BTJaawJaa (P THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1914 EVENING EDITION. ,V0 I --vo r- a -x r tt ffnc I Ideas from being swept awny iy the between Jnnunry 1, 1913, nnd Jnn' LAJLJ JOYY 1 ILVICO now ideas. The recognition by nil unry 1. 1914. In addition G720 M. C. MAI.OXKV J)AX H. MAI.ONKV Official I'upcr of Coos County Offlrliil I'lipcr Cll y of ainrsl i fluid Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAIIA TI.MKS MnrMiflcM :: :: :: :: Oregon linen of tlio right of women to act books wer sold to tho orphan nsy- I'uli. 'on their own responsibility will re- Iuiiib throughout tho stnto. The Knterod at tho Postoffleo at Mnrsh ilcld, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second-class mail matter. Dodlcntod to the service of tho people, that no good rniiBo shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed. KimsciiiPTiox maths. DAIIiV. Ono year $G.OO Par month GO vi:i:ki,v. One yonr $ 1 .GO Wlifn until strlrtlv In ndvnncc. the Subscription prlco of the Coos' Hay Tlmos Is $5.00 per yonr or I $2.00 for six months. Kflttm nml Noun Kdltor suit In woni'ii learning fearless lovo stnto pam oui in royalties tlio sum of truth, intellectual integrity aim or ssi.ul'u.iu. public spirit that gladly shares tho Tho uverago cost of Bchool books largo Interests of man's wholo to tho patterns of tho public schools, world. Tho solo reason why fow roughly estimated, is about GO women have yot reached tho great- cents. If California did not havo st heights of achievement that men tho free text-book lnw, th people havo nttnlncd Is that but few wo- of that state would havo paid out mon havo over yot had tho c:iance. ,$7.10,81 1.G0 for books, says nn ox-., . chnngo. lly deducting tho roynltlos, ; 4 '. which probnbly go out of tho stnto, j ; WITH THE TOAST I rm ,ySlf,V!iurornIn 18 B,,oull ' I I rt nnn art Mm In lint ntwl mntnt mm Jl LUUI oi; mu iiiuwi 4iii iiimv " AND THE TEA COOl) KVKXIXC i Olvo out frooly, always, In I thought and deed, but urge j no man's nccoptnnco of your j mfssago. It Is yours to offer, i nnothor's to receive; each must bo free, spontaneous, without I fonr, without nrotonalon or nf- rcctation or any son.. Selected. I.Ml'ltOYKMKNT Clil'llS XKIMIKI). IX Till: MIDST OK lill'H SOMH of tie resldonls of South Do not doubt mo whon I toll you Mnrshfleld Imve Innugurpted a I that Its really awful nrnn movement for tho formation of To bo rending from n monthly fn nn liniirnvniiintit club. Such nn ac-i mous fiction magazine. tlon would result In great good fort When tho hero's nt the morey of that section If It proceeds to tnko up tho work that needs to bo done. Thon Is an opportunity for real progress on civic lines In nil sec cost something, but tho inonry re-1 j . , mains In tho stnto nnd tho profit 1 goes to thoso who help pay tho i 'taxes and help moko tho state tno i groat commonwealth mat siio is. I In Oregon tho grpat bulk of this 'money goes to tho text-book publish lers In the cast. Very llttlo of It stays In tho state. I.ocnl iTeniers ii'o not ret enough profit to pay for tho handling of tho books nnd the 'rlinneiB nro thnt ninny will in tho futuro rofuso to do gratis work ovon If It Is In behalf of tho nubile schools. And no ono can bin mo them. Some of the dls'rlrts In the stnto aro already furnishing text-books free to tho school children, but ti enormous price pain lor inn hooks tnltps uwnv the funds thnt slmu'l go lo tho teaching forco or to other Im provements that aro bndly needed, j Oiokpii could with profit nnd sit-. Isfnctlon nubllsh Its own text 'jooks, tho vlllriin. snuorlng. grim. Who hns said he'll toar his victim flouh from bones nnd limb J and furnish Hum freo to overy c:illd from limb, tlon of Coos llav nnd ovory portion And the hero, calm, unruffled, looks of tho city stands In need of con-i tho villain In the eye, rcrted action by tno property hold-."For my country's sake, oh bound ers. I dog, I am not nfrnld to dlo! Theso Improvement clubs, nnd For my countiy almost dally doath thoro should bo ono In onch section In ninny forms I've braved!' of tho city, could not only Instituto And wo wonder whnt will happen, notion seeking to ndd to the spponr- for tho hero must bo saved! nnco of thnt particular pnrt of town lint n finely printed lino hero in but could nlso look nftor public torrupta us In the t'.xt, improvomonts ns woll. Cnmmniilty With theso cold nnd awful words, work could correct untidy condl- "To bo (ontlnuod in our tlons In any neighborhood nnd ndd noxt!" much to tho b nuty of tho city. , It is n general principle that The nbovo Is aggravating, but In thoro Is strength In union. Organ- fact 1 know of worso, (station can secure recognition whon Which bus often, very often, mndo Individuals obtnln scant recognition. me up and loudy curso; If your section of the ilty Is not When tin horo. fighting madlv with rocolvlng Its share or nttontlon back wgnlnst ,tho wall, from the City Council, orgnnle nn Flghta a bandit band and holds 'om Improv ment club. Tho Times off, n scor' or so In all; would like to see one In overy eo- lly his crack sbola with his rifle, tlon of the city. ho hns but ono bullet left, Which section will load this Im- Wo know tho lioro'll win. but doubt portnnt movoiuont? . what turn tho case will take, When wo nunr mo .nun rooi nuuu ; attending tho public schools. AVlIOIiKSOMU I'LHASrilKS. A IIOIMU'UIj SK3X. CTis in inovlos), crnck nnd break! ONK of tho hopeful signs of u re- . A , 7. ... ... turn of good binluwm Is tho , It tak-s n Cooh Uy woman to fr.t lliBt the United States 1'' lovo things that aro unbollo- In roilly coming Into Her own In n,)'0- , tho merchant tnnrluo traffic. Tho ., "" "" , , burenu of nrvlmtlon In u recent ro- Moat of our relatives nro about port says th United States hns in n3 hoIo to us ns empty tomato Its morchnnt shipping 27,010 vos- rni,B- sols with n grosH tounngo of 7.88G- ,. .7 . GOO tons. ThlH is tho largest ton- 8 Coos Iny men nover brnco nago In our history ami with tho ! becunHo they tako too ninny exception of Unrnt Ilrltuln, exceeds brneora. that of any othor two countries . . . -H-H- m.iiiii.i,i iviiii.. iiin .......i ... nar It n easy for n sympnthotlc wo of thlH wns const trndo, thoro woro man to iniiko nny man bollovo ho 1.027,77(1 tons carried In our own iovoh her. ships to foreign countries, tho Inrg- ... . ,7"" . , est nmouiit for twonty-sevon yonrs. W. ' Conrad Is nt work on n Tho output of our shipyards wns "'w K entitled "Its groat to Uoublo In I SU:i whnt It wns in 1912. Spoon to n Tnngo Tuno. I The kick of tho knocker lonvcth I no d nt In tho Joy of life, for ho OXR IS struck by n paragraph In Mrs. John A. Logan's book of rein'nlscenccn In which s'e snvs: "I d'Mii)' sor'ousiy if there is . now hn'f tho lmpnlneas niuonrc f'o I poonlo generally tint there wns In I thoro pioneer days, when all worked I hnrd, and nil enjoyed the holldnvs j nnd vonng lolnod In t" o sports and pnatltnes with an abandon of enti'u-, sIop'ii whifh sprlni' from henl"i"j minffl and bodies th"t hsve no' wn Mstlnteil hv too much leisure nnd ov-or-lndu'gonco." To some readers If mnv nnneT t lint tnis la only n romi (leius'on or -j one who looks back nffoctlonntely en a the "jr-oil o'd dayn." but to t'o ' a thoug tfui modern obsorver It 8evs 'A thnt our proient methods of amuse-' 3 menr nre orienor tno oxnggeruicu on- . w crimes of ovor-ltvlnlgencn thnn- the n ulifttnUMltia linlpn tlflli villlntl tllf1ltfn'1 'i .....v-i'.i ,....- .v.. ..... ...w.. tho plenpures of nn older era Wo " ; need to cultivate something of that if: nloneer snlrlt of slmnllclty nnd whole play If we would ren'lzo t'o snneit and safest sort of enjoymoiit. AXSVi:ilK OIVKN. thi: xi:w womaxiiood iri.rtiiMii i....i... ...i i. 'avnlloth naugh ' Hio end. UIV'H'llll 111" 1 1" I IIUWII 41 it It III II i II" ft ft ui iiurnn mnin"! iitij it III ' I T iiiiu- iiiiii iiiiiii- iziitui i'mii i r mi . . . tlon to culture. Tho help- ' W.10,0 i'jf. ll'Zt you JoHsirss of tho nnd the lov- ? ..." " '. V11-.. . ,L "L, now mndo their groat ennMlm Sonio men nro headed for tho nblonoss of tho child ovokod sym- nothliig: (let out nnd mix In boforo uiiiviiunn in i hit iiiiiii uiuituil o in- , , .in... ,vnv pathy nml tonderness from tho J011 ,lr "I n"f.,2! kiiiiiiui i uiiflu i iniiiiiun in tilt J ii innn In tlmo Influenrod the fntho. ; r ., ' , , M nn.l wnrkril wllli Hnclnl form nml I Some COOS Day 1110118 IOH) economic fnctora Z 'lay "the firs" I ? t tl,a Ul foundntlons of society nnd sottled ; lllu "'U18' L llfo. Tho children, tno, In keopl-ig t"; ' with the lnw that "n llttlo child ,. u1",.1" m,i ,,, ,, shnll Ip-i them." plnyed n part In ?, lu B "v. ,'i ' I ?, tho growth of masi'iillnn virtm. on '.. "'K J N' " ' Drslro to nroteM die women nnd l'liisnnt things pressing honvy on tho ch I ilrnn doi'ondimt on n innn J""' """ "-" --- Kvoryone wlio lovos you Loves to seo you smile, Lovos to soo you ehoerfiil And happy nil tho while. Smiling comes so onsy! Do not wonr a frown, If you fol ono rising, Always smllo It down. IJetter ho the man to cheer up mused mon to tf'o n long step for ward In th!r growth Into ehnrncler nnd moral personality. Women on tho wholo havo shown t'olr superiority to innn in tho flolds of sympathy and s If-sacrlflc-lng uUHOlflshness, Tho old-fashioned woman, when nt hor host ns a Penolopo or the mother of Orncchl, wns Mm lnvullimt ntcliivn nf liuninii iiHturo that tin world linu owr soun. I She wns ut nesce with horseir sail than to run n uolehbor down: poweaeed loy, Imchu she know hands are searco In the eheorliig-up that motherhood only wns hor groat- businoss. est Joy but her suproni" duty. To -tt-W conerve the heat In the llfo of the Think for yourself. Others enn soul nnd heart whs her function. do many things for you, but no mnn Th's loiiwervNtltfiu of women, this tun think for you. teuncltv of tenderness, piety nnd fnlthfulnoM. Is on of tho bedrock ADVANTAGES Oh' FltKi: TKXT rensons why the believers in tho now HOOKS, woman havo no anxiety as o tho , outcome of tho feminine develop- rrplIK or t-'auroruin uas pniii- mont now lu progress, This eon servntlsm of nature nnd advancing women keeps tho good In Whnt Is tho best land for UUM kittens? Lnplnnd. , Who wns tho first whlstlor? Tho wind. How ran you got water out of a bottle without breaking It or pull-, lug tho cork? Push tho cork lu. AMONG THE SICK Ocorgo Ilaydcn, who lias lioen qulto III at Empire, Is reported Im proving, Ho is n son of Or. Hay don. Mrs. It. A. Church, who Is receiv ing treatment at Mercy Hospital, is reported Improving. Pen. McCulloch, son of J. C. Mc culloch, of Hnvnes Inlet. Is qul'o 111 nt Mercy Hospital of nppondl vltls. Mrs. .1. W. Cnrtor, who ltes ben spondlng tho winter nt the ranch of her brother, nenr Cnmns Vnllov, re cently went to Ileseburg for treat ment nnd is so III there that sho can not roturn to tho ranch. Kd Howntt. filer nt tho C, A. Smith mill, Is suffering from a sovero at tack of trront trouble. Mrs. .1. X. Hayllss iin'orvont "" operation at Mercy Hosnltal this, morning and tho operation was a success. Sho stood the Bhock well I and rer many frlonds In Mnrshllo'd and Coqulllo will hope for hor enrly rocovery. I. N. Klngg. who rerontly uirlr wout nn operation nt Morey Hospi tal, was reported to bo gotting nloug nicely todny, much to tho gratifica tion of his many friends. MHXIOAX VKDKIIAL (Jl'XDOAT IvXTKIIS MISKISSIIMM HIVKIt IIt AMlie.l l"ri " nT TIiam 1 NKW OULKAXS. Fob. 11. Tho Moixlcan 1'odornl gunboat zarngosa, which arrived hero today, flrod a is just what the name implies. A removal of stock at almost your own price mJ us an offer on any ready-to-wear garment. No reasonable offer will be refur Next-to-nothintj prices in tne tonowing oepanmenis. MEN'S WOMEN'S COATS SUITS WAISTS CLOTHING SHIRTS HATS SHOES UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR HOSIERY Over 60 remnant pieces in Silk, Wool, and Cotton at prices ranging from 8r I CM OK linn lioi'fl ' "t PRICES ARE CASH A K WWK J&T m S" e RTD 1 WK M -anBia v J&p 'U? O'Connell Bldg., Market avenue. NO GOODS exchange! wr ivirn'jnw. iutchj t-a- r. -- l.c, n aM5vnBHwrivMa!!L2iLVf wwcaatiRricacaas We ooll HONEST furniture III flfrar WWW t - 'ivW'" j25U----f Mr. Wage-earner :- Our greatest pride Is In the fact that ve do an honest tuslness. Our furniture Is of good quality, correct In pattern, and priced at a fair figure. We claim nothing for our goods that, ve cannct PROVE. We want you to come In and examine our stock thoroughly, and you will be glad to deal with us. We will give you FAIR, SQUARE PRICES. GOING & HARVEY CO. Our stock of Bed-i Furniture was r more complete, DRESSERS from $7.50 to- $47.50 BEDS from $3.00 -to- $35.00 Our 1914 stock of F-l and Dressers have jJ arrived. Call and them, You are wetol SPECIAL!' while they last, 9x12 Tapestry Bros: Rugs, $11.65 Going Harvey G Complete Home Furnishers NKW YOHK. Fob. II. No Bonsou.AuBustn. Inaon will "show" Ills Brooklyn payors how to run bases nml liow to bIIiIo. If ho does, look out for Bolsinlc shocks down In GeorKln, j with tho contor of disturbance lu saluto of twonty-ouo kuiib ns she without Its coppor-facoil Bonsations.j it looks ns though Ilan Johnson linseed Into tho Mississippi Hlver past 'l',,,0' 8n' t,lnt Jo Grnvos, tho In- hns pot to come to tho lawyers nftor IRVING BLOCK N n,l in., I illntrlluitnil frfn to tho dvaiiciK tlio sihool children or that I Jnokson barracks, hut tho saluto "'an. who has Just been iluB up by all. Kvor slnco John M. Ward nlck tho old coinmonwonlth 1.4C5.903 text books was not returned by tho United States Homlor for tho world's champions, 'od him for $1000 worth of llbol a iiouiujuuuimui.-. , ..,-. troops. CommlssIoiKT Rodforn. of will make n sensation whon h- Joins few years aj;o, Dan has had llttlo uso " - tho ImmlBrntlon office, pavo lustruc- the Athletics In I'hlladolphla boforo for tho profession, nut now It Is tlonB for an Inspector to meet tlio ik. univus is oniy jj years oiu up to tho courts to stavo off tho ZaraRosa whon she docked to nscer- n"' stands 0 feot 1 Inch In his outlnws. tain If an attempt wns bolus mado hkiiib ieei. up s a umppown Evon tlin iPrfinK tn Bn,nrtpa to brim; nllons Into tho country un- lmimn n(l w"8rfa on "i0 '""'"".brouBht about by tho comlnc of tho lawfully. lLT,:v",i" "L""?. Ju"h.0-ri -:Plo?nl I.ensuo.y has lu drawbacl tl a world of speed, Kood control nSnllZi llJS J&kP26&&M sSS00 CLEARANCE SALE In re-arranging our Shirt stock we find quite a number of lines of which there are but a few shirts of a kind. We have priced them low in order to effect a quick clearance. $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Shirt values, your choice. Sizes 14 to 18. $1.15 All laundered Your choice of our entire stock of Men's $22.50, $25, and $27.50 Suits and Overcoats. All wool, well made. Sac window display. $16.50 We guarantee satisfaction CI.OTIIIHIIS ClUTICISi: STYMSS. fASON CITY, la.. Fob. 11 A an assortment of curves. C. F. Murphy, son of tho late M. threo-day sosslon of the retail cloth- Yi'nvr i J p lers of tho Stnto of Iowa hoglns horo "', , ' Vvont today. The central tliome of the school to prepa slBned up for princely salnrles have I been furnished Income tax blanks I by vulfinr Government agonts. Now rv r. .M.i... ikiin a--i i i . w. .uui niv. uuinHiv inuiiur nc e t.m.. o aninHun ...m i.i..,. lAH.. !. AH In I. : " ..WM Mill Dill IIIU i UIIIIB)lvaillil, HUH Oil- T fTlnlron l l . . .1 WWW ...nw la III lutur ui iiiu uj- socloty for tho sun . . .. . .. A wviiwui iu iijuiumi; iui l uniiaiiiaillU. I i. - " . . :?ZT2 Z ' I0 "5 .0,"".V,r." U '8.17 years of ao. nnd a splen -.... ...... ..-... .... ,... ...,....., .,, nn.roiinii ntnioto. cr surplus morcunuuiso win uo uis-1 Tho nallfornin rnotimii Asnoin. voiuninniB BKoiBnty-eiBi't nrdcies cuesuii. J"8"!)!KaXtfoK ' - '"' '-"'"' ''. nresslon nf wrltnra nf hb1hb nrllnloa Thloto ' an a spion-, Tnker 8ays tl)at hM pcrn',V-,iook o t-A,i,ii,J contalnlns BkelRhty-elcl't articles d. t0IU by linnni,no,,8 consent, hns de- aliut. ''"'sf JiowlnB ronsons cldod to nfflllnto with tho t'nlted ' lie wl1' nn" w'11 not J"n,l t,,e -. , ,. oiitivo ruuiuiui i"inui'iuiiiiu III VIM r- . i. T "-- " -..,..,,... H . v..w ..-- - me u This decision slvos California l,u ' i'"-e in mans lire, ovon n- an inrereauiib - ,on oi1" t i.i d.-.fnnt seTen-il to tho Los Angles club o: Harry Clark. mane'.j waiiKeo jii-iiiiu" .-- or,ca ''"nni'tt1 out nnd the indications n ni-.i. .innn not come to'':'. Willi l nv.v ..-- - ill Hr substantial raise In t" ' tract. It will not be & mil' will hop to the FW I" co"f,CtI?il..HJ?ml h ftl or tno Mcrui"-7 ,,-, ,..n niirinlp.i for Unto-". 'i!' srsSffii .'tnatVll le WtJ !. oHo All " IIIIIUI ". lilm. KW Williams. i UIIAUI, lo " Mir couion. ti r.rtJ&r' 1lilln Pnllinl. 01 p3".,, I.n Anceles and wlUi tactics that hlnH tho"Kld"wHlleablwr I ci.KVisi.A.NU. o.. feu. II in players a chanco to ho choson for. ""'""J- "J"1 ,0 "aa rtoii!li of It. Tho sreai nBWdI holding examinations, tho civil sor- tho American team which will co Hol'lo Zelder's jump to the Fo'er- whether or not ors" lUj vico comniisBton manes no niiowanco to Ierlln for tho Olympic games In r,B "as fanou forth tiio usual back for experience, ko Thoiuns Diman. Sr.. mic. . fire from lnnisnntea nnd eastorn wrlf- , inynii Miaiiii ohjit-i iiiiniuvui ui i nnin(i funs wiio v on Chics- "'" l" l " ii io iornier aox oeon uiw,lu' ", at ii'i , markets, today gives place to Thorn- K08 orti, 8Wp i,nve VRei to t10 Infloldor Is no good anyway nnd nov-tho foe has wcxcu ld0SJJ ! Hb ijukkii. ji i uu, iwu uitbm' gupoort or tne new roileral Loaguo or "'" " nn?sn. fully pnssed the exswlnntioiu and club. In order to dlsni-nrntlm. Jimmy McGlinchev. the Irish licht- 1ms been appointed to succeed bis statement that the north side will walght of PMIadelnhla. Is Katttur hn father. The commission is today not suunort "big leacnes" baseball, I Idea now thnt he Is n better fleMer nouuug ijis or luscnanicui vans-.tiy doiiu to n ponuintlon or 5S2.- man manager, as no has not mndo a men of the second grade. -"W, not Including Fvnnston. in Jus- fortune since he las been acting as Itlflcntlon of tho Federal Loiguo In-' his own business mnn. Have you,' Job prlntlug dono at ,pstment, I Mnacer Griffith has parted with The Times office. I Rumor lias It that Wllbert Rob- his Love. Griff has released 'Slim" fighting the Fefwi nnd visible signs of & , boon observed. anl p .. hns wnxcu 'a,..,i rot" enclaves and ins g-Qi i,n wnr. Dleae label iw j Ib flourishing "i'VtVrrW under the Vwtti. If you nove anyrt'l trade, or "" The Times office- ' MW&J iw-sra