I TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1914 EVENING EDITION. CENTRALIZE AND MER CHANDI SE ON CENTRALAVEJ BCamnunneireir Say "Tills Is l'lllDAV, TIIU TIIIIITKKNTII, considered it hoodoo anil to satisfy your .suspicion will offer the un usual bargain" Any Suit or Overcoat In (he house for ? 10.00, not Ini'lmlliiK Macks or blues. Yours Anxious to Please, . Tlhe Toggery CENTRAL AVENUE looks good in this bright, February sunshine, There's a hint of spring in the air and the stores are already preparing for it, The crowds were out strolling and shopping to day and the street took on its usual appearance of activity and cheerfulness, Have you noticed the spirit of Central Avenue is one of optimism and good cheer? Get the habit, Join the crowd of cheerful shoppers .that economize, centralize and merchan dise on Central avenue, jpecial Candy Sale Fmimdh Bomiboims niwi'ijAii pimck (io cunts a pound SATL'ltDAY AND SUNDAY Only 4-Oc PooDud AT PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER AT THE Chandler Hotel The Hub of a Good Menu Central Avenue In Hot Witt tor Mottles and Fountain Syringes; livery Iioltle uuulu of (he hest itiillty of ruliher moulded with no senilis lo glvu out. Kohl hy "Till: "OWIi" exclusively in Mnixlifleld, ami manufactured by the same firm which makes "(loodioads (JoixInimV eel f lira ted C. S. tires. We will give a binding guarantee of two years with every bottle. SS The Owl" PltHSCIHPTIQN PHAHMACY. Prank 1). Cohan. Opposite Clu.mllcr Hotel. Phone 71 ficogrnplilriilly (ho Central Avenue Dnij Store. The Fammoos Rlheinigoldl CANDY roit sam: at WINKLER'S Pharmacy WIIKIIK PKIISCmi'TIONS AUK FlMilJD AS Till: DOCTOR WIDTHS Til KM "Deutsche Apotlickc." 58 Central Avenue. Phone 215. OPKN AN ACCOUNT WITH Till: First National Barik Of Coos Bay AVAIL YOCIISKI.F OK ITS Hl'PIKUOIl FACIUTIKS. 8:ifo doposlt I)oxo8 In burglar-proor vaults for rent nt low rates. Central Avenue. Place That Insurance Now Hy special arrangement, I nm nblo to adjust nil small flro flro losses immoillntoly. I represent tho following flro In Hiirnnco compnnlos, nil million dollar corporations, the solld cb' on earth: LONDON & LANCASHIRE QUEEN ORIENT LONDON UNDERWRITERS I also represent tho famous Autmi, writing liability, bur glary, pinto glnBH, surety bonds, etc. E. I. CHANDLER Special Umbrella Sale PltllPAKK I'OII A ItAINV DAV. 7fie UmbrollnH ."Or $2.75 Umbrellas fcMio $1.00 uiiiUraiinM ..nt $! r(0 tIlnl)roIln8 3l.no UmbrollnH yi.tll ?..no Umbrellas ;') $2.00 Umhrellus . ...tfl.r.o $"i.00 Umbrellas )?.(;:, at ci:.vntAii aviini'i: srom: Morton & Hansen STATIONKKY COM PAN V. Two Storos. Central Avenue Front Street. KJ M1ffa"lBfWMHflBMWWWHHffTrWHBHWWWffiMTMTfTiJWl m ibii wiiiimhi immiiiih ii i i ihi i Tirr BHMnuMHnHHnnHMManHH?vRmnHKHHKrar"nrKnmBHsaBMMnflMB iwM dOOS RAV TTlVrP ,,Ht Horvlco ,H enrrylng out his Iden government experts estimate Hint prnetlenlly settled; Columbln nt y- -- J. iiyalaJ or national nnd Htnto co-oporntlon In there Ik being spent on tho romls or Cascades, $10,000; Columbia be- STOUV I'OII TIIK DAV. I, PPRQnWfll nVFRPIflW M r iiiuvi-y pn, , , r"Ul '"'"'""K' 'I'ho law roiiulros that tills eountry n mini exceeding $1,- tween Colllo and mouth Fnuko Wv- I ! UVKnrLVI" iiv i' Vi ViVivi'v v i'li. ' L "l "' l" KrciHs recoipiH uuo.ouu a uay. or, ?;w,uuu; v.oos nay, $r0.U00 for ja. !. .inii,w.i,i A(iH i.uitor from tho national forests shall Do The money comes from many operation of ilrodir : Coo Hiviir. Offlrlul Piijicr of Offl'lal Paper City Coos Countv Hlol,t '" tn0 'n,0B I" which tho for- sources, but chl fly from tho tnx- $11000; Siushw Hlvor, $r000; Snnko i t.M aro Hiiuaieu. this nionoy is ex- payers in encn community wnoro mvor, iu,uou. of MurMiflcIil Ponileil for road Improvement under tlio highways nro being Imnroved. ' Appropriations fpr Oregon proj- direct control of tlm nnrrotnrv iif nir. Most of tbn construction In ilntm efts wore ninilii nriictlrnllv nail. Address nil communlcntlonR to i rleulturo. ,i'iulor tho supervision of local nu- mntod. because of tho showlnir niaiin COOS IIAV DAI I A' TIMKS Tho nmoiint nppronrlntod under , tluirltlr-s, who may or mnv not bo beforo tho rlvor nml harbor roinmit- Mn ili field Kntorod nt tho Postofricc field, Oregon, for through the uintls us mall matter. Oregon this act. basoil mi tin locnlntu nf i in. iMial'flo I to sunorlntond It N vor- t o by HenreseutntlveH llnul..v im,i ,..,,,,, national forests for the fiscal year less thoy aro smmdlng millions In Sluiiott, who had tho hearty co-op- p?ii..M.ia.i.n "tliiiK Juno HO, mi a, was f'M,- enrrylng out their Idens. Thn orntlon of ItepreHontntlvo Humphrey, ... ...i ,i. 038.(58. ' there Is a liimo amount or wnste or Washington, a member of tho BU.onu.uaas n n,,Ht(,rK the ton por font ' ,l',' moM.nU Is in-Mrn'o' in tbn fommlttee. roml fiiml, fonst orflcors ohnrged follnwl"-; lm'lrtin from th Dopnit-i When u trnvollng street fnlr re cently lert Albany, (5n nlornl mer chant was left with a supply of ton fottl on his liniids. As tho rnlr was "playing" n nonrby town he tiought of n rrlond who was luterestcil In oiio on V. o concessions and sent 111 m the following telegram K. II. JIHAD, formerly maniM Mnrgarot lies' Cotiinanr. Lot tl n rancher nt Comllle, retirsl homo yesterdny nftcr talltj t the Kllcs meeting here, lletir fiiporatlng rather slowly froa tj stroko o( paralysis which tt rl lored in Han Francisco tout q ngo. Fl Dodlfatod to tho sorvlco or tho wiin tno actual plans and oxpendl Iieoplo, that no good cnuse shall ' tho neighborhood or the(r incic a clinniplon, nml Hint ovll shnll ioresm nnve, in inmost nu enses, se- not thrive uuopposod. cured nn oiiinl or n Inrgor co-opora-tlvo fund from state autVnrltles for the building or certain pieces or rond. With the money tluu expended many Important roads nro being built or put In repair. One on tho! Wyoming national forest, six miles I SUHSCIMITION llATIIS. DAIIA'. Ono year $0.00 Per month GO WKIIKIiV. ".t!..y(mr ".'.'" ',' '.: , S 1.B0 long, makes nccesslblo to fnnuors a ' won pui sine iy in auviuico, large body or timber and opens up n tho Subscription prlfo or tho Coos Klim ,,r Kr0at scenic beauty. In I,oT,n08.,H ,r''l ,,0r yenr or iiorthwestern Arizona, pnrt or tho Si.fiO for six motitliB. fnt, wlll ,,( 8(,a ,,, ,.onmn.tOIl WU, " " " tho I.eKovre-nrlsht Angel rond, Im- l'KDi:itArt CO-OPI5UATION FOlt lortnnt because It makes aecewilblo OOOD HOADS. to tourist fe (Irnnd Canyon of tho I Colorado. In ono nlaco the Ocean HIK TIMICS Assoclnted Press dls- to Ocean highway crosses tlo Apncho ment or Aurlculturo: Statlstlclnna hnvo round Hint, although tho average exnendl turo on tho Improvement or roads exceeds ono million dol lars n day, a lnrga portion or tho monoy In the United Ptntos Is wnsted becnuso or tho failure to build the right tvpo or rond to meot locnl requirements, or failure to nrovldo for tli con Mnuod mnlntennnro of tho Im provement. Maintenance and orrectlvo re pplr nro or eiiual Imnortniifo 'ltli the actual Imnrnvom nt or bid ronds. Invontmnnt or mon ey In new ronds does not be fomo ronl economy until pro vision Is mndo ror keoolng these "ow ronds In condition ntter ' WITH THE TOAST f ' AND THE TEA ' ! oood i:vi:nino. Tho Intelligent hnvo n right I over tho Ignorant, nnmolv the J rig! t or Instructing thorn. Kin-orson. I'UICNDSIIIP. "Hlilpplng you toiuy 100 poiiudH .",7, ' cnilr , ., . lU or conrettl to sell nt fair." ' I'AUl, SOUI.h Is Imck on be in day or two ho had reply. r B j"r,1 '. "" fltufr brr." ronl the te!o-rni. ?'coJ i,y .JuL?hr e UllhilAIIHT, -K-- Wo"ien'B rcshlons now call ror a shnpo like n poar. Novorthe less, most Coos Hay women wlll fontlnuo to ho nea'dics even I when they are tho npple or our I eye. -K-n- pi::ah.ntkiks. Tho "movies" keen n rescue ship Upon tho sens, I'm told. She's nlwnys rendy for n trip Wiienover winds are hold. illVallnf at I i II , aakH .. HHtl,mn r..u..nl ul.. ...... .. .. .1 .... .,. n ,.......l.. ...... ..,, n..,,,. in hi.' i.iiiii'iiui iiiium, jiiiaiiiiu linn "ii nil" llinv nn linllt Tf n nntv rnn.l pnssauo I,.- Co-'r.. of n.o MP I projoct tho forost service nml tho lo-' J" .VJ r .. "A L. kilowSii in rl npproprlntlng 2r,.000.000 for tho cal authorltlos co-oporatod ontliusl-, i ,iiBr2nVlp im ih or nin construction or good ronds. Its pas- astloally. On the Florida national rlSlim I voJih n t lx slm v hiiko by a substantial majority pro- Mrest In western Florida stool brldg- ""si" ,"N08U,umt ,8 Bll"l,, nil h on lliuil) in nm niilllllf null linn UN UIIU KIllllUU ll'IIIIB IIIIVU, IlllUUr lllf Tlini-n ilnvnlraa m.r... llin moans that Undo Sam wlll bo ac- Htlmulus or this fund, taken tho WASTH IN IIOAD lU'lUMNd tlvoly Intuit'Htcil In the nood roads oi corduroy. Iiok and sand inovement. I Secretary Houston or tho Depart ment or Agriculture says that tho Htnte and Federal govorumeutH should work together ror highway Improve ment In order Unit a lai'Ko proportion or tho money annually spout ror road construction may not bo wasted. In his his own department tho of- flro or public roads Ins been demon Ami lovod n yenr, a month, n wool: irnmi or ilnv. . piace roads congresses nml eonreroncos a "iiil parted from with aching heart. niiiy iioynuti huitihk nn ui' peinie to voto big bond lues for lilh wav Imnrovopiont. Thoy must odu cito IoimI authorities In netunl rond coustrui'lon. Fven ir ton millions Thoro Is n mystic bordor land Hint To nny boat that's In dlstross 'OS I Tlin rniuinn tilil.. ...Ill onll Just past tho limits 0 our work-dny They roseuo thousands, moro or loss, which nro his elfcht soni : ., .. ;vor ' . I From terrors of tho gnlo. tors. And It Is peoplo with tho Montis wo1 " .T, ...i in!."?,1 . .. ThW'V0 novo'- c,""-BO'I Penny yet; n,TS " W,ATI linnt iwilnts In lila Inrrltnrr l recently unit tho .Naion Compnny nml Is now telllntC'. tnrd's coffo , chocolate and tn I Dlt. HAMILTON'S (STATE Divided All Hut S20.000 A Clillilrcn rrcilomir Tho Itoseburg Itovlew nn' tho nrobnto court W. II. nictirfi wns annolntod ndinlnlitrator off ostnto of tho Int - Dr. S. IliaCsl tho deceased hnvlng left no mil ostnto consists mainly of jrl property nml tho vnluo approiiei-l $20,000. In Ifinr. Mm printer nortloaoiP nronprtv 110101101111; to Dr Hisl was deeded to tho Lcxlnittoo . U ment Company, tho atockhown I aan " yet know. Thnt through tho dlstnnco wo must loso Tho hold of liniul with hnnd nml . nouncos n rnshlon nolo, uniy Thoy turn down no nnnonls. 1'y way or pay thoy morely got Somo realistic reels. "Tho now summer fashions womon wlll bo n revelation," IATI0.V. Thorn nm Tl.nOll denosltori I T Ited Statos postal Havliiga m Tim linnuaroo lias been deip im tlin offlrlnl emblem of AlllWf nr Llglitnlng Is more frequeni u: "" ldn and Illinois tlmn m "J - liulldlug by the construction of cor- arousing the peoplo to action, ox- tain object-lesson roads, and tho for- 1 out In a f w Isolated districts, and 1TII characteristic onorgy nml in 'hv wero B""iit on new rondB tho Ornap tho thrond oni memory but i'iiinlly characteristic extra- country would not be linnoflttil still tho nionoy wns So near wo fool this hand so suro nro wo 1 Thnt theso sanio hoarts nm trim Thnt when In waking dreams thoro comes n call, That sots tho thread or memory glow. Wo know tint Just by stretching out iio uniiu vngHun1, the Amoricau pun-1 mater u'lv ihiIorb He has turned to tho business or, used wisely road building ou a tremendous x ale. The good roads movement titrating tho value or proper road bus been eminently succesmi In OIHXJON KIVKIt AND IIAIHIOIt APPIIOPIHATIONS I)OQS tlllH olnl moan tho boles In tho nook.n.imn mi. it..i..i, oi in nnwthir ualsts aro to ho larger? C8t photographic materials Vtfr ALSO thi: CAN.M, ZONF. Toaehor How many zones inero, noiiuie; ! nirmiiiKhaiii Is the great J'l nro mniiufacturliiK center ol tie il Kingdom &jz4ldan9 IRVING BLOCI CLEARANCE SALE In re-arrancjiiig our Shirt stock we find quite a number of lines of which there are but a few shirts of a kind. We have priced them low in order to effect a quick clearance. $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Shirt values, your choice. WASHINGTON, n. C Fob. 12 Tho lloitso river nml harbor, com- .llttlnf. .l.vl.mil ... .. ....n..lntn.. I.. .1. .u.itvu li,l. wu in IHUIIOIUII III llll) , .,,l.. ... I I . river and harbor hill npproprlntlng '" w,,,f wori1 t love, or book or $1,000,000 for continuing tho work T1,wJfW0'll1 , , on tho north Jetty nt tho mouth of ll10 wn,tlnB band will caa our own tho Columbia Ulver. but mndo no , , "co joro' , provision for placing the north Jetty Acioss the Sllenco In tho Same Old i lllllllln nil n ...lw.ln 1A. ml . I I " w -w.., , l, IUIIU Ul. 1 llliril H Innn, lllllfTA rtf .OflU U- ono torrid, two temperate, two frigid, ' Conn., nged 88, works ever; A? a- and a whole lot of portal zones, j Jl fXer. I NO S.NOU.: AHVFIITI8IOIK.VP.T I awakonlng that I . .o , ! No matter how bold. vnr ,. ."".r.olun.1. . , T.T.i, sitlllu1 I ed n market for any nrtlclo, no manor now goon. Sizes 14 to 18. $1.15 All laundered Your choice of our entire stock- of Men's $22.50. S25. I and $27.50 Suits and Overcoats. All wool, well made. See window display. $16.50 We guarantee satisfaction nrojeet on a com iiulnir contract basis. Senator Chamberlain snld, after hearing from Portland, that ho would support the I.ano nmend mont authorizing on appropriation or a dredgo ror use at the mouth or tho Columbia Ulver. As ngro il upon by tho House rlvor nnd harbor committee, tho rlvor nnd harbor bill cnrrlos the following nmounts ror OroKOn nnd tho Columbia Hlvor, In addition to tho $1,000,000 referr ed to: Columbia and lower WIUamM'e below Portland, $:100.000; Colllo vnnnl, $525,000. which wlll com plete that projoct. doing $100,000 In excess of estimates: Wlllnmotto, above Portland. $30,000; Nobalem ,bar and entrance. $ 75.000, to com plete project: Conuillo Hlver. $90, i000 for maintenance and ronairs to 'Jetty Inside IIkIiHiouso; Tillamook may nml bar. $270,000. to comp'ote .project; Willamette Falls, $S0,000, which complotes Goveriinient's slmro I of cost, and also lirovldss for nnnr. . atlon of tho canal during tho com ing yonr, the qiiMtiau of title being Way. Folks aro self-marred. eitlu r self-inado tm)iw. Irnll' nllhniich rleulturo is still carried oattFl I , part In a primltlvo mann. Mo.it alTlniiiPIlt OH WlVli ' . ' " ....iti el. ii or rresii fruits mm ''i.. vnnt & Woavor, niuap .: Valentines Just in, a beautiful line of VALENTINES of all kinds. VALENTINES ALWAYS SOMirriHNO NF.W Peoples site. Stores I IT L lmiulon Marshfield Myrtlo Point m Clothing and Shoe Co. Front Street, Marshfield Watch Our Window for Saturday Specie