THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1914 EVENING EDITION. N V EVEM Glasses Ground to order Jswaa ....... i... t,o L:.t ,v.f perfect y w"rn e a licit motions iwiu.t.i - eet gh$ ' want liottor eye-ee- ftf'od BlnB properly " ! ... fliicrlnl Ground uoin- l(d- wies Young or old, wiui i1,0?..",,'JiSm con rend fine print, ;, tnecii -- , , n aisinncu, c,os9 f iin A B'88 ot beftllt? '.'." r, forever vi i' "- 11 V'rrtntC(l tO 1)0 poriuu " me li f rIvo satisfaction. ar psiru"" " 0 W. B. IHWAKUMJn ' ut from Spokane. OtJce 1S7 North Urondway. Marsiineiii, vm-... jfTciearance Sale I Now on at The Electric Shoe Store. in n'"'l. notice. To whom It mny concern; , Diy Healty Syndicate, oatnb- vd in January. 1001, will bo W '". " i.. . Mm nrtn nnd S performed or roproBoiitn- m made by Clins. j. wuwmm. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW Sec CORTHELL Phone 3171. HUY YOUR SNlli:ilSO LA PRINCESSE cousins AT - S. S. JENNINGS XOItTII HUM). 20 n Commutation Tickets $2.00 laHifloliUXortlt Henil Auto Lino. Lm ctiiy tt'ii niliinli'.H from (I n. m in imr.ii p. hi. GOItST A KINO, Props. FAMILY DINNERS I In our new locution, wo nro oi kclatlr ortnarcd to cntor to famll) tide. Regular mcnls or abort or ri. Open ibiy nnd riliflit. MKItniAXT'S CAFE. ntdiTNr snil fiitnniprolnl MfM RY FIR AND ALDER WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD Xorili 1'ioiit Street, Phone IHII..1. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tide Truit Co. Abstracts, inorouRhly dependable, lm. twdUte smio. prompt ntten two to all lutereMs of our rneiiir, Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman ( Co. South Coos River Boats Eipresa leaves Mnrshflold for t,??. of ,rlvor at 8 a. m.. ro "fBlng In evening. k,,ieai?er, Rainbow loaves mlin rl,ver nt 7 n- m- and returning leaves Marsbtlold at 1 P. m. Rogers & smith. ? AtJT0 AND TAXI SERVICE M taxlcab baa been added to ' Wo service. Careful drivers. Ili ,8n.DyWhero at ni,y t,m. Stand .2r I gar store- Day phon. 's. " ' "" 133-X. TM GOODALE, Proprietor. FU AUTO CALL rUK FOOTE'S AUTOS ?wldSrC!r y1111 cnre,uI drivers. hi!. servlce, iihoiio 111..T. "'gilt service, Phono 200-L lll'hr rt,v D. L. FOOTE. o tt! El" .Want aaa arQ the keys Let the Central Station Carry Your Power Plant Investment Electric motors operating by central sta tion service, give fle.ribilHij, reliability and ccouomn. Electric motors require less space and cost lew per unit ol' energy than any other i'onn of power machinery. More space can be devoted to production with a greatly reduced investment in power plant. Central station electric power is always ready to turn the wheels of any power user every hour of the day or night. It pre vents loss of lime and production incident to private power plant shut-downs. Vo want to prove that electric power is more economical for you. Telephone 178 and ask our representative to call. Oregon Power Co. Second and Central Willamette-Pacific Motor Service Car loaves Ccntrnl nvunne, Mnrfliifl'ld, ovory thirty minutes, boKln nliiK nt C::iO n, in., to 9:30 p. in. Leaves North Hcnd every thirty .inlnutoB IiokIuiiIiik C:-!i a. in., tn I) : ir p. in. Twenty trip commutation tickets can bo secured from conductor for $2.00. KQl'll'I'KI) WITH WIKKI.KSH. 5teamshap Breakwater AIAVAVH ON TIMK. HAII.S KHOM MAItSIII''li:i.l: SAII.H 1'ltO.M I'OltTIiANI): SAT., KKIl. 7, 7:00 n. m. Tl'ICSDAV, Ki:i. , H p. m. HAT., KKH. II, 1:00 p. in. TUESDAY, l'Kll. 10, H p. ni. SAT., KKIl. HI, 7:H0 n. in. TL'KSDAY, I-'KII. 17, H p. m. HAT., KKIl. t!H, 10:110 n. in. TUKHDAY, l'Kll. Ul, H p. in. Tlclu'lh on m1u to nil (iihti'ril poltilh mill iiiforiiiulloii mi- to iimiIom inn) r;lc cliccrfiilly fiirnlhtied l'liono 1U7-U M. '. MOIIIt, ARcnt W s tOiLi ANC KQUIIM'KD WITH WIHKLKSH. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR PORTLAND WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, AT 10:30 A. M. ROUND TRIP, SI 8.50. Connection with (lie North Hunk Itond nt Portland. Phono 1 1. North Pacific Steamship Co in puny. C. I'. M'OKOHOE, Ai;ent. S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, AT 3:00 P. M. Sim KrmiclHCo office, 803 Flfo Ilhljj., or ('roenn lih Ht PU-rs No. U.J. Inter-Oceanic TnuiHMrtiitlon Co'., C. V. McOeow, Aut.. Phone 14. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. IIKNUY 8KNGSTACKKN, Munnjror FAJIM. COAIi, TIMUKU AND I'liATTINO LANDS A IAIIM. lOrt". aKNKIlAL aoKXTS KASTSIDE 5LItSIU'IKLD OFKICK, PHONE UJ. COQU1LI.E CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. SPECIALTY. EDISON'S LATEST A sforuRO bnttcry that continual over charging will not hiirin. IK)ES NOT COKHODE AT TERMINAL. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not lose Its charge whllo standing Idle. IS GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS CoosBayJWiringCo. 153 Urondway. Agents for Port of Coos Day' Goodrum's Garage home of tbe CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 847 Central Av. Phone 37L (H)OD ROADS CURE FOR HIGH COST OF LIVING COLUMI1US, O., Fob. 9. Lower the cost of living by Improving tbo country ronds, thoreby giving tbo fnr mors easy access to the markets, which will encourage them to pro duce .more. Heavier production niuniiH lower prices. Tlint's tlio theory of James u. jinr kei. state hlglnvny coininlsaloiier who alms to glvo Ohio the i best roads c(mtnlllB imich interesting nnd In tho United Stntes. Mnrker will iimblo Information: nnvo nt I IB pcrsouni iiihihishi huh year $800,000, and every year thereafter rites Afeounfc Leal Riff Ms ot'i mmeBi In Estate Cases Tho following Is u paper read re- Hn..,t.. 1... -Mr. t A .......... lm. commissioner. forJ tho Coilcgo women's Club nnd vnl- for ten years there will bo $3, C00, 000 at tbo dlsiiosal of tbo state high way commissioner for uso on tho roai's In the stntc. "This fund menus that we will have tho best schools. innrkotH nnd I community enterprises of all kinds," nrgues Marker. "Good ronds means better civilization, becnuso they bring persons In closer 'touch with one another." Work on rebuilding 9233 miles of Ohio ronds starts this Bprlng and Mnrker predicts mnny miles will bo completed by the end I u tho study of tho lnw of Inheri tance, I have mado tin effort to niiMrlnato at loist somo of ,tbo questions that might arise. At tho denth of n husband the lnw mnkes provlsloil for the support of tho widow nnd children, whllo tbo estnte Is being administered. Anyone wishing for- fuller Infor mation on this topic can refer to Vol. 1, Sections 123:1 to 1237 of tbe General Laws ot the Stnto of Ore gon. After nn cstato has been adtnlnls- of the year, in t years bo expects '-d widow recess a , owor. to have accomplished the whole ow ,j80 of unc.half ot tho Hub. task. Imiwl'a T.iiiiiIb. GOULD'S TRAVELS. Snn .Tose, Cnllf., Fob. B, 1911. Editor Times: band's Limits Tho widow of every deconsed per son Rbnll bo entitled to dower, or tho uso during her naturnl life, of ono-hnlf part of nil tho lands whereof her husband was sor.oii or an es . . M I IIL'I llliouiiiiii una nuinvii Wo took n trip eaBt rrom ban .ioBo-.nt of ni,crtnnco llt ny t,no dur- to Evergreen, n pmco wi ore i useu ,, tho ,nrrlnge, unless bIio Is lnw to go to school, nnd said hollo to . b . tlioroof. somo old frlondB. Ti:oy nro iioing i T wldow may bo barrod from somo good road work out in iiini in- ovo tl)e UB0 of otics-linir part dtir- rectlon, ns wo wero shown by tlio Bur- ,, llor Ufo iteferonccs Vol. III., veyor. . I. G. McMillan, of this county. 'Ro(,tonH 7o0S to 7302. 7303, and This section of the valley Is inoro 7313t gcC 7108 T,0 jnw rena8 tiBod' for general farming thnn tbo tlmt n wi,iow ,nny r0innln In her west side, but they hnvo somo fine ,iWolllng ono year without paying orchnrds of peaches, pears, prunes ront) B0 m ScPf 7297, n widow mny and somo good-sized vlneynrds. Tbo occupy land without dowor aBsIgn ronds nro practically dry, but bumpy ,.,1, 0 ono objecting. When 11 wld 1 11 places. They nro running a 12- ow entitled to dowor In tbo lands ton rollor over them now nnd t' nt n which bor husband died seized, will smooth most anything. Tbo iip n)ny continue to occupy tho snmo county surveyor hero has practical with the children or other heirs of control of tho road work nnd It bcoiiis tho deceased, or may receive one to work out pretty woll. hnlf part of the routs, Issues nnd Goorgo A. Gould, profits thereof so long ns tho holra ., 0r others Interested do not object, TO STUMP STATE. 'w'thout having tho dowor assigned. I Vol. Ill, See. 7318 Real Property tnr awwuim rr. io coo mr Tim.j to whom It Descends. WI1011 nny 1. If the lntestnto shall lenvo a widow, sho Bball bo nllowed nil nr tlclcs of her uppnrol nnd ornaments, nccordlng to tho degreo nnd cstato of tho lntestnto, nnd such property ana provisions for tho uso nnd support of herself and minor children as shall bo nllowed nnd ordered In puraiinuco of Sections 1233 to 1230 Inclusive, nnd this allowance shall bo made us well when tho widow wnlves tho pro vision made for l or In tho will of her husband ns when bo dies lntestnto. 2. Tbo personal property of tho Intestate remaining after such allow ance sbnll bo applied to tbo payment of tho debts of tho deceased nnd tho charges nnd expenses of administra tion aB provided by law. 3. Tho residue, If any, of tho por soiial property shall bo distributed among tho porsoiiB who would bo en titled to tho rcnl property of tho In testate, as provided In this net, nnd In like proportion or share, except ns Is herein otherwise provided. I. If thu lntestnto shnll lenvo a husband 'or widow, nnd Issue, suck husband or widow shall bo entitled to receive one-hnlf of snld residue of tho personal property; but If tho ln testnto lenvo n nusbnnd or widow ami no Issue, such husband or wid ow, ns tho case mny bo, shnll bo en titled to receive tho wholo of tho rosl duo of such personal property. C. If thoro bo no husband, widow or kindred of tho lntestnto, the wholo of such residue shnll escheat to tho state of Oregon. To many tho law of lnhorltnnco may scetu good because It nllows a wife n dower nnd a husband a cur tesy In llko manner. To mo It doea not seem oven Jilst to n wife. When n woman ninrrlcB hIio becomes a homo keeper and usunllv n mother. Usu ally sho has not been fitted for a business life nnd each year sho enrea for a homo and children sho Is becom ing less enpnblo of following u busi ness llfo. Sho is not n wago earner 1 . l . ....! ..1.....1.1 ....A !.- m WASHINGTON'. D. C.. Feb. 9. person shall dlo solznd of any roal "' " " . ' "''l ' ' "' William I). Wilson, secretary of tbo property or nny right thereto r l'ocnn not properly care or a homo iloiinrtiiipnt or labor, Is propnrlng to entitled to nnv Interest therein. In and children nnd follow nny business .!. ........ .., ll...,.,.,..1..n.,ln In !.. .,l.....l.. .. .. II,,. II C. nt I. .i,.l lwir I Cn 11 111 tT. lUtltOUKIl IIUIIIV (10, Hlllllin II1U Bllliu kh i-uiiiioj ,,.i ... n-u miiiriu, u, iui mu . ". ... y, I tho liitorosts of Iteprosontntlvo A. net hnvlng lnwfully dovisoii tuo Mtlchell Pnjmor, Domocrntlc candl- saino, such roal property snail io- I dato for nomination to tho Sonftto. scend subject to his debts n follows: Jn eijunl shnros to his or her chll- LOOKIXG UP QUALIFICATIONS. (Iron, nnd to tho Issuo of any do- - censed child by right of reprosontn- nir ahwuim ittm to coo iir TifiiM.i tlon. and If thoro no no cniiu or When n mnn mnrrlos, ho expects to enro for Ills wlfo, and each year sho Is his wlfo makes It moro obliga tory for 1 lm to enre for hor, not only whllo ho llvos. but to provldo for her nfter his denth. I hold that the property that Is nc- . . .., ...... . - -- . - - WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 9. tho IntoBtnto living nt tho tlmo or cumulated is equally now ns won ns Tho personnel of t' o Fodornl Re- bis or hor do.ith, such roal property t his, because sho Is doing as much as servo Hoard, which Ib tn control tho shnll clescond to nil ins or nor iiu new currency systoni. probnbly will eal doscendnnts. nnd If all such do bo mado known by March 1. Tho scendnn'B nro In tho sumo degreo President Is centorlng his attention of kindred to tho Intestate, thoy on a group of men and looking Into shnll tnko such roal property cqunlly tbnlr qualiricntlons. hu, If not' moro, In benrlng and car ing for children. It Is not dollars cents, hut It Is moro. Nnturnlly parents wish to provldo for their children, but children do not enrn tho proporty, thoy nro nn ex pense, mid I think Hint- proporty should rovert to tho surviving parent, or otherwise thoy shnll tnko nccord lng to tbo right of roproBontntlon. 2. If tho lntestnto shall hnvo no nnoai (losceiiiianiH sum rem n()t (0 t)ie children, proporty shall descend to his wlfo, Hut ns tlio law now rends, tho chll or If the IntoBtnto bo n mnrrlod wo- m.on inherit, not tho wlfo, nnd nny man, nnd lenvo no lineal descendants husband who bolloves IiIb wlfo Is his. then such real proporty shall do-1 ,mrtnor, should will his roal nnd por scond to hor husband, nnd next his Hoiml ,,ri,orty to bor. Any Woman or her father, then brothor, sisters, ( tl)nt B wortj,y to bo his wlfo nnd then mother, thon next In kin. If no ,nothcr to his children, should bo Kin. inn property uhciiuuib iu i" . trnsteil to earn for tho chdron when to wiiom rem ., ,H ,,. BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield BUHER Hotel Benson Formerly New Oregon Q H undc UW open under entire new manage ment. In the re finement of detail. excellence of equipment and superiority of service is absolutely unexcelled. Large, light, airy sample rooms for commercial men. Every convenience. Cen trally located. Rates very moderate. Dining room service as heretofore. Auto busses meet all trains. Portland, Oregon CARL S. STANLEY. Manager G. KIRKE DRURY, At. Mgr. Btnto. Tins law as property descends shows plainly tlmt but fow wives would Inherit ronl property, for m.oBt mon have llnonl descendants. Thoro Is nnnthor law that wight bo woll to mention In connection with this. It Ib, Vol. Ill, Sec. 7031 Another nortlon of tho law that sceniH to mo nn Injustice Is In llncnl descendants where thoro nro no children, llnonl descendants or wlfo. tho next In kin Is tho rather, who should bo phlo to euro for himself, then brothers nnd slstora who should 10 ?. ?? " 8'"'"" "' L ."'." ""A"' bo more nblo. then lastly tho mother 110 llliurcm III UIIlll omul a nuiun. . nllHi,iorn(i ,,. vnr. ono who Timrn ran lm nr fnntrnct bntweoii ,a couBiuorod mo ory "IIU wiiu ht stand and wlfo to lmr b r from I sJl0111'1 co, ,,rat' tho ono wno hna lower or ho from tlio curtesy o"o" Krown old tu caring for hor family fh con a" sHlgned o that!""" -"on hor grnndchlldron Sho Is effect. Tho law of OroKon does not wholly unablo to make lor J Ivlng. roeounlzn such n contract. Mn Bl, ,H Ul ,nHt t0 no tl01Knt r Also ' communltlie ! proporty Is not I Fobrunry 10, 1912, a law was en lawful In Orogon. j nc'd to provldo for tho nsBlstnnco Deeds mny bo so written ns to give urn mippori u wumuu uuw nn each one hnlf of tho proporty by Insortlng. Tonnnts In Common, but neither enn Inherit tho othor half, oxcou when thoro nro no lin eal descendants. I In somo stntes. when n deed rends Jolnt-tonantry, tho survivor takes tho wbnlo, but Is not lawful In Oro gon. Sec. 7318. A marrlod woman mny dlsposo of realty by will sub ject to tho curtofly. Sec. 73 IB. EaUtott I tho Curtesy, How Creat o'l, Thi" widower of ovory deceased .person shall bo entitled, ns tenant, bv tho curtosy to tho iiho during his natural llfo, of one-lmlf pnri I of all tho lnnds whoreof his wlfo wns Bolzod of nn ostato of lull r- 'Itnnco at nny tlmo dining tho mnr- irlnuo. nlthouuh such husband nnd Iwlfo mny not hao hid Isbiio horn bunds nro dead or Inmates of somo Oregon State Institution, or who nro phyBlcnlly or montnlly unnblo to work nnd who hnvo n child or child ren dopondont for support wholly or partly upon tholr labor. This lnw Is orronooiiBly called tho Widows' Pen sion Act1. Seo GenornI Laws of Ore gon, pago 75. This paper Ih published In, order to enlighten both mon and women as to tho present law, with tho liopo that somo ehnngo can bo mado In tho near future; nlso thnt prior to n changing of tbo presont lnw many mon who wish to bo Just to their wives enn nt onco tnko Bteps to do vIbo or boquoath their proporty to them. See 73 10 Wills. A husband can dovlso all ..Is prop- lollvo, uiiIosb ho Is lawfully barrod orty i)0ti, ronj nn,j or8oiial. to bin thp-wf. Wf0 hut muBt mako montlon of hi Estntes by tho curtosy mnv ho thndr01 or otl,er holrs, not by giving admeasured, nsslgnod and bnrred In thom nny speelflod nmount, but by tho Bamo mnnnor that dowor mny bo ,noroy mentioning their names to ndmeaaurod, nsalgnod and ,1'arred, Bhow thoy havo ot i,ooll forgotten. nnd ns far as practicable nil othor! Ho can devlso roal proporty to miy- lawn of this Btato shnll bo nppllcn- OUOi Bt)Joct t0 dowor. Iblo In llko mnnnor nnd with llko or-, JIo cn nlB0 dovlso all personal ! feet, to estates to tho curtosy. ,)r0)ortv to anyono ho wlshos, and uo Vol. I , Sec. 7349, Porsonai Prop- nctoa can bo taken to recover tho orty. How Distributed. gani0i na tj10 law does not recognlzo When any person shall dlo possess- tl0 jjuBband'n proporty as belonging uu oi nny iiuidwiiui uuiui.j, ui ....z j0 (8 wiro, C. W. VIERS, iUIIIViI J 4 MADE 44 UNDER SANITARY' CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN , FACrORV. STERILIZED 4 Ml LIC AND 44 CREAM. PURE ICE Fico delivery, 8 n. in. and 2 p. in, Phono 73 Pulnter and Decorator Willi Paper and Pulnts Rosldenco Phono 40-X Shop Phono 29C-R 370 N. Front Street DLOCKUS FAMOUS FLOWEH-IN-TIIE-IIOTTLE Perfumes I'lXEST IN THE WORLD' THE FRAGRANCE OF FRESH FLOWERS SEE OUR WINDOW Scandinavian Drug Store Corner Central Aveuuo and Second Stiect rlebt to or Interest thoro In. not -nv- lng lawfully bequeathed tho snmo, such porsonai proporty bWiiII bo ap plied and distributed as follows: Scratched 40 Years Used D. D. D., All Itching Gone ! This In the nctunl experience of Anna Crmnuii. Hiiiiiu itusa, C'ul.. with thu won tlerM) 1. 1 O ITfaerliitloil. I) D I. Is tho proven Kczemu Curo tho inlli) wash that given limtuut relief in nil foi m or skin trouhlu Cleiumes tho nkln or ull Impurities washes uway blotches urn) pimples, leuvlnif tho skin ns smooth unci healthy as that of it uhllil. aet a COo lot tlq or this woiulorful Eczema Curo today und keep It In tho house. We know that D. V. V. will do all that Is claimed for It. Rod Crass Drug Store. 3u VS. - Yot tho law ronds In Sec. 7039: Roth nro llablo for family expenses nnd both or either separately may bo sued. Wo need to got busy and adjust our business a llttlo moro fnvornblo for ourselves. LID" ON TOHACCO JAR AT OREGON'S OAPIT.Ui Iloj'H Under Eighteen Years Old Pro hibited From Having WihmI nt Any Tlmo. ' SALEM. Or., Fob. 9. An ordin ance forbidding nny porson to sell or glvo tobacco In nny form to bo-yB under eight on yours old nlso pro hibits boys from having tobacco In their possession. Violation of tho first nrovJslon sublocts tho person to a flno of ?& to SCO, or Imprison ment In tho city Jail, whllo boya rnught with tobneco will bo ro"rl mnndod by tho City Judge for tho first offons nnd bo subject to n fMio or $a to $20 or imnrlsonmont for cnoh subsequent offenso i i opportunity. -. I