imtmimww " DON'T WORRY WHEN YOU STUMBLE. KK &8S THAT CAN'T PALL DOWN WATCH YOl'll WII'-K Itrail " ",hH' '" Th0 T,l,r . Umiir ir M, '" K0l"s sl,OI,,1"K- T,1C More KI'" "" ,v- ' T,' TIiiim I" lim",ll' '" tl,c Pl,ce fl" Trade. cum WVUII Established 187H VOL XaAVII. ,, The Coast Mull (EflflB iitHi tm?s MEMIIEF. OP THE ASSOCIATED PRES9 COOS HAY TIMIK. A clean, uliulcuoiuu newspaper for Coos ('utility homes. Tho Times has tlio latfjost proved clictilntloit of any neu-pnpcr in Coos, Curry or Doug Ins counties. KJOiMJUJUuwaiJi-JisaomM MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1914 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Malt Mn Iflfl and Coo.s Hay Advertiser. ,yu" ,ou EWE KELLEY SHOOTING CASE EVIDENCE FOR GRAND JURY EACH IE IS SCORED BYOTHER CO y UDG E IS I I Case Takes Longer Than was Expected Itlr AiMoilatM rrrm to Coo tlr Tlmen.J OKLAHOMA CITY, Fob. 18 Tim termination of tlio arguments nnd tlio Coroner's Inquest Not Expect ed to Go Into Details of Henryville Affair JURY SECURED TODAY; LILJEQVIST IN COQUILLE Nnw Evidence Develops Kelley's Funeral to be Held Tomorrow Tho tlotnllcd Investigation of tlio murder or assassination of John Kol loy In tlio Honryvlllo frncnH will prob ably be loft up to tlio K"Uiri Jury nnd tho coroner's Investigation hero will bo simply n perfunctory nf fnlr. District Attorney ijiijuiivim. ims iu turned today .Attlnit who ran the Mind pig whoro tlio trouble started, nnd tlio tlirco Itnllnn .Hinorin xvlio were tnkon to tho coun- iv lall nt Coniillle. Whether ho will come nero to Inrettlcntloil been advised. V.UIUIll'1 ui' w..., -.. -- -- . t.m.- . .1, ... i. " . . I IB UIU u this morning. Tho jurors nro: " h h nr mk uu ropr oty was on -0f ns n cnnulrinto for county clork, Harry N'nsburB. o n r t of M. ljond. Tho nttornoy lthoiigh It la expected thnt others Hay Oliivant. " " vv.ioU .Uri m mni vnvu win outer, How Sainuol Orogg. ".' ,l". '""" mi w"oB or i" rjr, 0. V. Knufnian II. J. Klmlmll. I., flnvln Tho Jury viewed tho romnliiH of Tho nttornoy on liohnlf of Goro Keller nml adjourned awaiting tho InslHtod that tho fionntor. In going rail of Coroner WIIhoii, who wIkIici! ' "loot Mrs. llond at her hotel, was to soo what District Attorney Llljo- jnnltln- no clandestine visit nnd thnt NEW OFFICIALS FOR ELECTIONS County Court Fills Vacancies Some Humorous Refu sals Bandon Opposed (Speclnl to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Or., Fob. 18 Tho Coos county commissioners this (Special to tho Times). COQUILLE, Or., Feb. 18. The political bco Is buzzing nround many bonnets according to gossip horo nnd tho principal bono of contention will bo tho county judgeship. So far thoso mentioned In connection with tho rnce for tho nomination In! week completed filling vnennclea In tho prlmnrles nro: Itho list of olcctlon officials caused Republican County Clork JnmcB by tho refusal of tho original np- WatSOIl. A. H. DerbvHhlro nf NnrMi nnlntnnn In nnrvn Thorn worn nnltn I Dond, W. C. Clinso of Cnflllllln. flon. n niimlinr nf rlinnnon nml ontnti nf Final ArriUmont in Rnnrl-finrp Tppiilns of Rnndon, E. C. Iloberts of tho replies of tho nppointces wore pt" ' U'!H UOre Myrt,o Point nnd S. D. I'ulford of.decldedly funny. Myrtlo Point. J. D. Vllnton of Norway, who was Democratic Taylor Slglln of Is- nppolntcd third judgo In thnt pre tlimus Inlot. Cnpt. McCloskoy of Co- clnct wroto back thnt ho might havo nullle, J. O. Stommlor of Myrtlo served had ho been appointed first 1'olnt and J. J, Stanley of Coqulllo. Judgo, but ho would not servo as Hull Moose Harry 0. Hoy and third Judge. Judgo Wntklns of Mnrshflold. Opposed Early Election. Commissioner Armstrong Is tho1 Tho Handon Commorclnl Club sont mnjy ono who lifts Announced his n resolution to tho County Court candidacy for countv commissioner, ureini: thnt tho sneclnl iroml rniul Six of tho twelve hours nllottP.i fnriv11 ,l ls "'"'orstood that F. P. oiection "bo riororrcd until May IB. nrniiiiioi re. ml i nil vi.' i. ,lIsor,0. of MarBhflold Is nbotit to Tho petition was received Just ns tho .. wii " tnod II let lo lilt Hi hIii mn. rittitl nl.t .m 1..4 l. i 1.n.. POIIVniinil. Tim nllnrnnv fo linl"":" ""-!""""'. V"u " "' ""'" '" H uiiuui iu uu uikuii WESTERN FUEL COMPANY III ARE CONVICTED OF FRAUDS "(1 to Couulllo from Snlem nnd I PlncliiR or tho case In tho linnds of Is Investigating tho cuko nmi tho Jury wan expected today In the ncthe verslnn of .Ilnimy Forrnrl, ,rlnl f bo dainago suit of Mrs. Mln- nlo E. Ilond ngnlnst Sonntor Ooro. 1 . ... ' .' .'" CflKO nf ATnrflllflnlfl la nun rnirnrflnil nllll hnil nntlalilnrnliln nffnnt nil irnl- ... -- .l.n nt..f...'u ' V.'nillflll rifllPlllntl I in nltlllnnt nn lin i --......... . ,,.w awo ... ......... ..u.w ..... w.. nv iiiorru ii i' .. " - ;;." :" iV, :a,iVflnB n Possibility, ns ls E. A. Andcr- ling I'resldont Morrison nnd tho oth- , Coroner WIlEOIl hnH not ( tllO Slllt Wnsliroig't HB tllO result Of' ,,,, fornior ComiiilBiinil-. In.. n.lvnrntnR nf Mm nnrlv ntorllnn . Hod n ...rv'selmioTo'or:"'1 ai' u'n'l ,1 S'X .?1?. -JL.f JH.T tt!T . to nrco ' Po.tponemont. ' my unu who huh uuun iuikcu STEAMEItS COLLIDE Illf Aio-UIM I'mi to Coot llr TlmM NEW YORK. Feb. 18 Tho White Strnw and Hugh McLaln of Star liner Celtic nnd Fnbro lino ..ll. .ii.' ii . . MM, .1 ' .jiiiiii mm iiiikii .ilLl.lllll Ul .jiiii iiiiui juiiii' mill i'iiulu iiiiu Plnliitlff ns Kllsnppolnted of rice sock-1 MarBhfleld nro said to bo likely as- BteaniBlilp Mndonna woro In collls piw w. Hotigiu to drive Ooro Into j plrnntn on tho democratic Bldo for Ion todny In tho nay of Naples, nc poiiticnl oblivion. stnto represontutlvo. cording to n mcBsngo received hore. EXPECT FINAL ALASKA VOTE Imprisonment for Two Years and Fine of $10,000 Each ' is Maximum Penalty ONLY ONE OF FOUR ACCUSED IS ACQUITTED General Manager James B. Smith is Brother of W. J. Smith of Marshfield HAH HHOTIIint HERE .Ins. 13. Smith nnd Edward J. Smith, of tho Wostorn Ftiol Company, Involved in tho San Francisco trials, nro brothers o" W. J. Smith, of Mnrshflold. ror mer Chief of Police in North Rend. New Measure for Railroad Construction There Gives Power to President lly AMorltleil l'fl to Coot Da TlmM.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 18. Dotalled consideration of tho Alaskan tnllrond bill was resumed In tho House with adnilnlstrntiou lenders confident that n Hunt voto wns neur. Debate on tho mensuro hits been clos- "" amo-ihi vm m coo. nr rimn. ed. The slnglo nmondment bo fnr SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 18. Im- ndopted wns offered by Republican prlBonment for two yonrs, n flno ot lender Mnnn nnd would empowor the $10,000 or both, Is tho maximum President either to lenso tho Alnakan Ponnlty that can b- Imposed on tho road after It Is built or hnvo it opor- tl'rco dofendants in tho Wostorn nted by tho Government. Fuol Company conspiracy case, who Tho bill provides for tho Govern-' woro found guilty nt midnight, nf- nicnt to build 1000 miles of rnll- ,or n trll lBtlng more thnn two road from tho const to tho Interior montliB. James II. Smith, vlco-pros- ntwl In. Iu nvunnlnil In nl.Mi IdOllt. KOIieml mniingor 1111(1 director: It as 30on as It reaches tho Whlto Frodorlck C. Mills, suporlntondont, iitl ?t ton ! IT UnilnH tiinln ia. mn nvlst wanted to tlo. Coronor Wilson j' 'n;lo Jt known before bo left links that about nil tho coroner's ' orjlco Hint ho was going to tho jnly can In will bo to llnd that Kolloy Hotel o tnlk to Mrs loud ramo to Ids death at tlio hnnda of pnr tics unknown Thin womnn. snld tho nttornoy. "complains thnt on nrr-ount of tho t oat nio'rlem oxnmlnntlon wnB pulillclty given to tho nffnlr alio was ml. ?e 1 1 J KilclnnH todny ao that J "B"1 WO.OOO Who gayo pub Scliffi en bo introduced. t n a rt Bljo nnd condiictci ""7;Xur: tho-lhroo men with her In tho con- Tho funeral of John Kolloy will bo Bl),rncJ held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clocic from to MnrKhll'id Cathollo c'Mire'i, Itcv. Father A R. Munro ofileintu Tho remains can ho vlowed son's parlors from 10 to morroiv. ID BE II ; LP TRAFFIC 3HLL IS 01 n HIGHEST VOTI HEARINGS BEGUN ON TRUST BILLS MILLION DOLLAR HOUSEJURNEB llouso. ENGLISH LORD E nnd Edwnrd II. Mayor, weigher, woro convicted. Edwnrd J. Smith, weight checker, wns acquitted. Six ballots .woro taken. 0 House Interstate Commerce, County Residence of Mrs. Win. miMf cuiip; l 'encfiT Committee Starts Work on Administration Program (Iff A wo I ul "-I Trrni t ron tit Tlm,) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 18. K. Vanderbilt, Jr., on Long island, Destroyed Today lllr aimoihim 1'rr.i tn t'oiw )y Tlmim J JERICHO, L. I., Fob. 18. The roarings began boforo tho Houbo irountr' ,l10"10 of Mrs. William K. ntnrHlnln rninmnrrn rninniltlnn nn Vnilberbllt, Jr., Vnllied, With Its flir- ntorstato laininorco coniin tteo on nlB,llllBB ni, nrt tronsurors nt nonr roposod loglslntlon for Perioral rg- lv t nnn nnn u-na ,imiti-...,t i... fiw. Militant Suffragettes Attack Baron Weardale at London ' Depot Today , (11 AmikUIM rrm. lo Com llr Timet,) I LONDON, Feb. 18. A mllltnnt! Biirrrngotto nrmcJ with n whip sav-l ngoly attacked and foiled Haron Wnni'ilntn it'lill.i lin xvnu ti'iiltlmy ...It'l. ' ....1......U ......V IIV ...... .......I.f, ... Considerable Damage Done in Virginia City and Other Near-by Points Wr Awmh ltM I'M lo ('0O lll' TIltlM I RENO, New, Fob. 18. An earth- I lutcrstnt proposed loglslntlon for Federal rg- iv wns iinstrnvnit uv rim i oHim- u-niUimr iiinmn fnr iiu. triii ii m lnko Bhock occurred horo at 10:18 illation of stock nnd bond Issues by Tho only occupants woro tho euro-, iitlenil tho woilrilng of Lady Dolln cock, ,tn's "plnK. Tho snook irtiwruiiun unu oiuur turpuriuiuiin uu- iur iniu HurvuuiH who woro mi 10 ' anoiicor 10 MOU. yuU05r i'eoi. nllir . .. V. """" li L.tH,,,. i,fli.,n.., ni. ..,. ini. k . . i.. mi. 1. . ...ti..." i . .... . orottilH Tlin (llnx'tlnn u-na fpnin Race Other Candidates Named Yesterday Py Aw lIM I'mw lo Co f Tlmi,I PUii nf ni,i.,,i isin.,n i t SKATI'LE, Fob. 18. Comploto uu- City of Oakland Wants Lots ownm riguros givo tho four icnd- 0 SaOOnS and AS0 UO- ''"K cnndldntoB: GUI, 2:1,110: Tron yiJ linVnl ,,,ome' 1l-8r'-: Wlnaor. ll.r,72: Grir- I10ICIS LOW License fUlia, 9,08.-. Tho "Rod" Socialists in, mm, I,. Vnn o coo. n.r Timet i i-ojolced over tho rioroat of tlio mod niBr ivn rn t-i io ni, ornto Soclnllst. Tholr votes ror UAhl.AM), Cal., Fob. 18. Oak- ispn wiln ,,. 770 Wonhl have Ind rltlnina voted by a substantlul loVXiate.l Wlnsor nJorlty yesterday to almost riouhlo 0,,ll,1"to" '"80r' tbe number of salooiiB proposed for . Qprrri.' i.'ni. is nirnm r thi cllv nnil rnlncn l.v ,, Imlf hhAJILh, I' 00. l. iiiinni j. he SpoS .Snsc? tobloTaAlnffiZ tlnuo ni 1 tho old license feo of JG00 wna nBn, nominated for thnt ofrico lllitanil. a recent ordinance wns ,n tl10 l)rl,ar' n,eetl0'1 "oW yc8'0' Wited to rchico U e nunbor of sa-. ''.. recolvlng r vor 22.500 votes. On- loons and Inrrenso tho feo. W.l'lllJSIDKVl' OF PERU HAXISIIIID FROM COUNTRY IB; M1L1 DUllnghu 'ru. w his son, Tlrado. 'or Panama 'in,. Inlnh.lfiln linulllnou flw. .,.nu. Innlr nfln. lli ..-..,,..1 .. rnl. .... I ........ I .. ...I...'..,. ..... .'. HOCOIldS. 'TllO (UrOCtlOn Wl r ll l m .11 I n ,nh 'ivio" ..iw...wMa. a uu .I.W..W- . ii.iuj' ...u jfiuiuiij. a uu iniu- iiiiiiuiuiliiy iiuniiiiiiv till? liuur iiji unu ., . . . 7 Recalled MaVOr HeadS Primary uro is to bo ono of five bills of the tnkor nttrlbuted tho blnzo to nn over- of tho cabinet ministers. Ho was not outlionat to northwest. rlnno naministrntlon'B trust loglslntlon nentcd furnace. Tho houso wns! seriously ,iurt. Tho fliiffrnsotto wns ," "u,1" "u wiuhowh, program. until insi year ami nnd sixty rooms. . arrested. nosliitr lilm In C o municipal election on March 3 will bo James D. Trai holmo, tho HO-cnllod "Huslnoss Mon's Cnndlrinto," who received moro tnnn I I TO SRI ELK TO OREGON TELEGRAPHERS VOTE TO STRIKE cracked walls, and tho wnlls of ono nnnrt- niont houso fell, nearly killing sov oral. Hundroils rushed from tholr (houses In panic. Tho shocks at Vir ginia City nnd Carson woro very so- 'voro. Tho extent of tho dnmngo la not known. Twenty-Six From Washington Federal Mediation Invoked But Game Preserve to be Re leased in This State mr AMOfUtM !' t Cooi llr Time. 1 SEATTLE Fob. 18. Twonty-slx Railroad Officials Have Not Consented to Mediation iSEIATE DERATES WILSON'S PLAHEXICAS 8ANDIT .S. ll.fiOO votes yoBtordny, bnroly rio-'Oregon Ilr AMOfltlfcl rrna to Coon nr Tlmi.) PORTLAND. Or.. Fob. 18. Tho elk from tho Olymnlc gnmo nresorvo Inst voto was oxpectori to bo cast . . . . . " . . ..i ..- . : . . i aro auout to uo uirncu over to mo iu- uy loiegrnpn opunuors om- iannmn Cniml act cnino In fnr Ron Federal Government for shipment to Ployed by tho OrcKon.Wn8hlngton:;it"",iimtn , nrin wiVi-i? i? . rogon to be relonsed In tho National Jtnllroad & Navigation Compnny on harnctorlzod liv Sonntor nrlatnw ttn- Wilson Will Repeal Toll x emption Clause in Panama 1 Canal Measure (11? Ao.'l1 l-rri. lo Co nf TIidn.1 C N U SSS&& Sin'tS-iite Further Entangles Mexican Sit tho tolls exemption clause- in tho uation May Be Deported As Undesirable Alien (Ilr Auorlith rn-M lo Coo IKf Timet , fnnt nir itlnlinrd wlnsor. WHO wnsTnresta tiioro. Kik m orocon navo mo (lucstion or striKlllk'. Tins wnai..i.n .... . . .;- Awofl.lM rr..i lo Coo. n.. Tim.. l i...v...i l... n, M.ralli'ii Hnnlnllal ' nl.naf l.nm, ovlormlnnl.,,1 mnrftlv n fnminlllv. ImvvnvAr no n '". ,,.V'. "". "" "i" .lu l"-""o- WASHINGTON. D. O.. Fob. 18. l. ivn, T... ,o ;,.:.,,.: """... ..'.r. '.7;v,, . ,i(1;i i, :r'i ; r, ; o",".;' ,:;:,". ranronus, h?- "Pu.".Icn". Tim Moxicnn bandit. onsHiin. un - uu. 10, uiiiiiwiuiu uiKiiiiiiuiiuii) in um nuu " ..vM.... .....w...rf ...... ....v.... .u.u. ... .11. u. nnii uwoil. (lOICiKIcil tlin I'resulont'H .... . . i ----,..-....-, ....- irst. donose.i Prosldont nfmCn. umii, milv nleht nreclncts- un- nmif . k. - of tho strlko unless tholr domandsl ;m ,,i . ni.'L ,V'?,.. V?" "iwroc'l a train In Cumbre tunnol assent Into oxllo todny with ! reported out of 281 in tho city, It np- lll UftVL ilk i for more pay nnd shorter hours nro .rnti (j0cinoi to agreo with it I a'.1'1 ", o denth of sovoral LM,i'w ! J '4-LcoraIn that ,..d K Pfl U grnr,ted AHer tlie , voto XllJZ thV0 fn'" Mox. LT K2 l.T"Z t "v.u iiu i. uu u vuonui ueieaieii wuisur uy n'sa ui uw, uuiil. i i i u uuu --.. " -" " "Y t'res uiunrn motives. i ..." .... ......:..:".' ". i. 0 YOTIvS FOR WOMEN. IDr Ao,ut rri 10 coo. nr tiidm.i rlMApE,TOiW'N'' Unlon of Sot Af cnl f eb" I8- The hill to enfrnn AfZ I'PI ln tl10 Un'n of South Hon.-' i''rh wns 'ntroduced in tho Sed JJ totlTV t0dny W08 d0' IXSI'IXT COLQUADO M1XICS. IBr AMoc,te4 rrwi to Coo. Ur Time. HoniL!NiJ?ADSt Col" FoU- 18 Tho Colorado T1"0 Investigating tho tcdav " coa ,unors' strlko planned dlstrli , Vlake an aut0 tour f tho "'strict lying north or Trinidad. Roosnv Tho cnndldntos nomlnntori other orrices nro: For corporaton counsel Jnines E. Ilrndrorri nnd Dr. Edwin J. Drown. City Comptroller Harry W. Car roll nnd W. II. Hnzen. City Treasurer Eriwnrri L. Terry nnil fieorgo W. Scott-. Councllmon (three year term and threo to bo elected) Robert H. Hes kotb. prcsont president of tho coun cil. Councilman Oliver T. Erlckson, C. Allen Dale, Councilman Harry DriiBkovlth, H. D. Folsoni, Jr., nnd Portland C. Hunt. Two year term and two to bo elect ed C. D. Fitzgerald. Norman P.. Abrams, Ira D. Lundy nnd A. E. Flagg. Socialist Candidate Gains Complete unorriclnl returns from IV rir.'TS. ASSAITiANT PUT 'ull hut aevon precincts gave James t,l,MI.AL INSANE ASYTA7JI D. Trenholme n lead of 257 votes ON LAST FINE of G. W. W. Hunger, who loft Washington, D. C. yesterdny In rr sponso to a request for Federal me diation. Tho railroad company lias .not yet decided on its course of (action with regard to tho proposed mcuiation. EUGENE GAS HATES DOWN Convicted of Illegally Selling Linuor Escanes Labor nn Qtrppt Reduction of 21).(J IVr Cent Simla Ull Oliai ((l incivnso Consumption George Stelnburn. convicted of !.- . EUGENE, Or.. Feb. 18. Hinting lpcallv selllnc linuor escanod tho ul u P,un lo U'Siriouio gns to an '"L- i.-"2-0- ..2Jf... ..V;V towns within 25 miles of Eugono and of his Bentonco by paying $C0 of announcing o determination to bring hiR Sinn flno and cettlnc City Re- tho consumption of bob up nearer corderDu S to"Vvo Wm time to Z'ni .Vt'' pay the balance. . ii WnU; Duke" maao strenuous erroris - "'" J..--- DON'T WANT OLD S W M Now Mexico. Diplomatists pointed out that to oxtrariito Castillo to tho i:oiiBU(iiuonaiiBtB might bo construed ns recognition of tholr bolllgoroncy, nnd ho cannot bo tried lu this coun try for offonsos committed In Mox Ico, Ono wav out scorned to tin tn Jri'port hint as nn undoslrablo nllon. I In thnt event ho probably would fall Into tho hands of Villa, who nns promised to oxocuto lilm. Denver Voters Turn Down Plan to Purchase Old Plant Bin Bond Issue (Uy Am i.4 fine 10 Coue lujr Ttoire.) JEWS IN A.MERICA. Roiiiiirknblo Pnipliecy Mndo by .Iiicob II. Sclilff, tlio Noli-il Hunker. "I would not bo surprisod If Uiis nrKTimn u.i. 1 o rr. ' groat community had In flftv years horo' yesterday defeated a nlnn to 'r"m l,0.w. a Popwlatlon of 200,000.- nurchaso tho Donver Union Water! """ 0I l" ? numuor lu.ouo.ouu Jows. to got bondsmen for ho S 250 needed Cornpany, this morning announced Company'a plan. A $3,000,000 bond. lZyn ""'id ''iLSh'ffiiff ih .,, 'for nn nnooal of his case but was reductions in gas rates for Eugono, issue to cover tho city's sharo of1. s. Bn,,(, Jab Schlff. tho noted ,ior an appeal or "fcso. oui . g . , ... n 2n.c nor .lrivino. , TomD i,l. ..,i - banker, in address ng tho Jews of .ut-p " ' ' I ovor Rlc""'1 Wlnsor, the Socialist " $no and got time for The now rate, Mr. Norman tho uso of tho Donver & Rio Grande D,"Bvm'. , A , T POv m, '""""coo. n Tim) candidate for Mayor. In the preclntsjod tne ?&u ana tot una ior mo uu. myB wn hQ lQVW han hoy are and Salt Lako Itallroada was carried . "I 'ool certain tho American Jew of lias li.uuu uiujuiu.- m any town or even twice a two to one voto. l" i win uo 1110 greaiesi jow size west of tho Rockv Mountains, ... . " .T" . ot nu "K08 V011 cannot 00 n good Eugeno and Snrlngriold customers 1 rl V t-IVlAo I tU bUnUUNtn J0W without being a good American, POV nit t . " Co " T"nM) candidate for T.:."1: ."" LAC. Win. TToli 1B 'nnrl.J fill! ""UU Sfhrnnl, .i.. TTV ."".' ." .i -, ,,- .f Mlnai w" ""ompiect to as- over Tronnoimo. wuio. hum " Roosevelt ner Pre8l4lent Theodore yet concedo second place on the bal- "OOSeVfilt o t ""WDUl IHCUUUIH J'Ul UUllLL-UU DC ul "ned ni iua wno ,,ns been con- lot to Trenholme, hospital h?. Northern Wisconsin I f... . ' Or tllB lnSnnO wno trnna. 1TTI.IVCIJ Insane i,?,,.1!10 nspltal for criminal 1 today. FMllEXeT: MILL PLANS. SVulun!!1', haa been mnnlng this torreMirJul?ber t,,nt u neP,le(I hTe the mL,rk,nbout the mill. Thoy "C K fl'l1 ready for a 50'000 av- r lorence West, ALLIANCE SAILS TODAY. Tii Aiiinnpn sailed. Ior Eureka rrom Coos Day today, crossing out at G:30 a. m. Among thoso leaving on tho Alliance were J. Rosenthal, Miss Lemonowsky, F. II. Chamber lain, J. Raymond and C. Wills. It Is easy for a young man to find a pin in a girl's belt, but he usually gets hold of the wrong end. SLOGAN FOR FLORENCE. .nro now using npnroxlmatoly 3,000,- At a meOtlnC Of tUO HOrOIlCO UOm-.nnn nnl.ln font nt rma onnli mnntli merclal Club Monday evening a com- nml t )a Mr Norman's hopo to ln- mlttee was appointed to select a slo- creaso this consumption nearly to gan. After examining n large num- tho capacity ot tho plantl 5,000,000 tier that had been proposed, tho com. cuuic feet. Tho greater reductions mltteo formulated the following, have been made on rates In largo which was adopted as tho slogan of quantities with a view to Increasing (lin Dull! thn nsn nf cas In hnatlnc hulldlncs. "Sluslaw An Invitation of unde- Tlio former base rate was $1.50 a Malno, was In distress, leaking bad ly and was in danger of sinking off, IM niCTRCCQ nM ATI AMTIP nml 'ou ca"not bo a good American IN UlblKhbb UIM AILAIMIIU.jow without beluga good Jow. I bo- Wlrelcss JlehhiigeH Received Stating llovo tho Jow in America ennnat havo Thnt Hii(Kiier Klnco Wns Leak- any future unless ho teaches his elid ing Madly mid Kinking drn tho Torah (blblo) of tholr par ing A.outj tmt 10 roo. iu, Timee 1 onts and bring them up In ways so NEW YORK, Fob. 18. Word , they will remain attached to It. as tliey was received that tho big fivo- mnsted schoonor KIneo, of Rath, veloped wealtli." Florenco West., thousand cubic feet. ' go out world." into tho American It's as easy to buy experience as Have your Job printing dons a it Is difficult to sell it. in Tho Times. Homo Is tho nlaco to which snmn Capo Hattora8. Wireless reports men go in ordor to got even when said tho schooner was taking twelvo dlsagreeablo things happen down Inches of water an hour, .town. Ij-l .ma tMmwj . ' lsffliiiiA"''' JL ..