THE COOS BAY TIMES, M ARSHFIELMBEQON, THURirt i , FEBRUARY 19, 9, j FOUR MfaVUki.UMieiitiinttm LATEST STILE IS GIVEIOUT AMERICANS IN PARIS OET NEW MM-: ox latest spring and SUMMER DRESSES AXI) HATS FOR THIS SEASON I'AUIS, Fob. 10. Tho racing sea boii opened at Autoull, when tho In- ' nuniornblo army of American buycra now hero for BprhiK trailo showa was Increased, by tut Influx from London, which had conic over especially to Heo what Dame Fashion lmn In store for tho coming seaBon. Humor that certain houses Intend ed to revive the crinoline fashion of 1800 proved to bo unfounded and any attempt to hutch such a display had to ho postponed on account of tl o weather. Unaggressive hut unmls tnlmblo huBtlos were, however, con siderably In ovlilonco. Tho chief novelty, seen during tho day was n hit? circular capo of satin. Tho Rown which attractod tho most attention was a brilliant plaid silk trimmed In bunchy ruffles over n bustle. Tho capo was of yellow cav alry style, with a big black satin col lar. If tho weather was too cool for t' o wearing of spring dresBos, It was not for tho work of tho milliners, for tho display or spring hats was nover more chic. Some of the hatn resembled pill boxes. Thoy wero Jauntily porch cd on tho hend and watorproof rib bon gavo nn oilcloth effect. Another fnvorlto was a wattcau s ophordcBB hat. Vivid colors, es pecially groon, wero tho rulo. Scotch plaid appeared on lints, and costumes of royal blue, mustard and grn'ss greon nlways showed tartan bolts and sashes. Tho bustle bunchl ness doveloped n now, or rather re vived an old, walk, that of walking with body bent forwnrd, giving a distinctly hump-backed effect. Drosses will bo loose, easy an1! floppy. The low skirt, surrounded by heavy flounces, will give an Im pression of looseness, wltn a snort crlnollno effect. Collars will bo high and extromoly open, bodices cut loose and easy bIccvcb, short for day wear. Evening dresses will bo sleovlcHS with murkod decollotago for 'both evening and day wear. Taffetas, ve lours and dolalnc will bo tho favor ite materials for day dresses, and for evenings golJ and silver brocades. AT .THE , 3LS ' ., ljQrJruR r ' - ' 'if'':"" "- V( ysv '' i n-jv lB,hC. ' .'J?" llfX " V I: I W uviYflwVW. lllr I oY i ffiM iA fl Ll."jl'-..- f gTS 5 jft iilfflliBll J , If Iri iBllllfl I J II 1 I I I 1 1 H H I IhI If al IHllll QUI HI I A V"" hS Hill III U lis I iZA jS7ljk 1 I I IL Mil 7 P 3;t C I I WllY sS Al I ym-JL liJnllll ft m I t IHlllll f$Mt (II JM sJLJulllH TBi WLXJnf Uuil &M ell 1 J Coquille Rjv, Guaranteed n-cc n .1... ,""" wift5 W-50 Per r tuu COUNTYi GEO. A, B Phone 181-L, CHECKS, PLAIDS AND STRIPES WILL BE STRONG THE COMING SEASON JI TI10 Cliiiiiiller. S, H. Vincent, Sal in: P. K. Mc Cluro, Portland; W. S. Dodgo, Port laud; .Tnmes Cphniu, Uoston; A. P. Arthur, Sonttlo; ,, T. Morgnn, San Krnnclsco; .1. t. Tnlllfar, Wampoca, Wis.: Adn K. Pratt, Myrtle Point: (I. S. Illllard, Portland; II. I). Tclkner. Portland: K. O. Howo, Portland; John '. Kidman, San' Krnnelsro; C. W. Williams, Onr dinor; M. (lould, nnndon; S. II. McKean; San Francisco; II. K, D.ilnlson, Portland; W. T. Ilummort, Portland: .1. A. Hyrno, Portland; It. J. I.owIb, Portland; II. T. Ha kola, Astoria; 0. W. Scltuosslor, Salem. Tilnyd. Podro Pino, Myrtlo Point; K. Ilobfrts, Allognny; Mrs. Clydo Coll lor. Coqulllo; Nick Ourst. Ilonvor Hill; A. P. MIHor, Myrtlo Point; .T. P. DImmont, Ilnndon; Victor L. Lnrsoii, Myrtlo Point; P. Peter, Ilnndon: J. A. Nowton, Myrtlo Point; L. 1). Donman, nnndon; J Kern, Ilnndon. Illanro. William McCahoy, Uluo nidgo; II. Potorson, Norway; I). J. Noah Willlnrd, Chns. W. Hates, Conledo; A. Harrows, Uniulon; D. A. Sham rock. UosohurB. . ... TI10 French shops and manufactur ers aro predicting thnt novelty fabrics, printed bIII(s, crepes and wool materials will be very fnBlilonublc fur curly spring wear. Chocks, plaid, stripes and conventional dcnlgns lead. Tor younit girls tbu double and triple tunic Is still favored, and tho contrast ing vest lends nn nlr of distinct on to a frock. In 8124 a striped tuneias Is used In black and white. Tho rovers und collar aro of black velvet, and llio vest shows n tiny llower design. Young girls' frocks must first of all be slmplo. Tho designs fellow mnro or less tho inodo for older frocks, but In Paris especially dark colors and fussy models arc not favored. No, 8124 may bo mado for a girl of 10 with 6 yards of 3G Inch mntcrlnl. No. 81 12 Is an Oliver Twist suit for a boy of from 4 to 10 yours. The shirt waist Is box-plaited and tho straight llttlo trousers closo on tho sides und aro buttoned to tho belt of the waist. Tor n boy of 8 this design reiulr;s 24 yards of 30 Inch serge, gnlutea or any other sultablo mutorlnl. No. 8124 sixes 14 to 18. No. 8142 4 to 10. ICuch pattern 10 cents. To nhfntn rlthftr nnttnrn IIIiimI nil out tills cnnnon nnil nnrlnun IS rnnii In r0 BHo stamps or coin. Do suro to ntnto number Nutria of pnttorn and slro, incmurlng over the a.m..... fullest part of tho but. Address Pattern Auurc" Dupurtmcnt, caro of tills paper. For Boys and Girls The Famous Buster Brown Shoe THE SAtCSMAN NAME IS fiUSTCR nwOWN. T)C BBICMTr.BT LITTLE HOY IN TOWN. VHtM DAINTY JANCCOMC1 IN To IJUY HE KNOWS THE ViaY KIND JHt'U. WV, ULUE KI0BOM JIIOEJ JUJT FIT tE rrcT l'OHKST XOTHS llecolpts from the uso of Nat ional forest resources wero greatest In Arizona last yoar. Dr. C. 1). Marsh, of tho Federal niiroau of Plant Industry, is dollvor liiK a sorlos of Illustrated lectures to stocknion In tho West on tho subject of plants poisonous to stock. Tho Illltmnro Porost School, cs tabllshod In 1S0S and thoreforo the oiiipbi rorost scnooi m Amorlcn, lins boon discontinued. Dr. C. A. Schonek. Its director, hns returned to his homo In Germany. Tho forost sorvlco Is compiling a now volumo tahlo for calculating tho bonrd contents of standing Western yollow pino treos in the Southwo8t. It Is based on nctunl moasiuvmonts of C000 trees. Tn trying to find uses for blight killed chostniit it haB been found Mint it cannot no utilized for crat I ... Or.,o- nunrry owners say thnt chestnut wood loaves nn Indelible stain on tho mnrblo or granite. yf ' Jv AND MAKfc THEM LOOK JPTRIM ANONIAT. " :Z'iZTgMfX ll'ltfVVv HWrWtNDJHCWWANTTMCJOHlOrJHOW f jW'ivf Vv2 ? XC I A Large New Line Just Received AT The Golden Rule FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Knllroads cniiBcd nearly hnlf the forost flros In Colorado nnd Wyom ing lost year, and almost ono-slxth woro sot by lightning. In Califor nia, llghtnlnc started moro than half, with railroads a comparative ly iiulfinlflcant cause. SlVOKSSl.HT, HVKHYWIIRIIK Pooplo overywhoro nro talking of tho nnlck and flno n suits Foley Kldnoy PIUs glvo In backache, rhoumatl8in. kldnoy and bladder troubles. You can not tnko them Into your system without good ro sults. Thnt Is becauso Foley Kidney Pills glvo to the kldnoys and blnd dor Just what naturo calls for to hoa thoso woakonod and lnnctlvo organs. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. EDISON'S LATEST A storage battery that continual over charging will not harm. DOES NOT COllROmS AT TEIIMINAU3. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not loso Its charge while standing Idle. IS GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay WiringlCo. IH3 llrondway. Agents for Port of Coos nuy. IF YOU WANT YOUR LAUNDRY DONE RIGHT Telephone the FERNDALE STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 277 BUY THE VERY BEST as? Mil sunn under . sanitary conditions IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZIM) . MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICf Fieo deliver-, 8 n. in. ami 2 p. m. Phono 7;$ Frank D. Cohan. Opposlto Chandler 47jt-'j r -t n 1' t . m, Z. " Hotoi. Phono 74. I All Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times Office f LANAGAN & 61 OliDIT lllvi. ... ",,l'xcoe, '-Mnbllshftj 1( rvnifil QMl.t... r.c., vjuruiusai Profits, $1 li'lcrest I'nld on 0Hlwn. J. V. Dennett, l'resldent. I. H. I'lanngan, Wr.ii. ' Wllllam,( cJ 'w. r.i Money Won' unless It Is ndded to by Thrift and wlsoly. You cannot easily make monov cihimJ you earn you hnvo nothing with ial Bo on tho Snfo Sldo. Savo at loaat a small part of your IstrJ Open n Savings Account In This Bith 1uniw uvuijr nuun ur lliunill. The First Nati Of Coos I Plnro your order now for some EARLY Ili:i)U0EI whllo wo hnvo n small supply on hid (I pounds. COOS RAY TEA COl'IKK A)l I .TO North llrondway. I CAPi: AIMGOI TYPEWRITERS All standard nuU ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Undm Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Preiri Cleanliii;. renalrlnir or new nlntons, Kotk n carbon paper (lellvcreil. Phone us journal TYPEWRITER EXCHANGEI JUST RECEIVED-A LARGE LM REGULAR AND ODD SIZES-1 SMITH'S VARIETY Jl Willamette-Pacific Pn.. Innvna Pnntrnl nvnnlin Marld"'" ' nlng at C:30 a. in., to 9:30 p. m. If"J minutes boglnnlng 0:46 a. ' ' "I n i m 1 1 av tit m m 'iweniy trip comiuuuiuuu m for ?2.00. EQUIPPED WIU i Steamship Bfl at.u'AYS 0.V Uliwc TMim, II 4 DCIII.'M'I I)! 1 SAT., FED. 7, 7:00 n. m. JJ.S i.M.'it 1.1 i no 11. 111. l1:,! SAT., FED. 1!!, 7:0 11. !" Ji it t in 111111 mi 4Ji.t4t til. it ntvi:, i-i'.ii. -n, ""'","" ...uu Ticuew on sale 10 uu iwi r-v,- l'hono 127-L. S. S. ALU EQUIPPnn with ffP SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD QATiiRnAY. FEBRuAH ROUND TRIP, J" Connection with the North (i North Pacific fite"- Phono 44. S. S. REI SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO' THURSDAY, FE6 1 ttr Snn Francisco office, 805 Fife IB ; .,ro-C-'' Inter-Oceanic Transponaui- - si&B: