kahejfw TUDSSTJE THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FOUR mi'mMB&j A -v. K- p1 COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MAIjOXKV Editor and Pub. DAN K. MAI.OXHV Neus Kdltor Official Paper of Coos County Official Paper City of MiiiMifield '. A SHOUT SATUHDAY i KVNX1XO SKItMOX THE moBt blesseil of human en deavors Is service the service, thnt eiliuntes nnd builds and mnkos this old world n better nnd hnpplcr plnct- In which tT live nnd work. Service Is tho spirit of the hour. It blesses him thnt gives and hi in thnt receives; It Is tho brotherhood of ninn In business; It Is n helping hnud extended un selfishly; It is br nd cast upon tho wntors; it Is ft way of helping our solves by helping each other. Tho best thnt cnu be said of any ninii is this- HK SBKVKD OTHKltS THAT TIIHY MIGHT UKTTEIt SERVE THEMSELVES. THE US! DAYS OF POMPEII Gigantic Spectacle in Three' Acts of Two Parts Each at The Grand ' PERSONAL NOTES 4 L. P. PRICE Is In from Sumner to-1 dny on business. "W. E. CATTERLIN left todny for Portland on business. J. U. MARKER, of Falrvlew. ts n Mnrshflold business visitor todny. F.C. ESCH nnd family left today for Portland to malic their home. CHAS, MAHAPPY. of Coos River, Is in Mnrshflold today on busi ness. E. P. LEMIEUX Iff on the Hrenk water todny for Portland on busi ness. GEORGE LECOCQ expects to leave tomorrow on tho Rodondo for San Francisco. In tho witch's envc. GlnucuB brings t'own the curse of the sorceress by killing her Bncred roptllo and the lovers lenvo tho cavo In pnnln. Ar bnecs enters and litis little trouble Inducing tho witch to give him n potion thnt slmll "setir and blnst i tho brnln," to mnko him idiot, rav ' lug, mad, while yet the heart bents Ion." Part Pour. Nyilln meets Arbncos. Boctires tho "love potion" nnd gives It to Glnu cus. Tho Insane man riiBlrs through the streets reeling from Bide to side. Monnwhllo Apnocldes hns hnd n Htormy scene with tho Egyptian and goes forth to cool his fevered brnln, to tho Benshoro. Arbnces follows Manager Mnrsden, of tho Grand and murders him. At thnt instant Theater, announces thnt on next tho stnggorlng form of Glnucus Is Tttosdny nnd Wednesday he will i Been, nnd tho wnry Egyptian seizes present nt his populnr plnyhoiiso tho I him, nnd calling loudly for help, Photo Drama Company's production I charges Glnucus with murder. Nydin of "The Last Days of Pompeii" In who. terror-stricken, hnd followed six pnrts. niado nt Pompeii, Italy, , Glnucus, is Bolzed by tho Egyptian from tho novel by Lord Ilulwer,nnd cnrrlod nwny to his dungeon. Lytton. Glaucus Is halod before tho Senn'o Tlio following is n synopsis of tho and condemned to dlo by wild benstB scenes of the drama which take , In tho nronn at tin coming gnmes. plncos nbout 79 A. D. Part Five. Part One. Tho grunt day finally nrrlvos nnd GlaucuB, n lmndHomo nnd wealthy, tho mighty stnnds nro crowded with Athenian noblomnn, living in tho! thpusnnds of gay Pompellniis Intent city of Pomptil, Is the Bweethonrt of 'upon seeing the raro spectnelo of lone, a Grecian girl of grent bounty, 'n pntriclnn thrown to tho lions. In lono's brother. Apnccldes, n young b-r dungeon. Nydin plans escape, man of rollglous tendencies, Is n pu- Sho plnys upon tho superstitions of pll of Arbnces, a crafty lewd, nnd hor negro keeper nnd succeeds In unscrupulous Egyptlnn, High Priest locking him In her cell. Conscious of the Temple of IbIs Arbnces has that It had nil been her fault, tho ever nourished nn Intense but un- "Hnd slrl frnntlcally mnkes her way worthy love for lone. The Egyptlnn . to the home of Snllust. friend of despises tho hnndsomo Glnucus as Glaucus. who had remained home his rivnl nnd plots his downfall. Ny-lfrom tho grent spectnelo. din Is n Bwcot-mlndod Tbessnllnn I Pnrt Six. flower girl, cursed with blindness I The grent spectnelo wns nt lis nt birth nnd mndly loving Glaucus ''height. Thoro hnd been parades of whom sho hns never seen, but whos!"10 gladiators and tho poopl- Ind kindly voice and over-ready purso bowled tliemsolves honrso over tho have ninny times lightened tho hnud . v.",or 01 mu giiuiiiuurmi cumunis of hr cruel mistress, Strntonlce, wlfo of llurbo, nn inn-keopor. With his friend, Snllust, Glnucus Everything wns In readiness for tho grent foaturo of the doy'B sport tho denth of Glnucus. Already tho AXXOrXCKMEXT Mrs. Anna Decker, local ropreiicii tntlv for World Stnr Mills, mnnu fftcturers of liigh-grndo underweur nnd stockings In pure worm silk, lisle, co'ten. wool nnd fibre silk. ' Glvo your order soon for future do-1 livery. Clenn garments direct from mill to home. Apartment 1! over Nnshurg's Grocery. i ono evening goes to tho tnvern of ; I'ooplo yelled Impntlontly. "Glnucup tlnrbo m .iince his bets on the com- to the lions!" and tho Athenian wns lug glndlntorlnl contests. Ho thero KlVen n short sword nml roughlv purchiiBos Nydin from Uurbo. nft r l"1H '" "a t" "' " i" """FT The R.oya! TONIGHT The House of the Greatest Penuros. MIbh Mildred ICoentg, that clever little girl, In nn act entitled "Tho Dnnc of tho llrnwnles." A wonderful Klnemacolor two reol feature, "Dr. Jokyll nnd Mr. Hyde. Miii' the Phlllpplnos, nn Inter esting tropical sceulr, Tho Zoological Garden of Rome. The habits nnd llfos of many inter esting nnlmnls. Heart Throbs. A two-reel Hron cho feature. Mission Hells. Diainn featuring' "Wnrnm Korrlgnn. ' Tho Grent Towel Rohbory. A' Bcronmlng comedy, i Admission, lower floor, lGc; bnl cony. 10e. seeing tho blind girl frightfully whlnued by Straonlco. Ho tnkes hor to his home. lnr Tii'n. Arlnros wrltos n lotter to lone. '' suggesting thnt she como nnd visit him, nnd Intimating thnt his mngic "in show hero te fnlslty of O'iiupub. lono nccopts tho Invitation nnd the Egyptian ennjuros up a vision In whlc'i lono sew, Glnucus mnklng lovo to oilier womon. ovorcomo hy emo mnddoucd lions sprung from their cages! Suddenly the wild, disheveled form of Silliis npnenred. leaping from the boxes nnd shouting honrse- Reinov? Glnucus tho Athenlnn! He Is Innnront! Thero stnnds tho mtirdoror." A guttural ronr wont up from the assembled thousnnds. In which could bo hennl excited cries of "Arbnc-s to the lions; Arbnces to tho linns!" At thnt Instant the sky suddenly darkened nnd from Hon. Arbnces oinbrnces hor. An n-ltHtant Vesuvius there shot Into tho -nnt lnt-r ho Is fellod by tho honvy "'O " '"'ft of holllsh fire! Pnnlc hnud of Annecldes. lono fines to ?ol!!t,, '" imilMtm'o nnd pnndemon tho homo of Glaucus. whero Nydin, ' relgn-il. In tho confusion Ar bor heart torn with Jonlousv. mini- bncos escaped. The frightful eiit "'ors In tho terror-stricken g-rl "Stropho restored tho reason of tho Mennwhllo. Anarchies, his fnlth HhuUi:,om?ntol ",.,"r"H; )u fJ'!t ,uo tered, prepnres to donounco Arbncos J 1",l' of Nylin's hand In his and nnd ronoiincos the creed of Isls. if1! l , ,cr 1,0iV,ln' ,,,lj" tli i-omnslm tho Part Three blinding mill nf cinders to tho homo Tho following morning. Nyilln 1' ,00- Tliey found lono prennred ,.. , ., . , , . . , ., for denth, but tho gontlo Nydin led goes to th lomplo of sis to seek thcIII ,,, ,ln.011Kll ,)1U xyiinn ,,nrK. solme for her nchlng heart. Sho ness to the Tomplo of IbIs. Hero mcots Arbaces nnd confides her lovo they met tho instructed Arbnces to him. Tho ernftv Egyptian '"V' 8nw ,U" ,p;'' ''j'Jtl" v a ..k,..!,,,. , .., ... .i. ...I.-I. falling p llnr of his own dolntrous promises to socuro from the witch cilurcll, ' Thon, ln n blackness where or Vesuvius n love pnuon, which, ir only tho blind could boo. Nydin ndmlnlstorcd to Glnucus. should guided tho two lovers to tho scn- mnko him lovo Nydin forover. Moan- J10. Knowing them snfoly nhonrd, These People Have all Bought Two or More Lots in Bay Park Within the Past Year Even- ono hns seen tho property before buying, hns hnd plenty of time to make comparisons, and hns decided thnt Hay Park Is tho plnco to buy. Don't you think their combined judgment Is worth something ns n guide for yours? Don't yuu think property so many people (In quiet times) hnvo thought worth buying must hnvoBomo solid merit ns nn Investment, or n plnco to secure n honio7 And these nro only n very Binull minority of those who hnvo bought liny Pnrk lots. H II. J. Dernhnrdt. R. D. Dernhnrdt. James Cnughcll Alfred Cnughell, Wm. Dopson Marguerite Edlln Otto Fit so n George Grlbler John Ilnlo Jens JohaiiBcn Harry M. Llbby P. C. Mosteller Grant McMnhon Arthur Mitchell C. P. Morse Evnld Peterson C. M. Rushing Petur Sonueson Win. Smith Lnfnyotto Turley Mrs. Annie Wnlkcr II. C. Ynke Eliza Ayro V. P. Collum Joseph Honnecsoy Geo. R, Jacking Rnlph W. Holwny Nells JustcHon Alonzo McDougnl Prod Cnughell Alfred uniigiicll Lots $100 nnd $1, pnyments; $10 down nnd $5 a mouth "on each lot. I. S. KAUFMAN Sc CO i i "i . .11 i! SAFE FOR llAlUIXi,,.,., "' Thnt Foley's Hon V ""J8, Hound, it i, T ?$.Ta,iv your druggist, W.S Z"a.en5 give you snttsrnctlon v ' m smith, Stutesboro. u' -W navo used Foley's I Inn!,, !a5'' Compound in ,V fnmn7 " t2 sold It in my Bior? 4 fnlla to cure." Rof,,,- "tl '' mtJ Owl Prescription VhmLll D. Cohan. Onponio , Fr' k tel. Phono 71 l lmi H I NOTICE OK AIM'OIVrS!558 AD.MINIHTUAT0iiNT 0f Notlco Is hereby ; !vP .v . sunnt to tho order of A Pw Court of Coos Conntv cmtj U. Douglas wns ,". i o fe". .innunry, 11114 .i..!.. ,.1" "7 "dn.lnlBtrtoroXu"!fl ii.uKmi, iiuccnscii. u I. ;,". lug clnlms.nguliist Raid -. uf.1 k"' nerouy notified to prcacnt L '" ,wiiii liroper voucher,, ith!',i ,months from the dnte tm. Itlco to said administrator "! 8" offlco In Room 21 nf n, ,.'l.li tnt.nl II.... I. -... . "v II1HW) luiitu Jitlllli ui I. (JOB Ij.1V I1iiII.ii .inrshflrld. Coos Co ,my 0 1 "! ,! Dnted this Hist day if j.f1 ion. r JanDa Admlnlstrntorof Vi.o'H'n R. Hulglit. deceased tIUo ' 1 T.1I....I ....1.11. .. ; i' 1 rni. iiuuiii'Ulldll jqu 31 . .publication Feb. 2S. inu " SPIRELLA CORSPTQ may be obtained in MarshfieU I IIOIIl Mrs. Annie Holland, Corsetinp. 352 Sn, 5th st. Plmnn 9nn.v THE CLOSEST IXSIM:i"TloT Nydin Biiddouly throw hersolf Into , tlio wntors of tho Day. Hor love-tnsK while, Glnucus mid Tone, while strol ling on tho mountnln Bide, nm.ondcil, tho blind girl nt list found cnught by tho rnln nnd seek rofugo the eternal rest sho sought. GO NOW to the WESTERN OUTFITTING COMPANY, for Ladies' Suits, Coats and Rain Garments of every description, also Men's Cravenettes, Overcoats, Slip-on Raincoats, Rub ber Coats and Oil Cloth inci. All for less than ONE-HALF PRICE. Western Outfitting: Co. Russcl bldn, Central avc. Paper We nro showing ono of the Inrgest lines nnd most oxtenslvu assortment!! of patterns over seen In this city. A now ship ment of l'.lt I doslgus Just re ceived; nlBo n full lino of PAINTS, OILS AXD GLASS. C. W. VIERS :ITI Nuiili Front street, .Mm oilfield. -lt 'Trrtf7H,i 1 J by the most professional fanlMU er. will fall to discover nnjr Hit in our Biiperior i.nuiuiry work, wi hnvo n system of washing, rlmiti dfvliiL'. anil Irnnlni: wlilrh fannol t. excelleil. We do tlio best work 11 i'o it tlioroitgiuy, delivering all or ders tiromptly when nromliod, ill ehnrglng only rcnsounlilo prim. U you nro noi yci n iniron oi oun 1 win pny yuu in iiui'iniiu unr. tliivu your. Jon iirlntlng uoim Tho Times office ... COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Phone Mi'ln 17-.I. I "I II am Park The Gateway of Opportimity- T0 SMALL INVESTORS AND HOME BUILDERS. Low Prices Lots rannlnn i" price from $300 to $700. All cjood-sized . buildint lots. Easy Terms Small payment down and balance in two years or lonfler, if desired. Good Title The title to this property is now clear. The best. An absolutely safe investment. Buy Now jg Close in This property is located in the very heart of the city, within five-minutes' walk. Good View Some choice locations with fine view of the Bay. Any facinn desired. R BUILDING Q estrictionU Are such only as will afford you protection atid add to property values. Values in this tract will be advanced within 60- days. Make your selection now. Don't wait. Perliam Park, w. A. Reid, fM'SSkt Let Us Furnish ike Home to be- Buy your home furnishings on logical business lines. It is always a wise idea in makinc) any sort of a purchase to take into consideration the capability and re sources of the house dealing in the articles you want. Any one can advertise and say "bicj things," but to "deliver the goods" is quite another matter. Figuring on a logical basis, this store is the one place above all stores at which your home out fit should be purchased. Our record and our reputation today tell the story of our success. It's signifi cant; think it over. Bear in mind, too, that our ability to extend .credit is just as as great as' our ability to undersell any other concern in our line. The finer the quality of anything you buy here, the greater the saving. The permanent business isn't built up in single sales. It's the man that comes back that counts. No business axiom is plainer than this. It is to our own inter ests, we realize, to satisfy our customers, it has always been the platform of (his store to give satisfaction. "Why Pay More?" JOHNSON-GULOVSEN COMPANY North Front Street -r-w wwmrrr r-TV-rrrer'T-TnarT-MY !.,,, fcffiflir, ,,,T7 mUmm r:rr.-;.Tg?!ali."M;aT 'ja'tanrc.'TiWKB V b . --.. -