1 WE AH HOPE TOR THE BEST, BUT AN OPTIMIST ACTUALLY EXPECTS TO GET IT WATCH YOUR "IVJKK COOS DAY TIMi:S. A clean, wholesome ncu simper for Coos County homes. The Times lias (ho largest proved i-lictihitlou of any ncwspaiK'!' In Coos, Curry of Doug las counties. Itroil Hie ihIvh. In Tlio Time Ks- mmt The Mm wltliiut an adv. in The TIicm l handicapped iln tlio race for p Trade. mmaidhu op the associated press WtilHiJlJUUBMJU. , vWll Ksnl)lMiccMH7H VOL AAAVll. as'i'ho'Coast'MHll MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1914 EVENING EDITION -SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times Const Mall ln 101 and Coos Day Advertiser. u' '4 fflana SOUTHERN CALiFORNfA IS SWEPT BY WiJRST F ill IN YEARS Eight Inches of Rain :in Tliirty Iwo Hours Causes ler irlfic Loses STREETS OF CITIES LIKE MILL RACES Los Angeles and Many Sur rounding Cities 'Hurt Citrus Belt Damaged inr AimwMIM rrrm to Com lr Tlmw.l LOS 'ANGELAS, Cal., 'Fob. '19. Five countlcB or southern Califor nia were flood-bound as tlio result of a downpour which Htnrteil at mid night Tuesday and yielded from six to eight II1CI10H 01 rain in me imriy two honrH i toad tnlffl BOY LOST IN SANTA BARBARA Bank of Streams Throws Him Into Torrent Flood Re lief in Sight lllf AmocUIcI lrrri to Coo Ilnjr Tlmn. SANTA HARHARA. Cal., Fob. 10 Flood eondltlnnH were iMiproved hero' V"1.',1, rrm .," Ferrari aim considerably to.lnr. t,J . i,ilS " other Italian suspects who are cities of Los Angolps, Snntn Rnflmra, .' ' """J "' i.iuinoi UBtormnn, t!io,Mro , Ven'iir". Po-nonn, llodlands, Illver- ' wl" wuh drowned when ho wns j ,0tnlled KELLEY INQUEST WILL BE HELD RERE THIS EVENING Sheriff Gane and District At- . To(lny n District Attorney lh- .tOITiey LlljeqVISt .and PriS-lRond Commissioner P. M. Hnll-Lowls Prnhnh v hn nn" tno tour prisoners came out to riUUctUiy " Honrvvllln anil will trn nvnr Mm scono of the shooting. Hall-Lowls brought IiIb liiBtruments nlong to measure the distance and prepare, a llttlo sketch showing tho lay of the land, locution of tho houses and courses travolod by tho men. The four prisoners will go over tho Bceno ngaln and will bo closely ques tioned. As to what they toll will probnbly depend whether they will ho cnlled as witnesses tonight be foro the coroner's Jury. It Is like ly that nil of them will coma to Marshflold on tho evening tra:n. W. T. Moffott, cashier at tho Den ver Hill initio, was In Mnrshflold to day and said that Sheriff Gago must havo boon mistaken In saying that eighteen or twenty Italians oners . Preserit. The Inquest over John Kcllcy, tho victim of tho shooting scrape at Henryvlllo Sunday night, will bo concluded at Coronor WIIboh'b of flco this ovonlng, beginning at 7 o'clock. Tho evldonco nt tho Inquest mny bo moro cotnploto than was first expected, In order to furnish Dis trict Attorney Llljcqvlst with somo missing links In tho chain of clrqum stnntlal ovldcnco which Is being formed In tho case. Ho is said to havo failed to gain as much Infor mation from Jimmy Ferrari and miin """ " " ,1 eoiiHldnrniilv tminv tu .. 1.-U1J. tl10 oiner Italian Buspocts who aro , cm Hub this mom Iiir. Ru I- J h ara CBtody nt Coqulilo yesterday nf- flc Is demoralized. In tho " "'-J tlio el o 1h for n short tlmo. tornoon nfl ho ,,',, mctca to so- .os Angeips, Hiuiin iinriiiira. , ."""'"' V" ""i.1u",I""1"n- "I0 It lira and Irnro the probability of a from Denver Hill wero In Il-nry ..,.. v.... Ilonnr. tin nml DHKrirln lliillin II llllll .UIHSKin I rnot lir i MV tho 'streets wero turned Into mill '"& ""! ye-stordny, has not- been re .;:. covered. irneKS ami Drltlgcs aro Storm drains wero overtaxed and washed out and It will bo BuvornI days Irrigation ditches widened Into hikes. uoforo trnme Is rostoreih Ilrldpes were torn out. Tiirougnnui, tho rltniH belt washouts mm belated trains nro reported. In somo sectlniiK , tho Los Angeles streets wero under ten feet of wnter for n peflod. Ono j 01 tHO ICICgrnpu eoiiiiiiiiien iumii iuii 1hat Hcvcnty-flvo iior cent Hit tho wires wca tiioIpss. Arizona Is vlrtunlly cut -off from wire comuumlratlon. llclnlnlng will's nt various points In the foothill roglon of ttm oninjco C E OF MOD growing section collapsrd under tlin'-RroHiep Qf M0terJ Rnqphnll weight of water and sent floods u'Vi ui wuilu Dd&LUcUl manager csaves Kciatives and Two Others twirling through tho grclmTllu, in-, dieting great dnmngo. Sovonll 'housed collnpsi'd In Los Anrtulos. In j many n'cuim mo pcopio iibcu uoiiih to navlgnto the streets. I 1 TESTIMONY (nr AwHvUtut I'rfM 10 Coo luy Tlmn. ni.n.vnoitA, caiir.. Feb. 10. Frnnk Chance, manager of tho Yan kees, unveil tlio lives of his lirntlinr. 1 in-lnw, Carl I'nncako. and two othor men In floods caused by tlio storm yesterday. I'lincnko and his two com nntilntiH wore riding In tin nutomo- fbllo when n retaining wall gave way and loosed n riood rive reet deep. Tho nutomobllo wns ovortiirnod and tho men wore swopt through an or- chnrd, near Chnncp's place. Ct'anco Investigation quest tonight. nt tho In-, villa Sunday. Mr. Morfltt says thoro wero oniy eigne WILSON FIGHTS RARD TO E CANAL E C n SENATOR GORE IS EXONERATED Congressmen Insist on Presi-i I .UX f l an r uuiu aenaing message Be fore Chanqing It WANT IT TO EXPLAIN REVERSALS TO PEOPLE Jury Refuses to Allow Mrs. Bond's Claim of Assault Mrs. Gore Overcome fPr AMorlMfit Titm to Cong nr Tlmw.) OKLAHOMA CITY, Fob. 10.- Senator Kern, Majority Lead er, in Conference With President Today W AmocUihI rrrti to Coon DT Tlran.l WASHIXOTOX, D. C. Fob. 19. I'roBltlcnt Wilson pressed Turthor for ire ropcnl of tho exemption clauso KILLS WIFE'S 1TRERIN RAGE IS STEVENSON PASSES AWAY Pawnbroker at Kansas Falls in Faint Af ter Murder There inr AMoflllM I'itm lo Coo. llir Time Hutchison, Widow of Famous Novelist and Writer Succumbs to Stroke of Apoplexy (llr Am lilfl Pitm lo Coo. Ilr Tlmni 1 SANTA 1IAH1IAUA, Cal., Fob. 19. Mrs. Itohort Louis Stevenson, wid ow or tho famous noveliBt and writer, Scores of messages congratulating of tho Pnnnttin Cannl.nct In a con Sonntor Thomas 1 Goro on his ex- feronco today with congressmen. Ho onorntlon of charges of Improper talked with Sonntor Kern, tho mnjor conduct, mndo by Mrs. Mlnnlo E. lty loader, who said nftorward that llond, in a suit ror IfiO.OOO damages," tho Senate first would dispose of tho woro received uy tno senator totiny. arbitration treaties promptly nnU Mrs. Goro, who Bat throughout tho probably tako up tho IoIIb question trial by her husband's nttomry, and imiue-.lntely thorenfter. rrom tlmo to tlmo whlsporod sug-i Altliough Senator Kern votod for gestlons to them, could not rostra hi the oxomptlon ho said today thnt tho herself yesterday nnd tonrs woro lit ' president hnd told him of vnrloiiB In hor oyes wlion sho shook liniuls with teinntlonnl phases or the quosMon In Jury foreman. Mrs. Done was Whleh wero not beforo tho Connto nppnrcntly unmoved by the verdict wll0n (ll6 ,,nnnnin Cniml nct waH or tho demonstration thnt followotl. Bsod. Hotiso lenders animuncod I tilnt they doslrel sortie nnnouncemont or a messngo to eougrcss by tho Pres ident boloro rovorslng tVemsolvos on I the toll question, so as to bo nblo to I make It plain to their constituent!) that International circumstances hnd iiiibuii requiring mo c-naugo. nopro Hcutatlvo Underwood, it Is under stood, whllo still hollovlnir In tolls oxomptlon, will not organize any op position to tho President in tho JIoiiso. IG CO 6 SS ON AT EUGENE lllTTf'IIIVSnV. Ivim Poll 1 '1 I died or npoplexy at her homo nt Mon- Wonrlv 1000 DfilPfintp; Attpntl Ahrnni Ostattor, u pawnbroker, shot teclto yosterdny. utrtiiy luuu UULlJtllLb HUUIU and killed his mother-in-law, Mrs.! Mrs. MeveiiBon wns stricken lato nrenon DpuplonniPnt Mppt , i. ,.i ,...i.. ,.4 , yesterday and did not regain con- " t-yuii ULVUUfJlllUll IVILLl -um. .. i. ... nUI ... w. ...... 8(.0BII01!8. UoyiI osboiirne, her son, rat..or-ln-Iaw, Inflicting probnblyfnt-; i,ns started from Now York ror Santa al wounds. Ostnttor then fell to tho Dnrbara and Mrs. Isobol Strong. I-or floor unconscious. A physician pro- 1(,1!V',!lltor' hns ,'co" "otlf,ot, at Ho" nouncod him to bo suffering rrom op-1 ' , llopsy. After being revived nnd .MACO.N IIONOKS DACO.V. lodued In fall, tho nnwnbroker said I 1"' ""' '" ' . u.r Time j :: ; . . I t t rtrx. r- ... r n DEAD AID SI HURT BY CARS Commissioner 'Caminetti Ssvs It is Urgent Ito Exclude j r0,,e-""'' -woro tlraiil .to Hindus Now f'lT A"'b ln frit to Com nT Tlmm.1 i I WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. lfi. 'M Japancs piiuvo or Ablatio Iiiuihbtii- lion wni nolded by Commissioner Ocncral Camhietti wIim. iw. tnnn,i before llio Houso eomtnltteo urging mmciiinie legislation to restrict iiinau iminiKrutfuti. n,t said Hindu exclusion was un oiuurjottcy tnnttcr- MICIIIGAXIINK IMIOIIK. 'InvfHKnlliiii or ('In 1st mns DlsnsUv to tiii.Timpiwd. Or Ami U-rt I'rtM to too, nr Tlm.l HANCOCK. Mich., Feb. IV. Coun- for tho Western Fedoratlon or miners withdrew tlwilr retruest ror lull hiformntlon r tJio ItaHnn hall ;In ter.nt t'nlttmot, stating to tho t.T'6 ?iml committee thnt-tounEol Md decided that "no good purpose ""Wl subserved by such Inquiry," proMdett the two ldes could greo on a statement or rncts to bo lnsrted IK" ualdr thc,rovl,,e,,wl tho, next I'XDKItWOQD S NAMICD. fRhin Assistant Attorney ifiivril in," .,,,,,, ,lf IHlMin. "' A.i0fit4 I',,, l0 Coo, ntr Tlw,,., WASiiix0T0Xi i). C.. 'Felt. 19. W J". n Vnderw0O(1 ' Atlanta has t7hu"m.e:! w' President Wilson ror Wlnfred t n?y general in plaeo or Phil .,?.,T,,Denl8on' wh0 we"t to tho rni'Ullno Commission. n'Q II 1IIIIOH PINNKD OaVlaiHl nnd (7ther Cities nnd fiov- OAKI ?vr! S,.',,rt 93.000,00(1 in two S' fal- Feu- la- with. IWO Weeks tlio nnnnlol.., ..,! wll iiobh o tlio ace dent ad ,,ror ir- tho f,u,,"' hnrt "ttacked him. A suit' -YON. Gn. Feb. 19.- Tie run I Vh miiM flo ted l hoin iloH to So flir ,,lvorto ,,ro,,K,,t ''' Mrs- Ostattor "1 of Senator Dacon of Georgia was iiih nipes rioateii iiiom uown to wnoro . .. . lioll bore today. All bus nets was (lit- imperilled men wero hanging to I i.niiii,jnjouri. susponded while tho bodj was burled. tror-, AH 'rinsed o grns i t:1'' IE0TRAL ZONE iHERO'S NEPRE ing There Today M'r An. Ulnl 1'rrM In Coo, liar Tlmwi ) KUOKNK. Or., Fob. 10. With nearly 1000 dolegntos In nttendnneo tho Orogou Development Congress opened. Tho opening session wns de voted to devising wuys to havo visi tors to tho Pnnnmn Pacific Imposition nt San Francisco stop off In Oregon. Sfippery 'Rails Blamed, for Stredtcar Wreck in In dianapolis Last Night (Br AoUIJ rr" m o jir Time..) INDIANAPOLIS, Hid.. Feb. 19. Tho thlrty-ono persons who woro In jured 1n ai street , oar nccldont horo last night, In which lour men woro killed, -weru'suld to bo in an Improv ed condition .today. It Is bolloved that tho death list will not bo in creased. Slippery rails Is hold res ponsible for tho ncetiient. a nonvy traction freight ran into n streeet car. , j W MANY ARRIVE F0RT0RRE0N: PASSES AWAY ON BREAKWATER I NO TRACE OF SINKH S RebelCommander Agrees to Admiral John Paul Jones' Rela-'Qonmni, tn rPftm Dbi,,Ui j Proposition to Protect i tive Succumbs in France iMecai2?frT,E. .E!SMMpJf'?,d Br AMOclilfj rrn to Coot nx TlmM.J NOUFOLK. Vn.Feb. lit. Will wlreloss cnllH swooping ovor tho sea trom tho radio towers on tho mlddlo Atlantic coast, rovonito cuttors nnd numbors or steainHMps round no trnco today of tho flvo-mnstod schooner Kluoo, of Ilatli, Mnluo, last reported yestorday as taking twolvo Inches ot water per hour and In a disabled con dition. When sho wns sighted by tho uteamer City ol Atlanta yosterdny, It did not seom nccossury ror tho Hnor to tnko orr hor crow. Tho Klnoo whb then 11.0 iiilles northenst or Diamond S'tonls. .Non-Combatants llr Amx I.IM I'rt,, to Coo, IUr Tlmc.,1 JUAU1CZ, Fob. 19. Goneral Villa, -Training for Sea tUt Aiafv-UtM rrrti lo root IUy Unt- PAU, Franco, Fob. 1I).- Oeorso BOY TRAVELS for the w?8 th completed outline other p.1rbS:B of Oakland and the to the Boiri ? iUeS WlU b0 sent englnwr r,l . 1Uvrs nn'l Harbors Washing th0 War Department rMeive,i ln?tc. according to word Tbomaa Tr H L?u.tenant Colonol engineer re?' Un,te(l statea Army Kroor Ev.t i u.1 "l " HMiiuiiii er cSSl II f,or Oand and tho ti.i.i vl'es and m wnv .m , uuned iuae FAR ALL ALONE Fred Brooks, Aged Eleven, Makes Trip From Michi- ijan to Coos Co. Alone Franl Drooks, aged eleven, won among tho passengers arriving on the Dreakwator this morning and tho llttlo rollow had made the trip from Minhlcrnn 1ioro alone. He was en route to IJandon to Join his rattier. his liarents Ittiving become estrangoa and tho rathwr coming to uauuuu. Tho lattor sent $29 back to his little son nnd told him to como west and Join Wm. The boy started and made tho trip -alone He Is a bright tittle chap nnd his array of clothing attracted consld oraliln Attention. However, the cloth- . . a . L.imlnil ilmiFn i f Mi iihla s"clent to accommo-' '" tnai naa oeen imuucu uu.,.. . ,Se th. devest ocMn-gomTStSSS-lS.'!? & ?.i5. T&Jl t'JV l n,. Ullll JUS Cllfui umi " -- - equally ei.st. of the work will be1 soon won a host of friends among ?orLd,T.W-a between the FpiImSi I tho passengers on the Breakwater. Early This Morning After a Good Trip ' Tho Dreakwator nrrlvnd in .nriv .l.ni ..............11,. o..riwl ... .i ....,n llnvnl Ilin i.rnnt.i'i.int.i.rMiiil.nniiliniv I lOllilJ litter II good trill from Pnrl. iuiiui i U.....1....V.U. ki i.vii ill .. luwiru- -..... ... n.. n.... rv. ... ..v. .. . . . - -- - -- sltlon for n neutral zone at Torroon. or Admiral John Paul Jones, dledi,n,,llv .H".0.ad n miscellaneous car In convemitloji ovor tho tiilopliono ''ore today nt tho ago or 12. Ho with Oenornl Hugh L. Scott. "I am wns bolng educated ror study nt willing to do .anything to protect tho tho Nnvnl Acamody at Annapolis, non-combatants," snld Villa to tho Tho lad was adopted by an American iMnerlcnn general. "I would be will- woman nrtpr tho dentu or ins grand- Ing to have tlio hnttlo outsldo the "" '' no B ki""-ivo " city ir tho Federals would gree, 3 "' Jones. Mnvlnir tho rlrlzoiiR suro In their ; """ homes." M'GOVKHX IK NAMICD. Hns Kngllsbnmn Cuplivr. ',,., , 777 , . ... EL PASO, Feb. 19. Gonorat VII- Wilbur Jinn AikiIinI Mnn.luil for la Inndvortently admitted that Wll- Knutwn Wjihliiiigton Today. Ilnm S. Benton. British subject, iw".uwiwiiiu.bi,iiw. who dlsnppoarod In Juarez Tuesday, WASHINGTON, D. C. Foil. 19. was still in his hands. Villa yes- President Wilson nominated James K. terday said that Denton wns not un- McGovera of "Wilbur, "Wash., United dor arrest and when todny ho snld States marshal for tho eastorn dlst- ho had Donton "safe", ho laughed rlct or Washington. nt bolng doteeted at his previous GIG -i) IS by and the woric win hn 1918. The nrotect tn- aaes a ionft . V "v ijci in to a denih l0.?. c"nnel dredged 4it r.?!p,h..B"Klclent to accommo- docoptlon. "What do you think of a man who would como ovor hero with a six shooter and threaton me?" nsked Villa afterward. "I think he ought to bo shot," Interposed an oftleer who was listening to tho conversation. TO DKPOUT-CABTILLO. Diuidlt Ix'mler ArniMMl of Ciimbi-o Tunnel Outrage In Kent Duck. (HI AuorUl4 IT... to Coo. uf Tltum.) HACIUTA, X. M Feb. ID. Max!- "Well." added Villa, mo Castillo, the caiUured Mexican "I luivo tho six shooter horo m my bandit, ana those taken with him, box." Denton is said to have used will be placed In separate toaclieH and strong language beforo Villa on ac- taken to El Paso today, It Is rum count -of tho destruction of his ored an attempt might bo made by ranch property. Castillo's friends to hold up the train. Covei uvernmon , . cv" l,1 reaera i In ?nt-nn.d tho cities Interest ond. Aih. J l Oakland. Rich vllle Vii Berkeley Hnd Emery- 1?! In tho t5re..VB'n...ctor" ln' ...v "uicuioiu uji- nlng. nnuinvN3 EAGLFS'HAIJ.,1 HAND 1MNCE, BAOLB' who got up a little purse to rig him nn- nmtinriv. A. J. Mendel headed tho purse, and It was arranged that ho would be fitted out with a Jaunty llttlo outfit here so that he could meet his father In style. i'S HALT;, OME YEAR IN MEXICO go of freight nnd a cannclty nnsBon gor list. Among thoso arriving on hor woro tho following: J. M. Wright, F. H. Pngo. U. S. Grant. E. D. Damn. E. S. Fox, W. V. Wheolor, Jno. Nollson, Mrs. C. W. Martin, Mrs. H. Snyder, E. 8. LoMloux, T. M. Lnwronco, o. Gulov sen, Mrs. D. E. Smith, Miss Loin Sonoych. F. M. Smith, E. Wllklns, Mrs. Wllklns, Jns. It. Allen. Mrs. .1. Wnltormoyor, Mrs. H. O'Connor. Jnck Alvonby, A. A. Dnnd, W. F. Hummort. C. C. Inihoff. n. o. Rum. orlln, Jlrs. II. Toxnn, Geo. Abol, N. UIUIHU8, w. u. uantwoii, n. F. Dyrno, S. Moyako. T. Ynmnda. n. M. Watson, A. E. Davidson, Jos. Kries, D. Shambrook, Mrs. J. P. .Menuo. s. McKoan. N. J. n ah ni;. ton, Mrs. Knott, J. It. Johnson. J. W, Hlldcnbrnnd. I, It. Tower, Mrs. J. E. Stack, Helen Stack, Margnrot Stack. Irono Stack. E. O. Samuols, O. XV. Wheolor, Miss M. Gould, II. E. Gray, F. Drooks, a. W. Schness lor, W. F. Hunter, J, A. Dyrno. M. O. Henderson. C. It. Zmko. Mrs. P. Olsen, A. McCIollon, F. Strong, J. W. Hyberg, Mrs. N. Lnno. A. J. Mendel. Vivian Mendo. II. Flltnno. j. a. Tiiompson, E. W. nurdlno, W GD Tom Dernich Tells of Games in Front Street Place and Charges Are Filed. Proor or gambling was established today when Tom Dornlch, nn Aiih trlnn, wob nrrestod nt a corroo houso and pool -room on Front stroot ovor tho Pulaco rostauriint, whllo engaged In n rist fight with threo Grcoks with whom ho woh playing pokor. According to hu story, Dernich wns ontlced to tho plnco by n Grqok Af ter playing a. gumo of pool, ho wnB Introduced to four or five Greeks, who suggested a gnmo of cards. The nunrtotto gathered round for n llttlo game, fturchnslng chips rrom the proprietor or tho houso. Dornlch proved his ability as a poker player by running 1 up to IG, nnd Hko a good gambler was about to quit, when thO SCOUt Who IllOllL'ht him tt Hia .U...,.WW.., .4. ... .M, ,,.", I , . ---..v .. V .tw u. H. jicuiosKoy, li. Ilisiop. W. P. J' '"" "iuuo a ningo at. nun, punciung Yerko, L. Powers. J. M. Carl, U. 'J,B end and1 faco. badly boating nlni. lOlil. Despatches from Mexico City Just a year ago, averred that Feb ruary 19, 1913, was a day to be remembered In Mexican history. It saw tho sudden rlso of Gen. Vlctorlano Huerta from a long career as military commander to tlio head of the government. Gen erals who had been aorendlng President Madero from tho fire of revolutionists under Gen. Felix Diaz, eavo wav to intrigue, forc ed Madoro's resignation and made him prisoner. He was later shot to death. A congress in tho streets of the capita! Just a year ago to night elected Jiuerin provisional president. 1014. At the end ot his first year ln power Huerta's government Is un recognized by tho United States. American, British, French and German warships aro along his coasts, watching conditions In his country. Revolutionists In tho (north under Generals Carranza and Villa have taken several of his strongholds, and now with access to arms from tho United States they are moving south upon Torreon, with Mexico City as their ultimate objective. In tho south tho Independent followers of Gen eral Zapata ' continue their up risings. Huerta declares ho has a loyal armV of ICO, 000 men and reports contlnUo that ho may him self take thfe field against his enemies, Sheto, XV. Shoto, Miss M. Watt, A Iv. linker, A. Justin, A, Lorqulst. Bar Dredgo Working. Tho bar dredgo Mlclilo, which has dono but llttlo so far, was out on tho bar ready to start operations when tho Drenkwnter camo in this morn ing Capt. Macgonn wns Irate ovor somo reports published hero to tho efrect that thero wns now 27 reet ot water on tho bar. Ho said that the man who gavo f em out must bo clear orr In his upper story. Tho report wns sent to Major Morrow. Dornlch attemntod to flirht lmnir nmi by this tlmo ho says no less than ton sonB or sunny Greece, climbed his nn atomy. At this stngo tho pollco ar rived nnd placed Dernich under nr rcst ror righting. Tho gang who attacked blni had disappeared. Dernich wns tried ln pollco court this morning, where he told his story. Tho owners or tho plnco, Stellos Psaltes, James Peter anil John Knrndes, wero present nt tho hearing nnd said that thoy know nothing or tho encounter, although Kiirodna ii'fia nonn u . Tho ladles of tlio Catholic Church Z3: . ' Z., ,u -iiowou ulll lml,l tl.el.. i.iml r.iniciHl f..,1 """'" .'"'"v . ". "u"l IVHWB WHO 1110 Milo on Saturday, February 21, nt tlio hiiiiinei- inmuvnro store. Tho WOMEN'S AUXILIARY of tho Presbyterian Church will servo a CHICKEN DINNER at tho Swodlsh Lutheran Hall, at Third and Com mercial, beginning at 11 o'clock on SATURDAY, February 21, .BO cents. Children 25 centB. associates in tho gamo woro. City miorney uoss tnun ordored thnt a complaint bo drawn charging them with conducting n disorderly house. This was dono nnd tho hearing was set for 2 o'clock this aftornoon. John Potor, one of tho proprietors. Into this afternoon entered a plea of guilty to tho charge of keeping a disorderly house, and was fined $10... 1 lit I 1 I' mm in -Ky mwtMmaid04iuni