The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 20, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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(Continued from PngoOno. )
being given tho desired melody, Fer
rari came down and threatened to
"clean up" on the bunch; Buying Hint
lio "would cut their heartB out." Ho
then testified or liis trip to Gain's
shack, of tho visit of Ferrari In quest
of a gun, of Ills right with Gain to
get tho gun, or Ills going out and
hearing two shots, of Galll's return
nud tho remark: "You fellows hotter
got out of horc, I killed a mnn." Ho
further testified that whllo on his,
way to Beaver Hill ho heard anothor
shot fired.
Ferrari Is Brought 1".
Whllo Bravlno wns testifying Fer
rari was brought In In custody of
J3hcrlff Cage, with Robert O. Graves,
who WAS rotalnod by tho accused to
represent him at last nlght'f) Inquest.
ForrnrI 1b nn Italian by birth and
lias worked In coal mines around
Coos Bay for tho past six years. Ho
aviiB awarded $GQ0Q damages f"r the
JLqss pf a. foot In tho Beaver Hill coal
mine boiho tlnio ago. District Attor
ney LUJeqvlBt was retained at Hint
tlnio as his attorney against the
Beaver Hill initio nnd It was through
tho efforts of LHJcqvlst that ho re
ceived the dnmnges.
After ForrnrI was seated District
Attorney LHJcqvlst continued tho ex
amination of Bravlno.
"Where's Your (Jim?"
John Dompacy, n miner from Beav
er HIU, was tho next witness called
to testify. Ho said: "Wo wore all
standing down by tho rond and J sent
someone to Forrnrl's to get n drink.
Ho scut him back and ho told us If
you nil come up, wo will havo a good
tlnio. Wo wont up and hhd 0110
bottlo of beer when tho fight Btartud.
I don't know how It commenced, but
Bklnny nnd Jim Ferrari wiih fighting.
Wo luft this placo and wont to tho
dock nud heard n little iiuihIc when
Jim nnd n big bunch enme down nud
mndo n fight. Wo started for tho
liouso of Qalll and asked for a lamp
and nftor a few minutes Ferrari enmo
in nnd said: "Whore's your gun,
John?" Onlll would not glvo Mm
tho gun but ho took It and went out-1
sldo. I henrd two shots nud thou
tempted to carry Kelloy to tho liouso.
I carried him n short distance and
wns exhausted. Ho then attempted
to crawl on his belly, nnd Just then
we met the timekeeper. "Was tliero
considerable drunkenness among tho
crew Sunday night?" asked Uov.
Gregg. "Ycb," answered Wilson,
"everyone was pretty drunk."
Poked Poker in Window.
John Gnnley wns called to testify.
"I hnd been over to Ferrari's and
down on tho dock, nnd ho wns bound
ing mo around, so 1 sought to get
up near tho shack to get away from
him. When I got up near the shack
I saw Ferrari through tho window
nnd resolved to rctnllato for tho
tricks and persecutions ho wns sub
jecting mo to. I took a poker which
I had In my hand nnd fired It through
t: o window at hlm, breaking tho win
dow. I then went and hid In tho
brush nnd somcono enmo out and
fired two shots from the parch of tho
shnek. At first I thought they wero
snooting from tho hole which I mado
In tho window."
Fcriiirl Takes Stand.
Jim Ferrnrl, tho accused, next took
tho stand and denied all the testi
mony given by tho othors.' Ho snld
that ho had come to Hcnryvlllc short
ly before Christmas nnd asked for a
Job. Ho further testified that Del)
Hennessey said that ho would' glvo
hlm tho first opening. After hanging
around a week or so he purchnsed a
liouso for $30. At tho end of the
second wcok ho mot Hennessey on
tho rond and reminded hlm of his
promlso that ho would glvo employ
ment. Hennessey thou snld, accord
ing to tho witness, "You don't need
to work. Why don't you, do llko tho
rest of 'em go to selling booze?"
"From that day on I Bold boozo,"
testified Ferrari. Ho denied thnt ho evor hnd n gun In his linnd on
Sunday evening, that ho had mado
any statements threatening bodily
hnrm to anyone, nnd thnt ho went to
anlll's shack to secure n bed for Ills
nssoclntes for tho night. Ho further
stntcd that bo was at his homo when
the shooting occurred.
Miller Brut Witness.
ChnrloB Miller, who lives near
Honryvlllo close to tho scene or Uie
shooting, was tlio host witness or tho
evening for both sides, clearly stat
ing what had happened. Ho snld that
tho gang Hint was fighting Ferrari
wero all down undor tho brldgo when
,ht first saw them. Ho wont down
from his Iioubo nnd asked them wunt
tim trouble wns. Thov nsked him for
n gun. saying Hint they must have
Homo firearm to protect themsolvos.
Mr. Miller testified thnt they wero
all pretty drunk and thnt ho realized
thnt If ho gave them a gun nnd they
"The same price the world over"
We Are Now Featuring
StylePlus Clothes
Inspect the new Spring and Summer
models, and your favorable impressions will be more
than confirmed.
. Buy Them and Secure
Tho rou g h Satisfaction
in style, quality, workmanship and service
value. You can't get more for your money
i.rt. nhiA niiit 1tirtlfwt rti Mm ilnnt
In n llttlo whllo nnd Bald "I killed a H1 any shooting ho would bo guilty
mnn." Ho tried to got moro bIioIIb, or tho crime. He brought tho Bang
but Galll said no moro. i i "" ' D " -
- inr. iiiii uuur uiuv mill uuiiauu huh
' ror rirenrnis for about twenty minutes
Wagner Testified.
Tony Wngnor, n minor employed
at Bonvcr Hill, testified along tho
snino Hues ns tho previous witness
with tho exception that ho saw Dcmp
soy nud Bravlno outside tho Gulll
shack when ho wns Inside. Ho uIho
testified that when Jlmmlu returned
tVoy all disappeared. Ho said tnot
n rollow with n lantern wns stand
ing near tho shack at a gate whom
ho thinks wns ForrnrI, snylng: "Cut
tho heart out of thorn."
1.11 IcmM Does (.'nod Work.
If It wero not for tho timely arrival
"Myrtle Point."
Clothing nnd Shoe Co.
A first-class
in attendance.
Alternations and
pressing free.
with his smoking gun ho said: "I'vo f nuti-int Attorney Llllenvlst rrom
got them." Wngnor then loft for Snlom, tho investigation would havo I
ll.invnt 11111 n.wl unt.s 111... i.l.ll.i .... ... ....... , ... . .. I
iw.v. II o..jn UHIV n " COUCIUUOU Willi 111!) IOIUUHU III 111)
his way out there ho heurd another. ti,ruo mlnem charged with rioting. It
shot. Ho further testified Hint when WIIH mainly through the efforts of
his gang nrrlvod buck at Beaver IIIII, coronor WIIboii and LHJcqvlst that
It was 1 : n R a. in. t ForrnrI was brought to faco a Jury.
O. Bravlno of Bonvor IIIII nlso tes- ForrnrI was taken to Coqulllo to
tlfled that ho was In Glllll's Shack ,l.. i.v it mniitv nffli-nr. whoro bo will
when the shots wore fired and that ,,robnbly bo Indicted for tho murder MnrchfinlH nl Murllo Pnint
ho also hoard someoilo yell from 0f Kelley by tho grand Jury at tho li oiiiiiiu cu myi ul. ruiui
down on tho road: "Don't shoot any A,,r ,erni ,,r drrult court. , I MnrM. Pnnri t
moro you'vo killed ono mnn al- Court lloportcr A. D. Loud tool: IvOrill DCnU ul
ready. Bring u lnntorn .down hero." all the evidence at the Inuuest nnd
Tony Khun of Heuryvllle related the goography of tho country whoro
hor- tho factious started a row early
in tho evening, culminating In ono
grnnd freo-for-nll Inter on.
"I'm Killed:"
' Bort Wilson, a minor nt Honryvlllo,
wns tho next wltnoss enllod. Ho re
latod how tho row started early In
tho afternoon. "On Suday afternoon
I wont up to Ferrari's with a fow
frlondB and whllo wo woro there Fer
rnrl engaged in a fight with Slim.
Wo left tho placo and went down to
tho dock and henrd (ho musician,
nnd then I returned homo. Just as I
jvus about to got Into bod Kelley
came up and said thnt Forrarl wns
tho shooting occurred was simplified
by u sketch of It Hint I'. M. linn
Lewis had pr pared,
Tonight's tho night tho hnskotball
teams on Coos Bay have been look
ing forward to for some time. Co
qulllo nnd North Bond will play at
Coqulllo for tho ehnmplonshlp of
tho county. That's what It amounts
to for tho ono that wins, as both
t ams havo defeated all comers so
far. Marshfield and Myrtle Point
will nlso toes tho bnll around at
Myrtle Point this evening.
Tho North Bond tenm loft on tho
afternoon train for Coqulllo to try
out on tho floor for a few hours be
fore tho game. Tho North Bend
team is In fine shano and should
raising hell and thnt he feared that . ... . , - iu.11irt t thoy loso,' It will not bo for want
Dell Honnessoy was tho victim of foul , LCSS VI0IUIU Cell llllliWKU 0f practice.
nlay. as he could not bo found. I
suggested Hint wo start out and look
for Doll nnd wo did. Wo started ilown
to the rond that passes Gnlll'B shack
Jr. tho gulch, nnd JiiHt as wo enmo to
tho trestle Kolloy suggested Unit wo
turn nut our hat lamps. Just as wo
did someono fired n shot from tho
direction of Galll's shack. Another
shot followed In quick succession,
ono striking Kelley and the of or en
tering my leg Kellev rolled over
nnd shouted "I'm killed!" 1 tried to
pick him up but be wns In such agony
that ho would not let me touch hlm.
I yelled up In tho direction from
which tho shot 1 ltd roino "You'vo
killed ouo mnn and you'd better quit
shooting unit bring n lnntorn. No
body respohdod. however, and 1 nt-
mors Frighten Residents
Early This Morning '
rho Coiiulllo hoys hnvo not been
overlooking nny bets nnd linvo boen
training very hnrd for tho past
week. Tho North Bond team rto-
routed Coiiulllo bv a scoro of 14
iiir Mu.o.uic.1 rrr.. m - ruj Tim.) ( ,ft laBt pr(jfty ovonlng.
11KNO, Nov.. Feb. 20. A sorlos or in order that North Bond will not
earth shocks occurred hero botweon b without Its rooting section, tho
2 and 1:0(5 o'clock this morning, nnd special train chartered for tho oc
inuity people, nwukoned by trembling cnsion will lenvo for Coqulllo to
fnuudntlnnH mid rattling windows, night nt 7:. 10 loadod with enthusiasts
mndo tor the opon. No one was In- nnd friends or tho North Bond team,
lured ami little dauinuo was done. The spetlnl will return to Marsh
Tho oscillations wero rrom north to
8outlv nnd woro not so vlolout as
t' oho or Wednesday.
XOUTU REND Concert Band,
MAKQI'KIIADE Dnnco, Fohrunry 21,
Held Imuiedlntoly after the gnmo
and should arrive In Marshflold not
Inter than 11:15,
Llbhy COh. The kind YOU hnve
ALWAYS USED. Phon-i 72. Pacific
l.lvnrv nml Trnnsfn- Company
To The People of Coos Bay:
My new studio at tho old stand, the Montgomery Building, Front
Street, completely refurnished, re-arranged and witli an entirely new
outfit of cameras and accessories, WILL OPEN-TOMORROW for busi
ness. Since the fire destroyed my studio, I have been busy planning and
arranging for this new one, which I can assure tho public is much in
advance of the old one In every way,
With improved equipment and accessories, I will be prepared to
make even better pictures than before,
Tho public generally are cordially invited to call Saturdayand inspect
the new studio, '
Cordially yours,
Clean-Up Sale in All Departments
Ladles' Cashnioro wool union
suits In gray and whlto. Fop
morly $2 and $2.50. (J.
Now only
Ladles' gray fleeced vests or
pants. All sizes. 50c nud 9fl.
C3c kinds. Now UUb
Ladles' samplo dresses In
whlto only. Mndo of Marqui
sette, voiles and lingerie, beau
tifully trlminod. Formerly
$0.50 to $10.00. flrj op
Now only , . .ifJUiUU
Ladles' finest cnsliiuoi'o hoso,
75c kinds. VI Q
Now 40b
Liullos' wool hose, formerly
.15 cents. 00
Now CLb
Children' black cashinero hos;.
Formerly il5c, 0K
Now Zu b
Children's grny or whlto un
derwear. All sizes. Formerly
to 10 c.
Men's wool ovorshlrts. Vnr-
loty of colors, forinor
ly $2 and $2.25. Now
'nrloty of
fluo wool
colors; all
beBfof quality, for- (tn np
merly $1.50 to ?S.',bO
Ladles raincoats, good quali
ties, In tan, navy, black. For
merly up to $10,00.
Now only
lCxtrn special reductions on
nil blankets, comfortors, bed
spreads, towels, sheets and pil
low cases.
Irving Block, Next to Chandler Hotel
Satisfaction nlwaj's or money rcfuidctl.
Central Avenue
Secretary Daniets Wants to
Appoint 50 Enlisted Men
to Naval Academy
1 (Or AmckIiIM rre.i lo Cooa liar Tlmu,
WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 20,
To encourngo young men to enlist
In tho navy, and bolng In tho navy,
to study hard to advance themselves,
Secretary Daniels has proposed a bill
authorizing him to appoint annually
fifty enlisted men to tho naval acad
emy ns midshipmen Tho appoint
ments would be mado competitive,
with requirements of a two year service.
Those who have been following
the fortunes of Bob Fltzslmmons,
recently say that ho Is showing great
form. Tako It from Fltz himself
that bo can lick tho present crop
of whlto hopes nil In ono ring.
Presbytorlnn Church will serve a
CHICKKX DINXF.K at tho Swedish
Lutheran Hall, at Third and Com
mercial, beginning at 11 o'clock on
SATUBDAY, February 21. .50 cents.
Children 25 cents.
LAND. Oscnr Gulovsen, of Johnson &
Gulovson Co., returned yesterdny
from Portland, whoro ho has been
purchasing furniture and met a
number of representatives of tho
large Eastern furniture manufac
turers. Ho reports that everyone
was hopeful ovor future business
prospects and manufacturers re
ported an Increased demand for their
Fresh GARDEN TRUCK at Olll-
vnnt & Weaver's. Phono I0t).
All union men. holding n paid-up
card In any labor organization affil
iated with the A. F. of L.. nro Invlf.
ed to tnko part In tho Labor Council
siuuKur on bimtiay mo sznu at 2:30
p. in. In Odd Fellows' Hall, Marsh
field. Bring your cards.
(Signed) Thoo. Meyer, Pres.
H. Landles, Sec'y.
Hnro All Guaranteed and I
placements Made in
... . . t,.IaV
which guarantees all ca'r,
rrom ueiecis """". tDni
mnnahln nnrt will DlSKe S
part or parts that wow gj
In ono year, applies dltectiy
ronresontatlvos." BSltl 1. ." .n
:..'. . .I...J t mile "
turn morning, "". ,enti I
placements and adjustmen
uiateiy ngiii """, f-ctorr.-"
without sending to the f
might placo a wrongly j
on mo buuouiKwv -- w r
effect that the in"" -- u, w
Hiese parts, whlet'stra
lory uouh ovom..v p,!, .
their representative. H
mediate replacfraent oi $$
n., ,vntini? factory l?S.1T. Sl
?!?. &$&
any replacement Is made w
medlntely. You can
statement as strong
statement as ", v-.
guarantee:," concluded
Tmimiri-TiV Ql.
Times Want ads hrlnS r