THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY ,1.4, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FIVE 'SUITS - SHO ES - HAT! FOR MEN . . .. miM onnnmltins. JHIS IS A MAN'S STORE, We buy right and we sell right. No juggling with prices here. The same price yesterday, today and tomorrow. Pome in and let us convince you that dollar for riniiir we give you values and quality that can't be SuDlfcatcd on Coos Bay for the price. S ts $8.50 to $30.00. Shoes $3.00 to $8.50. Hats 50(5 to $4.00. STORE -OPEN THIS EVENING TWO STORES iMarshficld. TikUF Phone 233-L - I I MB JfcJBf Tii)i:s rou frhruarv. . clow la pi-en tfco tlaiu ahd UrIii of high and low water at 't reh field Tin' tines nie placed li. tlio order if of ci) fence, with their times on 'ho II i tit lino and holalitn mi Mm second lino i f each day; a compar- "n conseeutivo no'ghts will Indicate whether It is hl(?h or low water, i.'or high water on I ho bar tiiljHit' 2 hours 34 minute u lira. . 11.20 r..:t i 11.17 o.r. 12.17 0.4 1.19 o.n Ft. 1 u 1 1 1 rs I Ft. lCllllH l't. 0.1 ri.r.G C.4 C.I 2 0.3 fi.t 0.33 4.S 7.13 l.:i 0.7 12.00 1.3 0.0 0.0 North Bend. "Safety First" Our Motto ox SHASTA ROUTE TRAINS OK TIIE- l VI I SUNSLT l I lOOOEHBCHASTAJ I ROUTES fl I WIlATIIICIt FORECAST I Itlr AmocIVM I'mi to Coon tla, Tlincn J I OREGON Fair tonlRht, Stui I day fair, except rain Northwest I portion; Southorly winds. 1 local temperature l record I For tho 2 1 hourH ending at 1: 13 n. 111.. Feb. 14, by Hen J, I Ostllnd, special government-me- I terologlst: , Maximum t 55 Mliilnuiin 33 I At 4:43 a. m 38 I Precipitation 00 I Precipitation bIiico Sept 1 I 1013 41.11 I Precipitation same period 1 last y nr 12.73 I Wind: Northwest, clear. Exposition I. hie 11)15. Ami now Is the tlmo to sco California; to llvo outdoors and enjoy tho sunshine, flowers and suinmer sports. It Is n try you cannot afford to miss. HREE FINE TRAINS DAILY Including Shasta Limited Til 10 train of modoru ten leu with all steel up-to-the-mluuto equip ment. Till: CALIFORNIA AND SAN FRANCISCO KXIMU.'SS trains with Standard, Tourist and Chair Cars ami dining service, that will please. Call mi iicmvst S. P. Agent ami let I1I111 outline 11 dip, quote krroin'l fimiMi Online lltciiitimi 011 California' famous icsorts. JOHN M. SCOTT, Gem-nil Passenger Agent, Purtluml, Ore. ..Will Run, County Commissioner G. .1. Armstrong announces that ho will ho a cndldnto for re-election this fall. Open Simp 13. F. Lo.Mloux loft today for Portland to buy a stock of wall paper and paint. Ho has leas d tho shop on North Front street former v oc-uplrd bv Wllley & Schroeder nnd will open thoro soon. I'iiIoii Man Here. .1. A. MadBon, secrotan and treasurer of ho Pa cific CoaBt District of tho Internal-' SOCIAL CALENDAR TODAY. Mrs. J. W. Dennett at cards. Mis. Frederick lloillster at llrldge. Library benefit bull at Enc- 1 les' Hall. MONDAY Progress Club with Mrs. A. L. Huts-.. , K. P. anniversary celebra tion. TUESDAY North Pond Catholic ladles with Mrs. August lloelllng. Episcopal Guild at church parlors. WEDNESDAY Prlsclllns with Mrs, Knuil Eriekson. Presbyterian Ladles' Auxil iary. 1 Hrldge ClulTwIth Mrs. W. A. Toy . Newly-weds with Mrs. Jas. Mc intosh. North Rend Christian Sister hood with Mrs. Ournea. Elks monthly dnnco and so cial. Mrs. M. G. Coleman sowing party. 11. P. O. 13. dancing party. THURSDAY Young Matrons with Mrs. F. L. Ornnnlfl. Thursday Club with Mrs. R. N. Fonton. , A. N. W. with Mrs. Eugeno 0 uonnoii. Minnie-Win with Mrs. Davis I FRIDAY Thlmhlo Club with Mrs. M. O. Coleman. Skennsa Club Lndlos, Art Club with Mrs. Telnndcr. .Tollv Workers with Misses Gladys and Allco Ihirrows. I Excelsior Club with Ernest I Drews. I SATURDAY I Christian Sisterhood Colonial Tea nt the homo of Mrs. R. A. I COtltllO. I Marshfleld Rand Dance at I Enc'es Hill. f I Marshfleld Flromon's Hall. TIMES WANT Att I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED lllris for excavating to In done nt once. F. E. Conway Co., Room 20" Irving llldg. FOR ItHXT 'J furnished hoiisokeep lug rooms. 1021 Elrod avenue. I 'Oil SALE Household furniture, kitchen stove, bed-room matting, 1 2 beds, Bprlngs and mattross, eotn i blnatlon wnsh-stand nnd dresser, ' Prlnccsso diesser, lent her bottom rocker, 3 chnmhor bowls, green ' Milton rug (!).12). Enqulto 73(! I 2nd street So. KH'ilcnecd iitl-Willer ileshcs ehu"ec to build up somebody's business I an all around snlcsmnn. Address I R. T., caro Times. I POSITION WANTED by young iiiiiii.I I first class stenographer, admitted 1 to praetlco law, nnd has knowledge of bookkeeping. S. II., caro Times. ' WANTED Geneinl liouseuorlc by 1 capable girl. Uox 783, North Hend. OFFICE POSITION WANTED Good, reliable man, thoroughly familiar with all phases of offlco work and Including bookkcoplng and higher accounting nnd cap able of filling executive position, wishes to correspond with con cerns contemplating changes or considering Introduction of now blood. All communications will bo strictly confidential. "X," caro Time office. FOR SALE EXCHANGE Equity In linpimcil ranch TO TRADE FOR RAW LAND. TOWN LOTS OR RESI DENCE, OR WOULD CONSIDER A GOOD BUSINESS PROPOSI TION. Also B0x 105 fool lot In West Mnrshlleld cleared and lovol to soil for $000 cash. Address Uox 208, Marshllold. Oregon. FOR SALE 1 10-li.p. gnsolluo en gine, nt a sacrifice. Phono C-J. TOR SAL13 Fine fuinltuio of n -4-room houso comploto and ready to movo Into. Houso can bo rented. j 327 So. 2nd street. Tel. 229. FOIl HALE Excelsior motorcycle: Cheap if taken at once. Plionn j 49-.I. TOR SALE Oil KENT Three iietvs nlnnrnil Inilil In llnv Pnrlf tinfii road; sultablo for truck gardon lng. Jas. Forty. j WANTED Flist tenor to MUg In 1 I quartotte. Address II, caro Times. J WANTED Glil wants light liouso I work or any other kind of work. M, caro Times. WANTED (.'hi Oodics place hi fain 1 lly where she may work nnd at ,tend school. K, caro Times. LOST Two m'cIIoiin or n(iilllo Val ley sign oil Enstsldo. Finder please return to C. W. N'lors. TIm-o.. Offemleis Mntr Klko. Jas. teGrogfxor and Pan wore the nnnini given bv three arrostod last nlgM for Intoxication. Mill nunc' Hoys. This evening tho lannl Longshoremnirs Union, Is ' ""V 112 J ?. lUJnV " ,,p,u',10t, hero on a trip of Insnectlon. Ho I ",,',?, l,n,",,Vr ff"rntll(,Q'Vir"(? of will visit Ilnmloii. North Hend. Flor- ?r",ll,K " ,Ip.t,cl to .I)r-. HioiiPk px-; o.iro ni.,1 nthur nniml iw.lnt. Lnfiii-a l'" 1IIK ' "Oir rourci ni HIS (I0CISIO11 , loavlng. l0 ""'oiitlnue tho school. Annual Hntiiiuet. Jnck Davis, of K P. Aimlvei'niv. Mvrtlo loiH'o. tho Marshfleld Fire Department Hiys , Knights ot Pvthlns, wIM co'ebrnto tho that all of tho rotlred fir men and . fiftieth nnnlversarv nf t'-n order next Mondnv evening. An enry hobsIoii nf tlii) lodiio will bo held before the oneii session, to which a number of outside guests hnve bon Invited. A social time will preccdo tho banquet. Oxiiect Fast Trip. T'io A-lcMno rpheum Tonight PRASDAD-Two reol featuro, fontuilng nn old veteran of tho Civil I Jjir, and his llttlo grnnddaughtcr. A very appealing story. PIRLOFTHK CAI1ARET Wo havo shown this picture hoforo and 1 iorcca (o repoat it. WICIITY HUNTER Ulg comedy nnd thoao who lovo bear atorlos ni enjoy 11, We bae a fhio program for Sunday. Admission ton cents. fUE MAX FimT Till.) wqt la 1,n Htln nr nil., fonfnrn iolD J. j. Corlett. Como Tuesdny or Wednesday noxt week. their wives and sweethearts nro ox- necic'i tit bo In attendance nt tho an nual banquet and bah of H10 Mrili fluld depart in nt nt tho Odd Fellows Hill next Saturday night. Plan Hall. Ray Domerrltt and otwt tttliitt Q ft 11 It Qtniitilthna nlti plnnnln 0 organize T a club and Smith Is oxper.od In tonight or onrlv build a dnnco hall and club rooms tmiiorfn after alio her fast trip thero. Among those Hint Dnnorrltt ''"" u,u l,," ; " i..vo lrn-oRed In It nro Frank and . ll;1 '' received at n Into hour this Albert Wymnn, Ed. Elliott. Ed John- nffornoon from Cnutnln Olson, but - "' ! Albeo. Jim Elliott nnd with favorably weather a speedy voy R. WlerjlnB. "K" was anticipated. lit ... .edlllliiii. Socretnrv Mot- n,.,,, tv iiiM)er. Sheriff Gunn Inv vpstopinv received n loMor from i nrriVed hero on tho Rodondn today Secrotary Trendgnld of tho Haiulon , frn, Auburn. Cnllf.. to tako buck A. Chamber of CommeVco In reply to w 0VCs. tho former printer, who tlr letter that was sent from hero VPvM-rested hero this week charKod Hnyln'r that Marshflolil did not wint wU,7 w 0Pflori,, K0vns wns tak to take any Industry from llandoin 0 to tl0 r0(intv 1n rtt ronuui0 nnrt Itlco to ret It. Treadgold 'nnswored To i:tenil Sen Ire. Tho W'llam tors"ly that ho did not know any- etto Pnclfle motor car, boglnnlng tti tlilng nbout It and said that ho btd night, wl'l extend Us hours of servico r..fprrni Mi-, Motleys lotttr to Mr. lo mldnkht on Raturdrv night, 'env Dcdllllon. I lag North Rend for Marshfleld on .tho last- trio at 12:1fi. Tho last car 'on other week nights nnd on Sun- dnyH wl'l Innvo Mnrshlleld at 10 nnd N01T1 Rend nt 10:lfi. l'Olt SALE Cranberry vines: best varieties, In prlmo condition, nc cllmntcd to Pnclfle Northwest and free from weeds and dlsoaso. Ready to ship by lall or water from Megler, Wash. Prices right. Address G. T. Morgan, Cnples Hotel, Portland, Oregon, WANTED To lease mimll rooming house, rurnlshed. Address with full particulars, Uox nil), City. FOR HUNT Furnished front room, sicnm neat, modern, sultablo for one or two gentlemen. 2 1 1 Coui I mcrcial avenue. FOIl SAIiE-M-'liio furniture In ! room houso, down town. $225 cash. Frco rent. Enquire Times. FOR SALi; CHEAP Furniture of six-room houso: can rent' houso reasonable. J'hono 333-J. FOR H.WjK Xeiv, latest model 1i. C. Smith typowrltor and stand. Chcnp if taken at once. Call 148 Hroadway North or phouo 158-J. I'OR HALF Two fov lerrler pup pies: good ones, $5 each, Enqiilro F. E. Allen. FOR SALE Furniture of 10-room houso. 4 00 North llroadwny. Phono 1CC-X. FOR SALIC Rhode Islam! lied eggs for sotting nnd day-old chicks. C, M. Connor, WANTED WANTED MitiTliMl man (o run S. Coos River dairy by year. 15 to 18 cows. Must bo competent to run ranch, also good milker. A. E. Senmnu. NOTICE Ewiei-lenrtil man will pruno nnd graft trocs, transplant hushes, etc. Address P. O. Uox 581, Mnrshflold, or call No. 944 North Rroadway. NOTICE. arc! m Day Soon Will Be Here p READY NOW WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF GARDEN TOOLS, INCLUDING ORAL SETS GARDEN TROWELS WFPniWR HOOKS MO GARDEN CULTIVATORS DANDELION SPUDS HOES, RAKES, SPADES, SHOVELS A 'arge line of lawn mowers just received. ' c ULSEN lawn rakos. verything for the lawn and garden. Come here first. To Be Healthy One Must Perspire! If you do not porsplro, tho pores of tho skin clog. In tills condition you ,aro roniKr ed unhealthy. Ordlnnry tub bnths lmvo no offoct upon cleansing tho pores of tho skin henco tho RUSSIAN STEAM BATHS which nro now offered for your bonoflt nnd rellof. Wo lmvo Installed, an excellent sys tem of Ruislau and Turkish llaths, which nro tho flnost In overy respect. Physicians rec ommend a Russian Steam Rath nt bast onco a month. You nro Invitod to cnll and In spect our now nnd up-to-date system of modern bathing at tho RUSSIAN STEAM BATHS Iftmkor Hill. Tako Whito Star Auto to Bunker Hill. Gontlomon on Frl ilny nnd Saturday from 2 p. m. to 12 m and on Sunday from 8 a. m to 12 m. Ladles mid families from 2 p. 111. to 12 ni. on Thursdays. ToUhono dS8-L. UAOKACIIK-HHEUMATISM VAN ISH AWAY. Men nnd women having hackacho, rheumatism, stiff and swollon 'Joints aro honestly glad to know that Fo ley Kidney Pills aro successful every where In driving out these Ills. That Is becauso Foley Kidneys Pills aro a truo ni"dIcino and quickly effectivo in nil diseases that result from weik. innetivo kidneys and urinary Irregularities. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohnu. Oppo site Chandler Hotol. Phono 74. 158-R HHQfeJ PHONE 1 0 Cent issenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Wants Hath Money L. 13. R'lvon todnv filed suit with JusMco Ponnock against Chns. Tower Tor ?2C50 which "llvmn claims Tc'r owe li'm for , Turkish bnths. llllvon siyH Tower only paid 5 on n bill for $31.50. Tower formorly rnn n niovlnc nlcturo show here, but lins boon nt Randon. nilvons thought that Tower was go ing to lenvo 011 t'o Rrcakwater to day mil had Constable Cox waiting for him. ' May Change Hoats. According to a roport, tho Snntn Clara mnv bo nut on tho Coos Uny-Euroka-Port-Inml run If tho Alllunco Is put on tho Alaska run next month as re-porto-l, Tho Eureka has been put on tho Snntn Clara's run on tho tnllfornla const, Hnrry Roymlds says that tho Santn Clara has about tn bos passenger accommodations of nny bont on th coast Sho has nbout tho same speod n the Iledon do, Cen't l,ocute Itelnthes. Coroner Fred Wilson ,hns beon nnnblo to locato tho relatives of J. MrCor m'lck, tho laborer who wan killed bv a stump hurled by a dynamite blast at Sand Point yestordny. When ..icCormlck was hero nrevlously i recolved consldernblo mall, but tho last time ho received none. No let ters Vtoro found on him nnd whTo his Iiiggngo Is Mr. Wilson hns not found out. McCormlek'H frlonds dif fer ns to whother his homo was In Mnlno, Kentucky or California, 1 WulkhiN Age. Geo, Wntklns has shied his caster Into tho ring as a dofendor of women's right that Is to keep secret their nges. The now registration law was supposed to , fitiiDei thorn to toll Just ohw old thoy nro and somo wore not availing 1 thomsolves of tho right of the bal-1 lot. So when Judge Wntklns regis tered tho other day, ho gave his ago to Justice Ponnock ns "ovor 21." I Howovor, tho blank falld to pass nuister of tho eaclo oyo of James Wntson, County Clerk, who Is a baclmior nnd probably Interested In nscortalnlng tho ages of eligible wo. mni. So ho sent tho blank back to Justice Pennock to get tho exact (ago. Watklns says bo won't clvn It ,nnd If the exact ngo Is not required In a marrlnsro l'conpe it iio",,,n't bo In a registration list. So thero. nut It Is a trn to ono shot that , Watson will sttnd not and require I nil vo'ers to givo their exact ncrn until Watklns or somo other gallant snonds enough mnnov to not tho .Oregon Stipromo Court to swv Hint tho law doosn't mean what It says. To all whom It may concom. Notlco Is horohy ulvon. that from facts of which I havo beon In Ignor anco until recently, I nm Hatlsriedi Hint I). E. Hell 11, also known nsl Port Ifoliou, Is not my lawful litis-' baud; that my marrlago with him Is void, I nlso glvo notlco that Bald Pert R0II011 and I aro not living togothor ns husband and wife nor In nny other manner; that ho doos not contribute to my support nori do I, now, contrlbuto to his sup port, nnd that I will not be liable ror any iionts which ho may con tract for any purpose whatovor. Dated this 4th day of February, A. D., 1914. MRS. LOLA RALDWIN. Sometimes known ns Lola Po llen or Mrs. Port Iloliou. 1 I FOR RENT ! l'Olt RENT ."Mullein M-i'onni houso 1 011 Central live Inquire Mrs. Fnr ringor. Phouo 38G-J. FOR RENT Ono room with or with out board. 100 Touth st. South. I'OR HEXT limine, barn ami lot 100 by 200 with fruit trees and ono dozon hens, 1 cow fresh In April, IIoiiho partly furnished. Opposlto Smith docks. Apply Mrs. A. Cnva nnugh, Enstsldo or phono 302-X. l'Olt KENT JJ furnished moms for working men. Hatching if doslr ed. Cnll Room 12, First National Hank Hldg, North Rend, Phono 1493. l'Olt RENT 2 loom modern furnish ed housekeeping nulto, $13. Call Room 12. First Natlonnl Rank bldg North Pond. Phono 1403. FOIl RENT Large front room, well furnished, modorn conveniences, sultnhlo for two gontlomon. Meals If desired. 813 Central avomio. FOR HEXT Two rooms furnished for housekeeping. 2S7 Commorclnl. l'Olt RENT Sleeping rooms, rens onablo by tho wcok. 229 South Droadway. l'Olt RENT Largo Iioiino on South 11th stroot. Phouo 119-L., or see A. n Cnmpboll. LOST Llbby COAL. The kind VOIT have ALWAYS USED. Phom 72. Pnclfle l.lvorv nnd Tninsfer fninnmiv LOST lady's gold wiilrli. first of Inst woolc. Howard for return to Times office. J. Loo Brown, Ph. (1. K. Y. Kwaiiton, Ph. C. I Free to Ladies Oho hottlo of MniiriHO Kosobnd Kono with a f)0o hottlo of Miuii'ino Hoauty Lotion i'or a low days only so call at onco if yon want to tako advanlago oi this oiTor. lanrino Hoanty Lotion is pure and harm loss, will prosoi've your complexion and prevents crows' i'eet, when other remedies fail. Maurhie Com pany will FORFEIT $1,000.00 if it can he shown that tho Maurinc Beauty Lotion contains any Zinc Oxide of Flake White, which is dry white lead, and tho base of most preparation for the face, and very injurious to the skin. "Wo havo a complete line of the Maurino Toilet Requisites and will bo tflad to show you their merits. We sell moro of this lino of beauty preparations than any other, and we have more pleased patrons using them, than that of anv other similar line. AVo are sole agents. See our Window. THIS LKADJNG 1)117(1 STORE FOR OFAL1TV (H)ODS AND SELECTED AUUXriFK. ifrrrvv'rr'?wvwnrtt. I n miimii a A X