The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 10, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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0 1
(Continued from I'ngo Ono.)
Jnc wlioro tlicro wn only h fow
contB difforenco In tho cost,
Councthunn Ferguson, V. U. Dotiulna
and others protested ngnlnst tho city
being required to pay tho extru cost
on tho llgt.t traffic paving.
In addition to giving tho bltullthlc
iho gonornl hard paving for 1911, tho
Council throw out the bids an tho
North Front street Job and ordered
It re-let bo that bltullthlc could bo
jjtit In thore. Under tho first bids It
under tho roots of a treo 12T yours
old was still firm.
O. H. Dntson made a talk In favor
of bltullthlc nnd later Hugh Mcf.nln
declared that some of Ills remarks
wco misleading.
V. K. Moagland saM the property
ovnors wanted the best paving.
HiicUlnglmm'M Opinion.
City Hnglncor Hucklnghnm said
that all four kinds of paving were
ntnndard and that there wns only a
few centB difforenco on the voavy
.traffic pnvlng. Ho said this differ
ence would not amount to $300 on
Mm lilcceBt lob. Howovor. on tl"o
but 'Ight traffic pnvlng. ho pointed out
that t in lowest tcntativo mil wns
seven cents higher thnn the Coos Uny
Original . Idea for uregon oiom:i that r. i mm ok
Riiilrllnrt at Fair in San : NORTH PACIFIC WANTS SMITH
Council Grants Business Men
Right to Construct It Af
ter Discussion
After a prolonged discussion, J.
rtl tlnittilifnii nn.l ! Pni1tnti rntt.
raving pompnny has boon la.N'ug I. rcgoIltlng Ccntrni nvonuo business
lto further nnliited out tl'nt tho bl
tullthlc wns about twenty-five rents
nor yard hinder thnn tho bltumlnouB
bid on the light paving.
Secret Ilallot.
Flne'lv a secret ballot wns taken,
cecli Councilman writing down tho
would had to bo paved with olthor 1 1 t i 'I- of paying ho proferrcd It re
? nnd $1.G0 on tho light K8 for wood b locks.
K, tho latter being tMr- Votct Hlg i I Id.
per yard Icbh thnn their,, Counrllman Albrceht Insl
ro bid, nlth'ough tho1 " ndoi.tloii was for be h'
"bituminous or sheet nsphnlt, tho lnt
tcr being slightly tho cheapest.
Kntcr New Hid.
Tho L, .1. Smith Construction com
pany put In a now tentntlvo bid Inst
nlglit, bidding $2.08 on tho heavy
traffic pnvJng
traffic paving
ty-flvo contH
first tentative
epcclflcntlons for tho paving woro
jdlghtly rcdtico'l. In nddltlon to this
It wns mndo a pnrt of tho now bid
thnt tho company wns to hnvo tho
North Front street contract at tho
first bid and that at least 10,000
ynrds of addltlonnl paving was to bo
-Jnld during tho yenr,
Thoro was a big crowd present nnd
el" I to a fow participated In the dis
cussion. Mr. Arnold of tho Warren
Conipnny,i Hugh McLnln representing
wood blocks, W. V. Douglas roprc
Fontlug sheet nsuhnlt, and Otto Mor
rlssoy representing tho bituminous,
discussed tholr paving. Hugh Mc-Laln
made a plea for the wood blocks iih
a l'oino product nnd building un
Jiomo Industry. A. Y. Myora, Hugh
Sneddon, Clnude NnHbiirg. I). I.
Hood, Dr. Taggnrt nnd other pronor-
ty ownors wero present and talked, I
nulled In throo votes for bltullthlc
nnd ono for wood blockB. Councllnicn
Doll and Copplo bolng nbsent.
Later romnrkB Indlrnted that Al-bree'-r.
HvortBon nnd Wilson voted
for hltnllthle nnd Councilman Fer-
slstod that
light and
benvv traffic paving, mo said that
tho Council was not auctioning It off
but wanted In p'ny fair with tlio blcl
dorfl. Ho Bald that ho favored i-onio
ronccniB but ho wanted tho paving at
n low prlro nnd wuntcd now con
cerns brourht In hero. Ho Bnld thnt
tli'o J. I,. Sniltli compnny'H Inst bid
wns lint Ingltlmnto.
W. U. Douglas kicked vigorously
ns n proporty owner against tho
Council choosing bltullthlc for the
residence section, stiylng thnt tf'ey
wero saving n couple of emits In tho
biiBliiPBB district nnd loBlng twenty
flvo cents per ynrd In tho residence
Hugh Mel.nlu Insisted thnt the
Couiirllmen go on record about tho
reuldeimo Bectlon pnvlng. Mnyor Al
len called for ovprossloiiB nnil Al
brccht, Kvertsen nnd Wilson declared
for bltullthlc.
""' "J r",."..JLa.".l"JJ?r l'"0J-i CoiincllniPii Ferguson Insisted Hint
"VU ... . 'A1""..' ",r" ""r'nrt ving , r0r,y owners bo nllowed to
-TT.VEV.T.L .'U1".,lnvo the'r snv about this as
either bituminous or wood blocks.' ."ST "" " 7 it '"'" r. '"'
Jlugli Sneddon fevered tho l.ltunitn. , . ' r twe tv-rivo ct, tH . or v ur. vnH
oufl. D. L. Rood thought that tlio L' Hi?
Klecl'iiti Aptu-ncd.
The Council npprovod the o'etlon
nf Den KnntliiK us chief nnd Homer
Vniijrov ns nHHlBtunt chief of the
proporty ownorfl ought to sign up,
stating t' o kind thov wnntod.
City Attorney flos snld thnt tho
Council could not bind Itself to one
kind of pavement for n veer nnd thnt
if tho property ownors, by n big
cnnjorlty, petitioned 'or n certain
lud of pnvlng tho Council would bo
pretty nut h grnnt tbolr roniiPit.l
tunt is, ir tup nniicy nf the past four
Alnrshllell Kim I)oinrtinont. V'o re
tuniM of t'o bnllotlng being presented
by Win. SIppii nii'l II. Petty.
ItniiHnn I'lorcodlng.
Muvnr Alton Biiggested In. Chnlr-
mon, woro given permission to put
In tho slip for small boats at tho
foot of C ntrnl avenuo nt once, tho
slip to be built under tho supervis
ion of tho City Knglneer, Tho slip
Is to ho tho width of tho street audi
extend out ten feet of tho twenty-five
feet betweon the dock lino nnd tlio,
harbor lino. !
Mr. Hnrrlgon oxplnlned that tho
committor bad raised tho money to j
build tho slip nnd been given per-1
mission by tho old wntcrfront com
mittee of tho Council to do the
work. Ho snld they waited until,
they hnd a chnnco to confer with '
Amo Mcro n of tho C. A. Smith
Company, to mnko sure It would
not Intorforo with the C. A. Smith
Company. Ho snld that Mr. Moreen
ugrced nnd further promised Hint
when C. F. McQeorgo's lcnB cxplrod
that the slip could bo extended
northwnrd n coiiBldornblo distance.
Further, Mr. Mere n ondenvored to
hnvo Mr. McOeorgo withdraw Ills
objection. Then ho Bnld tho con
tract was awarded nnd ChnB. Noblo
hnd been delayed by tho Mill Slough
Dr. Hoiisoworth spoke In favor
of the slip, saying Hint crtalnly the
Council should not object to nn Im
provement which would benefit tho
public nnd which would not cost. the,
city nnythlng.
Mr. Hnrrlgnn said that city Attor-'
ney (loss had inroriucii mm mat
tlicro wns nn old permit granted to
tho K. 11. Demi Lumber Compnny,
predecessors of the C. A. Smith
Company, nllowlng them to build
tho Central nvonuo dock, which
would hnvo to bo revoked.
Councilman Kvortson said thnt ho
thought thnt tho slip should bo
built and wanted to know why the
ntcninshlp company hnd not Iron
pnylng somo rent for tho Bevornl
yenra they bail used tho street.
City Attorney (Iosb oxplnlned about
the old permit to Hi- Dcnn Com
pany nnd snld Hint McOeorgo might
clii I m boiiio rights under It. How
ocr. ho snld thnt ho wns rnnfldont
thnt tho ownership of the street
k til remained with the city, nl-
nn n vnrisen or mo limn riimmmr" ... .... ...... ... ........i .,...,,.
yoarfl was ronoweii. ;..-. llo ,,.. (ll0 ici,t nt Sovonth ' '""'"" ,'"", '."" .' H '...'. .
Councllmnn All,ro-l. -M tM , ?,1 jSinSi mwo. oSt t tlmt It Tl SowlSrV TSfoySff"
throng h tentnt ve ids In tho pnst ...nnlil orv both strootn I . .' . """" " I0U Joiira nun
tra Council hnft- forced down 'tho ffn ",Zy frin." "Sl. has filled jjl yjvBllgt vZwl
lirlco of Iirnl imvli.K from W 7(1 pr , ntnllf PyimK the f.rrv to lnnd,1'8 ,,,'J? ",, I.w rMhnvli k bo n
yard to Vu. rm,,( rP. Me ;-H B Ml0 ()1(, irpnicwnlor dock. It wbb J '' ,'7 "iZ c0, , rn nvinuS
tl-nt bU Idea wm to (.ino.o o I'te-i ,in,.i,i.ui (n i,n.... It clnnrB1 nuf nnd ".?.. l ... .-1. .J " - -i'0!"1 ..".r" i-
iiiiii'k, ne nun Kniiiieii ircu iiockhko
flf liailltn fH .Lit iinitB mt .!.. 1...fc .. r .... . .. .1
price oh nlncM. Il raH M.-t tH.n WMr ,1(. nVn. CoUn.H Kri,Bon H"-loT """ lUHo chsh between
JCwoov.;: r-1 ,o,,,nv" ,,f ,,,k,?ul t,,e ,,
M'o wood block nnil th bltullthlc to h niiKh Kiontor donth. 'i-ignn ltitlmitl Hint Oob hIioiiM
thoy worft the low ojihi. H ml f'llv FiiKlneor lIuVIibftn wn ,"" ,";,,'" p,, ,1 . in "i,0 flUt
t'nt l-o did not think It wb fair to ordered to praimr- plan, for nav-; P. that the old wnterfrot com
roiiHlder the lust bid of im J. I.. South Iiron.iwny from Curtis to p8 111 It too Mm oiw to
Rmltr pomprnv. r It wn. nut Im r. Hall with bltullthlc. " fi ' h0 "S,
ter thov had learned their competl- Ot'o Korrlwwv reported that wv-1, ",.!", wl I o it th coim ittei
tors' bids. on blocka of hnrd pavlnc waa to b 'f,'.,t a !ef, h0 x0 'VoS "nrt
Otln Morrlawv ..rMi,;t If ! petitioned for by roaldentlul prop- lnx l$nn ,luiirle . Mr!
Council nliipted-ono lttnd of pavliiK rtv ownora. con row rather liHIminiit over
thov would not uet anv further mm- Claud Naahuric reniieated tin! C. t,,e ifrp,, H, Hq,i t),Ht no wni
potlllon. Ho aald that hla companv It. Klauaynu be advanced n nnv-l , . trrlmt t. atrnliehtoii tho mat.
had not bid In competition but had nu.nt o., the North Swond lr ' out trHinmoii tno nint-
meroly fixed t'-o piaxliiiimi iirlce. work, tho pnvniput to bo In ntaee , p0liro tni0i 0 tno nU(, g.
,a'tv of Iniiuodlute net Ion by
.Mr. Arnold rnu unit it would post r mo nnyiiimii 01 hmuw.muiu ,. . i.,110ji.lte ni,ail i... n10
IiIh company $1000 freight to ahlii Southern OroRon Comnanv.
In n lilnnt welithliii? irn.nnn nninwiu which cnniiot inv for alxty diva yet
llo snld thnt tho asphalt pnvlng wns owIiik to tho Dnvla h'lr suit, lie
controlled bv three concerim In the Bl,,l Hint Flnnngan would not claim
northwest and thnt he wns ono of Interest, but would uso tho funds to
Hioni, m B-ild t'nt so far ns Mio ''I'" , " eomploto the street,
nsphnlt offering conuv tltlon it waa Claude Nnsburg nrotestpd nRiUnat
not correct ns It required ""out $10.. .'"nlner nvonuo bolng filled now.
G00 to put In nu nsphn't plant. Ho " ,M,, tho street would not be of
anld that If tho Council wanted to n,,v "- h,ui t,mt " would Intorforo
throw down nil HpncIflcntloiiH j10 wim ino i'iaiiiirr pbwii kj-uiiik uiuir
could put In pnvlug iih low iih nlnety
elght ceutH per ynrd, but ho would
not guurnuten It.
Hugh Mcl.nln said Hint tho wood
blocks vcro tho host mid cited un In
stance where n while cednr log lying
lowland filled. Ho enld they owned
About two-thirds of tho abutting
I.lbby COAL. Tho kind YOU hnve
VIAVAVS l'SKI). Phoni 72. Pnclflc
Ivnrv nnd Trnnsfo" Cnmr.nnv
"' " "'"'''" '"" "'' "' '""' "' "llr""S
Valentine Jewelry
Beautiful and dainty nieces of individual jewelry suit
able for Valentines; inexpensive but lasting remem
brances for
Valeetiee Day
Saftinrdlayj, Felbraary 14
Drop In and select something from our extensive line
Flnnlly Councllmnn Alhrocht
mndo n motion Hint tho old nermlt
of the Horn Compnnv bo rovokod
nnd thnt tho cIiIzqiih ho nllowed to
build the Blip nt one?. Tills wns
uiinnlniously en riled.
Provlouslv Councllmnn Forguson
OMilnlnod thnt his committee hnd
ordered mo sll coiistructlon Btop
pod until tho Council met In order
tn eivo both sides n hearing. Mr.
Mrfionrgo wna not prsont Inst night
nnd no oblectlon wpb volcod by nny
one, to tho coinnilMee going nhoid.
Mr. (1()8K said that It might be
necessary In ensn of n legnl con
troversy tn hnvo tho bIIii built In the
rogulnf wnv, ronulrlng proc dure
by ordliinnro,
liiiui'ovv Alley.
Cltv Knulneer HiickliiKhnm was In
strnc'pd tn prepnro pinna for re
building the nlleywny botweon Front
nnd I'Ino streota, Just north of tho
Hrowon saloon. Mr. HiicklngJinm
Btiitcd thnt jean ago II. Hacker nnd
another man hnd paid $r0 apiece for
tho eight-foot strip but thnt as It had
been used ns n pub'lc hlg' way bo
long It wns now public proporty.
The city attorney was also Instruct
ed to Investigate another nlleywny
Just north of tho K. IC. Jones prop
erty which has been fenced up for n
long time.
Supt. F. A. Ticdgcn of tho Mnrsh
Pi.ti! nnlinnla a In rcrnlllt of t! O fol
lowing letter, which Is self-explnna-tory:
"T'o Oregon Coinmlsslon for the
I'nnninn-l'nclflc Exposition has nsked
whother It would bo possible for the
mnnual training dopnrtmcntB of our
high bcIiooIb to mnko tho furniture
to bo used In the Oregon building.
All ftirnlturo would bo subject to snlo
tho amount to go to tho school mak
ing tho furnlturo, or to bo returned
to tho makers at the closo of t' o Ex
position. Tho freight expenso will
bo taken enro of by tho commission.
"Wo have to mnko n report next
week upon this point. Will you write
mo by return mn.ll, tolling mo to whnt
extent your bcIiooI could nsslst In this
work? Tho working designs for tho
furnlturo will bo propnred by the
architects for tho commission. You
would lnvo tho balance of this bcIioo!
yenr, and, I think, up to December 1
of noxt term. It cortnlnly will bo n
grcnt advertisement for the hlKh
schools of Oregon If thoy inn claim
tho distinction of having furnished
the Oregon Hulldlng.
"Thanking you for your considera
tion of this matter, I remain,
Very truly yours,
.1. A. Churchill,
Sup't. Public lnstructon.
Fobrnnry !, 101 1.
Sunt. Tlodgen replied as follows:
Mr. .1. A. Churchill,
Snlcm, Oregon.
Dear Sir:
Replying to your loiter relative to
ir-operatlng In making furnlturo for
tho Oregon bluldlng. will Buy that wo
shall bo glnd to do something In
fnct count It nn opportunity. I low
er, our department Is new oMnb
IIbIioiI this yotir nnd bo we nk that
Homo of tho simpler things bo sent
our way. Wo hnvo n myrtle wood In
this section that works up n'trnrt've
ly. Some use might bo mndo of this.
Wo are using some of f Is nt present
In our more advanced class. If wo
could know dorinlto things soon It
would bo n favor.
, to do with the sewers that have
been emptying Into It.
It was stilted thnt C. A. Smith,
owner of moat of tho property
Hint tho Mill Slough dm In hex runs
through hnd stated nt first Hint no
iiowerH wero to bo nllowed to nnn'y
Into It or cross tho property. Tho
city ordlnnnco prohibits erect lug "
building over n wood sower mid
henco the objection.
IIowov r. It l hopod to got n per
mit from tho C. A. Smith Couminy
to luy u temporary wood aewor
alongside the Mill Slough ('mlii tn
temporarily nccommndato inn af
fected Hcwors down town until the
Anderson nvenuo aowor enn b. put
In the enso of O." W. Kaufman
and W. It. Haines, Mr. DueklnRham
reuorted that a pbn had been made
whereby they could construct a loliu
sowor aloiiK the curb linn of T nth
street and connect up with the Cen
tral nvenuo aowor. I
j Thlnl Sheet Sou or.
! Tho problem of hn'idllmt t' Third i
atrot Rawer waa lft to C!tv F.n
glneer Ilucklmtlinm nnd the Health
, Committee, Thla old aowor empties
Into Mill Plough mil U about two
foot too low to bo connected on to
any other sower. It (HllU',, bo con
nect d up with tho new Mill Slough
drain box nnd about the onlv wiyl
to liundlo It Is to olthor reiilro Mo
proporty ownora to build n new
aowor to tnko Its pluro or to bull'!
nu outlet along tho Mill Slough
drain box lo tho llnv. Tho lntler
will cost about $200 and It will
probnbly linv to ho paid by tho city.
I H. F. WIlllaniB Is arranging to
construct o sower similar to this
nlong tho drain from Irrondway to
tho bay o take the nlnco of tho old
system from tho Williams building
I which omptlos into Mill Slough.
PimPKHTY XOKT "K ri;.-
According to n rumor nflont hoie,
some Bteninshlp coinpnny, presuma
bly tho North I'nclflc, Ifi negotlntlng
for tho iiurchnso of tho C. A. Smith'
company's holdings north of Central
nvenuo nnd west of Front street with
n vlow to putting In a largo ware
house tlicro.
Nothing doflnlto could bo obtnlncd
nbout tho report today, nlthoiigh It
Is known that negotiations hnvo boon
ponding. Tho C. A. Smith coinpnny
has nearly a block of proporty there.
Tho North Pacific, company lina
been operating tho AUInnco In horo,
but Ib figuring on chnnglng tho AUI
nnco to tho Alaska run nnd putting
the Hoanoko or ono of Its other lnrg
or boats on tho Coob Day run.
A Portland paper says: On tho
receipt of a telegram from C. P. Doo,
head of tho North Pnclflc Steamship
coinpnny confirming nn offor ho
mndo to tho Pacific Steamship Coin
pnny for tho charter of tho Btcnmer
AUInnco, to bo operated In tho 'Portland-Alaska
service, negotiations for
tho vessel probnbly will bo closed.
Mr. Doo Wt tho city for San Francis
co Friday night and n telegram was
sent to hlin.
Tho acquisition of the tho AUInnco
to tho fleet Is desired becniiBo alio
cnrrlcB pnsscngorH In addition to
nbout 700 Ioiib of cargo. Cannery
Interests In Alaska, which nnnunlly
nonil lnrgo crews hi their ptunts, hnvo
suggested Hint In Btnrtlng tho Borvlco
the company mnko provision for pns
BongorB, though nt the outBet tho
principal ulm was to assemblo a fleet
or modern freight vessols.
Tho AUInnco bus boon on tho run
out of Portland for years, being now
In service on tho Portlnnd-CoosMlny-F.urekn
route on n ton-tiny schedule.
She wns built In 1800 nt Fnlrhnvon,
Cnl., nnd. Is 101.1 feet long, has n of 35.0 feet and a depth of
hold of 12 feet. TiiVt AUInnco first
b.iI cd from hero In the dray floot,
making Coos Hay regularly, but It Is
snld her owner favora a smaller ves
sel for tho trade, one that can bo
used to better advantage at Coast
Just a Few
More Day
Final Hi
Women's Coa
Suits, 'Ralncos
and si
uuguiiM pneu $1U,UV, p
Now X
uuKUiiir pricu fu.uu.
Now ,
Regular price $ 1G.7C.
'Regular prlco $ IS 75.
Regular prlco $20.00.
Now . . . .
tegular prlco $25.00.
Regular prlco $110.00. Q
Now 0
Red Cross
Jewelry Depyft
Red Cross
Otoe I
i SEWAGEflfi
City Council Will Not Permit
Connections With Bin
Drain Now
Tho City Council Inst night de
cided thnt under no circumstances
nre Bowers to bo permitted to con
nect with the now Mill Slough drain
This was brought up by tho in
direct request of sovornl for permis
sion to do so and nlso by tho state
ment that tho closing of tho slough
would mnko a problem as to what
NKKI) A SPIT, lint, rlilrt or shoes?
Cio to la.MHVS. OPK.V till- KVKV-1X(J.
A Superb Two-Part Film of
the Great Story Comintj
to The Grand
Manager 'Mnraden of tl p Grand
Theatre continues providing hla pat
rons with the topnotch features In
the moving ieture world. Ilia lat
est acquisition la a auporb two-part
adaptation or Harriet Heorher
Stowe's Immortal atory, "Undo
Toiu'a Cabin." which will be shown
ur thla popular play house on next
Thursday evening.
This play offers some unusual op
portunities for heniitirul pictures ami
tho producers have takru advantage
of It by producing a apleudld surlos
of scenes the cotton fields In full
bloom, n MluslMlppi River atonm
bont trip and ICIIzn'a thrilling oscnpo
across the lee. Then thore nro tho
other thrilling scenes, tho death of
l.lttlo Kva and I.egreo'a lirutiuity in
I'nclo Tom, presented bo vividly
i:a (o make this tho most realistic
portrayal of Mrs. Stowo's story over
Reniober tho day and dato Thurs
day evening, February 12 at tho
Grand Theatre.
Regular prlco $1C.7S. (
Regular prlco $1S75. ,
Regular prlco 20 00.
(Regular prlco $22.75. m
Now U U
Regular prlco ? 25.00. m
Now V 5.1
Rogulnr prlco ?:10 00. (V
Now y
Ono odd lot, $ I ".n, f
Now V'1
Rogulnr prlie ? M
Now . V
Rogulnr prke o M
Now $"
Regular price $7 oo. yi
Now W
Rogulnr price $7 Fo (W
Now V
Regular prlco U3 00. (Mf
Now ' ?!'
Regular prlto $7.00. CM
Now vri
ia'l)0'S, O'OmiiicII llldg. OPK.V
Rogulnr prlco $10.00.
Rogulnr prlco $12.30. M
If you hnvo anything to bo!1. rent,
trade, or want liolp, try a Want Ad
Mi TLb Times.
Rogulnr prlco $15.00. (M
Jv'nw V
Regular prlco $25.00. 0
Now V
"Thanks for the Lobster"
One or two-step Tango; also
the new
"Hesitation Waltz"
may be had at this modern music store, where you will
find the only complete stock of
and musical merchandise in Southwest Oregon.
L. L. THOMAS, Manager.
218 Central Avenue. Phone 134-J or 15-L..
Regulnr nrlco $15.00. Ml
Now :ifl
Regular prlco $17.o0. P'jl
Regular prlco $20.00. J
nuw 1 .m
Regular prlco $30.00. C
Smart Wear fi
Cor Central Ave,
- .'crx-