T VW -B " w-- -r-wri THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SIX Firw COOS W IS FICTION SCENE Peter B. Kyne Weaves Ro mance Around Incidents in This Section Coos Bay Is now taking n loading plnco nB bcciicb In boiiio of tlio re- font Pnclflc Const fiction stories. I UNO OUT TODAY Arrives From Eureka This Morning and Sails for Portland Tlio Alliance nrrlved In this morn Miu from Eureka and Balled n fow hours Inter for Portland. Slio had Part of tho nlot is being Inld lioro n good list in nnu a mrgo oui-going nnd some of tlio Irions nro from Coos usi. liny lnctalontB. embolllBhed by tlio Thoso arriving on tlio Alllanco authors Hint It Is n llttlo difficult from Euroka woro James Ilcfldon, to rccognlzo thorn. O. Vnn Lou, Loulo Van Lou, Wm. In tho January SuiiBct. Peter II. Vnn Lou. Goo. Van Lou, J. A. Gll- ICyno has n story on "Tho Top of lesplo, Ed Gillespie, h. Nouhnus, W. the MaBt," In which Coob Hay has . Egglcston, James Allen, W. L. a leading scone. Incidentally ho Thompson, Q. Mllllngor, 11. 1. built tho story pnrtly out of tho Wheeler, II. D. Colin. l,aFranco Insurance swlndlo, J. C. Those sailing from hnro for Por.t- IaFranco bolng arrested last spring land on tho Alllanco woro: at Coqulllo for having substituted J. nnfok. J. IC. Vobbor, J. 1-arris, nnothor body for his own nt Port- Uruco McDonald, Chas. T. Myers, land and then had his wlfo collect S. Montgomery. Mrs. S. Montgom- rfho Insurnnro money. In tho samo cry. S. A. Whitney, Mrs. S. A. story, tho Czarina disaster Is used Whltnoy, A. Fnrrar. P. SwntiBon, t n linaln for n nlilnwrnrk. ilnnrrlhnil C. L. Mnvo, II. M. Kallll, L(l McBB- In the story ns happening on tho "or, E. L. .Tones, Mrs E. . Jones, Coos Day bar. ' C. Wotalen, Joo Glenn, Tony In nnothor story Kyno uses Cnpt.'Kcroka, I). La Var. D. Molina. .Too Olson's rcseuo of pnrt of tho crow Lingo, P. Loot, K. Gulsn, Edwin of tho Mnrconi In tho breeches ."oylo nnd Mrs. E. Boylo. buoy. Kynno lives nonr Dr. T. J. Mc-1 Cormac on San Prnnclsco liny, anil tho two hnvo boon together con jetalcrnblo recently, nnd It Is believed I thnt he hts used snmn or Dr. MP' Cormnc's tales of Coos Day ns In spiration for tho fiction. MESSNER TAKEN I TO PORTLAND Il CONFERENCE ON TRADE BILlSi NO DATE FIXED E Interstate Commission Meas ure Taken up at Meet ing Today. (nr Am ltis l'n-M In Viim ll Tlmi. I WASHINGTON. D. C, Pol). 11. Tho Interstnto trade coiiiiiiIhhIoii 1)111 nnd ninny amendments to It propos ed by lVspubllcans and Democrats alike, woro discussed nt n White IIouso conference today botweon tho President nnd members of the Sonnto Comiuttteo on Interstnto Commerce. Chnlrmnu NowlnudH said tho iiinnnd incut proscribing the powers of tVo Morrison and Others Want It Early and Commissioners Favor May (Speclnl to Tlio Times.) COQUILLE, Or., Fob. 11. At n late hour this afternoon no decision had been nnnouncod rolntlvo to tho dnto of holding tho speclnl oloctlov to vote on tlio Issunuce of $ 1 1 0.000 of good roads bonds In Coos county. The matter was bolng nrgued, President .Morrison of tho Coos Coun ty Good llonds Association, A. L. Os ier of Hrtalge, nnd a few others urg ng that tlio election bo called' as soon ns posslblo. Tho county commissioners nppoar ngroed with .ludgo llnll that It would bo slninly wnstlng $:I000. tho cost of i holding n special election, If tho oloc- Former Athlete is Mentally Mentally Unbalanced Lo cal Moose Take Charge ltnvlng about different deals ho wns nbout to make, with his arms strapped to a bolt, and In company , with J. C. Woldou, appointed by tho i local lodge of Moose ro sco that tho t man Is properly handled, J. C. Mcss- ner was taken to Portland today to be transferred to nn asylum for the lnsnne. On Mondny Chlof Cnrter noticed tho man on tho streets tictlng In n peculiar mnnnor, and! after talking with him for n fow moments decided to hnvo him examined. Messncr was removed to the Mercy Hospital, where ho was attended by Dr. Housoworth, who adjudged tho mnn Insane. Tho offlcors of tho locnl Mooso lodgo wired McBsncr's people, who live at Portland, and they naked thnt ho bo sent to Portland Immediately. Hen Piatt, n roommate of Mcssnor, first noticed that Mb friend' was affected on ldBt Friday evening when Mcssucr nwnkc about midnight complaining thnt he could not sleep. Ho paced tho floor all night tnlklng nbout largo business propositions ho was about to close. Wax An Ath'eto. Mcssnor, prior to his coming to Coos Hay, resided nt Maker City, Or egon, where ho distinguished himself ns nn all 'round athlete, entering rac es and ovents nB t' o "dark luirso" and usunlly carrying nwny all hon ors. When doing track work he nev er showed signs of being mentally nf fectcd. Ho had been employed at Lando's during tho flro sale. TAKES 0 IN KINNEY CASE Judge Harris Re-appoints Wat- ters Receiver and Gettins As Guardian tl J tin.. In ... lw.1.1 .. It.n tint.., thtt.i .. a I. T commission to proceed with Its In- '". '" " , ' , ."" l ",,',' vestigntlous only by duo process of law and deciding to establish tho Jogal rulo of gathering evidence wnH tho innln topic boforo the conference. Sonators Llppltt nnd Oliver wero tho only Itepubllcaiis who attended. Tln'y 1old tho President they would con jtluuo to ro-operato with the Demo rratH In f rain lug legislation. Oliver nnd' Llppltt want tho trade commis sion's powers limited to prevent tt e publication of the affairs of any In nocent corporation nnd would hnvo tho law guard against Illegal nonrch or seizure. Chalrmnu Nnwlnnds naked Sonntor Oliver to draft such nn amendment. Further conferences will take mi tho regulation of hold ing companies. COQUILLE HANK ELECTION At n recent meeting tho following officers wero r -olocteil for the year 1014. to attend to tho business of tho First National Hank of Coqullle: President, A. .1, Sherwood; vice president, It. E. Shluo; cnBhler, JU II. Hazard; assistant cashier, O. O. Sanford. Coqulllo Herald, K. P. NOTICE. Ail Knights of Pythias aro re quested to meet at tholr hall Thurs day nt ! a. in. to attend luo funorul of Hrother Loren II. Collvor. Tho Alert will loavo nt in for South South Coos Itlvor cemetery. Myrtlo Lodge No. a, K. of P., will hold services at the grave, fll-'OWOF A "l W P f 18 I , . r-r Tho mnttor will probably bo decid ed tomorrow. PLAN TO BOY Judgo Harris, at a special session of circuit court nt Coqulllo today re appointed V. E. Wattors receiver of D. Kinney proportion ami P. K. Gettins of Mnrshneld guardian nd lltoin for Major Kinney. Those uppolutments were made In tl.e now enso. Further action could not ho tnlton nt this time owing to fnllure to rervo all the notices In tho rnso promptly. Thirty or sixty days must elnpso before any docroo can bo entered In tho case nnd until thou nn notion towards tho snlo or disposal of the property can ho taken by uocolvor WntterH. 9 0 How Afeout a Raincoat Just take a lookfat the showing in one of our front windows A $12.50 Raincoat for An $18.00 Raincoat $ A $30.00 Raincoat .75 ,., 10 Eight, Others to Choose from at $Qj5 $11:25 $1 $1C-55 $1g $1Q-85 $21 $2 NOTE : These Prices Are for Three Day's Selling Thursday, Friday and Saturday "Money Talks55 MYRTLE POINT Clothing (Uh Shoo Company MARSHFIELD Illlb "Money Talks" BAND0N ttiitrwsmansxa&m&fsewiBgmjmvsiil TO DEBATE M 1 PIPES MUSE BE II iimn sunt. Tiodsen or tho Mnrs.uieid Rebellion In Sylvia Pank- nursrs suffranette Army Over Smoking High School has boon advised that tho Marshllold High School delmtors . will debate tho High School team nt Klamath Kails for tho Southern Ore gon chnmploiishlp. Tho dato has not been fixed. Tho victor of this debnto i'lr .w laiM l'rr. lo Cora ll7 Tlmm.) Presbyterians to Utilize For mer Episcopal Edifice for Hall The Marshllold Piesbylorlnn (lunch Is negotiating for tho purch ase of tho old lOplscopal church building with n view to moving It nnd converting It Into n social hull, kitchen nnd dining room for congre gation functions. A mooting1 of tho Kplscopul lleetory board him boon railed for Friday ov eulug to consider tho proposition. No nrlco has boon fixed yot. The old church Is of no uso to tho Kplscopnl- IniiB now as they hnvo kitchen nnd hull quarters In tho basement of tho now church. nvo vnur Job In Tho Times. printing no no nt ROYAL Baking Powder S aves Health and Saves Money td In Hin nuiMntlnw. .liulim U'nllr. ll CUIIUWl lor HIIIIO I10IIOIS. through his ronppolntiuent. will ha' ,., Uie Manujllold tmun will o o nblo to proceed with n lot of pro-l Kln"1" n,l(l will nrolmlily ainiliiHilos that woul have to ,P , nko tho trip out ovorlnnd nnd re Kono tlroujfh nnd ..ouhl be propnr-' t,'r", vln San iTauelsco. It Is export ed to prooeod rapidly with the dl.-! " t""t the district debate w 1 bo tho poval of tho Klnnoy propertloM nnd I '""w lrt or JInrcli and tho stato the settlonioiu of tho elnlnis nfter tho I COIltot in .My. thirty or sixty days o'npso. which I , ,' " ' '"' "IIo"; will remove any obstacle to his up-' .I.r'1 ' i" arnnnlB of the Marsh- liviti Itlli.ll Wlllltri iuuiii HUD LVUUII oil. "If wo nro not r'lowed tofwl wo will not conio hero again," u quit tho meeting. ciasn oviut daxci- ; Trouble Itelwcen Devotee at .n nml Old Dunces Xner! NKW YOHIC, Fob. 11. -Tie f i uinhlnn Cnuimnndory, KnlghtiTtu Inr, will hold a celebration ot a lOTith anniversary of tlio org:t!a tloti tonlglit; and havo Lcen dclti'i serious iirohlem In regard toducij In respect to those who uellrect( In tho two-stop and waltz, tnt stop nnd tango would have to barred. To please tho younjwr nnd bo really up to tlio mlnnte.lS waltz and two-stop would bivt o. Tho ronimltteo appointed J Bortlo tho voxlng question prouJt LONDON', Fob. 11. Mutiny broke out todny In the so-cnllod People's I Army, rormeu rrom tho lowest clns sos In tho Knst Knd of Loudon by Miss Sylvia I'nnkVurst, nftor her so-! self nblo to copo with tlio eltmtJa roMlon from the Woman's Snelnl nnd , nnd their solution Is sure toUn3 Political Union. Somo of tho men factory to evory ono, Have In W started smokliiK puiiBont shnR to-' rooms nnd two bnnds! OnerooalJ hacco In clny pipes at tho meotliiR. old-fashionod dancing nnd the otU wnon toiu to desist tho mon rotort- for modem dances. ni.ri.ii.1 polntmeut Judgo Wattors' hnnd wns flxod at ?:!., Out) under the new uppolutmeut. RU STORES CLOSE EARLY u chnlleiiRO from tho Gardiner Indc- pendont basketball team and wlil play thoro Saturday night. The (5ar dluor team will pay the expenses of the Mnruhfleld High School team on the trip. BUTfl SERVICE ALONG COAST I all .(;m:i: to clo.sim:.ulv i.v KVi:.IX(JS AMI SIIOIITKIt HOl'US ON SL'NDAV, IlKtllN NIN(J FKimi'AHV in. All of the Mnrshflold drug storos today signed up tho onrly-eloslng agreement. under tho now schcIulo which will go Into effect February 15. tho drug stores will eloso nt eight I o'clock weok dnys, nt U::i0 Saturday nights and nt 10 o clock pny-uay nights, Tho Sundnv hours nrovldo for tho drug storos to bo open from 9 to 11 o'clock In tho morning and Those sign ne he , neoment nro Tho motorcycle trip wns mndo up P D Cohin of the Ownffmai llie bonch without much difficulty. V'. M. Pa sno8fo "fhom.sV'co' SS? 'r.-1: "' 7,nn 110' ...ctlng v p nimii. nf ti.R iio.i ProR. ii. onB incrosBing a renius nnd creoks, Valentine Greetings For many years pnst wo havo provided Coos Day pco plo with VALKNTINKS theso years of concentration hnvo profited us much back of this season's showing stnnd ninny yenrs of constant endeavor to load at Val entino time ns nt otnor seasons of tho year. r Plans for Six-Hour Schedule Between Coos Bay and 1 Florence V. C. (Jorst nnd Shannon Mitchell teturnod yestordny from n motor eyclo trip to Oardluor, whero partial arrangements wero mndo for Inaug urating a through auto stago line bo tweon Coos liny and the Slus'nw, Book s I W, Swnnton, of tho Hrown l'hor mncy; II. W. WInklor, of tho Wlnk lor l'hnrnincy and A. Lnthman, of tho Scandinavian Drug Storo. NOltTII IJRNI) M-1WH Makes Better Food It Is roported that Geo. Gardiner, who has boon foreman of Ilousor & Housor horo, hns been succeeded by Mr. Olson, Mr. Gnrdlnor will go on n vncatlon nnd1 probably tnko ehargo of birgor work wl.en tho big con struction starts. The North Hend Prosbytorlan Lad les' Aid Society will meet with Mrs. U, C Holmes Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Fred fnvaiinugh and daugh ter, Miss Kdlth Morgan, enmo In a few days ago from Saskatchewan, Canada, and nro guests at tho Chas. Cnvnunueh home. Captain Kdgar Simpson loft on tho Itedondo for a business trip to San Francisco. Tho A, M, Simpson came In yes tordny morning and Is taking on a cargo at tho Porter mill. Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Anthony gavo a social at their homo last night. Times Want ads bring results. h an hour nnd fivo minutes on tho trip up. ono machine carrying tho two. Tho principal troublo was In crossing Ton Mllo creek. They ro port that tho mouth of Ten Mllo has shifted fifty yards north of tho point wh'ero It was when Gorst and Klnnoy lost their niitomobtlo In It. Tho plan Is for Georgo FIsk to op orato tho auto stage lino from Flor ence to Gardiner. Ho Is having a Fedornl truck equipped with sixty Inch wheels with tires twelve Inches wldo for tho run. A boat service will bo maintained to carry passengers across tho umpqua and across tho Siuslaw, V. C. Gorst and Jerry Klnnoy oro to oncrato the lino from Coos Hay to tho Umpqua. Th'oy will havo a boat to carry tho passengers across the Hay at Empire and nutos to bring thorn from Emplro to Mnrshfleld. Tho plans now provide for n six-hour schedule between Coos Ray ani1 Flor ence. Tho tlmo will havo to vary with tho tide, but It Is believed that thov can make tho run on ono tldo without difficulty. At Florence Mr, Gorst saw Frank Malonoy, tho former North Bond ball plnycr who left hero suddenly follow ing an auto collision between tho Gorst & King and Foote lines. What mora beautiful than n IIOOK? Whnt moro typ ical of tho Volontluo spirit than n well choson volume of appropriate sontlmonts? Whnt moro practical! Whnt moro sonslblo? Examlno our selection of Valen tino books for mother, sister, sweetheart or wife. All bound nnd packed with tho timely Vnlontlno tissue and ribbons. Valentine Party Favors and Novelties This Is a most noteworthy lino of pretty and exclu sive valentine innovations nn assortmont that will of fer many unlquo nnd appropriate suggestions dainty nnpklns, pretty lunch sets, olaborate tablo cloths, din ner favors, fancy baskets, heart and cupId cutouts, place cards, score cards, post cards, small valentines and oxquislto crepo paper effects. Norton & Hansen TWO STORES t CEXTHAI, AVENUE FltOXT OXT ST. I A