iHSB m&xxt iw TT THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SIX 101 TAX LI SEVERE Time for Making Report Near ly Expired Penalty for Violations. PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 0. Only a few dnys nro loft In which to flic your Income tnx statement. Applica tions for blanks can ho made to any bank or County Treasurer or to Mil ton A. Miller, Collector Internnl Itovcnuo, Portland, Oregon. A pn nlty of $20 to $1000 will ho Im posed for falluro to fllo returns on or beforo March 1. A flno not exceeding $2000 or Im--prlsonniont not exceeding one ynr or hoth nt tho discretion of the court, can ho Imposed for making falso or fraudulent return. Every person having a n" In como of $3000 or over for cfjndnr year ($2500 for yar 1913) must make a return; a slnglo person Is allowed an exemption of $3000 nnd n married person $1000. (For year 1013. Mnrch 1 to December 31, the the exemption nllowed Is $2500 or $3333.33. All paymonts du on your In como may ho remitted at once, or you can havo until Juno 30 In which to pav. Payment must ho mado hy cortlflcd chock, money order or draft. Personal checks can not ho nccopfd. Partnerships ns such arc not re quired to mako Incomo' returns, hut tho members comprising tho firm provlllng their Incomes roach $3000 ($2500 for 1013) or over nrc to mako returns. If In doubt regarding nnv part of thR Inw or regulations wrl'p ror Information to M. A. Miller, Collec tor. Portland, Oregon. For tho year 1013, tho law oper ates only from March 1 to December 31, bo the Incomes, deductions nnd exemptions nro figured accordingly. KCOREH SCRl'H CATTLE :, 4Mhi )Sk& Il Wwf Jwl N 6159 Wilbur If. Newell Tolls of (.'rent limM to Oregon Dairymen. BALEM, Or.. Fob. 0 Wilbur K. Newell, n Holstoln dairyman from Gaston nnd president of tho Stato Hoard of Horticulture, Is iiHsisslnnt lug In four Innguagos tho scrub bull nnd boarder cow. "With only 100.000 dairy cowh In that portion of Orgon lying west of tho Cascndo Mountains, it Is no wonder that Oregon Is using Mitter from Now Zonland. Thoro should bo 100,000 cowh In that territory," said Mr. Newell. Dividend Should lie Millions. "Thoro Hhould bo a monthly rov eniio of $2,100,000 to tho farmers of Western Oregon In dairy produc tions alone, Instead of $700,000 n mouth ns tho revouuo Is today. And then Farmer Nowoll goes abend to show tho men from tho faruiB how to do It, and ho supple ments his argument by demonstrat ing that only $1 In soil fertility Is taken from the laud for every $100 worth of dairy products produce', while $000 worth of sail fertility Ih shipped with every $1000 of hiy and $250 worth of fertility with $1000 of wheat. TO TIH UP Dt'UIXG FOGS. Ken Going Wnm'N .May Not Cross Way to Oakland. RAN FIIANOISCO. Feb. 0. Ah a result of tho collision Inst mouth be tween the Southern Pacific ferryboat 'mo phony rush: tho tough may ov- nurKoiey ami me cunsiwisu iiucr inn- ortaKo mo and swat mo on llio jaw, 0115-0117 SOFT VELVETY FABRICS AND CLINGING SILKS STILL LEAD Tho soft, supple nuiilltloM of the new materhilH have Inllucnced our stylon to a marked degree the past season and doubtless will continue to tempt do signer Into iiiilut graceful draping and folds the coming season. Skirts nro full at the top and narrow around the unities; shoulders are drooping and hips are wide. This sums up the new silhouette. Whereas the suit or gown of one color with hat and acces sories matching Is still smart nnd ele gant, many of the newest gowns nnd suits show a decided leaning toward contrasts. A plain silk or cloth Ih-oiii-Mnrd with u llgured material or a pluld with excellent results. , '' In number SI 1.V81 17 Is shown a three tiered skirt and u novel bodice. The bodice Is draped on the. shoulder In houinomi effect, has a full lcith sleeve ami an effective vest. One of thine odd little details that do so much for n frock Is the wired frill around tho throat nnd nt the wrist. This of course follows thu Idea of the lamp-shade tunic. Dull green duvetyn edged with fox .fashions the blouse and double tunic; the re vers and foundation skirt are of embossed vol et, green with a dull coppery llgure. This costume may he made In lze 30 with 12 yards of .'HMneh material for the blouse (8115) and .'1 yards of .'10 Inch material for the skirt (8117). Here again m 8151) we note the con trasting blouse ami skirt. A llgured crepe de Chine h combined with u plain silk poplin. The surplice vest Is of chif fon mid tho girdle Is of faille ribbon. For size 30 this design requires (!', yards of ."(Much material. Number Sir.P sizes 32 to 12. Number 811." sizes 32 to 12. Number S1 17 sizes 22 to 31. Knelt pattern 1." cents. To olitulri cither pattern lltuat ratoi nil nut tills i.oiipoii ii ml enclimo IS rents In iMiuupM or coin, llo suru to stpto nuinbor of pattern unit hIxc. meiiHiirliiK over tins foiled! purl of tho bust. AililrcNK Pattern Department, cure of thin paper. No Name- .. AiMreas Rl:e joix; TO LAW - FKAUKD LYNCHING HANGED ATLANTA, (la., Fob. 0. Threo UU old frloud, Wnlt Miihoii nogroes, Goorgo and William Mart works iots of common u nso and llohort Paschal, wor-- hanged nnd good advice Into his prosu hero Friday f r the murder of Mrs. poems, one of the latest of which Soth .lrby, of Jefferson County, sov- ls commended to every one who oral weeks ago. Feeling nenr thu thinks of going to law. Hero It Ih: scene of tho crime was so strong "Tho business man may cheat m tho authorities feared lynching. The and sell mo shoddy trash, tho green trial was held only Inst mouth. goons man may neat mo and Hand ntllln lu San Francisco Hay, .1. O. Davis, collector of tho port, recom mended to the treasury department and evil men tuny break me, hut I won't go to Inw. I'd loso my bunch or plunder anil lose it iiku a sport; that all soa going vossols bo pro-.before I'd mako the blunder of go 1 Ibltod from crossing tho ferry way Ing Into court; I'll sidestep all tho between Oakland, Alameda and San lawyers until my dying day, tli Prnnclsco during fogs. tlrelesB, costly lawyers who talk men b lives away. I'd rathor burn SALTS FINE FOR K NG my roubles nnd have a morry blii7o. than load myself with troubles to last tue all my days; for law means grief unending, and walking of tho tuior, nnd every lion you're spend ing calls for a dozen more. Tho law has only magic for thoso who I practice law; tho victims find It trngle oh on their roils thoy drnw. It drives Its dupes to madness, to poorhntiHo or to jail; It leaves but . ,. woe and sadness along Its slimy trail. A million men are brole n Vo Kilt Too Much Meat Which who once contentmont saw, beforo Clogs Kidneys Then Hack Hurts jiiul Itlmhlet' Hot hers You. Most folkH forget that the kidneys, For wet weather, g& dry clothes and comrort WCfi weir Tower' Fish Brand REFLEX SLICKER It It til you want, or can get. in a rough and ready acrvico coal, ThofoujIJif waterproof and lUonj at every petal. $3.00 3Lyfeurr. Satlifictlon Guaranteed A. J. Tower Co. ! iCfWERjf doston $2SMfeM Tower Canadian mark t-" LimitedToronto ataCatatogfrtt Uff BRAP9 3T .l2rft& WV.A Jlkarf n bm V&M-..U Th (IrfJ-Wl fw SAFE rou HAIUKS, EFFECTIVE I , FOH GHOWN-1'PS. ! Thnt Foley's Horn v ami Tnr fnm. tthoHo words wore spoken: "We'll now Invoke tho law!" Oh, shun It, gentle reader! (!ae not upon Its l fat ! Sidestep the gifted plunder, Jlko tho bowels, get sluggish nnd whom "like to take your case." clogged and need n Hustling oe- l-'HVFOHIW'l' l'lltlCS. rnsloually. oIbo wo havo hackacho Federal FnreM Service Did Effective nnd dull misery lu tho kidney re- )""" vAut uAnK l!" '" "'"T. IS J .i-.. ..i . ' l0 collfl,," ? 'inn nvnrn iioniinebes rliounintio I'OltTI.AND. Or.. Feb. . Tnk- "r druggist, who knows It w Klon, soero hendaihes, rlioumatio ,1(() rH ,ior, ovory ,tntl. glvo you satisfaction. W. w. Nes- iwiugoH, uirpiti liver, nciu Hioiiiacii, actual or potential, or loss occasion- smiiu, htntesiioro, Ua., says: "I sleoplessness and nil sorts of blad-'d lu tho stnto of Oregon by firs havo usod Foley's Honoy nnd Tar .,,,- .iiBnriinm within Its niitlonnl forests lu 1013. tompound In my family nnd hnvo uor dtsoruors. ,0 ,,, tn,n(1 0I)Iy ;,007t nccord- sold It In my store nnd It never You simply must keep your kid- B to a report that has Just been falls to euro." Ilefuso n substitute. noyH netlvo and clenn, and tlo mo- inado public nt the Portland district Owl Prescription Phnrmacy. Frank inont you feel an ache or pain lu k" of "10 V" s Forest J. Colmn. Opposlto Chandler Ho . ,,, , .I.. 'Bervlce. Tho flguro Is mi nmnzlng- tol. Phono 71. mo Kiuiiuy ilkiuii, kh i i" iv Biuall one. Indicating as It does ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug storo horo, take a tablesnoon- tho tho smallest forest flrn Insa stato has ever known. .NOTICH OF APPOI.NT.MFXT OF n.... i.. ttr..oi. I.. ....... ...I, i., i. ... i.. I.' I.''I"I'IM V ful In a glass of water before break. ,)8trl(.ti , ,0M'wnB ' Utt'Io' NotIC0 , ;' fast for n fow days and your kid- Kroater, tho total exponso Tielng sunnt to the will of Charles T Smith neys will then net lino. This fnmous S4772, as timber measuring G. 100,-' decensed, and by order of tho' County salts Is made from tho acid of grapes 000 or ) board feet was dostroyod, Oreat- Court of Coos County. Oregon, dated nun tlit'r.t u'nu mm tn liinpnnflallill. ' n.. n -i. . . nA.i F n 7- . i i.,, t..in nn.i,i,.n.i u.iti. mm,. :v :"..";""."."" ".'". n w uuui jummry aunt, a, ), ia. ' ,,J ; ' , , iiy nr y "ro"- w.men w" In,eu Slarla Smith was duly appointed as la, nnd Is harmless to flush cloggod In most Instances In remote sections Kxccutrlx of tho estate and Inst will ktduoya and sttmulatu thorn tonor-'of tno .""'Ht. nnd the fact that and testament of Charles T. Smith, ma, activity. It also neutralizes the SoriS.SSF.riSa0 ZlllZ nclds In tho urlno so that It m. engines larger , ft" 'Jl "J ', " " !,t? "n longer Irrltntes, thus ending bind- YMyi ,t ItOSKUl'ItC.. vouchers within six months from thol uor disorders. ' Jad Salts Is pivo; and makos rescont llthln-wator drink AceordliiK to tho monthly wonther dnto of this notice, to said Fxecntrlv harmloss; luoxpon- summary hy Observer Wm. Hell, tho by leaving tne snme In the office of n iiniirhtfni nffor- """Ui f .laiiimry was ouo of the her attornoy, V. Douglas, Room a tiuiiMuiui oner- wnuos, PXpcrlonced hero sltico this 21, First Natlonnl Hank of Coos .lay iter drink which office was established 37 years ago. , nulldlnj,, Marslillold. Coos County. tivorvbodv should tako now and then Tho mean teniporature was 45.5. bo- Oregon. 1o keep their kldnoys cloan, thus l'iJ,,,ll5 ,cd ."'.t oUC?'. "i1.1 l,e'",,u . ,. . ., ,, ' . 1S7S. Tho total precipitation for tho avoiding sorlous complications. ,, WM - ,s 8 nBRlIBt nn VALEWTIWES VAfjKNTIXUS FHO.M 1c TO $1.00. A 'ICK XKW 1,1X1-3 AXD A CO.MPM-3TK ASSOKTMI-3NT. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE. WORTH BEND Try The New Laundry Wo now hnvo our laundry In Ferndnle In full operation and nro proparcd to turn out tho highest class of laundry work. Wo want you to ho tho Judge. Wo fool suro thnt we enn do tho wbrk to your satisfaction, hccnti8o wo know tho laundry gnmo nnd nro equipped for tho best. ' So glvo us ot least a trial order. Phono us and tho wagon will call for tho packago nnd deliver It promptly. Wo would rnther show you with actual work, than to convince you with arguments. Phono 277. THE FERNDALE LAUNDRY T. J. SUA.FK g A. no, Marshfield m m) Phono :I0U-,I, Chimneys J. N. Baylia Ay kind of ,lripk W tllllt Urn .1-1 . 1 K AND Alili WOItu'r',' Call t "The FhcS Prenrli It.... """H " tun -J.2SH, PROFESSIONAL DifJ Wo aro now carrying A Complete Line of Staple Groceries and can fill your order for anything In this lino. Qtvo us a call and wo know that wo can plensa you. Try a pound of CAP13 AKAdO COFFEE nnd you'll ubc no other. Coos Bay Tea Coffee and Spice House 130 North Broadway. Phono 391-J. av,.t(...- I. l. Every known dhS2l ii.very Known dlseai. .' without drugs or sure Z . 130 North Ilrnn.l.....8"- Root "'""'IIJ, vhon "'"-' Jgft, QEO. C. MURPHY, Export I'lnno, Piam, Tuning, lleBultttlnVu fi Orders may bo left jtalS B. Allen Mi,.i- c."lH1 avonue. we' TOEIi OSTMXD. J Piano Tuner nnd RrmkJ 415 S. SUtl, Mrtc..J . j . uiru i" l . n. .'" "l """Hal VOKIjrmi , J M. WIUUIIT, ltiillilin.. ,-.,..,.... ., ,, h ."'iucior. I'.HtlllWItl-u fiirnkl.n.1 ... . An !.,.,.,.. I..I. .:.'"" "5 -" J"" rtii'irnntfcu. f IO-l(. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or new platens, work guaranteed. millions anil carbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono -II. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. BANDON BY THE SEA THE;kCITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEN ACHE THACTS KO UU MILKS SOUTH ON COUX.TV HOAD HCM PKU ACHICj 100 CASH, UALAXCK TWO YKAHS, XO IXTKUKST, XO TA.XI3S, FIXE HANDY LOAM, LKVEL HKXCH LAND. Buy One It Will Make. You Money Donald MacKiimtosIhi HEAL ESTATE and IXSUHAXOK. Money Won't Grow unless It Is added to by Thrift and Economy, nnd thon Invested wisely. You cannot onslly mnko money without money. If you spond nil you earn you havo nothing with which to moot opportunity for profitable Investment. llo on the Snfo Sldo. Snvo at least a small part of your Incomo. Opon n SnvliiBB Account In This Dank nnd regularly mako n de posit every week or month. f OOSNKY, ,;.....(;!!",r"r.t"!:.,'""'!iW(T: """"'"'i uiuwmg ana l;r tlons fumlslicil on reoiM- A Satisfied ctistnmnr I. K.i.' oronco than a bank. Loch ono oi my iu tip and imj i am reliable. Phono MR I. MtrtMkKl pvlt. II. M. SHAW Ly Eye, Knr, Xoo nnd ' UH. MATTIE II. SHAW DlNeilHes if wonii-in and tkl Olllco phono 330. Rooni !(lj zvz, irving uioct Dh. a., t. ii i:nitY DENTIST Mnrshflold, Oreson. Rooms 204-205, Coko Dulldlcf. I Rcslduncu phone 2&2-X. Olllco phono 112-J. MILS. FAHItlNCDH, Teacher of I'lui Resldonco Studio, No. ltlll Cornor Commercial and Eltm3 Photic ilNO-J, The First National' Bank Of Coos Bay TDEXJAMIN OSTI.IXII. ID CouKiiltliiu Knidomi Arrhltrot. Of fleet, mm Irrlns Kt Phono l():i-I, or '2U. MarhliNcIa, DEIU. HILEY IIAIil.lXGa JT Pknlit nd Tr Rattdence-Studlo, 237 So. In I'huno 18-L. w. O. OHANIII.Klt. AltCHITKOT. HMtm 801 nd 8ifJ, CoWl Murchflcld, Orfitot. w M. H. TPin'K.N. AHCHITEOT Murahfld'l fi'W I FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDICST HAXK IX COOS COUNTY. Established 1HH1). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Paid on Tlino Deposits Officers: J. W, llennctt, Prebldent. J. II. 1-TamiKaii, Vice-President. It. 1 Williams, Cashier. Geo. P. AVlnchcster, Asst. Cashier. IthEHE'S ONLY ONE Mil vTHE SINGE KLY ONE HKl'lltot."1 W. J. RITZ Phono g0-XL Low Rates for Handling Tn Wo haul trunM kt!J points In MaraUOeio wr !" Ulh unco, .w.... -... tho first stories of bulUW , Onn trunk ""' Threo trunks Twnlvn trunks I Star Transfer and StwM Levi ttelmtr.J Phones. 120-J: 4M" 'H C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. HETAIIi DEPAUTMENT LUMIJKU, LATH, HIIIXHLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOOUS UOOPRVO PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL HILL IN TWO HY USING OUR WOOD. PHONJC J DO. tHS SOUTH nROADWAY A woll-kuown local druggist snys average of fi.70 for tho January lio sells lots of Jad Salts to folks month for 37 ears. Tho past month ....... i.n.,., i.. .. ,i i,i.i.. hnd a greator rainfall than any Jan- wmi UU..U.U ... w.v,,...,B m..v, . innfl , ., f .-. .,, . ,,.,,,,. ,, - 101 . iroublo while It la only trouble 10.3S Inches. Itosohurg Review. Last publication, March 3, 1914. Dated at Marshflold. Coos Countv. Oregon, February 2nd, 1914. MARIA SMITH, Executrix of tho last will of Charles T. Smith, do- ceasea RIVERT0N COAL FOR $5.00 PER TON Phone 165-X CHAS. LAPP Quatermass Studio Opens About Feb. 15 In old location In Montgomery building on Front St. HAVE Barnard O' FIGURE OX YOUIt KLKOTHICtt W i.Miniitr DAMTAT Under Sow Stowl Let us Clean, Press -, your clothes hO " Hates Keasoim", ,.,. otiij . c. 0. njl r "",;. i-. mQU VUII1 ' Cnnii Vnur Inundiyi ociiu iwm. M- to Us By IW WE FUnOTSlI A BAD , PAY THE rua"- RETUM' Coos Bay Steam la DUnno K7-I BBMMMMaajaaKiMajajMtMajajaBwafcLajj-iy, v.YrafSvyirr-.v !trcv)Tvrrti.f?Kw..ii.HMy., .. .. . .-tUnMru.,.u t rtii iiri inkftill I ;l:i1lji in'