THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY7 FEBRUARY 20, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FOUR MtrtiijiiiwiiHinn '' m ubimimiii 1 '!' , "L.. "A M",'.1 '" i ' ' '"'""",1","1.', I 11 ijjWlTMliu r L t . 1 1 M ASHON SF EDICT 15 Fat Man to Look Slim and Lean Man to Look Other Way in Subdued Colors PORTLAND. Or., Fob. 20. Moro man who dcBlres to dress In tlio holght or fashion this spring will affect subdued colors. Ho will havo his clothes cut on the- simplest lines whllo his tailor will endeavor to glvo him an nppearanco of tallness and nllmncss and shapes his gar ments accordingly. London, the sartorial arbiter of tho world, has decreed It. Now York has tnkon it up and modified tho stylo to suit American conditions. Tho rest of tho nation will follow New York. K. S. Ervln, who has Just return ed from n flvo weeks' visit In tho East, characterizes tho forthcoming men's fashion mandates as of, bo coming simplicity. "Nothing but tho most BUbduod colors and patterns in flno woolens nro boing worn," ho said yesterday. "Dark grays, green or blues but nothing light. Tweeds aro only be ing worn on outing occaBlous. Coats nro boing cut snugly with no pad ding and closoly fitting over th ' shoulders. ThoUBers nro boing worn with n cuff. Everything Is boing cut to glvo tho man nn appoarancu of smart sllmncss. Whllo tho coat mny bo cut shorter than tho nvor ago box coat of this past fall and winter, by raising tho pockets ami putting n long vont In tho bark, tho trlmncsB and sllmncss of tho figure Is onhnnced to a degrco that Is most Btrlklng. "This particular cut minimizes tho stoutness of a stout man and adds greatly to tho nppearanco of a tall man. Kvorythlng Is plain. Tho mon In Now York aro all wear ing plnln whlto shirts and plain black dorhys. Ilrlght colors nro tn boo. l'laln walking sticks In the natural wood aro tho thing, with malnccas tho most popular varloty of wood. "Tho dross coat Is boing cut very open nt tho front, tho oponlng Tiolnr almost as wldo as tho front of the waistcoat Instead of almost mcctltir ns was recently tho stylo." As for women's stylos, Mr. Ervln throw up his hands. THE SHORT BOLERO-LIKE COAT ONE OF THE NEWEST WHIMS WOMEN'S HATS SMALL itf Spring Hcndiuvtr I Described Helm? Tiny. PORTLAND, Or., Fob. 20. "The now lints Hit up on tho head like peanuts on end. Hnts nro no longor flinnll; llioy nro tiny, Instcnd of hugging tho bond tho wav they have tlin last thrco seasons, tho hnts nro going to flaro up, showing tho fore bond and hnlr." This from th buyer, who rorontly returned from Now York, whoro ho Bolectol nil sorts of lovoly things for tho Port land woman. Continuing, bo said "Tho two dominant notes In mil Unary ns exemplified by the smart Gothnmlto nro Jot nnd pompons. Not In ten yearn has thero boon such p rovlvnl of tho tlmo honored nnd al wayn beautiful Jet. Wholo hats nro mado or the brilliant, glittering stuff. Tho pompon has alBo conic Into Its own ngnln. They nro mndr of foathors, often tipped with scln- lllatlng bendH anil Jot. Ah Is always the en bo In early season hnts, black Is most populnr now, but tho rain bow hues nro In sight with moro brilliancy nnd urnuty thnn over bo forn, tho brighter tho blues, ptnks, yellows, lnvonders nnd reds, tht moro In domnnd thoy will bo," con cluded this soor In millinery lore NO CHANGE IX 1011 STYLES I .4 Wo find on looking through tho new seed fashion books that thero will be llttlo radical changes In tho stylo of vegetables tho coming son son. Rod will bo tho fnshlonnble color of tomntoos and cucumTiors will still wear green on tho outside. Turnips will affect blue tons nnd grofn will bo tho enrly stylo In corn nnd-pens. Strawberries will continue rod. NOTED WHITER OX DRINKING All tho beauty of tho gracefully drap ed peg-top would bo lost If (i long coat wero worn, therefore wo havo tho short coat Tho favored model Is cutaway In front nnd forms a. rounded point In back. Somo nro cut with kimono alcoves; otlierw Imvo tho sot-In slcuvo. Tho coat shown In 8137 has a sot-In, three-quarter slcovo and la slightly draped In front. Tho matorlnl Is ma tolasso In n dull green; tho skirt Is of duvetyn In tho mma Bhado of gnun. A narrow edgo of fur outlining tho collar, cuffs nnd bottom of tho coat glvo a smart touch. The skirt Is a design that may bo mndo In ono or two pieces. Tho full ness Is urronged In soft plaits at tho waist. This coat, 8137, may bo copied In slzo 3G with 2U yards of 42 Inch ma torlal. Tho skirt, 8101, requires 2 yards of 42 Inch material for slzo 24. An extremely Mmart design In sorgo for a young lady Is shown In 7813. Whllo It Is comparatively slmplo It Is suved from plainness by tho yoko on tho skirt and the unuHunl collar. Thoso draped collars nro becoming very pop ular, nnd ono of tha newest materials to mako them of Is whlto organdie. Although thin material never looks as well after being laundered, It Is ex tremely dainty whllo fresh, nnd sever al chemisettes and collars may bo had with each frock. Tho long ribbon sash Is n pretty touch to a dress of this description This ono Is of broended velvet ribbon showing several bright colors. In slzo 18 this dross mny bo copied with 4M yards of 30 Inch material with 1 H yards of ribbon for tho sash. No. 8137 sizes 34 to 42. No. 8164 sizes 22 to 32. No. 7843 sizes 10. 17 nnd 18. Quch pattern IB cents. To nbtnln elthor pattern Illustrated All . out this coupon and encloio 15 cents In r" D1I stamps or coin. Ho sure to stnto number Name of pattern nnd slzo, measuring over tho Address fullest part of tho bust. Addnss Pattern Department, care of this paper. Jffi ' " l"'" n f r0Ln I'D g J'JC0. not. Looking nt the. matter from nP Its nnglos I nni convinced that the host thing I ovor did for myself wnf' to quit cinniung. i will go furthor tlwin Hint and say it Is my tiiinltor nblo conviction thnt alcohol, in any form, ns n bovorngo novor did any thing for nny mnii Unit ho would pot hnvo boon bettor without. "I ran now sit- back nnd contrast tho old gnmo with tho now. The oompnrlBons fall under two gonornl bonds pkyblcal and montnl. Tho ph) steal gain Is bo obvious thnt oven thoso who hnvo not experienced It ndmlt It, and thoso who hnvo exper ienced It comment an It ns somo mlr nole of health that has been nttnlned, Any mnn I do not caro who ho Is who was tho sort of n drlnkor I was, wo will Fton drinking long enough to get cooled out will fool so much bettor In every way that ho will bo bard put to It to glvo n teason for over boglnnlng again. Take, my own caso; I was fnt, wheezy, urlo-ncldy, gouty, rheumatic not organically bad, but symptom ntlcnlly Inferior. I wns never qulto normnl--no man Is normal who has n fow drinks each day, though most mon boast thoy woro nover undor tho lufluenco of liquor in their lives, nnd nil that sort of touiiuyrot and never qulto up to the mark, "Now I wolght ono hundred nnd olghty-flvo pounds, which Is my nor miil wolght, for that Is whnt I welghod when I was twenty-one; nnd I hnvo not vnrled flvo pounds In moro than two years. I used to wolgh two hundred nnd fifty, which Is the result of our friend Pilsner boor nnd tho ucsl doctors In thuso United Stntes cannot discover whnt It Is. My eyo Is clear Instead of somowhnt blenry. I havo dropped off ovory physical burden and Infirmity I evor had, and I am In tho pink of condl-1 tlon. I hnvo no fear of heart, kid neys, or of nny other organ. I bnvo no pains, no aches, and no heaJ In tho morning. I sleop ns a woll man 4 linoiiKi sieop nuu I cat as u wuii man sloulil eat. I nni forty-flvo years old nnd I fool ns If I woro twonty and I am, to all Intents mid purposes, physically. So much for that side of It. Men tally I have a clearer, saner, wider view of life. Alcohol nnd the Toll It Take. And lot mu say another thing: Ono of tho roaBoiiB I quit was becaiiBo I noticed I was going to funerals often r than usual- funerals of friends who had been living tho snmo sort of lives for theirs ns I had been living for mine. They began dropping off with Ilrlght u disease nnd other af fections superinduced b alcohol; and 1 took stock of that fc.tturo of It rather earnestly. Tlio f literals havo not stopped. (Thoy hnvo been moro frequent In the past threv .ears than in tho three years preceding all good follows, happy convhiai souls; but now dead. Some of them tl night I was foolish to quit', too! And thero nro a fow casos of .. rd enlng nrtorlcs I know about, and a considerable amount of gout a d rhoumntlsm, nnd somo other iilu among tho guy boys who Japed at in for quitting, Gruesome, Is it not? And God forbid that 1 should cast up Hut If you quit- It In tlmo thero will bu no production of albumen and sug ar, no high blood pressure, no swol len big toes nnd stiffened Joints. If l.enlth Is u desideratum, one way to attain n lot of It Is to cut out tho booze. The old gmno makes for fun, but It tnkes toll and novor falls! I hnvo tried It both ways. I can bco how a mnn who novor took any liquor cannot understand much of whnt I havo written, mid I can seo how a man who has tho sniuo habits I had can think mo nbsurd In my con clusions; but a man who hns played both ends or it certainly nns soma qualifications ns a Judge. And, ns I hnvo stated, I hnvo sot down hero only my own porsonnl ideas on tho subject. "Ab I look nt It there Is no argu ment. Tho man who does not drink has nil the better of the game. BE PRETTY! T D Till: SKIX AXD NOT THE 1H.OOD ionic YOUNG! XOIIODY CAX TELL IF YOU USE GRAND .MOTHER'S SIMPLK RECIPE OF SAGE AND SULPHUR. Almost everyone knows thnt Sago Tea and Sulphur, properly com pounded, brings back tho natural color nnd lustro to tho hnlr when faded, Btrenkod or gray; also onds dandruff, Itching Bcalp and stops fulling hair, Yinrs ngo tho only way. to got this nilxturo was to mako it nt homo, which la mussy nnd troublesome Nowadnys, by asking at any drug storo for "Wy oth's Sago and Sulphur Hulr Rom ody," you will got a largo bottlo of this famous old reclpto for about CO conts. Don't Btny grny! Try it! No ono can possibly toll that you darkoned your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen n spongo or sort brush with It nnd draw this through your hulr, taking ono small strand nt a time; by morning tho crav hnlr disappears, and after an- othor nppllcntlon or two, your hair becomes benutlfully dark, thick mid , lossy. Havo your Job printing dono at i In Times offica. GLASSES GROUND TO ORDER Weak Eyes Perfectly Fitted Until recontly It hns been a gtn ernlly accepted theoVy that eczemn wns n dlseaso of tho blood. Scienti fic Investigations hnvo taught us that eczemn is positively n skin dis ease and curable through the skin alone. Morltol Eczema Remedy is npplted directly to tho diseased skin. Do not delay trying Morltol Kcze nin Remody. Owl Proscription Phnr- mncy. Frank D. conan. opposito his accomplices. All tho gouty, rhou-, Chandler Hotol. Phone 74. Cvntrul inntlc, w boozy symptoms nro gono. If Avenue Drujj Store, local agency, thoro Is anything tho matter with me Prices 50c, $1,00. Do You See ns Well With Ono Eyo As Tho Other? Should you havo headaches or want to lmprovo your eyesight, try my special ground combination glasses. Young or old, with this SPECIAL GLASS can read flno print, do close work or seo at a dis tance, nil In ono lens. A glass of beauty and a Joy forever. Evory pair fitted by mo warranted to glvo satisfaction. Your patronngo solic ited. Come nnd see, DR. W. B. RICHARDSON, Optometrist Office 187 N. Urondwqy, Marshfleld. WHITE GLOVES CLEANED Full Dress Suits to Rent UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM JAY DOYLE & C. O. DAGOETT 250 Ceatral Ave. Phono 250-X Coquille River Coal Guaranteed freo of slnck nnd dirt nnd not to clinker Fuir w eight "d prompt service x $5.50 Per Ton COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. Phone 181-L GEO. A. BAIMES. 186 Broadway South, flANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST DANK IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1881). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Pnld on Tlmo Deposits Officers: J. W. Ilciinctt, President. ' J. II. Flnnngnii, Vice-President. R. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Asst. Cashier. What People Say who rent n lock box In our Fire-Proof and Uurglnr-Proof Safo De posit Vaults: "I hnvo no fonr of losing my Jewelry or precious KcopsnkeB." "My will and other prlvnto pnpors nro not being rend by nnyono but myself." "I always know JubI where to find my vnlunblcs. Thoy nro novor misplaced." Isn't It worth ?3 a year to you to bo ablo to say tho samo of your valuables? The First National Bank Of Coos Bay TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or now platens, woilc guaranteed. Ribbons and carbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono II. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE LINE OF HOSIERY ' REGULAR AND ODD SIZES TRY OUR BURSON. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, NORTH BEND Willamette-Pacific Motor Service Car loaves Central nvonuo, Mnranfleld, ovory thirty minutes, begin ning at 0:30 n. in., to 9:30 p. in. Loaves North Dond ovory thirty minutes beginning 0:40 a. in., to 9:4G p, m. , Twonty trip commutation tlckots can bo securod from conductor for $2.00. HF.DUCTIOXS IX FREIGHT RATES WITHDRAWN' - S. S. HARDY SAILS FROM SAX FRAXCISCO FOR COOS RAY EVERY ALTERNATE FRIDAY AT 1:00 P. M. Snn Francisco office, Harrison St. Dock, Pier 10. West Const S. S. Line. E. J. LfXDEX, Agt., Phono Doug. 2070. 1 Clearance now on m THE SINfii ONLY OXE ISgHjD . J. RTz J'""eftT In our now ocmi. Poclnlly prstmredTc ! '! SSST" Regulartt! IlrOfulwnv an.1 n "" '-"""ifrilj DRY FIMNd" AT- CAMPBELL'S V.i..i. . """' ront BM ""no iBftj. Pictures &Frai Walker Shrik LET US MAX YOUR ABSTRJU Title & Trust Co. A! thoroughly deptniUlfc mediate nmlco, prom, tlon to nil Interna client. Mlutmurft, I. S. Kaufman & South Coos River Be Express lcftYCilUmJti horn! of rhcr it I il turning In ovenlnr. Steamer Ralotow head or river at J 1 1 returning lcnrci Jlinltt p. m. i itoonts 4 m CITY AUTO AXI) TAH R A now taxlcnb hu btdii my auto service. CirtNl Will go anywhere atinti Dlanco Cigar Store. Vxjfr Night phono 139-X. to.m goodam; Vm YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'SI Four good curs with cnMl For dny ncrvlcc, phovt Illunro IlllUrJ ViM For night service, Itctt IIlKht Caff. D. L. FOQTE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OX TIME. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD: SAILS FROM PORTLAND: SAT., FED. 7, 7:00 n. m. TUESDAY, FED. , 8 p. in. SAT., FED. II, 1:00 p. in. TUESDAY, FED. 10, 8 ii. in. SAT., FEU. Ul, 7:!J0 n. m. TUESDAY, FEU. 17, 8 . in. SAT., FED. 28, 10:0 n. m. TUESDAY, FEU. 21, 8 Ji. in. Tickets ou sale to all Khsutii points and Information ua Jo rouit-i. and rated cheerfully furnished. Phono 127-L. H. J. MOHR, Agent HUY YOUR HEXDERSOX & U rRtf CORSETS AT- ' S. S, JENNINGS NORTH I1EXD, Commiitatififl Tickets $2,M Mnrblifleld-Xorth BJ i0 Cars every ten ndnntn n to 12:30 p. GORST & KISO, JW 20 S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR PORTLAND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 AT 7:3d A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with tho North Rank Road nt Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company, Phono 44. c. F. M'GEORGE, Agent. S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY ' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, AT 3P7M". San Francisco office, 805 Fife Uhlg., or Greenwich St Piers No. 2.1. Inter-Oceanic Transportation Co., O. F. McGeorge, Agt., Phone 44. Send Your Launili) to Us By Parcel WE FURNISH A MJ Jf, PAY THE POSTAGE OH RKTUn.V. Coos Bay Steam la Phone 57-Jj2 T. J. SOAIFK A.n. Marshfield ftS Estimates Furo Phono 300-J. MM haveThatroof NOW See CORTHELL Phonejl Chimneys eys it - iri.i" of brick ?"' ""' - "thatrB AND ALI, WOnKjg Cull at "The "TV IHdg., 137 Seconu French Ranue8 j j. . foi-xsmk.-vldA. , JtiiJfciuia Mm, m'--'---ai, iitf)tmmm&. u jlliii. kit.