... - - llTlii" : ?!-, jr v ILL 00! T' If : bbbWvVt dlft " ' ai 2170 oasg?, ii i tin tii... ...mm www m, ,, tiaitiiiiiniiniiin ""Ul .., nv mil,'. MABIM'1 ntwi"- Ofr-lHHllfcSKH METHODS .vmiK rob 12. Pror. Clins. l it tl.o constitutional I'6"1' or woman suffrngo will tfa"nS S Hie pollB III 1 DIG, but lnUCCC-8 l '.' Jl.l ,. women rtould " "l ,1)ll0M eject women t,n ,c ,, . ami n governor nml march lfglslators ami u ,)mfOB8or does S h w" ottcntlon to tlio fnct ?Bh nticnaion or freedom never Hit an cxtcnu' Klll,iiI .witli- fflngnn violence. Mr. Board oat 0"n?., ;,. ...imi lii Now Yore hiJ..' LVi- i., seating ft woman's f0" nZnt ticj would lio Blvon TiVmIUIwI rlBhiB wltl.ouf n Hliot ..Slonclt itbIiIo. Not oven lwonWIoBtrnck. Men could . i,.i, elding to Biich nn ovor El, i'-Awv their mothers nml Z Srtiw Democrats, Hopubll tlcal paruiJ. . tinwn ryS.il.. readiness to accede to : wmnon to play tho.r "HWrlcllevo women will bo ft MtSno,.o,!..n,.oUUcBtmn AM I lUlYf bt'fll HIV" iI.-w. ..- Ir.hhoV.,Btfor KKr.m.n-.own.WlnBto ,i(ct to orncc .mom in i "."-. "' ... nninii nnv niiwer " "?". Y7,. l TB-Blirn Key Uko women vote BorloiiB They nro by naturo ft llttlo moro J V .: lnat mnilnrn lull hciiertl,ln men- .- " !S nro won by brains, no brown. IB ttltll tUO WOlliril Ul i-- """ rlnit the men. wlint couldn't they '...... ii.. ...n.inii tvlm fnvnr Hllf- 107 Mill n'-' """,l" : lrSs must flrs-t convince thono wo- en who do not Atii:i) ron'i.i: ei.oped !nr H8 nml (ilrl IK ,ll Aw" nl,(1 i Many . . ....... 1'nm; t.vii 11 Winifred I. .Vcttlcton. of Ilrlstol, Connectl- M tlio SS-ycnr-oiu nriugcKruuiii karri d In Ilnrtford. Connecticut, to i. ee-winr.Al.l anrrplnrv. Mnrv Kol- .. tMi.iirin imiL'lihiL'lv confessed ahuarrlv'l in Nnv York thai bo r.d his brl.o linn oiopcii. Tci." ho said, "wo olopr-d from In. Baldwin's nleco. Tlmt Blrl rated us like n couple of young ven who urn not Know uioir own iDdi. Sho did not qulto want iir i marry, but wo rooion nor. Ne'tleton ndded Hint ho hnd nin tlin lirliln nil lllu tlfn. Illlf id not qulto lioin able to pnrHtindo :r to marry lilm until yestordny. Tlin 9r il rnnnle will pomnlntn clr honeymoon In Florida. MIXIll) JlllV "STAYS ri" slit Women on "Stubborn" Hotly Aril Onlr One Itoom Available lAiKiiDi f, Wnsli., Fob. 1 2. t mam va won roturnod to pM at a late hnnr In tho caso of I'rb Prrt nml Join Ilrown, no- pm cr rnurry, tnotiKli tlio r ft teen out b nro B:30 o'clock I nlcht. IThero aro clrht womon on tno p out tlicro were no boils for n'Mt n'Rht and no wny of bck r!'oR th men nml womon, bo l tner mlclit rost. Tlioro nro rtwo Jury-rooms. Cots nro pro M fcr twelve. Slnro tho mlxod mtem went Into effect It tins 1 tha eusom to nllow the wo a p uso one room and tlio men i;oer, uut list nlglit thoro wore JnrlcB out and both rooms oc- r w. ... , ,iinuiifituU urtEUUN, iriURSDAY, FtaRUARlT 12, 191' -JWIfiN. NECK FRILLS CONTINUE POPULAR HIGH AND FULL IN THE BACK Tlio low collar Is youthful mid becom Iiir to nearly every one; however tho woman with tho long Mcmlcr throat unit even her well rounded ulster favors thu iipstnmlliiK, Huffy frill that kIvch kiicIi a softenliiK effect to tho face. TliPho hnvo been mostly of white or cream colored chiffon or net but the newest Idea from 1'arls Is to hnvo your neck and sleeve frill ninteli your kowii or suit. Thls'ldcn was carried out very attractively In a navy blue suit ; the frills were of H1IIT011 In ii sIlKhtly lighter shade of blue, edged with it narrow line of dull gold. It was most pleashiK In effect. Another Idea which hns "eaufiht on" Is the blouse or coat of a rather vlvlil color worn with n dark velours skirt. Number 81'-' I Is an attractive example of this. Tho blouse Is of Chartreuse rrepp tie t'hlno worn with u skirt of iluvetyu In n dark linnnoiilzliik' Krcen. To copy this design In size 30 It requires for the blouse (8121) -b yards of 30 Inch material; for tho skirt (700S) 4 yards of ,'10-Iuch material. In number 8155 the touch of bright color so necessary for theso dull days 1m brought out In tho border on tho mate rial. Tho costume shows n smnrt little bolero, a graceful wldrt and a chic little frilled giilmpe. Tho material In which this costumo Is developed Is u bordered crOpo with tho border showing a Chinese design. This Chinese Intlueneo promises to bo very strong for tho coming season. This costumo mny be made In size 30 with ! yards of 30-Inch material. Number 8121 sizes 32 to -12. Number 71)08 sizes 22 to 30. Number 815.1 sizes 31 to II. Kach pattern 15 cents. To olitaln cither pattern UHiBtrntcil n out thin cotiiwn nml cnelnno 15 ccntH In r, DU0 tlninpii or coin, Ho vuro tn tnto number Namo of pattnru nml hUp, mcniiiirltiK over tho Allli.Ml. fullcot pnrt of tho hint. AiMrcni Tattcm "",,r" Department, enro of this paper. 'iEHi.:HTLES5IHT rnvM P. -rt t V5 "A handwriting expert clnlniB ho ' Tko n Glass of SaltA to Flush Kid- VSTIP SIIKIM i;s JimyriXO. F(NT tUiindl nf i. b'-i i We-ati- r rMtiel .hs-' c pir-1 t 'Hr.inlnp iimt ITOp'W vl", ,, i. 12. Tho Im- Mystlc Shrlnors vision hero to- imploa In Min- ' wostorn Cnn- nllng Charles lllch Priest h ranking of- 111 jn,i latrlen.' PWISSI0.V fl0VKlt.VMKr i:m:ctiox !f;. J', feu. 12.-A 'hemi.i " .wns "ol boro ler f-iin- "i"iiKii. .Mayor l Mrt i!i Wl' 1,nB tnkon n i iC k'," l.ho movement, la as- ':i idoptcd! , Bovornmont '. M. .".-Angora, Sin. or to.fZ,"'n ?n ci- ;'t hP,0 V" B .ero P"t on Rtf,2" "neages, 3 S "U .M iKo'8,,, among thoso IM Clun .t V.Z.1 .ol " "ere8- W am .V " " ' nV"' "y wnqm more nnm,T . "' ,s l0 mnKo Popular In tho homes of 'Sstsfn TSS klnd Y0U have t ..I"''1'' Phona 72. Pnolfl 48fmDany. enn road character by looking nt n mnn s signnturo," quoth uultmnn. "Ho might rend a man's charnr pr," said Conrad, gazing nt tho rog latcr of deciphered names, "but ho could not spoil those, names.!" Tlio Clmniller Hotel. II. P. W'licotor, San Francisco; h. U. Mlllznor, Snn Francisco; II. 11. Rogers, Portland; LobIIo O. Johnson, Myrtlo Point; S. Ilonson. Portland; Edmund Croft, nnndon; n. II. Jnlm on. Portlnnd; F. B. MeKennn. Co--itlUo; O. W. Sprnguo, CoqulMo: J. O. Stpmrno'er. nnndon: J. F. Knight. London; Thos. O. Oiiorln. Mvrtlo Point; Mr. nml Mrs. A. M. Orogg, Portlnnd: W. W. Thompson, Onk lani?; Walter Condon, Myrtlo Point; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McKonna, Ilan don; C. D. Thomas, Portland; Syd ney Ij. Williams. Dandorf; Stovo Onl Ilor. nnndon; O. A. Mlntoyno, Co nulllo; I.otnor Gnlllor, Dnndnn; .Ins. Watson, Coqnlllo. It. L. Wagner, llnndon: D. B. Marriott. San Frnn 'Ibco; W. S. Dodgo, Portlnnd: K. O. Ott, Portland; F. II. Chamborlnln, Portland; L. Lacasso, Portland. , Tlio Lloyd Hotel. Charles nrown. Norwnv; H. Ilirt 'oy, Myrtlo Point: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rlinw, Chlcnco; Miss Grnco Hatllng, Chicago; J. Vnn Loo, Buroka. The IV'niico Hotel. n. n. Rood, Woodburn, Or.: J. It. Rlchnrds, Woodburn; J. A. Mndeea, Portland; William F. Masters, Rose- uurg. DKTHOIT VOTKS OX CHAHTKR FUlll. Itlll I Mlrrit... " ay. vav DETROIT, Mich.. Fob. 12. Tho 'ovlB'd city charter was submitted 'o tho voters Tue8day. It wont to voto unoncumborod by other ques tions, and tho city fathers hope tho revision will stand on Its merits, Tho controller bollovfs Dotrolt may do oven hotter than Now York City, whoso bonds nro now soiling nt 1 per cent. , iipyn If HIaddcr Mothers Von Drink Lots of Wntcr. Eating moat regularly eventually produces klduoy troublo In somo form or other, says a woll-known author ity, bocnuso tho uric acid In meat ox cltos tho kldnoys, thoy bocomo over worked, got sluggish, clog up and cauBo all sorts of distress, particular ly bnckacho and misery In tho kid ney region, rheumatic twinges, bo voro headaches, acid stomach, con stipation, torpid llvor, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary Irritation. Tho moment your back hurts or kldnoys aron't acting right, or If bladdor bothers you, got about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy, tako a tablcapoonful In a glass of wator boforo broakfnst for n fow days and your kldnoys will then act flno. This famous salts Is mndo from tho acid of grapes and lomon Julco, combined with llthln, and has beon used for generations to flush clogged kldnoys and stimulate Miom to normal activity; also to neu tralize tho acids In tho urlno so It no longer Irritates, thus ondlng bladdor disorders. Jad Salts cannot Injuro anyone; makes a delightful effervescent llthia water drink which millions of men and womon tako now and then to keop tho urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kldnoy disease NOTICE TO CREDITORS. VALENTINES VALENTINES FROM lc TO $1.00. A NICK NEW LINE AND A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE. NORTH BEND Coquille River Cod GUARANTEED FREE OF SLACK AND DIRT AND NOT TO CLINKER FULL WEIGHT AND PROMPT SERVICE COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. GEO. A. BAINES. Phone 181-L 186 Broadway South, TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or new platens, wink guaranteed. ItlbboiiH nml carbon pnper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono -tl. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. BAMDQN BY THE SEA THEJ'.CITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEX ACRE TRACTS FOUR MILES SOUTH OX COUX-TV ROAD i!5 PER ACRE; HlOO CASH, RALAXCK TWO YEARS, NO INTEREST, NO TAXES, FINE SANDY LOAM, LEVEL UENCII LAND. Buy One- It Will Make You Money Donald MacKintosh REAL ESTATE And INSURANCE. T. J. 80AIFI2 $ A. II. 1IODQIN8 Marshfield PA,NT AND IMai;s"llt'U DECORATING CO. Estimates Furnished. Phono .1DD-J. Mnrshrtcld, Oregon. Chimneys Flro Places, J. N. Bayliss Any kind of brick work nt prices that nro right. AND ALL WORK C3UARAXTEED Call at "The Fireside," Johnson llldg., 1.17 Second St. Phono 18-.T. French Ranges. Holler Work. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR WT. TOMPKINS, D. S. T. (Weltmor .Methods.) Every known dlsenso treated without drugs or surgery, Room 2, 130 North Uroadway. Phono UHI-L. Marshflold, Or. GEO. C. .MURPHY, Export Piano, Player nnd Organ Tuning, Regulating and Repair ing. Phono 205-L. Ordors mny bo loft at tho Wlloy I). Allon Music Storo, Central nvonuo. TOEL OSTLIND. ) Pluiio Tuner and Repairer I in S. Hlxth street. .Phono 10.1-L. Lenvu orders nt W. R. Haines Music Company. J M. WRIGHT, ItiilhllUi? Contractor. Estimates furnished on request. An honest Job guaranteed. Phono U1H-H. Money Won't Grow unless It is nddod to by Thrift nnd Economy, nnd thon Invested wlsoly. You cannot easily mako money without money. If you spond nil you cam you have nothing with which to moot opportunity for profitable investment. no on tho Snfo Sldo. Savo nt least n small part of your Income Open a Savings Account In This Dank and regularly mako a de posit ovory week' or month. The First National Bank Of Coos Bay FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY. EstnbllHhed 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest l'ald on Tlmo Deposits Officers: J. W. Dennett, President. J. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. R. F. Williams, Cahhlcr. Geo. F. Winchester, Asst. Cashier. CO. GOSNEY, Cttiti.fif'fnt nml llllllrtpi. Estimates, drawing nnd specifica tions furnished on request. A satisfied customer Is hotter rcf- oronco man a unnn. liook uuy ono of my 10 up nnd sea If I am reliable. Phono .'Mm. Marshfield, Or. DR. II.' M. 8HAW Eye, Ear, Noso and Thront. DR. MATT! 13 II. SHAW DIsciincm of women and children. Olllco phono 330. Rooms 200, 201, 202, Irving Dlock. DR. A. J. HKXDRY DEXTIST Marshflold, Orogon. Rooms 204-205, Coko Uulldlng. RcBldonco phono 252-X. Olllco phono 112-J. MRS. FARRIXGER, Teacher of Plnno. Resldonco Studio, No. 1090, Cornor Commercial nnd Elovonth Eta, Phono U80-J. BKX.1AMIN OSTLIND, Consulting Engineer ami Architect. Offices, 200 Irving Dlock. Phono l():i-L or 207-.I. Marshfield, Oregon. PERL RILEY nALLINGER Plunlst nnd Techcr Raildonce-Studlo, 237 Bo. DroadwM Phono 18-L. W G. CHANDLER. AUCIIITKOT. Rooms 301 nd 002, Coke BU1 Marshflold, Orcjcoa. w M. 8. TURPKN, ARCHITEOT Marshfield. Orogon C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RKTAIL DEPAHTMBNT LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, HASH AND DOORS. ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT TnE FUKL DILL IN TWO DY USINO OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. 183 SOUTn UROADWAY THERE'S ONLY ONE MACHINE THE SINGER ONLY ONE HEPItESENTATIVK W. J. RITZ Phono 280-X. tMKm F."e" fving backache, Uiiir , S " swollon Joints 1- r . i. r.10 know that Fo- 18 divine n?,,8,JEcessful every ''! Poll01. ,theso Ills. That nrW PlllS nre d!SfcLan sickly effective ltlve kMn . rGBU,t fr01 Kiriii.' e K ''evs ami i.rin..,, br Pr.nv'U Prescription nrvXZTn0. FIRK PREVENTION'. WINFIBLD. Kan.., Fob. 12. The Kansas Flro Prevention Association visited Winflold yesterday. Tho new laws wero explained and applied to all, whether In homo, offlco or fac tory. Many serious conflagrations hnvo been avorted by tho reinforcing of tho laws by this committee. SUCCESSFUL EVERYWHERE People everywhere aro talking of tho quick and flno results Foloy Kldnoy Pills give in backache, rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles. You can not tako them into your system without good re sults. That is because Foloy Kldnoy Pills Klvo to the kidneys and blad der Just what naturo calls for to heal theso weakened and Inactive tJ FraniTn r, Vesc"Ptlon organs. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. ""for Hotoi iohan- PP- Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler In the matter of tho Assign ment of the Hardwood Milling Co. (a corporation). To tho creditors of tho Hardwood Milling Co., a corporation: You and each of you aro hereby notified that The Hardwood Milling Co., a corporation, has mado an as signment for the benefit of Jts credi tors, and that tho undersigned Is the duly selected, qualified and acting assignee In tho matter of gold assign ment, and you are furthor notified to present your claims as by law pro vided, to me, tho undersigned, within three months from the dato hereof. Dated at Marshfield, Oregon, this 8th day of January, A. D. 1914. GEORGE W. WELSTEAD, Assignee. First publication, Jan. 8, 1914. Last publication, Feb. -19, 1914. , DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING PICTURE FRAMING, CAMERAS, FILMS, AND SUPPLIES REHfELD BROS. Russell Building, Central Avenue BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield RIITTFR Creamery PU ' lLn Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul truntcs botweon any points In Marshflold for the follow Ing rates, dollvery to be made In (ho first stories of buildings Ono trunk .....S .20 rtireo trunks so Twolvo trunks 1.50 Slor Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Helsuer, Prop. Phones, 120-J; 40-L: 88-R. RIVERTON COAL FOR $5.00 PER TON PhoneT65-X CHAS. LAPP EDISON'S LATEST A storage battery that continual over charging will not harm. DOES NOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not lose its cbargo while standing Idle. IS 'GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos BayJWiring Co. 153 Drondwny. Agents for Port of Coos nay. .MADE UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND .MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AND CRBA.M. PURE ICE Fiee delivery, 8 n. in. nnd 2 p, in. Phono 7S UNIQUE PANTATORIUM Under Now Management. Lot us Clean, Press and Repair your clothea NOW. Don't wait. Hates Reasonable. JAY DOYLE & C. O. RAGGETT 25(1 Central Ave. Phono 230OC Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post WE FURNISH A HAG AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J Marshfield Hotel. Phone 74.