THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1914 EVENING EDITION. TWO BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield Creamery fr BUTTEfi 45, A i2i . .u w M? miih:'?My MSffi i . .....- , i ismi .vy a.' i w w . -. wii'fis i .-j.- r CONTIUIU'TIONS concerning i social happenings, Intendod (or publication In the society depart ment of The Time, iiuiit be sub mitted to the editor not later than (5 o'clock p. in.. Friday of oac.h week. (Rxceptlons will ho allowed only In cases where tho events occurred Inter than the tlmo mentioned.) on Wednesday evening. After tho business session, Mrs. A. L. Uutz assisted the hostess In out rtnlnliiK the- guosts nnd Mrs. .1. H. Stnd den assisted the hostess In serving tasty refreshments. At tho meeting In March now officers will ho elected. I KASTIIHX STAH ! , FHIKXDS HV TIIK WAY. Following the Initiation of two the Kastern Star nerved lunch to the Kood-alzod crowd out Inst Tties They come and dav nlnlit In the lodge rooms. In two weeks tho young people of tho PERSONAL, notices of visitors In tho city, or of Coos Hay people who visit in other cities, together with notlros of social nffnlr.i, are gladly received In tho social de partment. Telephone 133. No tices of cl ut) meetings will no published nnd secretaries ro kindly requested to furul3h same. Frlouds by the way! go. They drift about the world and onl-r will have n soclnl evening to then. which they will Invito their friends. " I X. II. Al.TAIt Hl'II.D nnd chrysanthemums predominating In tho floral effect. Following n few ploasnnt iiours of needlework nnd chnt refrcahiuonts wero served, Mrs. Chits. Stnuff assisting the hostess. The noxt meeting will be with Mrs. Kttgpno O'Connoll. Among thoso present this week wore Mrs. Mary j j McKnlght, Mrs. Fannie llnzard, Mrs. 4 uuu, i'. .imcn, us. lingo ijuisi, .Mrs. Victims or various kinds of woe, They come and call on me again They llko mo vory much and so 'IM.i.. rt. .... .......I... In.. ",U '" "" iii.u ""' v - - - -".i ntrni,ll M. r.n..l w i.i.. Mm. J. w. oaruincr ontortninetii ""w, "v"'"' " -"'" '- Thnv r.-n t.trlv nm .. mt- nu.oi. natnln H'n Allnr Hilllil with ArcllllencOll criSCIl ami .Mrs. Unas, biatirf. And of my "Sr.nmoful bondnBo" Chambers ns spnclnl guest. Thurs- speak; 'day afternoon. Mrs. M. M. Kverltt Tlmv rnlt inn ulnvo mill inntlrn niv who WAS II KllOSt also helped tllO I I j . , ... ..... ,. , A A 1 nosi n in sorvnig a ngiii iiincii. i - - - roam and fortuno Mrs. C. M. Hyler will bo hostess In! , A double surprise party was given .two weeks. Prosent wero Mrs. J. nt the Dotson Hotel Inst Monday oven- A. Seaman, Mrs. S. A. U'linon. hik in nonor or .Mrs. n. H. Kiiiott s DOCIILK SCHPH1SK. Say I fnto, should scolc. And thon they borrow six or eight And promise to repay 'nost week. Friends by the wny, a lordly crow! Mrs, I'ajil nimmlck. Mrs. Geo. Ste- "'! Alias Kittle JSIogler. tho occasion Ivonson. Mrs. C. M. llvlor. Mrs. being In colebrntlon of their resnect- A. K. Morten, Mrs. .1. W. Chanman, Ive birthdays, which came on Monday Yon think I love my Job two much, ;Mrs- Kverltt nnd Archdoncon Cham- and Tuesday. In addition to tho r..ui,7 .. ...., . ,, ..ii.. , ., . ... win Ami hov (lint I Hhnnlil it'irn. !lkn von. HOI'S And try my hand at such end such. And tH'ii you ask a hone or two Merely a temporary "toucl."! shlo friends came In and Joined In innuing tho surprise complete nnd X. II. VOl'XCJ LADIIW All) I the evening a very pleasant one. cards and dancing were tho dlvor- i Tlf Norwegian Luthoran Young slons of t! o evening, followed by a i People's Society met for a iilonsnnt Dutch lunch. Hnch of the ladles was evening of sewing and business the recipient of a haudsomo prosent Thursday with Miss Hlsle Larson from the gnosis at the hotel, tho at her Home in iernunin. Kiortion presentation being niadv by Landlord Oh, casual friends, forgot to pay: Ignore me coldly when wo meet! IJut let me keep my Job. I pray, For If I should with you compote 111.. .11 U.IU. U....HMM ...u. tt .! Vtr I nua wori .that t mi Hit of offlr,,,, "'' follows: Pres- Hughes In a veiy nlco little speech 1 ' r ' n,u8t 1 .- "' " M, MH,"I Mtlilaon: vrcu- II was a late hout when the festlvltlai iprpsuiont, miss Kisio iarsn; trnas- ended. ! IlKN happiness Is m'ssed It Is ''rer' s "'" ,''": secretary. : ., became it has been sought '"", " "'h"'; . v In the wrong wv T'- --- 'Hie voting ladles will met In SAIIj XK.VI' WUKK. conmion of all the ways of seeking It "" "'" ""' "'" '. " ,,r. ' """ v Chandler and remnluo and ill sail Febru ary 25 from Ban FrancUco for Hono lulu on t' o new Mutson ilite stoamur, Mntsonln. They expect to be absent about two months. (g)T,rT YOU CAN USE OUR USEFUL JEWELRY FOR A LONG TIME OUR USEFUL JEWELRY SOR MEN AND WOMEN IS NOT ONLY STYLISH BUT IS STRONGLY MADE. ALL JEWELRY THAT LOOKS AL1KE1S NOT ALIKE. YCU WILL NOT FIND THAT ANYTHING WE REPRESENT TO BE ''SOLID GOLD" WILL EVER" WEAR THROUGH" WHEN WE TELL YOU A DIAMOND IS "FIRST WATER" AND FLAWLESS YOU CAN DEPEND UPON ITS QUALITY AND PERFECTION. WE SELL OUR TRUSTWORTHY JEWELRY AT REASONABLE PRICES t THAT'S WHY WE DO THE BUSINESS. H. S. TOWER THE RELIABLE JEWELER. SIMM I Mm it KAMI MiY CONDITION'S IN u.i.w O AND " SIODI U IWtTiMSV STi:itlM) SIII.K ND cmasi. PURE ICC Fioo delivery, H a. m. mid",.. Pbtiiip 7.j " ,h ' DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING PICTURE FRAMING CAMERAS. FILMS ' AND SUPPLIES REHPELB BROS, Russell Building, Central Avenue -7crjnff ronmion of all the ways of seeking It wo w?0,(" with Mrs. Thorpe Thoso is to rcn arter It. It Is a queer mil- tV?" " 1wor,, SJ w ,M I''rsen. Mr. aii Mr-. NV. S. C verse in which we are living, and ,(,nB .Tlnm. . IlnmiRli i Surme. . Ten- daughte.s. Mrs. Harry Ti life las many naradoxes. There nro V.,0..V ,,on! . "I." ,M'',,,n.''-.M8,,p! . W. G. V inndlor, will trei-ri whlc.. If they are to lie V""'" "",' "'n 1I"I,I"I,1,,,,", Kotun. n.ust no. be too anlently pur- M' i1( ''Fdwln iri ZT'nn i" oT Htted They will come or themtwlves l! V .,Ji m," V t , If n.m Urn. I.I. fMf In th,. .....I. f X. I'HrSPIl, SlfS. U. I.lirHOIl mill i fn M....I. .iT.,i ...... ., i ,; "Jaliiior Itossinnil. ....... ..v,.w...... .... , n ... j, . . IIO.NOIt SlltS. SSIITH. 'rs. Vomon Smith, who has been " I IH:Xi:i'IT DAM, TOXKJHT. Tho benefit ball which tho Uoynl Auction Mrldgo Club will tender nt CoqoiSle River Cod GUARANTEED FREE OF SLACK AND DIRT AND NOT TO CLINKER FULL WEIGHT AND PROMPT SERVICE COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. GEO. A. BAINES. Phono 181 -L 186 Broadway South. inn say of happiness wlint " ""5,,1", . 'mr,l,,H '" Innoapolls thu ICnglcs' Hall this ovonlng for tho . said of fortuno: 'Fortuno "'' CliilBtmnn. Is xi'octeil hero Mnrshllold public library promises to All owhat of tho nnturo of a "'""J" ,0 J"'" r. bmlth Sho will i,0 f nntiMiinl succoss. Tho hall Kiiute of Job Print imj Done nl The Times Office T,, T""UH wa ' tlioy go after. life ...... rl... '.. ..... ...... AM ... tiiiiini iiii. ituu iii inu iiuin in ivu- mail who places a good time at t..o , toil of bis list! Ho will never get ( It ' Pprndlse shapes itself onl" In winds Intent on doing the will of i.on. uno ChBrles V, Tin Mi unttwiu' wo in n. who. It she be too closoly V . "Tl"tnietl li- a frlonil, Miss ,H ,con hoautlfully doco'rnted. ovor wot ed, u commonly the further off.' . '..Ti' JVi i,,.r Pn.?l..i.f?V?r1. "00 ,,lolirl8 1,ulK HC carrying nraaBrfflmraTgngrafr "We err when we expoct a good L " " " ' .. hor' Coll(,"l "K lior. 0t tho St. Valentino decorntlon Jp . , .- tlir" to be hnuded to us. Hnppluoss " "''"i'"ii iit lucuuiiy nan mo hciioiuo, Is not n cuke which can bo passed "",IJW"U: ..,.,, over III., romiter to nnv nnrson who . .'" COUlpIlinoilt to Mrs. Vernon A. o HHkH for II. We spoak of giving n "tli (Katrorliio Drewi or SlPrsh ..,,. i ti.,., ,.. ,.i. ii. i w., .,.),.. ti. "'''ii. Ore., who Is v slt'nir bore. M si ....1. Ulliu III ..tll.l 1)11. 1117 1..II1I IIIU ,, ... ... . ... " . . . . bey to tho circus, or tho girl to tho ' at'"rHi Wol.orts will cntortHln In Benslioro. where sho makes pretty "uially at a bridge tea Thursday af Goodrum's Garagi homo of the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars :U7 Central A. I'Iiom am Opens About Feb. 15 la hl location in .Mnntsotcql niiiKiing on i' rtnii hi. nt mis set til agramintsqEca xaisfgnRnzggg Ism i'i:o(;iti:ss I 'l'l,n Progress Club will meet next Monday with Mrs. A. I.. Mutz at Fox S"o ' if isiDle things In the sand. Hut good tlmi ' ''""" I"''" " Fourth aye- mmkor 1 1111. The subject for the af. Typewriters nut-' ns these aro possllile only to "'. " ,""' i i nv iprngr-n will bo "Tho Public Market children. Grown-up people cannot '",10H "' btldgc. Mrs. Itolnuil ('. a,.0." which will bo the theme of recolvo good times from others. Hnch y',",i,0" "' the Leamington will Hpeclal papor by Mrs. J. S. Hanson, niiud creato his own. Happiness Is lv " liiucheon tomorrow In the roso '.:. v n nffnlr of the heart. It Is an art rV.u. ror MrM- S,I.,J'- . Mr8- Smltli 4 of the Inner man. Many n woman 'i imve on sjnumiiiy ror tho west, who Is now moping would bo Joyful 'V.f,r, M,'B. wl" K.,,) ',nno". to ff she had set out as a girl to lie tho v'l' )"MB, .Mnrgnret l.yiniiii. formerly architect of her own hnppluoss, and tbs city and where she will bo had not formed tho habit of oxpocf- '"'""'l ' Mss Audrey Walton, who lag others to give her a good tlmo. '' , with her to her homo In llapplnoss Is a heavenly plant and It .Vuishllold. Ore., o bo her guest ror - - " . " . . . n fun. timnba MIuh U'nll.i.. Ill nn IiIohmoiiis nniv lii unriions cu tivnteii ,r" " niiuii iu . nnd cared for by tholr ownors. V I I VOl'XG MATItOXS The Yoiii"i v mis seen' a vetv uleiiBant nfioriio i ut ueodlework cuiipmiy her parents. Mr. and Mrs. rdniuul (1. Walton, who leave this ek for Castro Hot Sprlns. Ariz." a . 4. TlirilNDAV CIA'D. nnd baby tondlug Thursday aftornoon tvlm.i llinv ninl wllli Mrs. I'roil Pow- ....v.. .. "- ""' . .; . . ,,,.. ... .... ...... ... On...l. I.ll.l. era. Mrs. John Keminii, .Mrs. sic- " "l '' i" "i ouihh niu Minn.. Mm. uiiuon. Mm. ii. iv u.n. i BtrMt. 1'laus were made for the i'im:.Mi:x's dai.d. Tlio Mnrshllold Fire Department will hold their annual banquet and bull ill tlio Dili! I-'nllnWH Mull nnvt Sntiirdny night, Kob. 21. Hlaborato ' propnrations aro bolng mndo and n fow rrlends will bo Invited besides tl:o members nnd their ladles. i ! I ll.V.M II.V.M Ii. I I I 9 1 no 1.00H nay laucun iiniiii wi 1 M L'lvn thi niivf r Itn unrliM nt ilnnppu Nl noxt Saturday night at the Knglos', The Thursday Club was enter tained this week by Mrs. It. X. 1-Vn- Hall This evening the people of Sumner will onJov a nlnsouerade ball at tlio ....11 ii-.. M...r.iu. M..m riilumuii 1 monthly HOCllll Which Will be Klven hull thm- mill 11 .minimi (if Maruli.1 Jim jnrvlB. MrH. Maloit.-v and Mrs. nest Tuesday evening at the borne of , tlulil and .North Demi neoiilo will bo :.. .. i 11-j 1 1.1 i.....i... . 1 .. Tally were out. .Mrs. w. a. lie: 1. ,"'- i-i""i. rpcently elechvi a member, was un- " Sudden and Mrs. Denning being able to bt present The club roll . He hostesses. Whether the regular now boasts thirteen names, most of , milng oi the club will beheld next whom attend regularly. NeU week Thursday has not been decldod. Mrs. Granuis will be Voetuaa. 1 : .j. ' 1 Id. US' I 9 Tho I,. T. It. I'lUKillAM leaulwr meeting of the - I I Thu or thd serlaa or monthly ! .aiiciitu paities nlven by the Marsh' In nttoudauce. Tho North llend Concert Hand will give nnnther ball at Kckhoff Hall iif.t Saturday evening. .; .;. . iioxoit visntut. -$ H I A. x. w. n.rn. Mrs. Ii. II. Hyde was hoktess nt a de.iHhifiil meeting of the A. X. W. ('lull at her home on Hall avenue Thursdi.y afternoon The homo was iiiuutlfiilU decorated, the color 8( lii'iue being red white and green Straws Show Which Way T. h. Club was held In the llnptlat w; adnv of Klks will he held noxt Church parlor Tuesday ovonlng. Wmluenluy evening at tlio Masonic After tho business mtv'tin- and r- Hall. ceptlon or new ineiniiors, tun roi lowlug interi'stliiK proKinui was run dori'd: Song. Tho Club. Heading, Carrie K. Hogs. Polo, Florence ltlifold. Heiidlng, Aloha Mauoy. Souk. Tho Club. Head lug. Grace Fulton. Heading. Florence Hohfold. Duet, Alpha M.uuey and Itcsslo Ayio. Hoadlug. Hessle Flanagan. After the program tho social hour was spent in guinos, followod by refreshments. Those present wore: Bessie Ay re. Floruico Hoh fold, Marie Gregg. Until Matthews. Thorn and Anna l.und. Alnlin Mau Mty, Helen MiLaughllu. Hllln. Vol in u and Carrie Hoaa. Grace Fulton. Huth Heddoii. l.llllan Cook. Murjoilo Kill mer, Mrs. Alva Doll, Mrs. Geo. Ayr'. Kllaa Am. Hessle nnd 1M va Flauugau Clam Sargent, lleiiiort Plillllps. Aribur llunson, l.eroy Hob ortson. Paul and Harold Hurgolt, llyer'ey. Frank Howe. Chas. 1 Donne, Chas. Frodellus, Chas Smith. Will l.oiigsiaff. I IMIIIiK CLASS ' The Adult Hlble Class of the Pre'bvt -rlan Sunday School held Its r if lily business nieeHug and social -' nt the home of Mr. and j. c,.- n. gudden it Bunker Hill Mrs. K Mlugiis Is planning to en tertain n fow friends nt ten Monday ntternomi ror Mrs. J. H. Fls.or. for merly Mit-s iTmn Marsh, who Is hero from SchofUdd to visit hor parents. Mr. and Mrs C. 11. Marsh. : : : HIGH SlIIOOli PAHTV. I 9- Tho U. T. G club, n society com posed of High Siliool girls, gnvo a niDst delight ml Informal party nt (Continued on Pnge Three.) DKKCKIPTIOXThp conxl ruction (f tho 'Fox Visible Typewriter is a radical departure from that of any olI-ci- visible machine on the market. While it is enlirelij cixihle, the machine embodies ill its construction the same principles that ive durability as were found in the invisible models of the Kox Typewriters. All other machines are built on entirely different lines from any blind machine. ' it is the mechanical construction of flic Kox as well the east) action mul con venience of operation that determines its value. Most typewriters write well when new, but it is this construction that determines whether thev will "stand up ' year in and year out and continue to do satisfactory work. 'This iswliat you really pay your money for. The Fo.v Visible Typewriter is all that we claim for it, a perfect visible tjipewriter. It shows all the writing. It shows the exact writing line. It shows the exact printing point. Let us commence at the top of the Fox and go through it miimtelv: m ffiTvViN 2mi . KilE 1,0tW0V ,,H"fr U,bI nn'1 ,1,0 nni1 r kllob- M.Utdl.NAIi twt without conipnrlng sculos. Adapted for all classes of work. r..nglo. dnublo or trlplo spacing. Wlion enningo is roturned to login iti lino, tho spacing Is nutomatlc. l'AIICI.ATOH mxi: SPACIXG ItlllllOX MOVK.MKXT: i The Wind Blows December and J uiuary, a year gallons of Ice cream. Single-color ribbon wonrs four times ns long as ribbon on othr within Lut-orr key ror stonclllng. Accurnto and deflnlto nutomatlc revcw Simple, but positive notion. Ily pulling detent lovor It automatically nppllos brake. Changes locntlon of writing lino on plnton. Longthons llfo of T'1' saves ribbon nnd typo and Inauros good work. Forty-four koys, S8 chsrnctors. Four moro than most machines. ory light. "Mt ouncoa roslstnnco. ,.4 ory substantial nnd strong. Double sogmont typo gate prevents w wear. Can be "takon up" aftor many years' use. Sllliplo niUl POSltlVO. Abaollltnlv ilnnnmlnl.ln ory poworful. Xo dirt or lost tlmo from removing ribbon. , I(. I'lvo lunrlng points botweon koy button nnd typo. Consou,ucntly l '" Hon nnd resistance than othor mnkes. Loaves platen perfectly rigid and stationary. Tho FOX is the only k chine with muffled shift. Llgbtnlng-llko In rapidity. Kscapomoiit wheel has suffici nt width nnrunoss to provont wear. rUHUIAGi: MOVIJ.MHXT: Knalost movomont nnd lightest tonslon. Carrlngos Interelianft- i.ongins, iu, is, n and l Indies writing spneo. DACK SPACKH: PiaTI'.X IMtAKU: VAIHAIM.i: SPACKH: KF.VHOAHD: TOCCII: J'VPi: ItAIl: I.I.N H LOCK: STHXCIL CCTTKH: DIHKCT PL'LL: llASKirr SHIFT: i:scapi:.mi:xt: aio we made 167 CAHD ATTACH.MHXT: d cember and Jaituaiy, thl winter. w made 277 ty gallons of Ice cream, au Increase 110 Vb fnllona for the two mouth. Who said that poul don't imt lea eream In the u Inter? THEY DO. WHEN IT'S Lewis' Pure Ice Cream BWiwwttffTTWlww.reWWI . . ,irn15ft Dy pullliiK small lovor nndorneatli, tho lino indicator sorves tn" p Jfr it tauos the place of an extra enrd platan wliloli has prewuu.. - quired. PAPFH FIXOKHSi 1 i:i:d DOLLS: I of p?P Can be removod to any deal rod point, or adjusted to any thKKneM fj n. 1.. . 1 . 1. ..... .ii..n ". 1 i..,i .nncr tO Ov V ... 1 wu 111 mini nun io uuiiiiin, niunving Bwvurm biiuum u. '"". Maun" inrougn one siuo ami one stieot through tne otnor iwi i'i" 1IAVK LTS CALL AND DESCRIBE THESE FEATURES MIXI'TEl TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE & SI QPPLYCO Phone 44. Alliance Wnwl OT'-Tr ! I aialillllllMhlimiiHillb'Hil III h 1 SS3BSSSC EQQTP 1 iieil itoini , 1 sin illllaliU i1 ', fc I" 1l I II '" I. n l BFTSWS