?r MARSHFIELP, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1914 EVENING EDITION riMES, THREE fata rst Our Motto 0!f- (UTE TRAINS fitVR- LiUne-WW. ie tl eeo California; to llvo (the BUnSlllUe, uuwuio mm H s try you cannot afford TRAINS DAILY hm THE train of modern L up-to-thc-mlnuto equip- AND SAN FHANCISCO llth Standard, Tourist nnd lilnj jervico nnu win iuuubu. It uid lot lilm outline n trip, .quote ituro on California's fiunoiiH resorts. I I'menRcr Agent, I'ortliuul, Ore. tation Power it You Less not problematical if you TION ELECTRIC SERVICE. ite rates, absolute reliabil- dequate power at the least ciency in power service are lonomy and efficiency in 1 business. ower Is not electric it will e 178 and ask our repre- i facts and figures, (II cost nothing but a few pe and may be wortli many Power Go. and Central Hf THE SEA )F THE FUTURE 5F?1 MILE8 S0DTI on M TAXES, FINB SANDY W Make You Money lacKktoslta INSURANCE. (mber & Mfg. Co. DPARTMEN'r ffSfJ' 8ASn,AND,DOOna. 10 W CBINQ OUR WOOD. lay SOUTH BROADWAY Real Estate, fine fnsuranra & ABSTRACT CO Inr 'ACKev Man "" 4Fp2M A SPECIALTY. ISCR, Pnn ,.m mCE vu'A$ - 'no.NB loi. In The World of Sports LUCK OF PERKINS. Portlnndcra Toll of Fisherman Who Hccomcs Hnscball Player. A Portlnnd tmnor wvo. iim,..i Perkins, Denver recruit backstop, has for several years been a Columbia River nnd Umpqun Hlver flshormnti. Ills apeclnlty Is salmon. His catches wero always n marvel. If wns n case of "fisherman's luck." When selno and Klllnotters returned hi tho morning from a session on the tldo stretches, Perkins Invariably hnd ii mini wuuii uuicrs nnu row. "Luck has nlwnys been with me, My fond liopo Is that It Btlcks with mo now when I will need It most," snl (I Perkins. When catching on the Columbln University team Perkins batted .314 ono yenr, and won the lloneyman trophy for bat-leader. Tho follow ing yenr 1io took second Iron tho same kind of work. Thnt wn n morn nothing to his showing last year, when ho went to Mnrshflold and clouted tho ball through 25 games nt n pace better Hinn .400 NEW YOIUC, Fob. 10. Untiling Lovlnsky thinks this Is a hard world to pleaBO. It n fellow docs not win fights he Is placed with the "has bcens." If ho wins too many then 'his rlvnlB grow to fear hi in nnd It Is l:nrd to got engagements. Lovlnsky hns reached tho place whore they al most write up tho results of his bouts In ndvnnce, so certain Is tho result. Tho clovor follow will havo to do something unusual If he wants to con tinues to get frco advertising, for It's always known beforehand Just ex actly what ho will do: It is n fore gono conclusion that ho will feint and duck mid clinch three-quarters of tho time, whllo doing merely Just onougli offensive work to got n do-clslon. Tho grading nnd filling of tno Ynnkoes' new park nt Klngsbrldgo Is so near completion thnt only tho cold weather provents tho work of begin ning tho orectlon of tho playing stands at onco. It Is expected that this work will bo started about tho middle of March. In all probabilities tho Phillies will ho without tho services of Eppa Rlx ey, tho elongated Virginia pitcher, until Juno 1. Rlxoy graduated from Virginia this season and must remain until Juno 1 for his diploma. Ho has accepted tonus with tho Phillies, but ima nni slimed a contract and tl.o chnnccs nro thnt ho Will not until he gets permission of tho club to finish his studies. A numbor of Australian flghtorH have signified their dcslro to meet Tommy Hums, former heavyweight "AIM NAMES UMPIRES Kvpeilenecd .Men Will mil Striken (mil Hulls. M SAN FHANCISCO, Fob. 19. PnM;,e,UAllh T.'nirtim, of the winrtn MCotlBt ''"""ball League, iiiaiio tho official nilnouncoinent ot,.ii;, ""'I'tcb who win call tho finnan, "II! bUlfl d,,r,nB- tho COMlillK senso,!. They nro nil old meir In the inn8 ..,.?f TlnK acraItl "W' who can viin0!1 m'X cnrs '" tl10 A'or- nlt.SO,d?lon nncl international i'5! " b.?th of tl10 B clnsslfl- tT i.ii"?.,i:nc.,nc .ct League, MEMTISTS TO" HOLD MEETINGS BIG EATERS GET KIDNEY TROUBLE Take n Glass ' Salts Heforo llienk- fiiNt If Your Hack Hurts or Iliad- der Hothcru Ymi. Tho Amorlcan men. and women must guard constantly against Kid noy troublo, becnuso wo cnt too much and all bur food Is rich. Our blood Is filled with uric acid which tho kldnoya strive to filter out, tney wotikon from ovorwork, bocomo slug gish, tho ollmlnatlvo tUsues clog nnd tho result is kidney troublo, blnddor woakness nnd a general decllno In hoalth. When your kidneys fool llko lumps of load; your back hurts or the urlno Is cloudy, full of sediment or you nro obliged to seek relief two or thrco times during tho night; If you suffer with sick headncho or dizzy, nervous spoils, ncld stomach, or you hnvo rhouniatlBin when tho weather Is bad. got from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; tako a tablespoonful In a glass of water beforo breakfast for a fow days and your kidneys will then act flno. This famous salts Is mado from tho acid of grapes and lemon Julco, combined with llthla, nnd has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize tho nclds In tho urlno so it no longer Is a source of Irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad'Salts la Inexpensive; cannot ln- Juro( makes & delightful efforvescont Uthla-water bovorago, and bolongs In every home, because nobody can make a mistake by taking a good kidney flushing any time. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of tho Assign ment of the Hardwood Milling Co. (a corporation). To tho crebMtorB of the Hardwood Milling Co., a corporations You and each of you are hereby notified that The Hardwood Milling Co., a corporation, has made an as signment for the benefit of Its credi tors, and that tho undersigned Is the duly selected, qualified and acting assignee In the matter of said assign ment, and you aro further notified to present your claims as by law pro vided, to me, the undersigned, within three months from the date hereof. Dated at Marshfleld, Oregon, this 8th day of January, A. D. 1914. GEORGE W. WELSTEAD, Assignee. First publication, Jan. 8, 1914. Last publication, Feb. 19, 1914. 1, "Pl'l-over umpire nro T "& II it y,tfWn Jf P,h;10' w; ,T- ai,t"r, iiicJISi!L!13jLJ' p McCarthy. champion, who. Is on hls-wny to tho Island continent, with a strii g f J 1 fir, rBi,.nr my ?f tl10 'xers tlm. minis hns with dim. n. ....... ..i to bo In Austrnlla six months t iL) "ot J,rovo n hrrlor to Com InnVm'" '" ,.,1.ak,,,K lh0 American S,??c,t,lB' " anticipates mud troublo mid says tho club "has thr nmi ii i, .", '! tcllcra '" th0 country'1 nnd that "If tho rest of tho playerc ur h,nM,"Ml tl,oy'n c,,t 8 "'ch fig one." I,c,llln"t question ns any- It Is only a question of time boforr summer baseball will bo In vogue o" over tho country. Somo of tho molly. a1 t.ririi'n!! - baseball player earning n. fow pnltn dollars .InyI,.K tho game In the sum. mcr t nio, Instead of wnltlng on tabic and tho like but tho tlmo I, ot fa distant when hey will wake up to the fact that a college ball player Is onlj l.,!rnm,.,li",1 CI?" ,1Ul,) t0 ar '"8 COl. lego tuition by no morn i.nnr.i,i. means. Less than two weeks and tho 01 nnu will hnvo nrrlved on Amorlcnn noil again. Woll, there nro number, less good things provided for Hit spread to bo given In their sports men s honor. If thoy hnvo tried nmnilng birds' tongues, crnbs brnliis and such other delicacies In tho lar East; pnto do folo gras and MiimniH extra dry In Paris, somi havo alrendy written to say that plain sauerkraut and Vlrglnln ham will tasto good In dear old Now York Never mind about the pigs' feet mm uj- iniKurs. If William Herring, the big semi, professional pitcher wlm win i.n ii.i out by tho Giants lives up to his Long Island records, Walter Johnson will hnvo n rival as n strike-out king In a gnmo ngnlnst tho Dhldwln nine, ?n.t v5nr "m"1 Hf'-IroroiaIoiinl club h. ri. I "?rr,l,K rnt,l olovon ol the first twolvo men to fnco him mid niowod down twenty vlctlnm fo r. teen Innings. I a nine Inning game ngnlnst tho Press A. C. ho struck out tho South Sldo A. C. of Frcoportv So tho Cleveland Naps aro the first away to the Southland.- Evlde lj in.".1 8 ,oft 0,,t or rP"chof tho out Thoro nro still many mon needed .u luiiiimuiu mo rniiKs of tho Fedorn organization nnd not only win !,ny. era now on minor lengue rosters be sought, hut those who inny receive the r ton dnys' notice of release from major to minor will bo offered placet by tl o now circuit. "Jim" O'Connor, tho lanky mllor ,iNo.w Yrk A' c" ,B "loving In good fashion theso days. From b runnor who hnd all h0 could do to run a mllo In Im. 4Cs. n year ago ho has become a consistent "4-ao" mon. So tho English peonlo nro not so disgusted with Jack Johnson after nil. !-iuiiKcunsiiiorniian tno National Sporting Club of London hns decided to offer a purso of $1G,000 for a twonty-round bout between Jack mid Sam Langford, tho "Roston Tar Ra by, to tako plnco probably early in Juno. What then would becomo of Johnson s ongagomont with Mordn. I-rnnk Hlnkoy npponrs to no tho head coach of tho Yalo football teom for next season in nmno ns well as In action. Anyone who 'hnnnoim tn im mn. tomplntlng n visit to dear old Now Yoik any tlmo between tho fifth nnd olghth of March would do well to send ahead by registered 'mall a nug get of gold or somo equally vnluablo iiuecBaiun hb n ueposit on n room In some of tho out-of-the-way hotels. For notice Is hereby given that all avallablo spneo In tho hostolrles whero swoll folks congregate ins been lapped up by enthusiasts who havo planned to meet tho world's tourist baseball tennis when they land. Special trains hnvo been 'en gaged for frlonds or Comlskoy and tho White Sox. Speclnl eats at the big blowout will cost $10 a plate. Merry King Colo Is glad ho'B with Southwestern Oregon to Be Represented at Meeting in Washington Soon Editor Timos: Tho Southern Oro gon conferonco of Seventh-Day Ad vontlstB will bo woll represented at tho biennial session of tho North Pacific Union Conferonco of that denomination, which will bo hold nt College Plnco, Washington, Fobru ary 25 to March 8. Elder F. S. Hunch, of Rosoburg, president, will head tho delegation from this con ference, which will bo composed of iinicucnuy mi ot tno clorgymon and Hlblo teachors In Its employ. Among others who will attend nro T. G. Irunch, L. A. Gibson, R. W. Alrey, C. J. Colo nnd Lowell Tuppor. Among ho cities thnt will bo represented aro Rosoburg, Ashlnnd, Cottago Grove, Mnrshflold nnd other plnces. Clergymen mid Hlblo tcachorB from tho conferences In Montnna, Western Oregon, Idaho and Wash ington, which with Southern Oregon -omprlso tho North Pnclflc Union Conference, will nlso nttond the .ses sion. Tho visiting clergymen will Include Elders I. 11. Evans, president of tho North Amorlcnn Division Con ference; G. H. Thompson, secretary -t tho North American Division Con 'orenco: W. W. Eastman, head of tho publishing work in North Anior Ica, and Mcado MacGulrc, field soc rotary of tho Young Pooplo's MIs ilonary Voluntcor Department. All of theso nro from tho world's head quarters of tho denomination In Washington, D. C, with tho oxcep Mon of Eldor MacGulrc, who cornea from Lovolnnd. Colorado. Elder C. W. Flnlz, of College Place, pres ident of tho North Pacific Confer ence, will hnvo chargo of tho meet ings. This will bo tho sovonth of twolvo lintlnr meetings scheduled In dlf 'orcnt parts of tho United StntoB nnd Canada, and which will continue 'tnttl next day. It Is stated that there aro now iver 20,000 young mon nnd women 'n tho schools, academics and col 'cgps opornted by tho denomination, nid tho necessity of winning ovory ino of tlioBO for gospel workers will 'to brought to tho attention of tho ologntefl. Eldor Eaatmnn will toll if the progress thnt Is belnc mado 'n North America toward dlstrlbut ng Christian literature Ofricors will bo elected for tho next two years, credentials nnd , li censes Issued, and It Is prouablo thnt several changes will be mado tn tho forces In different parts of tho North Pnclflc Union territory. W. h. Durgnn. CM.' 1 1 HACKS PORT WORK. ROSEHURG, Or.. Fob. 18 T.ho 'losobiirg Commercial Club nt Its Inst ncotlng passed n resolution In which t resolved to glvo Its "henrty np iraval and supiort to tho project of improving tho Port of Umpqiia har bor "I'd wnterwny," and earnestly 'cqucsts our sciintorB.and represontn Mvos to uso their utmost endeavors 'n this Improvement. HACKACJIK-RIIKUMATISM VANr ISH AWAY. Men nnd women having bnckacho, rheumatism, stiff and swollen Joints nro honestly glad to know that'' Fo ley Kidney Pills aro successful every where In driving out theso Ills. That Is because Foley Kidneys Pills nro a true medlclno nnd quickly effoijtlvo In all diseases that result from weak, Inactive kidneys and urinary Irregularities. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D, Cohan. Oppo site Chandler Hotol. Phono 74. Goodrum's.Garage home of the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 847 Central Av. Phone 37 Tho man who wants to fight when i Joko Is played on him Is tho snmo nnn who thinks It great fun to play Jokes on others. -,..--,-. tho Yankees, otc. It's tho way with most of thorn. They flop this way ind thnt nnd whon thoy land right sldo up it la n knlfo In tho back ,or tho other proposition. Looks as If Wllllo Hoppo will soon hnvo to go Into vnudevillo, bocauso thoro will bo nothing elso to do. Thoro doesn't seem to bo n cueist nnywhoro who can oven make It in teresting for tho wlznrd. Evqntn which occurred nt a recent reception, however, hnvo caused some admirers of Hoppo to warn him against taking too much' "for tho stomach's qakOi" for fear thnt It may shako his norvee. Friends of Ad Wolgast aro de claring that ho will surely regain tho lightweight championship of tho world If Wllllo Ritchie over ngrecn to fight him. A,d did suca clover work In IiIb recent fight with Joo RIvors In Milwaukee that ho bag.por simded many fight fans of his ability iu uuiiiu uacK. Thoy talk about drawing cards, llko Cobb, Wngner, Johnson and qthers. "Hilly" Sunday has It on them all If n peep Into tho Oakland tabernacle, Pittsburg, provo anything. If, tho FodoralB could sign the evangelist, modern baseball stadiums wouldn't bo big enough to hold tho crowd's. Federal league agents, by the way, hnvo pindo themselves unwolcomo membors of tho committee that will groot the homecoming GlantBj nnd White Sox when thoy Jand In Now York. Many of tho tourlsU have not signed major leaguo contracts , and tho Fedornl lenguo agents ,feol confl uent or uojng somo proselyting. Gonial Pat Conway has been elect ed president of tho Irish-Amerloan Athletic Club for the eighteenth tlmo. Conway raised his good right hand bofore tho meeting and vowed "never again," but tho membors Of tho club paid about as much attention to. him as Tinker would pay to an offer from organized basoball. Pat was put in to tho office smiling nnd objecting, With a round of cheers that were marvelous, says ho, .for their slncer ?fo; And he deserved every one. SAFE FOR RAHIKS, EFFECTIVE FOR GROWN-UPS. That Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound. It has tho confidence of your druggist, who knows It will glvo you satisfaction. W. W. Nes smith, Statesboro, Gn., says; "I havo used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound In my family and have sold it In my store and It never falls to euro." Refuso a substitute. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Ho tel. Phone 74. I w