Trr THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1914 EVEWMfiHIITIQN:. TWO CHANDISE ON CENTRAL A HE A! ' if T t VfKrsrrT' i CENTRAL! TOMER lVL I ammereir Says: "Tills N FRIDAY, TIIK THIRTEENTH, considered a hoodoo mill to miliary yui- suspicion will offer the mi usual haipiln" Any Suit or Overcoat In (ho house for $10.00, not inrliii'llng blocks or blues. Yours Anxious to Plenso, The Toggery CENTRAL AVENUE will soon have its boat slip ready and thus another of the improve ments that follow and show the trend of trade and traffic will be added to this busy thoroughfare. The ever-increasing- number of shoppers that are getting the Central Avenue habit will be further augmented. This great "White Way of commerce on Coos .Bay continues to grow and expand in retail trade in a way that, is pleasing. Join the crowd merchandise, economize and centralize on Central avenue. Special Caody Sal Ffresln Caramels hemulah nop pound SATUltDAV AND SUNDAY dimly 3Sc Poumd AT STAFFORD'S i PLAN TO TAKE iUNDAY DINNER AT TUB Chandler Hotel a Good Menu The Hub of Central Avenue OPIWAN ACCOUNT WITH THE First National B&sik Of Coos Bay AVAIL YOURSELF OK ITS SUPERIOR FACILITIES. S.ifo dopuslt boxes In burKlar-proof vnults for rout at low rates. Central Avenuo. PLEASED CUSTOMERS Are tunr One Otojecit I'lensed customers menu satisfactory goods '"' witNfnctory icrvlrts Tltat'H the Men Unit wo keep in mlnil whenever wo Imy drug More goods of whenever wo receive uu order. We want both "Owl Service nnd "Owl floods" to lie of so high n clinriicler In iiiillly tlmt you will nlwnyn depend upon us for your every purchase, no mutter how sinnll It limy he. There Is nothing too good for our customers; that's why wo are extremely careful In supplying you with ithe host, of drug store goods at all times. Satisfaction Is a guarantee that goes with every purchase you make tit our store. May no not have your ne.xt order on this basis? The Central Avenue Drug Store Arch Baby Laxative' 'I'lIK MOST' VAIArAIUiK REMEDY FOR ItECULATINOTttr- STOMACH AND ROWELS For Sale Under a ttiinruntee at WINKLER'S Pharmacy wiihiiu: PHRsemprroNs are filler as-tiii:- DOCTOU WHITES THEM "Deutsche Apolhokc. " 58"Crentlal' Avenue. Phone 216i. PMONC 7J, fc O vOWtc. fRESGRIRTIONv. fHARMACTCr -TfmUnHtgBTQIfYOWKmT?-P) ; FRANK D.COHAN la M Look for "Owl Electric Sign" Opposite Chandler Hotel. aers Phone 71 ' BCETllOfc Special! Uomlbrella Sate UREl'AHK FOR A ItAINY DAY. 7nt Umbrellas nor $2.7f ITmlirollns ... $1;00 Umbrellas 7.1c ?,' K!n,ro!,iIIB "" IW UinDrolftu. ....?1.'-T. JJlgg Umbrellas '.'.' f00 Umbrellas $r.00 UmbrollaB ... AT CENTRAL AVENUE STORE Nortoim &b Hansen STATIONERY COMPANY. Two Stores. .8:U(r Central' Avenue Front- 8lrf f. Mm COOS BAY TIMES Tfl M. C. MA LONE Y DAN K. MALONEY Editor and Pub. Niws Kdltor Official Paper of Official Paper City of Coos County Marshfleld TOIIACCO AND llltAINS. !U I OF IRC E CASE n w T'lAT cigarettes nro rospoiiBlblo for ii largo percent of fnlluroa In Htliool Ih opinion of Dr. Man fmil Wolchor, who Ih torturing In the unst agnltiBt thu who of tobacco by school clillilron. airls make bettor rocords tlinn do tooyB, ho doctnroB, hecnuso of not nmolclng. A Blmllur olinrgo haB bocii made ngnlnst tlio ubo of ton and r.offoa by sohool ahildron. Of courao tlioro nro biicIi :v multitude of con nldorntloua entorlng Into n compnrl son of this sort that definite results nro linrd to Becuro. Hut It seems reas onable to bellovo that tbo brain will"'1 Jb drugged or ovor-Bttnuilntod. espec ially during lt purled of develop mont, Is Hoivo time golnn to Bho tho effoct of such treatment by its fnlluro to respond nnd by n gonoral lack of tbB nl' ini'st w.'li-n maltes for offlclont In'p" Kfii"". Nature oxacts lior iirlco ! "e v or another for moat Indulgences of this sort. . ---- If u Coos nay man enni i prrsundo aiima womnn to lond him Into tamptntlon. bo gots busy nnd butts In of Ills own ' m cord. I i LOCAL OVERFLOW. I - Deputy Here. Deputy Sheriff Tol lofHim urlvoil hero today frouiWls coiiHln to get A. Sliorinnn, tbo prli oiior who was arrested recently In a South Slough tie camp on a statutory ebnrgo. Deputy Tellefsnn Is n rehi tlvo of John TeJIofHoii f Knstsldo. Adeline Duo. Tho Adeline Smith 1 due In early tomorrow. U. K. Ir win and wlfo and A. 11. Powers nro exported homo on her. i Making Campaign. J. J. Stanley of Coqulllo Is here today In tho In terest of Ids. caimulgn for county Judge. Vessel Movements. Tho Uedonilo and Alliance nro due In tomorrow from tbo south nd tbo Drenkwoter will snll early In tho morning for Portland. TKWJOHAPUS KAHKWKLr Itev. ami Mi-sTTlriiivTiIng Pay Trlh uto to Judgo and Mi's. Upton Tbo following Bolf-oxplnnntory tulegrnm was recolvod today by Dennett Swnnton from Hov, and Wrs. H. R. Drowning, who nro In Portland, and will bo rond nt tbo fnrowell reception to bo nccordoil .TmUe nnd Mrs. Upton nt tlio ICpls eopal Church tonight: "Convey wurmost grootlngs nt parish recentlou Judgo and Mrs. Up ton. Vestry, guild nnd Sunday Prhool lo faithful and offlclont members. Despite great loss to par iah w all wish thorn flodspeed and evtrv bapplnoss. Hegret absonco. Creeling:, to entire parish. Rejoice 'i Anli Doncon's presenco at tho he'" Vnproclatlng vacation. Sln c r . '' es," Court to Decide Whether He Should be Admitted to Bail Or Given Freedom (ll AawUlnl IVu la o n'f Tlm' J CONCOHD, N. II-, Fob. 20. Whether llnrry K. Thaw should bo discharged from custody on n writ of , hnboiiB corpus and w'. other ho should ' be admitted to ball ponding n final i decision by tbo United States Sup ronut Court on tho writ of hnbo..s corpus, wcro tho questions sot for argument In tho Federal court here tntlay. Former Governor Stono of Pennsylvania represented Thaw and V'llllnm T. Jeromo represented Now York state. Place That Insurance Now Ily special arrangement, I nm ublo to adjust all small 'fire flro losses immodlntoly. I ropresont tho following flro In surance companies, nil million dollnr corporations, the, solid--es on earth: LONDON & LANCASHIRE QUEEN ORIENT LONDON UNDERWRITERS, I nlso represent tho fa jioub Aqtno writing.: liability?. b:urr ghiry, plato glasa, surety bonds,, otc. E. I. CHANDLER: K. P. EELEBM1E ST CDDUILLE NOItTII UKND Ni:VS I' ISCDUB'TYDNLY 11. O, Kern 1-as Just Installed ono of tho now gas welding machines, ono of the tho lntost typo, nnd prob ably tho grentest Invention of tho hind. It will permit tho repair of, tho most difficult bronks known. I. J. Simpson ImB wrltton a vory optimistic letter from Snn Francisco relative to tho outlook In tho lumber market. Ho says prices nro stiffen ing nnd ho looks for nn onrly advance and n further ono so tlinj tho spring sei'sou will see tle husluoss in a heal thier condition than It has known In nomo tlmo. II. P. McCullough Is homo from a trip to Albany, Uugono and other WlUamotto Valley points. Fred Holllstor nnd Walter Smith expect to leave today or tomorrow on a trip to Portland, Salem nnd othor points, during which tlmo Mr, Holllstor will got his campaign for the Domocrntlc nomination for Con grew going In good tfluipo. Syvor Ihickoy has returned from a business trip to Portlnud. I Kmll Knrdlnnl, who Is now con ducting n ranch on tho Coqulllo, was n North llond visitor this weok. Mrs. II, K. Smith roturnod yester torday from hor spring millinery buying tour and was accompanied by Miss l.ella Ton Eyck. tho trimmer who was hero a year ago. i J, U. Hums, formerly of North ' llond but now nt Myrtle Point, has been spondlng a fow days hero on buslnoss. C. C. Iinhoff has roturnod from Urltlsh Columbia for n visit with re latives her. rt Hob Moreor is now In chorgo of the railroad construction offlcos In North Dond. Mr. Dana huvlng moved out to, tho Sand Point enmp. Mrs. flenrxo Uolstor. who was eallod to Portland by tho lllnoss of their daughter. Mrs. Franklin Flshor, writos thnr Mrs. Fisher had to under go a soiious operation and Is getting along us well as could bo oxpectod, - i The Coos County girl who flirts with strangers has no kick coming If thoy take hor for what she seems. Coos County Seat Organization- Holds Anniversary Exercises (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILL13, Or., Feb. 20. The Coqulllo lodgo, Knights dfTyTTiulB. hold a meeting nnd celobrntion. last o enlng In honor of tho fiftieth an nlrary of tho Knights of Pythian. Tho meeting was presided over by (loorgo Uobb, Chnncollor ComuMUdor; M. O. Hawkins,' Vlco Chancellor; Ar thur T. Morrison, Prelate uud B. J. Joukins, Master at Arms. After the opening of tlw lodgo In regular session and performance of secret work lodge adjourned nnd tho members, their frloiuh and visitors retired to a banquet. An Interesting and onjo)hlo session wna held, with somo very good numbers. Following tho mooting n gmoral got-together mooting wns 'held. The friends and visitors of tho Iodise woro made ac quainted and a moat soclnblo even ing followed. District Deputy Grand Chancellor George Hoss of Myrtle Lodgo No. 3, Nell Watson nnd Georgo lllttko of Marshnold wore present. ! PERSONAL OVERFLOW I i ..i R. A. COPPLK U expected homo to I morrow overland from his eastern 1 trip. S. P. IlAltTLETT Is here from nan i don today on buslnoss. JOHN GROOGOO was a passenger on tho stage today for Rosoburg. Tho WOMEN'S AUXILIARY of the Prosbytorlan Church will sorve n CII1CKKN D1XNKR at the Swedish Lutheran Hall, nt Third ami Com mercial, beginning at 11 o'clock on SATURDAY, February tit. .no rents. Children 2& cents. L.. A. Liljeqvfst Says That I Douglas County's Share I of Highway is Worst L. A. LIIJe(vIst, district attornoy, iho has Jiwt returned from Salem via tho Myrtle Point wagon road, de clares that ho Is now; (Irmly convinc ed that thu thing for Coos county to do on Its good road work Is to con lino Itself to internal improvements, tlmt is, build good tlghwnys connect ing un tho prhulpnl towns In tho county boforo bothering about trying to get an ouisiue truuK line con nection, , Tho reason for this hollef is tho' condition of tho Douglas County, roads. Hq says they are almost he- yond bellof. It took him from C o' clock In tho morning until 9:30 nt night to cover the. dlstanco botween Rosoburg and tho Coos-Douglas county lino. Ho says that tho Coos county end of tho road is much better than tho Douglas county end. For n short dis tance out of Rosoburg thoy nro nblo to use autos on tho atngo line. Ho says that tho Douglas county 'court nnd tho majority of tho Rose burg people according to the best In formation ho was ablo to obtain, are now committed to tho Drain ronto which Warren Reed k advocating. So evident has this become that ho says tho pooplo at Olalla hold a mass meeting tho other night and tho 100 1 or more In attendance passed resolu tions declaring that they would op poso all county candidates who were no committed to the Improvement of t'.elr highway. He says that ho wns Informed that tho county court at Rosoburg wns taking tho view thnt to fix up tho Myrtle Point road would bo simply to aid contractors Laird and Barnard. Until Douglas county doos some thing about fixing up Its part of tho highway ho thinks that Coos count should confino its efforts to road building to counoct up tho principal points In this county. IRVING BLOCK ya&dtem FltBSII, CRISP, COLORFUL- Ono or two will brighten up nuy languid, winter wnrd rohe woiiilcrfu lly. Negligee shirts, with Btarchcd cuiis. Good (J4 pjft fjf) staple lines ij) ivljj and i) French cuff Hhlrts, with plain and Boft fronts; somo have collars to match: all new styles xDliUU nnd -JUST ARRIVED ON, LIST IIKKA& WATER; . A beautiful stock of Udltr Bwoll linta for spring. CAU AND SEHTUESt. ......... , .... iplitjU nnd i,i Wo also received some U tlful BiiltB- for early iprinj. ' Wo haw iwveral broken W of Indies' suits and roati IW wo aie offering at greatly re; dtiood! iir.u.'s. MEN'S AND HOYS'-3UITM ANtt OYERCOATS Your choice of our ontlro stock, of's ?22.C0, $25.00 !' Suits nnd Over conts. Saturday only mm '' "''''" T ' -, HIGH SCHOOL tfl LOAD fflf GIRLS SERVE FOR Sill i Hnve you; Job printing done at The Times office. Times Want ads bring results. Will Furnish Banquet for Meet inn of Fellowship Club Next Tuesday Tho advanced class In cookery, of tho depar'mont of dnmestle scl onco at tho Marshflehl High School will servo tho. banquot for tho Men's Fellowship Club noxt Tuee day evening. From all apnearances the adranced clnss In cookery will hav& a roeular monthly Job or serv ing the Men's Fellowship Club. Menu and announcement folders havo been sent out by tho members of tho class announcing tho ban cjuet, W. A. Reld thinks that tho advanced class is n hit too modost In the tltlo of "dinner" they glvo In their announcement. Mr. Rold says that tho chss could havo stVlod tho soroad a banauot and ho ontlre Iv within their rights as ladles of tho domestic selenco elnss. Tho membors of tho clnss nro: Dora Brown. Adelaide ClarHo, Dor tha Davis, Cora Dye, Mnrlorio Gra ham, Ronn Haelund. Edith Kalno, Evolyn Lnngworthy, Elslo Hall, Allco Mathlson, Lucy Powers, Agnes Sand nulst, Clnra Sere-ant. Olga Shutter, .Tesslo Traslc. Nellie Warwick, Liurn Watson nml WUdo Harris. Miss Elizabeth M. Mooro is instructor. Senator W. D. Chase, of Coqulllo will take the affirmative seconded by Senator I. S. SmPh. Tho nega tive sldo of the debate, tho subject of whloh Is: Resolved. That Mnrlf field should adopt tho commission form of government." will bo ta ken by Judge A. S, Hammond, sec onded by Judge John D. doss. Rnrno I nurpnfifi Will T on Six Hundred Tons (of. Railcoad WorR Tho hnrge-'Lawrenc. In tor cM tug (llonner, arrivru in J",s; jj will load six imndmr tons of tho Llbby bunkers for the Sim ! This will bo the first rt i mbnt of coal from here to " llrothors for tio railroad wb'S work and- will probably Ve W" I by others. Manager Georgr W I ,i. t ii. i... ...inn lins made R ment to- fill the orders' iVj as possible. Considerable cw , be needed for the steam wj which will be operator Wl.ff, Slushtw and Coos Hay "" rj nnd! R will probably kfeP'Viiiu ine iuwrenve uat " "- ' HAND DANCE, EAGIS . . ... ' IIJIIHUAlU -I. A fiOOD INVESTMENT 1 .....nto There is no bettering -7 j a flfty-cont piece in a """"mil Itol White Liniment .. 'uVtf r loumotic pain muscle' " and soreness of the , & promptly relieved ..""LmH Liniment Is esperlal .flrrec0, as a general pain kj er "jrf merit. Owl -Presenpi."- Qlii Frank D. Cohttn OppmW A(rf Hotel. Phone 74. t l "Jlwj I Dnip Store, local "Sencr- " auCi i.W' jMMjf ,Aig--B'jat?gM"iJjgggg EaCJDUMtfHttajMy '.jJki., v A.-jj.tll jjigyij . iffc-iifii' jtli,-