THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELC, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1914 EVENING EDITION r -r FIVE Electric Ford Starters- t-aj In the thtnkor MM school hero, nnd slip nnd her brother, G. Leltoy Smith, n noted prohibition lawyer lit Portland, have ninny friends hero who will sympathlzo with them In their bereavement. York. Ho also visited his par ents, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Towor at Monrovia and reports tho Coos Hayltos In Sonthorn California nro getting along nicely. TiniCS FOR FEBRUARY. m&&mm wAwy&vjm ELECTRIC Starters and Lights for the FORD Any Ford can bo equipped with nn electric stnrt or niul HkIUb for $100.00. This outfit Is Just nn efficient ns nny starter on I ho highest-priced cars. In fact, It Is tho Identical .snuio thing designed to fit the Ford. Just think for $750.00 yon enn own a Ford with nil tho modern conv nleiicos of nny cur. Hotter place your order now before It Is too late. G00DR"S Garage mow Is Ri-uu tl'.o and tilth) of mirIi iiml low wntor ai Mi ruli Hold. Tlit Hues nro placed iu tho order if uiciii'ntiK'ti, wlih their times on the II) Bt lino mid heights on tho second line uf each day; a compar ison on consecutive heights will Indieuto whether It Is high or low water, i-or high wntor on tho bar substrnct 2 hours 3-1 minutes. lDiIIrs.. 3.2 t 9.55 5.0 4.52 2.S 0.03 2.5 Ft.. 20 Hrs. Ft. . 21llrs. , Ft.. 2.1 0.01 1.2 1.00 l.o 5.00 0.3 11.00 5.7. 12.08 0.0 4.0 0.03 0.0 G.51 Louse Hotel. Mr. and Mrs V. 1 Sanford have tnken n two-year lease on the North Inlet Hotel. The new proprietors will tnk possession on March 1. They nro hotel people of past experience. I Mnvlii" llnck. Tho reconstruction 'of the Montgomery block on Front stroot bus been practically completed nnd the tenants are all moving bnek. Snrters will hnve their new store rciitly for opening by Saturday nn 1 will hnve n nuieh larger nnd finer plnce than boforo. The Lnndo stork la being moved back and the Quat orniuss studio will soon be ready for opening. A realty coinpnny will al so hnvo offices on t' e second floor. .IAS. COWAN, Jr., who claims tho tltlo of '.Morchnnt 1'rlnco of Ton Mile" slnco Mllo Plerson moved to Marshllold, wns hero yestordny on business nnd plensure. Ton Mllo is nntlclpntlng groat activity on ac toiiut of tho large nnionnt of rnil rond work that will soon bo under wny there. W. J. UUOWN, of North Inlet, Is nt Mnrshfleld todny on business. J. W. CROWLEY, of North Inlet, wns n piBongcr on the North Stnr for Mnrshfleld todny. 5.7 0.1 WEATHER FORECAST n M ln'e.1 Prrm tn Coot Hay Time. 1 OREGON Ilnlnj southonst ly winds. LOCA L TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 21 hours ondlng nt 4:13 n. in., Feb. 19. by llenj Ostllnd, speulnl government me teorologist: Maximum 50 Minimum 41 At 4:43 a. in 41 Precipitation 11 Precipitation Blnco Sept I 1913 41.CC 1'reclpltatloii samo period Inst year 43.48 Wind: Southwest; cloudy. I noit.v. 1 CIIARLSTON To Mr. nnd Mrs. Don uld M. Chnrlston nt their home In South Mnrshlleld, Sunday, Fobru ary 10, a son. Mother and child nro doing nicely nnd Mr. Chnrls ton expects to hnve his heir out looking over tlo work of tho dredge Sonttlo in n few days. IIESSLER To Mr. and Mrs. K. lit Hesslcr. Monday, February 17, a daughter. Rennets OlnxscM. A Times lost nd last ovenlng restored u vnlunblo pair of eye-glasses to Mrs. Henry Hengstackui. Less than nn hour after tho first copy of Tho Times hnd been printed, tho finder, Jns. Lumlburg, of 510 North tlroadwny. brought them to Tho Times office mid claimed the reward. Ho hnd picked them up on the street nbout 1 1 o'clock the night previously, Mrs. Sengstnckon hnvlng dropped them while en routo homo. Mrs. Sengstiickcn hnd senched In vain along tho street for them. PERSONAL NOTES WANT ADS. ; I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I FOR SALE No. 1 itlium: cnu bo 1 Inspected nt Hon Smith's, 309 I Park nvo. $250, one-half cash, ! rest In monthly pnyments. L. I II. Hosolton, Mnrshfleld, J. S. MASTERS, of Catching Inlet, Is nt Mnrshfleld todny 011 business. RANCH FOR HUNT nn very liberal terms to tho right pnrty. Splendid chnnce for stock nnd potatoes. Ranch, enro of Times. v FOR SALE CHEAP One lady's driving mnre, rubber tired buggy nnd hnrness; nlso two flno blood ed driving colts, full brothora, coming three nnd four yenrs old. Phono 31G-L. UEO. CIIAltD, of Isthmus Inlot, is a busiutss visitor ut Mnrshfleld todny. J. S. MASTERS, of Catching Inlot, enmo down to Mnrsliflold today on business. Electric Ford Starters- Itim Show limine. Tower Brothers nro again In charge of the Orpheiim Tlioator Here. GEORGE BLAKE, of Catclilng In let enmo down to Mnrshfleld to day on business. FRED KRUSE, of Isthmus Inlot, wns a passenger on tho Bansheo for MnrHhfield todny. MU. AND MRS. II. HOLMES nnd son, Fred C. Holmes, loft on tho stcigo for KoBoburg todny. KOIt SALE DlnliiK set, bed nnd dresser, ninhognny pnrlor sot, sowing mnchlno, morris chnlr, hentlng stovo nnd housohold uton slls. Hlgh-grndo stuff nnd prnc tlcnlly now. 327 South 2ml. Tol. 229. WANTED (Jill foi( fjcnenil Iioiiho. work. Mrs. Ward M. Hlake, 90G South 5th street. I-'OU HUNT Two rooms furnished for housekeeping. 103 S. 2nd at. J. 1). SAUNDERS wns n pnsBongor on tlio morning train for Ilenvcr Hill to call on tho trnde there. KM her III. Mrs. Calvin M. Con nor nnd (leo. M. iicntty unvo ro-i colvod word thnt their fnthor, Itov. Iicntty, 11 rctlrod minister nt Salem, Is critically 111. Take Degree. Dr. It. W. Morrow, It. II. Corey and Albert Hnlstcd woro tho three taking tho Royal Arch de gree hero Tuestlny night, following which n little spread wns enjoyed. DILL M'CAIIKY, tho big logger nt the Hltie Hldgo camp, came down yes tordny for a Bhort visit In Mursh-Ilold. Hit. AND MRS. ENDICOTT or Co qulllo have roturned homo after a vlHlt nt the J, S. Lyons homo in South Mnrshlleld. Men's and Boys' Outfitters. men's and boy's suits and overcoats at fjreatly reduced :es. 80 for men's $4.50 '$5.95 for men's $7,00 jsers. trousers, 00 for men's $6,00 $6.35 for men's. $7,50 jws, trousers, 45 for men's $6,50 $6.80 for men's $8,00 JSefs, trousers, We guarantee satisfaction I'liin Dinner. Tho PrcBbytorlnn Womon'B Auxlllnry hnvo completed plans to glvo n chicken dinner next Saturday nt tho Swedish Lutheran Church hnll on Commercial nvonue. Postpone Ten. Tho Colonial Tea which wns to hnvo been link! with Mrs. Copplo next Saturday, has been postponed Indoflnltoly. A J.ARGE MONEY MAKER Wo offer the HOO-foot CORNWAM, waterfront on HASP SIDE of than ue opposite Alliance wnrelioiiso for (j! 1.1, ."((), on easy teriiiM. This line I .n by fur llio best Investment on Coos liny. Don't go (o sleep on this but M'O title guarantee . abstract co. Quatermass Studio Opens About Feb. 21 old locution building on In Montgomery Front St. SES GROUND TO ORDER tyes Perfectly Fitted f f a s? LWcU w,, 0 I?J'o iiiu inner.' fi you have headaches or cial grounj comblffntlon iocloseworkorseeat adls-l ' an oniBJ0"8- .A Slnss of ttn ' luiover. civerr njr me warranted to give Come and Bertr0naB 8Uc" W.B. RICHARDSON, m "Pipmetrist ft- "roadway Mnrshfleld. Last Week of tills clenrnnco snlo. Duy now for next winter nnd save R0 por cont. You do not get that porcoutngo at tho bank. Western Outfitting Co. Russell bldfl., Central ave. Money Is King Wo hnvo In 40 dlfforent vnrlotlos of the lntost artificial flowers nnd wronths. Also braids nnd frames of nil kinds for that spring hat. Tho prico ir cents. Wlint do otliors nsk you? Genulno rainproof Mallnes, nil colors, tho yard, 1GV;. Whnt do othors nsk you? Get tho lOc-store hnblt. AlAVAYS WWIKTlllXn NHW 'im 4 ro n Cent 130-11 enger Service gSHFiaDCYCLERY fe0PMG "imilWU 'FRAMING, SUPPLIES WfaD BROS. nusseil Building, antral Avenue Linoleum Logic No, X No More i Backache Take the backache of house-clean-""" Ing. "Uso linoleum i for. floors, Armstrongs Linoleum U made in patlernt or the parlof a well asi ihe kiieherv Rislihe rreedi of the bathroom and the bedroom. Itj's clean sanitary, durable and'tconomical. 'Plenty of"pale" ,0 Plck from nearly"3 hundred new onei that are decidedly out-olj the ordinary, No trouble to dhow thenwand you need noj do more than look. "Why Vuy M"oro?" JOHNSON-GULOVSEfM CO., Quality Homo Furnishings H K J0U iM&Wr' iTvt!"gfi Peoples 5j12.c Stores Miush field Ilniitlou Myrtlo Point TiTe R.oyal TONIGHT Mildred Koenlg, that llttlo- miss in a big hit. Miss Lois Powell In two pretty i Sovon new reols of pictures. 1 Kluoniacolor two-roil, "Mission Rolls." A romance of San Junn Caplstrano. Historic scones in i Southern California. ' "The Noto In tho Shirt." Two-reel KInemncolor comedy, i "Naval Ilevlew." In Now York .hnrbor was tho groatest aKgrfgation 'of battleships In the world's history. And in this KInemncolor film many of tho most entortalning featuros of I the great event nro displayed. "Tlie uiamonu .MnKers." a Brcui-two-reol detective drnma. Another new reel, AND Ahh THIS FOR. I.QWEIt FLOOR, lCc; BALCONY, 10c. New llonieN F. I). Clough Is orecN lint n bulldlnu' on his recently niir- clmsed lot on Was' lngton street,' in , First Addition. Rudolph A. Mnns lsj l clonrliiR his lot preparatory to niilui- Ing a home In First Addition. Dredge Delayed. As ft result of encountering somo black snnd, tho dredge Sonttlo Is being delayed and Knglucer Chnrlston said toJny thnt It probably would bo n week boforo It would bo nblo to start on tho Mill Slough fill. Newly-weds Trip. Mr. and Mrs. Kills S. Dement, of Myrtlo Point, who woro married four days ago, woro visitors in tho" city yesterday. Thoy nro on tholr honoymoon. They stopped nt tho St. Francis. Al bany Democrat. c.i.t ii. i Hullwin A nninll tinl. UII "I' " ... ... loon with n light nttnehod wns turn ed loose nbout (:30 last nigut. 'l noro wns prnciicnny no winu uiow ing nnd tho air bag nscpnded di rectly upward dnd wns visible fori a hnlf hour or so until it nscenuou through tho fog nnd clouds. I 1 1 IteMniuiiiiteur Here. D. M. Wat son, ror yenrs a nuiun reBiuuruui- man at Portland, having eonuucieu tho eating houses In tho Imperial , nnd I'orKins noiem, enmo in on uiu Drenkwntor todny nnd will go to Gnrdlnor. whore It Is undorBtood that ho Is looking over somo invest ments. I Jones' Office. A Rosoburg pn por says: "H. F. Jones, who is soon to retire from tho local United Btatos land office, has leased orflces on tho third floor of tho Porklns building, whero U" will resume tho 'practice of law. During Mr. Jones' ! absence tho offlco will bo' In chargo of F. L. Jones, hla son." Hearing Today. Tho claim of Mrs. Rarnh A, Yonknni. former adminis tratrix of the estnto of George F. niood. for I2SG7 for sorvlces and boarding tho decoased, will como bo foro Judgo Hall today for hearing. Attorney I. N. Miller nnd Harry G. Hoy will represent tho heir, Mrs. Cathorlno S. Clark of noston, Mnss. Mrs. Yoakam Is represented by Bon nott Swanton. MR. AND MRS. OF.O. RICHAnDS roturned from a visit to Catching Inlet todny, whero they hnvo boon tho guests of Mrs. John Hiiyden. WALTMR HUMMKRT. whoso ivlfo was formnrlv Miss K.inlco Nichols, of Mnrshfleld, returned todny on his regular tour of this section. C. W. HILL, of Portlnnd. hns beon on tho Buy for th pnst weok, rnlltim on the morehiints In the Intorest of "n hotter dny's work." FRANIC II. PAGE. U'n woll-loiown ronro.pntatlvo of M. L, Kllno, Portland, plumbing supplies, arriv ed on 'io Mroakwnter to look af ter tntdo In tho Coos county sec-tlon4 F. H, PAIGE, tho well-known trav eling mnn, roturned to tho Bay today on the Bronkwator, Mr. Pnlgo has boon figuring on putting In a Jobbing house for this sec tion hero. E, F. LEMIEIIX nrrlvod homo to day from Portlnnd, whero he wont to buy n stock of paint and wall paper for the store, which ho will onen In tho former quarters of Wllloy & Schroedcr on North Front streot. New Camps. Mr. Kaiser, w'.io was hero a while last year with tho Hous- I er Housor compnny, has returned to tho Bay and will nrouabiy no in charge of tho work again, or nt least I In charue of, Htnrtlng the threo or ' four additional camps which thoy will , nut in between Ten Mllo nnd Sand Point to rush tho construction work. 110 bag beon In Canada. JT0 rsne to Mnrshfleld last evonlng to take In the Elks' ball. J. M. WRIGHT, tho contractor, re turned todny from n business trip to Portland nnd Hood River. Ho rnnorts thnt L. M. Bontloy. who allied In tho construction of tho Chandlor Annex, Is now recuperat ing rapidly nftor his long Illness. REV, R. O. SUMMEItLIN. Tormorly nnstnr of h IT. B. Churcn In North Bond, nrrlfod horo todnv to 'lit frlonds nnd rolnUvos nnd nt his old homo In Myrtlo Point. Rov. Summorlln has beon engaged In tho prohibition cnmpnlgns In Snlom nnd other points recontly. J. W. H1LDENBRAND roturnod to dnv from a business trip to Port lnnd nnd oxpects to bo rendy soon to onon tho now hnrdwnro nnd bullderB' sumilles storo which ho nnd Win. Schroodor will stnrt on Market nvonuo near tho wntT front. I. R. TOWER nrrlved home on tho Brenkwntor todny from nn extend ed Eastern nnd Southern tour during which ho visited tho big auto fnctorles nnd shows In Now I Mother Dead. Mrs. Chas. II. Cur tis today recolvod a lottor from Mrs. ,E. W. Hogue. of Ashland, announc ing tho doath of nor mother at Portland. Mrs. Hobuo was former ly Miss Jonnlo L. Smith, a teacher Special Unhnlstery Work E. M. Potorson, nn expert and oxnorloncod unholstory man, who has worked for largo firms and can do flrst-clnss work, hns boon en gaged to tako clmrgo of this branch of our factorv. Your work sollrltod and satisfaction guaranteed. Esti mates furnished. The Woven Wire Mattress & Bedding Co. Shop phono, 19B-L. Rosldonco phono, lor-J South Broadway, Marshfleld, Or I'Olt SALE Team, wagon and hnr ness. Eunulro It. 11. Duriics, Bay City, P. O. Box GIG. I'Olt SALE Lot for Halo or trade on Ninth streot. Inquire nt -101 Ninth street South. LOST (in?l Utile bracelet. .Howard for return to Times offlco. FOi'M) Lady's kid glove, can Iio hnd nt Times orflco by describing property nnd paying for this no tice. I'Olt HALE Egns for hatching. White Orpington, Rhode Island Reds, Whlto Leghorns. Phono 12 1-L. FOUND EnHlern Slur emblem pin, In Goldon Rule storo. Can be ob tained by describing property nnd pnylng for this nd at Times offlco. WANTED WANTED $(100, one to two yearn tlino, on rosldonco property. Ad dress "Cash," Times offlco. HOARD AND ROOM Mn. N. M. Johnson, 23G Mnrkot nvonuo, $20 por month, v LOST Aiitoiiinhlle mink In fitint of , Engles' Hnll Saturdny night. Ro turn to Times offlco. FOR SALE FOR SALE Hlood mid fox hound puppies, two months old; will muko flno trailers for benr nnd wlldcnt. $25.00 pnlr. Address E. O. Swodborg, Stockyards 8tn., Denver, Colorado, FOR HALF Furniture of noveii room houso; nlco location, houso for rent. Inqulro 173 Eleventh streot West. FOR HALIJ Flno furniture In 0- room houso, down town. $225 , cash. Froo rent. Enqulro Times. FOU SALE CHEAP Furniture of six-room houso; can rout houso ronsonnblo, Phono 333-J. FOR SALE Furniture of 10-rooiu house. 409 North Broadway. Phono 1GG-X. II.J.'V'! OR RENT I - FOirTcE.NT Hoiiko, hunt nnd lot 100 by 200 with fruit trees nnd ono dozen hens, 1 cow fresh n April. Houso pnrtly furnished, Opposlto Smith docks. Apply Mrs. A. Cnva naugh, Eastsldo or pVono 392-X. FOR RENT Iiarco houso on Bout 11th stroet. Phone 119-L., or ut A. B Campbell. M amiriiini Toilet Requisites, the iuo.t per fect lino of beauty preparations on (ho market. For sale only nt THE LEADINfi DRUO HTORR. Iff n i ! HH 1 W :'l tfM'