IfeSfcnjdaiflWfcSas THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELC, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FIVE- Ccrrriffc "in A WA SiriNG TON 'S Bl ftT 1 1 DAY G RE ETJ NCr TUTS is n good occasion to express (o our friends our appreciation of the good-will shown toward us in the past. As we come to the season when new clothes will be required, we want to say to you that our Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes suits and overcoats are better than ever; we shall have a much finer showing of these fine goods than usual, and shall offer better values than ever. All Clothing and Shoe Co. Front gtivt'l, MmMiUi'ld, Ore. Watch Our Window ''Saturday Specials liter's New Confectionery WILL HE Open Soon l'ATC" ron opkxixg AXVouKnPMPvm a-.uujCEMENT fcluffbtr tc Uut Suits and overcoats $18 to $50. clothing purchased in this store will kept prciscd free of charge. - Woolen Mill Store Thrs store is the homo of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes Notice! To thu peoplo of Mnrshflold, especially tlio working man; It Is vary Important that you should all know that tlio high cost of liv ing In tlio past two years has boon entirely too high for you to nffonl to buy moat moro than onco or twlco a weok. It la JiiBt a . short time ago tho tariff was taken off of beef. With this comeB -, tho reductions of prices, thus enabling ub to offer you moats from 1 two to flvo cents a pound cheaper, bringing It within tho bounds ' of ovory man's pocket, that ho may enjoy n moat that heretofore lias been a luxury. POIL1NG MEAT, per pound . . . POT ROAST, por pound . . . shout inns, ' . pqrpound . w . T-HONE STEAK, por pound . . 121c .14c .12c .20c SMOKED K ..llG ZIG HAM, lb to Also a full line of smoked, salted and fresh fish. Fourier Brothers Front Mrect, Mni'hhflold. Phono Ulil. The Royal tONIGHT Entire change of program. Mildred Koonlg will be Just ns good In this change as she Jias In all the others. Miss Lois Powell In two now songs. Eight reols of pictures. Mission Dolls." A talo of South ern California, whon tlio aioiiKs reigned supreme. Two reels. "Naval Review In New York Har bor." Tho Iron Monsters or de struction can bo seen to good ad vantage In this picture. "Tho Note In tho Shirt," A Western comedy that fairly sparkles with fun. Two reels. Moosohart. A picture every loyal Moose should seo. "A Houseboat Elopement." An othor laugh producer. "A Tide In the Affairs of men." A Western drama. "His Last Gamble." With that sterling actress, Pearl White. Admission, lowor floor, 15o; bal- cony, 10c. be Important! HECHEWfiSTl PRIME nm ROAST, ..18c ..16c ..18c t20c por pound ROUND STEAK, por pound LOIN STEAK, por pound PORTER HOUSE STEAK, por pound HOME-CURED IMCON, per pound 25c Saturday Special 9M;-inch extra deep Im ported China Salad Bowl 15c, These' salad bowls are beautiful floral decora tion and you couldn't buy them dlsewhere for less than 75c, Only one sold to each adult attend ing, 'Always Something New' Peoples 5!Lc Stores I Marshfield Myrtle Point i Hnndon TIDES TOR FERRUAHV. . mow Is gfen tfe tl.no and Ulptu of nigh 11 ud low water at Ml rn title Id. Tin- tides nro placed tu tho order of (.M-iir'ence, with their times on the first lino and heights on tho second line of each day; n compar ison on consecutive heights will lndicato whether It Is high or low water. i'or high writer on the bur BiibRtrncl 2 hours 34 minutes. 20 Ilrs. Ft. . Ilrs. Ft.. Ilrs. Ft.. 0.01 4.2 1.00 4.5 1.11 4.8 2.19 5.0 2.51 , 4.52 2.S C.03 2.5 G.50 o o 7)44 2.0 8,23. 1.7 8.59 1.5 0.33 1.4 10.00 1.0 10.39 0.9 11.00' 5.7 12.08 5.7 1.00 5.9 1.45 5.9 .. 1.54 5.9 3.03 5.7 3.37 5.5' 4.13 5.3 4.49 5.0 C.03 0.0 G.54 0.1 7.37 0.3 8.14 0.2 8.47 21 23!Hrs. Ft. . Ilrs. l L fi.2 0.0 Ilrs.. 3.18 9.17 Ft. r.r 0.2 Ilrs., Ft. . , Hrs. Ft. . , Ilrs., Ft... 3.43 r.c 4.07 n.7 4.32 n.7 u.-il 0.5 10.07 1.4 & I WEATHER FORECAST I inr AinocU'oJ I'rrti lo Conn l)r Tlmrn.l I OREGON Cloudy; probably ( rain; southeasterly winds. I LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD I For tho 24 hours ending nt I 4:43 11. 111., Fob. 20, by Hon. I Ostllnd, special government me I tcorologist: Maximum 58 Minimum 40 At 1:43 n. 111 40 Precipitation 20 Precipitation slnco Sopt 1 1913 44.SC Precipitation same period last year 43.02 I Wind: southeast, cloudy. nun Afwut n. ll. iorlnr. alias Jnck Drfylo, was tho only offender last n Klit. Ho Had only 95 cents and ho was released on promlso to pay $5 flno Intor for holng lutox- Icuted. Wlfo nt Sprliiirflolcl. Mrs. Dort Wllson. whoso husbnnd wns slight- !ly hurt In tho shooting nffnry nt iHonryvillo Sunday night, Is visiting nt the E. II. Shnhan homo nenr Springfield, Oregon. I GcIh Company. Special' Agont .Tlckoncr, of the Flromon's Fund Flro lusurnnro Compnny. Is In 'Mnrshflold nnd has arrangod to Jiavo E. I. Chandler linndlo tho local nconcv of tho comnnny. 1 GIvoh Ciniprt.-Mmo. Randal, who rccontly gavo a successful re cital at tho Marshflold Norwegian Lutheran Church, npponrod In Our ISnvlour'H Scnndnnnvlnn Evnngellcnl 'Lu thorn n Church In Snn Francisco iFohrunry 15, nnd tho Chronlclo snys sho scored a big hit. ml wlfn nml phllil. nt Trnver. Cnllfornln. I will nrrlvo tomorrow on tho Rodon- l(io. .Mr. .10 lieu is ii uruuiui 111 .1. C. Jonos and J. D. Jones of tha (Coos Hay Stoam Laundry nnd will ,ba associated with them In tha manngomont of tho Institution. l)imni",ij Homo Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nolson sustained qulto a Ivjt of damauo when tho Haines houso on. Hall nvonuo, which t'ev occupy, wns floodod ns a result of tho drodgo Se- attlo's onoratlons In that vicinity. Thoy had to movo most of titplr .'ii'f ort the nrsi noor ns tno wnior wns several Inches deop thoro. locates Cimips. W, M. Kulsor of Hoiisor & Ilousor has selected tho sites for tho four now camps whlo'i ho will establish betwoon Sand Point nnd Ton Mile to ruirti tho railroad construction work. Ono will bo about n inllo nnd a half north of tho Snnd Point work, ono on t'-m V I Hnln son ranch, ono on tho D. M. Rezln ranch nnd tlio other one Just out of Lakcsldo. Not Laundry Join. Tho J. C. Jones who was fined In police court irflolAfilm. la lintttrr RHHfflll llV Mnil- ngor J. C. Joiioh of tho Qoos nnyj Stoam Laundry, who hnH n fow nonos ;to pick with him. Evor slnco tho item camo out 111 wu uMr juih J. C, Jones holng fined, Laundryman Jones has boon kopt busv oxptnln lng that ho wns not tho Jones that wns in Jail. Tho J. C. Jones who was flnod Is a rocont nrrlrnl nnd claimed to ho a. civil engineer. Gih'h North. F. A. McClees and family will loavo tomorrow for Alaskn, whore thoy will mako their homo. Mr. McClees has takon tho nconcv for tho black sand gold min ing machines In the first Alaska district nnd will try. and market thorn thoro Ho will take two ma- chines. The mnchlnes nro to bo built horo, ns they cnn bo shipped from here to Juneau for $18 apleco. They nro making 100 horo now In nutlclpntlon of many orders and are also planning to mako a big ma chine about ton times as largo as tho present ones, with a view to handle grnvol instead of sand. In Portalnd A most pleasing high-grade hotel that is uniquely "dif ferent" and homelike. Equally pleasing are the economical prices, In the heart of Portland's interesting and essential points of business and social life, European plan from $1 ,00, American plan from $2,00, 11th just off Washington St. Send for illustrated folder FRIDAY Thlmblo Club with Mrs. M. Q. Coleman. Skcnnsn Club Ladles Art Club with Mrs. Telander. Jolly Workers with Misses Gladys and Alice Burrows. Excelsior Club with Ernest Drews. SATURDAY Christian Sisterhood Colonlnl Ten nt tho homo of Mrs. R. A. Copplo. Mnrshftcld Rand Danco nt Englcs Hall. Marshflold Firemen's Ilnll. PERSONAL NOTES A. VALLAEA left on tho stngo for uosouurg toduy. MRS. GOULD, of Allcgnny, Is shop ping nt MarsliflcliI todny. C. II. WOODARD, of Sumner, Is In Mnrsiirielu ou business today. E. K. JONES Is making a business trln to Curry county ths weok. M. J. OALLI, of South Inlot, Is nt I MnrshftPld today on business. v. a. UAUW, or Aiiegnny, wns n business visitor In Mnrshflold to day. 0.0 .MRS. REN SMITH, of Coos River, In AA1 l ..l-lil t..i . .mtti Is visiting friends nt Mnrshflold todny. MISS THELMA DODGE, of Coos River. Is n visitor nt Mnrslirlnlil today. . MISS MILDRED COKE has returned from n vIbU with friends on Catch ing Inlet. FRED SMITH wns n lmssoiiKor on tho Mnrshflold-Rosoburg stngo for itosouurg todny. MRS. A. KROMMINGA. of Coos River, Is visiting friends nt Marshflold todny. MRS. A. O. ROGER8 nnd dnugh- tor, of Coos River, nro visitors nt Mnrshflold todny. MRS. MARY RANDLEMAN has re turned to Heaver Hill nftor u brier visit In Murshflold. MISSES DORIS nnd Glndys Howard of North Inlet, nro visiting friends at Marshflold toduy. FRED KRUSE was down from his 1b- I thmus Inlet homo 'yesterday 0u ' ImihIpph" nnd iile'isuro. F. E. WESTERRERG loft for Myr- .".0 romi huh uuimaon 10 visu "Is brnnch store tlioro. MRS. JOHN MESSEHLE, of Cntch- I '"K Inlet, Is on n shopping expo- 1 iiiiiuu ii. itinrHiiiiuiii loiiny. MRS. A. W. OLSEN, of North In- ". wns n imsspngor on tlio North Stnr for Marshflold todny. MRS. W. 11. PIPER, of North Coos JJlYr. wnB passongor on tho I Unlnhow for Marshflold today. I R. O. GRAVES has moved from tho Ponnock houso on Central aventio to n btini'ntow In Firs'' Addition. MR. AND MRS. JAMES LANDR1TII nnd son, of Coos River, enmo to Marshflold on tho Rnlnbow to- 'lay. i-j'j i rjic .MiKiiASUUii mil yosioruny for Ton Mile, whore ho will spend n day or two on business and plonBiiro, L. A. HUNCH, who hns boon em ployed nt tho Smith-Powers camp on South Inlet, cnino In yostorday for a short stay. MR. AND MRS. OILHERT STECK EL returnod front n visit to tho homo of Mrs. S. C. Spooncr on Catching Inlot todny. nkil WATSON was, In from his Coos City ranch yestordny on buslnoss nnd to secure a nnlr of evoulnsBos. his vision having been troubling him lately. MRS. FLQ JOHNSON camo In from Remoto yostorday to attend tho funeral of 'hor hrothor. John Kol loy. which was hold yestordny from tlio Mnrshilold Catholic church. CAPT. URITT wns up from tho Coos Iny ufo saving Stntlon yesterday on business, jjo ln8 not had any rocont advices concerning tho re moval of t' 0 station to tho pro posed now location. A. F. HART returned toduy from n' visit to Coqulllo nnd Hnndon. AMr. Hart will loavo on tho next Redondo for Snn Francisco, Ho Rays that wlillo Ills homo la thoro ho fools that Coos Hay Is his real homo, nnd ho shall nlwnys fed that tho host associates of his oxnorlmiro nro to bo found on Coos Day. ' - -"-- WILL DU.nGAN Is hbino from a trip to Coqulllo Vnlloy towns, whoro ho was convincing tho pwplo who hrvo boon complaining of Insomnia Hint tho ronl renson thoy wero not stooping wo'l was liocauso thiy woro not resting en Coos liny mado mattrossos nnd springs, Ho sprung qulto a few of 0 em. At Hnndon ho had qulto a chnt with Rol An derson, who Is now nhlo to bo up nnd around In good shape after his marvolons rocovory from tho In juries sustained ovor n yonr ago In ho H'mr Creek wreck, whoro half a dozen woro killed. Tho skin grafting which Anderson un derwent wiw a perfect success. AMONG THE SICK Mr. ond Mrs. Gentry, of Heaver Hllf, arrived at Marshflold today to consult Dr. Housoworth about tho honlth of their infant son. Thomas Wilson, of Myrtle Point, Is nt Marshflold for a fow days. Ho has boon sick for some time, OLLIVANT & WEAVER'S for nil kinds of FRESH FRUITS nnd VEG- ETAHLES. Phono 11)1). SAV E MONEY ON YOUR GROCERIES BY PLAC- ING YOUR ORDERS WITH THE PORTLAND GROCERY CHOICE LEMONS Per do011 CHOICE ORANGES. Por do.eii .30c Portland Grocery Store Phono ordeiM to ll)i!-J. Next door lo Postoffleo I1D7 Houtli Rroudwny j WANT ADS. ) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I 1 LOST I LOST Gold link lirncolet. .Reward for return to Times office, FOUND f , - FOUND Lndy'n kid glove, enn bo nnd at Timos ornco uy uoscriujns property and paying for this no- tlce. FOR SALE Ecus for Imtcliliijr. White Orpington, Rhodo Island Rods, White Leghorns. Phono 124-L. WANTED WANTED Girl for general liousc work. Mrs. Ward M. Ulnke, 0C5 South 5th street. WANTED 9IIOO. 0110 lo two yenra tltuo, on rosldenco proporty. Ad dress "Cash," TlmcB office HOARD AND ROOM Mrs. K. M. Johnson, 230 Mnrkot nvonuo, 20 per month. FOR SALE FOR SALE No. I pliuin; cnn bo Inspected at Hon Smith's, 301) I'ark avo. 250, one-half cash, rest In monthly payments, L. M. Hosolton, Mnrshflold. FOR SALE CHEAP Ono lady' driving mnro, rubbor tlrod buggy nnd harness; also two flno blood ed driving colts, full brothors, coining threo nnd four yonra old. Phono 310-L. FOR SALE Town, wagon mid hnr- iioss. Enqulro R. n. irnrnos, uay City, P. o. Hox 040. FOR SALE Lot for nolo or tmdo on Ninth stroot. Inqulro nt 401 Ninth stroot South. FOR HALE lllood nnd fov hound puppies, two months old; will mako fine traitors for bear nnd wildcat. $25.00 pair. Address 13. O. Swodborg, Stockyards Stn., Donvor, Colorado. FOR SALE Furniture of sovon rooni houso; nlco location, house far rout. Inqulro 173. Elovontb street West. FOR SALE Furniture of l()-roon house, .409 North Ilroadwny. Phono 1CC-X. I FOR RENT FOR RENT Motion! Mv-rooni Iiouho on Central nve. Inqulro Mrs, Far ringer. Phono 380-J. RANCH FOR RENT on very llbernl terms to the right party. Splendid chnuro for stock and potatoes. Ranch, caro of Timos. FOR RENT Two room fiirnlHlied for housekeeping. 1G3 S. 2nd st. FOR RENT Large house oA Soiilh 11th street. Phono 1'19-L., or ie A. D Campboll. U you have anything to sell, rent, trade, or want help, try a Want Ad In The Times. , Times Want na bring results. Call 141 if you want your order fill" ed quickly and correctly from the best grade of drugs and sundries, i The Store of Quality Goods and Penslar Remedies TTTxjTvVrslVSrVTvffAllnfl r f me3 want ads I The Times want thoy go after. ads get what Nortonia Hotel "woriunity, Th Tlniea 0ffico. The Times office. IE