The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 17, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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Claim They
Soon Be
T -
Council Instructs Police to Use
Rigorous Methods Raise
Saloon Licenses
Down to 20 Cents Other
Retail Markets There
A general crusade nnd cloanup of
undesirables nnd transgressors wnB
launchod nt tho meeting of the Mnrs:.
llold City Council Inst evening.
Councilman .1. Wright Wilson
brought tho ninttor up by declaring
thnt n numbor hnd complained to
lilm of gambling being nllowod to go
on hero, Further, he snld thnt mem
bers of tho police forco hnd spoken to
mm ami wanted to know how far
tho Council wished them to tin to
PORTLAND. Or., Fob. 17. Kggs
nro nt Inst going to bo chenp In this
nllt. rnl. rl.., 1.. m it..
i ..,. i iiu mm, mump in uiu year
Places Order for $9500 Amer-Council Regulates Use of Pub- S'StA, '1, '0'?:
n dozen. JobborB for tho first time
since last spring, woro offering eggs
I under tho :i0-cont ninrk.
nrnnlni'' l "r ul 'msl lw0 "OOKB OlO local
....." "inrkot hns been Influenced by
I'uget Sound
ican-LaFrance Motor
Combination Engine
At a meeting of tho Mnrsiifleld
lie Landings and Slips
uy Boats
The City Council Innt
v u mii-iiut, ui mu muiaiiiiuiii uu viiy council laBt ovonlnir
Cltv f!niiitrll Inst nlirlif. It wnu vntod fulfill I ml n imu. n.ii.... . .! b 11
to Diirchnso n trlnlo combination the usn of rltv ,inr,a n ' Vf henvy Seattle buvlnc
tho Cnllfomln
iu imiriiuBu ii iriiiu wuiuuiiiiiliuu mu UHO OI Cliy (100KB, Blips etc It """"' a"""- "JIB. 1'llgci SOUIK
hose, chemlcnl nnd nuto flro engine IProvidcs thnt nil vosboIb shall iiavo ls ,l!nco1 lnr orders hero, be
for the cltv. The Council selected free nnd nnimi
mo Amoricnn-i.nirnnco which wm mo oxceptio
coBt jyiiou. Tho oiiglno Is to bo do-, bo given
llvored In about 120 days.
Thn unlnrtlnti nf tlm tvnn nt n-
glno followed tho opening of bids on
threo different kinds. Tho bids
break up tho games. Ho Bnld thnt Amerlcan-hnFranco triple combln
recently five policemen hnd heard In- nnon' Hlx-cyllndor, 100-hors-powcr
i'""" i 1. . tiiuniivjiii nun illiu UIIKII1U
tlmntlons of gambling In n houso nnd
tried to get in but found the door
bnrred. For the time being, they
decided not to try to f,orce tho door.
.Councllmnn Ferguson said thnt so
far as ho wnB concerneJ ho was In
favor of tlio Council backing up tho
police to the limit nnd having them
put nn end to any unlnwful proceed
ings. City Attorney (Jobs snld thnt dur
ing tho Inst few niontliH ho hail re
ceived three or four complaints about
gambling. In each enso tho com
plaint wnB mndo by tho losor nnd ho
wns tinnblo to get ovldenco to back
tip tho complaint. To go ahead and
try It, l-o snld, would bo putting tho
ovldonco of ono man against several
and tho result would bo anything but
a conviction. Ho said that about the
only way ho know of to break up
"Boclal grpihllng" thnt Ik going on
In Mnrshllold and every other town
In tho county would be to hire n
"stool pigeon" and ho did not llko
this Idea very well.
Councllmnn Ferguson said that tho
next time the nnllm fmitui .. .t,,,...
bnrred nnd thoy woro confident nf
It wnlclm K.I .10 oTplnnlvn nt mnn
feet of hoso which It carries.
Arenz-Fox Same typo onglno but
weighing 11,520 pounds, for $10,
C00. Knox llv Nelson Iron Works.
w-lghlng 11,010 pounds, for $9,-
After bids lind boon nnnnoil. Mnvnr
Allen wanted to know whether tho
Council wanted to wait a week nnd
see If other bids came In nnd nlso
to Investigate. Councilman Albrccht
said that th Council, as n rommlttco
nf tlin U'linln with liMrn flilnr nnn
Kcntlng, could decldo In fifteen mln-
uics. no said mat iney nn'i noon
walllnir livn or three vnnru mul wnnt-
ed to got action. Flro Chief Kcnt
lng took tho smiio vlow.
Councilman Fcrcusnn wnntml In
know about tho terms for paying'
for tlin nini'lillie. II vnn ntntnil Hint
nncfnnrlli win In lin iinl.l nn Mm
nccentnnce of the machine, nnd tin
iminuco in equal inBtnllinonls each
yenr for three yenrs.
Mr. snvugo, representing tho A.
fl. Long Comnnny, of Portland,
which soils tho Amercnn-T.nFranc.
frmntlllllir f.filll.r tti l.iul.l.. 1 ..l...llnn.l T C T ...n nr I.A Vtnl,.H.. Tn..
f r r....H mi ..nun-, in- uilll'll I nun ' o. i..Muin. in mu .cumuli lieu
them to got an ax or two and open! Works, mndo lltllo tnlks on snmo
tho door. of the inerltH or tholr machines. Snv-
Othor meinhorB of iho Council ox-,nKO w"8 formorly flro chief nt Sn
preFsod themselves the smiie. .loin.
Mayor Allon snld thnt he hnd re-1 I'lnnlly the matter wns submitted
contly nntlflo:) tho police to compel .'" n v,)l'' n,l "" f the Council
tho Oreek resorts to clos( at inld- v",wl fnv "'" purchnBo of tho Amor-
liigiu. no fnid tlmt thoy Vnd been ",nineo engine, wnu
Iteoplng open until Into In the niorn-T,,,t'.r lfo"K nnd Council
mu nun iii wiliiiuii Slopped. ....-..v iu.uiiii.iviiiiui.
uounciimnn Allireclit wnn od the
other boats
blnsts Bhnl
iou unit iiii'H rnnr imntn -
remnl,, moored there longer than ,0,vo1 t!
nocpsdnrr tn in.n.. " '. l, ll1" of year
nnd In. no Instance shall romnln leJI' A foiv yonr" nK ,1, San 'Panels-
i" it iur lliuru lliail nil tVn iniim ",,,,,lUk uniivu uuu imil IIIUUIIT IIIU
A flno of not loss than ! ,ml of Soattl ''yl"K In Oregon.
enro of not more than thirty iinvn ?,u'. .wonkncM ,ro was aggravated
In Jail Ih nrnviiin.i r.. ' ...'...?.' '"ie. tho fact that Rovoral PnrlltnM
tho regulations. " 0I 'Icr.iers becnuso of tho recent local
llerkeln AmU r.... r i .. (scarcity, ordore.l Cnllfomln eggs
-.,. ,'l,'t"'e. 'shipped uu, nnd ono firm telegraph-
nnrrj o. Hoy last night asked tho c,l order for n carload of Kast-
Louncll for nn expression as to orn eggs. This nutsldo product Is
wnetlier they wanted to grant An-"ow coming on tlm market to the
(irow Heckeln n new saloon llconso """""w of thd firms Involved. If
or to take away the Coos Hay Utiuor 1,C,1I"B occurs to check the decline,
company s llcenso and rcstoro If o ,l!pro wl le n 2."-cent Jobbing uinr-
Heckela. Ho claimed that a couple "' "",1 ,n"' 'ook for n 20.cont
of yenrs ngo wheh Ho wrnng'e be- J'1"'1'0 t0 ',0 reached bpforo tho month
tween Heckeln mil tho Coos liny,'8 ovor'
rnnnnll C"",n,1,1 artC tllnt tho Hllltef Still lllgb.
Council promised (o rcstoro tho lie- Mutter is still im Timm iu ,,
., ... ...,.,. , it. oniii iiiiii in iiiii r nn i inn fiiiuirn rr mtiu.. m ... u.. ...
tiMi. It 1 1 V . '"'""" W1 l"MIMf IMfll'milUI H
"The Shoe That Needs no
Breaking In"
' For Women, Widths AA to E
Price $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 ard $5.00.
Hub Dry Goods Co.
"Smart Wear for Women."
Cor. Central Ave. and Broadway.
Phono 3G1.
ii nr kcl wnn n
.v jk 1. 1 1 (Jill. W1LI1 li.. . .. IH
n thnt U. S. mall imnia '"'"''"" "IP". "" auppncB could i
re it nf wnv n.,.i i.. "ii no i uo proritnniy nought In thnt J
on tho ultMini nt fi." stnfo. The demnnd for Oregon eggs !
mnko wnv for tho.,, i7 wns '"oroforo bo strong that lochl I
-- iirin"o iv nro niniiiininn.i & i.i..i.u i
r ? -. j iiiii in l(wiii:ii in ii iiii'iii r ih
linil CUStomnrv nt llilfl Minn I
creamery butter nt
ense decided recently, llcckeln's right to v0op Oregon
l"n i. i,n i i " ostnl""el "" flp,,ro which will pormlt their
hn r ,r L'T'l wrclcd $100 by bringing In butter manufactured
i.oBRoTmi nt n ,0,IIK wr?Bf,"l'. "- olBowhero and which costs thorn loss
Possessed of tho proporty. This ho to buy Mmn It docs to churn. .Most
(onsldored sufficient for the return brands of or creamery product nrn
or tlio llconso so Hint Heckeln could Belling nt 75 couls for n two-pound
rcBiimo business. Ho snld ho under- roll.
stood that tho Coos liny Liquor com-1 Vogetnbles hnvo bnii In fnlr
pnny hnd trniiBforrod tho Ilrowery lv good supply. Sovornl cnrlonds
saloon to another pnrty and If thoy '""'o arrived from tho South, nn i
did not wish to work Hardship on nn " fow small consignments of such
nnocont purchnser and as tho town thlnirs as artichokes, cauliflower,
had grown considerably, thoy would Pnrsloy nnd sprouts hnvp conio In
just uu booh do nnowoJ n new lie- 0" ",0 "toamors. Celery and let
t'UHO. tuce, which woro scarco a weok ago,
Sunday eighteen pounds of
glnnt powder woro found undor
lienth the local railroad brldgo
acrosB JIIII Slough. Whuro It
canio from or how Ib a mystery.
It Is not believed that It wan
put there with any criminal In
tent ns no fuse wns found near
It. Whether somebody stole It
and then loft It, or well, tho
locnl officers don't know. Offi
cer Itlchnrdson removed It to n
safer spot- yestordny.
I TAYLOItVIM.H. Ky. Fob. 17.
I Flvo children, three boys nnd
I two girls, wero born lo Mrs.
I llertha Drury, wlfo of a Spencer
I County f armor. The glrlu died.
no. tuce, which wero scarco a weok ngo,
Thoro was considerable discussion nl'o ngnln coming In freely and nrlccm
!,.. ...,nH .1... n .. .... .. nt.l llw,1in.,....l 11Ht .
ii inu uuiiivi, iiu i. uiiucii laKing tlio " ,, ". i-nres vary 10 a
vlow thnt Hecko'n hnd not yet fully fo'ifl'lfrnblo oxtont. iib Is nnturnl,
i'lrnl " "L" ",8 rignt to tlin Urowery " i mures iiskiuic tne
,,rnjHnloon, tJ-o license of which hnd boon ?,nmo' mit " " nvorngo a few of
Al-1 ,1i.,,,r.,l tlin viiL'ntnlilo hkI., r..n...... t.i...
' VANCOUVKU. H. C, Feb. 17.
Tho North Pacific Fairs Association,
In annunl mo"tlng here, fixed dates
for fairs In tho northwestern states
and Cnunda. Tho Oregon Slate
Fair at Salem was set for Septombor
28 to October :t.
police to tnko moro stronuoiiH stops
to wipe out tlio "iiiind pigs,"
Jtalse Saloon I.Iccii'.iw.
Clly Attorney (loss whs Inslrucled
to draft a new ordinance raising tho
saldon license from $800 to $1000
ner vonr. t'ounrllnnm U'llunii m-mu
of the opinion thnt thoy ought to bo
.St reel n Accepted.
Clly Hnglnoor nncklnghnni roport
ed the following streets completod
and tlio Council ordored tholr accept
ance nnd the contractors pnld the
amounts estlmntcd ns duo them by
nvuiiuo brides .lohnsou
L II1IIV llllllll III III " -"
ralBOd to $1200. lie sulil Hint !liel '" ""Kl
iifnim.. i,ia i.i pi.n ,.,.,.,..... ...i i .. Hemlock i
...-. r-v ,.,n ... iiurr luti'inil .lull in, ,, w
COIlliI SCO nn nllli'cllnilu In mnlihiu II . I.lirSOII, JMIi Si.
$1200. Counclliunn Albroelil thought ''"hii nvenue from Second to
thrt $1000 was enough for the next ''""rtJi. sidewalk. Porham & Oldloy,
six months nnd thnt then It mlglir ? J
bo raised to $1200. The nronosoi .. I'oniiett nvonuo from Fourth to
raise Is to bo effecllvo July 1. . Sixth. Jolinson ,t Lurwon, $llS.7ii
It will probably conio up at next
meeting. Hoy snld thnt ho hnd n
enso ponding for the rocovory of tho
saloon, or rathor tho flxluros, ns they
did not wnut the lenso. Ho Intlmnteil
tint If tno Council wnlted until t''o
mutter was all nottlml that Oregon
wou'd bo voted dry first.
Mayor Allen snIJ that the Council
Wns nilllOHPd til LTllnllmr Mm- n.1.11.
j tlonnl liquor licenses.
Save Catlicarl's Trees.
n. 11. I IIIIlfni(l U'nu f,f..B.iiit n...1 1 . n.i.l .... u .
. f' - ....V . , IIIIII II .'mil II .11111 I l il HIT I
pointed out that unless stops were eonllng to slao; celery
UlKeil soon tlmt Ills minimi fn.ll salmi. I ln-nn tnv n .ll...n. 1..1..1. ...
t, .. r,".-"..., ..... . ...-w ., 1. ....iiiT. iiinu IIUlll
ICO. H hrillilierv nml nlln. .n..a Inmi. Jl IS in it nr. .. ........ .. ..
would bo ruined i,y tho dredi'e S- Pons. 20 cents n noundr niifiriin
tlio vogotnblo prlros follow: Uhu
earn, 20 cents a pound: Oreuon
mustard green, 10 cents n bunch:
radishes nnd endive, fi cents n bunch
rneh: green onions, throo buncliofi
for a nickel: water prom, 10 cents
a hunch: cabbaKo. fi cen's n pound:
egg plant, 2fi cents a imend: biooii
noppors. 20 rents a pomil: kilo,
two pounds, lfi conts; ret eibbiKo.
fi co-i's n nound: drlod nnlnns. four
pounds, lfi cents: eaullflow r. 10.
1fi and 20 ciiiiIh nnili. uiiliiu..!. r.
rents a pound: bend lot Mice. ". ren'i
con Is. nc-
rnntu, for
! M.;w VOItK. Feb. 17. Tho New
York Federation of Woman's Clubs
resolved "That light skirls nre dnn
Korous and should not be worn. TiOiig
bnt pins with sharp points should bo
Tlio council decided that HIP 1 """ mnn r.irou 10 ,iouuou, ' "" " m me nnn 1 nnn or .Mill 'miiu" , ;w couiti n pound: cuciim
Sinlth, the plunihor. was not entitled , 'l'ii & l.nrson. $B!l.tM. Street blougli. Ho nlso doubled tho nblllty l,0IH- - ronls onch.
to n robnlo on his plunihlug llceiiHoi t'omnilssloner l.nwiorne's force dlil'0' ld dredge plno to hold nn ns T''n eholce of fresh fruits Is ratli
ns they claimed Hat ho ha1 heiui eoualdornhlo of this and were allowed '''""In for that Foctlon. Ho wantel n'" Huiltod. Annies nnd oranges nro
working hero most of the tlmo this,""0"1 $300 on It which will go to tho " wooden drain slnillnr to thnt put '" n,nHt plontlful but thorn nrn n
year. ' I'lty. ' M,o uipIii slough constructed. fnw others which conm In for tho'r
The Council adjourned lo meet ''"'t of the work whs for raising Hlv F.nulnnor niieklnviinm n-. Pnr of tho trade. Florida erape
noxt Tuosdny night, Monday being n "I reels to bring tliom abovo tlio ( Ilaliutl that th wooden drain would tn,t H ,ir' ,,0' oich, two for 2.
logal holiday. ilredgo fill. eost ovor $1700, which wns consld- r.ontH: "Ulgator ponrs, 00 conts n
A robate of $:iSS.21 was ordered I 'ed too oxpenslvo. iw t'e ilm.i..n "np: lemons. 20 mul HO co-its a
pnld to the proportv owners who liiitl.i would not bo nblo to fill tho district i0Ym bananns, lfi nnd ?0 couls
WII1I1 TAlilC OK .SOCIALISM lioen iiHsossod for tho coimtruci Imi of to grade. Furthermore, ho Bnld. Inzrn: J'"1 ornnces. 2". to 00
til, 1 . ,..-.. nn Or.1,11. I..n..rl. .......... .. ...1 t till t tlin Pnrl r.,in,nlsl.. 1.-., ... COIltB n dOZCIl i In IllZCr Iiinu 1 K rnnlo n
ll lv rimn iivmm.i
Mrs. Jessie Miihh I'agan Will
ilifhs Local lledy Tonlglit
At tho Finnish Hall tonight. Mrs.
Jessie Mapoa ICagaii, of Marshflold.
will deliver nn address to tho local
Socialists on "Tho Oilier Half of
Soclnllsm." The regular weekly
ineotlugs of the locnl body nro given
over to discussion nnd debate of
educational and economic subjects,
the menibeiH alternating In the lead,
I'KllltrAltV 511.
The ordinance providing for tho
payment of $fi02.fi0 to Itobort Mars-
wnter tower, etc.
A resolution approving nn agree
meiit with the C. A. Smth company
to remove the wooden swer built
along the Mill Slough drain box to
carry the Third street sewage wns
pnhsed. The sewer Is to bo changed
to Anderson nvcuuo within three
fiat tno Port rnnnn hrIiui l.n.i ,,ni " " uiizeil linngerilios. lfi cents n
decldej how fnr out tho fill was to ,IozPn! 'I,",' Spltzenberg annl s. 00
no. rents n deon: Arknimns nincir. in
FlnaPy the cltv engineer
AAn .. .1 T X In. " ""ii UH'UIWIIH, fiU ront8,
4 inn iiiuiiL iiriri'H urn' iiniiiMi
Om Way (the Right Way
Our constantly increas
ing list of satisfied eye
glass wearers is positive
proof of this, Tho scien
tific examination of the
oves and tho furnishing
of glasses has been con
ducted for years nnd
with satisfactory results,
We hold your eyes and
our roDiitation abovo all
other interests,
Come in and consult us about your eyes.
i.n. in. 1. 1 i.i ..mi.ih. hi uiiiikii .until. . I'm viiKiui'iT was in- . . ,, .,", .
ilen. Sr., for his water rights In the ifructed to tnko tho ninttor up with i ', " """J1 .' r,r?B nro' "olMng
city park was passed nnd Mr. Mars- 'io Port Commission nnd sco whnf ,.?.. ',i.KJJ. t , Riow 1! A on,',
leu given until Juno 1 to remove tho ould bo done to nrotoc Mr. cnth- "',""' ',.' ,r !'ot ro"8,' ir'
intor tower, etc. art from serious loss. Mr.Pni.Mn S?"1.8' '.t8 f)f "ork. Vs pot8; v-nl
rondw from Fourth street to near Ji-iix. r
1 ,n.,:.: "'Zl rn,".orJ? no"r . "H Fomdnlo brewery. Ho
I N1CW YOUK. Feb. 17.Tho New
York Association for Imnrnvlng Ino
condition of tho poor, hns by sta
tistics shown the nvorago cost of
"nlntnlnlng n fmnllv of five In
Menhnttnn linsbsnd. wife ntn' Hiren
ftiiiiirnn under fourteen ynrs. Is
XI.ORo n year. Tho renort says tlmt
thn "figures Indicate Hint nn nn In.
porno of hot ween $1100 nnd $11 R0
n vor n family enn live, fnlrlv
"omfnriab'n in tho Porougli of Mnn
hnitHii. The tnbulsted list or fx
no'idPnrns brlngliii; tho totnl nn to
within :iiA cents of $:i n day, dlvldos
as follows:
"nnt and light $ .fir,
Fnrul t 1.P0S
Clothing .:i;t
Fuel ..-. n-lfi
t.unchos nsn
Duos OCR
Modlclno 079
Iro nfi
Car faro 007
UnitRMinid supplies 001
Miscellaneous 097
Totnl dnlly budget $2,007
Totnl yearly biidtrot . .$1082.9fir
j No mention Is mndo of monoy for
nmuBomont nnd tno enr fnro nccount
doos not pormlt much riding.
Redl Cross
Red Cross
Drug Store
State Licensed Optician in charge
i.. ...i, . i ' i ;i "',- .." """ "i" "i'i ruriiiiiiin nrewory. no
. ",.pr '", b0 n,,ovp tho ;'rxlKo fill, snld ho hid bought It ninny years
T'e Masenl- opera house and M. K. ngo nnd forgotton about In tin
UmMho' m. '0.,,, ,:i",k,'t'n',0'l1 off-"0 ."onntime.u'lo people mn i "ron'd
that the nil will not dni.nneo thorn. ncross tho lot nnd ns thoy hnd been
i l'Vu,pl','IlV0V"01,'ri',1KOw:!l1 ""' tho hlghwny for twenty yonr".
he sllghtlv lui.ndnted during the 111. 10 had lost HMo to It. Now tint
Mr. llucklng'um Bnld, but It will not Klghth street Is holng opone-i lii
bo surflclcnt to v.rrnnt rnUIng p bb Forndnl-, ho thought that the old
the mud can be shoveled off Inter. rond might bo vncnted nnd ho wnnt
Cliniiue Ninth Street ed Ills lot bnck. Ho said thnt ho
Fnon request of It. F. Williams, W. bad nald taxes on It, nlthoiig'i the
S. Wheeler and others, tho Council County Commissioners had reduced
uv iiii-u in wive .Minn sireei ueiwcen inn neiniini in view of tho fact that
I'"' "ii" Miiiiuierciiu piaiiKen pari 01 mu iot was iibciI ns n rond
j nhout twenty-two feet wldo Instead wny. Ho wns reforred to tho Coun-
i f having bltullthlc paving put In. ty ConunlBBloners.
1 Tho plnnklng will cost nhout $fi perl Credit for Dock-
W0UW ""'("Serv1 ale"""150, V"0" "" aSS
I City AttonJeV (loss "reported that & Zl iTXLTX' V
Manager Armstrong, of the South- Hif In nrovemont w L ," nm,0
orn Oregon Company, had been out fti '"ho VZ tint 'n RrlVhimn'
of town Intolv and consequently that lr i wi.n ' i -I i tho ,1iWtt1
ho hnd not been nblo to make nny VI 8 treet ownSi hv tV.IOrvW,9 f
progress In tho movoment to clear esfnlS nothiSp h i iLM,0i Nn8U"r
up the qiUBtlon nhout the title of ?,??'. 'Iv'L "'nfirrli1 " !on0,.Th?
the old cemetery tract nnd tho city's tt nn l'c -'p cer 8,r0t
Straw hnd reportod ono now imso of C i IV n -J ?mm,,niV1 f. r"
ilt. The vacation of tlm nrt-inn '. IVr n communication from Her-
iPlnt was approved by tho Coun Uin?0 fffiS, Inst their ,,or nnn" rpf
I some yenrs ago. but Mr. Coss sal ft'!?, "iS1 . . ',.?rt,0".f
thnt this did not rol nqu s h tho city's " m ti.n .,,,r . ' ' , "'
rlcht to tinrt of the rnul iUle "mt. tno "nProvemont on Mr.
rlfclit to mm of ho ro, 0'Coiiiioll's side wns adequate. This
Chain, W I ,. of be health I,5.0A.Bt wnB..f1!0 roforrc,! to the
committee, renorted thnt the c vlBiri'ot comnmioo ana uity Engineer.
pest house was about In condition
tn lift utilized. Ha Rnid thnt 11 r
straw had reportod ono now caso of
smaiipox ana 1110 prospect or n row
others nnd thnt tho detention float
houso wns ready to bo pressed Into
Borvlco when n coded.
n'r'iiminii'u fit.Mt
Eugene O'C.onnell asked when ho
WANTED Competent, nx
nnrienced millwriqht. Tide
Water Mill Co., Florence, Or.
The Young Tjidlcs Siimlny School
class or the Christian Cliurcli will
give i, PKXXY SOCI-Mi at the church
in. A Mi A1!K WI.r.COMK.
Mnvt you. inn printing done nl
Tlm Tlmno nfflca
Will bo nlnlnlv enosed, telling
tho caupo of present Socialistic agi
tation, hv Mrs .Tpssln Mnnao lnn.i
nt Finnish llnl, (lower floor) nt
8 o'clock on Tuesday evening. Feb
ruary u. Nwry citizen of
wns to got back a lot that ho owned. field cordially Invited.
If you don't think
clothes make a difference
try walking down the
street without any.
Dependable Clothiers
Marshfielcf - North Bend
Phone 233-L
Machines May NowbeBfo
muu wnn pen-biarters at
Nominal Price
Cnorcn nnniliMii.. n ,...-
ho Ib now prepnrcd too quip altfcr
n ib now prepare n to equip ill re
rnrs wIlTi n .! .............
ment hns been thoroughly MtiZ
luniuii iiiki is guaranteed to ?si
This Ib In lino with (lie note
mm progressive policy of the W
rum unrngc, which sceki it i
limes to romior tlio belt $m
sorvlco to tho public, In kwji
with this n now puncture proofs
mem nns r ceniiy nccn addM a
ii win puy you to Investigate. :
may snvo time nnd moner for p:
tiio uooiirum service uepirts:
will soon lmvn a nurt'lrn nr v
will mnko It ono of tho best mi)
in Oregon outsiiio of rortlinl r.
service dopnrtnient now rarrlcil
largest assortment of parti un
pairs in souuiern urcgon.
(Hi.S!l OVKK W.'.TIX
Salem CorrcHpouilcnt i;vliIanl!;V.nJ
in (cogmpii)',
Tho following dispatch from SjVI
nvlflnntK nntiriiuitl I nn nir Rl
j Homo other section unless Urw
nro genorully known under wj
other nnme: I
I Rival persons bcckIiu; the 'l
or tiionn nun silver crce,iau
nniititv nu ttltt "mil l!liltY 1
Mnrshllold and Nor.n Hend, WM
jillcntlons for an appropriation eft
waters with the ftf'r cnslnfer wt
day. The first nppllrJI'r ut
, by C. H. Pry nnd the second ttRi
Seydel. Pry hecks nn aroprus
oi iwo second icci winiH ocm '
, for sovon second feet rr c
Iho hlid reccntlj coirpIeUi !"'
n wnter system nt Ucavei ca.
tVnt ho proposed to conduct uW
to tho towns tarouKh a rfP c
about fifteen miles long, Tmp
eug neer n.ih not nc cd on taeifr
tlons. .
ii.... .!., tno Ida lniirOK-
u i,iiui.iiiii'ii i - ' ,.
tlous of tho wnlcrs of ZlKnerw-
nnrlngs wns riicti r rui
Hopowoll, who expect lo lft
nmi .,!,,. fii vvntpr for toe" (
nobort Decker, of Helolt. V
whllo exploring In Drailll" '!
nnd to uvo on iuvu
lor Bovorni (lays.
. South Aniorfca has on ttal
flvo and one-tenwi inuun
bquaro mile,
. -'7T-..jit,t&
WO WOrO JU8t -t
nov TnnlllllfH U'llO Wflg C10M W
ton, thnt ! the' I.eaton Ea.t
,.. l.....ln,l In ntio Of I'"' .1
street lots which wo are offw
I'nrtles iinumg io -..iU;
posit Biinuiu ropuiv '"v
Enstsldo nutliorltles at one
Wiley B. Allen
Russell Building
Central Avenue
. '--.i i jj.