i 4 A WHEN A MAN FLEES FROM TEMPTATION HE SBitMTnt CATCH UP WITH HIM v-i WATCH YOl'll AV1KH COOS HAV TIMIIS. A clean, wholesome iieuspnpcr fir Coos County homes. Tlio Times lias tliu largest proved circulation of any nCMspniH,r In Coos', Cuny of Doug lus count li'H. i Hie nth. ' rJ,c' Tln,CH' ,N &' "1c tl't The 002 mxmm TlmM l lininMUWl "' "e n,ce ,(" Times I Trai'f' rea&jMjm.fri it' MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS .. . t , 1 4D.-U MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1914 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES. I VOL AAA VII. nH -rlio Coast Mall A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mali n 177 and Coos Hay Advertiser. ,,lu ' ' mm BKO CITY STARTS SERIES ATTACKS Lerla. Newspapers Severely Condemn u. o. ., and StandTaken SCORE AMERICANS IN MAIMT hh 1 lot-eel i"" . lAff-! (JSEff O'Sliauniinussy iyn "" Hny nuuu. n Aiwlilf'l '"' " Cmt ,Ur Tlm", Jt?of a protest' mndo 'l NoIboii isunani. ?",; -:" . 'Mexican .Foreign Office , to de- t from miBCK. u . '""-, nn El Jlliparcim wiuuj '",- ....Uu- okWn llnt-pnBe headline. "Word '.7::. ... .-,... I...... nd lift itnnu if wnson ibckb nii" , "o ...- ilnuel.r ... .,.,, .,... The art CO WHICH niliuno mm- rents on me ib"""1"'""1 ' " 'n ted amies 111 uiu "un """""" ' . ...I1I.I1. rmii. ilnvo nftnr K success of n rcrcnt rovolt In Hint otinlry. Willi slinllnr iiromlnonro ' iraparnni niiiuiiun n .-un... 'f the all Red fnlliiro of ir.() bnnks 11 Soutlicm I'lilted Status boeniiBo' f WI1S0I1 8 lllliiiiiuun ..ii.-aii.iiii oiler. WILSON IS BETTER. I'lHdi-ni AMe to Ho I'n and Around , in Ills Itooni Today. t; AwwUiH rn in riwv lb, Tlm 1 i uMciiivnTnv. n. rv. Fnh. 1-t. .1 d.i ..... ".- -- - - - - - '...l.l.ml U'lla.lll U'llH llll mill llllOll t oda'r Wlillc IiIh pliyHlclniiH did not icrmit mm to icnvo iiih ncurouni, :li r in was pruniiiiiirwi in-ucr. n.Mtri Tumult. Bfil.1 tlin Tirnfllilnnf e.ztt not attend tlio Gridiron Club Inner tonight. IS ID of Chicano Cubs pays Sweeney and Perdue Have to Play on His Team '" c- i-i-J I'i - to Com Itajr Tlmw J lnilC(IO, l-Vlj. li.- "Sweeney P renluo will nlnv win, Mm fiii. rv Culj or nowhere." declnrod !lr!fa W Murnliv nr Hir. niilmum Mona!$ toila1 r i,rv (.Qninlato 'PCri COlKludlllir tint dnat In niv 'sU'-ncil hv Provident fiuffnoy of i mum cum nnu inygoir. Tener ! no moro to tin with tin. iviii..r a hat my Imotlilnrk nnd no or- winon or men uiinll ho iiormltted ' awiero with this ilenl." Mnrpny Bald tlint tolourniim limi 'n lent in Snppiiii-oi ii, , no,.... .....i -- ... ............ tl ,.II3U1 llllil wue af (ialhitln. Toxr.H. ordorliiK - io rqiort nt C'.ilcnKO next Mon 7 ttenlni; to K0 with tho CiiIih to ,. ,or rallllI1K. Concornlnu his ',.. nado 'CBrdiiy to tlio Hiilt 'ftinil Han .Inlincnti i)H..Pi.in..i. --.. -w.. ....,,, , luoiiiuui ui L.?.e.rlc?." Ient5"e. on nccount of -. biicrcii nttnekB on Murphy. . e,r, a,d h '"" not changed Sili "K. T!!v cocxty tt iv' J.'.Vv" "'' ".EY COOL. )Il;imU,U ...0I1.'AX PI3OT ,.:"'" ""-'' hL'DDEXIA'. XwDCI1' Or.. Fob. 14.-J. C0fyn,n?.oftl'o earliest plo- '! br hi. ui ' vns rouna (lend ,l ' recenn ' ' ." ,oy Loolo'. who . for thiyvanrreited ln Sln Francis-- an tin i 0,t nuirdor fifteen tobf:,, earLUl8ea8 . bolloy- aeiih,,," :" l'a"so and deatn Mr rSul a Etru8Kle. ler, nr ,yuw" ono "f the oldest ithlM.ie Cheteo Valley. Ho '"e eldest son of ., ni m,. ..i.. 3$tLot Cu county and :co Van': ,,w" resiues m tho egron . ,,,,,. a ot wnom 1 1 Ai laJ?ni "nd two slB- o)ey .J"",V "" Henry and Riley I'eSh VtLll!a- "rrls and Mrs. ' Mrs i ' ,D" and w- J- Cooloy uty J- w- Morrison of this -Mir?i!r5iW1 .7. Rltz a iin." " ,a"r critical condl- North nrn.i" at t,10,r liomo i S : mcffi'f aml la8t nlBht ' wutoS, La bca,no ver' v,- ' to d& halluclnatlonB cauaing . I NOIfi IS FOUND DEAD '" lu neighborhood. 08 PRES. WIL WIFE OF OIL KING IS SICK Mrs. John D. Rockefeller Ar rives at New York Home in Feeble Condition (Mr AmocUif.1 Prwn In Cnia liar Time. NEW YORK. Keli. II. -Mrs. .John I). Itoukofellpr Ih nt liur lioinu nt I'o entitlcn IIIIIh loi!n, wlioro hIio arrived from Clovolnnd. Slio win. ho fccblo alio wns 1'iirrlod from the trn'n nt l'lillllpso .Mnnor, whuro hIio uot off liiHtend of nt Tnrrytown. Mr. Itocko follor mot her with a cIohuiI niito. No Iiiih ItroiiKlit all IiIh eccrotnilea to l'ocnntlco II Ilia ntnl ovorythhiB Indl ciiIch Hint ho ln nettled down Tor a Indefinite Htny there. Oklahoma Senator Offers Evi dence to Impeach Mrs. Bond's Witnesses 0KI.A1I0.MA CITY, Kelt. M. Sr-nntor (lore did not tnko tlio stnnd toiluy In t' o diiiiinue hiiII of Mrs. Hond as wiih ex'iioctcd, but testimony wan offered to Impend) the tt'Htl- innnv nf ilir. wltnnHRon fnr tlin nrnnn cution. Hev.'lt. I). Lleklldor, pitRtor' of tho Olivet nnptlst church, testified Hint Mm. llonil and her hiiHuntid. tried to ludiire tlio Ministerial Al-I lluiico of Oklnhomn City to mnko nn efrort to net tlio ciiho or Ooro lioforo tho rnlted Stnte Semite. Tlio AI-' lliuice, ntter ' enrlnn thrlr HtutoniontH, ' otoil to linvo uothliiK to do with tno ense. W. H. Meredith to Run for i Congress With Folk's Aid j Loney to Run ' i According to tho Port Orford .Trlbiino, V. II. Meredith, District lAttornoy ror Curry County, Jias practically decided to entor tho race ror tho Democratic nomination for , Congress from this district and for ; mnl nnnouncoiiicut will be mndo soon. S.n. ........ .,... 1.1... ,1... .PdllM.l.. Ufll'S' vuiitui iiiiih nun. niu 1 1 miiii" . j .ir li Mnrmlllli lii n fnrcnflll mill. ... ... ....w...... . ....-.... ...-, oloquout sponker, a goon niixor, aim n man who knows how to got what ho goos nftor. Ho Is familiar with the needs or tins section 01 wiukuh, , and that ho has fnith In Us futjiro Is evidenced by tho ract that ho has real estate. Ills lntlniato friendship with mon In close touch with tho Wll-I fcon ndiulnlstrntloii would glvo him. .... . j.. l..m nt I nuovd proatigo mm tuuuvnw ." Washington, aiiioiik iu" -Oovornor Folk und Champ Clark, tlio former having wrltton to Moredltn thnt It ho was nominated ror Con gress ho will como to Oregon and make n nunibor of .apeechos In his hohalf." Tiiiey To Him. It Is announced that E. J. Lonoy, cashlor of tho Dank of Port Orford, has decided to entor tho raco for Stato Ropresontatlvo from Coos and Curry counties on the Doniocratlo ticket. S. P. Pierce of Curry county Ik now joint representative. Mr. Loney Is a Republican. It Is not ex pected that Pierce will run again. For Sheriff. . E. J. Daker. district deputy game warden, has also announced his can didacy for tho Democratic nomination for sheriff. Ho Is well known on Coos Ray and it Is said that ho Is pretty apt to land tho plum. I MICIIIE NOT VOHKIXO Tho bar dredgo Mlchlo camo I up tho Day this morning for I supplies and may try to worn today. Sho has not been I working recently. Capt. Mac- I uonn 8am inuv u i" "":", I was unable to work yesterday ! -.. ...... i.i i.n nliln fo I siio nurur wuuiu uu "",,, llllilUMLIl 10 fill I III 01 I I P I ! .B Dm. w i niu iu uuiil indites" II ; GURRY GOUNAY WOrK. ilO HU1U HWl ....... I ty days are up. he la going to I sum up what she has been able I to do and make a report on it SNOW ST001 SWEEPS NEW YORK Over Seven Inches Fell in Gotham Last Night and Hurts Business Two More Deaths. flly AhocUii. Trrn lo root nr Time 1 NEW YOHK. Kch. M Tho first hlj; snow storm of tho winter lilt Now York. City today. Snow begnn to fnll nt G o'clock Inst nlRht nnd continued stendlly todny. Sovon WELBORN TELLS OE HE President of Colorado Fuel and Iron Company Witness at Denver Today i llf AwooUlfrl I'itm lo Coot II.) Tlmn.1 DUNVEIl, Colo., Eeh. M. Tho croHB-cxnnilnntloii or I'rosldcnt Vel liorn or tho Colorado Euol & Iron Company, was continued huforo the coiKlrcHHlont.l Htrlko liivcBtlKntlou comnilttco todny. "You lontlzud this Btrlko would lie n Horloim matter, did you not?" ask ed .lumen DrowBtor, uttornoy Tor tho Btrlkoi'B. "Yob, replied Wolliorn. "And yot you would not meet tho officers of tho United .Ml no WorkciH for tno Make of pruventlni; this Htrlko?" "Xo." A question rei;nrdliiK the visit of I'rauk .1. HnyneH, liiteruntlniiut vice president or tho United Mine Work ers, hrotiKlit out tho Htiitoment fioin W'ellioru Hint ho did not bellovo tho einployos or his conipnny wero pur tluulr.rly friendly to llnyncs. "Will you ko with mo Into tho I.udlow tent colony i.nd nsk tho moil tVoro who tholr rrlutitls nro?' "Not without tho nillltln," replied V lborn, 'Do you, after roJcctiiiR tho pro Iiosnl for tho conference with tho un ion, feel no responsibility for the tniKle ovontB which followed?" iiflked, Drowsier. "None wlintovor." A.Ioiir series of quostlous about rolnt'lve fntnlltloH In Amorleaii nnd rorolKii coal nilnes lironnlit an ml iiilssloii rrom the witnosH that ho had not made n study or rorolKii condi tions. "Without wishing to rofloct per sonally upon Welborn, I think ho Is too Ignorant to be tho employer of 0000 nilno worker," snld Drowator. LEAKE TODAY FDR PORTLAND Breakwater Sails This After noon for Rose City With Large List Tho Urcukwttter sailed this aftor noon for Portland with a capacity muuoiii-nr. Hut mnl a cood enruo of ,H(IU,,f QYt . -- miscellaneous frolght. Among thoso sailing oir hor wero: Mrs. C. Galbraltli, Ema Oalbralth, Vernon, (Jalbralth, Mrs. h. Smith. Thad Macy. II. F. Wlieolor, D. MllU nor. Mrs. O. J. Schrolbor, Jlr. O. .1. Schrelbor, Mrs. John McComas. Mrs. O. Jonos, Mrs. Mary Jones, T. II. Ry an, F. Doming. D. Cavonaiigh, Mrs. Dennis McCarthy, J. L. Johnson. E. F. Lainlont, Mrs. Lola Daldwln, J. A. Atkins. J. C. Keesllng. L. L. Gllbort, Chas. I. llochberg. E. II. .Martin, .MrH. G. Steward, W. F. Rarny, A. C. Cox, R. II. Soule, Mrs. II. W. Volk innn, V. M. Ferguson, F. C. Esch, Mrs. F. C. Esch, F. J. Cook, A. M. Gregg, Mrs. A. M. Gregg, Archlo Johnston, J. HUdenhrand, H. A. Hurehett. V. E. Loor, Vm. Greot, E. Hobson, Mrs. E. Hobson. Mrs. R. G. Masters. II. R. Reod, J. II. Richards. Chris Derlersen, Eugene Woods, Ed Carter, C. Thompson, C. Ingoman, Joe Pearson, Olo IvrBon, Mr. II. J. Counierllh. Mrs. D. J. Coumerllh, Mrs. Mabel Hall, Mrs. Jennie Stephen, F. Montgomery, Miss Allco Wilson, Mr.. It. C. Taylor, Mrs. II, L. Coffin, E. S. Oilman, Elmer Crawford, John Jensen. J. M. Selby, George Mat, D. E. Marriott, W. A. Neville, Mrs. E. M. Woodward, Chas. F. Schroeder, Dr. F. S. Pratt, W. F. Marstors, V. E. Cattorlln, U. Sheto, D. C. Swind lor, J. Kfskoy, John Forland, Geo. Cabaro, Geo. Johnson, Win. Mull, L. J. Irwin, John Lane and N. Boyd. Wants Property Back. Constable .. .,.. ..o.i nnl en nn Mrs. h.1- len Sneddon. J. B. Sneddon and Mrs. D. J. Rees to appear ui -qulllo Monday and show reason why A !.., 1.1 nn rnatnrn to CliaS. Sneddon tho property ot which J. B. Sneddon is in cuarge us tam er's guardian. . ,...? T..,0 nr Mnttlo B. Shaw yesterday bought tour lots on Fifth street near u sireei m t.i from Henry tiengstackon. S Inches of blow had fallen In New York this morning nnd It wns drifted In places to more tlinn two feet. All trnlii8, pnrtlculnrly those from the West, nro Into. Tho attendance nt tho Block exevange was tho smallest for nny Saturdny alnco Inat summer. Robert McKInn of Ilavoneo, New .ler Bey, died of exposure while standing on the plntform of a train. Tho body of an unidentified man wns found In n hallway In Third avenue, w'jo.rc i lie hail sought! shelter SAI SOCIALISTS KE Michigan Mining Companies Give New Reason For La bor Troubles There I ARRESTED FOR ML'RDEIt. I Ur Apwrlmru rrr.i lo lou. Ilr 'riinr. i I HOUGHTON. Mich.. Feb. 11. I I Emll Strang and James Jen- I sen, employes of tho Superior ' I mine, wore arrested today charg- I oil with murdering Frank Lle I tela, a prominent striker. Ilir Amo.IisI Pr lo Coo, Dar Tlmrn. I HANCOCK, Mich., Feb. 1 1. "We cannot recognize tho WeBtern Federa tion ot Minors becauso It Is socialistic ln Its alms and tendencies nnd be chiiho It Is mndo up in this district largely or Socialists," Bald A, F. Rees, or tho counsel ror tho mining companies at tho congressional strike Investigation today. The statement was made In explanation ot a question nuked or a witness, to which A. W. Kerr, or tho cousol ror tho coppor mine strikers objected, on the ground that It was part or an effort to show that tho strike was fostered and rntlierod by red socialism. It wns tho samo question asked of another witness yesterday, arousing similar objections: "Are you a member or tho Finnish Socialist pa,rty?" "At tlio inception or the strike," said Kerr, "the mining companies made no claims that it was being conducted by rod socialism. They set up that cry a row weoks ago, when every other resort had been oNhaiint cd. Tho committee decided thut t'le witness need not answer tho quostlon unless ho desired. Tho witness. John Jniihuhaiieii, said ho did not belong to tlie society, llo said t'.at the ven tilation In tho Qulncy nilno, whero ho had worked ns trammer, wns very poor and the boat on tho lower levels wns Indescribable. Steamer in This Morning Af ter Fine Trip Will Sail Sunday Tim llnilnnili nrt-lrnil In tills morn- lug nftor an unusually ploasant trip up tho coast. Capt. Erlckson said It i was tho finest weather ho had wit nessed in n long time. Sunshine nnd bright moonlight innrked tho whole voyago. The trip up was mado ln thirty-six hours. Tho Redondo had nbout COO tons of miscellaneous freight, including a big shipment or brick ror tho foundation for tho now boilers nt the Eaatsldo mill. ! Capt. Erlckson reports nbout iilno- ' teen feet of water on tho bar this morning nbout two houra beforo low tide. Tlio Redondo will snll again tomor row afternoon ut 2 o'clock. Among thoso on tho Redondo wore: r. M. Nelson. Mrs. C. M. Nelson. Mrs. II. Emory, C. K. Porry, II. Grif fon, W. II. Zlrbol, h. F. Crouch, A. Emory, Chas. La Bayteaux, Miss A. Isaacs, Mrs. S, S. Jounlngs, Mrs. C. C. Gllbort, E. II. Ounn, S. S. Fries, F. Swan, E. J. Newman, S. Monk, W Miller, D. Knight, S. Newman, R. Hughes and' 15 Btoorago. Illrthikiy Today Today Is the birthday of Mrs. F. A. Sacchl and Mrs. Frances McLeod, twin sisters, and the event will bo celebrated at tho McLeod homo. F. S. DOW expects to leave tomor row on tho Redondo for San Franelsco on business. II. J. ISAACS, of North Bend, who Is Interested In the last Kinney cases, was a Marshfleld business visitor yesterday. I. R. TOWER Is expected homo on tho next Breakwater from an ox tended Eastern trip and a visit with his parents, Dr. and Mrs, C. W. Tower, at Monrovia. MR. AND MRS. MELCHOR NEL SON arrived on tho Redondo to day and will make their homo nt tho Rogers ranch on Coos River, shipping their household goods here. Mrs. Nelson Is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs.' Herbert Rogers. CAUSED S ARRIVE TUDAY ON RED0100 JAPANESE GOVEKNT TRIES TO QUELL OUTBURSTS AGAINST TAX E NEW YORK CITY Violent Tremor Recorded There This Morning More Se vere in Quebec HIT Aiw liilrd I'itm to Coo, liar -Itnnt, NEW YORK, Fob. 1 1. Tho seis mograph nt the American Museum or Natural History hero, recorded a very Taint earth tremor at 5:10 this morning. Theso tromors nnvo occurred dally since tlio oarthquako InBt Tuesday. A dispatch rrom Que bec snys today's shock wns vlolont enough to wake hundreds or sleep ers. JAPS KILLED THREE FRIENDS Accused Man in Jail at Chc halis Admits Triple Mur der Over Gambling tnrAMoci..r.irrt,.,ocoo.i..rTimM ciiHHALis, wash., Fob. 1 1. m. .Mnyawagn, a .lapanoso laborer, in Jail hero, conrosscd today that he nnd n countryman named Yamoto killed threo Jnpaneso mill hands at Wal- vlllo, Pnciric county, Inst .Novomlmr . and Decombor after disputes over gambling nnd over n Jnpaneso wo- i man In Tncomn. Tlio bodies wore burled la tho woods. PLAN TO RUSH i Foreman Benson of Houser & nuiibfi iu uijl'I) Octllips From Ten Mile to Bay Swan Benson, now Iu chnrgo or the Coos liny division or the construction work on tho Coos Bay Eugene line ' or the Southern Pacific, left tills nf-j teruoon for Portland to complete nr-1 rniigeiuoiits for rushing to construe-1 tlon between tho Ten Mile tunnel I nnd Snnd Point. Mr. Benson was' ndvlsed that tho work was to bo op ened up all along the lino just as soon as possible. In order to fncllltnto tho construc tion, It Is understood that Houser & HoiiBor, who havo tho sub-contract on this end, will nlso tnko chnrgo or. the clenrlng which wns to hnvo been done direct by tho Southern Pnc iric. Additional ramps will bo put Iu nnd tho grading hnstoued as last as tho weather will pormlt. Work Xear Gardiner. A. E. Adolspergor nrrlvod homo yostoniay rrom n trip north and camo n vin liiiruiiior. llo roports; . . - thnt thoy nro now prosecuting tho work In both directions from tho L'mpqiia nnd ho understood they woro pioparlug to rush it.1 Send Out .Me". Burt DoromiiH today sent out twon- ty-four moro laborers to tlio Sand. Point camp, making a crow of about seventy engaged In tho steam shovel nnd grading work thoro. About twon-j ty-flvo men quit work thoro yester day becuuso tho conipnny advanced UAK RAILWAY WORK tho Plico ot board to olgllty-riVO COnts'nf Vnrtli Ilnnil. nml nnnrcn llntnor. a day. although only 2 Is being paid JTho directors will also net as a moni tor lnborers. bershlp committee. I.ARLAX PEYTOX WEDS. I AMONG THE SICK I Announcement or tho mnrrlago or !' N. '"KB. who rocontly undor Harlan Peyton nnd Miss Ruth Avorylwnt an operation at Morcy Hospital at tho homo 0r tho bride's parents In ' reported to bo gott ng nlong tlno. Spokane havo been recolvod' horo. ' Mrs. AV. II. Leach Is reported Tho announcements came rathor as BiifforlnB rrom another critical at a surprlso hero. Mr. Poyton spent fack of heart troublo at tholr homo a year or two In Mnrshflolcl with his . ?out"T i?1"810.' i .,.. alstnr Airs I At iiluko a fow voars Mrs. J. N. Bnyliss has recovered ago Ho Ts only a o it twenty yeara 8clontly trom hor recent opera Sw0,no"a m.ri?lsabrldot TVvoS ". she will 1 removed l .her years his senior. Thoy havo gone to ,,omo ' Marshriold next Monday. CalRornla to spend tho winter. Mr. n-rnnamn Peyton and his brldo-to-bo hnd plan-' BAD STORMS nod an olppomont but tholr plans will dnmago your roof If you do not wero dlscovorod and resulted Iu tho linvo It worked over whon needed, naronts nrranglug a homo woddlng. Do not wait until It Is out or sor- . Hurt In Ciuiin J. Durrand had his hand quite badly Injured at tho Mo - Donald & A'aughan camp today, Most of tho fingers had to bo nm- putatod and others woro badly crush- ed. but may be saved. ARCHIE JOHNSTON and J. AV. Hlldonbrand left today for Port land on business. Line of Police Thrown Around Parliament Buildings as Special Guard MANY EDITORSARE ARRESTED FOR ARTICLES House of Peers Expresses Views on Naval Scandals More Trouble Soon lit mi UiM Vtmp n Co. iu? Tim. 1 TOKIO, Fob. 1 I. Tlio Japanese government took extensive monsurus todny ror tho suppression or tho disturbances In connection with dem onstrations of proti st against nn Increnso of taxation. A lino of po lice armed with snbres, wns drawn up around Parliament buildings. Sovornl opposition newspaper edi tors wero arrested on charges ot In citing the populace to riot. In th" Hours of Poors nn Interpellation wns nddresscd to tho government ln connection with tho nnvnl sea nil hi. In tho courso of dobnto, Baron Ivon Jlro Den censured Admiral Irnron Mlnoru Sntto, Minister of Mnrlno, for not investigating nffnlrs earlier. SENftTDR BACON Y I Noted Georgia Legislator Suc- i cumbs Suddenly in Chi- nnnn Hncniti ' Utlu nualJlltU mr Anoutoj rrm io coo n Tim. ) CHICAGO, 111., Fob. M. Senator Augustus O. Ilncon or Georgln died ju n hospltnl hero todny. DEATH ANNOUNCED IN SENATE i mr amouim rm m rm iurTin..i I WASHINGTON. I). C, Fob. tl.- Senator Rncon's death was amiounc ' ed to the Sonnto, which pnssod n brief I resolution mid ndjoiirned. Senator i Bacon hnd boon III from nn nffec , tlon or the kidneys lous.thuuji month. I ills denth cnuio unoxpectedly from a ' blood clot on the heart. Bncon wns in his Kpvonty.flfth year. Ho wau chnlrmnn of tho Foreign" llolullono Comnilttco of the Senate. Ho was ' tho first Senator to bo elected under fora'eielVio,"""1 n,neiI,lm,,nt BUSINESS IN NAME OFFICERS Preliminary Organization Per fected and Plans Made for Bio Banquet Tho prollmluary organization of tl.o Coos Bay Business Mon's Asso ciation was perfected at a mooting1 last night. Plans wore nlso mado for a big banquet to bo given Thurs day night, February 2(1, when all tho business mon will bo Invited. F. S. Dow mid II. S. Tower woro appointed In inlrn olinrL'ft nf tlin liniwmnt. It In ................. rt ...--... . .......... .. ! oxportod that nbout 100 buslnosa mon will join tho association nnd thnt the local association will Join tho state association, which is repre sented hero by A. Gregg, In a body. The rollowlng oflcors woro choson nt last night's meeting, which was hold at tho Chambor of Coinmorce: President Georgo Cook. Vice President C. W. Wolcott. TrenB, W. II. Dlndlnger. Sec, L. L, Thomas. Directors E. P, Ih)wIs, Ed Mathor vlco betoro nttendlng to It. Havo your roof coated with ELASTIC , ROOFING CEMENT. Lasts for ton years. All work guaranteed. Phono 89. Box 118, J. L. BRICE. I .MRS. DENNIS M'CARTIIY and baby loft today for Portland to visit rolntlvofl. W i I M u ' sti il