ir?T rwTT' IRE OFTEN Z WITH A "PUSH ACQUIRES GREATER THINGS THAN JM "PUl L .ri, yom 'H'B .... mini!!. 1!4- m ,,ic ..B,h.!': ." init Hiioiwii. W ". ,,. ,, ,lv. In The rt.0,r.-,ilrniNMl III mo " ' Intrt"' fflflflB tfaji oTttttea MEMBER, OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS COOS HAY TWIHS. A clean, wholesome newspaper fcir Coos County homos. Tile Times 1ms (he largest proved circulation of any newspaper In Coos, Curry or Doug las comities. xxxvn. iMiililM'e'l 1878 s The Const Sin 1 1 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1914 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall Mn 171 and Coos Hay Advertiser. nUt ' ,H- EB TODAY 10 END S. P. DHL OF CENTRAL PACIFIC L, Rnnnral McReynolds Biles Noted Case at sail LHKU. ON WILL AFFECT Q The rttoinu uunwi . i'J!..ii I June nf TAn ybUDS.u.a.yu. r. ...- w?irTni-"r Anil-wieiutsi "" b.-iMYiMinTii""" - Tim tivv.. vi. 11. Attorney KdSIelWmold. filed a Bhorman, halt hero l0UU' lu "" r, C Pacific's control over tho Li tracIHe railway nml its Bub- bpacliic consi i"""!"'"" VOLLMER WIS 1 1 lutI.UK Ml'B HKIT FOUND. ri.p l'roin Slrmns-on Fir,..i,i AkIkiii. In Alaska ,Aili'J Pm 1 Codl "' THiiw.1 icinvnTON. I). C. rob. 10. prctcrvcr bearing tho nnmo Ink" the whaling vessel on h vilhjalmiir StcfniiBson, tlio lc explorer, linncil, aim wimii !nt reported In August off Point dw, tho norincrnmusi puim ui U has been washed nalioro nt liol, Alukn. , Li was reported to tlio United is Bureau of Education by Wll- T, IPP. liiier or mo iiuronu a Jit division. iM'IIIM.i: (Hill if F.UIint CARES IOIt IIKIl President Wilson Pleased Ov er Democratic Victory in Second Iowa District inr AwikhIM I'ith to Coo, Iltr Tlinra.1 WASHINGTON, f). C, Fob. 11. Tlio election of Honry Vollmor, of Davenport, tlio Doinocrntlc cnntll dnto for Congress from tlio Second Jown District, wns tlio occaulnn for n general rojolclng In ndmlnlHtrntlon lllr AmocUIH I'm, lo Coo, ll Tlmn.1 ROME, Feb. 11 A eoiiBiiltntlon In regnrd to tlio condition of Vewsel and Congressional circles horo today. .inrlc8 ComlBlcoy, president of tlio CPUS. COISKEY S VERY ILL President of Chicago American League Baseball Club is Sick in Rome , comiskev better. I tlljr AwoilMoil lnti lo Coo, liar TlniM.J I ROME, Feb. 11. Charles conilBkey, president of tlio Chi cago Club or tl.o American Leagues, wns well enough today to go with members of tho Am erican baseball teams to tlio Vnt lcnn, whero tho pnrty was re ceived by tho Pope. Immediate ly nftorwnrd Comlskoy went to n medical Institute for an X-ray examination. The examination showed nothing serious. M 1 TRY TO BISHOP Suffragettes Endeavor to At tack London Divine En Route to Parliament WOMEN SENTENCED. I fir AiuoclitFil rrci, to Cooi Il.r TltnM.J LONDON', Feb. 11. Seven militant suffrngcttcs were sen tenccd to four dnys Imprison ment each for obstruction and assaulting In connection with tho police attempt last night to arrest Mrs. Emmellno Pnnk hurst. The women declined to furnish security to keep tho penco for six months. lOONALD GOES ! TO COUNTY JAIL Accused of Cashing Worthless Sight Draft No Word From Friend . ... . ti. rti.A oHl Nfiri'i n MnHnnn 11 tlifu ttinrtilntr I Cfo fS.V.5 X 'jyasliound over to .hol Jur y K wiuonv oi me sinio iiuiiiHiriiu ocuuui -f ''.;." ." "" v fiielr winter homo at Fort iirn cuinuiii in ii.iiiiiu .luiui- ----r.- - , v --' - tj' in., b or v. wiiero lui will eVnZllo.mmniHtwl to the In- Mut protunsM. In default of mqo ,,,, ., '&. "I '"', , '., m . I.n nlk I. s ( ----.. . . , .. ,. '.r..a ml, provided her Jm"- ,,0 wn".tnk?? to, tho rou"ty'tho laboratory hero in to'.nko l.or Into nil ft CoauH - Mil- nfternoon by ,,'n enlaTod nnd largo or her. A weok L0"8. "l' ,V ,", L.?.?:.. ,.,., , .'of rhemlcnlH nnd "toolB" Chicago Amerlcnn Has-bnll Club. who was takon sorlously 111 on the train between Naples and Home, was held today by loading specialists. It wns decided to submit Comlskoy to mi oxnmlnntlon under Hoontgon rays. Ills Illness Is sn-oro Indiges tion with marked symptoms. Tho patient wns hotter yesterday. KD1SO.V HAH HIKTHDAV. "The Wlanl of Klcctrlety" ! Hl-ty-seven YviUH Old Today. WKST OHANOI3. N. J.. Feb. 11. Tlionins A. Kdlson will colobrnto today his sIxty-Boventh Jilrthdny. Mr. Kdlson Is still very actively?, cn KiiKed In cxporlmentnl and ronearch work, dosplt tho number of years o for Mayor, eom-As has recently quantities shlnnoil In It, tho working pnrt looks moro prob tnr Aocl,tKl I'rrn lo t"oo H TIdm 1 LONDON, Fob. 11. Militant suf fragettes mndo a stronco effort yes terday to provont tho Illshop of London from attending tho opening 'session of tho Houso of Lonrds, whoro ho Is n mombor. Tholr lro wns particularly directed npalnst. th Ilishap for his alleged whitewash ing of tho Government In a roport on tho prison treatment of suffra gettes. Tho Illshop's resldonco In Ft. Jumes Squnro waB plckted ear ly In tho dny by women. Along tlio rnuto from Trucklnglinm Pnlnco to tho Houso of Lords, tho authorities took strict precautions to provont nny attempt on tho pnrt of suffra gettes to break up tho procession or roach tho king with n petition. n i DEATH PENALTY FOR DISASTER A 6 IS Six Mexican Outlaws Hanged for Causing Cumbre Tunnel Disaster (Ilr Amo"Ii1 fmt b mio Tir Tlmn.) EL PASO, Toxns, Fob. 11. Maximo Cnstlllo nnd six followers, credited with having caused tho Ciimhro tun nel dlsnster, woro enptured nnd exe cuted Monday near Pearson, Chihua hua, according to a telegram to Villa at Juircz. Tho messnge, Villa said, en mo from CouBtltutlounlist officials. ONE KILLED IN AIR COLLISION Maximo Castillo and Six Fol lowers Executed Summar ily For Crime KILLED TRaInLOAD IN BIG CUMBRE TUNNEL Desperadoes Finally Rounded Up and Given No Quarter by Incensed Troop KIXCJ GF.OnOH'S SPEECH Itlon from Ilcml it will osreo nml rnrn fni I ' . .. ... AIilIiamiiIiI It...! lumn 1i.iIj1 f t h .. i lim hl ln''Xllliir Willi IllinlllllP .in imiuui null uvuu nvui i"l neaped from tho Institution, ro,l,u? of ,,n'B t0. "'V'.' h!m. ,l ,:mil:o.nblo thnn tho vacation. Iilore then efforts hnvo boon ox- fV1 J ,.'"y :" n,.H. 0'0Rrn l" I looking to llOr parolO. " -"l" i uimuni, .m nuuiii I mi nuuw. iv niHiii- until ii'i r-i nun , which ho hnd Hugh Siwddon Indnrso. lAiS fLT A Ilr II 'ii'MVUHii, mi iuii,v nun u uii iuu;n- inP Till illl 'l om Clinpin nnd tho officers do iliS liiiirlll .nor think thoro will ho nny. I I rill! IU MrDonnld taught school for n IVW I 'M. Id 'l. .,, I.V.Irlm. lit luia hn.n linflir. lug uround Coitilllo mid Mnrshflold , for Homo t lino. Ho was undor sua- plclon In ronnectlon with Miller nnd .VnuKlinn In both tho Myrtlo Point lmnk robbory nnd the horo stonl- Ing enses on tho upper Coqulllo. I but no doflnlto ovldcnco wns Heciirod agnlntft him. McDonnld hns nnd llttl.- mnnoy .lioro nnd hns borrowed from nny i 00 to SCHMIDT TO DIE. Xew York Murderer Sentenced Electric Clmlr. lllr Av4lr.l rrM lo Coo, IUr TlmM.J NEW YORK, Feb. 11. linns Schmidt wns sentenced today to dlo In tho oloettic ehnlr within tho week beginning Mrreh 2:i, for tho niurdor or Aunn Aumiillor. Safety nt Sea mttl Homo Hulo Theme "of Sim'im'Ii I'roin Throne tnr AMotittci Prffi to coo, vj Timf.i LONDON, Fob. 10. King Oeorgo opened tho fourth robsIou or tho present Hrltlsh Parllnmnit yestor day. Queen Mary nnd tho Klnn both woro tholr crowns nnd bril liant rnln's. Only n few privileged strangers woro ndmlttod to tho houso. Police nnd soldltrs, whoso duties on those occnnlons hnroloforo has boon lnrgoly pnrfunc'ory. searched ovory corner of the collnrs anil vnults for suffrngettPs. The recent conference on snfety of life at sen nnd homo rulo for Irolnnd, were subjects of Importance In King Oeorgo'B speech from tho throne. For the most nnr' ts wni the usunl col"rlpHs recltnl of ovents nlrondy recorded. (TWO OTHEI(S 1X.IUHED IX SOUTH ! AFHICA WHEN FLYIXG .MA- CHINKS COLLIDE AND OCCU PANTS FALL TO KAHTII. i ID r AmOiIhIM Prrf lo CoA, nf TIniM 1 JOHANNISTIIAL. Gormnny. Fob. ill. A blplnuo nnd monoplnuo col lided In mid-air over tho norodroino I today, causing the death of ono nvl 1 ator nnd the sorlous Injury of two I others. Gorhnvd Gcdlmnyor, nn ox I perloncod' ntrmnn, wns flying In n blplnuo, currying n nnssongor. Liout. ! Leonhnrdt of tho the Gorman nrmy. Thoy woro circling tho aerodrome nt u height of 100 feet whon tho mach ine crashed Into a blplnuo In wi lull Degnnr, a pupil nt n flying school, wns making his first Indopondont flight. Hoth mnchluos foil. Whon tho men woro oxtractod from the wreckage Dcgnor wns found dead nnd tho other two seriously hurt. JIUKUTA HUYS A H.MS. lllr AMotlate.l fun lo Coo, P7 TlinM.) MODILE, Aln., Feb. 11. President Ilucrta has bought J 10,000 ririos and a half million rounds of nmmuultlon of a con cern nt Montgomery for ship ment to Vera Cruz through this port, nccordlng to tho announce- 1 mont of the Mexican consul hero. A dlspnteh' from Montgomery confirmed tho snlo. OUTIIHEAK OF YAQUIS. India" On Warpath To Add To Joys of Old Mexico. inr Atorilel I'itm to Coo, !lr Tlmm.1 DOUGLAS, Ariz., Fob. 11. YnquI outrages hnvo bocomo so provnlent In Ronoin Hint General Alvuro Obregon hns decided to furnish mllltnry es corts to all travelers, nccordlng to dlBpntches received today from Hor moslllo, tho Constltutlonnll8t capital, Tho first escort of twenty-flvo Con stttutlonnllst soldiers nccompnnlod a niiilo pnck-trnln which loft Ilorino slllo yesterday, hound for Uros, nonr which point the Indians hnvo boon most nctlvo In their bnndlt oporn-tlons, Al'TKIt HAXIHT GANG orious California Unable to furnish Bond Gillinan Also Held ono Hint ho could. Ho also nnwiiodl n watch nnd somo other, nrtlclos. KE RLU W B;iiUlM rpri lo Coo, JUr TIium. NKRANCISCO, Feb. 11. Un to furnish rash linll In Mm of 5000 cash or bonds for $10.- ."urey i. iKKg, former Stnto itect. and Wnii r fiinitm.. imu Jion oil Ncw Year's ovo, woro i to the county Jnll today wiioro ! OOlt remain Until linll In i-lvnn i MU they are hrniifht in trlnl I JPerlOT Court nil n nnvrwn f I i..i :... "". " v'" "M '- "muii, prortrred ngulnst i ind Paul II. Spott, by Ida " Blrl Who swonrs lin In . . . i.i- wn yean. ohi. spott is out. txpiorer bteranssen wires :? uao ims been set for Thnt His Vnssc and Men "ALL SAFE" frill, but If tlln rrltlllnnl nnln.lnl ihA ......i ....:" "."."" "" . ,?."""' lunnw, 1110 caso Will loir be rpn-lin,i i., . .. i..iBh.?.r.,ff KRRpr8 BnUl that .77 r,wvm woul(l llavo "no th ii...i .ul,Bl,LH "inn ni- Ml ri.- '"hiid iiuu ueon; U, In y Wl" b0 klt 'Iocko, I Fr cells excentlntr thrnn i.nnrni Are Well inr AMOtUle.I rrw to Con, nr Tlmw.l OTTOWA, Fob. 11. A message was received today from Explorer Vllhjnlmur Stofnnsson In which ho oxpresscd tho bollof that his vessol, Kcrluk. nnd Its crow nro snfe. Tho excepting threo hours ' Blitp was caught In tho Ice, drifting ' hen they will exorcise QMAG ESP SAFE ITE ICE awav whllo Stofansson and threo companions woro on tho North Al nskan const hunting. Thov mndo tholr wny to Point Harrow nnd whon tho meBsngo wns dispatched here woro encamped at Colllnson Point engaged In scientific Investigation. tl UaaTffWv?d.q?w eral Days' s J ' SSreMcv:"r'r,'n, fie IVT ?d well." Part :A U? ." r-Blx had h c,arr,ed a cew of nT.,?aa. been ockwi in m. i 'tsa?ig;New,oundlB,,di I UU,) HtVEYINO FUND. &TON, D. p PAl L."0 w a rpm,.;. '." .- ra iv...."ii irom snrvnvm.i aberlMa win i,rt,and' Senator' i 8 funrt in. , "regon land 1 19 130 Son f rca8.ed frm 20.' . "V.O00 for the next fiscal I THE COOS BAY TIMES has the LARGEST CIRCULATION of any newspaper published in COOS, CURRY OR DOUGLAS COUNTIES PROVED BY GOVERNMENT REPORT AND OFFICIAL LIST ON FILE WITH COUNTY CLERK CO.YEV FOH GOVEItXOH (Hf ..rt. rT., lo Coo. lur Tlm., fDolnyed In transmission) MASSILI.ON. O.. Fob. 10 "Goti- eral" J. S. Coxoy, loader of nn nrmy of unemployed from Mnsslllon to Washington In 1804, nunoiinced IiIh cnndldncy for Governor of Ohio on tho Soelnllst ticket nt tho prlninrles next AugUBt, JOIN EVERS i CUB MANAGER PHOHE CHIIISTM iS DISASTEH. Want Coiiv;iwn to Investigate Cain met Tmccdy. (nr Amu IticK Prrt. to Coo, Ilr Tlmoi.J HANCOCK. Mich.. Feb. 11. An Investigation by n congrosslonnl sub committee of tho Itn'lnn Hall dlsns ter nt Cnlumot nn Christmas ovo was nsked by O. N. Hilton, counsel for tho Western Federation of Minors. Hil ton chnrged thnt tho disaster was cnuscd by n mnu wearing a Citizen's Alllanco button. BULLETIN HELD LOTTERY Fremont Older and R. A. Crothers Charged With Violating Federal Law (Ilr AiKKlitMi TrtM lo Coo, l!r Time,.! STOCKTON, Cal., Feb. 11. Com plaints asking for tho arrest or Fre mont Older'and R. A. Crothers, edi tor and publisher respectively of the San Francisco Bulletin, were issued here today charging them with a misdemeanor of conducting a lottery through tho columns of tholr paper, Tho complaint was sworn to uy ue tectlvo J. McKlndsoy. ALASKA HILL UP. nr AuocltKd Pri to Coo, Br Time,. WASHINGTON. D. C, Fob. 11. Consideration of tho Alaska railroad bill was begun today In tho Houso. To expedite Its passage tho Chamber lain bill, which had nlready passed In the Senate, was considered as a substitute. The bill's supporters ex pect Its passage soon. AGED NOVELIST MAHIUES Dj AMOcl.teJ Prru lo coot Far Tlmw. (Delayed In transmission) LONDON, Fob. 10. Thomas. Har dy, the British novelist, was mar ried today to Miss Florence Dug dale, his secretary. He Is In bis seventy-fourth year. FetprtratorN of Tunnel Disaster Aro , Cloxely Pursued. ' (Or AMofUtM I'm, to Coo, liar -ImM.) JUAREZ, Fob. 11. Ilnndlt lond or Cnstlllo nnd fourteen of th hand whoso extermination hnB boon or dered by Gonornl Villa ns tlio ro sult or tho Cumbro tunnel dlsnster, wns Inst scon nt Pnchln, n sninll Mormon colony In Wcstorn Clilhun htm, according to Information Just received hero. Castillo Is report ed headed north with n detachment of rebel troops In pursuit. Manager Chanc? Announces That He Will Outbid Fed erals for Him (Ilr Aolilrl I'rru lo roo, liar TlmM. 1 LOS ANOELES. Fob. 11 Frank Cr.nnco, mnnagor of tho Now York American Longuo tonni, said today ho was In tho flold to got Johnny Evers, tho Chicago Cub mnnnnor de posed yesterday by Murphy- "I do not enro what tho Federal Longuo offers," ho snld, "I will pay more." W T VOTEION RELAND BILL Note Home Rule Measure Brought Up For Discussion in Parliament Again nr AMoeltled Pt, to Coo, D.r Time. LONDON, Fob. 11, Tho question whether homo rule for Ireland should Includo tho northern province of Ul ster, was discussed again today In the House of Commons. Sir John Sim ons, Attorney Genoral, dofoatod the Unionist amendment to reply to tho king's speech. This amendment de clared "It would bo disastrous to proceed further with tho government for Ireland bill until tho measure had been submitted to tho Judgment of tho country." The attorney genoral said "The real purpose of this amoudment Is to tear up the parliament act even in the event of a general election re turning the Liberals to nower. It would bo a now parliament and the House of Lords would be frco to block tho homo rulo bill for another threo sessions." I I Along the Waterfront. The Grace Dollar has been char tered to take a cargo from here soon for the Coqulllo Mill and Mercantile company to San Luis Obispo. llrllS MINER'S BE BIG PLANT! smE OF STRIKE Manager Ward Says They Will Start Mill June 1 Plan Other Plants Tho Brookings Lumber Coin p any will soon have a plant nt Brookings, In tho Southern pnrt of Curry Coun ty, that will bo somowhnt of a rival for the C. A. Smith Company's plant on Coos Bay, according to Mnnngor Ward of tho land nnd tlm bor departmont of tho company, who wns lioro last week. Mr. Ward was hero especially to look into tho assessments of tho local lumber mills In order to get a basis for tak ing up tholr Brookings assessment with tho Curry County Assessor, Mr. Wnrd snld that thoy oxpoct to bo oporatlng ono side of tholr big mill about Juno 1. The big mill, whon completed, will hnvo n capacity of about 250,000 feet per ten-hour shift but thoy do not ex pect to opornto on that scalo until thoy completo tholr harbor improve ments to permit shipping. Thoy are also putting In a re-mnnufnetur-lug plant. Thpy nro arranging to put In n creosoto plant nnd also othor by product plants Inter. Tho oldor Mr. Brookings Is spending Ills time nt Brookings, whllo ono of his sons Is In San Francisco, The. company owns about 30,000 acres of Curry County tlmbor nnd cstimnto that It will take at lenst fifty years to cut off tholr timber. They are building sovon miles of logging road now, but will bo ablo to float In considerable of their logs. Tho steel has been put on two miles of tho road; four miles of It has been graded nnd tho bnl nnco surveyed nnd ready for construction. John R. Lawson Testifies Concerning Peonage in Colorado Trouble nr AmocUIM I'm to Coo, IUy Tlm. J DENVER, Fob. 11. John R. Lnwson. Colorado mombor of the Intornntlonnl oxocutlvo board of the Unltod Mlno Workers, testified bo foro tho houso Investigating commit too concerning the mlno strlko. Rop rosontntlvo Byrnes nskod about poon ago. "Wo hnvo tho affidavits of four Mexicans," tho witness said, "who woro brought from Texas and put to work In tli" mlnos. Tho guards took tholr shoes to provont tholr wnlklng out of enmp," Tho witness rolnted tho nllogod Importa tion of strikebreakers, which ho said was In vlolntlon of Govornor Am nion's original order to tho militia, Ho produced two letters nddrossod to "Mother" Mary Jones, which ho said were not dollvorod during her pres ont Imprisonment in Trinidad. Tho letters woro reglstorpd nnd indorsed "Addresseo Is mllltnry prisoner nnd dollvory cannot bo effected." Theso woro ndmlttrd ns evidence, Ropro sontntlvo Byrnes said ho would ques tion tho PoBtmnstor of Trinidad rol ntlvo to tho non-delivery. TO PROTECT CONGHKSSMKN Crlmo lo IniperMMinto Members or Other U. S. Officials Br Aorilt FT", to Con. Pr Tlmej.l WASHINGTON. D. C, Fob. 11. Impersonation of CongreBsmon or other officers of tho United States has been mndo a crlmo by a recent Senate bill. Persons professing to have Improper Inlluonco with Con gressmen also will como within tho provisions of tho measure Hare your Job printing done at Tho Times office. Pr"le.1 Fmt to Coo, TI17 TlmM.J HANCOCK, Mich., Fob. 11. The congressional sub-commltteo Inquir ing into conditions In tho copper i country mlno strike decided today to i hold hearings at Cnlumot to Investi gate mo linuan Jiau iraguuy mure on Chrlstmns ovo In which' soventy four lost their lives, POSTAL BANK STILL GROWS Tho Mnrshflold Postal Savings Bank continues to grow at a falr rate, On summing up this depart ment today, Postmnstor Curtis found that thero are now 213 de pogiinrs and the total deposits aro $32,790. During tho month of Jan uary, tho deposits Increased ?121C. 4