THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1914 EVENING EDITION. THREE KwwmimJm M i" in jT w I iWlfW 7.7 PW ft itr unoMMMBHnnMMMnmMi ' '- fm 1L? JJ Studebaker Four $ ! 1 75.00 Studebaker Six $ 1 725.00 F. O. B. MarsMeld Both cars equipped with ELECTRIC STARTER AND LIGHTS, FULL FLOATING AXLES, TIMPKEN ROLLER BEARINGS THROUGHT. If you are interested in a car at these prices you would be more than pleased with a Studebaker. Motor Cars Chalmers Ihe Master Six Seeing is believinn, so drop in and see the new 1914 CHALMERS SIX on show at my flaracje. ggs&r For Itself FORD The most popular car in the WORLD. Touring, $650.00; Roadster, $600.00, F. 0. B. Mashfield. I am now prepared to equip any Ford car with an electric starter and lights for $100 extra. Abso lutely guaranteed. ' ervice I have a service department "an all my lines unequalled in the state. Service means lots to a car owner. If you do not think so, buy a car without a service department and you will soon see why service counts. EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTOMOBILE. i ROAD RUM't. 347 Central Avenue Phone 373-L CTJffMSaEBBSSBHHOTTra JjJJHTiri ,T Ti"-y-l--JJ'u'JJi"JlW"l't"h-a " TJ" ! tiyiwMl.tMtiliMllTftUH ! m WW W . . ii &&&. ytfTSYtv jdtSSftx ESIftv ffitu, m mK Hk m ma W RA rtireWA i-ufu&k LCJ -lA r'.C rAu Pfl ILL', Tlf IAV Wtft rfrl "VI ri7 t.vrv eP Vy&F 3 fi &V& JI vij 1 'fj Lei the Central Sfcafcion Carry Your Power Plant Investment Electric motors operating by central sta tion service, givo flexibility, reliability and economy. Electric motors require less space and cost less per unit oi' energy than any other form of power machinery. More space can bo devoted to production with a greatly reduced investment iii power plant. Central station electric power is always ready to turn the wheels of any power user every hour of the day or night. It pre vents loss of time and production incident to private power plant shut-downs. AVo want to prove that electric power is more economical for you. Telephone ITS and ask our representative to call. Oregon Power Co. Second and Central &04MliMiy iSSMm IRVING BLOCK CLEARANCE .SALE In re-arranging our Shirt stock vc find quite a number of lines of which there are but a few shirts of a kind. We have priced them low in order to effect a quick clearance. $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Shirt values, your choice. Sizes 14 to 18. $1.15 All laundered Your choice of our entire stock of Men's $22.50, $25, and $27.50 Suits and Overcoats. All wool, well made. See window display. $16.50 We guarantee satisfaction StBREAD i ' rBr trBl nitKAD MAKKS IIUAW.V. and good, iuro, wholesome, nour ishing bread makes boys muscular and honlthy. Our bread is niado from tho finest hard Winter wheat tho hind that retains tho nutrients of gluten and phosphates. Consequent ly It is rich In nutrition, ami Is ab solutely pure in every particular of baking and handling. And a big loaf costs but littlo money. Coos Bay Bakery Tho place for gold goodies. Mnr!tt Av Phone 1 11-L HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. tTjTscaifk $ a. ii. iionaiNH Marshfipld PA,NT AND ,., iviarsnnem DEC0RATNG co. Kstlnuitcs Furnished. Phono aoO'J. Mnrshfleld, Oregon. w amer s RmistProf Corset The most economical BECAUSE the Warner name on a Corset means LONGER wear and BETTER style while it wears. It carries assurance, too, that every inch of boning- and fabric is the BEST, that however hard you wear it, it will NOT RUST, BREAK NOR TEAR. In short, that the WARNER REPUTATION IS BEHIND IT. For sale only at The Golden Rule FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING , !.':Zfm r ' . -. ... rjv tm .fat.. ,i-. -r. -... . iLS wwytwn.witr'iwt.awww mWJ c&5& Continued from page Two. the homo of Miss Florence Powers Inst Friday evening. The members and their guests sang songs, played gnmes mid otherwise enjoyed them selves thoroughly. Thoso present were Misses Nelllo Warwick, Dagmar Flleshurg, Marjorlo Orahnin, Jtuth Dungnn, Uuth Cownn, Uerthn Davis, and Florence Powers and Messrs. William McDonald. Uoy Curtlss, 121 mer Johnson, Unlph Dresser. Allan McDuffey, Chester Isaacson and Her bert Hrndley. I ) . 1 CllltlKTIAX SISTKltllOOI) I O past served by Mrs, Kvcrltt, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. iinrdlnor and Miss Heath. Among thoso present wure Mrs. It. J. Coke, Mrs. I. I). Uortlo, Mrs. V. K. Wnttors, Mrs. Win. Dunn, Mrs. D. O. Vnughun, Mrs. Wm. Vnughnn, Mrs. Oardlnci, Mrs, A. J. Snvnge. Mrs. H. K. Ilurmcstor, Mrs. Paul Dlmmlck, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. M. Q. Coleman, Miss Hcnth, Mrs. Swenrlngen, Mrs. Lyon and Mrfi. Falkcnstein. h ! t- A NAUCISSUS CliUlt I nnlltliiir. ucwlnir for needy neo- plo, and chat, wore tho feature of tho all-day s-bbIoii of the Christian Sisterhood held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. 11. W. Pnlntor. A chill-con enme lunch was served at noon to tho ladles mid their hus bands, Another all-day session will bo held In two weokB with Mrs. Knight for sewing and church work. Tlios present were Mrs. Mnttlo Iilaln, Mrs. U. A. Copple, Mrs. W. II. Cox, Mrs. Samuel Hrogg, Mrs. L. K. Hendryx, Mrs. 8. J. Immol, Mrs. .1. A. .tones. .Mrs. Knight, Mrs. John Motley, Mrs. Chas. Myrlck, Mrs. II. W. Painter. Mrs. Mel)uffy, Mrs. Ynko, Mrs. I). C. McCarty. Mrs. AV. A. Hold. Mrs. C. A. Sohl hredo, Mrs. Jefferson Wnrd and Mrs. J. J. Morrow. .j. .j. . tlou Qfcltn litnrann wnn bnalnnn Wriliuimlnv nftnrnnnn lit. ROU'Intr to tho XnrclssiiB Club membcrB. Miss Talono Wlldo nsslsted In serving tin- refreshments that ended tho meeting. Thoso present were Mlssos llnttlo McKay, Maggie Uohortson, Talono Wilde. Hlanelio Tollofson, Thorn I.und, Anna Lund, Nelllo ,01 son and Hlldur West, with whom the club will meet again In two weeks. i . ... . i.'. AFTF.UXOOX SKWIXO ' pur.siiYrri:itiAX auaimahv i A sperlnl meeting of tho Indies or tlio Presbyterian Auxiliary was called Wednesday ut tho homo of Mrs. II. J. Mohr for tho purpose of discussing plans for n chicken dinner to bo glvon next Saturday noon. Plans could not bo definitely nrrangod ns no placo wnB secured for holding tho dinner. However, that will bo decided 'n tho near fu nr nnd nnnounced. Thoso present Wnu Hdny were Mrs. I. S. Smith, prc'ldent, Mrs. Sonman, Mrs. Chap ii'im, Mrs. Walter. Mrs. Dow, Mrs. Sutborland. Mrs. McKldowney. Mrs. Tlodgen. Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Sweot mnn, Mrs. Dow. Mrs. Ilfllnes, Mrs. Hurkhnrt and Mrs. Hyde. Tho lidlcs will meet ngRlu next Woduoa day. ' ' ' '.' Mrs. W. A. Uold had ns guests Wednesday afternoon Mrs. L. L. Thomas. Mrs. U. W. Morrow, Mrs. I L. Ornnnls nnd Mrs. J. Proctor, ontortnlnlng Informally at ewlng. I ItOVALM'.KillHOltH. I - The Mnrshfleld Uoyal Xolghbors are iilannlng n big necktlo nnd apron social nt their hall next Tuesday ov cnlng. : : ! (ji'iM) .MF.irnxa I X. II. CATHOLIC LADIF.S. I Th' North IJond Cut hollo I.adloM Aid will moot nnxt Tutxidny at tho homo of Mrs. A. Hoelllng. : : A I .IOLI.V DOXKX I . .- Mrs. Henry Oalo wns linatom and Mrs. o. Johnson entertnlnnr. to the Jolly Dozen Wednesday afternoon. The prlzo In th contests pnrtnlnlim to Washington's and Lincoln's hlrthdnvs InMiirntod liv Mrs. John son, was won by Mrs. It. Hush. MrH. Hush will entortnln the club In two woeks, with Mrs. Johnson nt host ess. Thoso present Wednesday woro Mrs (Ion, Uourko, Mrs. Hush, Mrs. F. M. Marhoffor, Mrs. Pone", Airs. Hut, MrH. Johnson mid Mrs. dale. I The Marshllcld KplHcnpnl Guild was entertained Tuosdny afternoon by MIb Xottlo Snvnge nt tho A. J. Sav ao home. Archdearon Chnmberfl was present and delivered n most In structive nnd entertaining tnlk. Tho meotltiKS henceforth will bo held in the linll or the cluirc,i bulldlii'; nnd not Tuesday MIhh Hvolyn Ainrson nnd Mrs. J. llennott wll' hnvo rhnrKO of the rofreshiumitH. It van decided to hnve the meetings open Tor nil who wlnh to ntteinl nnd tho c'"iro for rofrechnientH will bo ten fntH each. Ainonpr those those n cut tlila week were Mra. Harry Xn ' irg, Mrs. Uniina XiuburK, Mra. J. W lle' nott.'Mrs. J. A. Mntaon, Mrs. L. M. Xobfo. Mra. Otto Sehetlor. Mrs. Fnn nlo Hazard, Mrs. J. M. Upton, Miss Mnudo Hoed, Mra. Hnrl Savngn, Mrs. 12. O. Perhuni, Mrs. A. J. Snvage and Mrs. II. L. Colommi. : : : IXKOItMAL DAXCi: I 1 I , 4 i Mr. Arnold of Portland, who hnH bean speudliiK n few w'eoks on tho liny ciitortnlued at a little dinner par ty nnd dnnco at the Chnndler Tuou- , (lav evening cnmpllmoutnry to Mr I and Mra. Clnude Xasburg. ,j. .;. I A ' A I I X. II. CATHOLIC liAIHICS" PHH.SIlVTKm.X LADIICS. I i DAXCH. j I Tho valontlno dnnco glvon Tuofl 'dav nlRht nt Kckhoffs Hall In North llonil by the Catholic ladles, was a groat success, iioiu nnanciniiy and soclnlly, about two hundred cou ples bolug In ntteminnce. Tlio null waH b'autlfully decorated with tho season'H greens, huckleberry and grnpe, and with Vnlontlno henrtfl In festoons nbout walls mid colling, Tho woll-known Koysor'B orchostrn furiilshod tlio music for tho ovenlng, Tho dnnco was voted by all present ns delightful and by tho ladlos of tho church as ono of tho most suc cessful they have ovor undertaken. K ! mils. i:vi:miT'K hi:wix i PA I IT V I o Mrs. M. 1C. Kvorltt ontortnlned nt sowing WednoHdny afternoon nt hor. pretty homo In North Ilcnd, Includ ing among her guests many Indies both nf North Head mid Mnrshfleld. Tho hours of sowing nnd conversa tion woro followed by n dainty ro- Thn North Hair! Presbyterian Lnd- la' A'd Snrloty wrh entertained on Thursday nfternoon by Mrs. II. C. Holmes. Xeedlowork wns tho prln clnnl divorslon. Thn noxt inoutlncr will bo hold In two weeks with Mrs. A. II. Iiuhoff. Thoso present this wool: woro Mrs. J. Monde, Mrs. C. A. Smith, Mrs. V. K. Wnttors, Mrs. C. II. Furlss, Mrs. J, M. Orout and Mrs. Wm. Vnughan. I (ilVKS PAUTIKS. 4 9 Mrs. J. W. llennott wnB hostess to a fow frlonds Informally Wednesday afternoon complimentary to MIbb May Ilonuott, On Monday evening sho on tertnlned a fow of tlio youngor rolks n mi Informm dnnclng pnrty foT MIbb" Ilonuott. Snturdny nftornoon sho will nlso bo hostess at another littlo Informal gathering, 4 ! LADIKS' AIIT riil'll, I . Tho Ladles' Art Club enlnvod ono of tho most delightful sessions of tho season Friday nftornoon when Mrs. AV. U08S Smith was hostess. Tho SmUhapartmonl vvoro muat tnatljy Continued on pngo Eight Sin1 :s. Times Want Ads. Bring Results FREE TO YOU MY SISTER "SiMXSS I am a woman. J know waunn'a lafferlngg. J orvb found tba cure. d";Ittr.y()uriUothir.oryour8&ter7i"ntto tmt thu hulpot ndootor. Mt i. ciutl undlrBl "ml w oiutir-KuflfurinKs. What v "o7." know " iiwlitict. wo kiow Utter thim uny Uoctor 1 kuwv tlmt in Imiiiui tr. iitmnit U nr nnd luro f.roforliMfiliMiM WMIuh 6uhri,i, Uittritwa. OU. hcloi. lltileo tr Culm Uiboii. ti f'o.lhti ilio pjUi la lull, tiik ind boti, tiKuii (cio Inlinti, miicniciii. jiiiccj nei.nj us mi ip.u, tiilanclol;, Hi lift locii.ktl t'limi, riiilntii, tidaii tnd H.dJit limtlii thin tmU It ikkoitiii (tculiar to our hi x, 1 wuut to Bfiid you t tomplili (in itf Imtmitl ullnlj (in to rro?e to you tlmt you can euro yournvU st lioiuo, noHlly. quickly nml turclr, Ilcnu'iiiUr, ( tin (ml m uthliiito ... ,, .. ... . kIto tho tnatmentn cmuiililu trial; nnd It you Wtoh to conUpao, It will cost you only about 12cMitHrwiiu or litw tlmii two cintsmluy. It will not Intvrrure with your work or ocouimtion. Jml nrd at tour mxt tLd ttSitu. tell mi, ln W1 w ,, nufferir you wbh, and 1 will Hond you tho trontmwit for ynurru. i ufmlv fn-n.ln plain wnin per. by return mall I wilt aUoHcndyoufmofcMl. ray lmoWn'OMJlll'S 0W WIDICU ICrlSES" wiffi ineinhbiv.u doctor auyti F i hnvn nnnil v...-.. . .,,.., ruuniun wiir wonu-n miiiit, unci now mi t riwnniiiy curn at home. Ertry woman hIiouM J.avo it, nnd lrurn to think lor birwlf. Th n win n tbodc "You must tiaya nn operation," you cim dtldo for youivelf . '1 IioumiikIh of wom n i I V w."" my '"no rernwjy. It curra til old 01 rounff. To Mulhin el Djujtliii, I will eiplaln n Irnpla homo troatmont which tKllly nnd cfr-tuullvcurn I.euonrriuM , (Irc-vn BIokniand lalnful or Irregular Menntruatlon in young LodU, I'lumiuiiwi and hiitlth always nulta from Wherevor yon lire. I can refor you to ladies of your own locality who know and will Kindly ill any.HUiierer tlmt tills Homi TuilnDnt really cum oil womM'adlwiB, imdiimUm women well. Ton?. Plump and roout. Jrll tind . .arr crftlr.ti nml thn fr.ui thniluT'atrtMtituiKlluvniira lb. vjii nny.Bunerer tiiat tni Homi TuilnDnt really cum "11 womM'adlwiB, Hnduiakm women well, itrontf, plumn and robust. Jnl ttol at oi;r tflnii. and tho freo ten duy'atreatiuentiayoura, nlao Iho book Write to-dny, oa you may not sou tuts jr-i analn. Addn .'.ins. M. SUMMERS, OoxH ' - ft(44 AUUIin-1 Notro Damo, Ind., u. s.a. ft J a . vi . i W& .( 7ilittoinT'