtldlApn HrtAlfl. ......... .a - ... t
im. .' """ "'') 'H II nlllllll- m vrnnot.niiv n n Tlinmns n
HI and tlio Hnntn Vn nil nnpn.vrn,1 . ..'""l "?":'"' ....' . "
fo wihotit. In Telme la Pass ToM--A- W'l80' J iul" ". J.011?"
Wl'h h nHllw.,1 t.v !, twn nm: ?" fli. urapn ik, .v. o. uunuy, .
Itles jointly. Th rnln continued M,,,or' " KnlBl,t-
fWir lOdnv In Vnrlniin nnrln nf Mm -
jWe and hlnh wntor la nsnln tjolnc:
ItVB,.eJ.'ewnoro' Moro lnn two
iwhes fell y stordny In Snn Fron
eiifo, aceomnnnloil tiw r.n.miin,
Mle that cinsed much dnmnKo. A
tZ !,' r u,n r,int dome of thp
r.inoiltlnns Palnrn nt MnnnfnMnr.
r (Ollansoil nml fnll Mir. rt I
Kimlng dnmncn ninnnnttn tn o'n''
K'..oaBt 8h'nPlB la tl'od un'b'vi
!" 1 orm. Them 1- ....U...M.1
in 1 uiiniiiui 1111113
itorm. There
oaE0 along tho waterfront horo. At Least Three of Name
Marshfield Are There
Any Others?
High School Basketball Team
Defeats Coquille by Score
of 18 to 14.
Tho Marshfield High School
basketball team was dofoatod
at Myrtlo Point last night, 23
to 18. Professor Darker, of
Marshflold, was ono of tlio of
ficials and says It wns a good
gamo. Tho floor was Inrgor
than tho ono Marshflold wns ac
customed to play on nnd this
handicapped tho local team,
nounccd that on account of a pro-,, roiu Mexico for his lire, arrived Lore .. , nnmhe rnpmnrll(
vlous ruling mndo, that no horns today frohi Havana. Ho said that he Wl. L. UOUgiBS, rOMICriy a
Tailor Here, Writes Friend
wmilil Iia nllnu'nil unnil nt Mm tmtnn ' liml nn Inrnntlnn nt nllvlntr ill in nni f
Immediately following his nnnounco- with Cnrranta or Villa. FrlontU who
mont North Bond sent nil lior rire-'nccompanlod him Bald ho loft Havana
workH out In ono broath nnd follow- bocauso lio fonred tho hostility of tho
Ing that Howard's ordor was gou- nuorinnos, who nnu matio ono nr-
From Monterey
IB. Amuih Pr. lo r, v TloiM.1
SAN JOSP Pol ri. n t,-i
been fiii;"i;,..i"",- -ilT"""'
mnll. . ,, "" "v. u iiiiuuni. lliri'M-
Fki , ,.for iho ,nst tlllrty hours. Tho
m reenrit nt . -i , n -
MnA.. V" " ",u iurni m
Who Is tho J. C. Jones arrested by
70 nfflpiirn Ql.nimn nml Rllllth Wcilncs-
iIbwi'm J'08 ntos tho rocord . day night charged with drunkenness?
ilrtam. i nV.,r8 ior tl10 season. All That is a question that 1b rapidly
n Valley , taking a placo with tho ono "who
.. .n . . nlll T4-L1 All
Jtt .... mo iuv luuuB. sirucK uuty rauoraoju
areas aro overflowed. Last evening shortly after tho ap
pearance of Tho Times a stranger
j I IB; AjiUt) Vr,,, .. , . , , .
,82, rnnTISr' Fh. 21. -Los
iSftM'1 s WORO woro "off tho
l!ar x , onen'nB of buslnosa to
L.:.. "ire ronimnntnntin.. i- n..
rorrentui V.i l M " re8"'t or tno
W It alnscf l8t forty-
ried of .i 1 lwpo wn8 ox-
or restoring communication
rn"d Btr,0,,, Fob- 21 Tno
ti. i.0?1 notices to thn ffw thnf
" Whl nS-W8 8choonors Oak
m5f ;,,? "Ban will bo sold
lleI at hi 0f,cp"torB In n pub.
office itA;uenorth door of tho nost-
unaPrUdt5rnPyinlted , states Marshal
,lc"er. has ilJ' adm'raHy commls-
h!nce t have been n tho ves-
E" I by th!Pty whals on Hbols
Nln'COmn?ruse & Banks Sh'p-
rw nSPoof.North Dend for
"Ue On thft fxvn VAOOAle.
- .1 w ivuueio,
Tho North Bond bnskotball team
Inst nlcht dofoatod Conulllo, at tho
county Bpat by a bcoyo of 18 to 14,
Tho gamo wns a fast, clean exhibi
tion of good basketball playing and
both sides showed speed ami class
orally oboyod.
Gamo Starts.
Tho gamo started about 8:15.
CoquIUo started , out with a rush
W. II. Harmon Is In rocolpt of a
tn,.i..t in Mil I1U.1 sIiiaa lio lnf Tnrn " ' liarUIOIl 18 III 1
p"r " " ' lottor from M. L. Douglas, who will
no roinoiiiDerod ns Having boon on-
frtfJod In Mm inllrwlttf Imultinao In
Plledrlvei' Out. Tho pllodrlvor MnrHlifinl.i n tnw vnra mm i,
ww.,...u U.....V... wv ....i. it "D",0 ..l .... XTn.,1. llt loilni. In . . . . .. -"" """ "M
and wns rowarqod wnon Orrtllng V , " "h. ' ' V "",""' " now locntoa in monioroy, Mexico.
n.... i. i.. . ...., mi.-'drlvo Roinn dIHiirs for landings near 'ii,r initn- inii,ri n...i o.,-
niiun ii utinnui, uu u luui.
first half of tho gamo found North
Bond In tho lend by a ecoro of
13 to 7. Without an exception
Bowon, of North Bond, mndo ovory
point that was cnaiKcd to its credit
Tho 'drive somo pilings for landings nonr T10 lottor Is Interesting and states
uiu nun uiiiuim wiiiun iiuuouj . num.- mm notwitiisinndiiig revolutions,
or will start thoro soon. iDouglns Is prosporoiiB. Tho lottor
1 Is ns follows:
Ilftiirn Today. Tho Adeline Smith ' Montoroy, Mox.. Fob." 11, 1014.
arrived Jn today from San Fronclsco W. II. Harmon. Marshfield. Orocon.
Tho boglnnlng of'tho second half after a fairly good trip nnd will sail Frlond Wills Hnvo been hero moro
showed a slow-down In tho speed tomorrow morning nt 8 o'clock. Mr. than n year now, and havo not kept
anil .Mrs. a. m. rowers nnu Air. uuu my lyununu m wiuu you mini now..
iior nnvo ueon too busy; hnvo not
of both sides. Conulllo played rath
or fast and was rowarded In tho
middle of the second half when
thty tied tho scoro.
At tho closing of tho second half.
North Bond showed a
Mrs. B, E. Irwin returned on her.
had time, I supposo ovorybody
Wnnts Postofflce. Clyde B. El- thoro thinks terrlblo things about
lintt niiPPHoinnkor nt tlm Coom Bnv ' Mexico from tho reports you eat
lmpqf nt T nml Pilil Rtnrncn nlnnt. In tlio from here. Well, thlnird rnnld tin
This victory makes North Bond tho speed, and made flvo points, making latest aspirant for tho Mnrshflold n llttlo more plonsnnt than thoy aro
champions of tho Coos County HIgn tho scoro 18 to 14 In tholr favor. (Postofflco appointment and Is got- Jimt now. It keeps us Jumping sldo
School League , Ona "piny that caused considerable ting out petitions. Ho Is an old ways to dodgo the bullots, but wo
Trnliilond of Boosters. comment nnd a fow moments do-1 frlond of Sonator Chamberlain, hnvo managed so far to do so. How
That big North Bond special was lay was a member of tho Coqulllo. Among tho others who seek tho Is ovorybody getting alonir In tho
crowded with frlonds of tho North tonm throwing tho uU making a, placo nro F. A. Goldon, Tom Coko burg? Tho wlfo was homo on a
Bond tonm. who wont to Coqulllo basket, after Dr. Morrow had blown
iin tholr nart tho rooting. Enthu-.tho whlstlo.
enmo to Tho Times offlco and saldlslasm wns not lacking at last night's Oordlng, of Coquille, stennod to
his nnmo was J. C. Jones and ho was enme elthor with Til Woodbury of tho center and quizzed Morrow.
a nowcomor, but ho was noi anu
novor had boon arrested for drunken
ness. Ho said an ltom publlshod ex
onerating J. C. Jones of tho Coos
Bay Steam Laundry might lead somo
peoplo to think he was tho man and
ho desired to havo It known ho was
not. Ho said he was not a civil en
gineer but was a stationary engineer
and was a temperance man ana a
prohibitionist. Ho didn't llKO to ue
known ns n drinking man.
Thoro aro now two J. C. Joneses
located who aro not tho ones who
paid the flno to Recorder Butler and
ho makes three J, C. Joneses in
Marshflold unless somo unregener
ato Bons of Satan aro using respected
names for dark deeds. If this Is tho
case Recorder Butler will soon be re
quired to make prisoners produce
birth records, christening certificates
and their registration blanks.
Postofflco Holiday
Monday, Fob. 23 will bo observed
as a legal holiday In accordance
win, tim rpculatlons. by tho Marsh
flold Postofflco. Patrons of delivery
service may call at the
window between 8 and 0
for their mall.
North Bond In tho gallery urging Morrow was firm In his decision,
his irton on and Perry uiwronce, or snying mat no did not mow tho
tho Coqulllo team, with his scoro whlstlo after tho basket was thrown,
of regular college yolls was worth After somo discussion, CoquIUo nl
golng to hoar. Edgar McDanlels lowed tho decision. Many thought
forgot tho destinies of tho nation that Leslie had thrown the ball be
last evening and was son up with fore tho whistle wns blown and
tho rooters pulling for North Bond, othors sided with Dr. Morrow's do-
Mls8 Nora Hngo was right down clslon.
in the front row pulling for Bowen. Tho detail score: Field baskets,
and his team. I Coquille. Kern, lj Leslie, 3: North
Mibs Goldlo RIggs, Eugeno John- Bond. Bowen. C. Fouls, Coquille,
son, D. McLaln and Miss Tola Oordlng. 6; North Bond, Bowon. 6.
Ritchie Journeyed to Coqulllo and The officials were: Clarenco Klblor
played a largo part In tho winning and Oerdlng, umpires: Dr. Morrow,
of the game they wero up In the referee: Chappell and Lesllo, scor
gallery yelling. jrs; Grubbs nnd Howard, tlmetteep-
Wntklns Not Present orB
Wntklns, of Bandon, who was, Many Seo Game,
scheduled to umpire tho gamo, did; Among those who Journeyed to
not show up for some unknown rea-, Coqulllo from North Bend and
son. Tho North Bend team then Marshfield were; Miss Bessie Im
nskod to put ICIbler In. This the mel, Miss Katherlno Mendo, Miss
Coqulllo team objected to, through Holen Mendo, Roy Carr. Miss Mar
Superintendent Howard. After Jorlo Swoarlnger. Miss A. W. Jones,
somo discussion, It was agreed that Oscar Carlson, Floyd Conro, Charles
Klbler would refereo the first half , Burmlster, O. Perkins, H. Gubser,
and Oerdlng tho Beconu. "Dud" Emery. A. ueynoins, a. v.
. l l.. ... .1... nnmmannnmant ' T711n.1 lfunlln nhonnall fllann
JUBt imur IU UIU iuiiiiuvi.hinii,u jiunaiiu, kiuiiiii vinui'i'u,,,
and Frank L, Sumner,
carrier's! of the gamo, North Bend and her Hart, Julia B. Daton, Grace H. Ful-
m. funny noises received a sngnt joit ton, miss uonsianco uianc, u. u.
from Professor Howard, who an- Dana, Miss O. D. nooning, Tom
six-months' visit and has Just ro-
Scttlo Case. Tho caso of tho Coos Talk about girls! There aro flvo
Bay Realty Company vs. Towor to every boy horo. I wish you
Brothers for ?50 commission for could talk Spanish. I could give
soiling tho Orphoum Theater for you a good Job, I am manufactur
thom was settled In Justlco Pen- lng rondy-mndo clothes for a rirm.
nock's court today, Now there Is Wo havo threo stores In tho prln
sald to bo a 6ult ponding over tho clpal cities. Thoy aro paying mo
ownership of tho theater. Tower ton thousands dollars a year that
Brothers havo taken possession la about thirty-two dollars a day. I
ncnin nwlnv in thn fnlltiro of thn guess that boats a shon In Mnrsh-
purchasers, thoy claim, to meet ono field, oh? How Is tho wlfo and
of the payments on tho placo, which
was sold for 51C00.
Miss Olive Richards of Sumner was
tho guest of Mrs. E. Geo. Smith at
North Bond.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Ilodson of
South Coos Rlvor aro Marshflold visi
tors today,
Mrs, Leonard Mnsters of Sumner
Is nttondlng tho Farmers Union meet
ing In Marsh noldtociay.
Hage, H. B. Brlgham, Charles Dur
mlstor, T. B. Osborno, P. Wilson, A.
Anderson, John Johnson, Lloyd
Raab, E. A. Brown, Miss Juno
Young, Miss Dorothy Klblor, Miss
Ethel Olson, J, S. Lyons and Clar
enco Lorden. "
unuyr wen, i won't wrlto very
much this tlmo as I don't
know lf you nro still thoro
or not. Glvo my regards to all my
friends, and don't forgot my girls
Respectfully yours, M. L. Douglas,
caro of M. Clrllo y Cla, Monteroy,
Moxlco. Yo hablo Espanol. Pero
no muy blon; puos la ldloma es muy
IDr AuocUI4 rre.t to Coo rjr Tlmn.l
PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 21 Matil
da Hurloy, known on tho vaudovlllo
stago as Marie Lloyd, was married
hero to Bernard Dillon. When she
came from England to Now York and
moro recently whon she reached Se
attle from Vancouver, she had troublo
with tho Immigration authorities an
account of traveling with Dillon.