The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 10, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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. i,n whs. In The Tlntci. Em-
S. r-h -
IT stoic without mi inlv. in The
Jmw I linnillrllH:l ' ri,co for
coos hay tim::s.
A ck'ii ir, wholesome, newspaper for
Omih County homes. The Times him
the largest proved cliciilatloii of any
newspniK'r In Coos, Curry oi Doug-
lllS COUIltll'S.
Established J878
H TIlO CtMIHt Mull
A Consolidation of Tillies, Const .Mall
mid Coo.s Hay Advertiser.
No. 173
flF 1 1. NOYES
Former Printer Arrested Here
(or uesuruiiij laiiinj
1 California
t W Novch, alius H. M. Whlto,
mm. ebt iu mm m mm m
Southern Pacific Sets Aside
$2,989,075 of New Bond
Issue for Construction
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Feb. 10.
Important Change in One of so" wnH born ln inraiifioia juiy
flip Prnminnnf Dlnnnn- u' .187G: ,, intended tho schools
UIL rrominent HlOneer of tho city before, wore rcg
DllSinnSS r-STflh lishmnntc nf nlar graded schools. As n liov lm
Marshfinlrf R n Monnnc ?.! 'I.?1 !fforol,i occupations and
.... ....-, w. s. mu-jiio twiun .ur, .ungues opened ills atoro i,,j uii -j n
Retires. Mr. .intson was employed there nmi Judge Hall and Commissioners
lenrncd the husiness, with tho re-
1 lie Woll-kltOWIi nlnimnr firm nf Stilt that lntnr hn linnnmn n
Miiriicb and Matson has dissolved and a partner. Mr. Matson nn: his
nin,i imrn on
M arii-o"-" .
.i... wired by Slier
. i..r County. Cullfornln
oi " . .
, t ' Pnrmiuii'n.. i.. i. , , . ' . "'.' D,"i'i o. u. .ungues retiring nuiiiiy iiuvu u iiiiiiusoino noino on
a folony ' f"11'"10" lo1J"u bonds ln tho .mid tho business will bo continued Central nvenuo. whoro they reside.
lay, " " iiu uourinj; inter- "J ' ". .untBon. '.ur. unison served ns n nieniber or
HolCHt at flvc n'r t0"t tl maturing There Is said to ho little ro-'tho City Council and litis been.actlvo
ill. " lwu"y yenrs, was asked by tho """,-'u nn" sentiment In bus ness m ni' progressive moves nnd public
I. ..It. 4nl1 m
-.'.' .- i.rti.i in iiip uiiy jtui iji
I, Ming ''"",; ,,. nffipnr frnm ol,,lu "unronu uonunlSHlon by thoi. ' l"IB H""liu announce- '"" ui inu city ami enjoys an
log the arrival ol tno onipcr iro, So,ltnor itxvlp comnnnv hi nr.1 e".t thoro nro both romnnco and oxtenslvo pcrsonnl and business ae-
Callfornla. . nilinlCordanro with tho am nnnrn.i .,i ... ? nl,n,ont' A history of tho cstab- oiialntanco throughout the county.
Noycs was koIiik i mlor tho 'mn o cor nnd (lovo, t f tllg Tho firm has built up a business
0f White hero nnd was JorMnB 10 f1" ."'""",.? "VJlL,n. J" r?. - -""i , nntl tho members who con- which has been highly successful nnd
hand gang " ?""".".: ..." :..' r"" -"i huuho u, would ninto an ntores - mo store is one w 1 c h n nrraiit'o-
mtlt. although
lilt case
l expected
I to
Want It May 15 and
Save $3000.
Mayor Allen Names Committee
to Assist Them Old
Cemetery Tract
Mayor V, E. Allen laBt evontnjr
appointed It. O. Graves. G. V. Kauf
nmn nnd Arthur McKeown n com
mittee to co-opcrnto with tho Coos
Uny Conceit Ihmd to nrrango for
n sones or tours. Tho band nro-
JudKO John 1-'. Hall will go to Co
qulllo tomorrow to hold nn ndjourn
ed session of tho Coos County Com
missioners nnd tho principal matter
10 COIUO UP Will bo (lecItHlUr nil n ilnln
on which the Hpcclnl J4IO.0OO Oood'poscs to nitilto a tour of Orogon nnd
ilontiB Hond Issuo election will bo 'piny at tho stnto fair next fall nnd
Iri' r, . . wnntcd n comiultteo of cltlzons to
The Coos County Good llonds As- work with Mnnngcr Wilson. Tho
soclntlon is expected to hnvo n big band Is nlso plnnnlng to go to tho
delegation tltero to urgo thnt the. 8an Frnnclsco Exposition next year.
di.wvuw uiixuuii uo sol ior tno earnest
posslblo dnte.
nidge Unit nnd the commissioners
advertising Coos Hay.
Old Cemetery Clnih
City Attorney Goss hud tho Coun
cil Instruct tho street committee to
igh lie Is n printer by sued nnd tho romnlnder for hotter- itiB and uniisunl pngo In tho nnnals niont nnd stock would ho u en
. , u1"!."."!."-, an" Iltll"il(,B. Iniisinuch ns of commerce. Kor moro than u to n much larger city.
U a strango one and It $21,noo,000 of tho orlglnnl Issuo iscoro of years as boy nnd man. J.l
flint tho ClinrgOH nga.IlSt was lllso for bnttoriniMilu n.i.l n.l.ll. Albert. Mntitmt lino I. ... i.i.,iin,i I itinn i.Mwtxi u iv iiiivMi
lll bo ailjusled on hla rotiirn tlons. tho totnl proposed oxpondl-iwlth this firm, entorlng It first as' Snn Krnnnlpcd, CaY, Koli. 2, l a
California. His v, Ifo nnc six turo for this purposo will bo ?I7,- Ji dork, Inter ns n partner and now) To inr old friends nnd pntrom
rnn rosldo III IilllCOIIl, 1 incor 500,000. becom llir soln nrnnrlnliir Tim hint. Mnrahnnl.i n...l n.M r.... i ...loi
County, California. Tholr only ox-; Ainonit vnrlous nrtlclos of lm- ness WB8 originally cstnbllshinont by express my thr.nks nnd ntnirenlntlon J' 8n, ,.l,lei,,1,nt,tl
plisatlon o his si d.lcn s pear- nivoinent which tho company stip-.S. I. .Magnes lp 18U.1, Mr. for your liberal patTonngo for tho: ' 1'ol,, ,T l, n
itifi from tlicro nnd subseiiieni nc- tiiates as specific reasons for nsk- coming hero thro yenrs previous, pDsMu'ettlv-fnii' vnors , t'o election shnll no
tloni l that ho wns suffering from ng this permission npp nr tho 1800 and engaging In business Owing to 111 health Iniii obliged to llor tl,n twenty dtiyi
.Noyes wns formerly In I'orBiiB Completo construction of Vlllnin-''o
ounly, Montann, whoro ho wnH U.'ctto-Inclflc Ilullwny, ll'.nsn.OTr.; sol
Uind Cottinilssloiior, Postmnstor Colusn ,t Humllton Itnllrond, $0111,- roi
n,i nublllier of a weokly pupor. '85-1; Kernley & Kiishen Itnllwny. $'.- uei
mo kind snlrlt and I BnyH Ulnf 't will not bo called for less ,lt,r l,u 'nw nir '
" will bo nccorded i "" I"')- at. th' l.resontn-, Ko .to ho nroporty
niyer connectloii with tho firm
nro Inclined to dofer tho election nn.
til May 1G and hnvo It nf nerve notice nn tlm Kniitlmm nn..
tho snmo time thnf tho primary olec-JBon Company thnt thoy would not
inw provides unit '"nnii tno Bnio or mow iiedford Ad-
i do caned car- '""u acconnng to uto now pint. Tno
s after tho nro-'old romotory tract of flvo ncres bo-
0j. cLnuiuun ui u reriuisiic petiiion norl,ul,KB lu iu mid nccortiiiiK to
inu uiu Mlll inuiu WIIH U 1UU-IOOC
street nround It. It. K. Shlno elinnB
ed the pint, closed up this street
aim pinned mo Btrct us lots, un
with his brothor-ln-lnw. .Tncoli t.nn
do. but later brnnchlnir out for lilm. Vmrni.. r. Mnin 0...1 r oVnii -1....... moro thnn forty dnvs after tho urn
a- --- - ...... P.Mun ix tuiiiiiuii til 1 11 r till uvtiiin 1 .. . --
County, Montann, wnoro u wns u.euo-i'ncnic luuiwny, ii'.nsn.OTr.; soir. A Matson entered tho now ronietnbor tho plenennt nssoclntlons E0" nMoM "f u'
s. Land CommlMlonor. 'pstmnstor Colusn & Humllton Itnllrond. $0111.- roncorn us un employe nnd contln- h.iViZiJ..i i.,LTnfP. Jls Unit says thnt tho ancclnl
anJ publlslicr or n wiomy pi ipui. -mi.-i; rerniey n. misiicu Itnllwny. $'..- ued in .faithful Borvlco for sev-n Countv election will cost nbout $3000. He
Uler ho win to uriiney, junior- iiuu.&iu; wiiinmotto Vnlley ICIectr c , yenrs. wiion lie heenmo n moinhor 1 ri st the sn
. ' i.ll.. I, .,w.l..,l ,i I Innnlll ll.w.o l llir 10. c. !,... .. '.. II... K .1 -i -1.. ' IIHBI III' n"
nj, anil iiiuin; " "' .'. ""''".' ", ir imi oiuiHei lines, con- " 111111, inu nuiiujiuni) cniiiin- .rrnl nntrmini'n
.'... 1.- 1... 1 .. ..,.,. .1 ImI. it., lu oi Un emn nnn ...., .. ..l.... .,!.... '. ' . ... iiimiui I'iiii uinihu
vn.rn nu nun a h""" j'. u nn ulihiii. 1 i.i.i,iiu. jniiLiiiir 110111 iiiiik nuii-u miliiijul n nri'nic nnu inn .. .. t 1 ...
about fifty ye '' . ''tor "iifltructlon of the Suusut lliiea illssolutlon did not disturb tho cor- J VilVmnW ' ,r
He suddenly Ifft his Job ono dny .nmountB to l.nia.CTn. dlnl rclntloim 'xlstlng betwen tho, amtciuiy i""". .,..,.,
VIIDOUI liuiuu in n"i ..ii ..... .. ii.mi.iii, ngf i, nj iii ivilliu int I'm rm u IIIIIIllllll ui l'irn
dor tho Inw, half of vnrntod stroota
ownerB on ench
family have been trying to trace aro to ho located, tho company sotH Mr. Mngnes has resided In Snn
him ilnce, but li kept moving so ubiiIo $1,0I!,780 for station build-ii'T'iicluro mid Mto nctlvo mnnno
ranfdlr that they wero unnblo to lugs, grounds nnd other trniiHiiortn- luent hns been In tho hands of Mr.
catch him until ho was loented hore.ltlons sorvlto Improvement; SfiG.- MntRon. who thus enters on his now,
..-. !.!.. n...ll.. .. .. .... n. .llTlll t.. - .,..,. .. ...I ...1 . . ...,. ll.u.. ....I.I.. I. 1 ...,.,.'
rati 01 inn Hilling inu hi"n u"i.i iur iniru nun wim II properij , r ii'Miiumii.v niiii'iieii Willi
hit daiiRliter Is employed In tho $ 111 1,100 for fnul nnd wutor stn- kao'vledg' nnd exporlenro.
Poitofflce at Lincoln. itlons; $2-ll,:iC'j for bridges, trestlosi There will be cennr'i re"ret In
Xoyes has little to say for him- nnd cuhorts; $.22'2,',r, for nddl- "o IiuhHipm circles nf C'tos Pnv n'
lielf, limply dcthirlng
Bmiitak .
It Is nil n
Failure to Serve Notices Blam-,
ed Judae Harris and E.
R. Bryson Here
On'-qrn dr'nv in serving. nntlcoA
tlonnl mnlii tracks:
shop buildings, etc. for
Eugene Jurist to Hold Court
Hero Candidate for
Supreme Bench
the retirement of S. I). Mngnes,
While mnkliiK his home In Pan
Kranclsco for several y nrs hn hns
A CAItl) I'HOM ,1. A. MATHD.V.
Marshlleld, Oronon, I-'oli. 10, 10 H.
To .My Many Krlouds:
I tnko t'.ils opportunl'v of tlftiif
Ipg von for your mnny fsvors. ''-'u,-ecps
nnd pntronnK" which hii"" "!!
trlhii'Td to the sncco,i "f our fl-"t.
I sN t"llo this OTBrlon of pub 'r
) nvurnsliiir mv ninirwnlnllmi nf tlu
loyul smiiiort w' leh I hnvo en lived I
tlon of tlm nniltinn nmi iiiiu viii !. iHldo n ml therefore tho cltv would
bo about six weeks onrllor than tho!'mvo ll fifty-foot strip nround tho
nine oi mo primnry election, in view
of tl-o saving ho thinks the preson
tntlon of tho petition should bo de
ferred until Mnrch and tho dnte of
tho election fixed tho sumo dato as
tho primary election.
ir -
inv" I
n I i
A V i
mniio nnnunl visits hero nnd i,M lrlnir twotitv-oiio yrars nf IiiwIhpbi j
k"tfreHh and firm tho mnny friend-1 n'Mrii wIMi Mr. S. I). MmtiM. I
sh iih tint ho formed 1 bin lnnir unroiuM wnnW iiihiiioh iiih ihihiiicm'
rnqlilnilri. A mini nf lllrnnliln WPH fotlir'lld. It affords nil1
eve,, lnvnbio qunlltlcB. Ram Mng- nlnKiire to review f o p t imsni
nea Dr-twfB-d liniiiv trnlts of ehnr- 'oiih w"i, Mr. Mnmus whlcl' h
nctor thm etr'onrod li'm tn nil with ,,00 ""-'ikihi win nuiiumis or,
horn bo cnimi In contact. I -eds or wninosi nnd troneroiiB nc-
.1. Albert Mntwm Is ono of thh Ho-s wrlch I deonly upprerlate.
best known btis'iiess men of t JjH , Soliciting contlnuniioo of your J
p'y nnd Is n int've of Coos liny. lmtrrmnKe. I nm. I
Ho Is th Hon of Cnnt, Alfred Mnt- Slnceroly yours, t
pn'i nun ft (In nlonoiirs 'IP VT- .1 A. MVIiJU.N.I
' trim '
old cemetery.
Mr. Gobs snld that ovontunlly tho
city would wnnt to iibo tho flvo
ncres for u pnrk. Ho snld that It.
K. Shlno's clnlm to tho proporty un
der relluiiulshmontfl bought from tho
Iuowlcs heirs wiib no good.
Judao L. T. Harris, of Kiigini
la f-c as of i'iimI IIolliHtor nnd nrrlvinl horn today vl i Drain to hill
c'teria V r Klnnev miu! tlm spoclHl term of Clnnit Court u
K'nnev r , mi, i waa offlelnllv iCoiiullle tomorrow to hear the Kin-
i"" d l' i ."if un nn thnt .Indue llnr-i"ey . A few otlipr m.iM m .mi
til its l rri in- able to nntar that'' heard by him. As nun s h
lnl'pf-, in l nt (nmilii iimini.. icompl.toH thoKe. .TuilKf Coke will
row j n!t v. n I- rospouBlblo for thtj 'twlto up other mutters.
!"' . M rot nteil I Inline Ilnrrl Is n irihU'Iho fir
In s ex f.ird that JiiiIko Harris t'10 Supremo Court this y. ,ir mil
tool! hn nM, iiropeed with tliiit'",t no wl" ',0 'ci,ti " the ilrn
w ml reaiinitt Judgo Wnttora1' 0,lor alu' W18'' "r tlic many friends
receiver In i c fine tomorrow tlio1"1 ,U,B ,,,,ul throtiKli this section
appointment etnnowurlng Mr " "ns "00" "" "l0 t'rcult rour'
fitters to tell ttie property nnd elonii lJOncl1 nuo"t ulna yenrs now und Is r
up tho debts, vow! .i,. ... in . ." rated s tho l)Ost trial Judge lu Ore-
other delay Kon. In ndditlon to tho nbllltles he
Judeo Harrh and V H Drvsnn l'1"8 B"ow'1 on tho bench, ho standi
' litter attorney for Itocoivor Wnt- ll,Kh ."8 " Mnn ,'l1"'' d "" nl
'. arrived tod. -iviiTn. Vim , l' m." 7 Krosslvo and able. Ho Is well-1
fme ns a surprlso to thorn "Known In C003 County nnd will un-
I. i- . .. '"y. lu lllOlll. itnnl.ln.lli. iw.ll n ,. ..,i li. I
lb II IinSRlllln llln, T...IA IT-..I- """"IWIJ lllfll II HllhU 1W1 III 1IIIO
r he ahlo to g nhoad tomorrow iBSot,on' .VJ,!d5.0 l,'irrlB ,8. tho k".ul W,, tii'8 1'rom the Firm of Mug-
IVWNVNSSNSW VVSrWVirynnrn -..- v-v-
K2flKk ',1."' , Hwn '', '" jl' Jflf 'snhHH
Council Remits $25 of Money
Chas. Franklin Paid for
Woman Who Shot Him
After somo ilelinto Inst nlKhr the
Mnrnliflold City Council votod to re
turn to Chns. rrnuklln 25 of tho
$r0 he lind pnld on his wlfo'n fine
ii' d to tnncel t: o other ?50 which re
T nl ed unpaid.
'" e matter was broiiRht up by a
It 1 r from It. O. Graven In which It
st i dd thnt I'rmiklln was n crlii-
l 'r, in hnrd strulta. and that wr.on I
r , i i iic s,.o and promlafd to nnv
' 'tun ,,f the $100 flue ImniMiod
cu .Mrs, Krnnklln for shootliiK him,
I ' -iK'Hiii dit not V Ink tho wo
man would bo again thrown Into the
li'i ) ll on tho sainn nffiinmi In1
mi r rii.r moi. CmvoH mltiiil Miut t i from tllOMO HtrenniH waa riifnrrnil In
ctit'ro $".0 ho pnld bnck to Krankllu ' '' I""'1 inglnenr for estlmntos. Tho
and tho halnnco cnncelled. ! xe'l no t will probnbly be Ki'niitcd.
Close .Mill Hlouuli.'
Tho dreilgo Sonttle will bogln tho
Port Commission
for Draining North Arm
of Mill SloiiQh
At n mootliiB of tho Port of Coon
Hay Commission today, It wns de
cided to utlllco i,loiit,.irino feet at
old droilKo pipe ns a drnln"7or ITicT
north arm of Mill Slough. Tho old
pipe was bought up by Secrotnry
SeiiRitNi'kon of the Tort ComnilsBlon
from Joe SIiiioikIh for $15 for Hib
I'ort CommlHslon and now It will
save many tlmiH Its cost. It Is to bo
laid under tho supervision of tho
An application from Judgo Hull
and I lay ties nud Kentuck Iulot rnuch-
iiuiiis to nnvit two shonla remoyt-d
' It i 1 11)11111 l'"vnrtmm waa In fnvnr
' f (I I 'if this but Cltv Itecorder Hut
ler protested,
In en to consldorali
saying thnt tho city hud I."1 ,sikIi fill In about ton days
lornhlo expoimo In keep-! 'J10 lrodBo will first close tho mouth
S. I). .MAG.VKS.
w make tho formal appointment o
umL .!!8 as Knnrdlnn. for tho
S! ,he IwnUlim litigation, for
" "Ulllt'J,
nL. h ,' Kln,le' tPPolnted
silnllan for An Inn I.-l...... '
TH0.rnn.lni,cv h not rocuporatiiiR
tai7J!P.Ld,y """rding to tho last
SomA Zn ., lWil fr0lu California.
OOIIie Of tllO linllnna I.. !. ...ill...
Krriiai... "liva in uiu IIUIIIH'
Sr it I "rt 8Prvo1' "nt" 'e8,or"
eon f .!.. .. " w",,u "nc'k tnnt
Ila ,: "'"00 'Vt'cft'" had conaurred
flatter 'jM-iit of Walters In
Men (9lu ,i...i
ng courtship;
has the
of any
newspaper published in
of man that Oregon needs on tho
Supromo bench," snld on or his
Coos Uny friends today. "Ills rec
ord ns n citizen, lawyer, Judgo and
spoakor of tho stnto Loglslnturo on
tltln him to tho greatest support
that can be given him for tho
Judgo Ilnrrls Is nlso District
Deputy of tho II. V, O. E. nnd to
morrow night will pay nn official
visit to tho Marshflold Elks Iodgo.
Tho lodge is plnnnlng n big meet
ing In his honor, n feature of wlilcli
will bo n bniiQiiot following tho of-
ncini session,
roil HEXT Fui'iilhlied iMoom
housekeeping apartment; no chil
dren desired. Call -113 No. 2nd st.
hum .V .Mulhiin Aft v u Siuccriil
und llouornhle UiiMuckh Cineer
on Coos Hay of Xcnily n
Quiirti'i' Contiiiy
would not bo right to refund the
i wiiole fine, city Attorney (los took
f o Bi'.mo vlow nnd snld thnt ho dld-
.,., , , , . , .i I 't think thnt tho city ought to con-
Wl" y Mile iirnprlctoi- of !( trllmto nn attorney foo for defend-
IIIIMIll'hH l.tlllllllMllllt'lll llll r.ll- , n r,l,,nl na 11. wnnl.l l. ,1l.,.r
. ...n . ..w .i .. w.i.i, ,,u i,u,nr,
hy letiilttlng tho wholo flue. Goss
Iiik Mrs. Krnnklln lu Jnll nnd thnt ltl',f ' "IoubIi nnd thon begin pump
(end un Cleric .More
Than UO Win Ago
Council Adopts it For 1914
Many Kicks About High
Price on Light Work
Tho Marshflold City Council last
night, at a session that lasted until
Lwlthln a tow minutes of midnight,
miopica tno oituiunio as me siuiui
ard paving to bo put ln during tho
yenr 19U.
Tho decision was made for both
tho heavy and light paving nnd caus
ed qulto an animated discussion.
Borne objecting to tho city holng
bound to put In bmilltlilc In tno res
idence district at n cost of fifteen or
twenty cents per yard moro than tlio
sheet asphalt and tho bituminous
rock paving was offered for. There
was no protest about tho heavy pav-
Contlmied on pngo Eight
According to a rumor afloat in
North Demi, tho Simpson Luuuier its annual mooting In San
Francisco this month will mnko ar
rangements to mnko big Improve
ments in tno old .orui lieiul mill.
said that tho Council might remit the
unpaid $r0 of tho fine ns that would
ho a pleco of gonoroslty thnt r;ouli
n't cost anything. Marshal Cartor
explained tho enso nnd estimated tho
cost nf keoplng Mrs. Franklin at $2Ii.
Ffnnlly Councilman Alhrocht mndo a
motion to 10 in it $25 or tho fluo and
annul tho claim for tho other $50
and this curried.
Mrs. Frnukllii Is now In tho county I
inu penning tno action or tho grand
Well-known North Bend Young '
Man Succumbs to Short
Loron Collvor, son or Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Collvor, of North
lieiul, died this morning it Mercy
Hospital, nftor n short illness. Ho
first suffered an attack of stomach
ccV,d.;,,g0omt.?e North" SeT ffiBubftppeXSa b3 iT.Zlu'. Frank Roulean, Reported to Be
:, L. J. Simpson uhd.Capt. Edgar 'S? 8 P01-""-11' "ut " 8 fu" n Mflpshfiolri. WnntoH hv
to get an agreement from their fath
er, Capt. Simpson, to go ahead with
ln this section, his Grandfather Coll
vor being n pioneer of this section.
1'v.ii, 14, a, aiuiiauil mill uupi, cugur tllp
OIIH1I3UII i. inu iimuo uiiiiis ior WIO; ai- pollvnr wnn Iwnnii'.tivn vonra
r. .-1 -!H,!!!!r phfu'n?0!: .bS,"n' e3oVedaP
North Hond Sash nnd Door Factory.
Ho was highly regarded by all who
Irnmi' lilm IT., Iina mniiv fn)nllifia
.11.... 1 ll I I'"".". ."" " .. .v
Another matter that L. J. Simpson
will take up In San Francisco will be I The funeral will bo hold Thiirs-
n lintnl feir Vnrrli Tlnml Primnlor, ' .i .. . .. n .. M
Kearney of Wisconsin gave up tholvor comotory, Rov. Samuel Gregg
North Bend propos tlon several orriclatlng. Tho ICnlchts of Pythias
months ago and since thon Mr. Simp-Win niun nttoiui Tim Aiorf rin
son has been looking for somoono to leave hero nt 10 o'clock Thursday
take his place und take ad vantngo morning with tho funeral party.
oi mo muiiey nusuii uy .ortu nenu
lug back In, filling to Tenth streot on
tho south unit and ns far ns it win
flow In tho north nnn, E. G. I'orham
payliw; for tho fill In I'orham Park.
For tho month of January tho Port
Commission paid about $31,000 to
tho Seattlo.
Loiik (o Wnlt.
It wns stntod that It would bo tho
mlddlo of Juno or Jntor noforo tho
Sonttlo will begin pumping Into
North Front street nnd tho lowland
In front of Forndalo.
Tho dredgo Mlchlo was roportod
ns hnvlng taken threo loads off tho
coos nay par Sunday. This Is tho
second tlmo she has boon ahlo to
work, tho bar bolng too rough tho
rest of tho tlmo.
Join llurlxirs Congress.
Tho Port Commission ordered tho
secretary to pay $ ICO to tho National
Itlvers and Harbors Congress to help
continue tho organization,
citizens far the project.
It Is said that Chas, Thorn of the
North Bend brewery wants to go In
on it. Mayor Simpson will also and
they are looking for a third party
who can ralso part of the money.
In connection with tho report It Is
stated that Mr. Simpson has some
thing definite in line as ho Is having
some of the old houses moved off of
tho site owned by him and which ho
proposed as a slto when tho others
Insisted pn getting tho Eckhoff location.
XEEI A Sl'lT, lint. t.hlrt or shoe'.'
Go to LAXDO'S. OPEX this EVEX-1XO.
Whoro Is Frank Roulean?
This is the, question thnt Marshal
Cartor Is trying to solve today.
Itousean Is wanted at his old homo
lu Alpena. Michigan, whoro his
father is critically 111. Ho was at
Lampa for a tlmo, but Marshal Car
ter has received word that ho loft
Lampa for Marshflold somo tlmo
ago. Tho following is a soir-ox-planatory
letter from Miss Roso
Roulean from Springfield, Mo,:
"I am addressing you for tho pur
poso of locating u brother, Frank
Roulean, who has lived at Lampa for
some tlmo. Ho possibly mny hnvo
left Lampa by this tlmo, howovor.
Any assistance you may rendor will
be greatly appreciated, ns ho Is
badly wanted homo by his father
who is at the point of death."
Tho Weatorn Union lino has been
out of commission botweon Marsh
lleld and Rosoburg all dny today.
Just what tho trouble Is or whoro Jr.
Is .Manager Schottor has been unablo
to ascertain.
In consequenco Tho Times wns un
ablo to got Its Associated Press news
II. McDonald, tho former school
teacher, who was arrested for cashlnc
n bad sight draft Is still ln Jail as
tho officers aro waiting for tho wlros
to como up nnd seo whothor Mc
Donald's friend will mnko good.
LAXDO'S, O'Comit'll Illtlg. OPEX