A MAN WILL ALWAYS AGREE WITH YOU WHEN HE WANTS TO BORROW MONEY 1 tfATCIl YOl'It WIIK tog fflnoa la COOS HAY TI.MIS. A clean, wholesome newspaper for Coos County homes. The Times Iiii.s (lie Inrgct proxod clt mint ion of any newspaper In Coos, Curry or Doug Ins counties. , .1,0 lltltH. ' 1'1'C 'i'l-", ,'s- 'f .fore nlllinut .... ml", in The J Is I" linmllc-nitiwil In the race for Tin"' Trade. MEMHEH OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Established 1H7H MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1914 EVENING EDITION-SIX PAGES. VOL XXXVII. nH The Coast MM A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mnll mill Coos lluy Advertiser. No. 182 lU IB FERRARI IS ACCUSED OF SHQQTIN6 JAMES KELLEY i j! :m, sis". at Hcnryvmw n m j oner's Jury. QFVERAL WITNESSES SE TELL OF ADMISSIONS Sensational Evidence Given at Hearing Last mum " of The Testimony 10 i AS WITNESSES District Attorney to Require Accusers of Kelly to Provide Bond Tho preliminary hearing of Jmncs Ferrari, accused nt tho coronnr'n In. quest Innt night of firing the Hh'ot which cmiHCil the death of John Kolly In tho Hunryvlllu fracas Inst Sunday night, will probably ho held noxt Tuesday nt Caiiullle It Is expected that hu will waive the preliminary 'curing. District Attorney LHJoqvlBt last nlKht Informed tho coronor'B jury thnt ho would boo that Uravlne, Oalll and Dempsey woro bold as wltnoHRCH, Intimating thnt thoy would bo re quired to furnish bond for their np pearanco or remain In etiBtody. Wns After llHntl I 'Ik. Three or four weeks ago Mr. Lll Jcqvlst was Informeil that Ferrari was conducting n blind pig at Ilenry vllle and at thnt tlmn took steps to secure ovldoneo against hlui. Ills first efforts fnllod and Just a short cohoxhr's verdict Vc the Jury, find that tho death of John Kelly was caus ed by a Btmshot wound, re nltlDR from n shot fired nt him, striking him In nnd about the' body, and that wo further find, that a crlmo has boon ommltted and that there Is tirobable raiiso to bellovo James I Ferrari guilty of the crime. In less tlmn fifteen minutes ni ter tho conebiHlon of tho testimony, he Coroner's Jury ; Inst night ro omed a verdict holding Jntues Fer mi to stnnd trlnl for tho munlor of John Kelly, who wns killed In a tang flRht Inst Sunday ovonlng at Henryvllle. Ferrari conducted it -blind pig" at llonryvlllo and en cued In a drunken brnwl with ionic of his customers Sundny night. FfirlnR that ho would be uttnekod, I. I. .I..rnn,1 Hint lid WPIlt tO tllO houro of Jnrk Oalll, borrowed n gun,) tlmo before tho shooting he had mado went outside and rroni mo norm iiiikuiuuiiid iu kui iv mmuuiu llred two shots at Kelly and bis as- that would have lauded Ferrnil. rotates who were beading toward! camp. I Dr. Milium Testifies I Tho first wltncs- to testify last) nlsht was Dr. B. Mlngus. tlio at tenillnB pliyslrlnn upon Kollov. Dr. Mlngm tcitlflcd that ho performed an utopsy on tho body or koii.v and found small shot scattered all orer his body from tho neck down. lie further testified that thro mu lct! had nascd f tough tho llvor and tro throush tho nppor portion of ClKw'?;:,! W. H. Meredith Practically An- bullets In Hi liver. Ho nlHo suh- m It ed a d ncrnin showing whoro the bullets struck Kelly, olso n dln- cram showing whoro tho bullots,' hAA A vf A Ia.1 1 41 1 . n Ma .! flUtnll ll ituci'uih iii'ii n m nm nun vaiuiiii-, el Into Ms bark i TT- probable tntrnnrn of W. II. (,'nlll on Stand. I Morodltli, prosecuting nttoruoy of John Oalll, an Italian omployod , Curry county, Into tho field as n enn- t Hennessey', mlno. took tho dldnto for the Democratic noininu- ittnd and told tho story or tho tlon for Congress In this district, Is cans coming down to his house nnd i attracting much attention ami will reqtieatlnR a phco to sloop, or n. probably result In a contest between intern. Ho testified ns- follows: .Meredith and Frederick llolllstci' of "Sundav evenlnc I was In my North Hond for tho nlaco. Tho Roso- Imio at Heiiryvlllo. About rlovon hurir Review announces us nrnctlcallv o'clock Sunday night bIx rnllowBJ certain that Moredlth will run, fol fime to tlio door of my shnck: ono lowing a conference with loaders at "i them knocked. 1 nnsworod tho Roseburg, und It boostH 1.1s candl joor and tlicy asked for n lantern docy. fOM VAbl ' n!,0.0"-, nini?!1 in, I '" & part Of tllO WOOk T. I"'a ..W. ,0'n,cd., l? .."'?. Holllstor conferred with him and "iri mum, Idling I 0111 Wini Iliey ,.,! 1,1,.. , ,.,, nt thrt 'ouldflnd n Inntern there. When e ' .'" '" , ' n n RIIISH SUBJECT EXECUTED B M I HOT CONTEST IS IN SIGHT nounces Candidacy Con nressional Outlook Crisis TVlay be Precipitated by Killint) of Wm. S. Benson for Alleged Threats Against General Villa's Life. tnr Aodtnl r-nf to Coof nr Tlmn.) KL PASO, Tex., Feb. 20. William S. Uenton of El Paso, a Scotclimnn nnd subject of Qrcnt Britain, Is re ported dend. Tho report Is confirm ed by Pancho Villa nnd was convoyed officially to tho widow hero by Unit ed States Consul Edwards, of Juarez. Mystery surrounds tho report of h'ls death. Wllllnm Denton, n cousin of tho dead mnn, confirms tho report. "Consul Kdwnrds told Mrs. Uen ton," bo said, "that her husband was dead In Juarez. Tho consul mild thnt Villa had confirmed tills, but said Vil la had naked him not to mnko public the details, excopt In official dis patches to Ills government." Uenton was executed Tuesday nlglit after a trial by a military court In Juarez, of which Frodorlco Gonzales Oarcln wns tho bend, nccordlng to what appears to be n correct vorrilon of tho affair. Tho chargo against Uenton was thnt li'e wns Implicated In a plot to tnko Villa's llfo. Villa loft for tho south tbls morning on n special train. Uenton was Inst peon alive In Juar ez Tuesday. Ho was making his wny to Villa's homo nnd said ho was going to "tell VIHn what ho thought of him," fo rtho manner In which his was discussed by tho cltlzenB. Ex cited knotB of Americans, English, French nnd German refugees nBBertcd the tlmo l.nd conic to volco their sentiments. Tho fact thnt tho nllcged execu tion occurred Tuesday night Is thought to menu thnt tho report of Villa's court mnrtlal wns given out to cover tho fnct that Villa personally shot Denton In a quarrel. Talking with n reporter over tho telephone-, Consul EdwnrdB mado tho cryptic remark: "I have officially reported Uonton dead becauso Ills denth wnB officially reported to mo. Personally I may have my hopes or doubts." Call MnH Meeting. A call for a mass meeting of pro test was posted this afternoon. It will ho hold tonight In Cleveland Square. Former Governor Curry of Now Mexico will nddress tho moot ing. Ho Is Investigating tho Hen ton execution on bohalf or tho citi zens. Villa refused to deliver Den ton's body to Consul Edwnrds, hut Edwards exacted a promlBo thnt tho grave should ho marked. In a communication to tho Urltlsli Ambassador of tho news of tho death of Uenton, Secretary llryun said ho had ordered n th'orough investiga tion. Ponding Inquiry thoro Is overy disposition on tho pnrt of tho officials to maintain n Judicial attitude and await the production of evidence. It Is understood tho British Government J will formally warn nil Its subjects to rnch. "I.os Hcmodlos," In western iVn Mnvim ininuwiintntv. Chihuahua, had been looted by tho J, rrbols. It Is supposed Villa's defense i will ho that Denton was shot .becauso1 jiKVAX OltDKHS INVHSTinATIOX. he entered Villa's offlco and started to draw n gun, although Honton's After Conforonco with Cablnot Probo coiiBln said ho did not go to Juarez ot nCnton's Death Directed. .. armed. In tho courso of tho Inter-1 view Uenton wns lost to tho vlow of lr ammi.im rre to coo. nr TimM.j his friends. WASHINGTON, I). C, Fob. 20. Villa's sudden doparturo is regard- Secretnry Dryan,aftor a cabinet con ed ns n flight 'from tho storm of pub- foronco, ordered an lmmcdlnto lnvcs llc Indignation. Talk of a mass meet- tlgatlon of tho killing of S. Uon- Ing on this sldo to tnko somo action ton nt Juarez, TOAIi ROBBED ' OF OVEB $40,000 Three Bandits Make Get-away Builder of Panama Canal HEAVY RAINS CONTINUE III SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TODAY I MILL IS SCENE OF FIRE Many Cities and Towns Are Threatened With Repe tition of Freshets THREE DROWNED BY FLOOD IN TWO DAYS Miss Sue Bevillc, Noted Orange Raiser, and Cous in, Lost Together CliOl'DHtmST TODAY. Staging for New Smokestacks Burns Big Deals On Randolph in Port (Spcclnl to Tho Times.) DANDON, Or., Fob. 20. Tho stng Ing erected for tho purpose of re placing tho smokestacks of tho Geo. W. Moore mill, which were blown down In the January storm, caught fire last nlgjit and burnod down For n tlmo It wns fonrcd that tho blnzo might spread to the mill and caused Intense excitement. Tho blazo was extinguished without much dnmago oxcept tho loss of tli'o stnglng. It hnB been roported hero thnt tho Mooro Company rccontly received n flno offer for their property and tlio salo of It Is not unlikely. Tho,Chnn oy people, who dinvo big tlnibof hold ings on tho uppor Coqulllo, nro un derstood to bo interested In tho deal. Dollar (ioch South. aiailioy UOIiar. Or Ilia UOIiar Mtll- Aiiirnlna i.rnn,.- nlmnt mm Inn), nf rnl.i bor company, loft for San Francisco ; fon during tho night, but In tho foot- jllr AMotlnteu frrti I. inw lUjr Tlmmi. I.OS ANGEM2S, Fob. 20. A cloudburst In the mountains sent a wall of water down upon Covlna, in tho citrus belt, today nnd Inundnted several streets In I tho northern part of Los Angel 7 cb. Pnsndena nvenue, tho prln- clpnl thnroughfnro between Los I Angeles and Pnsadonn, was I flooded, tho water wrecking I three houses In Its flight through I tie Pork district. jy AmocUIM Tnrt to Com Hr TlmM,) LOS ANGELES. Fob. 20 South ern California again was menaced by flood conditions today, following tu steady downpour of rain which be gan shortly after midnight and con tinued throughout tho night. In Los on tho Speedwell to closo final do tails In tbo readjustment of tho nf fairs or tlio Johnson Lumber com 1.111 districts surrounding tho city, tho precipitation wns reported to be much hcnvlor, nnd apprehension Is felt for GOETHALS W MISS OPENING i this time and lot Mr. rnco IIolllBter hnvo were nil nlinnt mini- In nlnnn ' 'W '"l " "'" '" Ferrari cam" to tin door nnd Sfcoiltho bnBk,nB of tho COU8t I)tJI0crilt8 ne to It him I I ononetf I tho uln.t a possible valley Democrat. uOOr and lin wnntml tn hnprnu tv Jiotgun. I told Tilm ho could not "re tbo sun nnd that I would not ft him take It. Ho grabbed it from f reatlng place In tho wnll and I 'ed to keep him from taking It, m he wrested It from mo. He wont Wilde and I went to sleop. nnd ,J lmQ ,uafk ln about ton minutes ,i,i,ockei1 n the door, vorv ox- CW, and Said: 'I.ol nm In T Vllln,l 4 ttan ' T nnrnn.1 ,1.. .i l. tS .k ,nnkng and nervous. Ha WW the rest of tho bunch thnt thoy "euer go to Hpnvnr inn no th.ni trouble around tho mlno. While ! ,,'.' waa ut, l hoard two shots it iw i" v Kun?" Ho "J leftv u outside i 8av ..for w,)y y0l ,,0 tesju.0,"6 llaco 'on ,mvo "0 busl C ak. "' fi'm. mm In tho noxt Mm '?. .lia.Ye business to loovo tlm kmT.ii ,, "" ""Biness to loovo .L? outside." Wo turn rnnnrt ntul EUn tin f... i.i.i.. .i" ., sn Ti,rn?rf ? your danm 0l(l 1 re hJa ,t011 M,l t0 K0t 0,,t " ae ,m ' tlni "m,:o tTonhlo for 'oa'dM t,e 80,cs homt- T1' Kin was 1t,a,;V' ,nrat lort tno "onso. u '? ,ub,e;bnrrelletl Kun nnd I Pretty JLnSt0,.B,!l00t BOn,e chicken terrS"". )yhen Ferrarl returned son V.. rd.thu two sots fired tho Meatlon5 ' . Uov- Samuel Gregg sm loned the witness abon thn enn roVrtt U.! he Pt t to. The Juror tolf urli a mt of "wnior out of l. .'. "uo "as ft mailln. nppnrfHn- tn. N ducwi0Uy, ,or 8olng chickens War..i. :. .In fact when Sheriff tCoalSL ', KI,1B for Wm ho was up w'Wo jn quest of fowK I. "rn.k 'w Glasses. down ' ouo of tho Ba,,B that t(t mtnT.. ' ""iioon was tno .... 'ie8s Ho footifto,! , rdnZenm'B ,laco and drank ht5n8J!Me" f leor. He said Plr'thnt il wa.8 at Ferrari's "blind I1". Bert Ti. " ensaged In a fight !0r tie ham. wU Ho dld "ot "tW !o1thh hbut went rtown 'o tbo ko .. san.S and nske.1 a fellow 's.itu.rvsf.'? "': a f.lute to JViio mo nuncn were (Continued on Page BIx.) Howovor. Mr. Meredith would not agree to this. Mr. Moredlth' Is nttondlng tho big Oregon Development Lenguo Con gress this wook nt Eugono and will probably detormluo thero doflnltoly although ho has practically mndo up his inlud to run. Mr. Holllstor wns In Mnrshllold yes terday and said that ho had oucour nglng lottors from many Domocrats nt different points In tho district. It Is understood thnt ho will leave to duy or tomorrow for n trip through tho district to boo what tho outlook Is John D. Ooss, who was talked of as n probable candidate for tho Democratic nomination has practical ly mado up his mind not to got Into tho game this tlmo. Judge Hamil ton of Itosoburg was also talked of as a posslblo candidate but recent word from Roaoburg Is that his hoalth will not permit him to run this year. On tho Republican side it seems that W. C. Hawloy. tho present In cumbent, and II. F. Jones, former reg- Ifttor nf the II. S. Land Office at Itosoburg, aro tho only candidates. Mr. Jones will bo on Coos Day In March. The Curry county papers and poli tical leaders and a number of tho Co qulllo Valley loaders aro said to be getting behind Meredith's candidacy and pushing it vigorously. They claim that if the coast really wants to land tho congressional plum, tho thing to do Is to get tho strong est Democrats and Republicans in Uils section to get Into tho race, with a view of surely landing at least one of tho nominations, and then back ing tho winner, regardless of poli tical lines, ln the election campaign. FLORENCE ICK PLANT While J. P. Cox was on his re cent trip East he purchased an Ice plant, which is now in ' San Fran cisco on its way to Florence. Last year Mr. Cox bought somo waterfront property upon which he will erect a building this year to be used for cold storage purposes and the manufacturoiipf Ice. Flprence Pilot, With Bin Loot Wear Birminflham, Ala. ' (lljr AMotltthl I'm, to Coo. IUr Tlinni ) HIKMINOHAM, Aln Fob. 20. Says He Will Not Attend Formal Opening I II 7 AncKI.lt.! I'lrit to Cooa llaf TlmM NEW YORK, Fob. 20. Colonel pnny. Everything Is roported pro-i ! rnifiniit nr timqn -n-n-na grossing nlcoly. but It is necessarily, A terrific downpour enrly today a little slow. It Is said nuthorltatlvo- n Se,.ril jjadro, fifteen mllos north- ly that a satisfactory nrrnngemunt will bo mndo quickly. Randolph Out of OH. enst of Los Angeles, flooded tho streets nnd nrroyes and caused n.ucli. dnmago to tho orango grovos. No Hallway detectives nnd police with, Georgo Goethnls. builder of tho blood hounds begun tbo senrch today J Panama Canal, may not ho prosont for tbo three robbers who hold up tho when tho now waterway Is opened to Queen nnd Crescent Now Orleans llm-' commerce. Goothals arrived from Itcd last night nonr hero and rifled ' Panama yesterday and took a lato mnll pouches of registered mnll snldjtrnln for Washington, to contain $40,000. In their hastol "It will bo a great show but I hopo tho rohbors overlooked a sack con-. I won't bo there," ho said. "I don't caro for colourations mid never nm. talnlng $10,000 consigned to Now Orleans and a big consignment of stamps. Tho Randolph camo In this morn- iiu ,..nr ,.n,inn,i.r,i ,m fnp'nu tu Ing to renew her oil supply. Bho known. Tho San Gabriel River roso ronld- ly during tho early morning hours, causing n suspension ot traffic on tho lutorurbnn trolley lines running north nnd northeast from Los 'An geles. fc Prominent Woman Drowns. I A third victim of flood waters was reported last night with the discov ery of tho body of Mlsil Sue Hovlllo of Covlna ln Walnut Wash only n fow feet from whoro tho body of bur cous in, Harold M. Soltz, hnd been found enrller In tho day. It Is bollevod Miss Devlllo and bor cousin had attempted to cscnpo together and perished at tho same time. Miss Hovlllo was ono of tho host known orango growers ln tbo stnto. I Unloss the rain censes by I o'clock this afternoon, tbo Vaudorbilt cup into, scheduled for tomorrow, will bo postponed. MINE WORKERS SCORE MILITIA Colorado Strike Investigation Readies Its Climax at Trinidad tUjr AMorlte4 I'm to Coo Hr Tlmn 1 TRINIDAD, Colo., Fob. 20. Tho series of charges by the United Mlno Workers of America against tho Nat ional Guard reached a climax today boforo tho House sub-commltteo. Tho report of tlio officers wlio Investigat ed the alleged attack and then at tno YoshlnskI houso, described yesterday by tlio Polish boy, was submitted by tho mllltla. Tho Investigating of ficer denied overy charge made by tho boy except tliat two officers searched tho YoshlnskI ranch house. His testimony was the signal for a goneral attack upon the mllltla by cpunsel for tho strikers. SHIP IS LOST OK ATLANTIC L W AT WI0APA R General Strike of Lumber Mill Workers Threatened Both Sides Firm jnr AMOcUled Vtn to Coo Br Timet.) RAYMOND, Wash., Feb. 20. WH lapa Harbor is threatened with a gen era) strike of tbe mill workers which Schooner Kineo Supposed to be Fighting Sea Missing Three Days tnr Auotlitnl rr to Coo l)f Tlmn.) NORFOLK, Va., Fob. 20. Some whoro out ln tho -18-mllo gala that Is lashing tho Atlantic today, tho flvo masted schooner Ktneo, of Ruth, Maine, is probably fighting for the lives of her crow of eleven. After a fruitless search tbo rovenuo cutter Onondaga put back to Norfolk for supplies to continue the hunt. HALIDUT SCHOONER DISAHLED AUIdn of Tufomu, W'Ftli liroken Pro peller .Shaft, Tower to Vancouver. IU7 AMovlit.4 fru.'v Cvoi I). 7 Tliow.) VANCOUVER, D. C, Feb. 20. The halibut schooner Alzlda, was towed, disabled, to Vancouver last nlg''t by, the steampr Coqultlam. The Alzlda broke her shaft off Haddon- brook Island probably will be In f,ull blast within the next fow days. The trouble was precipitated when thrdo shlnglo weav ers were discharged and tho union voted tho employers must re-employ the men. The employers refused and and all hands walked out. All tho mill operators then met and declared for the open shop and ten hour day. NOT SPOKANE MILLIONAIRE. (Ujr Aocltel freii to Cool 8r Tlmei. SANTA BARBARA. Feb. 20. Tho body washed up yester- I I day by tho sea was declared not that of Francis Lewis uiarK, wie i Spokane millionaire, by his val-, I ot, who viewed the body, nd n enrgo of merchandise from Coos Hay for Port.Orford and Roguo RIvor points nnd it has been so rough that she could Hot dlschnrgo or make thoso points, so she put In nt Hnn dou to ronow bor supply. Hoports thnt the Randolph wns In serious troublo nro unfounded. Deillllloii'N Woolen .Mill. Although nothing official has boon given out. It Is understood lroro that the ncdllllou Woolen Mill will ro mnln In Hundon. Mr. ncdllllou Is said to hive figured out that ho can mnko tho uecesHnry changes by secur ing 10,000 additional funds. At first he figured on it requiring $.10, 000, but has reduced this. Tho spec ial committee appointed by tho Hnn- don Chamber of Commerce has not mndo nuy report on the dcnl yet. GEO. WULrflS HIT OT CAR VANDKHUILT RACE POSTPONED. (07 At.ocUt 1'rru lo Coo. II. jr Tim...) LOS ANGELES, Fob. 20. The Vaudorbilt Cup Race, to hnvo bogun tomorrow over tho Santa Monica courso, wns postponed until Thurs day on account of tho rnln btorm. Tho Grand Prlzo raco was postponed until February 28. VOTE AGAINST I INS Well-known Ferndale Pioneer Slightly Injured by S. P. Motor Today Goorgo Wulff, n well-known pio neer citizen of Mnrshllold, wns struck by tho Southern Pacific motor car on North Front streot this morning nnd narrowly escaped being Instantly kill ed. As It was be oscuped with a fow flesh wounds and somo sovero bruises. Mr. Wfllff wns walking south in tho roadwny alongsldo tho track and tho car was running backwards to Marshflold. There Is n railing sep arating tho roadway and cur track hut thero Is an occasional crossing whoro there Is no railing Mr. Wulff ovldently figured tho car was further away and started to cross tho track ahead of It. Conductor Kardoll was unablo to stop the car to provent the collision. Luckily the projection on tho rear of tho car struck him high enough and throw him back under tho rail ing Into tho roadway Instead of onto the track. A severe gash was cut lu his head, his wrist was sprained and ho was cut about the body. Conductor Kar dell had an auto tako him to Mercy Hospital whoro his Injuries wero dressed, and he expected to return to his homo In Ferndale tbls afternoon, Mr. Wulff Is about seventy-five yoars old. A short tlmo ago ho was badly bruised near tho samo spot jtolallii Lino Operated for Sixty Years by a piece of railing striking him,. fjives Way to Truln mo planning ueing torii ok uy joe Seriate Rejects Chamberlain Change in Spanish l Treaty (Ilr At'oclnted 1'rcM to Coo. Il.jr Tluin.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob, 20. IJy a voto of 40 to 13, tho Senate, In executive session, rojected tho Cham berlain amendment to tho Spanish general arbitration treaty to exompt from arbitration questions relating to Panama tolls, Immigration, admis sion of children to state schools and all questions Involving the Monroe Doctrine. On ono objection tho final voto on tho ratification of tho Span ish troaty went over until tomorrow. Senator 8hlvoly, thton changing the plan of the committee, then called up tho Drltlsh treaty und offered' u resolution for its ratification. .MAITj STAGE ADANDONEI) Houser's runaway team, Ho Is weal thy. This makes the third man that the OREGON CITY, Feb. 20. Mail to Molalla went by train through Canby for tho first time and for mo, h7."Kkwi;iira,iwi'i!?. k "rLA?" - Si ScJH-S b"u? .: fi? $J son, light tendor, witnessed this, morning's accident. Tlio Rantlst LinUes' Aid or North Rend, will hold n cako Mtlo, Satur day, at Smith's Variety Store. Ynmiir bunch TURNIPS nt OLLI- VANT & WEAVER'S. Phono 100. .birthday. Oregon City to Molalln was ono of tho first to bo established and tho .longest to operato out of Oregon 'City. CLOSE LIHRARY Tho library will be closed on Mon day on account of Washington's 4 I f I m & !y-MtfyaL